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现代技工教育文化建设现状调查与分析——以广东省湛江市高级技工学校为例 被引量:3
作者 高涵 文苗 梁琳 《职教通讯》 2014年第22期21-24,共4页
关键词 现代技工教育 文化建设 文化特质 人文关怀
作者 李欢 荆婷 高涵 《职业教育研究》 2016年第12期52-55,共4页
当今社会赋予现代技工教育培养高素质技能人才的重要使命,而传统教学模式所培养的技能人才已不能满足社会需求,探索现代技工教育新的教学模式成为必然。本文旨在通过技工学校具体的教学实践,初步探索现代技工教育产训融合教学模式。主... 当今社会赋予现代技工教育培养高素质技能人才的重要使命,而传统教学模式所培养的技能人才已不能满足社会需求,探索现代技工教育新的教学模式成为必然。本文旨在通过技工学校具体的教学实践,初步探索现代技工教育产训融合教学模式。主要内容包括:生产过程与教学过程相接、生产环境与教学环境相融、生产资源与教学资源相合、生产工时与课程学分相通。 展开更多
关键词 现代技工教育 产训融合 教学模式
作者 梁琳 刘晓 《职教通讯》 2015年第35期10-15,共6页
现代技工教育文化特质建构需依据学校所在地域的文化特质、职业教育的文化特质、技工教育的文化特质、技工院校的文化特质。现代技工教育文化特质建构包含技校符号、技校语言、技校价值观、技校规范、技校产品五个要素。基于现代技工教... 现代技工教育文化特质建构需依据学校所在地域的文化特质、职业教育的文化特质、技工教育的文化特质、技工院校的文化特质。现代技工教育文化特质建构包含技校符号、技校语言、技校价值观、技校规范、技校产品五个要素。基于现代技工教育文化特质建构依据和要素,广州市轻工技师学院凝练学校文化特质为"匠心"文化。 展开更多
关键词 现代技工教育 文化特质 建构依据 建构要素
作者 谭怀芝 唐林伟 《职教通讯》 2015年第35期7-9,25,共4页
广州市轻工技师学院国家示范文化特质建设的战略目标是通过两年建设达到具体目标"四个一",即"一种文化"、"一列基石"、"一套制度"、"一批景观",建设原则是坚持整体规划、分项实施;... 广州市轻工技师学院国家示范文化特质建设的战略目标是通过两年建设达到具体目标"四个一",即"一种文化"、"一列基石"、"一套制度"、"一批景观",建设原则是坚持整体规划、分项实施;坚持强化管理、重在建设;坚持以人为本、文化育人;坚持历史传承、与时俱进。鉴于以上战略目标和建设原则,尝试提出广州市轻工技师学院国家示范文化特质建设的建设措施。 展开更多
关键词 现代技工院校 文化特质 文化建设
现代技工院校文化特质的调查与分析——以广州市轻工技师学院为例 被引量:1
作者 文苗 高涵 《职教通讯》 2015年第28期23-29,共7页
学校文化对校园中全体成员具有示范、导向、凝聚和约束功能,大力加强和建设学校文化对学校可持续发展具有重要意义。我国技工院校文化建设存在形式单一、主题不明和内涵缺失等问题,从广州市轻工技师学院文化建设的个案着手,调查学校的... 学校文化对校园中全体成员具有示范、导向、凝聚和约束功能,大力加强和建设学校文化对学校可持续发展具有重要意义。我国技工院校文化建设存在形式单一、主题不明和内涵缺失等问题,从广州市轻工技师学院文化建设的个案着手,调查学校的文化建设现状,分析学校文化治校理念的原因和实质,探究在各种真实的学校生活场景下学校文化对推动学校发展的丰富涵义。 展开更多
关键词 现代技工院校 文化特质 调查与分析 广州市轻工技师学院
现代技工院校卓越绩效管理模式探究 被引量:5
作者 叶军峰 《职教论坛》 北大核心 2016年第13期55-59,共5页
卓越绩效管理模式是当前国际上广泛认同的一种组织综合绩效管理的有效方法和工具。面对现代产业的转型升级,技工院校管理模式创新与内涵能力提升成为必然,如何构建技工院校卓越绩效管理模式,引领和倡导技工院校立足国家职教战略,立足国... 卓越绩效管理模式是当前国际上广泛认同的一种组织综合绩效管理的有效方法和工具。面对现代产业的转型升级,技工院校管理模式创新与内涵能力提升成为必然,如何构建技工院校卓越绩效管理模式,引领和倡导技工院校立足国家职教战略,立足国际视野,走追求创新驱动的卓越之路,成为当前技工院校内涵发展的重要途径。文章对技工院校导入卓越绩效管理模式必要性进行了分析,提出了现代技工院校卓越绩效管理模式的构建途径与内涵要求,对技工院校卓越绩效管理模式的实践进行了研究,具有理论价值和实践意义。 展开更多
关键词 现代技工教育 卓越绩效管理 职业教育
作者 张文峰 沈维凤 《湖南环境生物职业技术学院学报》 CAS 2013年第4期78-81,共4页
该文阐述了以广州机电师院为例的现代技工教育快乐文化生态模型,通过湖南农业大学现代技工教育研究中心《现代技工教育的高技能人才培养途径》课题组以问卷法、访谈法和SPSS统计等方法进行调查研究,对广州机电师院技师学院的快乐文化对... 该文阐述了以广州机电师院为例的现代技工教育快乐文化生态模型,通过湖南农业大学现代技工教育研究中心《现代技工教育的高技能人才培养途径》课题组以问卷法、访谈法和SPSS统计等方法进行调查研究,对广州机电师院技师学院的快乐文化对学生心理、思想道德和价值观、积极行为习惯以及学业学习四个方面的影响进行了全面分析. 展开更多
关键词 现代技工教育 快乐文化 广州机电师院
作者 张臻 邹立君 《成都师范学院学报》 2018年第1期31-37,共7页
关键词 现代技工学校 文化建设 文化特质
作者 张可安 《职教通讯》 2013年第7期15-19,共5页
快乐文化指的是人类在社会历史实践中所创造的物质财富和精神财富所显露的美好的姿态或生动的意态。从精神生态、物质生态、制度生态和行为生态四个方面阐述现代技工教育生态的快乐文化,指出构建现代技工教育快乐文化生态,对现代技工院... 快乐文化指的是人类在社会历史实践中所创造的物质财富和精神财富所显露的美好的姿态或生动的意态。从精神生态、物质生态、制度生态和行为生态四个方面阐述现代技工教育生态的快乐文化,指出构建现代技工教育快乐文化生态,对现代技工院校的师生心理、工作学习效率等都有积极的影响,对促进现代技工教育发展具有十分重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 现代技工教育 教育生态 文化生态 快乐文化
作者 蔡润祥 《教育界(高等教育)》 2014年第3期5-5,共1页
现代技工教育是我国社会经济发展的基础,也是培养高技能人才的最佳途径,现如今已成为我国教育体系与人力资源体系构建的重要组成部分。地方政府为了支持技工教育的发展,制定了各种扶持性政策,以推动现代技工教育的发展。首先,本文... 现代技工教育是我国社会经济发展的基础,也是培养高技能人才的最佳途径,现如今已成为我国教育体系与人力资源体系构建的重要组成部分。地方政府为了支持技工教育的发展,制定了各种扶持性政策,以推动现代技工教育的发展。首先,本文对技工教育的概念及发展历程进行了简单的概述,并在此基础上,利用实证分析法,分析了陕西省政府为扶持当地现代技工教育发展制定的相关政策,以说明地方政府在推进发展现代技工教育中起到的积极作用。 展开更多
关键词 现代技工 教育发展 地方政府
作者 赵猛 《课程教育研究(学法教法研究)》 2015年第19期256-256,共1页
随着市场经济的发展变化,近年来,我国凸现技工荒,且影响了经济的发展。“没有一流技工,就没有一流产品。”这是胡锦涛总书记在2009年视察珠海市高级技工学校时提出的。中国作为以制造加工业为主导产业的国家,如何构建适合现代技工... 随着市场经济的发展变化,近年来,我国凸现技工荒,且影响了经济的发展。“没有一流技工,就没有一流产品。”这是胡锦涛总书记在2009年视察珠海市高级技工学校时提出的。中国作为以制造加工业为主导产业的国家,如何构建适合现代技工教育体系的政策,解决技工人才的短缺问题,是亟待解决的热点问题。 展开更多
关键词 现代技工教育 政策思考 教育体系
作者 亓文秀 《职业》 2023年第11期66-68,共3页
技工教育现代化在中国教育改革进程中具有重要的战略地位。在深入学习党的二十大报告精神基础上,本文从高质量发展视角审视了中国式技工教育现代化的概念,理清了技工教育现代化的教育意蕴和战略基点,对加快推进中国式技工教育现代化,加... 技工教育现代化在中国教育改革进程中具有重要的战略地位。在深入学习党的二十大报告精神基础上,本文从高质量发展视角审视了中国式技工教育现代化的概念,理清了技工教育现代化的教育意蕴和战略基点,对加快推进中国式技工教育现代化,加快建设教育强国,助推中国式现代化具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 技工教育 中国式现代 技工教育现代
