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点亮“三生”之灯 提升语文教学品味
作者 叶华 张素君 《现代教育科学(中学教师)》 2013年第6X期143-143,共1页
一、生动的语文教学,滋养学生的人文情韵1.生动的课堂教学语言。语文教学是一种动态化的审美创造的特殊形式。作为一名优秀的语文教师,就得将生动的语言贯穿于整个课堂教学之中。生动的导入,你能牢牢吸引学生的注意力;生动的讲述与分析... 一、生动的语文教学,滋养学生的人文情韵1.生动的课堂教学语言。语文教学是一种动态化的审美创造的特殊形式。作为一名优秀的语文教师,就得将生动的语言贯穿于整个课堂教学之中。生动的导入,你能牢牢吸引学生的注意力;生动的讲述与分析,你能将学生带入对文本的研读之中;生动的归纳与小结,你能让学生留下难以磨灭的印象,为学生缔造无垠的想象天地。幽默风趣的语言,就是一种生动的课堂教学语言,它恰似课堂气氛活跃的催化剂,能激活课堂。 展开更多
关键词 课堂教学语言 幽默风趣 审美创造 感受 于漪老师 课堂气氛 独特感受 合作探究 教育空间 现实生
作者 高兰 《现代教育科学(中学教师)》 2013年第2X期164-164,共1页
在高中化学教学中将化学教学与实际生活相结合,通过科学、新颖的教学策略来激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生带着兴趣学习与掌握化学知识及实验技能。一、以情感培养学生的学习兴趣化学是一门系统性的学科,其教材内容涉及全面,包括对化学史、... 在高中化学教学中将化学教学与实际生活相结合,通过科学、新颖的教学策略来激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生带着兴趣学习与掌握化学知识及实验技能。一、以情感培养学生的学习兴趣化学是一门系统性的学科,其教材内容涉及全面,包括对化学史、化学家等知识的介绍。但从实际的化学课堂教学调查中发现。 展开更多
关键词 化学学习 高中化学教学 教学策略 情感教学 问题教学 厌烦心理 总结能力 实验教学 实验演示 现实生
作者 朱寿兵 《数学学习与研究》 2008年第12期124-124,共1页
1.引言事件的结果归属于某种原因,通俗地说,归因就是寻求结果的原因,就其字面含义来说,是指"原因归属",即将行为或事件的结果归属于某种原因.心理学将其解释为一种过程,因此,归因是指根据行为或事件的结果,通过知觉、思维、... 1.引言事件的结果归属于某种原因,通俗地说,归因就是寻求结果的原因,就其字面含义来说,是指"原因归属",即将行为或事件的结果归属于某种原因.心理学将其解释为一种过程,因此,归因是指根据行为或事件的结果,通过知觉、思维、判断等内部信息加工过程而确认造成该结果的原因的认知活动。 展开更多
关键词 归因方式 信息加工过程 解题方法 归因风格 归因倾向 字面含义 教学策略 自我归因 归因训练 现实生
作者 连婷 《电影评介》 2014年第21期111-112,共2页
保险法是保险与法律相结合的交叉课程,同时又是一门实践性很强的部门学科。在保险法教学中,理论与实务的结合是十分必要的。但由于本校保险法课程安排在大四,长期处于自由散漫状态中的大四学生学习热情普遍较低。再加上保险法是一门考查... 保险法是保险与法律相结合的交叉课程,同时又是一门实践性很强的部门学科。在保险法教学中,理论与实务的结合是十分必要的。但由于本校保险法课程安排在大四,长期处于自由散漫状态中的大四学生学习热情普遍较低。再加上保险法是一门考查课,期末考试是开卷考试,大四学生觉得及格很轻松,压力不大,学习态度很差。 展开更多
关键词 教学效果 开卷考试 学习态度 考查课 学习热情 灌输式教学 法教 期末考试 教学秩序 社会现实生
添加催化剂,打造高效课堂——高中英语课堂氛围的营造策略 被引量:2
作者 孙剑锋 《教师博览(下旬刊)》 2011年第9期54-54,共1页
关键词 英语新课程 探索课堂 牛津高中英语 教学改革 交际运用 心理 教学任务 课堂气氛 趣味化 现实生
作者 杨春梅 《希望月报(上)》 2007年第2期66-66,共1页
许多写作成绩优秀的学生的经验告诉我们,学生有思想要表达,有感情要抒发,因而有了强烈的写作欲望,才能写出真正意义上的好文章,在这种状态下常写常练,学生的写作水平才能真正提高。因此,在写作教学中,教师要努力强化学生的主体意识,培... 许多写作成绩优秀的学生的经验告诉我们,学生有思想要表达,有感情要抒发,因而有了强烈的写作欲望,才能写出真正意义上的好文章,在这种状态下常写常练,学生的写作水平才能真正提高。因此,在写作教学中,教师要努力强化学生的主体意识,培养学生的写作兴趣,使写作成为学生自己主动的行为。为实现这一目的,最理想的途径是采用开放式写作教学。 展开更多
关键词 写作欲望 写作兴趣 写作成绩 联想能力 语文教学大纲 横加指责 语法错误 实用文体 分类指导 现实生
On Naipaurs novels from reality and acuity
作者 马小强 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第3期78-81,共4页
Naipaul's novels are real and acute, which reflect many countries and social realities, especially terrible lives and depressed emotions, including human interests, opinions, ideas, consciousnesses, self-acceptance, ... Naipaul's novels are real and acute, which reflect many countries and social realities, especially terrible lives and depressed emotions, including human interests, opinions, ideas, consciousnesses, self-acceptance, idea crisis, looking for identity, spiritual trouble, contradiction between religion and life, cultural conflict in colonized countries and post-colonized areas. Such novels are from actual realities, life facts, street matters with miscellaneous, vicissitudinous, and integrative skills and abilities. 展开更多
关键词 Naipaul's novels social situation life tragedy human civilization reality and acuity
作者 丁秀胤 《青年记者》 2011年第8Z期37-37,共1页
在中国人民大学劳资关系研究所与国外部分大学联合举办的研讨会上,有学者在分析我国现阶段的社会格局时提出了"两强一弱"即"资本强势、政府强势、劳动弱势"说法。专家坦言,表现在现实生活中的对劳动要素在利益分配... 在中国人民大学劳资关系研究所与国外部分大学联合举办的研讨会上,有学者在分析我国现阶段的社会格局时提出了"两强一弱"即"资本强势、政府强势、劳动弱势"说法。专家坦言,表现在现实生活中的对劳动要素在利益分配上的日趋弱化。 展开更多
关键词 工会组织 劳资关系 劳动要素 社会格局 中国人民大学 中国工会 全总领导 主动维权 工人报刊 现实生
Research on the Dynamic Simulation System of Maize Growth
作者 朱春娆 陈桂芬 苏恒强 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第11期202-204,共3页
