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作者 王延凤 贾翠玲 《图书馆学刊》 2005年第5期77-78,共2页
关键词 网络环境 信息组织 球型模型
《中图法》数据库的实现与球型分类模型的设计 被引量:1
作者 王延凤 《现代情报》 2004年第6期126-127,共2页
针对现有文献检索系统从分类途径标引与索取中普遍存在的问题及网络信息分类不统一的现象 ,提出在《中国图书资料分类法》印刷版 (第四版 )的基础上 ,建立其数据库 ;
关键词 分类法 数据库 网络信息 球型模型
基于新球型微观结构模型模拟PEMFC催化层 被引量:1
作者 张洁婧 王宇新 许莉 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期489-497,共9页
建立了一个新球型催化层微观结构模型,并基于此模型对质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)性能进行了模拟.该模型中假设催化层由Pt/C颗粒和离子聚合物-孔混合相组成.假设Pt/C颗粒为球形结构,其直径符合正态分布,用不同直径的球来表示随机分散在... 建立了一个新球型催化层微观结构模型,并基于此模型对质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)性能进行了模拟.该模型中假设催化层由Pt/C颗粒和离子聚合物-孔混合相组成.假设Pt/C颗粒为球形结构,其直径符合正态分布,用不同直径的球来表示随机分散在电极中的Pt/C颗粒.计算了催化层内的传递和电化学反应,研究了质子和氧气及电化学反应速率在电极厚度方向上的分布,并且通过对比氧气浓度、过电位和电化学反应速率的分布、极化曲线及催化剂利用率等证明了适当的电极厚度与Pt/C颗粒粒径有利于提高电池性能. 展开更多
关键词 超薄电极 球型微观模型 Pt/C颗粒粒径 电极厚度 催化剂利用率
作者 曹阳 《宜宾学院学报》 2012年第9期74-76,共3页
企业是股东、员工与客户三个主要利益主体的一个共同载体。球型模型能够很好地构建企业利益相关者的关系,即客户为球心,员工为半径,股东为球体表面积。企业为了实现其价值最大化,完全依赖于利益相关者的共同努力。因此,企业在价值创造... 企业是股东、员工与客户三个主要利益主体的一个共同载体。球型模型能够很好地构建企业利益相关者的关系,即客户为球心,员工为半径,股东为球体表面积。企业为了实现其价值最大化,完全依赖于利益相关者的共同努力。因此,企业在价值创造中应充分发挥客户、员工、股东"三驾马车"的核心价值创造作用,实现企业更好的价值增长和企业利益相关者利益最大化。 展开更多
关键词 企业利益相关者 价值创造 球型模型
一种类球型小行星表面撞击坑的自动提取方法 被引量:3
作者 王栋 邢帅 +1 位作者 徐青 葛忠孝 《宇航学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期470-479,共10页
以类球型小行星模型数据为基础,提出一种球面窗口扫描与等值线分析相结合的撞击坑自动提取方法。首先,在极坐标系中建立小行星模型,设置方形球面窗口并映射模型数据;其次,在基本面上优化局部形貌信息,提取并分析其等值线,确定区域内的... 以类球型小行星模型数据为基础,提出一种球面窗口扫描与等值线分析相结合的撞击坑自动提取方法。首先,在极坐标系中建立小行星模型,设置方形球面窗口并映射模型数据;其次,在基本面上优化局部形貌信息,提取并分析其等值线,确定区域内的撞击坑特征;再以环带滚轮旋转、窗口横向扫描的方式获取整个小行星模型的撞击坑特征;最后,将所提取的撞击坑特征信息统一至小行星模型中。以Mimas和Dione小行星模型为例,实验结果表明该方法能够稳定、准确地提取模型表面的撞击坑特征,分析其表面撞击坑的分布情况,进一步说明其具有一定的实用性。 展开更多
关键词 撞击坑提取 球型模型 环带旋转 球面窗口 等值线
作者 陈黄山 杨志辉 《应用数学进展》 2024年第7期3281-3300,共20页
本文从决策者和自然方的角度提出一种用于解决多属性决策问题的矩阵博弈方法。首先结合Z-number和球型犹豫模糊集,定义Z球型犹豫模糊集。其次提出有利于决策问题中信息聚合的Z球型犹豫模糊Einstein有序加权平均算子。然后,考虑到矩阵博... 本文从决策者和自然方的角度提出一种用于解决多属性决策问题的矩阵博弈方法。首先结合Z-number和球型犹豫模糊集,定义Z球型犹豫模糊集。其次提出有利于决策问题中信息聚合的Z球型犹豫模糊Einstein有序加权平均算子。然后,考虑到矩阵博弈中信息表达问题包含了决策者判断的模糊性、随机性和犹豫性,将Z球型犹豫模糊集运用到矩阵博弈,表示决策者的支付值,同时为了获得具有决策者偏好的最优策略,建立了两个具有多目标函数的非线性数学规划模型,并应用加权平均法将其转化为经典的线性规划模型。随后,依据最优策略下决策者期望支付的相对相似度对备选方案择优排序。最后,将本文所提方法应用于鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区制定经济战略时方案重要性排序中,并与文献方法对比分析,验证该方法的有效性、灵活性和优越性。 展开更多
关键词 矩阵博弈 Z球型犹豫模糊集 Z球型犹豫模糊非性规划模型 相对相似度
球壳粒子悬浮系模型化研究——内部相参数对介电谱影响的数值模拟 被引量:5
作者 赵孔双 疋田巧 +2 位作者 李子杰 雷建平 裘乐乐 《高等学校化学学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期850-853,共4页
在Hanai理论基础上对球壳粒子悬浮系的介电模型进行了模拟研究,通过用C++的复数类对理论公式的程序化,建立了介电谱的介电参数与体系内部相参数的关系。所得的解析解可方便地模拟介电弛豫谱依不同相参数的变化曲线,计算并分析了内部参... 在Hanai理论基础上对球壳粒子悬浮系的介电模型进行了模拟研究,通过用C++的复数类对理论公式的程序化,建立了介电谱的介电参数与体系内部相参数的关系。所得的解析解可方便地模拟介电弛豫谱依不同相参数的变化曲线,计算并分析了内部参数对介电谱的模式以及介电参数的影响因素。 展开更多
关键词 介电弛豫谱 球型介电模型 Hanai理论 球壳粒子悬浮系 模型
基于改进颜色模型的彩色图像边缘检测 被引量:1
作者 王玲 孟祥增 《山东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2008年第1期66-67,71,共3页
关键词 球型颜色模型 彩色边缘检测 非线性滤波
On simulation of precise orbit determination of HY-2 with centimeter precision based on satellite-borne GPS technique 被引量:4
作者 郭金运 秦建 +1 位作者 孔巧丽 李国伟 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期95-107,117,共14页
