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生态保护和环境治理行业发展效率评价及限制因素分析 被引量:5
作者 程扬 姚建 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第S2期71-75,共5页
根据数据包络分析理论特点,得出基于DEA-BC2方法的生态保护和环境治理行业发展效率评价模型,对2014—2016年该行业30家上市公司的发展效率进行了评价。基于已有环保类产业发展效率研究,建立包含营业收入、营业利润为产出指标,固定资产... 根据数据包络分析理论特点,得出基于DEA-BC2方法的生态保护和环境治理行业发展效率评价模型,对2014—2016年该行业30家上市公司的发展效率进行了评价。基于已有环保类产业发展效率研究,建立包含营业收入、营业利润为产出指标,固定资产原值、管理费用、员工人数为投入指标的评价体系。从综合效率、纯技术效率、规模效率方面分析造成综合效率偏低的主要原因,以投影分析结果为依据,研究非DEA有效的决策单元的改进方向以及改进力度。研究结果表明:2014—2016年,我国生态保护和环境治理业30家上市公司发展综合效率处于较好水平,但企业发展综合效率呈现连年递减的发展态势;纯技术效率与规模效率相比,是导致综合效率偏低的主要原因;固定资产原值、管理费用、员工人数指标的投入没有达到相应的产出水平且营业利润不足是致使企业非DEA有效的根本原因。 展开更多
关键词 数据包络分析 生态保护环境治理 综合效率 投影分析
生态保护和环境治理行业的财务分析——以“桑德环境”为例 被引量:1
作者 朱懿 龚晶晶 《湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2014年第11期70-72,81,共4页
受惠于《"十二五"国家战略性新兴产业发展规划》,环保产业未来发展前景看好。作为环保产业的一部分,生态保护和环境治理行业有望受惠于国家政策的支持。本文以桑德环境资源股份有限公司为例,对生态保护和环境治理行业进行财... 受惠于《"十二五"国家战略性新兴产业发展规划》,环保产业未来发展前景看好。作为环保产业的一部分,生态保护和环境治理行业有望受惠于国家政策的支持。本文以桑德环境资源股份有限公司为例,对生态保护和环境治理行业进行财务分析并探讨了影响财务状况的因素。分析表明,桑德环境作为该行业的龙头企业,盈利能力和成长能力较好,筹资能力较强,但是应收账款周转率偏低,影响了营运能力和偿债能力;影响桑德环境财务状况的因素主要有国家政策因素、企业规模和业务范围因素、筹资因素,以上因素既有利于企业的发展,同时也会伴有相应的风险。生态保护和环境治理行业在发展过程可以借鉴桑德环境发展中有利的因素,警惕相应的风险。 展开更多
关键词 生态保护环境治理行业 桑德环境 财务报表
生态保护与环境治理行业上市公司财务竞争力优化研究 被引量:1
作者 刘彦汝 陈一君 《决策咨询》 2021年第5期69-75,共7页
选取我国在A股上市的37家生态保护与环境治理行业公司2020年的财务指标数据,根据相关性、适应性、重要性等原则,构建财务竞争力评价指标体系并用因子分析法进行实证分析,对评价结果进行排序,分析其财务竞争力水平,从各个影响因子探讨提... 选取我国在A股上市的37家生态保护与环境治理行业公司2020年的财务指标数据,根据相关性、适应性、重要性等原则,构建财务竞争力评价指标体系并用因子分析法进行实证分析,对评价结果进行排序,分析其财务竞争力水平,从各个影响因子探讨提升路径。研究发现,2020年37家上市公司的财务竞争力综合表现差强人意,行业整体持续盈利能力弱,有碍行业的健康持续发展。为此,提出提高行业上市公司持续盈利能力、战略管理能力、营运质量水平、合理利用政策等方面的建议。 展开更多
关键词 财务竞争力 因子分析 生态保护环境治理 评价指标体系
作者 刘天灏 《科技资讯》 2020年第16期83-84,共2页
近年来,随着社会经济的飞速发展,各行业的经营规模也在不断扩大,同时对环境造成的污染程度也在逐渐增大,其中湖泊环境作为调节河流分流的主要载体,它的有效治理与保护对人们生活具有重要意义,为此必须要重视并加大治理与保护力度。但湖... 近年来,随着社会经济的飞速发展,各行业的经营规模也在不断扩大,同时对环境造成的污染程度也在逐渐增大,其中湖泊环境作为调节河流分流的主要载体,它的有效治理与保护对人们生活具有重要意义,为此必须要重视并加大治理与保护力度。但湖泊治理并非简单的工作,而是一项艰巨且任务量较大的工程,所以要想获得最理想化治理效果,还应从以下方面展开深入探讨。以下论述仅代表个人观点,仅供参考。 展开更多
关键词 湖泊环境治理保护 思考 对策
作者 张盉儆 张亚晴 穆佳维 《商业会计》 2023年第20期64-67,共4页
经济的快速发展带来的生态环境问题日益严重,要改善和保护生态环境,生态保护和环境治理行业的公司势必成为中坚力量,所以该行业的发展越来越受到业界的关注。文章选取《上市公司行业分类指引》中71家生态保护和环境治理行业的上市公司... 经济的快速发展带来的生态环境问题日益严重,要改善和保护生态环境,生态保护和环境治理行业的公司势必成为中坚力量,所以该行业的发展越来越受到业界的关注。文章选取《上市公司行业分类指引》中71家生态保护和环境治理行业的上市公司为研究对象,通过构造该行业上市公司财务绩效评价体系,借助SPSS 23.0软件的因子分析,对该行业2021年财务业绩进行财务绩效综合评价。评价结果表明,该行业整体发展态势良好,但从综合评价得分可以看出,行业中绝大部分企业发展水平偏低,行业企业的发展优势还未充分体现出来,据此从优化资本结构、提升资产的周转效率、提升公司销售业绩以及可持续发展等方面提出几点发展建议。 展开更多
关键词 生态保护环境治理 综合评价 因子分析 财务绩效
作者 闫伟露 《青海水力发电》 2020年第2期56-58,共3页
近年来,各地大力开展环境保护工作,不断加大水污染的治理力度,但是在治理效果上尚未达成预期目标。水污染治理技术伴随着科学技术一起取得了明显的成绩,在水污染处理过程中发挥了不可忽视的作用。但是在实际的治理过程中,水污染治理存... 近年来,各地大力开展环境保护工作,不断加大水污染的治理力度,但是在治理效果上尚未达成预期目标。水污染治理技术伴随着科学技术一起取得了明显的成绩,在水污染处理过程中发挥了不可忽视的作用。但是在实际的治理过程中,水污染治理存在停留在技术表面的问题,无论是发展,还是管理的综合控制,都未落实到实处。 展开更多
关键词 水污染处理 环境保护工作 水污染治理 治理效果 水污染的治理 治理过程 环境治理保护 科学技术
作者 彭昱 《能源与节能》 2014年第2期121-122,共2页
关键词 衡阳 矿山地质环境 环境治理保护 对策建议
作者 祁春节 《荆州师专学报》 CAS 1990年第2期73-76,共4页
关键词 环境 环境预测 环境治理保护
作者 祁春节 《长江大学学报(自科版)(下旬)》 1990年第2期73-76,共4页
关键词 环境 环境预测 环境治理保护
论环境检测在环境保护工作中的重要性 被引量:2
作者 张映辉 《资源节约与环保》 2021年第1期57-58,共2页
环境检测是环境保护工作的首要步骤,它通过检测环境中代表性污染因子的种类、数量等信息,做出可以反映当下环境质量以及未来发展趋势的相关报告,进而引起人们对环境污染的重视,并制定有效措施进行预防和治理。可见,环境检测在环境保护... 环境检测是环境保护工作的首要步骤,它通过检测环境中代表性污染因子的种类、数量等信息,做出可以反映当下环境质量以及未来发展趋势的相关报告,进而引起人们对环境污染的重视,并制定有效措施进行预防和治理。可见,环境检测在环境保护工作中扮演着重要的角色,为提高环境保护工作效率、促进环境保护工作的顺利进行,提供着直接、有效的数据支持。文章将对环境检测在环境保护工作中的重要性进行分析,希望可以对我国环保行业的发展起到一定推动作用。 展开更多
