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作者 周诚 《安徽财会》 2001年第5期30-31,共2页
关键词 现代企制度 财务管理 属性定位 职能
念好“正严勤能实廉”六字诀 锤炼提升现代治企兴企能力
作者 宋明水 《石油化工管理干部学院学报》 2023年第5期17-22,共6页
习近平总书记高度重视干部队伍建设,提出了国企好干部“20字”标准等。系统掌握蕴含其中的世界观和方法论,才能更好地改造主观世界和客观世界,担当起现代治企兴企重任。要时刻牢记习近平总书记教诲,在加快打造世界一流技术先导型地球探... 习近平总书记高度重视干部队伍建设,提出了国企好干部“20字”标准等。系统掌握蕴含其中的世界观和方法论,才能更好地改造主观世界和客观世界,担当起现代治企兴企重任。要时刻牢记习近平总书记教诲,在加快打造世界一流技术先导型地球探测公司征程上,持续锤炼提升现代治企兴企能力,全力做到“正、严、勤、能、实、廉”。 展开更多
关键词 现代 正严勤能实廉 干部队伍建设 高质量发展
现代矿企周边环境安全与科学管理 被引量:1
作者 田永康 杨清 刘爱华 《安全与环境工程》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第4期82-87,共6页
随着我国经济的高速发展,对矿产资源的需求量越来越大,现代矿企周边环境安全问题也越来越突出,研究掌握矿企发展与周边环境安全的基本关系和特性,制定科学管理对策至关重要。深入研究了矿企周边安全的基本内容和特性,分析了企业发展与... 随着我国经济的高速发展,对矿产资源的需求量越来越大,现代矿企周边环境安全问题也越来越突出,研究掌握矿企发展与周边环境安全的基本关系和特性,制定科学管理对策至关重要。深入研究了矿企周边安全的基本内容和特性,分析了企业发展与周边环境安全的相互关系,并在介绍国外矿企安全管理的先进经验,以及剖析我国某些大型地下开采矿山在周边环境安全管理方面取得的成功经验和失败教训的基础上,提出了符合我国国情的矿企周边安全管理模式,对确保矿企的可持续发展具有重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 现代 周边环境 自然生态环境 社会人文环境 安全管理
论现代茶企经济管理存在的问题及对策 被引量:2
作者 刘婧 《福建茶叶》 北大核心 2017年第7期69-70,共2页
现代茶企首先区别于传统的茶叶制作作坊,是具有一定组织规模,并有相当机械化程度的股份公司制企业。当前茶企在经济管理中所存在的问题包括:缺乏对茶叶制品品牌塑造的意识、强调规模化生产忽视了精细管理、班组管理中的利益壁垒现象严... 现代茶企首先区别于传统的茶叶制作作坊,是具有一定组织规模,并有相当机械化程度的股份公司制企业。当前茶企在经济管理中所存在的问题包括:缺乏对茶叶制品品牌塑造的意识、强调规模化生产忽视了精细管理、班组管理中的利益壁垒现象严重。对策可围绕着:多元化经营来推动产品的文化建设、借助网络化分工加强本部精益管理、以组织文化圈层理论优化组织生态、根据技术纵向关联度整合班组结构等四个方面来进行构建。 展开更多
关键词 现代 经济管理 问题 对策
关于现代地勘企业经营方向的思考 被引量:2
作者 周松林 张素霞 杨霄 《中国煤炭》 北大核心 2014年第12期5-9,共5页
地勘单位的发展划分为传统地质勘查服务、资产经营运作和资本经营三个层次,由于受到管理体制、经验理念和金融环境等因素的制约,能够发展为现代化矿业企业的国有地勘单位风毛麟角。地勘单位要向高阶段发展,必须创新经营理念,建立"... 地勘单位的发展划分为传统地质勘查服务、资产经营运作和资本经营三个层次,由于受到管理体制、经验理念和金融环境等因素的制约,能够发展为现代化矿业企业的国有地勘单位风毛麟角。地勘单位要向高阶段发展,必须创新经营理念,建立"产品加工厂"的顶层设计,积极发展混合所有制经济;必须配置优质、优势矿业权,必须走以优质矿业权为基础的现代矿企探、采、选、冶和期贸一体化开发之路,走资源、资产、资本一体化的矿业资本经营之路。 展开更多
关键词 地勘 发展阶段 经营方向 现代 矿业资本
作者 李文平 袁二明 《福建茶叶》 2018年第11期55-55,58,共2页
在我国市场经济持续发展的时代背景下,我国茶叶也进入了现代化的发展历史阶段。过去那种传统的制茶小作坊基本无处可寻,取而代之的是一个个有着现代管理制度、现代制造技术的茶企。尽管我国茶企的发展取得长足进步,但是还存在诸多问题,... 在我国市场经济持续发展的时代背景下,我国茶叶也进入了现代化的发展历史阶段。过去那种传统的制茶小作坊基本无处可寻,取而代之的是一个个有着现代管理制度、现代制造技术的茶企。尽管我国茶企的发展取得长足进步,但是还存在诸多问题,尤其是在经济管理上还有着不少的不足。譬如说:精细管理不够、利益壁垒亟待破解、品牌意识不够、财务制度需要完善等等。可以说,这些不足是制约我国现代茶企又好又快发展的"拦路石",必须要创新思维、丰富手段,下大力气加以解决,为我国现代茶企在新时代的高质量发展提供坚强的经济管理保障。 展开更多
关键词 现代 经济管理 问题 解决之道
作者 刘睿 金清 《福建茶叶》 2018年第11期43-43,共1页
在现代茶叶企业构建与发展过程中,其中所需要的内容是多样化的,除了现代化的经营元素外,也需要注重融入现代化的经营意识,无论是茶叶的产品类型,还是对自身产品的品质把控等等,都需要从系统化、整体化视角来予以切入,本文拟从传统发酵... 在现代茶叶企业构建与发展过程中,其中所需要的内容是多样化的,除了现代化的经营元素外,也需要注重融入现代化的经营意识,无论是茶叶的产品类型,还是对自身产品的品质把控等等,都需要从系统化、整体化视角来予以切入,本文拟从传统发酵类食品的开发背景分析入手,结合现代茶叶应用传统发酵类食品的发展状况分析,从而探究现代茶叶企业中传统发酵类食品的产业现状。 展开更多
关键词 传统发酵类食品 现代 发展研究 产业现状 食品安全
作者 李晓晓 《酿酒》 CAS 2021年第5期14-17,共4页
关键词 价值链 现代 核心竞争力 可持续发展
作者 孙玲 《信息通信》 2013年第1期104-104,共1页
随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展、国家政策的不断完善,我国药企发展无论是速度还是规模上都取得了重大突破。尤其是信息技术的引进,我国药企发展速度更加迅速,管理水平越来越高。新时期新背景下,加强对于信息技术在现代药企中应用... 随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展、国家政策的不断完善,我国药企发展无论是速度还是规模上都取得了重大突破。尤其是信息技术的引进,我国药企发展速度更加迅速,管理水平越来越高。新时期新背景下,加强对于信息技术在现代药企中应用的研究有着重要的现实意义。本文旨在研究我国药企在信息技术应用现状,针对出现的问题提出相应的解决策略,为我国药企在信息技术应用方面的进一步发展提供一些可行性的思路。 展开更多
关键词 信息技术 现代 应用分析
作者 高廷冰 《石油石化物资采购》 2022年第16期1-3,共3页
现代化建设背景下,我国经济发展速度较快,在此过程中我国的科技水平也迎来了增长,大数据时代背景下,集中采购、供应链管理、“互联网+”的新发展模式已经被我国各行各业所引用。针对现代化背景下央企的发展情况,从集中采购管理的角度出... 现代化建设背景下,我国经济发展速度较快,在此过程中我国的科技水平也迎来了增长,大数据时代背景下,集中采购、供应链管理、“互联网+”的新发展模式已经被我国各行各业所引用。针对现代化背景下央企的发展情况,从集中采购管理的角度出发,有序的介绍了集中采购的概念、集中采购的优点、央企集中采购中存在的问题,并介绍了详细的解决方案,希望能够为央企集中采购管理发展提供一些帮助,进一步提升央企集中采购管理能力。 展开更多
关键词 现代 集中采购 管理路径
新形势下企业政工人才培养工作机制的探索和实践 被引量:5
作者 崔鑫 高志勇 《中国煤炭工业》 2015年第9期74-76,共3页
