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环境镉暴露中止后的尿、头发、血液镉浓度和肾小管及肾小球功能的关联 被引量:1
作者 袁宇纲 吴硕 《国外医学(医学地理分册)》 CAS 2001年第2期92-93,共2页
关键词 环境镉暴露 尿 头发 血液 浓度 肾小管 肾小球功能
作者 黄芮 凌海团 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期366-366,共1页
环境镉暴露可导致肾小管功能障碍,产生高钙尿症,间接造成骨密度降低。比利时鲁汶大学学者Rudolph Schutte开展了一项人群研究,旨存寻找女性镉暴露直接引发骨骼毒作用的证据。
关键词 环境镉暴露 人群研究 女性 骨吸收 肾小管功能障碍 骨密度降低 高钙尿症 鲁汶大学
环境水镉污染应急处理的药物及条件挑选 被引量:1
作者 周树杰 黄卓尔 《光谱实验室》 CAS CSCD 2007年第4期593-596,共4页
探讨了硫酸铝、聚铝、聚铁对环境水体中的镉的沉淀能力,实验证明当在实际环境水样品中调节pH在7—9之间,聚铁或聚铝能对环境水体中的镉很好的沉淀作用,短期作用比较明显,药剂能在30min左右达到2h的处理效果的70%—90%,而长期作用后(18h... 探讨了硫酸铝、聚铝、聚铁对环境水体中的镉的沉淀能力,实验证明当在实际环境水样品中调节pH在7—9之间,聚铁或聚铝能对环境水体中的镉很好的沉淀作用,短期作用比较明显,药剂能在30min左右达到2h的处理效果的70%—90%,而长期作用后(18h)能将水体中的镉降低到10μg/L以下,一立方水的用药量在100—400g之间就可以到达很好的处理效果,而且无二次污染,可为环境水中镉污染的应急处理药品。 展开更多
关键词 聚铝 聚铁 硫酸铝 环境污染 应急处理药品
镉的污染及对动物的危害与防治 被引量:34
作者 杨自军 《中国动物保健》 2008年第5期55-60,共6页
上世纪50年代日本爆发了由镉引起的"骨痛病"事件后,诸如此类的事件时有发生,并引起世界各国的共同关注。环境中的镉不能生物降解,随着工农业生产的发展,受污染的镉含量也逐年上升。镉在体内的生物半衰期长达10年 ̄30年,为已... 上世纪50年代日本爆发了由镉引起的"骨痛病"事件后,诸如此类的事件时有发生,并引起世界各国的共同关注。环境中的镉不能生物降解,随着工农业生产的发展,受污染的镉含量也逐年上升。镉在体内的生物半衰期长达10年 ̄30年,为已知的最易在体内蓄积的毒物。虽然在特定条件下生理剂量范围内镉对动物有促进生长、提高生长性能和繁殖性能以及促进某些酶活性的作用,但是镉在生物体内极易蓄积,会造成动物性食品的污染,对人类健康造成了极大的威胁。职业人群镉暴露的主要途径是呼吸道吸入,镉对肾、肺、肝、睾丸、脑、骨骼及血液系统均可产生毒性,而且还有致癌、致畸、致突变作用。镉在肾脏的一般蓄积量与中毒阈值很接近,安全系数很低。1972年FAO与WTO联合专家委员会在关于食品污染的毒性报告中指出,镉中毒是仅次于黄曲霉毒素和砷的食品污染物,联合国环境规划署1984年提出具有全球意义的12种危害物质中镉被列为首位。美国毒物和疾病注册处(ATSDR)把镉列为第六位危害人体健康的有毒物质。中国自20世纪80年代以来,开始对环境镉污染的人群健康危害进行调查研究,结果发现,中国的工业化镉污染主要始于20世纪60年代初,受镉污染的地区涉及11个省、市的25个地区。农田污染面积约20多万亩,污染区稻米中的镉含量在1.32mg/kg~5.43mg/kg之间。环境一旦遭受镉的污染,很难消除,因此要坚持环境监测,以防为主。专家建议:严格控制"三废"排放,加强对工业镉三废的治理,合理采矿和冶炼。对于动物在饲喂含镉量较高的饲料时,可以添加与镉有拮抗作用的元素如锌、铁、铜、钙、硒、维生素C,降低镉对动物的毒性。对于人类来说,要尽量减少食用含镉量较高的贝类、海鲜,不吸烟或少吸烟。 展开更多
关键词 食品污染物 动物性食品 健康危害 含量 联合国环境规划署 环境镉污染 专家委员会 防治
作者 朱毅 《生命与灾害》 2011年第3期16-19,共4页
近日,关于镉超标大米的问题引起了广泛关注。据调查显示,中国多地市场上约10%的大米中镉含量超标。镉污染具有一定的隐蔽性会致慢性中毒和癌症,是危及安全的潜在杀手。除了大米之外,我们的身边还有哪些镉污染?如何正确地避免环境镉污染... 近日,关于镉超标大米的问题引起了广泛关注。据调查显示,中国多地市场上约10%的大米中镉含量超标。镉污染具有一定的隐蔽性会致慢性中毒和癌症,是危及安全的潜在杀手。除了大米之外,我们的身边还有哪些镉污染?如何正确地避免环境镉污染?本刊特请中国农业大学专家为您做详细解答。 展开更多
关键词 环境镉污染 中国农业大学 慢性中毒 大米 含量 隐蔽性 超标 癌症
作者 张冰 仝桂杰 郭卫平 《武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)》 2024年第6期848-852,共5页
以珠江三角洲地区的珠海市斗门区为研究区,通过贝叶斯决策树模型、土壤污染风险管控标准识别出镉污染成因,提出对应的修复与管控措施,形成研究区农用地安全利用分区。研究结果表明:研究区农用地安全利用分区共划分为5个土壤修复区(延长... 以珠江三角洲地区的珠海市斗门区为研究区,通过贝叶斯决策树模型、土壤污染风险管控标准识别出镉污染成因,提出对应的修复与管控措施,形成研究区农用地安全利用分区。研究结果表明:研究区农用地安全利用分区共划分为5个土壤修复区(延长淹水、低富集作物、超富集植物+低富集作物、碱性钝化剂+有机物料、能源作物或超富集植物,占比为22.11%),1个转用限制区(严格限制种植可食用作物,占比为58.07%)和1个安全区(占比为19.82%)。土壤安全利用分区可以为研究区土壤修复措施的制定、土地利用规划提供参考,为降低居民Cd摄入健康风险提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 环境污染 安全利用分区 贝叶斯决策树 农用地 土壤修复
《江苏预防医学》 CAS 2017年第5期545-545,共1页
为鼓励更多的优秀论文刊发《江苏预防医学》杂志,编辑部从2015年1期起,每期进行优秀论文评选,现由审稿专家评出本刊2017年4期优秀论文6篇,每篇奖励600元。名单如下:孙宏,王冬月,吴叶,等:低浓度环境镉暴露对全年龄段人群肾功能的影响;... 为鼓励更多的优秀论文刊发《江苏预防医学》杂志,编辑部从2015年1期起,每期进行优秀论文评选,现由审稿专家评出本刊2017年4期优秀论文6篇,每篇奖励600元。名单如下:孙宏,王冬月,吴叶,等:低浓度环境镉暴露对全年龄段人群肾功能的影响;陈琦,孙宏,陈晓东,等:南京市臭氧短期暴露人群急性健康效应研究; 展开更多
关键词 优秀论文 名单 暴露人群 环境镉暴露 预防医学 健康效应 编辑部 肾功能
Accumulation and distribution of arsenic and cadmium by tea plants 被引量:3
作者 Yuan-zhi SHI Jian-yun RUAN Li-feng MA Wen-yan HAN Fang WANG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第3期265-270,共6页
It is important to research the rules about accumulation and distribution of arsenic and cadmium by tea plants,which will give us some scientific ideas about how to control the contents of arsenic and cadmium in tea.I... It is important to research the rules about accumulation and distribution of arsenic and cadmium by tea plants,which will give us some scientific ideas about how to control the contents of arsenic and cadmium in tea.In this study,by field investigation and pot trial,we found that mobility of arsenic and cadmium in tea plants was low.Most arsenic and cadmium absorbed were fixed in feeding roots and only small amount was