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四川省近现代国学运动批评空间的建立—以三种期刊为例 被引量:1
作者 方磊 《人民论坛(中旬刊)》 北大核心 2015年第3期188-191,共4页
四川省近现代国学运动中出现了许多优秀的学者,对四川省的文化建设做出了卓越的贡献。在这次规模宏大、影响深远的学术活动中,产生了一批优秀的期刊杂志,它们的出现开创了四川省近代国学话语的启蒙空间和批评平台。研究这些杂志的栏目... 四川省近现代国学运动中出现了许多优秀的学者,对四川省的文化建设做出了卓越的贡献。在这次规模宏大、影响深远的学术活动中,产生了一批优秀的期刊杂志,它们的出现开创了四川省近代国学话语的启蒙空间和批评平台。研究这些杂志的栏目、宗旨、略例、内容,为我们研究四川省文化的发展提供了另一种途径和思路。 展开更多
关键词 四川省 现代国学运动 期刊杂志 学术文化
国学现代化与当代中国文化建设 被引量:11
作者 贾松青 《社会科学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第6期1-6,共6页
应从“四维时空”的视域衡估国学的“四重价值”,即着眼于人类发展的共性,观照国学的普世价值;着眼于国学发生演化的特定语境,观照国学的历史价值;着眼于现代化的需求,观照国学的现代价值;着眼于后现代社会的发展趋向,观照国学的后现代... 应从“四维时空”的视域衡估国学的“四重价值”,即着眼于人类发展的共性,观照国学的普世价值;着眼于国学发生演化的特定语境,观照国学的历史价值;着眼于现代化的需求,观照国学的现代价值;着眼于后现代社会的发展趋向,观照国学的后现代价值。由是,国学现代化的基本内涵有三构建国学精神的普世价值系统;促成国学精神的“潜现代性”与现代性对接会通;提升国学精神的“类后现代主义”。国学现代化的主要路径亦有三双重批判;文化对话;现代阐释。而当代中国文化建设,则应以民族传统文化(国学)为根基,以西方文化为补充,以马克思主义为主导;同时推进民族传统文化的现代化,西方文化的本土化,马克思主义的当代化。 展开更多
关键词 国学价值 国学现代 当代文化建设
国学管理:儒家管理思想在现代企业管理中的应用 被引量:1
作者 李茜茜 张旭 尚雪松 《商业时代》 北大核心 2013年第33期106-107,共2页
国学是几千年来中国文化、历史的积淀。随着近几年国学的流行,国学管理特别是儒家管理思想,已被现代企业运用于管理实践之中。因此,凭借着这股"热风",有必要重新审视儒家的一些核心思想,这些核心思想主要包括"以德服人&q... 国学是几千年来中国文化、历史的积淀。随着近几年国学的流行,国学管理特别是儒家管理思想,已被现代企业运用于管理实践之中。因此,凭借着这股"热风",有必要重新审视儒家的一些核心思想,这些核心思想主要包括"以德服人"、"以人为本"、"中庸"、"和为贵"等,借此引起企业管理的关注,从而更好地运用儒家思想精髓为现代企业所应用并达到有效的管理目的。 展开更多
关键词 国学管理儒家思想现代企业管理
作者 郑升 《学术探索》 北大核心 2017年第2期146-150,共5页
社会转型期的中国正处于前现代、现代和后现代相互交融的时期,工业化、新媒体、全球化及人们对于精神消费的巨大需求,使得"国学"一方面成为一种重要的文化现象和社会热点,另一方面也面临着固化、泛化或异化的危机。弘扬"... 社会转型期的中国正处于前现代、现代和后现代相互交融的时期,工业化、新媒体、全球化及人们对于精神消费的巨大需求,使得"国学"一方面成为一种重要的文化现象和社会热点,另一方面也面临着固化、泛化或异化的危机。弘扬"国学"不是回到过去,而是要加以现代化,成为建构中国话语和文化中国的重要资源,以益于当下和未来。就此而言,直面危机,反观自身,厘清"为什么""是什么""怎么做"的问题,有助于"国学"现代化的理性推进;熟悉经典、学习国语、阐释经典、沟通古今、融化西方、参与"现代国语"与文化中国建构,并与中小学教育、高等教育和社会教育有机衔接,助推全社会文化修养、道德水准的提高与"中国梦"的实现,就成为"国学"现代化的要义与发展趋势所在。 展开更多
关键词 社会转型期 国学现代 内涵 特点 发展趋势
作者 刘殿祥 《江汉论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期95-100,共6页
闻一多的学术研究是从中国学术史和现代学术语境中生成的,当我们认知闻一多与中国学术史及现代学术语境的联系时,可以感知到从古代学术史到现代学术格局中各层面学术对于他的或直接或间接的影响,也可以见出闻一多与学术史历程中各阶段... 闻一多的学术研究是从中国学术史和现代学术语境中生成的,当我们认知闻一多与中国学术史及现代学术语境的联系时,可以感知到从古代学术史到现代学术格局中各层面学术对于他的或直接或间接的影响,也可以见出闻一多与学术史历程中各阶段、各层面学术的联系。本文在梳理闻一多与中国学术史关系的基础上,将闻一多的国学研究置于中国现代学术语境和学术流派中进行考察,总体上说明闻一多学术研究特别是国学研究的从"诗"到"思"的现代国学研究的特征,即主体性的学术人格、个性化的学术历程和现代化的学术思想。 展开更多
关键词 闻一多 国学术史 现代国学研究 “杀蟗的芸香”
作者 龚培 《贵州社会科学》 CSSCI 2010年第2期19-23,共5页
孔子的"仁"学宇宙论是儒家哲学的核心理论,进而成为中国传统哲学形态与历史文化的主要理论,并最终成为历史的"赢家"。整个儒家哲学被《周易》"象思维"所贯穿,规划出阴阳共生、天人合一的宇宙论宏图,具有... 孔子的"仁"学宇宙论是儒家哲学的核心理论,进而成为中国传统哲学形态与历史文化的主要理论,并最终成为历史的"赢家"。整个儒家哲学被《周易》"象思维"所贯穿,规划出阴阳共生、天人合一的宇宙论宏图,具有强大的理性力量与和谐精神。 展开更多
关键词 现代国学 仁学体系 周易哲学 理性精神 人文科学
新媒体背景下的国学现代化 被引量:2
作者 何小宛 严磊 《汉字文化》 2020年第10期57-58,共2页
关键词 新媒体 国学现代 章黄国学
