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河源市新丰江水库可持续发展的环境保护方法研究 被引量:1
作者 李怡然 刘素梅 《科技资讯》 2019年第10期77-78,共2页
近年来全社会经济高速发展,新丰江水库周边工农业同步发展的同时也加快了城市化进程的建设,对周边资源开采力度的加大以及管理不及时等问题的出现,导致污染物的排放数量逐渐增加,新丰江水库自然环境的危害程度日益严重。基于保护新丰江... 近年来全社会经济高速发展,新丰江水库周边工农业同步发展的同时也加快了城市化进程的建设,对周边资源开采力度的加大以及管理不及时等问题的出现,导致污染物的排放数量逐渐增加,新丰江水库自然环境的危害程度日益严重。基于保护新丰江书库周边自然环境的重要性,加大对新丰江水库自然环境保护已经刻不容缓。 展开更多
关键词 新丰江水库 可持续发展 环境保护方法
作者 陈召勇 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)自然科学》 2024年第10期0045-0048,共4页
科技的发展经常与产业相配套,但是,在中国经济快速发展的同时,也带来了越来越多的环境问题。当前我国工业固体废物的污染状况比较严重,在此基础上,本研究针对工业固体废物造成的污染,引进先进的环保技术,提出针对性的防治对策,以实现环... 科技的发展经常与产业相配套,但是,在中国经济快速发展的同时,也带来了越来越多的环境问题。当前我国工业固体废物的污染状况比较严重,在此基础上,本研究针对工业固体废物造成的污染,引进先进的环保技术,提出针对性的防治对策,以实现环保,推动绿色生产的推广与发展。本文在此基础上,对工业固体废物的现状及危害进行了阐述,并对其成因展开剖析,提出了对应的环保防治方法及对策。 展开更多
关键词 工业固体废物 现状 环境保护防治方法
作者 杨静 《大学教育》 2013年第10期113-114,共2页
文章从实行有效的旅游景区管理方法、加强导游对景区的监督作用、鼓励公众共同监督旅游行为、采取先进的预警技术和监控手段、完善法律体系、加强环境保护教育等六个方面进行分析,对潜在破坏性旅游行为提出了具体应对措施,以期为促进旅... 文章从实行有效的旅游景区管理方法、加强导游对景区的监督作用、鼓励公众共同监督旅游行为、采取先进的预警技术和监控手段、完善法律体系、加强环境保护教育等六个方面进行分析,对潜在破坏性旅游行为提出了具体应对措施,以期为促进旅游景区的可持续发展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 旅游者 旅游行为 破坏性 环境保护方法
作者 冯文泽 尤海斌 《区域治理》 2020年第39期111-111,共1页
现阶段,人们的生活质量水平越来越高,同时,人们在生活中对化工工业产品的需求量也越来越大。但是,化工工业产品也带来了非常多的不利影响。化工工业产品在生产中会产生大量的有毒有害物质,并且排放大量工业废水,对环境造成一定的危害。... 现阶段,人们的生活质量水平越来越高,同时,人们在生活中对化工工业产品的需求量也越来越大。但是,化工工业产品也带来了非常多的不利影响。化工工业产品在生产中会产生大量的有毒有害物质,并且排放大量工业废水,对环境造成一定的危害。因此,需要针对化工工业污水的具体处理展开探讨,以此为化工工业行业提供相应的指导,并实现有效的环境保护。所以,化工工业生产废水的有效处理是一个非常严峻的问题。 展开更多
关键词 化工工业 三废处理 技术方法环境保护
认真学习环保行政程序 施行环保行政处罚办法——《环境保护行政处罚方法》实用问答
作者 莫德顺 《山东环境》 2002年第3期46-47,共2页
2001年12月11日,我国正式加入世界贸易组织(WTO),成为其第143个成员。这就意味着,在享受WTO的各项权利的同时,必须严格遵守WTO的规则,认真履行WTO的义务。依法治国首先要依法行政,只有运用实体法正确、实践程序法认真,才能落实依法治国... 2001年12月11日,我国正式加入世界贸易组织(WTO),成为其第143个成员。这就意味着,在享受WTO的各项权利的同时,必须严格遵守WTO的规则,认真履行WTO的义务。依法治国首先要依法行政,只有运用实体法正确、实践程序法认真,才能落实依法治国方略,适应WTO的新要求。本文作者在全省多次环境法制培训班讲课的基础上,应环保同仁的要求,经归纳整理,补充完善,形成文稿。本刊自2002年第1期起,开辟《环境保护行政处罚办法》实用问答,与大家一起学习探讨 展开更多
关键词 环境保护 环保行政程序 环境保护行政处罚方法
认真学习环保行政程序 施行环保行政处罚办法——《环境保护行政处罚方法》实用问答
作者 莫德顺 《山东环境》 2003年第1期21-22,共2页
2001年12月11日,我国正式加入世界贸易组(WTO),成为其第143个成员。这就意味着,在享受WTO的项权利的同时,必须严格遵守WTO的规则,认真履行WTO义务。依法治国首先要依法行政,只有运用实体法正确、实程序法认真,才能落实依法治国方略,适应... 2001年12月11日,我国正式加入世界贸易组(WTO),成为其第143个成员。这就意味着,在享受WTO的项权利的同时,必须严格遵守WTO的规则,认真履行WTO义务。依法治国首先要依法行政,只有运用实体法正确、实程序法认真,才能落实依法治国方略,适应WTO的新要求。文作者在全省多次环境法制培训班讲课的基础上,应环保仁的要求,经归纳整理,补充完善,形成文稿。本刊自2002第1期起,开辟《环境保护行政处罚办法》实用问答,与大家起学习探讨。 展开更多
关键词 行政程序 行政处罚办法 环境保护 环境保护行政处罚方法
大沙河水毁修复工程环境保护方案设计 被引量:1
作者 孙秀力 李翠兰 刘新平 《农业与技术》 2011年第1期105-107,共3页
关键词 堤防工程 环境影响 环境保护方法
公路建设项目环境影响费用效益分析方法 被引量:1
作者 李晋 《科技创新与应用》 2015年第15期300-300,共1页
公路建设项目在施工和运营过程中对生态环境造成的影响日益受到社会各界的关注。为了更好的衡量建设项目对环境的影响,需要对投入环境保护的费用进行识别,并且对项目实施后所产生的成效进行货币化。通过采用环境经济学中三种对于生态环... 公路建设项目在施工和运营过程中对生态环境造成的影响日益受到社会各界的关注。为了更好的衡量建设项目对环境的影响,需要对投入环境保护的费用进行识别,并且对项目实施后所产生的成效进行货币化。通过采用环境经济学中三种对于生态环境分析量化的方法:(1)直接市场评价法;(2)揭示偏好法;(3)陈述偏好法。针对不同的环境要素进行经济上的量化,对于保护生态环境有非常重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 公路建设项目 环境保护费用识别原则 环境保护费用识别方法
