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作者 马爽 张卓然 +4 位作者 张钧泳 骆秀斌 高瑞 任嘉敏 侯学会 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第14期91-99,共9页
准确、及时地监测区域作物长势状况对农业规划和政策的制定与调整具有重要的意义。遥感技术作为一种收集大面积作物长势信息的有效手段,正日益受到关注。为提高冬小麦长势遥感监测的准确性和全面性,该研究基于田间实测的冬小麦拔节期地... 准确、及时地监测区域作物长势状况对农业规划和政策的制定与调整具有重要的意义。遥感技术作为一种收集大面积作物长势信息的有效手段,正日益受到关注。为提高冬小麦长势遥感监测的准确性和全面性,该研究基于田间实测的冬小麦拔节期地上鲜生物量(aboveground fresh biomass,AFB)、叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)、叶片叶绿素相对含量(soil and plant analyzer development,SPAD)和叶片氮含量(leaf nitrogen content,LNC)4种生长相关理化参数,利用熵值法获取各参数权重构建冬小麦理化复合参数(physico-chemical composite parameter,PCCP)。利用显著性检验和籽粒产量数据分析复合参数在量化冬小麦长势方面的性能。然后,以Sentinel-2A作为数据源,分析不同遥感指数与LAI、SPAD、AFB、LNC和PCCP的相关性。选取相关性较高的遥感指数作为反向传播(back propagation,BP)人工神经网络(artificial neural networks,ANN)的输入,建立冬小麦长势遥感监测模型,对PCCP进行估计。评价模型精度并用于监测研究区冬小麦长势分布特征。赋权结果表明,作物物理参数的权重大于生化参数,其中LAI的权重最大,为0.387,AFB和SPAD次之,LNC的权重最小,为0.105;PCCP性能评估结果表明,与单一理化参数相比,PCCP值能更好地揭示作物长势状况的差异,其与最终籽粒产量的相关性更好,决定系数提高0.035~0.468,均方根误差减少46.2~520.0 kg/hm^(2);在遥感监测过程中,PCCP比单一理化参数有更好的应用潜力,BP-ANN长势遥感监测模型模拟PCCP精度较高,在测试集中决定系数为0.830,均方根误差为0.080;研究区冬小麦总体长势稳定且分布集中,呈现"中部差,南北好"的空间分布特征。因此,构建作物理化复合参数用于量化作物长势是提高长势监测可靠性和准确性的一种有效方式,可为冬小麦田间管理提供科学依据,服务于发展智慧农业和建设农业强国的战略需求。 展开更多
关键词 遥感 人工神经网络 长势监测 理化复合参数 冬小麦
高应力-节理化复合软岩巷道地质特征及支护技术 被引量:8
作者 朱阁 张志成 +3 位作者 李平虎 穆文平 张连杰 武雄 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第9期18-23,共6页
为解决鹤壁矿区深部煤矿开采过程中软岩巷道围岩大变形、难支护的问题,通过工程地质条件调查、室内试验等手段,分析鹤壁矿区软岩巷道的工程地质特点,得到软岩围岩的变形破坏力学机制。结合关键部位耦合支护理论和数值模拟技术,对软岩巷... 为解决鹤壁矿区深部煤矿开采过程中软岩巷道围岩大变形、难支护的问题,通过工程地质条件调查、室内试验等手段,分析鹤壁矿区软岩巷道的工程地质特点,得到软岩围岩的变形破坏力学机制。结合关键部位耦合支护理论和数值模拟技术,对软岩巷道采用锚网喷和锚索为主的支护方式,并现场监测评估支护效果。研究表明:鹤壁矿区巷道围岩属于高应力-节理化复合型软岩;变形破坏的ⅠABⅡBDⅢD型复合变形力学机制由节理、分子吸水膨胀、胶体膨胀、自重应力以及工程开挖等共同构成;采用的支护方式可使支护体应力分布平均,应力集中区范围和岩体变形均较小;经现场监测表明:在该支护条件下开挖15天后巷道围岩变形趋于稳定,30天后变形速率为0,累计变形量不超过40mm,保证软岩巷道工程的稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 高应力-节理化复合型软岩 变形力学机制 锚喷支护 围岩
生石灰对理化复合法处理淤泥浆效率的影响研究 被引量:3
作者 肖涵 董超强 +2 位作者 章荣军 陆展 郑俊杰 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第S02期214-222,230,共10页
改性淤泥固化土应用于填方工程既能弥补砂石填料供应短缺的困境,还能解决大宗疏浚淤泥的弃置难题。但当淤泥含水率超高(>300%)时,纯水泥固化法处理效果极差,而采用絮凝调理联合化学固化的理化复合法可有效解决此类问题。鉴于生石灰... 改性淤泥固化土应用于填方工程既能弥补砂石填料供应短缺的困境,还能解决大宗疏浚淤泥的弃置难题。但当淤泥含水率超高(>300%)时,纯水泥固化法处理效果极差,而采用絮凝调理联合化学固化的理化复合法可有效解决此类问题。鉴于生石灰具有絮凝和固化双重功效,采用生石灰替代部分水泥可能会进一步提高淤泥浆的理化复合法处理效率。通过十字板剪切试验研究了生石灰替代比对高含水率淤泥浆理化复合法处理效率的影响规律,并通过X射线衍射(XRD)和场发射扫描电镜(FESEM)试验从微观层面揭示了其固化机制。结果表明:生石灰对淤泥浆理化复合法处理效率会产生较大影响,且存在一个最优生石灰替代比,在最优替代比条件下生石灰能显著发挥絮凝和固化双重功效,并有效提高处理后淤泥的早期和晚期强度;从微观试验分析,最优替代比下处理后的淤泥样生成的CSH/CAH/CASH凝胶和钙矾石等水化产物数量最多,孔隙间隙也最小。因此,实际工程中运用理化复合法处理高含水率淤泥浆时,可采用生石灰替代部分水泥以提高处理效率。 展开更多
关键词 淤泥浆 理化复合 生石灰 不排水抗剪强度 含水率 固化机制
废胶粉理化复合改性沥青的配方研究 被引量:2
作者 张秀烽 《湖南交通科技》 2022年第4期75-78,100,共5页
