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发电机单流环式和双流环式密封油系统比较 被引量:4
作者 薛东发 《广西电力》 2009年第2期84-86,92,共4页
国内现代大型汽轮发电机组常用密封油系统有单流环式和双流环式。为了比较两种密封油系统的优缺点,通过对两种常用密封油系统的运行回路、净化方式及安全可靠性等方面的比较,可以知道双流环式密封油系统更具可靠性,而单流环式密封油系... 国内现代大型汽轮发电机组常用密封油系统有单流环式和双流环式。为了比较两种密封油系统的优缺点,通过对两种常用密封油系统的运行回路、净化方式及安全可靠性等方面的比较,可以知道双流环式密封油系统更具可靠性,而单流环式密封油系统简单、便于维护且油质优良,可以综合两种密封油系统的优点,进行合理的系统选择和运行方式的调整。 展开更多
关键词 汽轮发电机 单流密封油系统 双流密封油系统
QFR-400-2-20型发电机单流环式密封油系统 被引量:2
作者 张俊伟 《湖北电力》 2009年第1期56-58,共3页
关键词 单流密封油系统 回路 发电机
环式配电系统及环网柜的运用 被引量:1
作者 杨峥 《江苏冶金》 2007年第2期59-63,共5页
结合江苏省地方标准《35 kV及以下客户端变电所建设标准》,对“10 kW变电所简化电气接线”中的环网柜的应用进行分析。
关键词 网柜 配电系统 单线单 双线单 交线双
消防车用环泵式泡沫系统文丘里管结构设计与仿真分析 被引量:2
作者 胡瑶 刘明岳 刘召华 《专用汽车》 2022年第5期42-44,共3页
关键词 负压泡沫系统 文丘里管 射流管径 结构设计 仿真分析
内窥式可视取环系统联合超声检查在宫内节育器取出困难时的应用 被引量:1
作者 陈楠 吕向红 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2012年第1期137-138,共2页
目的:探讨内窥式可视取环系统联合超声检查在宫内节育器(IUD)取出困难的作用。方法:选取50例取器困难患者,先采用超声和内窥式可视取环系统联合检查,对IUD准确定位后,经阴道取器或选择经腹途径取器。结果:内窥式可视取环系统和超声联合... 目的:探讨内窥式可视取环系统联合超声检查在宫内节育器(IUD)取出困难的作用。方法:选取50例取器困难患者,先采用超声和内窥式可视取环系统联合检查,对IUD准确定位后,经阴道取器或选择经腹途径取器。结果:内窥式可视取环系统和超声联合检查发现IUD位置正常13例,部分嵌顿20例,断裂残留13例,Y形IUD扭曲变形1例,异位3例。50例中,48例经阴道取器成功,2例经腹或腹腔镜手术取器。结论:内窥式可视取环系统联合超声检查,不仅可准确地对IUD进行定位、定形,正确选择取器途径和方法,而且可提高取器的安全性和成功率。 展开更多
关键词 宫内节育器 内窥可视取系统 超声
作者 王真 《山东工业技术》 2016年第20期6-6,共1页
针对氢冷火力发电机组氢气纯度下降快,不但造成补氢量大,而且氢气纯度不合格,将会直接影响机组的安全。本文从密封油系统着手进行分析,找出了密封油平衡阀、差压阀调节不灵敏或卡涩原因,并增加密封油提纯装置。通过对密封油系统技术改造... 针对氢冷火力发电机组氢气纯度下降快,不但造成补氢量大,而且氢气纯度不合格,将会直接影响机组的安全。本文从密封油系统着手进行分析,找出了密封油平衡阀、差压阀调节不灵敏或卡涩原因,并增加密封油提纯装置。通过对密封油系统技术改造,完成了对策实施,并且验证了改造后的氢气纯度。 展开更多
关键词 氢气纯度 补氢量 双流密封油系统 密封油提纯装置
作者 谢华锟 巫兴胜 +2 位作者 朱洪 许刚 张永平 《工具技术》 2012年第8期46-48,共3页
锥—端双面约束夹持工具系统更好地适应了当今切削技术的需求,得到迅速发展。如何将现今应用广泛的7:24锥单面约束定位夹持的工具系统改造成为锥—端两面约束定位夹持方式,以提高机床主轴—工具系统—刀具系统的连接刚度;以及如何降低... 锥—端双面约束夹持工具系统更好地适应了当今切削技术的需求,得到迅速发展。如何将现今应用广泛的7:24锥单面约束定位夹持的工具系统改造成为锥—端两面约束定位夹持方式,以提高机床主轴—工具系统—刀具系统的连接刚度;以及如何降低锥—端双面约束夹持方式对机床主轴锥孔和工具系统刀柄的机械加工精度要求,以提高产品性价比,这两个问题的解决将可能为先进的双面约束夹持工具系统的推广应用,起到促进作用。笔者提出的修磨环厚可控式两面约束工具系统,是一个值得尝试的途径。 展开更多
关键词 锥—端双面约束夹持 修磨厚可控两面约束工具系统
作者 廖武生 莫云涛 《魅力中国》 2013年第20期349-349,共1页
摘要:大唐桂冠舍山发电有限公司,在整个输煤系统中。安装有两台HSZ-800型环锤式破碎机,而HSZ-800型环锤式破碎机重要部件——链头,是极易磨损件。一般情况下半年左右时间。就需要重新更换锺头。在检修更换锤头过程中。由于我公司没... 摘要:大唐桂冠舍山发电有限公司,在整个输煤系统中。安装有两台HSZ-800型环锤式破碎机,而HSZ-800型环锤式破碎机重要部件——链头,是极易磨损件。一般情况下半年左右时间。就需要重新更换锺头。在检修更换锤头过程中。由于我公司没有配备专用起吊设备。因此,在更换锺头过程中。使用小技巧,才能起到事倍功半的效果。 展开更多
关键词 输煤系统破碎机锤头小技巧事倍功半
政府公共服务质量改进的对策:一种系统的视角 被引量:6
作者 马飞炜 《理论导刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期19-20,23,共3页
随着政府职能的转变,政府公共服务质量问题愈显重要。政府公共服务质量的影响因素贯穿于整个反馈式系统的政府服务过程中。在当下的公共服务实践中存在的政府对民众需求感知的独断性、服务标准制定的偏离性、服务提供的低效性以及服务... 随着政府职能的转变,政府公共服务质量问题愈显重要。政府公共服务质量的影响因素贯穿于整个反馈式系统的政府服务过程中。在当下的公共服务实践中存在的政府对民众需求感知的独断性、服务标准制定的偏离性、服务提供的低效性以及服务改进的迟滞性等问题,必须通过转变政府行政理念、加强与民众的互动、加速服务流程再造、提高政府执行力等对策来解决。 展开更多
关键词 政府公共服务 服务质量 环式系统 反馈系统 服务过程
作者 刘媛媛 段义隆 《湖南工业职业技术学院学报》 2012年第4期14-16,25,共4页
随着智能电网的发展,数字化变电站被赋予了更多功能。电力测控装置作为数字化变电站的关键设备,也随之变得越来越复杂,而现有的嵌入式系统互联方式严重制约着系统的规模和数据流量。本文分析了RapidIO(高性能嵌入式互连技术)在嵌入式系... 随着智能电网的发展,数字化变电站被赋予了更多功能。电力测控装置作为数字化变电站的关键设备,也随之变得越来越复杂,而现有的嵌入式系统互联方式严重制约着系统的规模和数据流量。本文分析了RapidIO(高性能嵌入式互连技术)在嵌入式系统互联中的优势,并结合电力测控装置的结构提出了基于环形拓扑结构的RapidIO互联方案。测试数据表明,在小规模的系统互联应用中,基于RapidIO的智能电力测控装置具有通信速率高,扩展性强,安全性好,成本低等优点。 展开更多
关键词 智能电网 数字化变电站 高性能嵌入互连技术 网技术 嵌入系统互联
配电环网柜箱变的运行检修与故障处理 被引量:6
作者 卢启沛 《科技风》 2014年第10期56-56,共1页
