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高校虚拟仿真教学环境构建逻辑探讨 被引量:31
作者 张敏 文福安 刘俊波 《实验技术与管理》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第3期1-6,共6页
虚拟仿真教学已进入2.0阶段,从重点关注虚拟仿真教学资源建设,向加强平台建设、促进共享应用、支持物理空间与虚拟空间相融合的虚拟仿真教学环境建设转变。虚拟仿真教学环境由教学资源、教学装备、教学环境基础条件和教学管理平台四部... 虚拟仿真教学已进入2.0阶段,从重点关注虚拟仿真教学资源建设,向加强平台建设、促进共享应用、支持物理空间与虚拟空间相融合的虚拟仿真教学环境建设转变。虚拟仿真教学环境由教学资源、教学装备、教学环境基础条件和教学管理平台四部分组成。虚拟仿真教学环境构建是对各组成部分协同设计的过程,以满足教学需求为导向,建设中应明确资源类型和具体内容、匹配合适教学装备、完善基础条件、搭建统一管理平台,确保各部分协调匹配,有效支持虚拟仿真教学活动的开展。 展开更多
关键词 虚拟仿真 教学环境组成 教学环境构建
塔里木灌区引水前后环境流特性变化 被引量:12
作者 薛联青 张卉 +2 位作者 张洛晨 迟艺侠 孙超 《水资源保护》 CAS CSCD 2017年第3期31-37,共7页
基于水文改变指标基本分析方法,筛选建立了环境流评价指标,着重分析了塔里木灌区引水对塔里木河干流阿拉尔和新渠满断面环境流变化的影响。结果表明:在灌区大量引水灌溉前后,干流两个主要水文站的环境流组成分别呈现出不同程度的变化,... 基于水文改变指标基本分析方法,筛选建立了环境流评价指标,着重分析了塔里木灌区引水对塔里木河干流阿拉尔和新渠满断面环境流变化的影响。结果表明:在灌区大量引水灌溉前后,干流两个主要水文站的环境流组成分别呈现出不同程度的变化,环境流组成趋于单一化;各水文站的流量事件以枯水流量事件为主;引水对特枯流量事件、高流量脉冲事件和大洪水事件的影响较大。结合环境流指标和生态系统响应关系,制定了面向生态的水资源优化调度方案,为流域生态治理和水量分配提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 平原水库 引水 环境组成 环境流指标 塔里木灌区
第五讲 校园文化环境建设
作者 秋实 《教育导刊(上半月)》 1991年第Z1期80-83,共4页
一、校园文化环境的构成与作用 一所学校的文化环境,是由它的物化环境和心理、精神环境组成的。它包括学校的内部环境和外部环境。 所谓校园物质环境,也叫校园显性文化环境,即学校中按一定目的、计划所设置的校园建筑、教育教学活动所... 一、校园文化环境的构成与作用 一所学校的文化环境,是由它的物化环境和心理、精神环境组成的。它包括学校的内部环境和外部环境。 所谓校园物质环境,也叫校园显性文化环境,即学校中按一定目的、计划所设置的校园建筑、教育教学活动所需的设施和设备、校园的各种美化和绿化以及校园周围的物质环境等。 展开更多
关键词 校园文化环境 校园物质环境 心理环境 校园心理 显性文化 环境组成 隐性文化 教育工作 群体价值 价值观建设
作者 安尼瓦 邱胜彬 +1 位作者 阿不力孜 加帕尔 《新疆水利》 1999年第6期29-31,共3页
前言塔里木盆地是我国最大的内陆盆地,面积约为84万平方公里,由39%沙漠,38%山区、23%的绿洲组成。按其自然条件塔里木盆地的自然环境亦由沙漠环境、山区环境、平原环境及水流域环境组成。人工环境则为盆地扇缘地区800万人口生产、生存... 前言塔里木盆地是我国最大的内陆盆地,面积约为84万平方公里,由39%沙漠,38%山区、23%的绿洲组成。按其自然条件塔里木盆地的自然环境亦由沙漠环境、山区环境、平原环境及水流域环境组成。人工环境则为盆地扇缘地区800万人口生产、生存所处的环境。 展开更多
关键词 塔里木河干流 次生环境 塔里木河流域 人工环境 叶尔羌河流域 立方米 发生原因 环境组成 绿洲 人口生产
三种生产论──可持续发展的基本理论 被引量:2
作者 叶文虎 陈国谦 《中国民政》 1997年第1期47-47,共1页
关键词 三种生产论 可持续 环境生产 物质生产 废弃物 基本理论 生产环节 环境组成 人的生产 生活资源
基于流量分级的生态流量过程线确定方法——以东江水库为例 被引量:8
作者 黄速艇 陈森林 +1 位作者 艾学山 董前进 《水资源与水工程学报》 2014年第5期22-27,共6页
河流生态流量是生态水文研究的重要部分。鉴于不同等级流量有其特殊生态作用,本文借鉴水文变化指标体系(IHA)评价参数及环境流量组成(EFC)分类方法,将河道流量分为特枯流量、低流量、高流量、洪水过程,并以此为基础绘制生态流量过程线... 河流生态流量是生态水文研究的重要部分。鉴于不同等级流量有其特殊生态作用,本文借鉴水文变化指标体系(IHA)评价参数及环境流量组成(EFC)分类方法,将河道流量分为特枯流量、低流量、高流量、洪水过程,并以此为基础绘制生态流量过程线。最后以东江水库为例,绘制其枯水年、平水年、丰水年的年生态流量过程线。结果来看:1高流量过程发生于3-10月,但不同典型年有所差异,年径流越大,高流量量级相应变大,并且首次发生高流量时刻也有所提前。2特枯流量主要发生于11、12、1、2月,来流越大其持续时间越短,但其量级基本不变。3在相同典型年内,高流量有个先增后减的过程,在5月或6月达到最大值;特枯流量持续时间则在1月或12月取得最大值。 展开更多
关键词 水文改变指标 生态流量 环境流量组成 流量过程线 东江水库
盆地原型序列研究的思路与方法:以东秦岭—大别及其两侧盆地为例 被引量:1
作者 方成名 黄泽光 +2 位作者 徐旭辉 高长林 陆永德 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期137-145,共9页
现今盆地的复杂结构是不同历史阶段原型并列与叠加的组合。恢复盆地的原型演化序列是推测成烃成藏过程和油气藏分布的有效途径。在论述TSM盆地原型序列研究思路与方法的基础上,厘定了造山带古海洋恢复、陆内构造变形分析、盆地原型系列... 现今盆地的复杂结构是不同历史阶段原型并列与叠加的组合。恢复盆地的原型演化序列是推测成烃成藏过程和油气藏分布的有效途径。在论述TSM盆地原型序列研究思路与方法的基础上,厘定了造山带古海洋恢复、陆内构造变形分析、盆地原型系列编图、盆地动态模拟4项配套关键技术;并以东秦岭—大别及邻区新元古代—早古生代盆地为例,明确了古中国洋的扩张以及向北的俯冲消亡和碰撞决定华北与扬子早古生代陆缘两侧经历了不同原型演化的过程。华北陆块南侧会聚陆缘的叠加转化造成两侧前泥盆系油气成藏物质的迥异分布,中、新生代以来原型更迭表现为多期构造改造与盆地叠加导致烃源热演化地区分异与多种油气成藏富集类型共存。由此表明,改造型盆地的油气地质评价立足盆地原型序列分析是可行和必要的,可从整体把握原型控制下烃源岩分布和叠加过程的油气成藏响应。 展开更多
关键词 盆地原型 TSM思路与方法 环境组成、体制 地质作用 油气响应 东秦岭—大别
作者 纪德蓉 《开封教育学院学报》 1989年第3期46-49,共4页
生态系统究其本意则是:有生命物质参与的物质转换与能量流动系统。这个系统属开放性的,范围可大可小;大可至整个自然界,小则可是个小池塘。但无论范围大小,它都由生产系统,消费者及其环境组成。人类作为物质世界中生命物质的最高组成形... 生态系统究其本意则是:有生命物质参与的物质转换与能量流动系统。这个系统属开放性的,范围可大可小;大可至整个自然界,小则可是个小池塘。但无论范围大小,它都由生产系统,消费者及其环境组成。人类作为物质世界中生命物质的最高组成形式,在生态系统中起着举足轻重的作用。本文拟就人类在生态系统中的地位来谈谈其作用。 展开更多
关键词 生命物质 生态系统 组成形式 能量流动 可大 生产系统 环境组成 佐使 活动日程 扩散过程
作者 宋协柏 《家庭医学(上半月)》 1998年第1期35-35,共1页
