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作者 李训贵 陈传誉 《广州师院学报(自然科学版)》 1999年第2期41-49,共9页
关键词 对称性 全同四玻色子系统 模型理论 结构效应
作者 陈平形 冯良贵 《江西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1998年第3期226-230,共5页
关键词 对角化 准粒子 对称性 玻色子耦合系统 量子力学
由近独立子系组成的n维系统的热力学函数的统一形式 被引量:7
作者 李鹤龄 《宁夏大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2000年第4期314-317,共4页
对于满足能谱关系ε=Cps 的所有由近独立子系组成的n维系统 ,得出了统一的物态方程、内能和熵的表达式 ,说明上述三个量中只有一个量是独立的 ,并得出了n维系统热力学量的表达式 .
关键词 近独立子系 热力学函数 物态方程 内能 n维系统 玻尔兹曼系统 玻色子系统 费米子系统 统计热力学
作者 刘美希 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期5-9,共5页
详细地分析了低温下分子间相互作用对定体热容的贡献 .分析气体时采用集团展开的方法得到维里系数 ,进而求得CV 的表达式 ,得到分子间相互作用对定体热容的贡献为O(T2 )项 .而讨论液体时 ,则根据空腔理论计算径向分布函数 g(σ) ,并对 g... 详细地分析了低温下分子间相互作用对定体热容的贡献 .分析气体时采用集团展开的方法得到维里系数 ,进而求得CV 的表达式 ,得到分子间相互作用对定体热容的贡献为O(T2 )项 .而讨论液体时 ,则根据空腔理论计算径向分布函数 g(σ) ,并对 g(r)作分段处理 ,结合LJ12 - 6的分子相互作用能求得配分函数Q .讨论Q得出液体分子间相互作用对定体热容贡献为零 . 展开更多
关键词 维里系数 径向分布函数 配分函数 分子间相互作用 定体热容 玻色子系统 费米子系统 低温
作者 杜永清 《山西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2004年第1期49-55,共7页
关键词 运动方程 自旋 自由场 玻色子系统 费米子系统 场运动方程 海森堡方程
Degree of Entanglement for Some Bipartite Entangled Bosonic Systems
作者 LIANGXian-Ting 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第4X期535-538,共4页
We calculate the degree of entanglement for some bipartite entangled states of continuous variables.These states include common two-mode squeezed vacuum state, thermal vacuum state of a free single particle (where the... We calculate the degree of entanglement for some bipartite entangled states of continuous variables.These states include common two-mode squeezed vacuum state, thermal vacuum state of a free single particle (where the fictitious tilde system is regarded as another particle), and the squeezed vacuum state of two coupling harmonic oscillators.The degree of entanglement for these quantum systems are shown clearly by using the technique of integration within an ordered product of operators. 展开更多
关键词 纠缠度 双向玻色子系统 量子信息 密度算符
作者 赵绪新 《长江大学学报(社会科学版)》 1985年第2期86-89,共4页
在统计物理学中引入了一重要的函数——配分函数。在广义系综中,系统的广义配分函数可表为Z_广=(1)当 V=Const 时,广义系综便退化为巨正则系综,Z_广便退化为系统的巨正则配分函数。
关键词 配分函数 系综 统计物理学 微观态 玻色子系统 费米子系统 热力学性质 特性函数 简并度 态函数
Quantum Fluctuation Properties in Mesoscopic Josephson Junction
作者 杨胡江 邵彬 邹健 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2002年第4期429-432,共4页
An effective bosonic Hamiltonian describing the interaction of a mesoscopic Josephson junction with a quantized radiation field is studied. It is shown that when the field is initially in a coherent state and the junc... An effective bosonic Hamiltonian describing the interaction of a mesoscopic Josephson junction with a quantized radiation field is studied. It is shown that when the field is initially in a coherent state and the junction initially in its lowest energy level state, the state of the coupled field-mesoscopic Josephson junction system can evolve to a squeezed state. A detailed analysis about the quantum fluctuation of the coupled system is given. 展开更多
关键词 mesoscopic Josephson junction squeezed state quantum fluctuation
A Framework for Non-Equilibrium Statistical Ensemble Theory
作者 毕桥 何祖坦 刘杰 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第7期99-106,共8页
Since Gibbs synthesized a general equilibrium statistical ensemble theory, many theorists have attempted to generalized the Gibbsian theory to non-equilibrium phenomena domain, however the status of the theory of non-... Since Gibbs synthesized a general equilibrium statistical ensemble theory, many theorists have attempted to generalized the Gibbsian theory to non-equilibrium phenomena domain, however the status of the theory of non-equilibrium phenomena can not be said as firm as well established as the Gibbsian ensemble theory. In this work, we present a framework for the non-equilibrium statistical ensemble formalism based on a subdynamic kinetic equation (SKE) rooted from the Brussels-Austin school and followed by some up-to-date works. The constructed key is to use a similarity transformation between Gibbsian ensembles formalism based on Liouville equation and the subdynamic ensemble formalism based on the SKE. Using this formalism, we study the spin-Boson system, as cases of weak coupling or strongly coupling, and obtain the reduced density operators for the Canonical ensembles easily. 展开更多