环式配电系统由于环网柜的出现,开始逐步取代传统的树干式与放射式配电网络。而环网柜中最主要的环网柜箱变的运行情况直接影响环式配电系统的运行。本文对环式配电网络、环网柜及其箱变的组成进行了叙述归纳,然后对其存在的运行检修与... 环式配电系统由于环网柜的出现,开始逐步取代传统的树干式与放射式配电网络。而环网柜中最主要的环网柜箱变的运行情况直接影响环式配电系统的运行。本文对环式配电网络、环网柜及其箱变的组成进行了叙述归纳,然后对其存在的运行检修与故障处理方面的问题展开了分析,并提出了解决措施。 展开更多
关键词 配电系统 网柜箱变 故障处理分析措施
作者 王匀 许桢英 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2006年第6期37-38,40,共3页
工程陶瓷材料硬脆、导电率低,难以获得高效精密的电加工效果。本文针对工程陶瓷电火花加工特点,在分析国内外工程陶瓷电火花加工技术的基础上,提出了基于遗传算法的工程陶瓷电火花加工方法。该方法结合遗传算法、神经网络及模糊控制理... 工程陶瓷材料硬脆、导电率低,难以获得高效精密的电加工效果。本文针对工程陶瓷电火花加工特点,在分析国内外工程陶瓷电火花加工技术的基础上,提出了基于遗传算法的工程陶瓷电火花加工方法。该方法结合遗传算法、神经网络及模糊控制理论构造了多环式自适应控制系统,在线对加工过程进行断丝预防、加工工艺自适应和加工参数自适应监测与控制,从而为难加工材料实现高效精密的电火花加工提供理论与技术指导。 展开更多
关键词 工程陶瓷 电火花加工 遗传算法 自适应控制系统
发电机氢气纯度偏低的原因分析及治理 被引量:10
作者 杨建平 石振勤 赵作起 《内蒙古电力技术》 2009年第4期49-51,共3页
对华电包头发电公司600 MW发电机组大修后氢气纯度由97.8%缓慢降至95.5%的原因进行了分析和排查,发现氢侧密封油回油箱自动补、排油综合阀卡涩是造成发电机氢气纯度降低的主要原因,治理后发电机氢气纯度得以恢复。
关键词 600 MW发电机 双流油密封系统 氢气纯度下降 密封油回油箱
An Effective Approach for Improving the Real-Time Prediction of Summer Rainfall over China 被引量:3
作者 LANG Xian-Mei 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2011年第2期75-80,共6页
This paper has two purposes. One is to evaluate the ability of an atmospheric general circulation model (IAP9L-AGCM) to predict summer rainfall over China one season in advance. The other is to propose a new approach ... This paper has two purposes. One is to evaluate the ability of an atmospheric general circulation model (IAP9L-AGCM) to predict summer rainfall over China one season in advance. The other is to propose a new approach to improve the predictions made by the model. First, a set of hindcast experiments for summer climate over China during 1982-2010 are performed from the perspective of real-time prediction with the IAP9L-AGCM model and the IAP ENSO prediction system. Then a new approach that effectively combines the hind-cast with its correction is proposed to further improve the model's predictive ability. A systematic evaluation reveals that the model's real-time predictions for 41 stations across China show significant improvement using this new approach, especially in the lower reaches between the Yellow River and Yangtze River valleys. 展开更多
关键词 predictive ability IAP9L-AGCM summer rainfall over China
Dynamic Assessment on Regional Eco-environmental Quality Using AHP-Statistics Model—A Case Study of Chaohu Lake Basin 被引量:8
作者 LI Ruzhong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第4期341-348,共8页
An indicator system closely connected with eco-environment, in which indicator involves in such fields as society, economy, resources, environment and ecology, is first proposed for eco-environmental quality assessmen... An indicator system closely connected with eco-environment, in which indicator involves in such fields as society, economy, resources, environment and ecology, is first proposed for eco-environmental quality assessment. Then, a hierarchical model with four levels is established by virtue of these indicators and attributes. In the model, weights of indicators and attributes are determined by combining Delphi method with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and a statistic method is used to eliminate the influences arising from the differences in dimension and magnitude of indicators. On these grounds, an AHP-statistics model is provided for regional