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新型医用防护口罩过滤环境气溶胶的性能 被引量:15
作者 沈恒根 杨磊 +4 位作者 刘刚 王华英 蔡来胜 刘书平 陆勇 《第二军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期629-631,共3页
目的 :研制新型防严重急性呼吸综合征 (SARS)病毒的医用口罩 ,并根据口罩阻挡环境中气溶胶微粒吸入人体内的使用要求 ,模拟人吸气量和吸气阻力 ,对口罩过滤环境气溶胶的性能进行测试。方法 :采集部分市售口罩和新研制的口罩作为测试对... 目的 :研制新型防严重急性呼吸综合征 (SARS)病毒的医用口罩 ,并根据口罩阻挡环境中气溶胶微粒吸入人体内的使用要求 ,模拟人吸气量和吸气阻力 ,对口罩过滤环境气溶胶的性能进行测试。方法 :采集部分市售口罩和新研制的口罩作为测试对象 ,测定不同口罩对 PM1 0 、PM2 .5和 PM1 .0 的过滤效果。 结果 :纱布口罩 (16层 )吸气阻力低、但对环境气溶胶微粒的过滤效率低于 2 5 % ,3个纱布口罩叠用 (4 8层 )的过滤效率仍低于 4 0 .0 % ;含活性碳的口罩吸气阻力适中、对环境气溶胶微粒的过滤效率为 2 0 .3%~ 5 6 .1% ;非织造布口罩的吸气阻力较高 ,过滤效率在 70 .0 %~ 99.7% ;新研制医用口罩的吸气阻力与纱布口罩相当 ,对环境气溶胶微粒过滤效率达到 96 %以上 ,其中对 PM1 0 、PM2 .5和 PM1 .0 的平均过滤效率分别为 99.6 %、97.1%、99.4 %。 结论 :新研制的口罩具有低阻高效特点 ,是目前防 展开更多
关键词 急性呼吸综合征 医用防护口罩 环境气溶胶 性能 微粒 过滤性能 非典型肺炎
环境气溶胶中^(90)Sr分析测量的不确定度评定 被引量:1
作者 苟家元 李莉 +3 位作者 吴耀 董传江 王建强 黄聪 《四川环境》 2021年第2期127-132,共6页
^(90)Sr是高毒性的纯β放射性核素,其物理半衰期和生物半衰期长,环境气溶胶中的^(90)Sr通过吸入途径进入人体,对人类的危害主要为长时间积集在人体骨骼中并很难排出。在多堆型核设施运行场址中环境气溶胶的测定是辐射环境监测的重要内容... ^(90)Sr是高毒性的纯β放射性核素,其物理半衰期和生物半衰期长,环境气溶胶中的^(90)Sr通过吸入途径进入人体,对人类的危害主要为长时间积集在人体骨骼中并很难排出。在多堆型核设施运行场址中环境气溶胶的测定是辐射环境监测的重要内容,也是评价核设施运行对环境影响的重要指标。为了科学评价环境气溶胶中测量结果的准确性和可靠性,进行了气溶胶中^(90)Sr分析测量不确定度评定的方法研究,通过计算模型识别不确定度的来源,并对各分量进行量化分析,计算合成标准不确定度;结合典型样品分析实例,对环境气溶胶中^(90)Sr分析测量的不确定度进行了评定,气溶胶中的分析测量采用的是色层萃取的方法,利用草酸钇沉淀制成样品源,测量样品中β计数率。不确定度评定结果表明:环境气溶胶中^(90)Sr分析测量不确定度的来源主要有样品净计数率,探测效率,化学回收率,样品取样体积,测量期间半衰期修正;典型实例分析结果显示环境气溶胶中的相对标准不确定度可控制在15%内。文章中不确定度评定方法为气溶胶^(90)Sr分析测量结果的不确定度评定提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 不确定度 ^(90)Sr 环境气溶胶
作者 郭士伦 R.Brandt P.Vater 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 2002年第6期558-560,共3页
用云母核孔膜、扫描电子显微镜和微电子探针对工艺房间空气中悬浮的气溶胶进行了采集 ,并对气溶胶的粒径分布、微粒形态及结构、元素成分和捕集机制进行了研究。
关键词 环境气溶胶 扫描电子显微镜 微电子探针 核孔膜 粒径分布 元素成分 捕集机制 污染
作者 苏雷霖 《福建环境》 1990年第2期40-41,共2页
关键词 环境气溶胶 监测 无机酸根
净化颗粒物用空气过滤材料性能测试与对比 被引量:3
作者 王华英 沈恒根 +2 位作者 杨磊 刘书平 王成彪 《建筑热能通风空调》 2004年第2期73-76,共4页
针对修订的<采暖通风与空气调节设计规范>中PM10浓度小于0.15 mg/m3的要求,设计了空气净化材料过滤性能测试台.采用环境气溶胶中颗粒物PM10、PM25、PM1 0为过滤对象,在0.2m/s、0.8m/s、1.2m/s过滤风速下,对熔喷类、针刺类、复合... 针对修订的<采暖通风与空气调节设计规范>中PM10浓度小于0.15 mg/m3的要求,设计了空气净化材料过滤性能测试台.采用环境气溶胶中颗粒物PM10、PM25、PM1 0为过滤对象,在0.2m/s、0.8m/s、1.2m/s过滤风速下,对熔喷类、针刺类、复合类过滤材料的过滤性能进行了测试.测试结果表明,荷电纤维滤料具有低阻高效性能.荷电针刺纤维滤料阻力在200Pa以下,过滤效率在70%以上,低风速时可以达到95%,但不带荷电的针刺纤维过滤效率在20%~40%以下.熔喷纤维滤料的过滤效率在50%~80%之间,随着过滤风速的提高阻力增加较快. 展开更多
关键词 颗粒物 过滤材料 测试 环境气溶胶 过滤
医用防护口罩测试装置的对比研究 被引量:15
作者 杨磊 沈恒根 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 2004年第3期17-20,共4页
结合医用防护口罩实际使用工况 ,设计了两种针对环境气溶胶过滤性能的测试方法与装置。采集部分常用的防护口罩 ,分别采用TSI CERTITEST Models 813 0型自动过滤测试仪及本文研发的测试装置 DHU- 平板型口罩性能测试台和 DHU - 实况型... 结合医用防护口罩实际使用工况 ,设计了两种针对环境气溶胶过滤性能的测试方法与装置。采集部分常用的防护口罩 ,分别采用TSI CERTITEST Models 813 0型自动过滤测试仪及本文研发的测试装置 DHU- 平板型口罩性能测试台和 DHU - 实况型口罩性能测试台进行测试。对结果进行对比分析发现 ,DHU- 平板型口罩性能测试台和 813 0型自动过滤测试仪测定结果比较接近 ,能够反映出防护口罩在环境大气中使用的情况 ;而 DHU - 实况型口罩性能测试台相对前两者而言 ,在吸气阻力基本不变的情况下 ,测得过滤效率降低近 40 % 。 展开更多
关键词 环境卫生 严重急性呼吸综合症 医用防护口罩 环境气溶胶 测试装置 对比测试 过滤性能
自吸过滤式防微粒口罩过滤性能试验研究 被引量:8
作者 孙建丽 沈恒根 《产业用纺织品》 北大核心 2006年第8期37-40,共4页