transported to the above-ground parts.Distribution of arsenic and cadmium,based on their concentrations of unit dry matter,in tea plants grown on un-contaminated soil was in the order:feeding roots>stems≈main roots>old leaves>young leaves.When tea plants were grown on polluted soils simulated by adding salts of these two metals,feeding roots possibly acted as a buffer and defense,and arsenic and cadmium were transported less to the aboveground parts.The concentration of cadmium in soil significantly and negatively correlated with chlorophyll content,photosynthetic rate,transpiration rate and biomass production of tea plants. 展开更多
关键词 Tea plant Arsenic (As) Cadmium (Cd) ABSORPTION ACCUMULATION
Environmental contamination and health hazard of lead and cadmium around Chatian mercury mining deposit in western Hunan Province,China 被引量:15
作者 孙宏飞 李永华 +3 位作者 姬艳芳 杨林生 王五一 李海蓉 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第2期308-314,共7页
A field survey concerning lead and cadmium pollution in environment mediums and hair samples around the Chatian mercury mining deposit in western Hunan Province,China,was conducted to preliminarily evaluate their heal... A field survey concerning lead and cadmium pollution in environment mediums and hair samples around the Chatian mercury mining deposit in western Hunan Province,China,was conducted to preliminarily evaluate their health hazard to local inhabitants.The results show that mining wastes,especially tailing,contain high cadmium level with the maximum of 79.92μg/g. High levels of lead and cadmium are accumulated in surface water and paddy soil,respectively,and both metals pollution occurs in brown rice.The average daily intake dose(ADD)of lead for local adults via three routes reaches up to 7.7μg/(kg·d),exceeding the provision tolerable daily intake by JECFA of 3.5μg/(kg·d),and drinking water exposure route contributes the highest daily intake.As an indicator for heavy metal exposure,the hair of local population contains Pb(5.06±3.02)μg/g.The average daily intake dose of cadmium for adults is 0.119μg/(kg·d).More attention must be paid on health risk from lead pollution compared with cadmium. 展开更多
关键词 average daily intake dose cadmium lead mercury mine area
Expression profiles of two small heat shock proteins and antioxidant enzyme activity in Mytilus galloprovincialis exposed to cadmium at environmentally relevant concentrations 被引量:5
作者 由丽萍 宁璇璇 +4 位作者 陈磊磊 张林宝 赵建民 刘小莉 吴惠丰 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期334-343,共10页
Small heat shock proteins encompass a widespread but diverse class of proteins, which play key roles in protecting organisms from various stressors. In the present study, the full-length cDNAs of two small heat shock ... Small heat shock proteins encompass a widespread but diverse class of proteins, which play key roles in protecting organisms from various stressors. In the present study, the full-length cDNAs of two small heat shock proteins (MgsHSP22 and MgsHSP24.1) were cloned from Mytilus galloprovincialis, which encoded peptides of 181 and 247 amino acids, respectively. Both MgsHSP22 and MgsHSP24.1 were detected in all tissues examined by real-time PCR, with the highest expression being observed in muscle and gonad tissues. The real-time PCR results revealed that Cd significantly inhibited MgsHSP22 expression at 24 h and MgsHSP24.1 at 24 and 48 h under 5 ug/L Cd2+ exposure. MgsHSP24.1 expression was also significantly inhibited after 50 ug/L Cd2+ exposure for 48 h. With regard to antioxidant enzymes, increased GPx and CAT activity were detected under Cd2+ stress (5 and 50 ug/L), while no significant difference in SOD activity was observed throughout the experiment. Overall, both MgsHsps and antioxidant enzymes revealed their potential as Cd stress biomarkers in M. galloprovincialis. 展开更多
