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作者 孔令兮 郑倩 《水上安全》 2024年第19期62-64,共3页
本文旨在探讨基于大数据和机器学习技术的水资源智能监测方法,以及环境传感技术在勘测中的应用。研究首先概述了水资源监测与环境传感技术的发展现状,随后介绍了如何利用大数据处理和分析技术提升水资源监测的效率和精度。其次,文章详... 本文旨在探讨基于大数据和机器学习技术的水资源智能监测方法,以及环境传感技术在勘测中的应用。研究首先概述了水资源监测与环境传感技术的发展现状,随后介绍了如何利用大数据处理和分析技术提升水资源监测的效率和精度。其次,文章详细阐述了机器学习算法在水资源智能监测中的应用,并通过案例分析验证了相关技术的实际效果。研究最后总结了现有技术的优势和挑战,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 大数据 机器学习 水资源监测 环境传感技术 智能监测
传感器网络环境监测时间序列数据的高斯过程建模与多步预测 被引量:11
作者 陈艳 王子健 +2 位作者 赵泽 李栋 崔莉 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期252-262,共11页
针对传感网环境监测应用采集的时间序列数据,提出了一种新的基于高斯过程模型的多步预测方法,实现了对未来时刻的环境监测数据的预测。高斯过程模型通过核函数描述数据的特性,通过对环境监测数据的经验模态分解,以及对其内在物理特性的... 针对传感网环境监测应用采集的时间序列数据,提出了一种新的基于高斯过程模型的多步预测方法,实现了对未来时刻的环境监测数据的预测。高斯过程模型通过核函数描述数据的特性,通过对环境监测数据的经验模态分解,以及对其内在物理特性的分析,构建了针对环境监测数据的高斯过程核函数,实现了对数据变化模式的描述。在基于3个数据集的5个种类、20 000多个环境监测数据上进行了性能对比实验,结果表明,与对比预测方法相比,提出的高斯过程多步预测方法对未来时刻的环境监测数据的平均预测精度可以提高20%,可以应用于环境参数未来趋势分析、异常环境事件预警等场景。 展开更多
关键词 环境监测 时间序列 高斯过程 多步预测
作者 林志贵 程晓伟 +2 位作者 刘英平 王鹏 王玺 《天津工业大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第6期61-66,共6页
针对基于测距的睡眠调度算法(RBSS)招募节点能耗大,导致网络过快失效问题,结合水环境无线传感网规则部署,采用分布式思想,提出一种基于测距的分布式招募调度算法(RBDRS).RBDRS算法采用分布式招募方法,将协作节点招募的任务转移到新招募... 针对基于测距的睡眠调度算法(RBSS)招募节点能耗大,导致网络过快失效问题,结合水环境无线传感网规则部署,采用分布式思想,提出一种基于测距的分布式招募调度算法(RBDRS).RBDRS算法采用分布式招募方法,将协作节点招募的任务转移到新招募的协作节点上,均衡网络能耗.招募节点通过测距招募距其最远的邻居节点作为协作节点,协作节点再依次为招募节点招募新的协作节点,直至无法招募到新的协作节点.仿真实验结果表明:与RBSS算法相比,RBDRS算法可均衡网络能耗,延长网络生命周期. 展开更多
关键词 节点调度 RBDRS 分布式招募 环境无线
基于环境温度传感的吹风机温度控制系统设计 被引量:3
作者 岳俊豪 许言 《科技创新与应用》 2021年第11期56-58,共3页
为解决传统吹风机温度控制系统控制波特率低的问题,基于环境温度传感设计吹风机温度控制系统。硬件方面,设计以太网、环境温度传感器、微型控制器以及温控开关;采集吹风机温度控制数据,建立吹风机温度控制数据高级通信协议,计算吹风机... 为解决传统吹风机温度控制系统控制波特率低的问题,基于环境温度传感设计吹风机温度控制系统。硬件方面,设计以太网、环境温度传感器、微型控制器以及温控开关;采集吹风机温度控制数据,建立吹风机温度控制数据高级通信协议,计算吹风机温度控制频率,实时控制吹风机温度,完成系统设计。设计实例分析,结果表明,设计的控制系统在相同的测试时间中控制波特率明显高于对照组,能够解决传统吹风机温度控制系统控制波特率低的问题。 展开更多
关键词 环境温度 区域映射 温度控制
煤矿区地质环境与地质灾害遥感集成监测系统的关键技术 被引量:9
作者 杜培军 陈云浩 +1 位作者 曹金亮 王润福 《地理信息世界》 2008年第5期14-20,共7页
面向"数字矿山"应用系统的需要,在分析煤矿区地质环境和地质灾害特点及其在遥感监测理论依据的基础上,提出了煤矿区地质环境与地质灾害遥感集成监测系统的技术思路和体系结构,强调各种监测技术手段、不同时空尺度、不同数据... 面向"数字矿山"应用系统的需要,在分析煤矿区地质环境和地质灾害特点及其在遥感监测理论依据的基础上,提出了煤矿区地质环境与地质灾害遥感集成监测系统的技术思路和体系结构,强调各种监测技术手段、不同时空尺度、不同数据源和不同主题信息的集成,并针对这一集成系统实现与应用中的多目标遥感信息处理、环境传感器网络应用、遥感监测数据与专题分析模型的集成、数据质量控制等关键问题进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿区 地质环境 地质灾害 多目标信息处理 环境传感网络
作者 赵龙章 梁荣庆 孟月东 《水利水电技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期35-38,共4页
在玻璃体表面用等离子体溅射形成的TiN薄膜具有优异的机械性能,TiN膜上的显微硬度可达20000N/mm2,电阻率仅为68×10-6Ω·cm,作为电容式水位传感的电极显示出很好的优势.用水位作为主传感、温度为环境补偿传感,在MCU里面记录传... 在玻璃体表面用等离子体溅射形成的TiN薄膜具有优异的机械性能,TiN膜上的显微硬度可达20000N/mm2,电阻率仅为68×10-6Ω·cm,作为电容式水位传感的电极显示出很好的优势.用水位作为主传感、温度为环境补偿传感,在MCU里面记录传感元的数据和补偿特性,形成数字集成结构.智能补偿措施实现了高精度水位变送.在网络节点连接权向量域进行微弱信号提取,解决了提取信号的频率选择问题. 展开更多
关键词 TIN薄膜 水位 数字集成 智能补偿 环境补偿 频率选择
《电工技术》 2002年第4期9-9,共1页
北京委息通环境测控技术中心卫华传感工程开发部与北京大学密切合作,制成全数字三端式 MEMS 湿度传感器。该传感器体积小、精度高、互换性好、使用寿命长。
关键词 全数字三端式湿度 互换性 使用寿命 北京委息通环境测控技术中心卫华工程开发部 北京大学
作者 张雯丽 张万亮 +4 位作者 李雨杭 周成双 张凯宇 郑津洋 张林 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期1285-1290,共6页
为解决普通箔式电阻应变片在高压氢环境中存在应变片脱落、零点漂移和蠕变等问题,设计了一种用于高压氢环境中的专用薄膜应变片,具体制备方式为:利用磁控溅射技术,依次在316L不锈钢基底上镀Cr膜(过渡缓冲层)、AlN膜(绝缘部分)、FeCrAl... 为解决普通箔式电阻应变片在高压氢环境中存在应变片脱落、零点漂移和蠕变等问题,设计了一种用于高压氢环境中的专用薄膜应变片,具体制备方式为:利用磁控溅射技术,依次在316L不锈钢基底上镀Cr膜(过渡缓冲层)、AlN膜(绝缘部分)、FeCrAl合金膜(功能层,使用掩模板镀膜为栅丝形状)。应变片的测试结果表明:与常规的粘贴型应变片相比,该薄膜应变片消除了在高压氢环境下应变片的零点漂移和蠕变。 展开更多
关键词 高压氢环境传感 薄膜应变片 磁控溅射 零点漂移 蠕变
作者 赵春莲 《科技风》 2015年第10期116-116,共1页
本文主要介绍了室内环境参数监控系统的架构与功能特点。该系统主要基于Lab VIEW和无线传感网络数据透明传输平台,经过数据采集和数据统计分析,实现了对室内空间环境参数的整体三维模型显示,并给出空调温度调节建议,实现系统最优控制和... 本文主要介绍了室内环境参数监控系统的架构与功能特点。该系统主要基于Lab VIEW和无线传感网络数据透明传输平台,经过数据采集和数据统计分析,实现了对室内空间环境参数的整体三维模型显示,并给出空调温度调节建议,实现系统最优控制和节能减排。 展开更多
关键词 环境参数无线网络 数据透明 节能减排
Key Environmental Factors Monitoring System of Low-power Greenhouse Based on WSN Technology