关键词 环境检测 环境保护:环境治理
作者 崔新永 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)自然科学》 2024年第4期0074-0077,共4页
随着当前我国社会飞速发展以及城市建设规模的扩大,大气环境污染问题依然是当前必须要关注的问题,虽然目前我国提出了一系列环境治理举措,而想要环境治理措施能够得到有效落实,对于大气环境展开全面监测非常重要。为了能够进一步发挥大... 随着当前我国社会飞速发展以及城市建设规模的扩大,大气环境污染问题依然是当前必须要关注的问题,虽然目前我国提出了一系列环境治理举措,而想要环境治理措施能够得到有效落实,对于大气环境展开全面监测非常重要。为了能够进一步发挥大气环境监测的实践应用价值,本文分析了大气环境监测的内容以及对生态环境的影响,并且探讨了大气环境监测的流程和要点,进而提出了大气环境监测结果在生态环境治理中的实际应用方向以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 大气环境监测 生态环境 环境治理保护
健全环境治理和生态保护市场体系 被引量:1
作者 孙涵 胡雪原 《中国环境监察》 2019年第10期50-51,共2页
关键词 环境治理与生态保护市场体系 绿色金融 绿色产品标准与认证体系
南非环境治理对我国环境审计工作的启示 被引量:3
作者 杨丽萍 陈晓洋 《审计月刊》 2011年第6期24-25,共2页
本文总结了南非政府在建立生态环境保护机制和政策、环境保护区建设、减少环境污染、生态恢复治理和培养、树立公民环保意识方面的成功经验。结合当前形势和我国环境保护实际,提出了我国政府环境审计必须从关注生态和环境保护法律法规... 本文总结了南非政府在建立生态环境保护机制和政策、环境保护区建设、减少环境污染、生态恢复治理和培养、树立公民环保意识方面的成功经验。结合当前形势和我国环境保护实际,提出了我国政府环境审计必须从关注生态和环境保护法律法规政策的建立和执行,着力促进生态环境保护机制和政策的健全和完善;关注党政领导干部环境保护责任的履行,着力推进政府有效管理;关注公民环保意识的提升,着力培养并树立良好的公民环保意识等方面入手,推进和加强我国环境治理和生态保护工作的设想。 展开更多
关键词 南非 环境治理和生态保护 环境审计 启示
我国环保业的结构、关联与发展——基于投入产出表的分析 被引量:7
作者 房俊峰 《生态经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期196-199,共4页
生态保护和环境治理是建设生态文明、贯彻实施绿色发展理念的主要产业载体和重要支撑。文章运用投入产出分析方法,基于2012年、2007年投入产出表,从产业关联视角分析我国环保业的投入结构、需求结构、产业关联以及对国民经济的波及效应... 生态保护和环境治理是建设生态文明、贯彻实施绿色发展理念的主要产业载体和重要支撑。文章运用投入产出分析方法,基于2012年、2007年投入产出表,从产业关联视角分析我国环保业的投入结构、需求结构、产业关联以及对国民经济的波及效应,并为加快环保业发展提供了建议参考。 展开更多
关键词 生态保护环境治理 投入结构 需求结构 产业关联 投入产出分析
Influence factors analysis of removing heavy metals from multiple metal-contaminated soils with different extractants 被引量:6
作者 夏文斌 李 欣 +5 位作者 高 慧 黄宝荣 张慧智 刘云国 曾光明 樊 霆 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第1期108-111,共4页
Some key factors on the heavy metals removal efficiencies were studied when soil washing technology was used in the remediation of soils contaminated by multiple heavy metals. The results show that the dissolubilities... Some key factors on the heavy metals removal efficiencies were studied when soil washing technology was used in the remediation of soils contaminated by multiple heavy metals. The results show that the dissolubilities of Cu and Zn are promoted by humic acids, but Pb and Cd are inhibited by humic acids; heavy metals in the clay are more difficult to be extracted than silt; the strong acidic soils can cause the protonation of EDTA and weaken its extracting ability; EDTA is effective for extracting Pb and Cd, while oxalate (OX) is effective for extracting Cu and Zn; and biosurfactant can be used as additive to improve the removal of some particular heavy metals. 展开更多
关键词 heavy metal soil remediation EXTRACTION RHAMNOLIPID
Breakthrough Technologies for the Biorefining of Organic Solid and Liquid Wastes 被引量:4
作者 Paul Chen Erik Anderson +18 位作者 Min Addy Renchuan Zhang Yanling Cheng Peng Peng Yiwei Ma Liangliang Fan Yaning Zhang Qian Lu Shiyu Liu Nan Zhou Xiangyuan Deng Wenguang Zhou Muhammad Omar Richard Griffith Faryal Kabir Hanwu Lei Yunpu Wang Yuhuan Liu Roger Ruan 《Engineering》 2018年第4期574-580,共7页
