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疏漏与补足:环境侵权解纷中进退失据的环境行政调解制度 被引量:6
作者 刘超 《河南省政法管理干部学院学报》 CSSCI 2011年第3期105-112,共8页
环境行政调解制度是一种重要的非诉讼环境纠纷解决机制,在现实纠纷解决过程中,它比司法调解、人民调解有更大的独立性,实践中也往往成为公民在遭受环境侵害后的首位选择。环境行政调解制度具有效益优势、专门化优势,能直接应对现行法律... 环境行政调解制度是一种重要的非诉讼环境纠纷解决机制,在现实纠纷解决过程中,它比司法调解、人民调解有更大的独立性,实践中也往往成为公民在遭受环境侵害后的首位选择。环境行政调解制度具有效益优势、专门化优势,能直接应对现行法律体系中环境权利法定化状态不足的现状,跟其他类型解纷机制相比也具有比较优势。但是,环境行政调解在实践中并不能令公民满意,它的法律依据和法律效力不足,事实上沦为环境行政处罚的"前置程序",并未成为一种独立的解决环境纠纷的制度类型。因此,我们应当针对其制度缺陷及其内生性缺陷进行相应的制度完善和综合应对。 展开更多
关键词 环境行政调解 环境侵权纠纷 优势 困境
论调解在生态环境损害赔偿诉讼中的适用 被引量:5
作者 吴勇 扶婷 《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2021年第1期43-53,111,112,共13页
生态环境损害赔偿诉讼作为一项具有创新性的诉讼制度,其诉讼的主体、内容、特点和现实决定了其具备调解适用的妥当性,其官告民的诉讼格局、授权诉讼模式和磋商前置程序又决定了调解适用具有特殊性。生态环境损害赔偿诉讼的调解适用应当... 生态环境损害赔偿诉讼作为一项具有创新性的诉讼制度,其诉讼的主体、内容、特点和现实决定了其具备调解适用的妥当性,其官告民的诉讼格局、授权诉讼模式和磋商前置程序又决定了调解适用具有特殊性。生态环境损害赔偿诉讼的调解适用应当从其特殊性出发设置调解规则,主要包括对诉讼调解人员从组成和产生程序方面进行合理配置,通过依职权启动调解、制定调解方案和对调解协议的合法性、合理性、明确性进行审查以强化诉讼调解过程的司法能动性,从全面公开、建立公开反馈机制等方面推动诉讼调解协议的公开,根据磋商达成的赔偿协议情况设定与磋商制度的衔接程序。 展开更多
关键词 生态环境损害赔偿诉讼 生态环境损害赔偿调解 生态环境损害磋商
论环境纠纷复杂化下的环境行政调解机制诉求及路径优化 被引量:1
作者 钭晓东 奚潇锋 《环境与可持续发展》 2021年第3期90-98,共9页
环境纠纷具有复杂性、多元性、不对称性和两面性等特点,对其解决方式与路径提出更高诉求。环境行政调解与其他纠纷解决机制相比,更具灵活性和专业性,但也面临效力不够明确,政府在调解时兼具居间性和权威性所致的定位不清、所涉主体泛化... 环境纠纷具有复杂性、多元性、不对称性和两面性等特点,对其解决方式与路径提出更高诉求。环境行政调解与其他纠纷解决机制相比,更具灵活性和专业性,但也面临效力不够明确,政府在调解时兼具居间性和权威性所致的定位不清、所涉主体泛化、相关制度机制不够完善等方面挑战。可借助服务导向、制度设计和功能协调等路径优化,促进环境行政调解的功能发挥,助力我国生态治理体系和治理能力现代化。 展开更多
关键词 环境纠纷 环境行政调解 生态治理体系和治理能力现代化
生态环境损害赔偿调解:新生与保障——聚焦贵州、湖南、云南三省改革前沿 被引量:3
作者 李树训 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2020年第2期70-76,共7页
贵州、湖南和云南三省以文件形式确立了生态环境损害赔偿磋商调解机制。虽然新生调解组织多被冠为"生态环境保护人民调解委员会",但基于其具有调解对象专业、主客力量失衡、关联公共利益、涉及金额较大等区别于私益纠纷调解... 贵州、湖南和云南三省以文件形式确立了生态环境损害赔偿磋商调解机制。虽然新生调解组织多被冠为"生态环境保护人民调解委员会",但基于其具有调解对象专业、主客力量失衡、关联公共利益、涉及金额较大等区别于私益纠纷调解的特征,故不适合直接援引《人民调解法》的相关规定。为此,须在证成生态环境损害赔偿磋商调解制度的目的、功能基础上,依据社会组织"依附式自主"的现实和权责制衡的理论以增强调解的中立性和权威性。 展开更多
关键词 生态环境损害赔偿磋商调解 生态环境保护人民调解委员会 中立性 权威性
中日环境行政调解制度比较研究 被引量:1
作者 颜妍 《河北企业》 2018年第8期102-103,共2页
环境行政调解是一种非诉处理环境纠纷的重要模式,将中日环境行政调解制度进行比较研究,可以更深入解读和探索我国环境行政调解制度。日本制定了详细清晰的《公害纠纷处理办法》,而我国关于环境行政调解的规定散落在各个单行法中;日本有... 环境行政调解是一种非诉处理环境纠纷的重要模式,将中日环境行政调解制度进行比较研究,可以更深入解读和探索我国环境行政调解制度。日本制定了详细清晰的《公害纠纷处理办法》,而我国关于环境行政调解的规定散落在各个单行法中;日本有独立且分工明确的环境行政调解机构,但中国没有专门的机构设置,且负责机构不独立。日本和我国的环境行政调解同样不具有执行力,但日本的环境行政调解协议更具有效力。比较之后,我国的环境行政调解制度在立法、机构设置和调解效力方面均需完善。 展开更多
关键词 环境行政调解 日本 机构设置 调解效力
环境执法行政调解制度初探 被引量:2
作者 王荣斌 《绿色科技》 2012年第8期160-162,共3页