作者 彭松 《科技风》 2014年第7期236-236,共1页
与其他一些国家相比,我国在煤矿开采过程中开采技术和方法比较落后,并且煤矿工人没有根据矿区地质条件选取合理的开采方法,因而导致煤矿开采工作对环境和人们造成严重的影响。本文主要对煤矿开采中的环境保护途径进行分析,降低环境污染... 与其他一些国家相比,我国在煤矿开采过程中开采技术和方法比较落后,并且煤矿工人没有根据矿区地质条件选取合理的开采方法,因而导致煤矿开采工作对环境和人们造成严重的影响。本文主要对煤矿开采中的环境保护途径进行分析,降低环境污染程度,实现经济的可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿开采 环境影响 环境保护方法
作者 林泓铭 《科教导刊(电子版)》 2014年第16期159-159,共1页
随着生产力的提高和工业化的发展,我国的经济水平在快速提高,但也出现了大量的环境污染问题,这些污染严重阻碍着经济的发展和社会的进步,更重要的是,这些污染严重威胁着人类的身体健康。因此,环境保护越来越重要,我们首先应该树... 随着生产力的提高和工业化的发展,我国的经济水平在快速提高,但也出现了大量的环境污染问题,这些污染严重阻碍着经济的发展和社会的进步,更重要的是,这些污染严重威胁着人类的身体健康。因此,环境保护越来越重要,我们首先应该树立环境保护意识,并采取比较好的方法来治理污染,以改善我们的环境状况。 展开更多
关键词 环境污染 环境保护意识 环境保护方法
作者 陈光贤 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)自然科学》 2023年第4期38-40,共3页
现代产业社会经济快速发展,为了更好的提升水土保护,提升生态产业资源环境建设,国家出台相关水土保持的工作规范内容,以水土生态环境保护为融合标准要求,重视生态水土资源的利用率,不断加强生态环境保护建筑管理,重视水土保护与生态环... 现代产业社会经济快速发展,为了更好的提升水土保护,提升生态产业资源环境建设,国家出台相关水土保持的工作规范内容,以水土生态环境保护为融合标准要求,重视生态水土资源的利用率,不断加强生态环境保护建筑管理,重视水土保护与生态环境之间的有效规划,优化水土保持与生态环境保护建设水平。因此,在以生态资源保护为基础的生态环境治理工作中,各种水土保持措施往往能够发挥出非常重要的作用,而对于水土保持在生态环境治理中应用的研究,也同样具有现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 生态环境:保护方法 水土保持
Poverty Reduction,Environmental Protection and Ecosystem Services:A Prospective Theory for Sustainable Development 被引量:9
作者 ZHEN Nahui FU Bojie +1 位作者 LU Yihe WANG Shuai 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期83-92,共10页
Poverty reduction and environmental protection are two global tasks for sustainable development.The study perspective has changed over time,from narrowly focusing on poverty reduction to comprehensively strengthening ... Poverty reduction and environmental protection are two global tasks for sustainable development.The study perspective has changed over time,from narrowly focusing on poverty reduction to comprehensively strengthening human-welfare.We reviewed key references targeting the theoretical content and practical approach relying on poverty,environment protection and ecosystem services.We discussed the contradicting views on the relationship of poverty and environmental degradation,and then illustrated the study progress of a cutting-age topic-ecosystem services which pave a way to address poverty reduction and environmental protection together.At last,we investigated essential factors that affect the development and environmental protection.Considering the evolution of the concept of poverty,we found that the environment has occupied an increasing proportion in the cognizance of poverty.The relationship between poverty and environmental degradation is regional uniqueness.In practical aspect,projects based on the management and valuation assessment of ecosystem services draw researchers′attention all over the world.The appropriate scale,essential economic incentives,morality,law and social equality are key factors affecting individuals′decisions which directly relate to the sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 POVERTY environmental degradation ecosystem services sustainable development