关键词 Mytilus galloprovincialis small heat shock protein superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalase (CAT) glutathione peroxidase (GPx) CADMIUM
Genotype and Environmental Effects on Cadmium Concentration in Maize
作者 Vlado Kovacevic Antun Vragolovic 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第11期926-932,共7页
Seven parents and their 21 Fl diallel crosses of maize were grown under field conditions in the 2001 and 2002 growing seasons on two soils mutually air-distanced 800 m (BI = fluvisol and B2 = stagnic albeluvisol; pH ... Seven parents and their 21 Fl diallel crosses of maize were grown under field conditions in the 2001 and 2002 growing seasons on two soils mutually air-distanced 800 m (BI = fluvisol and B2 = stagnic albeluvisol; pH in KCI = 7.02 and 3.85, humus = 2.75 and 2.02, CaCO3 = 11.4% and 0, for B 1 and B2, respectively). Also, the B 1 and B2 were differently in NH4Acetate-EDTA soluble fraction (mg.kgl: calcium 25,500 and 2,300; zinc 1.61 and 0.53; cadmium 0.195 and 0.064, respectively). The experiments were conducted in four replicates (the basic plot 16.8 m2) in a randomized complete block design. The ear-leaf was taken at the beginning of silking and grain samples at maturity. Mean leaf-Cd (mg Cd.kg-t in dry matter) were 0.102 and 0.072, for 2001 and 2002; 0.064 and 0.195, for BI and B2, while differences in level of genotype were from 0.040 to 0.581 (the parents) and from 0.046 to 0.171 (the hybrids). Six hybrids of Bc707-1 had considerably higher leaf-Cd in comparison with six hybrids of Bc265-1 (means 0.100 and 0.050 respectively). Grain-Cd was under detectable range (〈 0.040) with exception of Bc707-1 parent on the B2 soil (0.17 mg Cd-kg^-1). 展开更多
关键词 CADMIUM GENOTYPE grain leaf MAIZE soil effects year effects
肾镉水平与尿钙及骨密度的关系:一项瑞典的横断面研究 被引量:2
作者 黄芮 凌海团 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期356-356,共1页
关键词 肾功能损害 尿钙排泄 水平 横断面 骨密度 瑞典 重金属元素 环境镉暴露
作者 朱盼 李志学 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期361-361,共1页
关键词 环境镉暴露 肾功能损伤 污染 追踪 人群 损伤效应 半衰期 金属
From Soil Pollution to “Cadmium Rice” to Public Health Impacts: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Influencing Factors and Possible Responses 被引量:11
作者 贺珍怡 王五一 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2018年第1期1-12,共12页
This article discusses the causes of the contamination of rice with cadmium in China and considers what we know about the severity of the problem. It argues that it is misleading to extrapolate simply from levels of c... This article discusses the causes of the contamination of rice with cadmium in China and considers what we know about the severity of the problem. It argues that it is misleading to extrapolate simply from levels of cadmium in soil to health risks, because the uptake of cadmium by crops and the health impacts of the metal are affected by multiple factors. These include not only background levels of cadmium and pollution from mining and industry, but also soil quality, climatic conditions and the type and variety of crops grown. Social and cultural factors, including dietary habits, other exposure sources, nutritional quality and general health status will also affect the intake of cadmium and the severity of health impacts. For these reasons we argue that interdisciplinary analysis is crucial to a better understanding of patterns of risk to health from cadmium pollution, and to the design of effective responsive measures. 展开更多
关键词 soil pollution food safety CADMIUM RICE environmental health China
Derivation of water quality criteria for representative water-body pollutants in China 被引量:16
作者 WU FengChang FENG ChengLian +2 位作者 ZHANG RuiQing LI YuShuang DU DongYang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期900-906,共7页