eco-environmental quality assessment. As a case, such AHP-statistics model is utilized in the dynamic analysis of regional eco-environmental assessment in Chaohu Lake basin. Study results show that natural environmental quality in the watershed was in the declining state while social environmental quality was in a markedly improved situation from 1996, and the synthetic eco-environmental quality was gradually and slowly improved under the common influences of both natural and social environmental factors. Example of application testified the capacities of above methodology to evaluate the real and dynamic state of regional eco-environmental quality. 展开更多
关键词 eco-environmental quality assessment AHP-statistics model Chaohu Lake
Performance analysis model for real-time Ethernet-based computer numerical control system 被引量:2
作者 万加富 李迪 +1 位作者 涂钰青 张春华 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1545-1553,共9页
In order to optimize the embedded system implementation for Ethernet-based computer numerical control (CNC) system, it is very necessary to establish the performance analysis model and further adopt the codesign met... In order to optimize the embedded system implementation for Ethernet-based computer numerical control (CNC) system, it is very necessary to establish the performance analysis model and further adopt the codesign method from the control, communication and computing perspectives. On the basis of analyzing real-time Ethemet, system architecture, time characteristic parameters of control-loop ere, a performance analysis model for real-time Ethemet-based CNC system was proposed, which is able to include the timing effects caused by the implementation platform in the simulation. The key for establishing the model is accomplished by designing the error analysis module and the controller nodes. Under the restraint of CPU resource and communication bandwidth, the experiment with a case study was conducted, and the results show that if the deadline miss ratio of data packets is 0.2%, then the percentage error is 1.105%. The proposed model can be used at several stages of CNC system development. 展开更多
关键词 computer numerical control (CNC) system real-time Ethemet time characteristic parameters performance analysis model manufacturing accuracy
作者 谢亚鸿 《贵州电力技术》 2004年第7期1-2,10,共3页
纳雍发电总厂#1机组为国产引进型300MW汽组,发电机为哈尔滨电机厂产品,型号QFSN-300-2,采用水、氢、氢冷却方式,其氢气的密封采用双流环式氢油密封系统。虽然该系统是一个比较完善的系统,但如果在安装、调试及运行过程中操作不当... 纳雍发电总厂#1机组为国产引进型300MW汽组,发电机为哈尔滨电机厂产品,型号QFSN-300-2,采用水、氢、氢冷却方式,其氢气的密封采用双流环式氢油密封系统。虽然该系统是一个比较完善的系统,但如果在安装、调试及运行过程中操作不当,仍然会出现一些问题,如漏氢量大、氢气纯度低、 展开更多
关键词 汽轮发电机组 氢气纯度 双流氢油密封系统 纳雍发电总厂
Circular Economy Development Mode Based on System Theory
作者 Xiao Huamao Wang Fengqi 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2007年第4期92-96,共5页
The paper tries to explore circular economy from the viewpoint of the system theory. Circular economy is a kind of complicated economic activity, and it is a wholly new ecotype economy proposed by Western countries af... The paper tries to explore circular economy from the viewpoint of the system theory. Circular economy is a kind of complicated economic activity, and it is a wholly new ecotype economy proposed by Western countries after they had summed up many experiences and lessons from traditional