近年来,山东能源临矿集团党委根据省国资委《省管企业人才机制创新试点方案》精神,在集团公司实施了"政工人才培养工程",对新形势下国有企业政治优势转化为可持续发展软实力的党建工作机制,以及建立健全企业政工人才培养工作... 近年来,山东能源临矿集团党委根据省国资委《省管企业人才机制创新试点方案》精神,在集团公司实施了"政工人才培养工程",对新形势下国有企业政治优势转化为可持续发展软实力的党建工作机制,以及建立健全企业政工人才培养工作机制,进行了有益的探索和实践。一、充分认识实施政工人才培养工作机制的重要意义临矿集团党委在加强各类人才建设的同时,不断加强政工人才队伍建设。 展开更多
关键词 业政工 政工人才 人才机制 党建工作机制 业改革 集团党委 国有 人才工程 政工人员 现代企
经济转型期的茶企管理创新特征研究 被引量:1
作者 张倩莎 朱斌 《福建茶叶》 2018年第12期384-384,共1页
对于茶叶企业而言,也存在诸多难题,尤其是经营过程中的认知短板与内涵不足,从而影响了茶叶企业的管理效率。因此,探究茶叶企业的管理创新特征,丰富价值认知,实现茶叶企业管理的最大效益。本文拟从经济转型期茶叶企业所面临的复杂形势认... 对于茶叶企业而言,也存在诸多难题,尤其是经营过程中的认知短板与内涵不足,从而影响了茶叶企业的管理效率。因此,探究茶叶企业的管理创新特征,丰富价值认知,实现茶叶企业管理的最大效益。本文拟从经济转型期茶叶企业所面临的复杂形势认知入手,结合经济转型期茶叶企业的管理创新特征认知,从而具体探究经济转型期做好茶叶企业管理创新的具体策略。 展开更多
关键词 经济转型期 现代 管理机制 创新特征 时代气息
Corporate Governance, Sustainable Development and Value Creation Some Evidences From Italian Listed Companies 被引量:1
作者 Alex Almici 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第3期322-333,共12页
Modern corporate situations, characterized by the globalisation of the markets and of the information, highlight the need to link the potential of a not transient growth to the adequate reconciliation of all the expec... Modern corporate situations, characterized by the globalisation of the markets and of the information, highlight the need to link the potential of a not transient growth to the adequate reconciliation of all the expectations converging around the entrepreneurial formula and not only of those attributable to shareholders. In such a defined context, corporate governance tends to evolve from a situation of primary care for the expectations of shareholders (shareholder's view) and for the correlated financial responsibility, to a wide consideration of all the stakeholders (stakeholder's view) and related responsibilities (financial, environmental, social, administrative). The correct carrying out of governance processes requires, therefore, a clear focus on sustainable development and on the related assumption of a concept of global responsibility. The decisions made by the governing bodies must be driven by the purpose to create value in the long term according to conditions of fairness and sustainable development. To sum up, this research aims to deepen the existing connections between corporate governance, sustainable development and value creation on the basis of the empirical analysis of a limited number of listed Italian companies afferent to the public utilities sector. The paper, based on a deductive approach, is composed of two distinct but strictly connected parts: the first theoretical and the second empirical. The empirical research consists of a content analysis of the most recent documents (sustainability reports and annual reports) worked out by the selected companies. The results obtained about the degree respect of sustainable development conditions by each company are linked to the related value dimension (social, economic, competitive and environmental performance) aimed at verifying if the assumption of a corporate governance approach inspired by sustainability is susceptible of favouring the company development in a medium long term. From the delivered research it emerges how public utilities that promote behaviours in line with the sustainability conditions are marked out by stable growth paths. Conversely, the companies that assume a vision mainly addressed to the economic dimension, neglecting the other areas are generally compromised in the performance realized. 展开更多
关键词 corporate governance sustainable development shareholder's view global corporate responsibility
Review on the Study of the Allocation of Corporate Control in Enterprise Theory 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Jun MING Da-zeng OU Xu-dong 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第7期477-482,共6页