Influence factors analysis of removing heavy metals from multiple metal-contaminated soils with different extractants 被引量:6
作者 夏文斌 李 欣 +5 位作者 高 慧 黄宝荣 张慧智 刘云国 曾光明 樊 霆 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第1期108-111,共4页
Some key factors on the heavy metals removal efficiencies were studied when soil washing technology was used in the remediation of soils contaminated by multiple heavy metals. The results show that the dissolubilities... Some key factors on the heavy metals removal efficiencies were studied when soil washing technology was used in the remediation of soils contaminated by multiple heavy metals. The results show that the dissolubilities of Cu and Zn are promoted by humic acids, but Pb and Cd are inhibited by humic acids; heavy metals in the clay are more difficult to be extracted than silt; the strong acidic soils can cause the protonation of EDTA and weaken its extracting ability; EDTA is effective for extracting Pb and Cd, while oxalate (OX) is effective for extracting Cu and Zn; and biosurfactant can be used as additive to improve the removal of some particular heavy metals. 展开更多
关键词 heavy metal soil remediation EXTRACTION RHAMNOLIPID
Subjective annoyance caused by indoor low-level and low frequency noise and control method 被引量:2
作者 DIGuo-qing ZHANGBang-jun SHANGQi 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第1期135-140,共6页
The influence of low_level noise has not been widely noticed. This paper discovered that low_level and low frequency noise(A_weighted equivalent level L eq <45 dB) causes higher probability of subjective annoyance.... The influence of low_level noise has not been widely noticed. This paper discovered that low_level and low frequency noise(A_weighted equivalent level L eq <45 dB) causes higher probability of subjective annoyance. The fuzzy mathematic principle was applied to deal with the threshold level of subjective annoyance from noise in this study; there is preferable relationship between the indoor noise and noise annoyance at low frequency noise level. Study indicated at the same centered noise level, the change of annoyance probability is mainly caused by the change of the frequency spectrum characteristic of the indoor noise. Under low noise level environment, without change of the medium_low frequency noise, the slight increase of medium_high frequency noise level with the help of noise sheltering effect can significantly reduce the noise annoyance. This discovery brings a new resolution on how to improve the environmental quality of working or living places. A noise control model is given in this study according to the acoustic analysis. 展开更多
关键词 low-level noise subjective annoyance threshold level structural noise indoor noise noise control
Groundwater protection:What can we learn from Germany?