作者 柳军 陶建平 吕晓兰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第2期449-452,共4页
A low-power environmental monitoring system based on WSN technology is proposed to effectively monitor the environmental status and ensure the healthy growth of greenhouse crops in the greenhouse. The system performs ... A low-power environmental monitoring system based on WSN technology is proposed to effectively monitor the environmental status and ensure the healthy growth of greenhouse crops in the greenhouse. The system performs dynamic mon- itoring on the environmental data of temperature, humidity, illumination, soil tempera- ture and humidity of the greenhouse, and it reduces the energy consumption by us- ing solar energy and lithium battery as the power supply mode and dynamic power management algorithm combined with improved routing protocol. Stable and reliable, the system could effectively monitor the key environmental factors in the green- house, making it of certain promotion value. 展开更多
关键词 Environmental monitoring GREENHOUSE Wireless sensor network WSN technology Key factor
Silicon carbide resonant tuning fork for microsensing applications in high-temperature and high G-shock environments 被引量:6
作者 David R Myers Kan Bun Cheng +6 位作者 Babak Jamshidi Robert G Azevedo Debbie G Senesky Li Chen Mehran Mehregany Muthu B J Wijesundara Albert P Pisano 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第5期36-41,共6页
We present the fabrication and testing of a silicon carbide (SiC) balanced mass doublended tuning fork that survives harsh environments without compromising the device strain sensitivity and resolution bandwidth. Th... We present the fabrication and testing of a silicon carbide (SiC) balanced mass doublended tuning fork that survives harsh environments without compromising the device strain sensitivity and resolution bandwidth. The device features a material stack that survives corrosive environments and enables high-temperature operation. To perform hightemperature testing, a specialized setup was constructed that allows the tuning fork to be characterized using traditional silicon electronics. The tuning fork has been operated at 600°C in the presence of dry steam for short durations. This tuning fork has also been tested to 64 000 G using a hard-launch, soft-catch shock implemented with a light gas gun. However, the device still has a strain sensitivity of 66 Hz/μe and strain resolution of 0. 045 μe in a 10 kHz bandwidth. As such, this balanced-mass double-ended tuning fork can be used to create a variety of different sensors including strain gauges, accelerometers, gyroscopes, and pressure transducers. Given the adaptable fabrication process flow, this device could be useful to micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) designers creating sensors for a variety of different applications. 展开更多
关键词 MEMS SiC thermal effects double ended tuning fork (DETF) harsh environment high temperature high shock INERTIAL STRAIN sensors
作者 任锴 乔旭升 樊先平 《材料科学与工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期181-190,204,共11页
类分子银量子团簇([Ag m]^(n+)QCs)有着亚纳米的尺寸,可以产生宽谱高效的荧光。然而[Ag m]^(n+)QCs具有很高的化学活性,因此需要配体对其进行稳定。本研究利用硅酸盐玻璃网络稳定银量子团簇,揭示了[Ag m]^(n+)QCs的分子荧光机理,研究了[... 类分子银量子团簇([Ag m]^(n+)QCs)有着亚纳米的尺寸,可以产生宽谱高效的荧光。然而[Ag m]^(n+)QCs具有很高的化学活性,因此需要配体对其进行稳定。本研究利用硅酸盐玻璃网络稳定银量子团簇,揭示了[Ag m]^(n+)QCs的分子荧光机理,研究了[Ag m]^(n+)QCs的温度传感性能。本研究采用熔融冷却法制备了一系列SiO_(2)-ZnF_(2-x)Ag玻璃。NMR和XPS表征结果表明,三种形态的[SiO 4]四面体(Q 4、Q 3、Q 2)和[ZnO 4]四面体连接成三维玻璃网络结构。[Ag m]^(n+)QCs峰值固定的荧光可以通过分子荧光机理来描述。[Ag m]^(n+)QCs的绿白色荧光主要来自于三重态-单重态之间的跃迁(T 1→S 0)。单重态(S 1)和三重态(T 1)之间的声子耦合系间窜越确定了[Ag m]^(n+)QCs的一系列与温度有关的荧光行为,其中荧光寿命(λex=350 nm,λem=515 nm)的最大灵敏度为0.44%。因此,硅酸盐稳定的[Ag m]^(n+)QCs可以用作温度传感探针,尤其是在低温下(100~300 K)更具优势。 展开更多
关键词 银量子团簇 硅酸盐玻璃 分子荧光 温度环境
Precise Transceiver-Free Localization in Complex Indoor Environment 被引量:3
