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耕地重金属污染治理生态补偿标准条件估值法研究——以广西大环江流域为例 被引量:11
作者 严俊 张学洪 +3 位作者 蒋敏敏 丁洋 陈同斌 李海翔 《生态与农村环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期577-581,共5页
运用条件估值法,于2015年8月对广西环江县大环江流域重金属污染地区农户受偿意愿进行调查研究。结果表明,研究区农户对当地耕地重金属污染治理项目的参与意愿与投标额度(设计补偿标准)、家庭耕地面积和耕地受污染程度呈正相关关系;农户... 运用条件估值法,于2015年8月对广西环江县大环江流域重金属污染地区农户受偿意愿进行调查研究。结果表明,研究区农户对当地耕地重金属污染治理项目的参与意愿与投标额度(设计补偿标准)、家庭耕地面积和耕地受污染程度呈正相关关系;农户平均受偿意愿下限为12 630.75元·hm^(-2)·a^(-1),该测算值可为当地耕地重金属污染治理生态补偿标准的确定提供理论依据。认为广西环江县大环江流域耕地重金属污染治理及其配套生态补偿项目应首先选择耕地面积较大且污染较明显地区作为项目选址。建议在今后的生态补偿研究中注意补偿标准与客观条件之间的联系,并制定出一套具有普适性的生态补偿标准研究方法。 展开更多
关键词 耕地 重金属污染 生态补偿标准 条件估值法 环江流域
环江流域90年代水沙变化研究及治理方略探讨 被引量:4
作者 冉大川 吴永红 寇权 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 2004年第2期6-11,共6页
根据实测水文资料 ,对泾河 2级支流环江流域 2 0世纪 90年代水沙变化进行了较为深入的分析和研究 ,利用 3种方法计算环江流域 90年代综合治理的减洪减沙效益 ;分析了流域地下径流补给变化情况 ,估算了流域地表水资源利用率 ;对环江流域... 根据实测水文资料 ,对泾河 2级支流环江流域 2 0世纪 90年代水沙变化进行了较为深入的分析和研究 ,利用 3种方法计算环江流域 90年代综合治理的减洪减沙效益 ;分析了流域地下径流补给变化情况 ,估算了流域地表水资源利用率 ;对环江流域水资源开发利用及今后治理方略进行了探讨。研究结果表明 :进入 90年代后 ,环江流域最大 2 4h降雨量明显增大 ,径流、泥沙大幅度增加 ,单位 (mm)有效降雨产洪产沙量为 4个阶段的最大值。流域综合治理措施减洪减沙作用减弱 ,地下径流补给情况有所好转 ,地表水资源利用率不高。据此提出了环江流域综合治理的总方略 。 展开更多
关键词 环江流域 90年代 水沙变化 治理方略 水资源
环江流域高含沙洪水持性研究 被引量:8
作者 冉大川 《泥沙研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第4期86-93,共8页
关键词 环江流域 含沙 洪水特性
环江流域综合治理蓄水减沙效益研究 被引量:3
作者 冉大川 《土壤侵蚀与水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1998年第3期26-30,共5页
关键词 产流产沙模型 蓄水减沙效益 环江流域 降雨量 数学模型
作者 孙淑颖 宋书巧 苏永 《中国水土保持》 2013年第12期46-49,77,共4页
基于通用土壤流失方程(USLE),根据大环江流域自然地理特征,选择降雨侵蚀力(R)、土壤可蚀性(K)、地形(LS)和地表覆盖(C)作为大环江流域土壤侵蚀敏感性评价的因子,运用GIS技术对该流域土壤侵蚀敏感性进行了综合评价。结果表明:大环江流域... 基于通用土壤流失方程(USLE),根据大环江流域自然地理特征,选择降雨侵蚀力(R)、土壤可蚀性(K)、地形(LS)和地表覆盖(C)作为大环江流域土壤侵蚀敏感性评价的因子,运用GIS技术对该流域土壤侵蚀敏感性进行了综合评价。结果表明:大环江流域土壤侵蚀以中度敏感及其以下级别为主,所占面积比重为73.61%,其中极敏感区占10.05%,分布在南部边缘,微度敏感区占14.23%,主要分布在流域西北部地区。分析了影响该流域土壤侵蚀敏感空间分布的原因。 展开更多
关键词 土壤侵蚀 敏感性评价 GIS技术 环江流域
浅议广西环江流域干旱缺水现状及对策 被引量:1
作者 吴绍强 《广西水利水电》 2010年第2期58-61,共4页
关键词 干旱缺水 现状 成因 对策 环江流域
作者 冯七平 《陇东学院学报》 2022年第2期94-99,共6页
通过对环江流域井场、生活区域及耕地土壤中多种污染物的测定,明确了该流域的土壤污染状况,初步探明了污染原因,并提出了具体的修复措施。试验结果表明,环江流域油田井(站)场等石油生产区域石油烃超标倍数为0.02-19.0;砷、镉、铬(六价)... 通过对环江流域井场、生活区域及耕地土壤中多种污染物的测定,明确了该流域的土壤污染状况,初步探明了污染原因,并提出了具体的修复措施。试验结果表明,环江流域油田井(站)场等石油生产区域石油烃超标倍数为0.02-19.0;砷、镉、铬(六价)、铜、铅、汞等37项污染因子均有检出;井(站)场周边农用地土壤镉、汞、砷、铅、铜、镍、锌、铬等8类重金属含量有积累增加的趋势。石油开采过程中原油泄露及化肥、农药、农用塑料薄膜、畜禽粪便施用、农作物秸秆、生活垃圾及污水的不合理处置,是导致该流域农用地土壤污染的主要原因,据此提出了相应的适合该流域农用地面源污染防治的技术方法、防治对策及石油污染土壤修复方法。 展开更多
关键词 环江流域 土壤污染 防治对策
环江流域径流模拟研究 被引量:1
作者 胡雅杰 董阳 +3 位作者 郭映 党慧慧 董军 魏国孝 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期2038-2045,共8页
黄土高原绝大部分地区降水稀少、径流量小,水资源总体相当匮乏,准确掌握区域内径流情况对科学配置稀缺的水资源至关重要。本研究选取黄土高原中部马莲河上游的环江流域为研究对象,采用SWAT模型进行径流模拟研究,并结合1980-1990年的径... 黄土高原绝大部分地区降水稀少、径流量小,水资源总体相当匮乏,准确掌握区域内径流情况对科学配置稀缺的水资源至关重要。本研究选取黄土高原中部马莲河上游的环江流域为研究对象,采用SWAT模型进行径流模拟研究,并结合1980-1990年的径流实测数据校准和验证模型。分析显示:1采用30m精度的高分辨率数字高程模型(DEM)数据比用90m分辨率DEM数据获得的河网更精细,而模拟误差较小;2子流域划分水平对径流模拟有一定的影响,当子流域划分增加到一定水平时径流量趋于稳定;3通过调整模型中敏感性较高的参数率定模型,使得校准期和验证期月均径流深Re均小于10%,R2分别为0.893和0.822,Ens分别为0.89和0.82,SWAT模型在该地区具有较好的适用性。 展开更多
关键词 环江流域 SWAT模型 径流模拟 DEM分辨率
环江县大环江下游沿岸重金属污染区农作物污染评价 被引量:3
作者 蓝唯源 宋书巧 +2 位作者 王德光 胡忠俊 任立研 《广东微量元素科学》 CAS 2010年第4期12-17,共6页
采样分析了广西环江县大环江河下游沿岸受重金属污染的4块农田土壤及农作物可食用部分重金属含量,并进行了污染评价。结果表明,4块受污染农田土壤重金属污染级别均为轻污染,受污染农田土壤上种植的油麦菜、茼蒿、生菜、小白菜、稻米等... 采样分析了广西环江县大环江河下游沿岸受重金属污染的4块农田土壤及农作物可食用部分重金属含量,并进行了污染评价。结果表明,4块受污染农田土壤重金属污染级别均为轻污染,受污染农田土壤上种植的油麦菜、茼蒿、生菜、小白菜、稻米等农作物可食用部分为重污染,污染水平远远超过国家食品卫生限值标准。建议在未经改良的情况下,不宜在重金属污染的土壤上种植此类农作物。 展开更多