With the establishment of a modem corporate system, the separation of ownership and management appears in the company. The rational allocation of corporate control between different behavioral agents has attracted mor... With the establishment of a modem corporate system, the separation of ownership and management appears in the company. The rational allocation of corporate control between different behavioral agents has attracted more and more attention. This paper points out that scholars have studied the allocation of corporate control from the angles of the agency cost theory, property rights theory, corporate finance theory, and the theory of corporate governance, which has great value. However, the existing theories also have some flaws on the allocation of corporate control. First, people still have different understandings and views over the meaning of corporate control. Secondly, the existing research theoretically only observes and studies an arrangement of sheer level control, the allocation between final control and real control. This paper argues to build the two-tier allocation of corporate control: The first tier relation is between ultimate control rights and actual control rights, the second tier relation is between indirect control rights and direct control rights which are in actual control rights. This study can explain the resource allocation effects of corporate control, promote the development and improvement of the theory of the firm. 展开更多
关键词 corporate control allocation of rights corporate governance
Tasks and Priorities for Comprehensively Deepening Reform of China’s State Sector of Economy 被引量:1
作者 黄群慧 《China Economist》 2015年第6期4-14,共11页
The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee ushered in a new chapter of China's comprehensive deepening of reform. The basic objective of comprehensively deepening reform of the state sector of econom... The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee ushered in a new chapter of China's comprehensive deepening of reform. The basic objective of comprehensively deepening reform of the state sector of economy in the new chapter is to fully integrate this sector with a sophisticated market economic system with the market playing the decisive role in resource allocation. In order to achieve this objective, China is confronted with the four major priorities of adjusting the functions and layout of the state sector of economy according to national mandates, expediting the mixed ownership reform, creating a classified and multi- tiered new system for the administration of the sector, and developing a modern corporate system for SOEs to ensure an efficient micro-level governance mechanism for the sector. (1) The functions of the different types of SOEs should be accurately defined and SOEs should be divided into the three types of public policy SOEs, functional SOEs, and commercial SOEs. This classification forms the premises for reforming the state sector of economy. Based on the functions of the three types of SOEs, the directions and emphases for strategic adjustment should differ as well. (2) The mixed ownership reform should adhere to the methodological principles of combining top-down and bottom-up approaches, implementing pilot programs, and promoting coordinated progress. Practical implementation should ensure fair and standard reform procedures, reform programs consistent with laws and regulations, open and fair equity transfers, as well as fair and transparent internal distributions. The mixed ownership reform of SOEs should introduce the