作者 Rui Mao Peng Xiang Dian Zhang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期28-37,共10页
Transceiver-free object localization can localize target through using Radio Frequency(RF) technologies without carrying any device, which attracts many researchers' attentions. Most traditional technologies usual... Transceiver-free object localization can localize target through using Radio Frequency(RF) technologies without carrying any device, which attracts many researchers' attentions. Most traditional technologies usually first deploy a number of reference nodes which are able to communicate with each other, then select only some wireless links, whose signals are affected the most by the transceiver-free target, to estimate the target position. However, such traditional technologies adopt an ideal model for the target, the other link information and environment interference behavior are not considered comprehensively. In order to overcome this drawback, we propose a method which is able to precisely estimate the transceiver-free target position. It not only can leverage more link information, but also take environmental interference into account. Two algorithms are proposed in our system, one is Best K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN) algorithm, the other is Support Vector Regression(SVR) algorithm. Our experiments are based on Telos B sensor nodes and performed in different complex lab areas which have many different furniture and equipment. The experiment results show that the average localization error is round 1.1m. Compared with traditional methods, the localization accuracy is increased nearly two times. 展开更多
关键词 indoor localization transceiver-free radio map support vector regression
浅谈博物馆数字化与智慧化建设 被引量:6
作者 张峰 《电脑知识与技术》 2015年第6X期205-206,共2页
关键词 博物馆数字化 博物馆智慧化 虚拟博物馆 物联网 移动互联 虚拟修复 环境因素系统
Measurement of Forces and Torques during Non-Homogeneous Material Drilling Operation 被引量:2
作者 Mohd Hazny Aziz Muhammad Azmi Ayub Roseleena Jaafar 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2011年第2期139-146,共8页
The purpose of this study is to measure the forces and torques produced in the drilling process of a non-homogenous material (bone). An automated 5 DoF CataLyst-5 robot is used during the drilling process and it is ... The purpose of this study is to measure the forces and torques produced in the drilling process of a non-homogenous material (bone). An automated 5 DoF CataLyst-5 robot is used during the drilling process and it is integrated to a 6 DoF force-torque sensor. A force-torque controller which is built in the Matlab Simulink environment is employed to control the drilling process of the bone. Different feed rate is used during the experimental process of the bone drilling operation. The sensor is calibrated to measure the tri-axial direction of the resultant forces and torques. The profiles of the forces and torques obtained are non-linear due to the diversity of the bone density. The profiles generated also indicated fluctuation in the interface layers of the bone. 展开更多
关键词 Robotic assisted surgery bone drilling tri-axial force and torque measurement.
Environmental impact prediction using remote sensing images
作者 Pezhman ROUDGARMI Masoud MONAVARI +2 位作者 Jahangir FEGHHI Jafar NOURI Nematollah KHORASANI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第3期381-390,共10页