关键词 重金属污染 农作物 污染评价 环江流域
地理因素辅助的黄土高塬典型流域面雨量制图效果比较与评价 被引量:5
作者 马晶 陈锡云 刘晓燕 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期174-180,共7页
为了获取适宜的黄土高塬流域面雨量计算方法,选择算术平均(Am)、泰森多边形(Tsn)、普通克里金(OK)、泛克里金(UK)、反距离权重(IDW)、简单克里金(SK)、考虑海拔的简单克里金(SK_EL)以及将海拔和空间坐标信息作为辅助因子的简单克里金(SK... 为了获取适宜的黄土高塬流域面雨量计算方法,选择算术平均(Am)、泰森多边形(Tsn)、普通克里金(OK)、泛克里金(UK)、反距离权重(IDW)、简单克里金(SK)、考虑海拔的简单克里金(SK_EL)以及将海拔和空间坐标信息作为辅助因子的简单克里金(SK_EXY)和地形插补法(Tr)等9种方法计算了环江下游流域2006—2011年面雨量。结果表明:(1)各年面雨量Am法全流域只有1个数值,无空间分布,Tsn法呈斑块状分布,IDW法在站点周围空间趋势表达不连续,其余6种基于克里金方法的面雨量空间变化趋势基本一致,均是从东南向西北连续递减的等值带,其中OK的插值曲面最平滑,Tr与SK法的结果更加符合降雨随地形的变化趋势;(2)24站测值为基础的单年和多年交叉验证结果均表明各种方法插值所得面雨量的精度以考虑高程和站点空间信息的Tr法最高,SK_EXY其次,并没有一种插值方法在所有的精度检验指标中都最差;(3)当只考虑面雨量值不考虑其空间分布时,可以选择Am与Tsn法相结合,其值接近各种方法的均值,而当综合考虑面雨量值及其空间分布时,则宜选择Tr和SK_EXY法。 展开更多
关键词 面雨量 空间插值 效果对比 下游流域 黄土高塬
双累积曲线计算水土保持减水减沙效益方法探讨 被引量:17
作者 冉大川 刘斌 +1 位作者 付良勇 王鸿斌 《人民黄河》 北大核心 1996年第6期24-25,共2页
关键词 双累积曲线 水土保持 减水减沙 效益 环江流域
Analysis on Strategic Future of Application of Agricultural Ecological Source in Control on Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution in Xi River Area in Guangxi 被引量:1
作者 刘永贤 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第1期201-203,共3页
Non-point source pollution has become a hot issue on aquatic ecological environment at home and abroad. The research analyzed the challenges confronted by Xi River and proposed to construct agricultural ecological sou... Non-point source pollution has become a hot issue on aquatic ecological environment at home and abroad. The research analyzed the challenges confronted by Xi River and proposed to construct agricultural ecological source in middle and upper reaches of the Xi River from the perspectives of scientific layout, legal construction, routine monitoring, technology integration, and coordination system in order to promote sustainable development of eco-environment in Xi River. 展开更多
关键词 Nonpoint source pollution Agriculture Aquatic environment Xi River basin Agricultural ecological source
Identification of Potential Sites of Debris Flows in the Upper Min River Drainage,Following Environmental Changes Caused by the Wenchuan Earthquake 被引量:4
作者 LIU Jinfeng YOU Yong CHEN Xingchang FAN Jianrong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第3期255-263,共9页
The Wenchuan earthquake caused numerous landslides and collapses that provide abundant unconsolidated material for future mobilization as debris flows.Debris flows will be very active and cause considerable damage for... The Wenchuan earthquake caused numerous landslides and collapses that provide abundant unconsolidated material for future mobilization as debris flows.Debris flows will be very active and cause considerable damage for some time in the affected area.Because of environmental changes related to the earthquake,many potentially dangerous debris flow gullies have yet to be identified.This paper selects the upper Min River from Yinxiu to Wenchuan as the study area,interprets the unconsolidated deposits,and discusses their relationship to distance from the fault.Then,applying that information and the values of other factors relating to debris flow occurrence,the locations of potential debris flows are analyzed by multi-factor comprehensive identification and rapid identification.The multi-factor comprehensive identification employs fuzzy matter-element extension theory.The volume of unconsolidated material in the study area is about 3.28 × 108 m3.According to the analysis by multi-factor comprehensive identification,47 gullies have a high probability for potential debris flow,8 gullies have a moderate probability,and 1 gully has a low probability. 展开更多