employee stock ownership system and adhere to the principles of compatible incentives, shared growth, and long-term development. Monopolistic sectors should be transformed into competitive market structures to create conditions for the implementation of mixed ownership for SOEs. (3) The new system for the administration of the state sector of economy should comprise three hierarchies: the Commission for the Administration of State Economy at the top level, state capital operation companies or state capital investment companies at the intermediate level and general for-profit enterprises at the bottom level, which administer public policy, functional SOEs, and commercial SOEs respectively. (4) Under the new system for the administration of the state sector of economy characterized by the three hierarchies and categories, the key for perfecting the modern corporate system of SOEs is to establish a differentiated, classified governance mechanism, i.e., different corporate governance mechanisms should be created for SOEs of different functions and roles. 展开更多
关键词 state sector of economy comprehensively deepening reform classification offunctions strategic adjustment mixed ownership reform administrative system for the statesector of economy classified governance
Modeling Farm Management Modernization: Case Study of Japanese Rice Farming Corporations
作者 Yukio Kinoshita Nobuo Kimura 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2016年第5期307-320,共14页
While conventional family-owned and family-operated farms remain the most common structure, the number of Japanese agricultural corporations has increased in recent years as a result of changing policies. Some of them... While conventional family-owned and family-operated farms remain the most common structure, the number of Japanese agricultural corporations has increased in recent years as a result of changing policies. Some of them are possibly starting to adopt modem corporate management practices to remain viable in a more competitive environment. However, changes in the business structure have not always been accompanied by changes in farm management practices. This study represents a theoretical and empirical investigation into farm modernization practices to provide perspective and recommendations to enhance farm business. Various aspects of farm modernization were considered, including temporal, economic and functional modernization. Critical elements of farm modernization were examined using a structural equation model of surveys, wherein questionnaires were delivered to 2,260 agricultural corporations across Japan in 2014 and 2016, generating 669 usable responses from rice farming corporations. Overall, these corporations demonstrated moderate degrees of modernization, indicating that they have not yet completely transitioned from conventional management styles to modem corporate management and that the farm-household complex system still exists for many of them. It was also found that farm modernization is significantly affected by both production and business management systems, although it was unclear whether a farmer's managerial capabilities were critical for farm modernization. The findings of this study indicate that current farming corporations may benefit from incorporating additional modernization practices. The analytical framework and results will help farmers to better understand their management practices and can be used to provide ideas for policy development to promote competitive farm businesses. 展开更多
关键词 Farm business farming corporations modernization of management structural equation model.