Environmental impact prediction is an important step in many environmental studies. A wide variety of methods have been developed in this concern. During this study, remote sensing images were used for environmental i... Environmental impact prediction is an important step in many environmental studies. A wide variety of methods have been developed in this concern. During this study, remote sensing images were used for environmental impact prediction in Ro-batkarim area, Iran, during the years of 2005~2007. It was assumed that environmental impact could be predicted using time series satellite imageries. Natural vegetation cover was chosen as a main environmental element and a case study. Environmental impacts of the regional development on natural vegetation of the area were investigated considering the changes occurred on the extent of natural vegetation cover and the amount of biomass. Vegetation data, land use and land cover classes (as activity factors) within several years were prepared using satellite images. The amount of biomass was measured by Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) based on satellite images. The resulted biomass estimates were tested by the paired samples t-test method. No significant difference was observed between the average biomass of estimated and control samples at the 5% significance level. Finally, regression models were used for the environmental impacts prediction. All obtained regression models for prediction of impacts on natural vegetation cover show values over 0.9 for both correlation coefficient and R-squared. According to the resulted methodology, the prediction models of projects and plans impacts can also be developed for other environmental elements which may be derived using time series remote sensing images. 展开更多
关键词 Environmental impact Remote sensing PREDICTION VEGETATION BIOMASS
Compressed sensing based channel estimation using group random unit pilot for OFDM systems in fast moving environment~ 被引量:1
作者 方勇 Zhou Xiaoping Wang Min 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2011年第2期113-118,共6页
A compressed sensing (CS) based channel estimation algorithm is proposed in the fast moving environment. A sparse basis expansion channel model in both time and frequency domain is given.Pilots are placed according ... A compressed sensing (CS) based channel estimation algorithm is proposed in the fast moving environment. A sparse basis expansion channel model in both time and frequency domain is given.Pilots are placed according to a novel random unit pilot matrix (RUPM) to measure the delay- Doppler sparse channel. The sparse channels are recovered by an extension group orthogonal matching pursuit (GOMP) algorithm, enjoying the diversity gain from multi-symbol processing. The relatively nonzero channel coefficients are estimated from a very limited number of pilots at a sampling rate significantly below the Nyquist rate. The simulation results show that the new channel estimator can provide a considerable performance improvement for the fast fading channels. Three significant reductions are achieved in the required number of pilots, memory requirements and computational complexity. 展开更多
关键词 compressed sensing CS) channel estimation fast fading sparse channel basis expansion
Stimuli-responsive Membranes: Smart Tools for Controllable Mass-transfer and Separation Processes 被引量:18
作者 褚良银 谢锐 巨晓洁 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期891-903,共13页
As emerging artificial biomimetic membranes, smart or intelligent membranes that are able to respond to environmental stimuli are attracting ever-increasing interests from various fields. Their permeation properties i... As emerging artificial biomimetic membranes, smart or intelligent membranes that are able to respond to environmental stimuli are attracting ever-increasing interests from various fields. Their permeation properties including hydraulic permeability and diffusional permeability can be dramatically controlled or adjusted self-regulatively in response to small chemical and/or physical stimuli in their environments. Such environmental stimuli-responsive smart membranes could find myriad applications in numerous fields ranging from controlled release to separations. Here the trans-membrane mass-transfer and membrane separation is introduced as the beginning to initiate the requirement of smart membranes, and then bio-inspired design of environmental stimuli-responsive smart membranes and four essential elements for smart membranes are introduced and discussed. Next, smart membrane types and their applications as smart tools for controllable mass-transfer in controlled release and separations are reviewed. The research tooics in the near future are also suggested. 展开更多