The HY-2 satellite carrying a satellite-borne GPS receiver is the first Chinese radar altimeter satellite, whose radial orbit determination precision must reach the centimeter level. Now HY-2 is in the test phase so t... The HY-2 satellite carrying a satellite-borne GPS receiver is the first Chinese radar altimeter satellite, whose radial orbit determination precision must reach the centimeter level. Now HY-2 is in the test phase so that the observations are not openly released. In order to study the precise orbit determination precision and procedure for HY-2 based on the satellite- borne GPS technique, the satellite-borne GPS data are simulated in this paper. The HY-2 satellite-borne GPS antenna can receive at least seven GPS satellites each epoch, which can validate the GPS receiver and antenna design. What's more, the precise orbit determination processing flow is given and precise orbit determination experiments are conducted using the HY-2-borne GPS data with both the reduced-dynamic method and the kinematic geometry method. With the 1 and 3 mm phase data random errors, the radial orbit determination precision can achieve the centimeter level using these two methods and the kinematic orbit accuracy is slightly lower than that of the reduced-dynamic orbit. The earth gravity field model is an important factor which seriously affects the precise orbit determination of altimeter satellites. The reduced-dynamic orbit determination experiments are made with different earth gravity field models, such as EIGEN2, EGM96, TEG4, and GEMT3. Using a large number of high precision satellite-bome GPS data, the HY-2 precise orbit determination can reach the centimeter level with commonly used earth gravity field models up to above 50 degrees and orders. 展开更多
关键词 HY-2 satellite satellite-borne GPS technique precise orbit determination reduced-dynamic method kinematic geometry method
作者 李理卯 汪冰怡 厉璐 《俪人(教师)》 2014年第8期205-205,共1页
随着计算机技术的发展,电子地图正经历着二维向三维演变的发展过程,三维电子地图正成为电子地图发展的一个重要方向。虚拟三维地图是通过人工拍摄获取建筑物的外形,而后将各个孤立的单视角3D模型无缝集成,经过虚拟美化处理以后,形... 随着计算机技术的发展,电子地图正经历着二维向三维演变的发展过程,三维电子地图正成为电子地图发展的一个重要方向。虚拟三维地图是通过人工拍摄获取建筑物的外形,而后将各个孤立的单视角3D模型无缝集成,经过虚拟美化处理以后,形成三维地图数据文件。手机发展日新月异,目前拍照手机已经能满足人们日常拍摄需求,而且手机具有便于携带的特点,所以利用手机拍照采集实际三维地理信息的方法具有随时随地采集数据的特色,便于个人用户自己设计采集自己喜爱的三维电子地图。 展开更多
关键词 虚拟三维地图 全景 球型模型 手机拍摄
Spherical cap harmonic analysis of regional magnetic anomalies based on CHAMP satellite data 被引量:6
作者 Feng Yan Jiang Yong +6 位作者 Jiang Yi Liu Bao-Jia Jiang Jin Liu Zhong-Wei Ye Mei-Chen Wang Hong-Shen Li Xiu-Ming 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第3期561-569,582,共10页
We used CHAMP satellite vector data and the latest IGRF12 model to investigate the regional magnetic anomalies over China's Mainland. We assumed satellite points on the same surface (307.69 km) and constructed a... We used CHAMP satellite vector data and the latest IGRF12 model to investigate the regional magnetic anomalies over China's Mainland. We assumed satellite points on the same surface (307.69 km) and constructed a spherical cap harmonic model of the satellite magnetic anomalies for elements X, Y, Z, and F over Chinese mainland for 2010.0 (SCH2010) based on selected 498 points. We