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球革螨科一新属记述(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股) 被引量:8
作者 刘井元 马立名 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期356-359,共4页
记述了球革螨科一新属Mirabulbusgen .nov .,包括 2种 :秦巴异球螨M .qinbaensissp .nov .和亚东异球螨M .yadongensis (MaetWang ,1997)。
关键词 蜱螨亚纲 球革螨科 螨属 新属 新种
异球螨属一新种及亚东异球螨特征补充(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股:球革螨科) 被引量:5
作者 马立名 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期212-216,共5页
记述异球螨属1新种:庐山异球螨Mirabulbus lushanensis,sp. nov., 并对亚东异球螨Mirabulbus yadongensis(Ma et Wang,1997)作补充描记。模式标本存于吉林省白城市全国鼠疫布氏菌病防治基地。
关键词 蜱螨亚纲 螨股 球革螨科 螨属 新种 中国
警惕足球改革沦为地方政绩工程 被引量:1
作者 王子墨 《辽宁教育》 2015年第6X期16-16,共1页
关键词 新闻系 方案 发展方案 行政力量 球革 清管 方政 建设场地 竞技体育发展 主政者
革兰阴性球杆菌Tropheryma whipplei的基因组测序及分析
作者 丁希喆 《国外医学(微生物学分册)》 2003年第5期48-48,F003,共2页
惠普尔(Whipple)病是一种较为罕见的多系统慢性感染,包括肠道及其他很多器官的感染。目前对于此病的病原菌Tropheryma whipplei(TW)所知甚少,所以获得此菌的基因组全序列,对于进一步研究其特性和致病机制有重要意义。
关键词 兰阴性杆菌 Tropheryma whipplei 基因组测序 惠普尔病 病原菌
基于改性纳米Si_(3)N_(4)的体育用耐水解聚氨酯合成革研究 被引量:2
作者 谢国栋 《中国皮革》 CAS 2022年第12期93-96,100,共5页
为改进优化球革、运动鞋鞋革等体育领域用独具市场潜质的耐水解聚氨酯合成革材料,本文以自制大分子改性剂表面包覆改性处理了纳米Si_(3)N_(4),改性之后将其粉体添加于体育用耐水解聚氨酯树脂内生成聚氨酯合成革,并对耐水解聚氨酯合成革... 为改进优化球革、运动鞋鞋革等体育领域用独具市场潜质的耐水解聚氨酯合成革材料,本文以自制大分子改性剂表面包覆改性处理了纳米Si_(3)N_(4),改性之后将其粉体添加于体育用耐水解聚氨酯树脂内生成聚氨酯合成革,并对耐水解聚氨酯合成革力学性能进行了试验测试分析。结果发现,大分子表面改性剂与纳米Si_(3)N_(4)实现了化学健合;大分子表面改性剂用量为5%(质量分数,下同)时,改性纳米Si_(3)N_(4)粒径处于最低状态,粒径分布也处于最窄状态,改性后分散性能良好;改性纳米Si_(3)N_(4)粉体用量为0.2%时,SA-35型耐水解聚氨酯合成革试样整体性能优异;用量为0.25%时,LT-40型耐水解聚氨酯合成革试样整体性能良好。 展开更多
关键词 改性处理 纳米Si_(3)N_(4) 运动鞋 球革 耐水解 聚氨酯合成
我国大学生创新创业教育的思考 被引量:3
作者 成洁 翁开源 《市场经济与价格》 2016年第8期53-56,共4页
创造力是一个民族进化的强大推动力。在一个以知识经济为国际竞争力的世界里,一个国家青年人的创造力充分彰显了该国的国际竞争力。随着经济全球化的发展和中国社会转型过程中人才需求的变化,"大众创业、万众创新"的理念正日... 创造力是一个民族进化的强大推动力。在一个以知识经济为国际竞争力的世界里,一个国家青年人的创造力充分彰显了该国的国际竞争力。随着经济全球化的发展和中国社会转型过程中人才需求的变化,"大众创业、万众创新"的理念正日益深入人心,大学生在"双创"不断推进过程中的潜能不容小觑。提高大学生的创新创造力。 展开更多
关键词 创业政策 国际竞争力 经济全 一体化管理体系 校园文化环境 注册公司 球革 社会支持 能力论 顶层设计
Economic Globalization: An Irresistible Trend Despite Imperfections 被引量:1
作者 金碚 《China Economist》 2016年第1期4-22,共19页
The world is entering into a new era of economic globalization. Realizing the benefits of globalization depends on a host of realistic conditions including technology and infrastructure, geopolitical pattern and the s... The world is entering into a new era of economic globalization. Realizing the benefits of globalization depends on a host of realistic conditions including technology and infrastructure, geopolitical pattern and the structure of market power, and international institutional arrangements, i.e., the global governance structure, among others. In this new era of economic globalization, international competition boils down to the "good governance" of countries rather than the use of force and hegemonism. Most importantly, a country must promote the vibrancy of innovation in order to stay competitive and creative. In this sense, China's position in the new era of economic globalization hinges upon its transition from being the "leader of world economic growth" to being a future "leader of good governance and vibrancy. " Interests of various economies become interlocked, intertwined and overlap. Despite the inevitability of conflicts and frictions, more inclusive and balanced global development serves the interests of most nations. For great powers with extended boundaries of interests across the world, the maintenance of the new balance of power in economic globalization is consistent with their respective national interests. Hence, in the new era of economic globalization characterized by the inevitability of intricate interests and inevitable conflicts, the world is likely to be more peaceful, competitive and inclusive than any previous age of economic globalization. 展开更多