优美的环境、良好的情绪、适宜的锻炼、合理的营养,是健康长寿的四大基石。 优美的环境 环境由社会环境和自然环境组成,又有大环境小环境之分。大环境是指社会、国家乃至世界,小环境是指经常活动的范围,如单位、家庭。社会的安定,家庭... 优美的环境、良好的情绪、适宜的锻炼、合理的营养,是健康长寿的四大基石。 优美的环境 环境由社会环境和自然环境组成,又有大环境小环境之分。大环境是指社会、国家乃至世界,小环境是指经常活动的范围,如单位、家庭。社会的安定,家庭和睦、气候宜人,空气清新,办公、居住宽敞明亮,整洁美观,绿化、美化、净化优良等优美的环境对健康长寿十分有利;反之,全球疾病蔓延,对健康长寿十分有害。 展开更多
关键词 健康长寿 美的环境 环境 社会环境 环境组成 疾病蔓延 活动的范围 气候宜人 解放前 家庭
The Role of Aerosol in Climate Change,the Environment,and Human Health 被引量:5
作者 Zhang Ren-Jian Ho Kin-Fai Shen Zhen-Xing 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第2期156-161,共6页
Aerosol is an important component of the atmosphere,and its source,composition,distribution,and effects are highly complicated.Governments and scientists have given much attention to aerosol problems,and it has become... Aerosol is an important component of the atmosphere,and its source,composition,distribution,and effects are highly complicated.Governments and scientists have given much attention to aerosol problems,and it has become a hot topic due to the important role it plays in climate change and the Earth's environment.In this paper,1) the importance of aerosol in climate change,the atmospheric environment,and human health is summarized;2) the recent serious problems of aerosol pollution and the shortage of current aerosol research in China are pointed out;and 3) the necessity to enhance aerosol research in China is emphasized. 展开更多
关键词 AEROSOL climate change ENVIRONMENT humanhealth
Explanation for peat-forming environments of coal seam 2 and 9^(-2)based on the maceral composition and aromatic compounds in the Xingtai coalfield,China 被引量:2
作者 SUN Yu-zhuang QIN Shen-jun +2 位作者 LI Yan-heng LIN Ming-yue DING Shu-li 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2009年第1期16-23,共8页
Maceral composition and aromatic compounds were determined on columnsamples to study the peat-forming environments of Permian coal seam 2 and Carboniferouscoal seam 9^(-2) from the Xingtai coalfield,China.The macerals... Maceral composition and aromatic compounds were determined on columnsamples to study the peat-forming environments of Permian coal seam 2 and Carboniferouscoal seam 9^(-2) from the Xingtai coalfield,China.The macerals were dominated by inertinitein seam 2 and by vitrinite in seam 9^(-2).Three maceral groups were selected as indicatorsof peat-forming environments.Two triangle diagrams were drawn based on the indicatorsto explicate the peat-forming environments of permian seam 2 and Carboniferousseam 9^(-2).The results indicate that the peat of carboniferous seam 9^(-2) formed dominantlyin wet swamps,whereas the peat of Permian seam 2 formed dominantly in dry swampsand open moor environments. 展开更多
关键词 Xingtai coalfield maceral composition aromatic compounds peat-forming environments PERMIAN CARBONIFEROUS
Key problems in validation of intelligent models
作者 刘飞 马萍 +1 位作者 杨明 王子才 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第3期371-375,共5页
To provide a realistic simulation environment for users,intelligent models have become key components in military simulations. After the analysis of modeling nature of intelligent models,the validation criteria for de... To provide a realistic simulation environment for users,intelligent models have become key components in military simulations. After the analysis of modeling nature of intelligent models,the validation criteria for defining the validation points and validation metrics for measuring the agreements between human experts and intelligent models were presented. Further,such methods as graphical comparison,feature analysis and face validation were discussed according to the characteristics of intelligent models. Based on the validation criteria,validation metrics and validation methods,the intelligent models can be effectively validated,which has been proved in current developed intelligent models. 展开更多