removed the external field by using the CM4 model. The pole of the spherical cap is 36N° and 104°E, and its half-angle is 30°. After checking and comparing the root mean square (RMS) error of AX, AY, and AZ and X, Y, and Z, we established the truncation level at Kmax = 9. The results suggest that the created China Geomagnetic Referenced Field at the satellite level (CGRF2010) is consistent with the CM4 model. We compared the SCH2010 with other models and found that the intensities and distributions are consistent. In view of the variation off at different altitudes, the SCH2010 model results obey the basics of the geomagnetic field. Moreover, the change rate of X, Y, and Z for SCH2010 and CM4 are consistent. The proposed model can successfully reproduce the geomagnetic data, as other data-fitting models, but the inherent sources of error have to be considered as well. 展开更多
关键词 Geomagnetic model CHAMP satellite spherical cap harmonic model CM4 IGRF12
Implication of Geochemical Simulation for CO2 Storage Using Data of York Reservoir 被引量:6
作者 杨子浩 金敏 +2 位作者 李明远 董朝霞 闫鹏 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1052-1059,共8页
In this paper, we build up a three-dimensional model for CO2 storage in the deep reservoir. And this paper gives the mathematical formalism of combined geochemical and multi-phase flow. The results give us the informa... In this paper, we build up a three-dimensional model for CO2 storage in the deep reservoir. And this paper gives the mathematical formalism of combined geochemical and multi-phase flow. The results give us the information about geochemical changing caused by CO2 injection into aqueous, the dissolution or precipitation of reservoir minerals caused by aqueous components change, the change of water density, also the differences between this model and the simulation model without considering geochemical. The basic data for simulation is from York Reservoir. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 storage geochemical reactions multi-phase flow numerical simulation York reservoir
Reparameterization of Single Difference and Undifferenced Kinematic GPS Positioning Models
作者 C D Jong C C J M Tiberius 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2003年第2期1-7,共7页
A series of advantages of single difference (SD) and undifferenced (ZD) models are given as compared with the double difference (DD) model. However, rank defects exist in SD and ZD models. The reparameterization metho... A series of advantages of single difference (SD) and undifferenced (ZD) models are given as compared with the double difference (DD) model. However, rank defects exist in SD and ZD models. The reparameterization method is provided to resolve this rank defect problem by estimating some combinations of the unknowns rather than the unknowns themselves. The reparameterization of SD and ZD functional models is discussed in detail with their stochastic models. The theoretical confirmation of the equivalence of undifferenced and differenced models is described in a straightforward way. The relationship between SD and ZD residuals is given and verified for some special purposes, e.g. research on the stochastical properties of GPS observations. 展开更多