配制废胶粉理化复合改性沥青时需要加入多种化学助剂,以胶粉、软化剂、活化剂和交联剂等4种材料作为影响因素,各选取3个水平进行正交试验,以软化点、延度和软化点差为评价指标进行极差分析,研究4种材料掺量对废胶粉理化复合改性沥青性... 配制废胶粉理化复合改性沥青时需要加入多种化学助剂,以胶粉、软化剂、活化剂和交联剂等4种材料作为影响因素,各选取3个水平进行正交试验,以软化点、延度和软化点差为评价指标进行极差分析,研究4种材料掺量对废胶粉理化复合改性沥青性能的影响,经综合对比分析确定废胶粉理化复合改性沥青最佳配方为23%胶粉、2%软化剂、2.5%活化剂、3%交联剂。试验表明,最佳配方废胶粉理化复合改性沥青无论高、低温性能还是储存稳定性都表现优良,完全能满足南方高温多雨地区对沥青胶结料的性能要求和施工要求。 展开更多
关键词 废胶粉改性沥青 理化复合改性 配方优化 正交试验
作者 陈岗 《郑州经济管理干部学院学报》 2002年第3期94-96,共3页
古汉山矿原设计为一次支护锚网喷 ,二次支护钢筋混凝土碹 ,用该方法支护大型高应力节理化复合型软岩硐室 ,巷道变形破坏严重 ,基建成本高。依据高应力节理化复合型软岩巷道围岩的力学特性及其支护原理 ,将原设计的二次支护改为“预应力... 古汉山矿原设计为一次支护锚网喷 ,二次支护钢筋混凝土碹 ,用该方法支护大型高应力节理化复合型软岩硐室 ,巷道变形破坏严重 ,基建成本高。依据高应力节理化复合型软岩巷道围岩的力学特性及其支护原理 ,将原设计的二次支护改为“预应力锚索 +网 +喷混凝土” ,实践证明具有较好的效果和推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 复合型软岩 锚索网喷 古汉山矿 支护原理 支护设计 高应力节理化复合型软岩硐室 锚索支护
偏高岭土对理化复合法处理淤泥浆强度的影响 被引量:1
作者 董超强 章荣军 +1 位作者 苗雨 郑俊杰 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期1-6,共6页
探究偏高岭土(MK)掺入或替代部分水泥后,经理化复合法处理的淤泥强度贡献率是否等同或优于纯水泥固化淤泥.通过开展十字板剪切试验讨论MK掺量和MK替代比对理化复合法处理疏浚淤泥强度贡献率的影响规律.结果表明:当水泥掺量较大时,在理... 探究偏高岭土(MK)掺入或替代部分水泥后,经理化复合法处理的淤泥强度贡献率是否等同或优于纯水泥固化淤泥.通过开展十字板剪切试验讨论MK掺量和MK替代比对理化复合法处理疏浚淤泥强度贡献率的影响规律.结果表明:当水泥掺量较大时,在理化复合法处理淤泥浆中加入少量的MK,处理后的淤泥强度贡献率不会随之改变;此外,不同MK替代比对理化复合法处理后淤泥强度贡献率影响显著,当MK替代比为20%时,淤泥强度贡献率最大,与之对应MK和水泥的最优掺量比约为6%:24%. 展开更多
关键词 淤泥浆 理化复合 偏高岭土 强度贡献率 含水率
Bonding enhancement of cold rolling TA1 P-Ti/AA6061 composite plates via surface oxidation treatment
作者 Lun FU Bin YANG +2 位作者 Yun-chang GUO Chao YU Hong XIAO 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期2864-2880,共17页
TA1 P-Ti/AA6061 composite plate was produced by oxidizing the surface of the titanium plate and adopting a cold roll bonding process.The results revealed that the oxide film(Ti6O)prepared on the surface of TA1 pure ti... TA1 P-Ti/AA6061 composite plate was produced by oxidizing the surface of the titanium plate and adopting a cold roll bonding process.The results revealed that the oxide film(Ti6O)prepared on the surface of TA1 pure titanium was easy to crack during the cold roll bonding,thereby promoting the formation of an effective mechanical interlock at the interface,which can effectively reduce the minimum reduction rate of the composite plates produced by cold rolling of titanium and aluminium plates.Moreover,the composite plate subjected to oxidation treatment exhibited high shear strength,particularly at a 43%reduction rate,achieving a commendable value of 117 MPa.Based on oxidation treatment and different reduction rates,the annealed composite plates at temperatures of 400,450,and 500°C displayed favorable resistance to interface delamination,highlighting their remarkable strength-plasticity compatibility as evidenced by a maximum elongation of 31.845%. 展开更多
关键词 TA1 P-Ti/AA6061 composite plate oxidation treatment annealing treatment cold roll bonding