阳明“良知论”解释学之世界学术意义 被引量:1
作者 李幼蒸 《国际儒学论丛》 2018年第1期3-23,239,共22页
本文主题为古典阳明学和现代人文科学理论间的关联性问题,企图参照现代解释学的认识论、方法论和实践论,一方面深化我们对于阳明学构成及功能之认知,另一方面以期由此促进中国伦理心学与世界人文理论革新任务间的思想交流。阳明学的'... 本文主题为古典阳明学和现代人文科学理论间的关联性问题,企图参照现代解释学的认识论、方法论和实践论,一方面深化我们对于阳明学构成及功能之认知,另一方面以期由此促进中国伦理心学与世界人文理论革新任务间的思想交流。阳明学的'知行合一'说论域,今日宜于从其传统上的社会政治方向之外实践域,转化为现代人文学术理论之外实践域;阳明学的'良知学'则将从其传统上的准宗教性之心学,转换为现代人本主义伦理心志学和心术学。阳明心学的解释学分析将使其进一步有条件介入现代人文科学理论之理性化发展事业。另外,本文对笔者提出的中国历史解释学概念,给予了进一步说明。 展开更多
关键词 阳明学 心学 仁学 现代国学 解释学
《史林》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期F0003-F0003,共1页
关键词 推荐书目 现代国学大师学记》 《中国的城市生活》 卞孝萱 李孝悌
古代国学经典文化对现代社会的传承与影响 被引量:1
作者 罗孟冬 《益阳职业技术学院学报》 2006年第2期49-53,共5页
中国的古代国学经典是优秀传承文化之一,它博大精深,影响着中国几千年的历史。在世界上,一个没有经典和传承文化的国家,这个民族是难以承载历史和现实的重荷的。在现代社会里,在市场经济的今天,古代经典国学的精义仍以其魅力影响着人们... 中国的古代国学经典是优秀传承文化之一,它博大精深,影响着中国几千年的历史。在世界上,一个没有经典和传承文化的国家,这个民族是难以承载历史和现实的重荷的。在现代社会里,在市场经济的今天,古代经典国学的精义仍以其魅力影响着人们的方方面面。 展开更多
关键词 国学经典现代社会传承文化影响
The Construction of"New Woman" in Chen Hengzhe's Autobiography
作者 Tieniu Cheng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第12期739-756,共18页
This essay examines the autobiography of Chen Hengzhe (1890-1976) (see Appendix), a relatively less studied woman writer, historian, and critic in modem China. Through the study in four aspects, namely, the pursui... This essay examines the autobiography of Chen Hengzhe (1890-1976) (see Appendix), a relatively less studied woman writer, historian, and critic in modem China. Through the study in four aspects, namely, the pursuit of modem education, simple appearance, great leaders, and the ambassadors of culture, the author's research indicates that Chen's construction of"new woman" has been influenced by complex historical and cultural forces such as the Chinese traditional culture, Western culture, and the iconoclastic spirit of "the New Culture Movement". Meanwhile, Chen's gender consciousness is also an important element. Moreover, Chen's pioneering standing and her own experiences of studying abroad makes her take the lead in conceiving women's leadership and their roles in global culture communications. In the late Qing and the early Republic, traditional values and norms of womanhood were severely challenged. Chen's construction of"new woman" is her conscious effort to define a new womanhood and is an integral part of the ongoing exploration of Chinese women for modem womanhood. Through the examination of Chen's "new woman", this paper seeks to enrich our understanding of the complexity of modem Chinese women's exploration of modem womanhood. 展开更多
关键词 new woman culture and politics modem China womanhood AUTOBIOGRAPHY Chen Hengzhe
Chinese Soft Power:Is There Such a Thing?