关键词 economic globalization Industrial Revolution "Belt and Road" Initiative global governance
美国《Emerging Infectious Diseases》2018年第8期有关人兽共患病论文摘译
作者 陈宏彬(译) 翁育伟(校) 黄丰(校) 《中国人兽共患病学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期966-967,共2页
P1401犬布鲁氏菌和公众健康风险//MarthaE.Hensel,MariaNegron,AngelaM.ArenasGGamboa,等犬布鲁氏菌(Brucellacanis)是一种革兰阴性球杆菌,对犬类主要造成繁殖障碍.Brucella属包括12个公认的种,其中羊种布鲁氏菌(B.melitenGsis)、牛种... P1401犬布鲁氏菌和公众健康风险//MarthaE.Hensel,MariaNegron,AngelaM.ArenasGGamboa,等犬布鲁氏菌(Brucellacanis)是一种革兰阴性球杆菌,对犬类主要造成繁殖障碍.Brucella属包括12个公认的种,其中羊种布鲁氏菌(B.melitenGsis)、牛种布鲁氏菌(B.abortus)和猪种布鲁氏菌(B.suis)是引起人波状热和流感样症状的原因,但是犬种布鲁氏菌(B.canis)可引起人兽共患病却鲜为人知.本文侧重描述犬类布氏菌鲁病的发病情况,强调B.canis是尚未被认识的病原体,并介绍目前人类对犬布鲁氏菌人兽共患潜力的认识.犬布鲁氏菌可感染狗和人.在犬中,该菌可导致繁殖障碍;在人中,该菌可引起发烧、寒战、萎靡不振、外周淋巴结肿大和脾肿大;犬中犬布鲁氏菌的感染尚未被认识.在犬布鲁氏菌病作为未被认知的一种人兽共患病的背景下,经过血清学资料、传播模式和相关法规的评估后,我们推断犬布鲁氏菌病在世界上许多地方仍保持地方性流行,除非采取更强力的干预措施,否则将持续威胁人类健康和动物福利.控制该病蔓延的第一步是在州际或国际流动前,就对犬进行强制检测. 展开更多
关键词 人兽共患病 论文摘译 羊种布鲁氏菌 兰阴性杆菌 外周淋巴结肿大 布鲁氏菌病 美国 犬种布鲁氏菌
作者 唐书彪 《今日中国》 1989年第3期55-57,共3页
关键词 王宋大 赏要 大隆 超期服役 副主席 知藏 球革 任木 黛参 一九
《今日中国》 1990年第9期8-10,共3页
关键词 何振梁 副主任 女子排 小康水平 一九 活動 比音 球革 二葛 封手
作者 王子墨 《云南教育(视界)》 2015年第5期22-23,共2页
《中国足球改革发展方案》自发布以来,受到高度关注。各地也纷纷跟进,推出本地的改革方案。近日有媒体报道,山东省拟暂停大学生篮球、排球联赛,全力抓校园足球。随后,山东省体育局、省教育厅做出回应,认为该条新闻系误读,因联赛时间重... 《中国足球改革发展方案》自发布以来,受到高度关注。各地也纷纷跟进,推出本地的改革方案。近日有媒体报道,山东省拟暂停大学生篮球、排球联赛,全力抓校园足球。随后,山东省体育局、省教育厅做出回应,认为该条新闻系误读,因联赛时间重叠等因素,原有篮球、排球比赛并非暂停,而是由其他赛制的篮球、排球比赛替代。根据山东方面的解释,"足球革了篮球的命"或许并不准确,但足球获得了超高关注度。 展开更多
关键词 比赛 球革 新闻系 时间重叠 方案 国家战略 发展方案 行政力量 建设场地 不当干预
117株不动杆菌重新鉴定的分析 被引量:4
作者 张杨 田现臣 张效正 《临床检验杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第1期18-19,共2页
117株不动杆菌重新鉴定的分析张杨,田现臣,张效正(新泰市第一人民医院,山东新泰271200)不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)是一群不发酵糖类的革兰阴性球杆菌。目前国内学者及新版Bergtery's细菌分类手... 117株不动杆菌重新鉴定的分析张杨,田现臣,张效正(新泰市第一人民医院,山东新泰271200)不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)是一群不发酵糖类的革兰阴性球杆菌。目前国内学者及新版Bergtery's细菌分类手册认为该菌属只有一个种,即醋酸钙不... 展开更多
关键词 不动杆菌 细菌鉴定 兰阴性杆菌
Has the Problem of a Permanent El Nio been Resolved for the Mid-Pliocene? 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Zhong-Shi YAN Qing +1 位作者 SU Jing-Zhi GAO Yong-Qi 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第6期445-448,共4页
The mid-Pliocene, the most recent warm geological period, is thought to be indicative of the fate of the Earth's climate under global warming. Earlier evidence has suggested that permanent El Nio-like conditions e... The mid-Pliocene, the most recent warm geological period, is thought to be indicative of the fate of the Earth's climate under global warming. Earlier evidence has suggested that permanent El Nio-like conditions existed in the mid-Pliocene, though the concept of a permanent El Nio remains controversial. Here, the authors analyzed Nio 3.4 SST in pre-industrial and mid-Pliocene simulations with the low-resolution version of the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM-L). The simulated mid-Pliocene Nio3.4 SST, with a smaller standard deviation, indicated that a weaker ENSO existed in the mid-Pliocene relative to the pre-industrial experiment. Compared with earlier modeling studies, our simulations show that the problem of ENSO's standard deviations in the mid-Pliocene remains unresolved, although the mean and the period of ENSO in the mid-Pliocene have been resolved by earlier geological and modeling studies. 展开更多
关键词 mid-Pliocene ENSO permanent El Nio-like conditions
32例肺部不动杆菌感染临床分析 被引量:1
作者 赵青琼 何积银 +4 位作者 杨栓盈 谢梅 张毅 张东亮 秦银虎 《国外医学(呼吸系统分册)》 2005年第6期478-478,480,共2页