絮凝调理技术在淤泥处理中的优势 被引量:1
作者 韩超 俞越中 +4 位作者 黎宏武 章荣军 蒋达飞 孙科 彭千 《土木工程与管理学报》 2023年第2期57-63,84,共8页
絮凝剂作为一种特殊的添加剂,因能有效吸附水体中的胶体和悬浮颗粒而被广泛用于工业用水的净化处理和废水污泥的脱水处理中。现有研究表明,絮凝剂的调理作用也能有效改善疏浚淤泥的脱水性能,降低淤泥中的有效含水率。因此,有学者将絮凝... 絮凝剂作为一种特殊的添加剂,因能有效吸附水体中的胶体和悬浮颗粒而被广泛用于工业用水的净化处理和废水污泥的脱水处理中。现有研究表明,絮凝剂的调理作用也能有效改善疏浚淤泥的脱水性能,降低淤泥中的有效含水率。因此,有学者将絮凝剂引入到淤泥处理工艺中,并提出了絮凝-真空(堆载)预压技术、理化复合技术、理化复合-真空预压技术。本文结合部分室内土工试验以及整理已公开发表的关于絮凝-真空预压试验成果、理化复合法处理淤泥试验成果和理化复合-真空预压处理淤泥试验成果,对絮凝调理技术融入传统淤泥处理技术后所表现出的技术优势做全面介绍。 展开更多
关键词 疏浚淤泥 真空预压 絮凝调理 理化复合 优势
高性能微孔水泥保温板的研制与应用 被引量:1
作者 王洪镇 《建筑节能》 CAS 2012年第7期43-46,69,共5页
关键词 微孔水泥保温板 理化复合制泡 高效保温与防火 与建筑同寿命
Effect of complex melt-refining treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of sand-cast Mg–10Gd–3Y–0.5Zr alloy 被引量:3
作者 梅俊 刘文才 +6 位作者 吴国华 张杨 张逸韬 洪毅恺 张若曦 肖旅 丁文江 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1811-1821,共11页
The effect of complex melt-refining treatment (melt flux incorporating with rotating gas bubble stirring) on microstructure and mechanical behavior of the sand-cast Mg-10Gd-3Y-0.5Zr alloy was investigated. In additi... The effect of complex melt-refining treatment (melt flux incorporating with rotating gas bubble stirring) on microstructure and mechanical behavior of the sand-cast Mg-10Gd-3Y-0.5Zr alloy was investigated. In addition, the melt purifying mechanism of the complex melt-refining treatment for the sand-cast alloy was discussed systematically. The results show that the new melt-refining method can significantly improve melt quality and mechanical behavior of the tested alloy, i.e., compared to the reference unpttdfied alloy, the volume fraction of inclusions decreased from 0.47% to 0.28%, the ultimate tensile strength and elongation for T6-treated alloy increased from 245 MPa and 0.7% to 312 MPa and 4.5%, respectively. Especially, combining 1% flux with rotating gas bubble stirring can get even better purifying effectiveness than conventional sole 2% flux purification; the use of melt flux decreased by 50% and significantly reduced environmental pollution. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloy sand-cast PURIFICATION complex melt-refining mechanical property
Paste-like self-flowing transportation backfilling technology based on coal gangue 被引量:30
作者 WANG Xin-min ZHAO Bin +1 位作者 ZHANG Chuan-shu ZHANG Qin-li 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第2期137-143,共7页