作者 CHRISTOPHE TRONTIN 《China Today》 2015年第7期53-55,共3页
Will China be the dominant superpower of the 21st century?Some believe this to be a given.But the fact is that two schools of thought are seriously debating this question,in the U.S.and elsewhere.The members of schoo... Will China be the dominant superpower of the 21st century?Some believe this to be a given.But the fact is that two schools of thought are seriously debating this question,in the U.S.and elsewhere.The members of school A say that China's GDP has overtaken that of the U.S.in purchasing power parity,and that it will surpass the U.S.in nominal terms around 2030.China,therefore,with its modernized army,nuclear 展开更多
关键词 elsewhere seriously nominal purchasing parity schools fight opinion ideology breakthrough
The Cheng Acupuncture Legacy
作者 LUO YUANJUN 《China Today》 2007年第6期40-42,共3页
ACUPUNCTURE, practiced in China for over 2,500 years, continues to baffle Western medics. This ancient remedial technique cures ills that do not respond to modern medicine. It is based on the principle of puncturing p... ACUPUNCTURE, practiced in China for over 2,500 years, continues to baffle Western medics. This ancient remedial technique cures ills that do not respond to modern medicine. It is based on the principle of puncturing points along meridians - paths along which the body's vital energy, or qi, circulates. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture China Western medics modern medicine Tiny needles
Yuan Kejia's Poetics and the western influence
作者 Kang Dan 《International English Education Research》 2015年第1期53-56,共4页
Yuan Kejia's poetics is the theory about the modernization of the new poetry. Some of his specific views on "the poetry and non poems", "the reality and the poetry", "the experience and the poetry", "the logic... Yuan Kejia's poetics is the theory about the modernization of the new poetry. Some of his specific views on "the poetry and non poems", "the reality and the poetry", "the experience and the poetry", "the logic of the imagination", and "the drama doctrine" and other problems and the poetics texts are influenced by the western poetry, poetics or the literary theories. But it is not the summary of the Chinese theories of the western poetry or the Chinese version of the western poetry or the literary theories, but an attempt to "use all the cultural and academic achievements to come close to the literature and understand the literature", to develop the Chinese noetics. 展开更多
Postmodernism and Classical Chinese Philosophy
作者 Yong-Kang Wei 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第3期194-203,共10页
While over two thousand years apart, Western postmodernism and ancient Chinese philosophy share some extraordinary similarities, especially epistemology wise. For example, they both recognize the role of language in c... While over two thousand years apart, Western postmodernism and ancient Chinese philosophy share some extraordinary similarities, especially epistemology wise. For example, they both recognize the role of language in constructing, and limiting, knowledge and reality. This is because thinkers of different cultures and geographical regions, and of different historical periods, can possibly come up with similar philosophical conclusions when addressing what is commonly known as the "human condition". The paper will discuss, in general terms, some of the philosophical similarities between postmodemism and classical Chinese philosophy; it will also take a close look at three concepts in Chinese philosophy that register strong affinity with Western postmodernism: namely, change, dialectic, and relativism. 展开更多
关键词 postmodemism MODERNISM classical Chinese philosophy
New Development of Chinese Literary Anthropology
作者 HU Jian-sheng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第12期1168-1178,共11页
Chinese literary anthropology, growing out of comparative literature and cross-cultural studies at the end of the 20th century, is a notably innovative research paradigm in contemporary Chinese humanities and enters a... Chinese literary anthropology, growing out of comparative literature and cross-cultural studies at the end of the 20th century, is a notably innovative research paradigm in contemporary Chinese humanities and enters a new stage at the beginning of the 21st century. Firstly, this essay attempts to interpret how Chinese literary anthropology responds accordingly to the new development of international anthropology and mythology, updates the postmodern concept of myth knowledge of Confucian myth and the pattern of the mythological knowledge, thereby constructing the core in modern Chinese context. Afterward, it discusses the differences between the great tradition and the little tradition, and the significance of returning to the sacred context. Last, the focus of archetypal criticism in the context of Chinese anthropology has moved from literary concerns to cultural concerns and employing the quadruple evidences and five kinds of narratives to comprehensively interpret Confucian classics. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese literary anthropology Ye Shuxian post-modern concept of myth great tradition culturalarchetype research on Confucian mythology