Dynamic simulation system of maize growth is developed by the physiological and ecological model,morphological structure model,computer science and virtual reality technology,to improve the level of precise operation ... Dynamic simulation system of maize growth is developed by the physiological and ecological model,morphological structure model,computer science and virtual reality technology,to improve the level of precise operation of maize production.The computer graphics algorithms,virtual reality technology,animation design and information integration technology are applied to maize production by this system.establishment of dynamic simulation system of maize growth is conducive to raise level of precise operation in maize production.The system also can assist the relevant production research and testing,to reduce cost and improve efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Maize growth Virtual reality technology Dynamic analog simulation Computer graphics
作者 苏万青 《中学政史地(高一.二版)》 2007年第11期37-40,共4页
高中历史新课程改革在不断推进,作为高中阶段的一门基础性课程,高中历史新课程在学科学习目标、内容结构及对学习方式的要求等诸多方面发生了巨大变化。由初中进入高中的同学怎样学好这门课,使历史真正服务于我们的人生,是值得探讨的问... 高中历史新课程改革在不断推进,作为高中阶段的一门基础性课程,高中历史新课程在学科学习目标、内容结构及对学习方式的要求等诸多方面发生了巨大变化。由初中进入高中的同学怎样学好这门课,使历史真正服务于我们的人生,是值得探讨的问题。下面简单谈点想法,供同学们参考。 展开更多
关键词 历史学习 高中历史 新课程 基础性课程 内容结构 历史教材 英国君主立宪制 教育目标 活动课 现实生
作者 张文生 《现代教育科学(中学教师)》 2012年第4X期177-177,142,共2页
一、思品课开卷考试的题型设置初中思品课中考开卷题型基本就是两种:一种是选择题,一种是非选择题。前者属于主观题,后者属于客观性试题。客观性试题也就是开放性试题。开放性试题的设置对学生来说不必追求答案千篇一律,只要言之有理均... 一、思品课开卷考试的题型设置初中思品课中考开卷题型基本就是两种:一种是选择题,一种是非选择题。前者属于主观题,后者属于客观性试题。客观性试题也就是开放性试题。开放性试题的设置对学生来说不必追求答案千篇一律,只要言之有理均可得分。但是开卷试题的材料大多都是课外知识,而这些知识需要平时日积月累,可是农村孩子接触到的外界消息大多是从课堂中获得的,那课堂教学知识究竟应该如何落实,就值得广大一线教师认真考虑一下了。 展开更多
关键词 思品课 开卷考试 客观性试题 思想品德 课外知识 课堂教学 试题答案 理论联系实际 教材理论 现实生
Status Quo and Reform Ideas for Accounting Calculation of Social Security Fund in China 被引量:2
作者 冯洁霏 朱正根 韩婀娜 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2664-2666,共3页
With the steady development of China's economic policy and social secu- rity system, social security fund has become more and more important. Therefore, in the process of establishing and implementing social security... With the steady development of China's economic policy and social secu- rity system, social security fund has become more and more important. Therefore, in the process of establishing and implementing social security system, the status of the accounting system of social security fund has become particularly prominent. The existing problems in the system were discussed and corresponding reform ideas were proposed by analyzing the current situation of the social security fund accounting system. 展开更多
关键词 Social security fund Accounting calculation system Cash basis of ac-counting Accrual system
Real-world comparison of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants and warfarin in Asian octogenarian patients with atrial fibrillation 被引量:4
作者 Chang Hee Kwon Minsu Kim +2 位作者 Gi-Byoung Nam Kee-Joon Choi You-Ho Kim 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第7期566-572,共7页
Background The efficacy and safety of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) and warfarin in Asian octogenarian atrial fibrillation (AF) patients have not been established in a real-world setting. We... Background The efficacy and safety of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs) and warfarin in Asian octogenarian atrial fibrillation (AF) patients have not been established in a real-world setting. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of NOACs and warfarin in Korean octogenarian patients. Methods A total of 293 consecutive patients aged 〉 80 years with non-valvular AF who had taken either NOACs 048 cases, 50.5%) or warfarin (145 cases, 49.5%) were retrospectively reviewed. The efficacy outcome was the com- posite of stroke or systemic embolism. The safety outcome was major bleeding. Results The follow-up duration was 375 patient-years ( 172 patient-years with NOACs and 203 patient-years with warfarin). Patients on NOACs were slightly older (P = 0.006) and had slightly higher HAS-BLED scores (P = 0.034). The efficacy of both anticoagulants was high (1.16% for NOACs vs. 2.98% for warfarin per 100 pa- tient-years, P = 0.46). The safety outcome was relatively high in both NOACs and warfarin groups (8.96% vs. 12.46%, P = 0.29). The effi- cacy and safety outcomes tended to decrease non-significantly in low dose NOACs than in common dose NOACs or warfarin (0.85% vs. 1.84% vs. 2.98% in efficacy outcome, P = 0.69; and 6.97% vs. 13.29% vs. 12.46% in safety outcome, P = 0.34). Conclusions NOACs were highly effective for prevention of stroke or systemic embolism in Asian octogenarian AF patients. However, major bleeding occurred excessively high in both anticoagulant groups. Further study is required on the optimal anticoagulant regimen in octogenarian population. 展开更多