Organic solid and liquid wastes contain large amounts of energy, nutrients, and water, and should not be perceived as merely waste. Recycling, composting, and combustion of non-recyclables have been practiced for deca... Organic solid and liquid wastes contain large amounts of energy, nutrients, and water, and should not be perceived as merely waste. Recycling, composting, and combustion of non-recyclables have been practiced for decades to capture the energy and values from municipal solid wastes. Treatment and disposal have been the primary management strategy for wastewater. As new technologies are emerging, alternative options for the utilization of both solid wastes and wastewater have become available. Considering the complexity of the chemical, physical, and biological properties of these wastes, multiple technologies may be required to maximize the energy and value recovery from the wastes. For this purpose, biorefin- ing tends to be an appropriate approach to completely utilize the energy and value available in wastes. Research has demonstrated that non-recyclable waste materials and bio-solids can be converted into usable heat, electricity, fuel, and chemicals through a variety of processes, and the liquid waste streams have the potential to support crop and algae growth and provide other energy recovery and food production options. In this paper, we propose new biorefining schemes aimed at organic solid and liquid wastes from municipal sources, food and biological processing plants, and animal production facilities. Four new breakthrough technologies-namely, vacuum-assisted thermophilic anaerobic digestion, extended aquaponics, oily wastes to biodiesel via glycerolysis, and microwave-assisted thermochemical conversion-can be incorporated into the biorefining schemes, thereby enabling the complete utilization of those wastes for the production of chemicals, fertilizer, energy (biogas, syngas, biodiesel, and bio-oil), foods, and feeds, and resulting in clean water and a significant reduction in pollutant emissions. 展开更多
关键词 Municipal solid waste Municipal wastewater Pyrolysis Gasification Anaerobic digestion MICROALGAE Biodiesel BIOREFINING
Length polymorphisms for intergenic spacer regions of 16S-23S rDNA in members of the new hydrogen-producing bacteria
作者 李永峰 徐菁利 +1 位作者 杨传平 任南琪 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第5期691-694,共4页
A method based on PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA gene (rDNA)-23S rDNA intergenic spacer regions (ISR) was developed for the identification of species within the novel group hydrogen-producing anaerobes. The sizes o... A method based on PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA gene (rDNA)-23S rDNA intergenic spacer regions (ISR) was developed for the identification of species within the novel group hydrogen-producing anaerobes. The sizes of the PCR products varied from 1264 to 398 bp. Strain of isolate Rennanqilyf 3 was characterized as having products of 1262,398,638,437 and 436 bp. The isolate Rennanqilyf 1 had product of 1264 bp. The isolate Rennanqilyf 13 had products of 1261,579 and 485 bp. Of the 3 species of the novel group hydrogen-producing anaerobes examined, no one was indistinguishable. Two environmental isolates were identified as hydrogen-producing bacteria, which were new species in present taxon. Rennanqilyf 3 could not be associated with any Clostridium sp. studied. Rennanqilyf 1 could be classified into Clostridium genus. The combination between 16S rDNA equencing and length polymorphisms of IRS in 16S-23S rDNA is a better method for determining species of the hydrogen-producing bacteria. 展开更多
