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加强领导干部执政能力建设为杭州率先基本实现现代化提供坚强保证 被引量:2
作者 朱报春 《中共杭州市委党校学报》 2003年第6期4-7,共4页
加强党的执政能力建设是一个带全局性、根本性和长期性的重大课题,而加强领导干部执政能力建设是加强党的执政能力建设中最关键的一个环节。我们要从事关全党、全局的高度,充分认识领导干部执政能力建设的重要意义;要以发展的眼光、更... 加强党的执政能力建设是一个带全局性、根本性和长期性的重大课题,而加强领导干部执政能力建设是加强党的执政能力建设中最关键的一个环节。我们要从事关全党、全局的高度,充分认识领导干部执政能力建设的重要意义;要以发展的眼光、更高的标准,深刻理解领导干部执政能力建设的基本要求;要以与时俱进、开拓创新精神,努力探索领导干部执政能力建设的实现途径。 展开更多
关键词 领导干部 执政能力建设 杭州市 现现代 创新精神 领导干部 党建工作 教育培训工作
现代性语境中的道德教育 被引量:4
作者 张夫伟 娄立志 《教育研究与实验》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期11-15,共5页
探讨道德教育无法回避现代性语境。工具理性的宰制、价值个体化的张扬和感觉欲望的高涨是现代性的基本特征,它们导致了道德教育的存在危机。而现代道德教育不仅未能积极应对现代性的挑战,反而持守价值中立、娱乐化和工具化的立场,这是... 探讨道德教育无法回避现代性语境。工具理性的宰制、价值个体化的张扬和感觉欲望的高涨是现代性的基本特征,它们导致了道德教育的存在危机。而现代道德教育不仅未能积极应对现代性的挑战,反而持守价值中立、娱乐化和工具化的立场,这是现代道德教育的沉沦,是其存在的深层危机。现代道德教育急需深刻的自我启蒙。 展开更多
关键词 现代 代道德教育 存在危机
论岭南文化工具主义——兼论岭南文化的现代转换 被引量:18
作者 李权时 《广东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期52-57,共6页
岭南文化是一种工具性文化,它的功能在广东改革开放建设中得到充分发挥,一方面它为广东改革开放建设披荊斩棘,立下了汗马功劳,另一方面又给广东改革开放建设增加堕力,带来消极影响。因此,必须改革和提升岭南文化工具主义,实现岭南文化... 岭南文化是一种工具性文化,它的功能在广东改革开放建设中得到充分发挥,一方面它为广东改革开放建设披荊斩棘,立下了汗马功劳,另一方面又给广东改革开放建设增加堕力,带来消极影响。因此,必须改革和提升岭南文化工具主义,实现岭南文化现代转换,实现岭南文化现代化。 展开更多
关键词 岭南文化 工具主义 现代转换
近现代科学观的演进及其启示 被引量:2
作者 疏礼兵 姜巍 《科学管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期56-58,120,共4页
16世纪末经启蒙运动而产生的近代科学以机械论和还原论为特征 ,其实质是外在联系观在科学上的表现。 2 0世纪以相对论和量子力学为开端的现代科学 ,历经混沌运动和生物学革命 ,更加强调事物的内在联系。基于科学史的考察为近现代科学观... 16世纪末经启蒙运动而产生的近代科学以机械论和还原论为特征 ,其实质是外在联系观在科学上的表现。 2 0世纪以相对论和量子力学为开端的现代科学 ,历经混沌运动和生物学革命 ,更加强调事物的内在联系。基于科学史的考察为近现代科学观的演进提供了佐证。科学观的演进丰富了科学内涵 。 展开更多
关键词 近代科学观 现代科学 演进
中国后现代艺术现象及其特征 被引量:3
作者 毛娜 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期167-168,共2页
20世纪 80年代以来 ,在借鉴和学习西方绘画理论与绘画技巧的过程中 ,中国绘画艺术思潮呈现出流派纷呈的局面 ,而学者和业界的认识也是见仁见智。本期发表的两位青年学人的文章试图对 2 0世纪末中国绘画艺术思潮进行部分梳理。张国强以... 20世纪 80年代以来 ,在借鉴和学习西方绘画理论与绘画技巧的过程中 ,中国绘画艺术思潮呈现出流派纷呈的局面 ,而学者和业界的认识也是见仁见智。本期发表的两位青年学人的文章试图对 2 0世纪末中国绘画艺术思潮进行部分梳理。张国强以中国油画发展为例 ,认为现代主义艺术在中国的发展缺乏拓展的空间 ,而只有枯竭的表现力。中国需要原创性的中国油画。毛娜认为 ,后现代主义艺术作为一种文化现象 ,正以繁多的形式客观存在着 ,其艺术等于生活、艺术无界限、多元化与宽泛化、大众化与通俗化等特征表明 ,后现代主义艺术关照人类社会自身的问题 ,虽然仍处于边缘状态 。 展开更多
关键词 中国 现代艺术 审美意识 人文精神 通俗文化
知识经济与现代编辑观念的建构 被引量:10
作者 杨光宗 《编辑学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第5期317-319,共3页
社会转型期建构适应时代要求的编辑创新观念与灵活应变能力、全球化语境下的知识价值观念、编辑信息意识及编辑经营观念 ,具有重要的意义和作用。
关键词 知识价值观念 创新观念 信息意识 知识经济 编辑主体 现代编辑 编辑工作
后现代教育理论与大学英语教学改革 被引量:9
作者 高华伟 宋静静 《辽宁医学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第4期55-57,共3页
关键词 现代主义教育 大学英语 教学改革 课程设置
实证、诠释与话语:以现代化研究为例 被引量:8
作者 谢立中 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期106-140,共35页
实证主义的"现代化"分析模式将"现代化"过程视为一种纯粹给定的、独立于社会成员个人主观意识之外的"客观性现实",诠释学(或现象学)的"现代化"分析模式则将"现代化"过程视为一种由... 实证主义的"现代化"分析模式将"现代化"过程视为一种纯粹给定的、独立于社会成员个人主观意识之外的"客观性现实",诠释学(或现象学)的"现代化"分析模式则将"现代化"过程视为一种由社会成员个人的主观意识建构出来的"主观性现实";与它们都不同,多元话语分析学者则将"现代化"视为一种由社会成员在特定话语系统的约束和引导之下、借助于一些特定的话语策略而建构出来的"话语性现实"。与此相应,实证主义"现代化"分析模式的支持者们在对"现代化"过程进行研究时总是致力于探究支配着"现代化"过程形成和变化的"客观规律",诠释学(或现象学)分析模式的支持者们则总是致力于考察导致"现代化"过程的那些个体行动及其行动者在从事这些行动时赋予其行动之上的那些主观意识,而多元话语分析学者们则主张致力于探讨人们将我们现在称为"现代化"的那种社会变迁过程建构为"现代化"过程的那些话语策略及其背后的话语系统(话语构成规则)。 展开更多
关键词 现代化研究 现代化”的实证主义分析模式 现代化”的诠释( 象)学分析模式 现代化”的多元话语分析模式
我国建筑工业化发展现状与思考 被引量:419
作者 王俊 赵基达 胡宗羽 《土木工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期1-8,共8页
回顾了我国各时期建筑工业化的发展状况,提出新时期发展建筑工业化的必要性与紧迫性,以实现建筑业产业转型与技术升级。按发展建筑工业化的目的与要求,对装配式混凝土结构、现代现浇结构和钢结构三种建筑工业化发展模式的特点进行了思... 回顾了我国各时期建筑工业化的发展状况,提出新时期发展建筑工业化的必要性与紧迫性,以实现建筑业产业转型与技术升级。按发展建筑工业化的目的与要求,对装配式混凝土结构、现代现浇结构和钢结构三种建筑工业化发展模式的特点进行了思考与分析,重点对装配式混凝土结构在目前推广应用中存在的问题进行了讨论。最后针对当前我国建筑工业化的发展情况提出有关建议:要全面推进多模式建筑工业化工作;要加强研发与工程示范应用;要立足于政策支持,也应注重市场化引导;要积极推进建筑工业化全产业链建设,并应积极推进BIM技术在建筑工业化中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 建筑工业化 装配式混凝土结构 现代浇结构 钢结构 市场化引导 全产业链
我国建筑工业化发展现状与思考探析 被引量:6
作者 邵海东 《中国建材科技》 2017年第3期86-87,共2页
关键词 建筑工业化 装配式混凝土结构 现代浇结构
超声医学图像工作站的开发与应用 被引量:4
作者 张红丽 王晓霞 +2 位作者 赵建国 华振宁 武万鹏 《武警医学》 CAS 2002年第7期423-423,共1页
关键词 医学影像学 现代 超声医学图像工作站
