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作者 马幼鸣 陈大融 丁玉庆 《电子工艺技术》 2011年第6期313-315,共3页
用流体动力学软件FIDAP、FLUENT和非线性分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA3D结合一起对彩色显象管玻屏成形过程进行计算机仿真,得出了玻壳冲压成形全过程的温度场分布和变形收缩量分布以及残余应力,这些仿真的结果为玻屏模具的设计及成形参数的确... 用流体动力学软件FIDAP、FLUENT和非线性分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA3D结合一起对彩色显象管玻屏成形过程进行计算机仿真,得出了玻壳冲压成形全过程的温度场分布和变形收缩量分布以及残余应力,这些仿真的结果为玻屏模具的设计及成形参数的确定提供了重要依据。 展开更多
关键词 计算机仿真 显象管玻屏 有限元
作者 肖继温 《玻璃与搪瓷》 CAS 2007年第5期24-27,共4页
平板电视对传统CRT的冲击以及能源环保的客观要求,使彩玻行业逐渐向轻量化、扁平化、减重玻壳方向发展。从生产实际出发,以84 cm某型玻屏开发为该型减重玻屏为实例,经过工艺调整,在玻屏的性能和外观品质都得到保证的前提下,做到了非减... 平板电视对传统CRT的冲击以及能源环保的客观要求,使彩玻行业逐渐向轻量化、扁平化、减重玻壳方向发展。从生产实际出发,以84 cm某型玻屏开发为该型减重玻屏为实例,经过工艺调整,在玻屏的性能和外观品质都得到保证的前提下,做到了非减重和减重模具兼容通用,达到了稳定量产。总结出的经验数据和调整思路,为其它品种的大屏幕玻屏向减重型过渡提供了工艺指导,最大限度地提高了产能,降低了生产成本和能源消耗。 展开更多
关键词 电视玻屏 减重玻屏 成型工艺 品质分析
作者 王春耕 《玻璃与搪瓷》 CAS 北大核心 2002年第5期38-40,62,共4页
讨论了通过偏光显微分析 ,确定显示器件玻屏内面麻点的形成原因 ,并从设备、模具、气流环境、现场管理与熔制相关缺陷调整方面进行针对性的改善 ,以控制和减少该缺陷。
关键词 显示器件 玻屏 内面麻点 缺陷 形成原因 设备 模具
作者 许牧军 《计量技术》 1995年第3期4-7,共4页
关键词 玻屏 彩色显像管 三坐标 测试
作者 王希生 李果昌 《光电技术》 1991年第4期311-314,共4页
关键词 显示管 防眩 玻屏 激光 反射率
UG V18 CAD/CAM在玻屏模圈设计加工中的应用
作者 张晓华 方哲民 《现代制造》 2002年第19期108-108,共1页
关键词 彩色显像管 玻屏模圈 CAD CAM
作者 陈荣盛 邱承昌 《舰船性能研究》 1994年第3期73-82,共10页
关键词 玻屏检测 图象处理 分辨率 荧光
作者 王锦顺 《技术与市场》 2004年第07M期14-14,共1页
关键词 显像管玻屏 抛光轮 制造工艺 聚乙烯醇缩丁醛 硬度 吸水度
作者 蒋宗礼 《彩色显像管》 1995年第3期9-10,共2页
关键词 玻屏 透过率 彩色显象管
作者 王希生 李果昌 《河北轻化工学院学报》 1992年第3期1-5,30,共6页
为了获得高像质的电视图象,需要对显示玻屏做防眩光处理。我国已引入了防眩玻屏生产线,但其测试方法尚不成熟。本文着重探讨了防眩玻屏反射率测量方法中的有关问题,把经过改进的测量方法和设备用于我国首次从美国某公司引入的机械研磨... 为了获得高像质的电视图象,需要对显示玻屏做防眩光处理。我国已引入了防眩玻屏生产线,但其测试方法尚不成熟。本文着重探讨了防眩玻屏反射率测量方法中的有关问题,把经过改进的测量方法和设备用于我国首次从美国某公司引入的机械研磨防眩屏生产线,定量地区分出了合格、不合格产品。进而又定量地测出了机械研磨屏和化学腐蚀屏的反射率差异,这是该美国公司的测试仪器测不出的。 展开更多
关键词 防眩玻屏 反射率 漫反射面
作者 肖继温 《现代显示》 2007年第8期52-53,共2页
关键词 Pancake冷却系统 宽平玻屏 内曲率
作者 刘先强 《科技信息》 2009年第29期I0778-I0778,共1页
关键词 热水 玻屏封接面无料浆抛光 应用
作者 李静 《模具制造》 2006年第11期65-66,共2页
关键词 纯平彩玻屏 电极设计 四角冷却孔的加工
作者 王仙萍 《显示器件技术》 2004年第2期17-21,8,共6页
实现CRT体积最小化的下一个工作重点极有可能是重量问题。也就是说,将传统CRT的体积在其纵深度方向上减小一半,同时其重量仍然要保持在一个合理的范围内。目前,几项旨在减小宽偏转角CRT用玻壳体积的创新技术已经实现。而且,通过改... 实现CRT体积最小化的下一个工作重点极有可能是重量问题。也就是说,将传统CRT的体积在其纵深度方向上减小一半,同时其重量仍然要保持在一个合理的范围内。目前,几项旨在减小宽偏转角CRT用玻壳体积的创新技术已经实现。而且,通过改善玻璃材料、改变玻壳结构的方法开发出新技术的工作也正在进行当中。基于这些创新之上的一种更新、更完整的玻璃技术将会向我们提供轻量、薄型的玻壳,而且它也是实现上述目标的动力所在。 展开更多
关键词 CRT 锥结构 热钢化玻屏 焊料
作者 汪敬生 《科学之友》 1995年第9期41-41,共1页
外观气派的大屏幕彩电,图象清晰,音质丰润,视野开阔,临场感强,上市即受到消费者喜爱。与此同时,由于品种、档次繁多,人们购买前势必对其要有一个更为深入地了解。大屏幕彩电分25英寸、28英寸、29英寸、33英寸等敷种。不论进口还是国产,... 外观气派的大屏幕彩电,图象清晰,音质丰润,视野开阔,临场感强,上市即受到消费者喜爱。与此同时,由于品种、档次繁多,人们购买前势必对其要有一个更为深入地了解。大屏幕彩电分25英寸、28英寸、29英寸、33英寸等敷种。不论进口还是国产,至关重要的首推显像管,选择时除从说明书上掌握显像管的指标外,还应检查玻屏平不平,四角是否成直角。接着观察玻屏的颜色,暗些的对光的反射较小,但亮度相应低些,反之,玻屏亮些的对光的反射较大, 展开更多
关键词 幕彩电 显像管 临场感 玻屏 英寸 消费者 说明书 音质 反射 成直角
作者 张晓华 方哲民 《CAD/CAM与制造业信息化》 2002年第9期31-31,39,共2页
由于显像管玻屏的内表面是屏凸模一次压制成型,其质量高低直接影响着玻屏品位,进而影响到电视机的图像质量。凸模在压制玻壳过程中接触的是上千度的高温,易变形、受损且修改频繁,所以屏凸模的制造、修理加工在整个玻壳模具加工中是非常... 由于显像管玻屏的内表面是屏凸模一次压制成型,其质量高低直接影响着玻屏品位,进而影响到电视机的图像质量。凸模在压制玻壳过程中接触的是上千度的高温,易变形、受损且修改频繁,所以屏凸模的制造、修理加工在整个玻壳模具加工中是非常重要的。 展开更多
关键词 UG 凸模造型 加工 显像管玻屏
作者 郝雷(译) 史运生(校) 《显示器件技术》 2005年第1期20-21,共2页