关键词 Biohydrogen production Hydrogen-producing Anaerobes ISR of 16S-23S rDNA Length polymorphisms
Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal in SBR Using Glucose as a Single Organic Substrate
作者 蒋轶锋 李相昆 +4 位作者 冯晓宇 王树涛 王宝贞 刘亚男 陈建孟 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第1期106-110,共5页
Enhanced biological phosphorus removal(EBPR) was investigated in an anaerobic/aerobic sequencing batch reactor(SBR) supplied with glucose as a single organic substrate.The results illustrated that EBPR process could a... Enhanced biological phosphorus removal(EBPR) was investigated in an anaerobic/aerobic sequencing batch reactor(SBR) supplied with glucose as a single organic substrate.The results illustrated that EBPR process could also occur successfully with glucose other than short chain fatty acids(SCFAs).High phosphorus release and poly-hydroxyalkanoate(PHA) accumulation in the anaerobic phase was found vital for the removal of phosphorus during the aerobic phase.The measurement of intracellular reserves revealed that glycogen had a higher chance to replace the energy role of poly-P under anaerobic conditions.Moreover,glycogen was also utilized as the carbon source for PHA synthesis,as well as a reducing power as reported earlier.The accumulated PHA in this system was mainly in the form of poly-hydroxyvalerate(PHV) instead of poly-hydroxybutyrate(PHB),and was inferred to be caused by the excess reducing power contained in glucose.Lactate as a fermentation product was also found released into the bulk solution.Applying fundamental biochemistry knowledge to the experimental results,a conceptual biochemical model was developed to explain the metabolism of the glucose-induced EBPR. 展开更多
关键词 enhanced biological phosphorus removal EBPR sequencing batch reactor SBR GLUCOSE GLYCOGEN poly-hydroxyalkanoate (PHA)
Nutrient-enhanced n-alkanes biodegradation and succession of bacterial communities
作者 SUN Yanyu WANG Hui +3 位作者 I LI Junde WANG Bin QI Cancan HU Xiaoke 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期1294-1303,共10页
Bioremediation, is an effective and environment-friendly method of cleaning up crude oil pollution after an oil spill. However, the in situ bioremediation of crude oil is usually inhibited by deficiency of inorganic n... Bioremediation, is an effective and environment-friendly method of cleaning up crude oil pollution after an oil spill. However, the in situ bioremediation of crude oil is usually inhibited by deficiency of inorganic nutrients. To understand the effects of nutrient addition on the bioremediation of crude oil and the succession of bacterial communities during process of bioremediation, microcosms containing oilcontaminated sediments were constructed and biodegradation of crude oil was assessed based on the depletion of different ingredients. We used two culture-independent methods, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and a 16 S rRNA gene based clone library, to analyze the succession of bacterial communities. The results suggested n-alkanes were degraded after 30 days and that nutrient amendments significantly improved the efficiency of their biodegradation. Moreover, oil contamination and nutrient amendments could dramatically change bacterial community