指出了目前在环境行政处理过程中所运用的调解,绝大多数都是针对环境污染事故已经结案定性,污染企业与受害群众之间的环境纠纷已然形成的情况下开展的调解工作。当前所面对的突出问题,是在环境污染侵权案件刚刚立案,正处于调查阶段时的... 指出了目前在环境行政处理过程中所运用的调解,绝大多数都是针对环境污染事故已经结案定性,污染企业与受害群众之间的环境纠纷已然形成的情况下开展的调解工作。当前所面对的突出问题,是在环境污染侵权案件刚刚立案,正处于调查阶段时的企群纷争。探讨了在环境执法查处过程中,针对双方当事人纠纷事态的发展变化,应审时度势、机动灵活地予以调解,为今后工作开展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 环境执法行政调解制度 环境污染侵权案件 探讨
作者 姜博 周峰 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2006年第5期22-23,共2页
环境污染投诉是单位和个人环境维权的一种法定形式和参与体现,其“控告”类授诉属于法律范畴的环境纠纷,可按环境行政调解处理。环境行政调解是环保主管部门依据法律、法规,应当事人请求处理污染纠纷的职能行为。环境行政调解无固定租... 环境污染投诉是单位和个人环境维权的一种法定形式和参与体现,其“控告”类授诉属于法律范畴的环境纠纷,可按环境行政调解处理。环境行政调解是环保主管部门依据法律、法规,应当事人请求处理污染纠纷的职能行为。环境行政调解无固定租序和时效要求,也无法律强制性质,因此在当前法律、法规有待健全、群众维权意识有待提高的情况下,通过提高环境行政调解的效能,对处理当前大量环境污染投诉的纠纷,具有重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 环境行政调解 污染投诉处理 效能应用
论“三位一体”环境纠纷多元化解机制之建立 被引量:1
作者 郑艺群 《海峡法学》 2014年第4期55-62,共8页
环境教育、环境调解、环境诉讼分别代表了"预防性、协调性、强制性"这三种环境纠纷化解机制,其中环境教育是环境纠纷化解的根本方法,环境调解是环境纠纷化解的重要方式,环境公益诉讼和综合审判制度是环境纠纷化解的必要手段... 环境教育、环境调解、环境诉讼分别代表了"预防性、协调性、强制性"这三种环境纠纷化解机制,其中环境教育是环境纠纷化解的根本方法,环境调解是环境纠纷化解的重要方式,环境公益诉讼和综合审判制度是环境纠纷化解的必要手段。为此要建立"环境教育、环境调解和环境诉讼‘三位一体’之环境纠纷化解机制以应对日益加剧的环境危机。 展开更多
关键词 环境教育 环境调解 环境诉讼 三位一体 环境纠纷化解机制
重构我国环境行政裁决诉讼制度 被引量:2
作者 王小红 《中国石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第1期78-82,共5页
环境行政裁决是解决环境民事争议的重要制度,目前我国行政诉讼制度对行政裁决诉讼不合理的规定是导致环境保护行政主管机关放弃行政裁决权的主要原因。应当借行政诉讼法修改的时机重构环境行政裁决诉讼制度,以充分发挥行政裁决在解决环... 环境行政裁决是解决环境民事争议的重要制度,目前我国行政诉讼制度对行政裁决诉讼不合理的规定是导致环境保护行政主管机关放弃行政裁决权的主要原因。应当借行政诉讼法修改的时机重构环境行政裁决诉讼制度,以充分发挥行政裁决在解决环境民事争议中的作用。 展开更多
关键词 环境行政裁决 环境行政调解 行政诉讼
作者 张小军 《中国环保产业》 2003年第10期6-7,11,共3页
关键词 环境行政司法 特点 原则 种类 环境行政裁决 环境行政调解
作者 崔国莉 《科教导刊(电子版)》 2013年第2期93-93,共1页
关键词 环境侵权 行政救济 环境信访 环境行政调解 环境行政复议
环境行政调解的法律依据、制度框架和法律效力 被引量:3
作者 计洪波 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期35-38,共4页
环境纠纷复杂性和专业性的特点,决定了行政机关在化解环境纠纷、查处环保违法方面应当有更大作为。环保主管部门可以更多更好地运用行政调解制度化解环境领域的民事纠纷和行政纠纷,但是这取决于环境行政调解在学理和制度构建两方面的关... 环境纠纷复杂性和专业性的特点,决定了行政机关在化解环境纠纷、查处环保违法方面应当有更大作为。环保主管部门可以更多更好地运用行政调解制度化解环境领域的民事纠纷和行政纠纷,但是这取决于环境行政调解在学理和制度构建两方面的关键问题都得到解决。环境行政调解的设定权应当适当放松,鼓励行政机关积极采用调解的方式化解行政纠纷以及与行政职务有关的民事纠纷;在环保行政机关设置专门的纠纷解决机构,行政调解作为常规工作机制发挥作用;在具体的程序和方式上必须符合法治原则;环保行政调解的法律效力可以按照民事合同或者行政合同来分别处理。 展开更多
关键词 环境行政调解 行政调解 依法行政
New Developments in Maritime Communications: a Comprehensive Survey 被引量:7
作者 Chen Weigang Yang Jinsheng +1 位作者 Ma Jianguo Li Si 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期31-42,共12页