关键词 SUBDYNAMICS statistical ensemble non-equilibrium statistical physics
三体系统的对称性分析 被引量:2
作者 解文方 鲍诚光 《中国科学(A辑)》 CSCD 1995年第12期1298-1306,共9页
关键词 三体系统 对称性 玻色子系统 量子力学
Superfluid density of two-dimensional weakly interacting boson system at zero temperature
作者 HE PeiSong FAN YuWei 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第12期1230-1233,共4页
We compute the superfluid density of a two-dimensional boson system with weak two-body repulsive interactions at zero temperature using one-loop perturbation theory in the weak coupling region. The boson fields are ta... We compute the superfluid density of a two-dimensional boson system with weak two-body repulsive interactions at zero temperature using one-loop perturbation theory in the weak coupling region. The boson fields are taken to be in continuum form in real space, and the interactions are approximated by a δ function of the distance between the bosons. We find that the one-loop fluctuations slightly decrease the superfluid density of a classical level. The superfluid density is approximated by the condensate density multiplied by the mass of the boson particle. 展开更多
关键词 玻色子系统 弱相互作用 流密度 温度 二维 摄动理论 现实空间 函数近似
作者 Gil Kalai 王宇 +1 位作者 王玉玺 王世坤 《数学译林》 2017年第1期13-24,共12页
量子计算机是设想中的装置,它基于量子物理学,使我们在执行某些计算时能比数字计算机快数百个数量级.这一特性被称为“量子至上(quantumsupermacy)”,在不久的将来这种量子计算至上的很多方面可能被一些实验证实:如通过实现量子... 量子计算机是设想中的装置,它基于量子物理学,使我们在执行某些计算时能比数字计算机快数百个数量级.这一特性被称为“量子至上(quantumsupermacy)”,在不久的将来这种量子计算至上的很多方面可能被一些实验证实:如通过实现量子纠错,或用非相互作用的玻色子系统,或用一种被称为任意子的新奇的相物质,或用量子退火算法或各种其他方式.本文我们集中在通用量子计算机模型上,通用量子计算机允许量子系统的全部计算潜力,在受限模型上被称为玻色子抽样,它基于非相互作用的玻色子. 展开更多
关键词 量子计算机 玻色子系统 计算机模型 相互作用 量子物理学 数字计算机 量子纠错 退火算法
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Photons and Photon Pairs 被引量:1
作者 张建军 袁建辉 +1 位作者 张俊佩 成泽 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第7期155-159,共5页
We investigate the Bose-Einstein condensation of photons and photon pairs in a two-dimension optical microcavity. We find that in the paraxial approximation, the mixed gas of photons and photon pairs is formally equiv... We investigate the Bose-Einstein condensation of photons and photon pairs in a two-dimension optical microcavity. We find that in the paraxial approximation, the mixed gas of photons and photon pairs is formally equivalent to a two dimension system of massive bosons with non-vanishing chemical potential, which implies the existence of two possible condensate phase. We also discuss the quantum phase transition of the system and obtain the critical point analytically. Moreover, we find that the quantum phase transition of the system can be interpreted as second harmonic generation. 展开更多
关键词 Bose-Einstein condensation photon pair quantum phase transition
Majorana Representation and Mean Field Approach for Interacting-Boson System
作者 刘昊迪 方杰 郑泰玉 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第10期439-446,共8页
The Majorana representation, which represents a quantum state by stars on the Bloch sphere, provides us an intuitive tool to study the quantum evolution in high dimensional Hilbert space. In this work, we investigate ... The Majorana representation, which represents a quantum state by stars on the Bloch sphere, provides us an intuitive tool to study the quantum evolution in high dimensional Hilbert space. In this work, we investigate the second quantized model and the mean-field model for the interacting-boson system in the Majorana representation. It is shown that the motions of states in the two models are same in the linear case. Furthermore, the contribution of the nonlinear interaction to the star motions in the second quantized model can be expressed by a single star part which is equal to the nonlinear part of the equation for the star in mean-field model under large boson number limit and an extra part caused by the correlation between stars. These differences and relations can not only be reflected by the population differences between the two boson modes in the two models, but also lie with the differences between the continuous changes of the second quantized evolution with the nonlinear interacting strength and the critical behavior of the mean-field evolution which related to the self-trapping effect. The reason of the difference between the two models is also discussed by an effective Hamiltonian. 展开更多
