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中国文化现代化的困境与路径选择 被引量:4
作者 杨云鹏 《贵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第3期39-43,共5页
现代化的文化标准与文化现代化是两个不同的概念。中国文化现代化困境产生的原因极其复杂,文化现代化的困境主要表现在:文化变革道路的曲折;全球化对我国文化建设的挑战;中国传统文化的缺陷;社会主义思想道德面临的挑战;文化产业中存在... 现代化的文化标准与文化现代化是两个不同的概念。中国文化现代化困境产生的原因极其复杂,文化现代化的困境主要表现在:文化变革道路的曲折;全球化对我国文化建设的挑战;中国传统文化的缺陷;社会主义思想道德面临的挑战;文化产业中存在着问题。中国文化现代化的路径选择主要是:要坚持以马克思主义为指导;处理好先进文化的建设和传统文化的关系;建立适应社会主义市场经济的新型文化;文化创新;优先发展教育;创造加快文化产业发展的条件。 展开更多
关键词 中国 文化现代代 困境 路径选择
工程教育现代化的生长点与环境约束 被引量:1
作者 徐智德 成凌汉 《有色金属高教研究》 1996年第3期27-30,共4页
工程教育现代化的生长点与环境约束西安理工大学徐智德,成凌汉一、计算机技术是工程教育现代化的生长点随着计算机技术的发展,其应用已渗透到国民经济的各个部门和人们生活的各个方面,对现代社会产生着不可估量的影响。与此相应,计... 工程教育现代化的生长点与环境约束西安理工大学徐智德,成凌汉一、计算机技术是工程教育现代化的生长点随着计算机技术的发展,其应用已渗透到国民经济的各个部门和人们生活的各个方面,对现代社会产生着不可估量的影响。与此相应,计算机应用也渗透到各个学科的教育之中... 展开更多
关键词 工程教育现代代 生长点 环境约束 计算机技术
社区交往研究──在现代化与现代性语境中 被引量:3
作者 于雷 《华中建筑》 2001年第5期14-17,共4页
该文是在中国现代化转型与现代性反思这个大的时代背景下去研究社区交往的现实内容和意义,强调了交往主体性确立的进步意义和对于交往主体间性特点重视的必要性,在此基础上归纳出转型期中国社区建设中存在的三种类型交往问题,并尝试... 该文是在中国现代化转型与现代性反思这个大的时代背景下去研究社区交往的现实内容和意义,强调了交往主体性确立的进步意义和对于交往主体间性特点重视的必要性,在此基础上归纳出转型期中国社区建设中存在的三种类型交往问题,并尝试着分别给出一些对策。 展开更多
关键词 社区交往 现代代 社区建设
中药材的规模化种植和规范化管理是实现中药现代化的必经之路 被引量:15
作者 任丽萍 《中医药管理杂志》 2008年第8期610-611,共2页
随着人们对健康的重视,人们对环境污染及食品药品的安全性也日益重视。中药因为天然、绿色、无毒副作用而独树一帜,成为世界人民喜爱的药品、保健品、化妆品和食品。推动中药的现代化发展,规范化和规模化的中药材种植,是实现中医药现代... 随着人们对健康的重视,人们对环境污染及食品药品的安全性也日益重视。中药因为天然、绿色、无毒副作用而独树一帜,成为世界人民喜爱的药品、保健品、化妆品和食品。推动中药的现代化发展,规范化和规模化的中药材种植,是实现中医药现代化的必经之路。 展开更多
关键词 中药 现代代 种植 规模化 管理 规范化
分歧与对话:中国化马克思主义与第三代现代新儒学的关系考察——基于马克思主义中国化问题情境的分析 被引量:1
作者 朱庆跃 《湖北社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期10-18,共9页
"分歧与对话"构成了20世纪80-90年代及其之后较长时间段中中国化马克思主义与第三代现代新儒学的主要关系状态。从马克思主义中国化问题情境视域来分析,这种"分歧与对话"具体体现在中国现代化中的问题丛生是否与中... "分歧与对话"构成了20世纪80-90年代及其之后较长时间段中中国化马克思主义与第三代现代新儒学的主要关系状态。从马克思主义中国化问题情境视域来分析,这种"分歧与对话"具体体现在中国现代化中的问题丛生是否与中国传统文化的缺失有关、(中国化)马克思主义是否具有解决中国现实问题的真理性、儒家资本主义是否能够成为实现中国现代化的优良方案、中国传统文化的现代化是否需要(中国化)马克思主义为指导、社会意识形态的构建格局是否可以是多元化的等方面。通过积极地与第三代新儒家就上述有关思想主张上的分歧进行对话,中国马克思主义者维护了(中国化)马克思主义的科学真理性及其指导下的实践的现实正当性。 展开更多
关键词 中国马克思主义者 第三现代新儒家 分歧 对话
作者 李鸿恩 《农牧情报研究》 1989年第12期33-38,共6页
关键词 测试技术 农业现代代 农业科研
空间信息技术与土地利用管理 被引量:8
作者 汪卫民 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1998年第2期98-101,共4页
关键词 空间信息技术 土地利用管理 现代代
作者 古风 《美与时代(美学)(下)》 2015年第1期60-61,共2页
20世纪,我国经过了一波又一波的"西化"浪潮,中国传统文论不断地被边缘化了,但却没有消亡,而是还"存活"着。这是一个被学界长期以来忽视了的文艺学现象。"存活论"告诉人们,中国传统文论的文脉没有中断,它... 20世纪,我国经过了一波又一波的"西化"浪潮,中国传统文论不断地被边缘化了,但却没有消亡,而是还"存活"着。这是一个被学界长期以来忽视了的文艺学现象。"存活论"告诉人们,中国传统文论的文脉没有中断,它以顽强的生命力"存活"着,并作为不可或缺的资源,参与了中国文论现代化的建设。所以,中国文论的"现代化"应该包括两个方面,即"洋化"和"本土化"。 展开更多
关键词 传统文论 现代代 话语 存活
论刘述先系统哲学思想 被引量:2
作者 姚才刚 《湖北行政学院学报》 2002年第3期56-62,共7页
刘述先是“第三代现代新儒家”的主要代表人物之一。面对日益分崩离析的现代哲学 ,他反其道而行 ,极力主张恢复中国传统哲学的睿识 ,在此基础上建构系统哲学 ,获得一种“全观”。这种“全观”不是封闭的、自圆一致的 ,而是开放的、创造... 刘述先是“第三代现代新儒家”的主要代表人物之一。面对日益分崩离析的现代哲学 ,他反其道而行 ,极力主张恢复中国传统哲学的睿识 ,在此基础上建构系统哲学 ,获得一种“全观”。这种“全观”不是封闭的、自圆一致的 ,而是开放的、创造的 ,是通过对宋明理学“理一分殊”的现代阐释所把握的。 展开更多
关键词 刘述先 系统哲学 "理一分殊" 西方哲学 "第三现代新儒学"
作者 陈金力 《中外医疗》 2009年第35期140-140,共1页
目的适应现代医学护理模式的需要,转变妇产科护理人员传统工作方法。方法我院从2007年以来对护士开展的一系列培训和教育。结果取得满意效果,提高了护士素质,改善了护患关系,促进了护患和谐。结论通过实施专业化护理管理,明显提高医院... 目的适应现代医学护理模式的需要,转变妇产科护理人员传统工作方法。方法我院从2007年以来对护士开展的一系列培训和教育。结果取得满意效果,提高了护士素质,改善了护患关系,促进了护患和谐。结论通过实施专业化护理管理,明显提高医院的整体护理水平。 展开更多
关键词 现代代医学护理模式 专科护理
坚定党的先进性 推动教育事业跨越式发展
作者 宋和平 《西藏教育》 2005年第4期4-7,共4页
中央关于保持共产党先进性教育活动已在全国范围展开,这是党中央作出的一项重大决策,是推进新时期党的建设新的伟大工程的一项基础性工程,它必将对新时期党的建设和发展、全面提高党的执政能力,推动社会主义现代代建设,全面实现小... 中央关于保持共产党先进性教育活动已在全国范围展开,这是党中央作出的一项重大决策,是推进新时期党的建设新的伟大工程的一项基础性工程,它必将对新时期党的建设和发展、全面提高党的执政能力,推动社会主义现代代建设,全面实现小康社会目标产生重大而深远的影响。我们一定要在区党委的领导下,把思想统一到中央的决策部署上来,认真扎实地搞好教育系统这次党员先进性集中教育活动, 展开更多