The Effect of Pulverization Equipment Types and Tractor Velocities on Some Technical Indicators for Machinery Unit
作者 Jinan H. N. At-Talabani 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第9期1005-1009,共5页
This experiment was conducted in silty clay loam soil and cultivated with previous season wheat. Tillage for experiment field was applied using moldboard plow with 0.22-0.24 m depth, the rate of tractor velocity was 2... This experiment was conducted in silty clay loam soil and cultivated with previous season wheat. Tillage for experiment field was applied using moldboard plow with 0.22-0.24 m depth, the rate of tractor velocity was 2.45 km hf^-1, as a tillage velocity. Two rates of tractor velocities (first factor) were applied: 3.24 km hr^-1, for the first velocity, and 4.71 km hr^-1 for the second, Three types of tillers (second factor) were used: disk harrow, rotavator tiller, and spring spike tooth harrow. The first velocity rate was: 2.51 km hr-l(with disk harrow as a machinery unit), 2.92 km hr^-1 (with rotivator), and 3.06 km hrl(with spring spike tooth harrow), while the second velocity rate was: 3.19 km hr-1 (with disk harrow as a machinery unit), 4.05 km hrl(with rotivator), and 4.26 km hrl(with spring spike tooth harrow). Split plot design in RCBD with three replicates was used at the constant of soil moisture 11%-13%. Results were analyzed statistically and means were tested with LSD. The results showed the significant differences between both two experiment factors and their interaction for all study parameters which included: slippage percentage, practical productivity, numbers of masses 〉 5 cm m^-2, and the implement width. At the constant of pulverization equipment types, the higher percentage of slippage was 16.45%, the higher rate of practical productivity was 0.677 h hr1, and the higher rate of implement width was 2.05 m, while the rate of masses 〉 5 cm m-2 decreased to 13.8 mass m2. At the constant of velocity, disk harrow achieved higher slippage percentage 17.69%, spring spike tooth harrow tiller achieved higher practical productivity 0.858 h hr^-1 and higher rate of implement width 2.73 m, and the rotivator achieved the lower rate of masses 〉 5 cm m2 and 4.1 mass m2. The comparison among the three pulverization equipment typess was the purpose of this study to give the best studied indexes under two different velocities. 展开更多
关键词 Disk harrow rotavator tiller spring spike tooth harrow
Application of Pyroligneous Acid in the Prevention and Control of Brown Blotch Disease in Pleurotus ostreatus 被引量:3
作者 Yanyan XU Liyan ZHENG +1 位作者 Zhuang LI Jie LI 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第9期2103-2105,2170,共4页
In the present study, agar diffusion test and field trials were carried out using a mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) culti- var Shouyanping as the experimental material to determine the antibacterial activity of refin... In the present study, agar diffusion test and field trials were carried out using a mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) culti- var Shouyanping as the experimental material to determine the antibacterial activity of refined pyroligneous acid prepared from almond shell against Pseudomonas tolaasfi and its effects on mycelial growth of mushroom. The results revealed that 1.25%, 2.50% and 5.00% of refined pyroligneous acid obviously inhibited the occurrence of brown blotch disease in mushroom, but also greatly promoted mushroom mycelial growth. Therefore, 1.25% and 2.50% of refined pyroligneous acid can be used in fields to prevent brown blotch disease, and 5.00% refined pyroligneous acid can be used to control the incidence of brown blotch disease when it widely occurs in fields. 展开更多