作者 Klaus-Dieter BALKE 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第3期227-231,共5页
For drinking water security the German waterworks proceed on a comprehensive concept,i.e.,the protection of all the regions from the recharge area to the client.It includes the protection of the recharge area by a pre... For drinking water security the German waterworks proceed on a comprehensive concept,i.e.,the protection of all the regions from the recharge area to the client.It includes the protection of the recharge area by a precautionary management,a safe water treatment,a strict maintenance of the water distribution network,continuous control and an intensive training of staff.Groundwater protection zones together with effective regulations and control play a very important role.Three protection zones with different restrictions in land-use are distinguished.Water in reservoirs and lakes is also protected by Surface Water Protection Zones.Within the surrounding area the land-use is controlled,too.Special treatment is necessary if acidification happens caused by acid rain,or eutrophication caused by the inflow of sewage.Very important is the collaboration between waterworks and the farmers cultivating land in the recharge area in order to execute water-protecting ecological farming with the aim to reduce the application of fertilizers and plant protection agents.Probable financial losses have to be compensated by the waterworks. 展开更多
关键词 Drinking water security GERMANY Groundwater protection zone Water protection
Length polymorphisms for intergenic spacer regions of 16S-23S rDNA in members of the new hydrogen-producing bacteria
作者 李永峰 徐菁利 +1 位作者 杨传平 任南琪 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第5期691-694,共4页
A method based on PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA gene (rDNA)-23S rDNA intergenic spacer regions (ISR) was developed for the identification of species within the novel group hydrogen-producing anaerobes. The sizes o... A method based on PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA gene (rDNA)-23S rDNA intergenic spacer regions (ISR) was developed for the identification of species within the novel group hydrogen-producing anaerobes. The sizes of the PCR products varied from 1264 to 398 bp. Strain of isolate Rennanqilyf 3 was characterized as having products of 1262,398,638,437 and 436 bp. The isolate Rennanqilyf 1 had product of 1264 bp. The isolate Rennanqilyf 13 had products of 1261,579 and 485 bp. Of the 3 species of the novel group hydrogen-producing anaerobes examined, no one was indistinguishable. Two environmental isolates were identified as hydrogen-producing bacteria, which were new species in present taxon. Rennanqilyf 3 could not be associated with any Clostridium sp. studied. Rennanqilyf 1 could be classified into Clostridium genus. The combination between 16S rDNA equencing and length polymorphisms of IRS in 16S-23S rDNA is a better method for determining species of the hydrogen-producing bacteria. 展开更多
关键词 Biohydrogen production Hydrogen-producing Anaerobes ISR of 16S-23S rDNA Length polymorphisms
Cleaner Production Assessment in Textile Industry
作者 张志宗 陆书玉 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第3期381-385,390,共6页
Cleaner Production focuses on environmental improvement with economic benefits. Based on the benefit assessment home and abroad, the assessment method and process in textile industry is discussed, including maneuverab... Cleaner Production focuses on environmental improvement with economic benefits. Based on the benefit assessment home and abroad, the assessment method and process in textile industry is discussed, including maneuverable indicator system, mathematics model. According to corresponding principles of Cleaner Production, representative problems are mentioned. With Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Mathematics, some enterprise is collected to attain the economic, environmental and social benefit of Cleaner Production. The results show that Cleaner Production improves utilization efficiency of resources, energy sources even waste, and creates conditions of Sustainable Development in textile industry. 展开更多
关键词 Cleaner Production assessment textileindustry indicator system Fuzzy Mathematics
Activated Carbon Adsorption Properties of the Residual Matters in Textile Dyeing and Printing Secondary Effluent
作者 田晴 李方 +2 位作者 刘方 杨波 陈季华 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第3期250-257,共8页