关键词 肺部不动杆菌感染 临床分析 葡萄糖非发酵菌 兰阴性杆菌 硝酸盐阴性杆菌 2003年3月 下呼吸道感染 不动杆菌属 固体培养基 2002年 临床标本 奈瑟菌属 院内感染 肺部感染
百日咳 被引量:2
作者 Ruchi Sinha Paul THeath +1 位作者 康琳(译) 盛瑞媛(校) 《国际内科双语杂志(中英文)》 2006年第1期7-9,40-42,共6页
关键词 副百日咳博德特菌 呼吸道感染性疾病 兰阴性杆菌 致病菌
作者 LI Xiao-jian (College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, P.R.China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2001年第2期120-128,共9页
By using interview data from three large state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in agriculture related industries, this paper reveals that SOEs in inland area are much slow in response to globalization. Although they pursued ... By using interview data from three large state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in agriculture related industries, this paper reveals that SOEs in inland area are much slow in response to globalization. Although they pursued some strategies to adjust themselves, they are far behind the position to utilize the opportunities generated by economic globalization. Most of them are still out of the networks of transnational corporations. The strategies they adopted are quite different from SOEs in the coastal area. They overlook the importance of information infrastructure, well-educated personnel, and collaboration with the competitive leaders in their industries. The lagging situation is related to isolated location, traditional culture, and slow progress in enterprise reform. International comparison shows that the case companies did follow the general patterns that globalization promotes extension of company′s networks of linkages but in a rather slow phase. The decision makers should encourage intra-regional linkages between SOEs, between SOEs and private, foreign owned companies, as well as inter-regional linkages among them. The latter appears particularly important given the enlarging gaps between coastal and inland areas. 展开更多
关键词 state-owned enterprise enterprise reform regional development GLOBALIZATION
Urban Redevelopment, Gentrification and Gentrifiers in Post-reform Inland China: A Case Study of Chengdu, China 被引量:3
作者 HUANG Xing YANG Yongchun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期151-164,共14页
Since its process evolved in recent years, the definition of gentrification has expanded to cover different forms of social upgrading, new spaces and new actors around the world. Studies on gentrification in Chinese c... Since its process evolved in recent years, the definition of gentrification has expanded to cover different forms of social upgrading, new spaces and new actors around the world. Studies on gentrification in Chinese cities began to take off in the 2000 s. However, they all mainly focused on the newly emerging global cities and there has been a lack of investigation on provincial cities. Furthermore, discussions on gentrifiers′ profiles and their motivations for housing choice are absent from literature on Chinese gentrification. Therefore, this paper aims to assess the relevance of the broad definition of gentrification in provincial Chinese cities through empirical research on urban redevelopment projects in Chengdu, and to examine the characteristics of gentrifiers(as new incoming residents) in it. The results show the rationality of gentrification processes as urban redevelopment in Chengdu, and reveal original outcomes on the corresponding gentrifiers′ profiles and the motivations behind their housing choice, which are different from the general features of gentrifiers in standard Western gentrification research. 展开更多
关键词 gentrification new-build gentrification urban redevelopment projects gentrifiers motivations for housing choice Chengdu China