关键词 党的先进性 跨越式发展 教育事业 先进性教育活动 新的伟大工程 党的执政能力 小康社会目标 党的建设 基础性工程 党员先进性 社会主义 决策部署 思想统一 教育系统 新时期 共产党 党中央 现代代 党委 集中
寻找 中国现代化的根──读《从上海发现历史──现代化进程中的上海人及其社会生活(927-1937)》
作者 季永桂 《探索与争鸣》 1997年第4期46-48,17,共4页
关键词 现代化进程 社会生活 中国现代 发现 1927-1937年 现代化运动 上海人民出版社 中国近现代 20世纪初 民国时期 历史进程 系统论 现代代 抗战前
Seven Decades of China's Fiscal Modernization 被引量:6
作者 Yang Zhiyong 《China Economist》 2019年第1期66-93,共28页
After its founding in 1949,the People’s Republic of China'started to modernize its fiscal system-an essential part of its broader modernization drive.Its unified and wellfunctioning fiscal system supported the st... After its founding in 1949,the People’s Republic of China'started to modernize its fiscal system-an essential part of its broader modernization drive.Its unified and wellfunctioning fiscal system supported the stability of the nascent government,and helped stabilize the economy and restore public order after then.In the era of the planned economy,public finance in the country was put at the service of economic plans while striving to reach a fiscal equilibrium,which was of great significance at that time.Economic equilibrium,including fiscal,credit and material equilibrium,was perceived as a manifestation of macroeconomic stability.Problems encountered during the era of the planned economy led to the launch of a reform and opening-up program-a brilliant chapter in modern Chinese history.The Third Plenum of the 11th CPC Central Committee marks a brand-new era of reform and opening-up.In this transformative period,China’s fiscal system was initially decentralized to keep abreast of its“planned commodity economy.”After the goal of socialist market economic reform was announced in 1992,China’s fiscal reforms embarked on a fast track.As China'strived to build a public finance system compatible with a socialist market economic system,fiscal reforms took place and fiscal policy played a more important role in macroeconomic regulation.The Third Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee held in November 2013 set the goal of the reform to establish a modern fiscal system.Afterwards,China deepened its fiscal reforms,focusing on budget management,taxation and reform of central-local fiscal relations. 展开更多
关键词 public finance in China contemporary Chinese fiscal history contemporaryfiscal system MODERNIZATION
Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy Between Tradition and Innovation 被引量:2
作者 Adriana Iezzi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第3期158-179,共22页
Since the mid-1980s Chinese calligraphy art has undergone a radical change and has opened itself to experimentation. A vivid debate on CCC (Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy) (Zhongguo xiandai shufa) is involving a... Since the mid-1980s Chinese calligraphy art has undergone a radical change and has opened itself to experimentation. A vivid debate on CCC (Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy) (Zhongguo xiandai shufa) is involving art critics in China nowadays. WANG Dongling and the modernists think that, despite many changes and influences, we can still refer to the traditional calligraphic lexicon to describe the calligraphic production of contemporary Chinese art. They still remain deeply rooted in the signified system of Chinese writing, even if they break with the strict rules of Chinese classical aesthetic (contamination of Western