关键词 reparameterization SD model ZD model RESIDUAL rank defect
On Constructing the Cognitive Model of Knowledge Acquisition in Globalization-Oriented Study
作者 ZHANG Jin-bao 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第7期517-523,共7页
This paper which is directed to constructing the cognitive model of knowledge acquisition in view of the increasing need of globalization-oriented study, points out features of globalization-oriented study, and propos... This paper which is directed to constructing the cognitive model of knowledge acquisition in view of the increasing need of globalization-oriented study, points out features of globalization-oriented study, and proposes the importance and necessity for constructing the CMKAGS (cognitive model of knowledge acquisition in globalization-oriented study) which includes attention, background knowledge, and chunking memory that involves semantic chunking, information encoding as well as choice of information encoding. The cognitive model of knowledge acquisition in question aims at helping e-learners to memorize their learned knowledge and improve their studies effectively and efficiently, whether they study in enhanced conditions or in natural conditions 展开更多
关键词 globalization-oriented study cognitive psychology background knowledge cognitive model ofknowledge acquisition memory
The Surface Plasmons' Frequencies of Two Adjacent Metallic Nanospheres by Bloch-Jensen Hydrodynamical Model
作者 Moslem Mirasmouri Saeid Rostami 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2013年第1期54-57,共4页
The wave guides and optical fibers have long been known to transmit light and electromagnetic fields in large dimensions. Recently, surface plasmons, which are collective plasma oscillations of valence electrons at me... The wave guides and optical fibers have long been known to transmit light and electromagnetic fields in large dimensions. Recently, surface plasmons, which are collective plasma oscillations of valence electrons at metal surfaces, have been introduced as an entity that is able to guide light on the surfaces of the metal and to concentrate light in subwavelength volumes. It has been found that periodic array of metallic nanospheres, could be able to enhance the light transmission, and guiding light at nanoscale. The coupling between two nanoparticles in these devices is very important. The Bloch-Jensen hydrodynamical method has been used for computing surface plasmons' frequencies of a single metallic nanosphere. It contains the entire pole spectrum automatically, so it is more exactly than the other computational methods. In this research, we have computed the surface plasmons' frequencies of two adjacent nanospheres by Bloch-Jensen hydrodynamical model for the first time. The results show that there are two modes for this system, which depend explicitly on interparticle spacing. In addition, we have shown that the excitation modes yield to a single mode of a nanoparticle as the interparticle spacing increases. 展开更多
关键词 Surface plasmons plasmon-polaritons nanoparticles nanophotonics.