Exploring China's (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone ra——the "Negative List" Mode
作者 Wang hua 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第5期369-370,共2页
China (Shanghai) pilot free trade zone (FTZ)formally approved by the state council on August 22, 2013, was officially opened on September 29. It is the important measures to comprehensiw',ly deepen reforms and op... China (Shanghai) pilot free trade zone (FTZ)formally approved by the state council on August 22, 2013, was officially opened on September 29. It is the important measures to comprehensiw',ly deepen reforms and open still wider to the outside world in China. Exploring "pre-establistnnent national treatment" and "negative list" management mode is a feature of the free trade zone of Shanghai, which is adapt to economic globalization, to win the international competition o fthe initiative a qualitative leap. 展开更多
关键词 S'.aanghai free trade zone negative list pre-establishment national treatment
Study on principles of English translation
作者 Sun Xiuli 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期7-9,共3页
With the rapid development of economic globalization and China' s reform and opening up, the importance of business English translation in international economic exchanges become increasingly prominent. Business Engl... With the rapid development of economic globalization and China' s reform and opening up, the importance of business English translation in international economic exchanges become increasingly prominent. Business English is a special purpose English, so other forms of business English translation and translation of literary translation has many differences, so there are significant limitations in using the traditional translation theory to guide business English translation. From the functional point of view, learn teleological function theory contained, Communicative Translation Theory and Functional Equivalence Business English translation functionality, combined with a large number of business English translation instance, from the lexical, syntactic and discourse level analysis system to make the characteristics of business English, meanwhile, according to the characteristics functional Theory to give the guidance of business English translation, and proposed some specific business English translation principles, strategies and techniques. 展开更多
关键词 English translation science and technology Business English
Legal thinking under legal globalization and social transformation
作者 Shao Ma 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期51-53,共3页
China now is in an important period of social transformation, it puts forward unique requirements for changes from the ethics community to the legal social, and also for law operation, legal developments and public aw... China now is in an important period of social transformation, it puts forward unique requirements for changes from the ethics community to the legal social, and also for law operation, legal developments and public awareness of the laws. Law globalization both is a result of globalization in other areas, but also a tool to promote other areas of globalization, and its essence is the performance of the laws of all countries in the world being more interdependent to further strengthen. From a legal point to analysis, to identify the root causes and find ways to solve and to provide a useful reference for the current socialist harmonious society is very necessary. 展开更多
关键词 LEGAL GLOBALIZATION social transformation.
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