作者 印晨晖 《河北理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第3期61-63,共3页
关键词 企业信息化 现现代信息技术 信息资源 计算机
作者 Li Xihui Huang Jixin 《China Economist》 2020年第1期72-107,共36页
In China’s modernization drive, coordinated regional development and the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects have been two mutually reinforcing dimensions. The three shifts of China’s princip... In China’s modernization drive, coordinated regional development and the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects have been two mutually reinforcing dimensions. The three shifts of China’s principal social contradiction have responded to evolving needs of its regional development. Throughout various stages, the strategy of coordinated regional development has promoted the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects in its concept formation, implementation and upcoming completion, which has reinforced regional coordination in return. In striving to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society, China has increased its economic base, balanced its regional development, narrowed regional disparities, and increased equal access to essential public services. 展开更多
关键词 coordinated regional development building of a moderately prosperous society achievement of modernization
Seven Decades of China's Fiscal Modernization 被引量:6
作者 Yang Zhiyong 《China Economist》 2019年第1期66-93,共28页
After its founding in 1949,the People’s Republic of China'started to modernize its fiscal system-an essential part of its broader modernization drive.Its unified and wellfunctioning fiscal system supported the st... After its founding in 1949,the People’s Republic of China'started to modernize its fiscal system-an essential part of its broader modernization drive.Its unified and wellfunctioning fiscal system supported the stability of the nascent government,and helped stabilize the economy and restore public order after then.In the era of the planned economy,public finance in the country was put at the service of economic plans while striving to reach a fiscal equilibrium,which was of great significance at that time.Economic equilibrium,including fiscal,credit and material equilibrium,was perceived as a manifestation of macroeconomic stability.Problems encountered during the era of the planned economy led to the launch of a reform and opening-up program-a brilliant chapter in modern Chinese history.The Third Plenum of the 11th CPC Central Committee marks a brand-new era of reform and opening-up.In this transformative period,China’s fiscal system was initially decentralized to keep abreast of its“planned commodity economy.”After the goal of socialist market economic reform was announced in 1992,China’s fiscal reforms embarked on a fast track.As China'strived to build a public finance system compatible with a socialist market economic system,fiscal reforms took place and fiscal policy played a more important role in macroeconomic regulation.The Third Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee held in November 2013 set the goal of the reform to establish a modern fiscal system.Afterwards,China deepened its fiscal reforms,focusing on budget management,taxation and reform of central-local fiscal relations. 展开更多
关键词 public finance in China contemporary Chinese fiscal history contemporaryfiscal system MODERNIZATION
Theory Viewing Yeats's Poetic Modernization From Mask
作者 LIU Juan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第3期246-252,共7页