关键词 Wenchuan earthquake unconsolidatedmaterial potential debris flow IDENTIFICATION
Assessment of temporal and spatial variations in surface water quality using multivariate statistical techniques: A case study of Nenjiang River basin, China 被引量:2
作者 郑力燕 于宏兵 王启山 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期3770-3780,共11页
Assessment of temporal and spatial variations in surface water quality is important to evaluate the health of a watershed and make necessary management decisions to control current and future pollution of receiving wa... Assessment of temporal and spatial variations in surface water quality is important to evaluate the health of a watershed and make necessary management decisions to control current and future pollution of receiving water bodies. In this work, surface water quality data for 12 physical and chemical parameters collected from 10 sampling sites in the Nenjiang River basin during the years(2012-2013) were analyzed. The results show that river water quality has significant temporal and spatial variations. Hierarchical cluster analysis(HCA) grouped 12 months into three periods(LF, MF and HF) and classified 10 monitoring sites into three regions(LP, MP and HP) based on the similarity of water quality characteristics. The principle component analysis(PCA)/factor analysis(FA) was used to recognize the factors or origins responsible for temporal and spatial water quality variations. Temporal and spatial PCA/FA revealed that the Nenjiang River water chemistry was strongly affected by rock/water interaction, hydrologic processes and anthropogenic activities. This work demonstrates that the application of HCA and PCA/FA has achieved meaningful classification based on temporal and spatial criteria. 展开更多
关键词 Nenjiang River basin water quality hierarchical cluster analysis(HCA) principal component analysis(PCA) factor analysis
Relationship between ethnic landscape and environment in the Nujiang River basin of Yunnan Province, China
作者 Jing Ying Huang Chengmin Su Caixiu 《Ecological Economy》 2007年第3期303-311,共9页
Each nationality has formed unique ethnic culture in the long history. Ethnic culture is spatially reflected byethnic distribution. The distribution of nationalities is influenced by ethnic history, culture, society a... Each nationality has formed unique ethnic culture in the long history. Ethnic culture is spatially reflected byethnic distribution. The distribution of nationalities is influenced by ethnic history, culture, society and religion, alsoaffected by regional physical setting. This paper analyzes the relationship between ethnic distribution pattern and naturalsetting with contrast analytical method. The digital elevation model (DEM) is established on basis of contour map on ascale of 1:250,000 in the Nujiang River basin, Yunnan Province by ArcGIS, a Geographic Information System (GIS)software. Based on DEM, the spatial analysis and statistical function of GIS, the landscape patterns of populationdistribution of the selected minorities is described, and 4 sub-regions are divided in the Nujiang River basin of YunnanProvince while the features and disparity of landscape pattern and its forming mechanism are