本文介绍了日本松下公司一种新型防爆带结构专利,其特点是节约材料,降低成本,提高防爆工艺品质。因防爆带的主要成本构成在于防爆带的材料用量,另外还有其加工过程的成本,如加工过程中对工装夹具的要求及设备的损耗,防爆过程中及... 本文介绍了日本松下公司一种新型防爆带结构专利,其特点是节约材料,降低成本,提高防爆工艺品质。因防爆带的主要成本构成在于防爆带的材料用量,另外还有其加工过程的成本,如加工过程中对工装夹具的要求及设备的损耗,防爆过程中及防爆后对屏裙边部的损伤情况,该专利使用的带翻边防爆带结构很多厂家均在使用,该专利的不同之处在于其改变了防爆带连接方式,也使焊接简化,连接部变形较小。减少了对屏刮伤情况,使防爆效果更加可靠,同时防爆带连接部外形体积减小,更利于整机厂装机。 展开更多
关键词 防爆带 连接板 焊接 玻屏 带结构 防爆 日本松下公司 降低成本 加工过程 节约材料
Feasibility of using recycled CRT funnel glass as partial replacement of high density magnetite sand in radiation shielding concrete 被引量:4
作者 Hua-liang LIU Jian-jun SHI +1 位作者 Hui-qiong QU De-xin DING 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第4期831-839,共9页
The recycled cathode ray tube(CRT)funnel glass was used as replacement of magnetite sand in the concrete,and its mass replacement rates were 0,20%,40%and 60%,respectively.The flowability,apparent density and mechanica... The recycled cathode ray tube(CRT)funnel glass was used as replacement of magnetite sand in the concrete,and its mass replacement rates were 0,20%,40%and 60%,respectively.The flowability,apparent density and mechanical properties of the radiation shielding concrete were investigated,while itsγ-ray radiation shielding parameters such as linear and mass attenuation coefficients(μandμm,respectively),thickness values of half-value layer(hHVL)and tenth-value layer(hTVL)were obtained by theoretical calculation,experiment and Monte.Carlo N-Particle(MCNP)simulation code.The experimental results show that the flowability of the concrete increases significantly,whilst its apparent density,compressive strength and static elastic modulus decrease slightly.The calculated,simulated and experimentalμm,μ,hHVL and hTVL values of all concrete samples are very consistent at the sameγ-ray photon energy,and it is feasible to use MCNP code to simulateγ-ray radiation shielding parameters of materials.The calculated results show that in a wide range ofγ-ray photon energy,theμm value of the concrete with CRT funnel glass replacing magnetite sand is improved effectively,and its radiation shielding performances are the same as those of the control concrete(M.1).By comprehensively comparing the flowability,mechanical properties andγ-ray radiation shielding properties,the concrete samples with 20%.40%funnel glass as fine aggregate have good performances. 展开更多
关键词 cathode ray tube funnel glass concrete Γ-RAY radiation shielding mechanical properties Monte-Carlo N-Particle simulation
Preparation and Properties of Glass with High Transmittance and Intense Gamma Ray Shielding
作者 ZHANG Meilun CAO Zhenbo +7 位作者 YANG Shengyun ZHANG Yang HAN Yu QIU Fu ZHOU You ZHENG Jingming LIU Hui JIA Jinsheng 《硅酸盐学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期3301-3310,共10页