From the Pictorial Symbols of the Theatre to the Virtual Symbolisation of the Real
作者 Theodore Grammatas 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第5期312-319,共8页
In many representative, literary, cinematic, or artistic products of modern civilization, the problem of world's reality and the relationship of the subject with it, are seen from different viewpoints, such as the di... In many representative, literary, cinematic, or artistic products of modern civilization, the problem of world's reality and the relationship of the subject with it, are seen from different viewpoints, such as the dimension of the utopian perception of a dreamlike or imaginary composition, subconscious creation, but also more complex versions such as computer mediated complete illusion, artificial intelligence, and control of the brain, intrusion, and influence exerted on the thought of the other using modern technology or any combination of all the above. It is thus understood that the issue at hand can be approached from a variety of viewpoints and aspects, such as the philosophical, psychological, psychoanalytical, technological, neurophysiologieal, sociological, literary and so on Our viewpoint is strictly limited to the theatrical dimension and our analysis will prosress based on data comprising the theatrical phenomenon, that is, the illusion, as opposed to virtual reality of modern technology. 展开更多
关键词 theatrical illusion digital drama cyber drama virtual reality
Artificial Stone in France (1830-1930): A Materialbetween Modernity and Tradition
作者 Angelo Bertolazzi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第5期524-534,共11页
1920s and 1930s architecture has often been associated with the use of modern materials, such as reinforced concrete, glass and steel, mainly thanks to the role given them by the historiography of the modern, of prese... 1920s and 1930s architecture has often been associated with the use of modern materials, such as reinforced concrete, glass and steel, mainly thanks to the role given them by the historiography of the modern, of presenting a break with former tradition and of spreading the need of architectural renewal. The study of architecture from the point of view of construction techniques evidences, instead, how architectural renewal started earlier, during the 19 century and involved the whole realm of building, even tradition-associated materials, such as wood and stone. Indeed, artificial stone (which appeared in early 19 century) represents--above all in France--a link between traditional construction in stone and the newborn reinforced-concrete technique, so as to underline the gradual shift from 19 century construction codes to the new industrial construction techniques, which in the 1920s and 1930s tend to overlap and blend, in this way determining a material continuity of modern and 19 century architecture. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial stone industrial techniques history construction French architecture 19 century modem architecture.
Railway, Mobility, and Horror: Conan Doyle's Mystery and Detective Stories
作者 Ming-fong Wang 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第8期573-582,共10页
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote many mystery and detective stories from 1890s to 1910s, years saw the advancement of powerful modem science and technology, especially inventions of transportation means or machines that a... Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote many mystery and detective stories from 1890s to 1910s, years saw the advancement of powerful modem science and technology, especially inventions of transportation means or machines that accelerate mobility power in late-Victorian and Edwardian society. In some of these mystery or detective stories especially featuring the well-known sleuth Sherlock Holmes, Doyle tended to integrate an early subject's experience of shrunken space and reduced time into an unknown fear by delineating his characters who perceive horror and nervousness while facing or riding on a railway transportation, including mainly the steam railway in mysterious tales like "The Lost Special" and "The Man with the Watches" as well as in detective stories like "The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb", "The Adventure of Bruce-Partington Plan", "Valley of Fear" and several others. How can this spatiotemporal mobility be connected to mysterious affairs which lead Doyle's quasi-detective characters and police power to spring into investigative action? Railway, mobility, and horror are woven together into a driving force that facilitates our geographical and forensic exploration of Doyle's stories. 展开更多
The Application of Mechatronics Technology in Mechanical Engineering and Its Developing Direction
作者 Youwei Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第3期8-10,共3页
The development of modern science and technology has promoted the overlapping and mutual penetration among different disciplines, which led to the technological innovations in the field of mechanical engineering. The ... The development of modern science and technology has promoted the overlapping and mutual penetration among different disciplines, which led to the technological innovations in the field of mechanical engineering. The mechatronics technology conforms to the law of development of science and technology in today, and combines the mechanical technology and electronic technology together to integrate the logistics, energy flow and information flow. This paper briefly describes the concept of mechatronics and the elements of mechatronics technology, and elaborates on the application of mechatronics technology in three different areas of the Machinery Industry in the form of living examples, finally introduces the future developing direction of mechatronics technology. 展开更多
关键词 MECHATRONICS TECHNOLOGY Mechanical Engineering Application Development
Intelligent tools and techniques for modern management
作者 Andy Stefǎnescu Laura Stefǎnescu Ion Liviu Ciora 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第2期46-54,共9页
In order to make decisions all companies need information. As a rule, all the informatics systems of a company contain a multitude of data and turn these data into information that has to be analyzed in order to make ... In order to make decisions all companies need information. As a rule, all the informatics systems of a company contain a multitude of data and turn these data into information that has to be analyzed in order to make decisions. It is a slow process. The solution of this drawback is given by Business Intelligence (BI) applications that can help companies increase income or diminish costs by offering the executive management appropriate information on the basis of which quick and efficient decisions can be taken.The main purpose of the paper is to prove the necessity that BI tools should be used by the modem manager. Managers are aware of that by putting into practice the BI solutions, opportunities of getting control over the business process and methods are improved and better, timely analysis functions of the performance parameters can be obtained. 展开更多
关键词 Business Intelligence modern manager intelligent tools and techniques drill-up DRILL-DOWN slice and dice datas
Synergy Model of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality in the Processes of Exploitation of Energy Systems
作者 Tomasz Wojcicki 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2016年第2期102-108,共7页