economy. It is an entirety and has many layers. It keeps an open and dynamic balance. Because the system theory is the theoretical foundation of circular economy, we should systemically analyze and study circular economy from the macroscopic view, correctly grasp its operational laws, improve its service functions, and realize human beings' sustainable development. The paper introduces the content and general characteristics of the system theory and the idea of circular economy. Then it analyzes circular economy based on the system theory. The paper concludes that the integration of circular economy and the system theory can promote the functions of circular economy. 展开更多
关键词 circular economy development mode SYSTEM system theory
Performance comparison and analysis of a combined power and cooling system based on organic Rankine cycle 被引量:2
作者 王志奇 周奇遇 +2 位作者 夏小霞 刘斌 张欣 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期353-359,共7页
A novel power and cooling system combined system which coupled organic Rankine cycle(ORC) with vapor compression refrigeration cycle(VCRC) was proposed. R245 fa and butane were selected as the working fluid for the po... A novel power and cooling system combined system which coupled organic Rankine cycle(ORC) with vapor compression refrigeration cycle(VCRC) was proposed. R245 fa and butane were selected as the working fluid for the power and refrigeration cycle, respectively. A performance comparison and analysis for the combined system was presented. The results show that dual-pressure ORC-VCRC system can achieve an increase of 7.1% in thermal efficiency and 6.7% in exergy efficiency than that of basic ORC-VCRC. Intermediate pressure is a key parameter to both net power and exergy efficiency of dual-pressure ORC-VCRC system. Combined system can produce maximum net power and exergy efficiency at 0.85 MPa for intermediate pressure and 2.4 MPa for high pressure, respectively. However, superheated temperature at expander inlet has little impact on the two indicators. It can achieve higher overall COP, net power and exergy efficiency at smaller difference between condensation temperature and evaporation temperature of VCRC. 展开更多
关键词 dual-pressure organic Rankine cycle vapor compression refrigeration waste heat performance analysis
作者 Chen Zhirui Tan Hongzhou 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2009年第5期711-714,共4页
There are varieties of embedded systems in the world. It is a big challenge to optimize the instruction sets of System on Chips (SoCs) according to different systems' working environments. The idea of programmable... There are varieties of embedded systems in the world. It is a big challenge to optimize the instruction sets of System on Chips (SoCs) according to different systems' working environments. The idea of programmable instruction set is an effective method to gain embedded system's re-configurability. This letter presents a logic module for Java processor to be capable of using programmable instruction set. Cost (area, power, and timing) of the module is trivial. Such module is also reusable for other embedded system solutions besides Java systems. 展开更多
关键词 Programmable instructions Java processor System on Chips (SoCs)
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