In this study, toxicological data for zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)), benzene, and nitrobenzene were collected from various databases and publications, screened and then constructed int... In this study, toxicological data for zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)), benzene, and nitrobenzene were collected from various databases and publications, screened and then constructed into species sensitivity distribution (SSD) curves. Then water quality criteria (WQC) were derived for protection of the freshwater aquatic life in China against five representative pollutants. The values derived in this study were compared with those issued by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Chinese national environmental standard for surface water to identify factors underlying the differences. The results showed that the SSD curves for the five pollutants differed significantly, with the examined aquatic species being gen- erally more sensitive to Zn, Cd, and Cr (VI) than benzene and nitrobenzene. The acute WQC were: 48.43 μg L-1 for Zn, 0.4218 μg L-1 for Cd, 45.79μg L-1 for Cr (VI), 2651 μg L-1 for benzene, and 1426 μg L-1 for nitrobenzene. The chronic WQC were: 20.01μg L-1 for Zn, 0.2428 μg L-j for Cd, 14.22 μg L-1 for Cr (VI), 530.2 μg L J for benzene, and 286.2 μg L-1 for nitroben- zene. The results of this comparative study of representative pollutants may offer guideline values for future WQC studies for China. 展开更多
关键词 aquatic life water quality criteria representative pollutants BIOTA species sensitivity distribution
Mycoremediation of Potentially Toxic Trace Elements--a Biological Tool for Soil Cleanup:A Review 被引量:2
作者 Amjad ALI GUO Di +4 位作者 Amanullah MAHAR WANG Ping SHEN Feng LI Ronghua ZHANG Zengqiang 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期205-222,共18页
Anthropogenic and geogenic activities release potentially toxic trace elements (PTEs) that impact human health and the envi- ronment. Increasing environmental pollution stresses the need for environmentally friendly... Anthropogenic and geogenic activities release potentially toxic trace elements (PTEs) that impact human health and the envi- ronment. Increasing environmental pollution stresses the need for environmentally friendly remediation technologies. Physico-chemical treatments are effective, but are costly and generate secondary pollution on- or off-site. Phytoremediation is a biological treatment that provides positive results for PTE eradication with few limitations. Mycoremediation, a type of bioremediation to use macrofungi (mushrooms) for PTE extraction from polluted sites, is the best option for soil cleanup. This review highlights the scope, mechanisms, and potentials of mycoremediation. Mushrooms produce a variety of extracellular enzymes that degrade polycyclic aromatic hydro- carbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides, dyes, and petroleum hydrocarbons into simpler compounds. Cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) have been effectively extracted by Phellinus badius, Amanita spissa, Lactarius piperatus, Suillus grevillei, Agaricus bisporous, Trieholoma terreum, and Fomes fomentarius, re- spectively. Mycoremediation is affected by environmental and genetic factors, such as pH, substrate, mycelium age, enzyme type, and ecology. The bioaccumulation factor (BAF) can make clear the effectiveness of a mushroom for the extraction of PTEs from the substrate. Higher BAF values of Cd (4.34), Pb (2.75), Cu (9), and Hg (95) have been reported for Amanita muscaria, Hypholoma fasciculare, Russula foetens, and Boletus pinophilus, respectively, demonstrating their effectiveness and suitability for mycoremediation of PTEs. 展开更多
关键词 bioaccumulation factor bioremediation extra ellular enzymes macrofungus phytoremediation pollution
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