This paper summarizes the requirements for modem maritime wireless communication networks in the marine environments including the sea- to-sea and sea-to-shore communication scenarios. The existing maritime wireless c... This paper summarizes the requirements for modem maritime wireless communication networks in the marine environments including the sea- to-sea and sea-to-shore communication scenarios. The existing maritime wireless communication sys- tems are presented and the development of the state-of-the-art maritime communication systems is surveyed. Furthermore, a hierarchical and integrated maritime network architecture is proposed to satisfy the increasing various classes of services which demand different Quality of Service (QoS). Finally, the open issues for further development of maritime communications are identified. 展开更多
关键词 maritime wireless communications dig-ital high frequency communications digital veryhigh frequency communications satellite communi-cations hierarchical and integrated maritime net-work
The Necessity for Revising Energy Consumption and Ways to Reduce It in Cement Industry
作者 Afshar AhHosseini Ali-Reza Abbas Zadeh Narjes-Sadat Karbalaie-Ghomi 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第6期511-514,共4页
The increasing growth of energy consumption and the limited fossil energy resources, as the main source of energy in Iran and other parts of the world, has persuaded the industrial societies to struggle more for suppl... The increasing growth of energy consumption and the limited fossil energy resources, as the main source of energy in Iran and other parts of the world, has persuaded the industrial societies to struggle more for supplying their needed energy at present and in future. More than 26% of energy in Iran is consumed by industry sector, in which cement section is an important subsectors highly depending on energy. Cement section is so dependent on energy, that more 15% of the related energy is consumed in this section, and its present conditions of energy consumption need a serious revision. Production management, changing the ingredients, finding alternative energy strategies, and importing modem technologies can result in reduction of energy consumption in this section. In this study, while investigating energy consumption of various machineries in the form of electricity and heat in a cement factory, the authors have studied the strategies for decreasing energy consumption in every stage of the production process. Recent studies in the field of cement industry are indicative of recent changes in production methods with priority of