关键词 smart membranes responsive membranes bio-inspired membranes gating membranes MASS-TRANSFER controlled release separation
DS-MMAC:A Delay-Sensitive Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Ambient Assistant Living Systems
作者 Haiming Chen Li Cui 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期38-46,共9页
In Ambient Assistant Living(AAL) systems, it is a fundamental problem to ensure prompt delivery of detected events, such as irregular heart rate or fall of elderly, to a central processing device(e.g. gateway node). M... In Ambient Assistant Living(AAL) systems, it is a fundamental problem to ensure prompt delivery of detected events, such as irregular heart rate or fall of elderly, to a central processing device(e.g. gateway node). Most of recently proposed MAC protocols for low-power embedded sensing systems(e.g. wireless sensor networks) are designed with energy efficiency as the first goal, so they are not suitable for AAL systems. Although some multi-channel MAC protocols have been proposed to address the problem, most of those protocols ignore the cost of channel switching, which can have reverse effect on network performance, especially latency of data delivery. In this paper, we propose a Delay-Sensitive Multi-channel MAC protocol(DS-MMAC) for AAL systems, which can provide high packet delivery ratio and bound low latency for data delivered to the gateway node. The novelty of the protocol is that an efficient distributed time slot scheduling and channel assignment algorithm is combined with the process of route establishment, which takes the channel switching cost into account and reduces endto-end delay to meet the required delay bound of each data flow. The performance of the proposed protocol is evaluated through extensive simulations. Results show that DS-MMAC can bound low latency for delivering detected events in AAL system to the gateway, while providing high delivery reliability and low energy consumption. 展开更多
关键词 ambient assistant living multi-channel mac channel switching slot scheduling channel assignment
An Improved Underwater Acoustic Network Localization Algorithm 被引量:5
作者 WU Zhehao LI Xia 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期77-83,共7页
Underwater sensor network can achieve the unmanned environmental monitoring and military monitoring missions.Underwater acoustic sensor node cannot rely on the GPS to position itself,and the traditional indirect posit... Underwater sensor network can achieve the unmanned environmental monitoring and military monitoring missions.Underwater acoustic sensor node cannot rely on the GPS to position itself,and the traditional indirect positioning methods used in Ad Hoc networks are not fully applicable to the localization of underwater acoustic sensor networks.In this paper,we introduce an improved underwater acoustic network localization algorithm.The algorithm processes the raw data before localization calculation to enhance the tolerance of random noise.We reduce the redundancy of the calculation results by using a more accurate basic algorithm and an adjusted calculation strategy.The improved algorithm is more suitable for the underwater acoustic sensor network positioning. 展开更多
关键词 acoustic sensor network localization algorithm greedy algorithm interval estimation
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