环境中微细颗粒物对人体的健康危害很大,根据人体呼吸机制,采用GRIMM1.108微环境精细尘粒监测仪对口罩过滤环境气溶胶的性能进行了试验研究。采集了市场销售、医疗机构和普通民众较常使用的几类口罩作为测试对象,测定了口罩对0.23... 环境中微细颗粒物对人体的健康危害很大,根据人体呼吸机制,采用GRIMM1.108微环境精细尘粒监测仪对口罩过滤环境气溶胶的性能进行了试验研究。采集了市场销售、医疗机构和普通民众较常使用的几类口罩作为测试对象,测定了口罩对0.23—10μm不同粒径颗粒物的过滤效果。试验表明:GRIMM1.108微环境精细尘粒监测仪运用到口罩过滤性能测试中,能定量、准确和客观地分析评价口罩过滤性能;各类口罩过滤性能的差异很大,有的过滤效率较高但阻力较大,有的阻力低过滤效率也差,所以低阻高效口罩的研发是呼吸系统防护材料的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 口罩 环境气溶胶 测试仪器 过滤效率 阻力
Highly Biased Hygroscopicity Derived from Size-Resolved Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activation Ratios without Data Inversion
作者 DENG Zhao-Ze RAN Liang 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第3期254-259,共6页
The impact of aerosols on the climate and atmospheric environment depends on the water uptake ability of particles;namely,hygroscopic growth and activation into cloud condensation nuclei(CCN).The size-resolved activat... The impact of aerosols on the climate and atmospheric environment depends on the water uptake ability of particles;namely,hygroscopic growth and activation into cloud condensation nuclei(CCN).The size-resolved activation ratios(SRAR),characterizing the fraction of aerosol particles that act as CCN at different particle sizes and supersaturations,can be measured using a combination of differential mobility analyzers(DMA) and particle counters.DMA-based measurements are influenced by the multiply charged particles and the quasi-mono-dispersed particles(effect of DMA transfer function) selected for each prescribed particle size.A theoretical study,assuming different particle number size distributions and hygroscopicity of aerosols,is performed to study the effects of the DMA transfer function and multiple charging on the measured SRAR and the derived hygroscopicity.Results show that the raw SRAR can be significantly skewed and hygroscopicity may be highly biased from the true value if the data are not corrected.The effect of the transfer function is relatively small and depends on the sample to sheath flow ratio.Multiply charged particles,however,can lead to large biases of the SRAR.These results emphasize that the inversion algorithm,which is used to correct the effects of the DMA transfer function and multiple charging,is necessary for accurate measurement of the SRAR. 展开更多
关键词 CLOUD CONDENSATION nucleisize-resolved ACTIVATION ratiodata INVERSION
Evaluation of the Contribution of Aerosols in the Contamination of the Environment in the Greater Casablanca
作者 HADER Khadija Lahcen BAHI 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2016年第2期110-113,共4页