Analysis of the shape of heavy droplets on flat and spherical surface 被引量:4
作者 WANG XueWei YU Yang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期1118-1124,共7页
In this study,a theoretical model was established for predicting the equilibrium shape of the droplet on flat and spherical surfaces.The theoretical equilibrium shape of heavy droplets could be obtained once contact a... In this study,a theoretical model was established for predicting the equilibrium shape of the droplet on flat and spherical surfaces.The theoretical equilibrium shape of heavy droplets could be obtained once contact angle and volume of droplets were given.It showed that the predictions of the theoretical flat model were in good agreement with the shape obtained by Surface Evolver when the contact angle is below 120 and the droplet size is on the order of capillary length.This available range will decrease and increase when the heavy droplet is on convex and concave spherical surface,respectively,in contrast to that on flat surface.The available range will decrease more for higher curvature of convex spherical surfaces. 展开更多
关键词 equilibrium shape heavy droplet ellipsoidal model Surface Evolver simulation
Investigation on landing impact dynamic and low-gravity experiments for deep space lander 被引量:3
作者 CHEN JinBao NIE Hong +1 位作者 WAN JunLin LIN Qing 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第10期1987-1997,共11页
Herein symmetrical four-legged suspension lunar lander was used as the research object, the six-degree-of-freedom dynamic model was built and the model of the lunar soil friction coefficient was improved. For the low-... Herein symmetrical four-legged suspension lunar lander was used as the research object, the six-degree-of-freedom dynamic model was built and the model of the lunar soil friction coefficient was improved. For the low-gravity simulation on objects outside earth for future work, the law of dynamic similarity for detectors was deduced. A new method was proposed for simulating the low-gravity field on the surface of objects outside earth, which was achieved by changing initial conditions of the landing by the probe and by subsequent treatment of experimental data. The prototype tested the limitation of this method was verified. It is shown that the prototypes of detectors can be used in detectors low-gravity simulation test with this method, and equipments are simple and operationally effective. This method can be used for later lunar exploration, and low-gravity simulations on extraterrestrial objects. 展开更多
关键词 landing impact low-gravity simulation SIMILARITY
Establishment of a transgenic mouse model with liver-specific expression of secretory immunoglobulin D 被引量:6
作者 WANG Ping WEI ZhiGuo +9 位作者 YAN BoWen HUANG Tan GOU KeMian DAI YunPing ZHENG Min WANG MeiLi CHENG XueQian WANG XiFeng XU Chen SUN Yi 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2012年第3期219-227,共9页
Mutation of mevalonate kinase (MVK) is thought to account for most cases of hyperimmunoglobulinemia D syndrome (HIDS) with recurrent fever. However, its mechanism and the relationship between elevated serum immuno... Mutation of mevalonate kinase (MVK) is thought to account for most cases of hyperimmunoglobulinemia D syndrome (HIDS) with recurrent fever. However, its mechanism and the relationship between elevated serum immunoglobulin D (IgD) and the clinical features of HIDS are unclear. In this study, we generated by fusion PCR a vector to express high levels of chimeric secretory IgD (cslgD) specifically in the liver. We then generated seven founder lines of transgenic mice by co-microinjection, and verified them using genomic PCR and Southern blotting. We detected the expression of csIgD by reverse transcription PCR, quantitative PCR, western blotting, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. We demonstrated that csIgD could be specifically and stably expressed in the liver. We used flow cytometry to show that overexpression of csIgD in the bone marrow and spleen cells had no effect on B cell development. Morphologic and anatomical observation of the transgenic mice revealed skin damage, hepatosplenomegaly, and nephromegaly in some transgenic mice; in these mice, pathological sections showed high levels of cell necrosis and protein-like sediments in the liver, spleen, and kidney. We demonstrated that the genomic insertion sites of the transgeues did not disrupt the MVK gene on mouse chromosome 5. This transgenic mouse will be useful to explore the pathogenesis of HIDS. 展开更多
关键词 sIgD liver-specific expression vector HIDS MVK
Numerical Study on the Mixed Model in the GOCE Polar Gap Problem
作者 ZOU Xiancai CAI Jianqing +1 位作者 Nico Sneeuw LI Jiancheng 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2011年第3期216-222,共7页
Gravity gradients acquired by the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer(GOCE) do not cover the entire earth because of its sun-synchronous orbit leaving data gaps with a radius of about 6.5° i... Gravity gradients acquired by the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer(GOCE) do not cover the entire earth because of its sun-synchronous orbit leaving data gaps with a radius of about 6.5° in the polar regions.Previous studies showed that the loss of data in the polar regions deteriorates the accuracy of the low order(or near zonal) coefficients of the earth gravity model,which is the so-called polar gap problem in geodesy.In order to find a stable solution for the earth gravity model from the GOCE gravity gradients,three models,i.e.the Gauss-Markov model,light constraint model and the mixed model,are compared and evaluated numerically with the gravity gradient simulated with the EGM2008.The comparison shows that the Best Linear Uniformly Unbiased Estimation(BLUUE) estimator of the mixed model can solve the polar gap problem as effectively as the light constraint model;furthermore,the mixed model is more rigorous in dealing with the supplementary information and leads to a better accuracy in determining the global geoid. 展开更多
关键词 Earth gravity model satellite gravity GOCE mixed model polar gap problem
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