关键词 Majorana representation mean-field approach interacting-boson system
Ground and Low-Lying Collective States of Rotating Three-Boson System
作者 Mohd.Imran M.A.H.Ahsan 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期473-482,共10页
The ground and low-lying collective states of a rotating system of N=3 bosons harmonically confined in quasi-two-dimension and interacting via repulsive finite-range Gaussian potential is studied in weakly to moderate... The ground and low-lying collective states of a rotating system of N=3 bosons harmonically confined in quasi-two-dimension and interacting via repulsive finite-range Gaussian potential is studied in weakly to moderately interacting regime.The N-body Hamiltonian matrix is diagonalized in subspaces of quantized total angular momenta 0 ≤ L ≤ 4N to obtain the ground and low-lying eigenstates.Our numerical results show that breathing modes with N-body eigenenergy spacing of 2hω⊥,known to exist in strictly 2D system with zero-range(δ-function) interaction potential,may as well exist in quasi-2D system with finite-range Gaussian interaction potential.To gain an insight into the many-body states,the von Neumann entropy is calculated as a measure of quantum correlation and the conditional probability distribution is analyzed for the internal structure of the eigenstates.In the rapidly rotating regime the ground state in angular momentum subspaces L=(q/2)N(N-1) with q=2,4 is found to exhibit the anticorrelation structure suggesting that it may variationally be described by a Bose–Laughlin like state.We further observe that the first breathing mode exhibits features similar to the Bose–Laughlin state in having eigenenergy,von Neumann entropy and internal structure independent of interaction for the three-boson system considered here.On the contrary,for eigenstates lying between the Bose–Laughlin like ground state and the first breathing mode,values of eigenenergy,von Neumann entropy and internal structure are found to vary with interaction. 展开更多
关键词 Bose–Einstein condensation exact diagonalization breathing mode Bose–Laughlin state von Neumann entropy conditional probability distribution
Quantum Fisher Information of Driven Multi-particle Systems in Structured Bosonic Reservoirs
作者 严凯 谢燕青 +1 位作者 黄雨梦 郝翔 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期261-266,共6页
We investigate the dynamics of the precision of the parameter estimation in many driven atoms, each of which interacts with a local structured bosonic reservoir respectively. The evolution of quantum states for single... We investigate the dynamics of the precision of the parameter estimation in many driven atoms, each of which interacts with a local structured bosonic reservoir respectively. The evolution of quantum states for single driven atom is described by the time local quantum master equation. The dynamics of the quantum Fisher information for many entangled atoms is obtained by means of the supreoperator mapping. The estimation limit is superior to the standard quantum limit during a characteristic interval. At a given time, the precision of parameter estimation can be improved to a maximal value if the number of entangled atoms is chosen to be an optimal value. The optimal number of entangled atoms is determined by the dynamical property. The decay of quantum Fisher information is accelerated with the increase of the number of entangled atoms. 展开更多
关键词 quantum Fisher information parameter estimation quantum entanglement bosonic reservoir