As "the greatest poet in the 20th century", Yeats is always a hot topic among academic community. The question whether Yeats is the "last romantic" or the first Modernist remains controversial for a long time in a... As "the greatest poet in the 20th century", Yeats is always a hot topic among academic community. The question whether Yeats is the "last romantic" or the first Modernist remains controversial for a long time in academic field. Whether critics term Yeats a modernist or not, they generally agree that the poems produced in his late creative period are definitively modernist works. This paper targets Yeats's realization of poetic modernization through his mask theory applied in "Crazy Jane" poems. It discusses the poetic movement in the beginning of the 20th century, the poetic theory Yeats proposed and instances Yeats's mask theory as the manifestation of his poetic modernization. The author argues that with his innovation in verse writing particularly demonstrated by application of mask theory in "Crazy Jane" poems, Yeats unquestionably played a very important role in Anglo-American modernist poetry. 展开更多
关键词 W. B. Yeats modernist poetry modernization mask theory Crazy Jane
George Orwell's Experiment With the Ironic Narrative Structure in Nineteen Eighty-Four
作者 Louai T. ABU Lebdeh Amaal A1 Masri 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第10期784-791,共8页
This study seeks to establish the major relevance of the ironic vision embodied in the narrative structure in George Orwell's early novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. After providing a comprehensive satisfying examination o... This study seeks to establish the major relevance of the ironic vision embodied in the narrative structure in George Orwell's early novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. After providing a comprehensive satisfying examination of the cultural phenomenon that goes by the name of "Modernism", the world in which the young George Orwell began his literary career; the study will present a critical analyses exploring Orwell's novel concerning the past-war ironic dystopian vision, with special reference to his experiment with the ironic narrative techniques and structure. 展开更多
关键词 MODERNISM ironic narrative Winston Smith romantic quest POLITICS doublethink Big Brother
From the Pictorial Symbols of the Theatre to the Virtual Symbolisation of the Real
作者 Theodore Grammatas 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第5期312-319,共8页
In many representative, literary, cinematic, or artistic products of modern civilization, the problem of world's reality and the relationship of the subject with it, are seen from different viewpoints, such as the di... In many representative, literary, cinematic, or artistic products of modern civilization, the problem of world's reality and the relationship of the subject with it, are seen from different viewpoints, such as the dimension of the utopian perception of a dreamlike or imaginary composition, subconscious creation, but also more complex versions such as computer mediated complete illusion, artificial intelligence, and control of the brain, intrusion, and influence exerted on the thought of the other using modern technology or any combination of all the above. It is thus understood that the issue at hand can be approached from a variety of viewpoints and aspects, such as the philosophical, psychological, psychoanalytical, technological, neurophysiologieal, sociological, literary and so on Our viewpoint is strictly limited to the theatrical dimension and our analysis will prosress based on data comprising the theatrical phenomenon, that is, the illusion, as opposed to virtual reality of modern technology. 展开更多
关键词 theatrical illusion digital drama cyber drama virtual reality
Musical Urbanism between Radicalism and Tradition: A Reflection on the Architectural Discourse of the 1920s
作者 Florian Edler 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第6期767-780,共14页