The research employed the adsorption isotherm measurement, the batch kinetic adsorption and the rapid small-scalecarbon column test (RSSCT) to find out the characteristics and main impacting factors of'granular act... The research employed the adsorption isotherm measurement, the batch kinetic adsorption and the rapid small-scalecarbon column test (RSSCT) to find out the characteristics and main impacting factors of'granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption, in treating the textile dyeing-printing/polyester alkali de-weighting secondary effluent (TSE). The adsorption affinities and capacities for the organics surrogated by CODCr, color and UV254 (UV absorbency-at λ= 254 nm) predicted by isotherm, small- seale-fixed bed were discussed. 'Adsorption rates for CODCr, color and UV254 are much different and carbon particle size dependent. The color adsorption rate and capacity should be taken as the main consideration factors in designing bioactivated carbon filter(BACF). The breakthrough of GAC adsorption column is mainly influenced by the low MW readily adsorbable organics in TSE. UV254, is a good adsorption breakthrough indicator. The study provides references for BACFs' design and operation control in textile secondary effluent (TSE) tertiary treatment. 展开更多
关键词 textile secondary effluent adsorption properties molecular weight distribution
Enhancing Phosphorous Recovery in a Novel Biofilter System
作者 孙健 田晴 +2 位作者 李方 王凤蕊 杨波 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第2期132-136,共5页
Developing new techniques to remove and recover phosphorous simultaneously from wastewaters is very important for sustainable utilization of phosphorous resource and prevention of eutrophication. The feasibility of ph... Developing new techniques to remove and recover phosphorous simultaneously from wastewaters is very important for sustainable utilization of phosphorous resource and prevention of eutrophication. The feasibility of phosphorus bioaccumulation in a novel continuous alternating anaerobic /aerobic biofilter and benefits of such accumulation for its further recovery as magnesium ammonia phosphate (MAP) were studied. The system was operated for seven months and employed the atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) method to analyze the distribution change of magnesium and calcium with phosphate in the biofilter during that period. The benefits of utilizing the biofilter system to accumulate phosphorous & magnesium and suppress calcium simultaneously to phosphorous recovery as MAP were explained with the aid of chemical equilibrium models. The improved phosphorus recovery from 42% to 82% was approved in the recovery experiments and the recovery products mainly as MAP were evidenced and characterized with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) . The study provides references for designing and operating the novel alternating anaerobic /aerobic biofilter for phosphorus bioaccumulation and recovery. 展开更多
关键词 phosphorous bioaccumulation BIOFILTER phosphorousrecovery magnesium ammonia phosphate (MAP)
Comprehensive experiment and evaluation on safety due to fully-mechanized mining under the Xitian River at Linxin Mine
作者 来兴平 任奋华 蔡美峰 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2004年第2期34-36,共3页
L3414 mechanized mining working face (No.14 coal seam) of Lingxin Mine is under the Xitian River.The mining disturbed zone where rock properties and conditions have been changed due to mining, the safety and environme... L3414 mechanized mining working face (No.14 coal seam) of Lingxin Mine is under the Xitian River.The mining disturbed zone where rock properties and conditions have been changed due to mining, the safety and environmental protection were con- cemed greatly. Based on engineering geological environment of L3414 working face and mining factors, the color bore-bole TV inspecting, leakage of drilling fluid monitoring, simulation experiment, numerical computing, in-situ ground stress measurement and subsidence measurement, etal, these programs contribute to the formation of a scientific basis for control water safe mining and normal mining or environmental protection in the condition of existing fully-mechanized mining. 展开更多
关键词 comprehensive experiment and evaluation existing mining method control water safe mining environmental protection
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