关键词 Almond shell pyroligneous acid Pleurotus ostreatus Brown blotch disease Pseudomonas tolaasii
作者 赵嘉 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期117-118,共2页
O. Henry is a realist and humanitarian writer. In his life, he wrote more than 300 short stories and a full-length novel. Sacrifice of Love is a typical O Henry's novel, which was formed in American society that chan... O. Henry is a realist and humanitarian writer. In his life, he wrote more than 300 short stories and a full-length novel. Sacrifice of Love is a typical O Henry's novel, which was formed in American society that changed from the rapid development ofcapitalism to the era of imperialism. During this period, the rotten social system, ruthless competition and insatiable exploitation jugulatcd and contorted human's emotions. In such a society, O. Henry, on the one hand, advocated and paid a tribute to beautiful love. on the other hand, he felt helpless and hateful to the cruel social and hard living conditions. Love itself is holy and sweet, but due to the decay of the social system, love was full of bitterness. This paper focuses on analyzing O. Henry's views of love, the reasons of formation and the expression skills. The subject of the Sacrifice of Love is: love itselfis sweet and holy, but in the capitalist society, it is destined to be a tragedy. 展开更多
关键词 sacrifice of love SWEET bitter love corrupt social system
The Policy Effectiveness of"Go Organic": A Study on Implementation and Efficiency of Organic Vegetable Cultivation in Semarang Municipality
作者 Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti Etty Soesilowati 《Sociology Study》 2012年第6期468-482,共15页
This paper discussed the cost and benefit level of the marketing mix of organic vegetable cultivation. In 2011, the research assessed the effectiveness of policy of"Go Organic 2010" in Semarang municipality. The obj... This paper discussed the cost and benefit level of the marketing mix of organic vegetable cultivation. In 2011, the research assessed the effectiveness of policy of"Go Organic 2010" in Semarang municipality. The objectives of this work are to assess: (1] program implementations; (2) related stakeholders; C3] external and internal constrains; (4] the level of effectiveness; and (5) the efficiency on the use of production factors. Further, it aims to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural commodity through using efficient production factors, lessening the environmental damage as the use of pesticide, and promoting awareness of responsibilty among government, university, and society. Having employed interactive approach and SPSS 13.0 program, the result indicates that behavior of farming in the research area sounds to be less efficient. Further, agriculture extension agent performance in Semarang needs also to be better improved. Therefore, improvement on counselling activities is proposed to be a solution to make the performance of the extension optimum. Meanwhile, the number of extension agents is not sufficient. It is expected that the ideal number for extension--one village one extension--can be applied. 展开更多
关键词 EFFECTIVENESS EFFICIENCY production factor CULTIVATION organic vegetable
The Morphological Analysis of Folktales of Tu Nationality in Hehuang Region in Northwest China
作者 ZHAO Zhi-yi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第11期1293-1303,共11页