Introduction As a kind of high-energy electromagnetic radiation,gamma rays can lead to radiation effect and environmental pollution.To ensure the reliability and safety utilization of gamma radiations in different are... Introduction As a kind of high-energy electromagnetic radiation,gamma rays can lead to radiation effect and environmental pollution.To ensure the reliability and safety utilization of gamma radiations in different areas,materials with reliable gamma shielding performances should be developed.The existing efforts are to use glasses as alternative for the conventional radiation shielding materials.As a typical window material,glass itself has attracted wide attention due to its unique chemical and physical advantages.Among them,lead-based radiation shielding materials are widely used in the field of ionizing radiation protection due to their reliable physical properties.In the nuclear industry and high energy physics laboratories,different materials can be used for temporary or permanent shielding.The lead-based glass doped with heavy metal oxide PbO is widely used in the field of radiation shielding for a long time with reliable light transmission properties,which facilitates the observation and monitoring of radiation areas.In this paper,three kinds of transparent silicate glass with different PbO contents were prepared by a high-temperature melting forming method.The gamma-rays protection abilities of the three kinds of glass were investigated through experimental and thermotical methods.The chemical and thermal stability of the glass were also analyzed.In addition,the influence mechanism of the structure and performance differences of the three kinds of glass was also discussed.Methods Analytical pure quartz sand(SiO_(2),purity 99.5%,in mass,the same below),lead monoxide(PbO,purity 99.0%),potassium nitrate(KNO3,purity 99.0%)and sodium nitrate(NaNO3,purity 99.0%)were selected as raw materials for preparation of three kinds of gamma-rays shielding glass materials by a high-temperature melting method.An appropriate amount of raw materials was thoroughly mixed and added to 3 L quartz crucible and heated in air at 1200℃.Then the raw materials were melted at 1250℃for 14 h.The uniform melt was quickly poured into the 150 mm×150 mm×50 mm stainless steel mold preheated at 750℃.Finally,the quenched glasses were annealed at 450℃for 12 h and cooled naturally to room temperature.The density of the three glass samples was tested based on the Archimedes principle.The thermal expansion coefficient of glass samples was measured by a model Netzsch DIL 402 expansion coefficient tester.The infrared spectra were measured by a model Perkinelmer Spectrum 100 FTIR Spectrometer.The Raman spectra were tested by a model HORIBA LabRAM HR800 high-resolution Raman spectrometer.The gamma ray shielding test was completed in China Academy of Engineering Physics.The chemical stability test was completed in Chengdu Guangming Glass Co.,LTD.The acid stability and moisture stability of the glass samples were tested according to the national standards GB/T 7962.14-2010 and GB/T 7962.15-2010,respectively.The thermal stability of the galss was also determined.Results and discussion Glass structure becomes more compact with the exchange of Pb alternatives of Si,K and Na.Increasing the density of glass is conducive to improving its shielding performance,but this