reducing energy consumption. Among these changes, we can refer to replacing wet method by dry method, or developing pre-heating center and pre-calcinators. In cement industry, nowadays, not only there is an emphasis on controlling the energy consumption for lower production costs, but as production of every 1 kg of cement gives out more than 0.7 kg CO2 and other pollution particles, environmental issues are also seriously considered. Therefore, if we use alternative fuels with less carbon in their structural formula, besides decreasing energy consumption and costs, there will be less pollutions in the environment as well. 展开更多
关键词 CEMENT energy consumption POLLUTION environment.
Human Factors in the Analysis of the "Tram-Car Drivers" at Intersections
作者 Fatiha Moutchou Abdelghani Cherkaoui El Miloudi El Koursi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第4期438-445,共8页
The modem tramway has resurfaced as the cure to today's urban transport problems such as pollution, road congestion and uneven access to transit. However, trams at intersections often experience frequent and extended... The modem tramway has resurfaced as the cure to today's urban transport problems such as pollution, road congestion and uneven access to transit. However, trams at intersections often experience frequent and extended delays due to vehicles crossing the tram tracks. There is an increased potential for conflict between trams and vehicles at these locations and crashes are common. The question of the effects of human factors on trams crossroads safety has been little dealt with in literature. The general aim of this article is to further knowledge about the influence of tramway and surrounding environment on car's driver behavior at intersections. Understanding these influences, involve conducting a systematic review of the cognitive tasks related to driving and identifying the hazards that can arise at each task, and what factors can make these more or less likely to arise, considering the environmental design at intersections and behavioral factors. To achieve that, the HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Study) approach is conducted for this study. Concerning data collection, the methodology includes site visits to record user behavior and questionnaires to determine the opinion, concerns and knowledge of car drivers in interaction with the tram environment. 展开更多
关键词 Tramways INTERSECTIONS human factors road safety cognition.