A paste-like self-flowing pipeline transportation backfilling technology with coal gangue as aggregate is proposed to remove the potential damage caused by coal gangue piles. As well, the difficult problems of recover... A paste-like self-flowing pipeline transportation backfilling technology with coal gangue as aggregate is proposed to remove the potential damage caused by coal gangue piles. As well, the difficult problems of recovering high quality safety coal pillars and deep mining of the Suncun Coal Mine (SCM), Xinwen Coal Group, Shandong are resolved. The physical-chemical properties of coal gangue, optimized proportion of materials, backfilling system and craft in the SCM were studied in the laboratory and then an industrial test was carried out on high quality coal pillars under a town. The results show that finely crushed kaolinized and fresh gangue with granularity less than 5 mm can be used as aggregate with fly ash to replace part of the cement and a composite water reducer as an additive, accounting for 1.0%-1.5% of the total amount of cement and fly ash. The recommended proportion is l(cement):4(fly ash): 15(coal gangue), with a mass fraction of 72%-75%, rheoiogical paste-like properties and a strength of more than 0.7 MPa at 7 d. The sequence of adding cement, fly ash, water reducer and then coal gangue ensures that the suspended state of the slurry, reducing the wear and jam of pipelines. The working face is advancing continuously by the alternating craft of building block walls with coal gangue and backfilling mined-out gobs with paste-like slurry. The recovery rate is as high as 90% with a backfilling cost of 36.9 YuarffL good utilization of coal gangue and no subsidence on the surface. This technology provides a good theoretical basis and application experience for coal mines, cement backfilling with paste-like slurry. 展开更多
关键词 coal gangue PASTE-LIKE self-flowing backfilling system backfilling craft
Recent advances of electromagnetic interference shielding Mg matrix materials and their processings:A review 被引量:3
作者 Jia-hao WANG Rui-zhi WU +3 位作者 Jing FENG Jing-huai ZHANG Le-gan HOU Mei-duo LIU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第5期1385-1404,共20页
In terms of lightweight electromagnetic interference(EMI)shielding structural materials,Mg matrix materials have proven to be the best,due to their exciting properties(e.g.low density,high specific strength,good elect... In terms of lightweight electromagnetic interference(EMI)shielding structural materials,Mg matrix materials have proven to be the best,due to their exciting properties(e.g.low density,high specific strength,good electrical conductivity and excellent EMI shielding properties)and their wide range of applications in lightweighting in electronics,automotive and aerospace industries.Through processing,such as alloying,heat treatment,plastic deformation and composite processing,Mg matrix materials can be obtained with tailorable properties which can play a key role in designing materials for EMI shielding.This work introduces an overview of the research on the EMI shielding properties of Mg matrix materials as well as their EMI shielding mechanisms over the past few decades,focused on the influence of alloying,heat treatment,plastic deformation and composite processing for the EMI shielding properties of Mg matrix materials.At the end,conclusions and future perspectives are provided. 展开更多