On Practice and Exploration of College English Multimedia Network Teaching in China
作者 Wang Chengdong 《International English Education Research》 2014年第7期7-9,共3页
With the development of the times, modem education technology constantly emerges, and modern college English classroom begins to tend to use multimedia network for teaching. One is that multimedia network teaching can... With the development of the times, modem education technology constantly emerges, and modern college English classroom begins to tend to use multimedia network for teaching. One is that multimedia network teaching can enrich English teaching content. Two is that multimedia network teaching can make teaching process become full ofvigour, highlighting the dominant position of students in the classroom. Three, multimedia network teaching is conducive to improving the comprehensive quality of English teachers. In view of this, university English teaching should positively introduce multimedia network technology in teaching process, in order to promote English teaching quality to obtain great improvement. 展开更多
关键词 college English teaching multimedia network STRATEGY
On Practice and Exploration of College English Multimedia Network Teaching in China
作者 Wang Chengdong 《International English Education Research》 2014年第11期32-34,共3页
With the development of the times, modem education technology constantly emerges, and modern college English classroom begins to tend to use multimedia network for teaching. One is that multimedia network teaching can... With the development of the times, modem education technology constantly emerges, and modern college English classroom begins to tend to use multimedia network for teaching. One is that multimedia network teaching can enrich English teaching content. Two is that multimedia network teaching can make teaching process become full of vigour, highlighting the dominant position of students in the classroom. Three, multimedia network teaching is conducive to improving the comprehensive quality of English teachers. In view of this, university English teaching should positively introduce multimedia network technology in teaching process, in order to promote English teaching quality to obtain great improvement. 展开更多
关键词 college English teaching multimedia network STRATEGY
《学习之友》 2024年第4期F0003-F0003,共1页
罗浮山泰学学校坐落于风景秀丽的国家5A级风景区罗浮山风景区内,由著名国学大师、中国式经营管理大师曾仕强教授于2016年9月创办,是一所以国家标准课程为指导,以国学现代化课程为根基,同时注重培养学生国际视野的全日制寄宿学校。罗浮... 罗浮山泰学学校坐落于风景秀丽的国家5A级风景区罗浮山风景区内,由著名国学大师、中国式经营管理大师曾仕强教授于2016年9月创办,是一所以国家标准课程为指导,以国学现代化课程为根基,同时注重培养学生国际视野的全日制寄宿学校。罗浮山泰学学校取名泰学,意在激励泰学学子为国泰民安而学。 展开更多
关键词 国际视野 罗浮山 寄宿学校 国学现代 国家标准 全日制 曾仕强 国泰民安
An evaluative system for restructuring the literary history of modern China
作者 Zhu Defa 《Social Sciences in China》 2009年第2期101-115,共15页
China is now in an era of multiple values. While there is some virtue in previous theories on the history of literature based on the theory of evolution, class struggle and the enlightenment, when it comes to the twen... China is now in an era of multiple values. While there is some virtue in previous theories on the history of literature based on the theory of evolution, class struggle and the enlightenment, when it comes to the twenty-first century, the histories of modem Chinese literature used in teaching are farfrom adequate for meeting the developmental needs of the times, society and literature. This is especially so in view of the putting forward of the goals of "putting people first" and "the harmonious society," and the great changes taking place in time and space, the function of literature and aesthetic taste. Hence there is an urgent need to restructure this history and establish a more fair, equal and reasonable system of evaluation. Such a system would have humanism as its highest principle, and truth, goodness and beauty as its three virtues. Its great superiority would be its functional characteristics of universality, transcendence, fairness, and human-centeredness. 展开更多
关键词 literary history of modem China system of evaluation value reconstruction HUMANISM harmonious integration of truth goodness and beauty
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