In the aftermath of the First World War, various compositions emerged that explored the phenomenon of the modem city by translating the clamorous sounds of urban environments and reflecting them artistically in the me... In the aftermath of the First World War, various compositions emerged that explored the phenomenon of the modem city by translating the clamorous sounds of urban environments and reflecting them artistically in the medium of music. With the rendering of poetic and esoteric moods unrelated to practical life considered outdated, musical preoccupation with modem architecture mostly concemed social aspects, such as people's circumstances, their emotional rootedness to bygone conditions and the search for orientation in an environment characterized by technology. There is a parallel here with contemporary architectural debates in which tension between modernism and traditionalism also played a key role. 展开更多
关键词 Modernist architecture machine music musical urbanism 1920s Antheil Hindemith Prokofiev.
Ontological Nominalism and Analytic Philosophy: On the Possibility of Philosophizing whilst Dispensing with Universals
作者 Hossein Dabbagh Soroush Dabbagh 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第2期93-99,共7页
Most commentators use the term "modern philosophy" for the post-Descartes era--an era of unprecedented growth for the modern sciences and, especially the empirical sciences. Even assuming that the feud between the r... Most commentators use the term "modern philosophy" for the post-Descartes era--an era of unprecedented growth for the modern sciences and, especially the empirical sciences. Even assuming that the feud between the rationalists and the empiricists during this period yielded no other benefits, it was beneficial enough to turn "experience" into an important pillar of the acquisition of knowledge in the subsequent philosophy. It was this "experience-mindedness" that drove away the Aristotelian "essentialist" perspective and replaced it with "nominalism." By describing the genesis and emergence of the "nominalist-empirical" perspective in analytic philosophy as one of the branches of the human sciences, this article strives to advance the claim that philosophical thinking continues to flourish in the absence of "realist thinking about universals" and that philosophizing does not fundamentally rest on universals. 展开更多
关键词 ontological nominalism conceptual nominalism ESSENTIALISM
Interpretations of St. Francis of Assisi in the 20th Century: Philosophical-Anthropological Perspective
作者 Oleksandr Golozubov 《History Research》 2015年第1期12-27,共16页
The article deals with investigating and comparing key modern and postmodern interpretations of St. Francis of Assisi from a philosophical-anthropological perspective. We determine these interpretations to be as foll... The article deals with investigating and comparing key modern and postmodern interpretations of St. Francis of Assisi from a philosophical-anthropological perspective. We determine these interpretations to be as follows: a man of wonder and lover of wisdom, in other words, a true philosopher; hero of all times; defender of the poverty and poor; “champion of liberty”; peace-maker and pacifist; God's troubadour; patron of nature and animals. All of these manifestations of St. Francis' personality have been enriched by his Christocentrism and joyful vision. Moreover, this can be traced in primary sources and also echoes in the late modern period. Postmodernity not only incorporated similar motives into the cultural space with new focus and accent, but it also put forward some new visions. St. Francis was postulated as God's Fool, not so much in the medieval as in the postmodern sense of foolishness and madness as a way of interaction with the absurd and puzzle-like world in which we live. It also reconciles traditional opposition between joy and laughter as inner feelings and outward emotions within the frame of the postmodern Divine Comedy. 展开更多
关键词 modemity postmodemity St. Francis of Assisi
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