The Greater Casablanca, like the other large cities, has experienced significant urban and industrial development in recent years, this development has certainly helped develop the productive fabric, generate signific... The Greater Casablanca, like the other large cities, has experienced significant urban and industrial development in recent years, this development has certainly helped develop the productive fabric, generate significant employment opportunities for hundreds of thousands of families, but at the expense of the mobility and quality of the environment particularly those of the air. The deterioration of the air quality affects more and more the population's health with significant cost and damage to the community, this study aims to quantify the degree of aerosols pollution damage and also its health effects. 展开更多
关键词 The Greater Casablanca air pollution aerosols.
Microbial aerosol characteristics in highly polluted and nearpristine environments featuring different climatic conditions 被引量:12
作者 Kai Wei Yunhao Zheng +6 位作者 Jing Li Fangxia Shen Zhuanglei Zou Hanqing Fan Xinyue Li Chang-yu Wu Maosheng Yao 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第16期1439-1447,共9页
There is an increasing interest in understanding ambient bioaerosols due to their roles both in health and in climate. Here, we deployed an Ultraviolet Aerodynamic Particle Sizer to monitor viable (fluorescent) bioa... There is an increasing interest in understanding ambient bioaerosols due to their roles both in health and in climate. Here, we deployed an Ultraviolet Aerodynamic Particle Sizer to monitor viable (fluorescent) bioaerosol concentration levels at city centers (highly polluted) and their corresponding suburbs (near pristine) (total 40 locations) in 11 provinces featuring different climate zones in China between July 16 and 28, 2013. The concentration levels of viable bioaerosol particles (BioPM) of 〉0.5 μm were measured, and corresponding percentages of BioPM% (biological fraction of total PM) and BioPM2.5% (biological fraction of PM2.5) in particulate matter (PM) and BioPM, respectively, were determined. For some key cities, indoor viable bioaerosol levels were also obtained. In addition, bacterial structures of the air samples collected across these monitoring locations were studied using pyrosequencing. BioPM concentration levels ranged from 2.1 ×10^4 to 2.4 × 10^5/m3 for city centers [BioPM% = 6.4 % (4-6.3 %)] and 0.5 × 10^4 to 4.7 × 10^5/m3 for suburbs [BioPM% = 10 % (4-8.7 %)]. Distinctive bioaerosol size distribution patterns were observed for different climate zones, e.g., some had fluorescence peaks at 3 μm, while the majority had peaks at 1 μm. Ambient bacterial aerosol community structures were also found different for different geophysical locations. Results suggest that there was a poor overall relationship between PM and BioPM across 40 monitoring locations (R2= 0.081, two-tailed P value = 0.07435). Generally, city centers had higher PM concentrations than suburbs, but not BioPM and BioPM%. Indoor bioaerosol levels were found at least tenfold higher than those corresponding outdoors. Bacillus was observed to dominate the bacterial aerosol community in the air sample. 展开更多
关键词 Viable bioaerosol BACTERIA Airpollution - Climate China
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