关键词 intelligent models validation criteria validation metrics validation methods
Carcass Characteristics and Environmental Parameters Effects on Carcass Composition of Lori-Bakhtiari Sheep 被引量:1
作者 M. A. Talebi M. Karami 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1245-1248,共4页
In this study, data of body weight at slaughter (SW; n = 465), hot carcass weight (HCW; n = 465), cold carcass weight (CCW; n = 401), carcass lean weight (CLW; n = 314), carcass bone weight (CBW; n = 401), c... In this study, data of body weight at slaughter (SW; n = 465), hot carcass weight (HCW; n = 465), cold carcass weight (CCW; n = 401), carcass lean weight (CLW; n = 314), carcass bone weight (CBW; n = 401), carcass total fat weight (CTFW; n = 314) and fat-tail weight (FTW; n = 401) in Lori-Bakhtiari sheep were measured to determine their possible use in breeding programmers aimed at improving ability to carcass quality in this breed. Lambs were slaughtered at 195 + 27 days of age. The method of slaughtering and cultting was Iranian cutting approach. SAS procedures were used for the statistical analysis. Means and their respective standard deviations for SW, HCW, CCW, CLW, CBW, CTFW and FTW were 45.41 ± 6.86, 22.81 ± 4.32, 22.53 ± 4.18, 11.14 ± 1.71, 3.47 ± 0.43, 7.19 ± 2.42 and 3.65 ± 1.37 kg, respectively. The coefficients of variation for CTFW and FTW were 33.62 percent and 38.01 percent, respectively. Environmental effects of kind of rearing after weaning and type of birth on HCW, CCW, CLW, CTFW and FTW traits were significant. Consequently, considerable variation exists for carcass composition traits, especially for carcass fat and fat-tail. 展开更多
关键词 Carcass composition enviromental factors Lori-Bakhtiari SHEEP
计算机网络与信息安全系统的建立与技术探究 被引量:2
作者 薛跟娣 《电子技术与软件工程》 2014年第20期225-225,共1页
关键词 计算机网络 信息安全系统 组成环境 因素
Phytoplankton community composition in the surrounding waters of Changli, Hebei, China
作者 ZHANG Peng ru-yan LI De-liang +2 位作者 LIU Xian-bin ZHAO Xing-gui LIU Zhan-guang 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2016年第2期79-96,共18页
The seasonal and spatial variations of phytoplankton abundance weresupported with microscopic analyses in the surrounding waters of Changli in the spring(May) and summer (August) of 2015. Nineteen sampling stations we... The seasonal and spatial variations of phytoplankton abundance weresupported with microscopic analyses in the surrounding waters of Changli in the spring(May) and summer (August) of 2015. Nineteen sampling stations were selected in thisstudied area (39°26′30"-39°39′ N, 119°17′30"-119°34′03"). During the survey period, atotal of 27 species of phytoplankton have been documented in spring and 63 species insummer. In terms of the community composition at the seasonal level and the spatialdistribution, Dinoflagellates was absolutely dominant in spring and Bacillariophyta wasdominant in summer. The average phytoplankton cell density of phytoplankton speciesshowed substantial seasonal differences. In addition, the dominant species in differentseasons were different. The average values of Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H')were 0.99 in spring and 3.25 in summer, which implied that species diversity in summeris higher than that in spring. Redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed that ammonium(NH4+-N) and nitrites nitrate nitrogens (NO3--N) were the important environmentalfactors influencing the phytoplankton distribution. N is the main environmental drivingfactor result from environmental indicators and RDA analysis. 展开更多