discussed, along withhistorical and archaeological data. The conclusions are as follow: (1) The ethnic distribution is mosaic in the matrix ofother racial distribution, and have a distinct spatial correlation. (2) For the difference in cultivation between differentnationalities, certain nationality lived in the area suitable for production mode of its own and coincident with appropriategeographical setting. (3) The spatial distribution of settlement spots of the minorities is controlled by the convenience ofwater supply. The landscape pattern of ethnic distribution is closely relative to natural environment. 展开更多
关键词 Ethnic group distribution Landscape pattern Nujiang River Basin GIS Natural environmentl
Three Gorges Project:a project for ecological improvement and environmental protection in Yangtze River Basin
作者 Lu Youmei 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2011年第3期9-14,30,共7页
Seeking water and earning their livelihoods is the natural selection of human beings.Like other rivers on the earth,the Yangtze River is the birthplace of human civilization and survival.As an ecosystem,the Yangtze Ri... Seeking water and earning their livelihoods is the natural selection of human beings.Like other rivers on the earth,the Yangtze River is the birthplace of human civilization and survival.As an ecosystem,the Yangtze River Basin is evolving under the influences of natural factors and human activities.Because of soil erosion,pollution and human activities,the imbalance of secondary environment is exacerbated and the ecological environment has become more vulnerable,so it is urgent to mitigate and prevent the ecological crisis.The practice has proved that implementation of engineering measures is an effective way to improve the ecological environment.The Three Gorges Project (TGP) has a flood control storage capacity of 22.15 billion m 3,effectively storing the flood water upstream of Yichang,and protects 15 million people and 1.5 million hm 2 farmland.Furthermore,the project can prevent or slow down the sedimentation and shrinkage of the lakes in the middle Yangtze River such as Dongting Lake;with an average annual power generation of about 90 billion kW· h,it can significantly reduce the emissions of harmful gas like CO 2.In general,the construction of TGP is conducive to the ecological and environmental protection in the Yangtze River Basin and China,even the world. 展开更多
关键词 Yangtze River Basin natural ecology ecological environment environmental protection
A comparative study of the atmospheric circulations associated with rainy-season floods between the Yangtze and Huaihe River Basins 被引量:3
作者 PING Fan TANG XiBa +1 位作者 GAO ShouTing LUO ZheXian 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期1464-1479,共16页
Here we present the results from the composite analyses of the atmospheric circulations and physical quantity fields associated with rainy-season for the selected floods cases over the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins ... Here we present the results from the composite analyses of the atmospheric circulations and physical quantity fields associated with rainy-season for the selected floods cases over the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins for the 21 years(1990–2010),using the daily rain gauge measurements taken in the 756 stations throughout China and the NCEP/reanalysis data for the rainyseasons(June–July)from 