Techne in Pre-Platonic Literature and its Significance to Modem Society
作者 ShuangWang Oian Wang Mingli Qin 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第1期16-23,共8页
The reason for the double-edged sword effect of technology is that in modern system of knowledge, there has appeared a gap between technology and ethics which couldn't be found in ancient Greece. Going back to the Gr... The reason for the double-edged sword effect of technology is that in modern system of knowledge, there has appeared a gap between technology and ethics which couldn't be found in ancient Greece. Going back to the Greek ancestor of technology--techne, will shed a light on the solution of the problems brought about by modem technology, because even before Plato whose ideas on techne have been heatedly discussed nowadays, techne has embraced an ethical dimension. 展开更多
关键词 techne pre-plato technology ETHICS
Research on the Human Resource Management Mode based on Competency Model
作者 Meilin Yu Duo Xiao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第10期29-31,共3页
In this paper, we conduct in-depth research on the human resource management mode based on competency model. Treatment of competency is defined based on the previous scholars, this paper defines enterprise top managem... In this paper, we conduct in-depth research on the human resource management mode based on competency model. Treatment of competency is defined based on the previous scholars, this paper defines enterprise top management competency as can change the performance is outstanding person in senior management positions in companies and generally do distinguish individual potential. Corporate culture has a strong and lasting soft binding, plays an important role in modem enterprise management. The numerical analysis supports the effectiveness and feasibility of the model. In the future, we will conduct more related work to optimize the current theory. 展开更多
关键词 Human Resource Business Management Competency Model Literature Review.
Auditor Switching by Corporate Governance: Empirical Analysis From the Listed Company in China
作者 Zhang Yanan Cheng Wen Ren Jinzheng 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第2期230-238,共9页
As the most important institutional arrangement in modem corporate, corporate governance is playing an increasingly important role in Chinese market economy, and its effect to auditor change is also being increasingly... As the most important institutional arrangement in modem corporate, corporate governance is playing an increasingly important role in Chinese market economy, and its effect to auditor change is also being increasingly tapped in recent years. This paper summarizes the reason of auditor switching, especially the elements of corporate governance. Then by selecting the A-share listed companies in China as a sample, the authors use statistical test and logistic regression analysis to explore how the 15 factors of corporate governance which are based on the indicators of Nankai University evaluation system affect auditor switching. The results show that the largest proportion of shareholding, the proportion of independent directors, and board meetings which on behalf of the level of corporate governance, have a significant and negative correlation with auditor switching. The results also show that full disclosure, litigation, and arbitration which on behave of the level of corporate governance have a significant positive correlation with auditor switching. 展开更多
关键词 corporate governance auditor switching influence factors
The Impact of Corporate Cultural Innovation on theEnterprise Management Innovation
作者 Fenghua LI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第6期60-62,共3页
Enterprise Management Innovation has been a topic of concern to the business community and holds the same opinions to adhere to corporate management for innovation, but how to make companies management innovation beco... Enterprise Management Innovation has been a topic of concern to the business community and holds the same opinions to adhere to corporate management for innovation, but how to make companies management innovation becomes the business people must face. I believe that: enterprise management innovation is the innovation of the modem enterprise system, enterprise management innovation is necessary not only to establish modem corporate governance institutions, but also to establish a sound management system. Based on this idea, the purpose of this paper is to explore the enterprise management innovation, a true reflection of the necessity and creative approach to business management innovation. Through analysis, the enterprise management innovation is the scientific concept of development of specific applications in the field of enterprise management. Enterprise management innovation is the development of internal demand point of view, hoping to be helpful for Chinese enterprises to occupy a place in the fierce competition in the international market. 展开更多
关键词 business management INNOVATION CULTURE IMPACT
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