关键词 phytoplankton community seasonal changes environmental factors Changlicostal zone RDA
Biogeochemical conversion of sulfur species in saline lakes of Steppe Altai
作者 BORZENKO Svetlana V. KOLPAKOVA Marina N. +1 位作者 SHVARTSEV Stepan L. ISUPOV Vitaly P. 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期676-686,共11页
The aim of the present research is to identify the main mechanisms of sulfur behavior in saline lakes in the course of time and followed transformations in their chemical composition. The influence of water on chemica... The aim of the present research is to identify the main mechanisms of sulfur behavior in saline lakes in the course of time and followed transformations in their chemical composition. The influence of water on chemical composition of biochemical processes involved in decomposition of organic matter was determined by the study of behavior of reduced forms of sulfur in lakes. The determination of reduced forms of sulfur was carried out by successive transfer of each form of sulfur to hydrogen sulfide followed by photometric measurements. The other chemical components were determined by standard methods(atomic absorption, potentiometric method, titration method and others). The salt lakes of the Altai steppe were studied in summer season 2013–2015. Analysis of the chemical composition of the saline lakes of Altai Krai has shown that carbonate-, hydrocarbonate-and chloride ions dominate among anions; sodium is main cation; sulfates are found in subordinate amounts. Reduced forms of sulfur occur everywhere: hydrogen and hydrosulfide sulfur S^(2-) prevail in the bottom sediments; its derivative—elemental S^0—prevails in the lakes water. The second important species in water of soda lakes is hydrosulfide sulfur S^(2-), and in chloride lakes is thiosulfate sulfur S_2O_2^(3ˉ). The lag in the accumulation of sulfates in soda lakes in comparison to chloride lakes can be explained by their bacterial reduction, followed by the formation and deposition of iron sulfides in sediments. In chloride lakes gypsum is a predominantly barrier for sulfates. 展开更多
关键词 saline lake sulfate reduction gypsum Altai
UTR-CTOE: A New Paradigm Explaining CAATs Adoption
作者 Mootooganagen Ramen Bhavish Jugumath Prachitee Ramhit 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第12期615-631,共17页
Computer assisted audit techniques (CAATs) are audit technologies that allow auditors to perform their audit work efficiently and effectively. However, little is known about CAATs adoption process by audit firms. Th... Computer assisted audit techniques (CAATs) are audit technologies that allow auditors to perform their audit work efficiently and effectively. However, little is known about CAATs adoption process by audit firms. Therefore, this paper adapts the technology readiness theory (TRI), the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) and the technology-organization environment (TOE) framework and Denison organizational culture theory, and presents a new