leads to significant changes in the optical properties,thermal properties and chemical stability of glass due to the increase of heavy metal content.The preparation of high transmittance glass is more difficult.The coefficient of thermal expansion of glass samples gradually decreases from 103.6×10^(-7)℃-1 to 89.2×10^(-7)℃-1,and the values of Tg and Tf also decrease with the increase of mass fraction of PbO in glass components.The change of the thermal properties of the three glass samples is a result of the joint action of PbO,Na2O and K2O.The FTIR spectra show that the added PbO is transformed into[PbO4]units with 4 coordination numbers into the network under the condition of sufficient free oxygen as PbO content in the glass increases.These[PbO4]units participate in the formation of silicate networks.The Raman spectra indicate that the silicate network structure is de-polymerized as PbO content is increased,and the enhancement of the characteristic vibrational peaks corresponding to the Pb-Si-O indicates an increase in the degree of participation of the[PbO4]units in the formation of silicate network. The ion packing density of the glass sample gradually increases with the increase of PbO content,which shows that the compressible free volume per unit volume of the glass sample becomes smaller. PbO with a high concentration(x = 0.50 and x = 0.66) is used as a glass-forming agent, and the [PbO4] structural units can form a connection structure with thesilicon oxide tetrahedron, which plays a role in repairing the glass network.The permeability of the glass can be improved via strictly controlling the iron content of the introduced raw materials andmaking full use of the double alkali effect of the glass. The actual shielding performance of glass is not a result of simple addition ofvarious components. This can be affected by the actual composition content of the glass, melting process and endoplasmic uniformity.The influence of glass expansion coefficient on the thermal stability is much greater than that on its chemical stability.Conclusions PbO with a high concentration (x = 0.50 and x = 0.66) was used as a glass-forming agent, and the [PbO4] structuralunits could form a connection structure with the silicon oxide tetrahedron, playing a role in repairing the glass network. The measuredshielding rate of 60Co gamma-ray could be 50% and the glass with 50% PbO content (in mass fraction) exhibited a lineartransmission rate of more than 85% in the range of 400-800 nm. In addition, the reliable thermal and chemical stabilities were alsoreflected in the glass. 展开更多
关键词 TRANSMITTANCE gamma rays radiation shielding GLASS
作者 庄奕琪 《家庭影院技术》 1999年第5期18-22,共5页
谁都知道彩电的屏幕越平越好,因为屏幕越平,显像管对周围环境的反光越少,而且屏幕四边周角因玻面扭曲而引起的失真越小,观看视角也越大,所以彩电的更新换代大都以显像管的平面化程度来命名。从老式的'球面'彩电到曾火爆一时的&#... 谁都知道彩电的屏幕越平越好,因为屏幕越平,显像管对周围环境的反光越少,而且屏幕四边周角因玻面扭曲而引起的失真越小,观看视角也越大,所以彩电的更新换代大都以显像管的平面化程度来命名。从老式的'球面'彩电到曾火爆一时的'平面直角'彩电,从近年来颇受中国百姓青睐的'超平面'彩电到新近出现的'自然平'彩电,谁的彩电最平,谁的彩电就最好。 展开更多
关键词 索尼牌 彩电 平面特丽珑彩管 显像管 玻屏
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