The Tu nationality (also called "Tu people" or "Tus" in the paper), one of the multiple ethnic minorities in the Hehuang Region (河湟地区) between Gansu (甘肃) and Qinghai (青海) Provinces in the northwest... The Tu nationality (also called "Tu people" or "Tus" in the paper), one of the multiple ethnic minorities in the Hehuang Region (河湟地区) between Gansu (甘肃) and Qinghai (青海) Provinces in the northwest China, has no written language of their own, but has already created the abundant and varied colorful literary genres. Since the 1980s, folktales, as the main literary product popular in the region, have received literary criticisms and reviews from scholars and researchers in China, based on the socialist realism dominant in China in the 20th century that emphasized more on contents, motifs and even ideological significance. So far, no breakthroughs have been made in their studies even if some young scholars have tried from the formalist viewpoints. Therefore, this paper attempts to make a morphological analysis of the Tus' folktales by adopting Propp's theories, trying to find out the morphological narrative model beneath the language level of the folktales. Through the studies, we can see that collective awareness bonded by kinship is more emphasized in Tus' culture, and almost all tales end with good defeating evil. Therefore, the studies of these folktales will help us deep understand Tus' psychological conditions and positive cultural life. 展开更多
关键词 morphological analysis folktales of Tu nationality Hehuang Region Propp's theory creative rules collectiveness
Vail’s Story Retold: Applications of John Steinbeck’s Realistic Prose to Reconstructing Growth and Change of a Colorado High Mountain Town
作者 Rudi Hartmann 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2017年第9期481-496,共16页
Vail, a ski area in Colorado established in 1962, has undergone many changes since its inception. How to explain the growth of an ever expanding urban corridor (“Vail Valley”) in the Colorado High Country, with co... Vail, a ski area in Colorado established in 1962, has undergone many changes since its inception. How to explain the growth of an ever expanding urban corridor (“Vail Valley”) in the Colorado High Country, with considerable implications for the social and built-up environment and the surrounding wilderness? It is argued here that Steinbeck’s writings – as laid out, for instance, in Cannery Row - could offer a strategy to reconstruct the events and developments that transformed the Vail ski resort destination over the past decades. Eight chapters lay out major themes of the Vail Story, from “Vail before Vail” to “Vail after Vail.” Quotations from Steinbeck’s novels and from other writers in the analysis of his works introduce a given theme. The discussion of the beginnings of the ski area and the town, the staging of Vail mega sports events like three world alpine ski championships and the changing directions and policies of the ski corporation result in a narrative closely aligned with the style of Steinbeck’s realistic prose. 展开更多
关键词 Vail Colorado High Country John Steinbeck APPLICATIONS story telling
Two Kinds of Two-Boson Realizations of Generally Deformed Algebras with Three Generators
作者 RUAN Dong LI Yan-Song SUN Hong-Zhou 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3期529-534,共6页
In this paper two kinds of two-boson realizations of generally deformed algebras with three generators are obtained by generalizing the Jordan-Schwlnger realizations of SU(2) and SU(1,1). For each kind, a unitary ... In this paper two kinds of two-boson realizations of generally deformed algebras with three generators are obtained by generalizing the Jordan-Schwlnger realizations of SU(2) and SU(1,1). For each kind, a unitary realization and a non-unitary realizatlon, together with the properties of their acting spaces, are discussed. Similarity transformations that relate the non-unitary realizations to the unitary ones are given by solving unitarization equations. 展开更多
关键词 deformed algebra boson realization unitarization equation
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