theory of unified technology readiness and cultural-technological-organizational-environmental model (UTR-CTOE), to explain CAATs adoption at both individual level and firm level. The methodology used in the study consists of a random sampling among the auditors through the administration of questionnaire. A total of 581 auditors registered with Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants (MIPA) respond to the survey. Our main findings of this paper confirm that the relation between beliefs, such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, facilitating condition and social influence, and motivation is positively correlated, while beliefs have a negative correlation with inhibition towards CAATs adoption. Results also indicate that firm's decision for CAATs adoption is positively influenced by cultural, technological, organizational, and environmental factors. Furthermore, there is an indirect impact of firm's internal and external influences on auditors' adoption of CAATs. 展开更多
关键词 computer assisted audit techniques (CAATs) technology acceptance culture audit firm unified technology readiness and cultural-technological-organizational-environmental model (UTR-CTOE)
Environmental change and its effects on inter-decadal variations of diatom production, species composition and frustule dissolution in a coastal marginal sea
作者 Rediat ABATE 高亚辉 +4 位作者 陈长平 梁君荣 陈蔚芳 孙琳 Demeke KIFILE 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期1362-1373,共12页
The implications of climate change during the second half of the 20th century have been reported throughout the world. Although marginal seas are sensitive to climate change and anthropogenic impacts, relatively littl... The implications of climate change during the second half of the 20th century have been reported throughout the world. Although marginal seas are sensitive to climate change and anthropogenic impacts, relatively little attention has been given to the South East Asian marginal seas. Thus, to bridge this gap in knowledge, a sediment core was collected from the coastal areas of the Leizhou Peninsula in the South China Sea (SCS) to study the inter-decadal climate change and its consequences using diatom species composition as a proxy record. Diatom absolute abundance varied from 2 300 to 68 000 and averaged 16 000 valves per gram of dry weight (v/gdw). The fractional dissolution index (F~) was usually below 0.5, which indicates low to moderate preservation of diatom valves at coastal area of the SCS. At the inter-decadal time scale, total diatom abundance was high for the period after 1972, which coincided with 1) increased percentage of planktonic diatom abundance and F~; 2) emergence and dominance of high productivity indicative cosmopolitan species such as Thalassionema nitzschioides and Paralia sulcata (their relative abundance increased from 〈1.5% to 〉7% for the period before and after 1972, respectively); 3) decreased relative abundance of the small-sized eutrophication indicative species, Cyclotella striata, from 70% to 40%. This study reveals that variations in the abundance of diatoms preserved in the sediment was a function of both production and dissolution/preservation of diatom valves, which in turn was intimately connected to the prevailing environmental/climatic conditions. In conclusion, these data reveal the existence of substantial changes in the coastal SCS in response to the 1970s climate shift that was recorded in different parts of the world. 展开更多