structures. Lower diversity was detected after being contaminated with oil. For instance, bacterial clones affiliated with the phylum Armatimonadetes, Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes, and Planctomycetes and the class Deltaproteobacteria and Epsilonproteobacteria could not be identified after 30 days of incubation with crude oil. However, "professional hydrocarbonocastic bacteria" became abundant in samples treated with oil during the bioremediation period, while these clones were almost completely absent from the control plots. Interestingly, bioinformatics analysis showed that even when dramatic differences in oil biodegradation efficiency were observed, bacterial communities in the plots with nutrient amendments were not significantly different from those in plots treated with oil alone. These findings indicated that nutrient amendments could stimulate the process of biodegradation but had less impact on bacterial communities. Overall, nutrient amendments might be able to stimulate the growth of n-alkane degrading bacteria. 展开更多
关键词 BIOREMEDIATION nutrient-enhanced bacterial communities N-ALKANE
Mercury pollution in the Chongqing part of the Three Gorges Reservoir area and its remediation and prevention
作者 杨振宁 刘信安 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2008年第2期93-99,共7页
Mercury pollution in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of P.R.China merits special attention.We investigated into the current situation in the Chongqing part of the Reservoir area,identified the pollution sources and pr... Mercury pollution in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of P.R.China merits special attention.We investigated into the current situation in the Chongqing part of the Reservoir area,identified the pollution sources and proposed some suggestions for the remediation and prevention of mercury pollution in this area.Atmospheric mercury in Chongqing was mainly from coal burning and releases of mercury-containing products such as various types of lights and fever thermometers.Urban drainage in Chongqing and Changshou,and runoffs from the high mercury background area in the lower reaches of the Wujiang River contributed most of the mercury in the water of the Yangtze River.A majority of the blame should be laid on mercury and gold mining in the Wujiang valley.We suggested foresting sloping lands to relieve soil erosion and prevent mercury-bearing soil from running into rivers,educational activities to discourage use of mercury-containing products and improved infrastructure to collect mercury-containing wastes for reducing mercury releases,more facilities for treating wastewater and solid waste to accommodate increased requirements of discharge,and growing selected perennial plants in mercury-contaminated land to absorb the mercury in soil.We also suggested concerted operation of a dedicated water-quality monitoring system,reinforced legislation and an effective administrative mechanism to ensure lasting efforts are invested in curbing mercury releases and restoring mercury contaminated land and water in the Reservoir area. 展开更多
关键词 mercury pollution mercury compound mercury mine pollution control coal combustion soil erosion the Three Gorges Reservoir Chongqing Municipality
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