Quantifying Spontaneously Symmetry Breaking of Quantum Many-Body Systems
作者 董国慧 房一楠 孙昌璞 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第10期405-411,共7页
Spontaneous symmetry breaking is related to the appearance of emergent phenomena, while a non-vanishing order parameter has been viewed as the sign of turning into such symmetry-breaking phase. We study the spontaneou... Spontaneous symmetry breaking is related to the appearance of emergent phenomena, while a non-vanishing order parameter has been viewed as the sign of turning into such symmetry-breaking phase. We study the spontaneous symmetry breaking in the conventional superconductor and Bose–Einstein condensation with a continuous measure of symmetry by showing that both the many-body systems can be mapped into the many spin model. We also formulate the underlying relation between the spontaneous symmetry breaking and the order parameter quantitatively. The degree of symmetry stays unity in the absence of the two emergent phenomena, while decreases exponentially at the appearance of the order parameter which indicates the inextricable relation between the spontaneous symmetry and the order parameter. 展开更多
关键词 spontaneous symmetry breaking Bose-Einstein condensation SUPERCONDUCTOR group theory
Coherent Destruction of Tunneling of Bosons with Effective Three-Body Interactions
作者 牛真霞 鱼自发 薛具奎 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期695-700,共6页
The tunneling dynamics of dilute boson gases with three-body interactions in a periodically driven double wells are investigated both theoretically and numerieally. In our findings, when the system is with only repuls... The tunneling dynamics of dilute boson gases with three-body interactions in a periodically driven double wells are investigated both theoretically and numerieally. In our findings, when the system is with only repulsive twobody interactions or only three-body interactions, the tunneling will be suppressed; while in the case of the coupling between two- and three-body interactions, the tunneling can be either suppressed or enhanced. Particularly, when attractive three-body interactions are twice large as repulsive two-body interactions, CDT occurs at isolated points of driving force, which is similar to the linear case. Considering different interaction, the system can experience different transformation from coherent tunneling to coherent destruction of tunneling (CDT). The quasi-energy of the system as the function of the periodicaJ1y driving force shows a triangular structure, which provides a deep insight into the tunneling dynamics of the system. 展开更多
关键词 Boson gases coherent destruction of tunneling three-body interactions
Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices with Higher-Order Interactions
作者 张爱霞 薛具奎 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第4期595-602,共8页
The higher-order interactions of Bose-Einstein condensate in multi-dimensional optical lattices are discussed both analytically and numerically.It is demonstrated that the effects of the higher-order atomic interactio... The higher-order interactions of Bose-Einstein condensate in multi-dimensional optical lattices are discussed both analytically and numerically.It is demonstrated that the effects of the higher-order atomic interactions on the sound speed and the stabilities of Bloch waves strongly depend on the lattice strength.In the presence of higher-order effects,tighter and high-dimensional lattices are confirmed to be two positive factors for maintaining the system's energetic stability,and the dynamical instability of Bloch waves can take place simultaneously with the energetic instability.In addition,we find that the higher-order interactions exhibit a long-range behavior and the long-lived coherent Bloch oscillations in a tilted optical lattice exist.Our results provide an effective way to probe the higher-order interactions in optical lattices. 展开更多
关键词 Bose-Einstein condensates optical lattices higher-order interactions
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