elements and focus on the stylistic exploration). WANG Nanming and the Avant-garde think that "contemporary calligraphy is not calligraphy yet": It is "anti-calligraphy", annihilates Chinese tradition, rejects the use of legible characters, experiments with new languages and new media within the idiom of international contemporary art. The result is the creation of works of art that could be assimilated to Abstract art, Abstract expressionism, Conceptual art, Performance art, Contemporary dance, Multimedia art, and even Street art. This paper aims at showing how still valid and extremely productive are both these two theoretical and creative/practical approaches to Chinese calligraphy in China nowadays. They turned the art of calligraphy into a medium for global comprehension and communication. 展开更多
关键词 CCC (Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy) MODERNISM AVANT-GARDE WANG Dongling WANG Nanming
Theory Viewing Yeats's Poetic Modernization From Mask
作者 LIU Juan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第3期246-252,共7页
As "the greatest poet in the 20th century", Yeats is always a hot topic among academic community. The question whether Yeats is the "last romantic" or the first Modernist remains controversial for a long time in a... As "the greatest poet in the 20th century", Yeats is always a hot topic among academic community. The question whether Yeats is the "last romantic" or the first Modernist remains controversial for a long time in academic field. Whether critics term Yeats a modernist or not, they generally agree that the poems produced in his late creative period are definitively modernist works. This paper targets Yeats's realization of poetic modernization through his mask theory applied in "Crazy Jane" poems. It discusses the poetic movement in the beginning of the 20th century, the poetic theory Yeats proposed and instances Yeats's mask theory as the manifestation of his poetic modernization. The author argues that with his innovation in verse writing particularly demonstrated by application of mask theory in "Crazy Jane" poems, Yeats unquestionably played a very important role in Anglo-American modernist poetry. 展开更多
关键词 W. B. Yeats modernist poetry modernization mask theory Crazy Jane
Musical Urbanism between Radicalism and Tradition: A Reflection on the Architectural Discourse of the 1920s
作者 Florian Edler 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第6期767-780,共14页
In the aftermath of the First World War, various compositions emerged that explored the phenomenon of the modem city by translating the clamorous sounds of urban environments and reflecting them artistically in the me... In the aftermath of the First World War, various compositions emerged that explored the phenomenon of the modem city by translating the clamorous sounds of urban environments and reflecting them artistically in the medium of music. With the rendering of poetic and esoteric moods unrelated to practical life considered outdated, musical preoccupation with modem architecture mostly concemed social aspects, such as people's circumstances, their emotional rootedness to bygone conditions and the search for orientation in an environment characterized by technology. There is a parallel here with contemporary architectural debates in which tension between modernism and traditionalism also played a key role. 展开更多
关键词 Modernist architecture machine music musical urbanism 1920s Antheil Hindemith Prokofiev.