关键词 benthic diatoms dissolution index planktonic diatoms primary productivity South China Sea
Tracing environmental lead sources on the Ao mountain of China using lead isotopic composition and biomonitoring 被引量:1
作者 XIANG Zhong-xiang BING Hai-jian +3 位作者 WU Yan-hong ZHOU Jun LI Rui HE Xiao-li 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第7期1358-1372,共15页
Atmospheric lead (Pb) and other trace metals can transport over long distance and deposit on remote alpine ecosystems. In this work, the soil profiles, litter and dominant mosses along a large altitude were collecte... Atmospheric lead (Pb) and other trace metals can transport over long distance and deposit on remote alpine ecosystems. In this work, the soil profiles, litter and dominant mosses along a large altitude were collected on Ao Mountain, Central China, to obtain the spatial distributions of Pb in these materials, decipher the possible factors controlling the distribution, and quantitatively distinguish the natural versus anthropogenic sources of Pb through the Pb isotopic tracing and biomonitoring. The results show that soil Pb concentrations (mg/kg) decreased significantly with depth, and they were markedly higher in the 0 (42.6 + 2.7) and A (36.4 + 2.2) horizons than in the litter (7.20 ~ 1.9) and mosses (28.o ~ 3-9)- The Pb enrichment in the surface soils (0 and A horizons), litter and mosses existed in the relatively high altitudes, which was attributed to the influences from atmospheric wet deposition, plants, soil Dhvsicochemical DroDerties and human activitv. ThePb isotopic ratios identified the Pb sources as originating mainly from Chinese coal combustion, mining and smelting. Atmospheric Pb from southeastern, southwestern and northwestern regions could be deposited in the alpine ecosystem by long distance atmospheric transport. The anthropogenic Pb reached over 50% in the 0 and A horizons, and over 70% in the litter and mosses, which corresponded to the concentrations of 26.9, 17.7, 5.92 and 21.2 mg/kg, respectively. The results indicate that the mutual effects of climate and regional human activity could increase the Pb accumulation in remote alpine ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 Source identification Pb isotope BIOMONITORING Mountain soils Qinling region
Description of desertification evolution in Fuxin district of Liaoning province based on fractal theory
作者 ZHANG Shu-guang 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2008年第5期55-58,共4页
Desertification is the most serious environmental problem in the world today. Fractal feature of granularity composition was studied by using the fractal theory in view of desertification soil in Fuxin district, there... Desertification is the most serious environmental problem in the world today. Fractal feature of granularity composition was studied by using the fractal theory in view of desertification soil in Fuxin district, thereby evolution patterns of desertification was promulgated. The result shows that the self-formation degree of the developing desertification areas is higher than the relatively steady desertification areas. Evolution of desertification is beginning of forming sandy soil of framework composition, and then the sandy soil be came complex by the effect of environment, climate and anthropo-activity. 展开更多
关键词 land desertification fractal feature evolution patterns
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