Mediation of Computerized Accounting System (CAS) Adoption on Relationship Between Environmental Uncertainty and Organizational Performance 被引量:1
作者 Quang Linh Huynh Lin Yaling 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第6期747-755,共9页
This paper investigates the mediation of the adoption of computerized accounting system (CAS) on the relationship between environmental uncertainty and organizational performance. The authors use factor analysis, pa... This paper investigates the mediation of the adoption of computerized accounting system (CAS) on the relationship between environmental uncertainty and organizational performance. The authors use factor analysis, path analysis, and regression model to examine the effects of CAS adoption on the relationship between environmental uncertainty and organizational performance. The findings reveal that the adoption level of CAS is positively associated with organizational characteristics, environmental uncertainty, and organizational performance, and the usage of CAS has a statistically significant mediating effect on the relationship between environmental uncertainty and organizational performance. This paper will be significant to business managers in the decision to adopt CAS. 展开更多
关键词 computerized accounting system (CAS) environmental uncertainty organizational performance
Research on Corporate Governance-based Problem of Financial Accounting Information
作者 Xiumei ZHU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期50-52,共3页
This article makes a detailed analysis of the relationship between corporate governance and financial accounting information under the framework of corporate governance, with the help of the principles of information ... This article makes a detailed analysis of the relationship between corporate governance and financial accounting information under the framework of corporate governance, with the help of the principles of information economics and institutional economics. By taking into considerations of the agency issues arising form the separation of the managers from the owners under the modem corporate environment in order to solve agency conflict and to realize right restricting and benefit grouping. The mechanism of financial accounting information produced internally from the mechanism of corporate governance. Based on this understanding, this article discusses how financial accounting information works in both internal and external corporate governance mechanism. And explores the application mechanism of financial accounting information associating with stock price and introduces the function of corporate governance to guarantee the quality of accounting information respectively, respectively paying particular emphasis on the two goals of financial accounting-the decision useful and the accountability approach. 展开更多
关键词 Financial accounting information Authority restraint Managerial incentive contract External corporate governance
美国佛蒙特州环境法院的发展及对中国的启示 被引量:20
作者 李挚萍 《中国政法大学学报》 2010年第1期29-36,共8页
2007年以来,中国已有多个地方法院建立了环境法庭。这一新生事物引起学界和司法界的极大关注,对于这一特殊的法庭应该如何运作,案件的审理和管理程序应该如何体现环境案件的特点等,目前仍然属于探索阶段。本文通过研究分析美国佛蒙特州... 2007年以来,中国已有多个地方法院建立了环境法庭。这一新生事物引起学界和司法界的极大关注,对于这一特殊的法庭应该如何运作,案件的审理和管理程序应该如何体现环境案件的特点等,目前仍然属于探索阶段。本文通过研究分析美国佛蒙特州环境法院的产生背景、程序规则、法院运作和案件审理方式等情况,以期为中国的环境法庭建设提供参考借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 环境法庭 美国佛蒙特环境法院 环境诉讼 环境调解
Tax Policy Impact on the Entrepreneurial Development in Latvia
作者 Elza Sipola 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2015年第3期155-160,共6页
According to the first National documents, it is obvious that before joining the EU, Latvian tax policy goals were to promote economic growth and investment providing a stable business environment and to provide of co... According to the first National documents, it is obvious that before joining the EU, Latvian tax policy goals were to promote economic growth and investment providing a stable business environment and to provide of competitiveness in Latvia. Before joining the EU, one of the main aspects of the tax policies in Latvia was reducing the tax burden business in order to promote sustainable development and economic competitiveness. Moreover, the emphasis was set on consumption rather than income tax, thus, contributing to capital accumulation and investment. It is important to take into account the business views because they are the core, which in the most tax deductions to the state budget. This study surveyed in 2013 and found out entrepreneurs' attitude of the government and tax policy on business processes. The paper came to the conclusion, that too heavy tax burden really interferes with new enterprises and business in general. The survey analyze provide real abidance, that modem tax policy in Latvia does not take into account the economic crisis impact on business. The tax policy plays the key role for Latvian business competitiveness. Therefore, it is convinced that the existing tax policy has to be revised by relevant authorities. 展开更多
韩国环境冲突的历史发展与冲突管理体制研究 被引量:1
作者 常健 李志行 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期142-150,共9页
随着韩国工业化、城市化的飞速发展,以及21世纪以来政府大型国家项目和地区开发工程的推进,不可避免地造成了环境污染事件的增加,并使韩国政府与民众、地方政府间因环境问题而产生的冲突与日俱增。韩国环境冲突在不同历史阶段展示出不... 随着韩国工业化、城市化的飞速发展,以及21世纪以来政府大型国家项目和地区开发工程的推进,不可避免地造成了环境污染事件的增加,并使韩国政府与民众、地方政府间因环境问题而产生的冲突与日俱增。韩国环境冲突在不同历史阶段展示出不同的性质和特点。韩国建立的环境冲突管理体制逐渐进入良性运行轨道,并对化解环境冲突发挥了积极的作用。韩国环境冲突的实践为中国环境冲突管理提供了一些有益的启示。 展开更多
关键词 环境冲突 韩国环境纠纷调解委员会 冲突管理
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