From the Pictorial Symbols of the Theatre to the Virtual Symbolisation of the Real
作者 Theodore Grammatas 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第5期312-319,共8页
In many representative, literary, cinematic, or artistic products of modern civilization, the problem of world's reality and the relationship of the subject with it, are seen from different viewpoints, such as the di... In many representative, literary, cinematic, or artistic products of modern civilization, the problem of world's reality and the relationship of the subject with it, are seen from different viewpoints, such as the dimension of the utopian perception of a dreamlike or imaginary composition, subconscious creation, but also more complex versions such as computer mediated complete illusion, artificial intelligence, and control of the brain, intrusion, and influence exerted on the thought of the other using modern technology or any combination of all the above. It is thus understood that the issue at hand can be approached from a variety of viewpoints and aspects, such as the philosophical, psychological, psychoanalytical, technological, neurophysiologieal, sociological, literary and so on Our viewpoint is strictly limited to the theatrical dimension and our analysis will prosress based on data comprising the theatrical phenomenon, that is, the illusion, as opposed to virtual reality of modern technology. 展开更多
关键词 theatrical illusion digital drama cyber drama virtual reality
Ontological Nominalism and Analytic Philosophy: On the Possibility of Philosophizing whilst Dispensing with Universals
作者 Hossein Dabbagh Soroush Dabbagh 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第2期93-99,共7页
Most commentators use the term "modern philosophy" for the post-Descartes era--an era of unprecedented growth for the modern sciences and, especially the empirical sciences. Even assuming that the feud between the r... Most commentators use the term "modern philosophy" for the post-Descartes era--an era of unprecedented growth for the modern sciences and, especially the empirical sciences. Even assuming that the feud between the rationalists and the empiricists during this period yielded no other benefits, it was beneficial enough to turn "experience" into an important pillar of the acquisition of knowledge in the subsequent philosophy. It was this "experience-mindedness" that drove away the Aristotelian "essentialist" perspective and replaced it with "nominalism." By describing the genesis and emergence of the "nominalist-empirical" perspective in analytic philosophy as one of the branches of the human sciences, this article strives to advance the claim that philosophical thinking continues to flourish in the absence of "realist thinking about universals" and that philosophizing does not fundamentally rest on universals. 展开更多
关键词 ontological nominalism conceptual nominalism ESSENTIALISM
Interpretations of St. Francis of Assisi in the 20th Century: Philosophical-Anthropological Perspective
作者 Oleksandr Golozubov 《History Research》 2015年第1期12-27,共16页
The article deals with investigating and comparing key modern and postmodern interpretations of St. Francis of Assisi from a philosophical-anthropological perspective. We determine these interpretations to be as foll... The article deals with investigating and comparing key modern and postmodern interpretations of St. Francis of Assisi from a philosophical-anthropological perspective. We determine these interpretations to be as follows: a man of wonder and lover of wisdom, in other words, a true philosopher; hero of all times; defender of the poverty and poor; “champion of liberty”; peace-maker and pacifist; God's troubadour; patron of nature and animals. All of these manifestations of St. Francis' personality have been enriched by his Christocentrism and joyful vision. Moreover, this can be traced in primary sources and also echoes in the late modern period. Postmodernity not only incorporated similar motives into the cultural space with new focus and accent, but it also put forward some new visions. St. Francis was postulated as God's Fool, not so much in the medieval as in the postmodern sense of foolishness and madness as a way of interaction with the absurd and puzzle-like world in which we live. It also reconciles traditional opposition between joy and laughter as inner feelings and outward emotions within the frame of the postmodern Divine Comedy. 展开更多
关键词 modemity postmodemity St. Francis of Assisi
Techne in Pre-Platonic Literature and its Significance to Modem Society
作者 ShuangWang Oian Wang Mingli Qin 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第1期16-23,共8页
The reason for the double-edged sword effect of technology is that in modern system of knowledge, there has appeared a gap between technology and ethics which couldn't be found in ancient Greece. Going back to the Gr... The reason for the double-edged sword effect of technology is that in modern system of knowledge, there has appeared a gap between technology and ethics which couldn't be found in ancient Greece. Going back to the Greek ancestor of technology--techne, will shed a light on the solution of the problems brought about by modem technology, because even before Plato whose ideas on techne have been heatedly discussed nowadays, techne has embraced an ethical dimension. 展开更多
关键词 techne pre-plato technology ETHICS
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