The article presents a fragment of research and development, which objective was to develop technical tools and methodology to improve exploitation processes of energy systems. The author's model includes synergy of ... The article presents a fragment of research and development, which objective was to develop technical tools and methodology to improve exploitation processes of energy systems. The author's model includes synergy of artificial intelligence and augmented reality. This solution, which combines modem technologies in order to improve the activities related to the continuity of energy supply, and reduce costs associated with the time needed to carry out exploitation activities and employment of qualified staff, is presented. This paper presents both theoretical foundations as well as the development of technical systems. The characteristics of exploitation processes of energy systems and possible technical conditions, as well as factors characterizing them, are discussed. The physical and software structures of the system and individual modules, as well as dependencies connecting them are demonstrated. The dependencies between physical and logical elements during the exploitation processes of energy systems, that determine decisions related to the evaluation of technical states and related activities are described. The advantages and limitations of the developed model which connects methods of data processing and analysis, interactive visualization processes and possible areas of application are as well discussed in detailed. 展开更多
关键词 Energy system EXPLOITATION artificial intelligence augmented reality artificial neural networks.
A Brief Analysis of the Manifestation of Traditional Handicraft Techniques in Modem Fashion Design
作者 Ning Zhang Wei Huang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期122-123,共2页
The fashion design of China starts late and has a weak foundation. Compared to western countries, design works of China have obvious disadvantages. At the same time, the traditional handicraft techniques of China have... The fashion design of China starts late and has a weak foundation. Compared to western countries, design works of China have obvious disadvantages. At the same time, the traditional handicraft techniques of China have suffered strong blows of modem technologies with the development of time and their living space have been gradually occupied. The combination of traditional handicraft techniques with modem fashion design has dual significances. On the one hand, it helps infuse new ideas into fashion design. On the other hand, it promotes the development of traditional handicraft techniques in modern times. In this respect, this combination has some positive significances. 展开更多
Research on Virtual Machining Technology
作者 Jingyun Zhao Juan Ren 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第1期14-16,共3页
Virtual reality system has low cost and high efficiency advantages by many virtual reality research units and individuals. Virtual reality technology will be used in the machining process, and can demonstrate the mach... Virtual reality system has low cost and high efficiency advantages by many virtual reality research units and individuals. Virtual reality technology will be used in the machining process, and can demonstrate the machining process, discussed the processing scheme, to improve the quality of products. At the same time, the combination of modem education technology and virtual reality technology in the teaching, establishment of virtual machine and virtual machining simulation environment, that can improve the quality of teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Virtual experiment Mechanical processing VIRTOOLS Collision detection
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