1990 to 2010.The major differences in the atmospheric circulations and physical quantity fields between the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins are as follows:for flooding years of the Yangtze River Basin,the South Asia high center is located further east than normal,the blocking high over the Urals and the Sea of Okhotsk maintains,and the Meiyu front is situated near 30°N whereas for flooding years of the Huaihe River Basin,the South Asia high center is further west than normal,the atmospheric circulations over the mid and high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere are of meridional distribution,and the Meiyu front is situated near 33°N.In addition,there are distinct differences in water vapor sources and associated transports between the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins.The water vapor is transported by southwesterly flows from the Bay of Bengal and monsoon flows over the South China Sea for flooding years of the Yangtze River Basin whereas by southeast monsoons from the eastern and southern seas off China and monsoon flows over the South China Sea for flooding years of the Huaihe River Basin. 展开更多
关键词 the Yangtze River Basin the Huaihe River Basin rainy-season floods atmospheric circulations
Impact of the Yalong-Yellow River water transfer project on the eco-environment in Yalong River basin 被引量:2
作者 WANG LingHe YAN DengHua +2 位作者 WANG Hao YIN Jun BAI YinBaoLiGao 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第4期831-842,共12页
The planning Yalong-River water transfer project will transfer 5.65 billion cubic meters water from the Yalong River into the Yellow River per year.The Yalong River will be dramatically impacted hydrologically and eco... The planning Yalong-River water transfer project will transfer 5.65 billion cubic meters water from the Yalong River into the Yellow River per year.The Yalong River will be dramatically impacted hydrologically and ecologically because more than 60% of the runoff will be diverted.An ecohydrological model was used to evaluate the impacts of the project on river corridor and wetland in this study.Schizothorax is a typical plateau river species and was used as the indicator species for assessment of the impact of water transfer project.The model simulated the habitat area of Schizothorax in the reach between the Reba Dam and the Ganzi Hydrology Station on the Yalong River.The Reba Dam,A'an Dam and Renda Dam will be constructed in the Yalong River for enhancing the water level for water diversion into the Yellow River.The velocity,channel width,runoff,and water depth will be reduced due to the water transfer,especially during flood season.The reduction in the velocity,channel width,runoff and water depth will occur mainly in the reach near the three dams and the reduction will be reduced to a minimum level in a distance about 100 km downstream of the dams.The maximum net water loss of Kasha Lake is only 1197200 m3,only 0.3% of runoff flowing into the lake.The project cannot bring adverse effect on the lake.The habitat area of Schizothorax in the Yalong River might be reduced if the water was transferred from the Reba Dam.The habitat area of this species will be reduced more than 40%. 展开更多
关键词 ECO-ENVIRONMENT water transfer project IMPACT physical habitat modeling habitat area Yalong River
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