关键词 MAGNESIUM electromagnetic interference shielding ALLOYING heat treatment plastic deformation composite processing
Microstructure and Property of Al‑FeCoNiCrAl High Entropy Alloy Composite Coating on Ti‑6Al‑4V During Annealing Using MA Method 被引量:2
作者 SU Ningning FENG Xiaomei +2 位作者 ZANG Jiajun SUN Jing LI Huan 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2020年第3期481-489,共9页
Al-FeCoNiCrAl high entropy alloy(HEA) composite coatings were prepared on Ti-6Al-4V via highenergy mechanical alloying(MA). The microstructures and phase composition of the coatings were studied. A continuous and dens... Al-FeCoNiCrAl high entropy alloy(HEA) composite coatings were prepared on Ti-6Al-4V via highenergy mechanical alloying(MA). The microstructures and phase composition of the coatings were studied. A continuous and dense coating could be fabricated at a ratio of 35%(weight fraction)Al-FeCoNiCrAl after 4 h milling.The results showed that the thickness of the composite coatings increased first and then decreased with the increase of milling time. And the hardness of coating increased with the increase of milling time. The phase changed during the annealing process. Part of the initial body-centered cubic(BCC)phase of the composite coatings changed into the L12 phase,(Ni,Co)3Al4 and σ phase after annealing above 550 ℃. Ordered BCC was found in the coatings after annealing above 750 ℃. Only BCC and ordered BCC appeared in coatings after annealing above 1 050 ℃. The hardness of the coatings after annealing at 550 ℃ and 750 ℃ was higher than before because of spinodal decomposition and high hardness σ phase. The hardness of the coatings after annealing at 1 050 ℃ decreased because residual stress released. 展开更多
关键词 high entropy alloys Ti-6Al-4V alloy mechanical alloying composite coating annealing process
Effects of intercropping systems of trees with soybean on soil physicochemical properties in juvenile plantations 被引量:6
作者 FAN A-nan CHEN Xiang-wei LI Zhi-min 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第3期226-230,共5页
The intercropping system of tree with soybean in juvenile plantations, as a short-term practice, was applied at Lao Shan Experimental Station in Mao'er Shan Forest of Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, China. The... The intercropping system of tree with soybean in juvenile plantations, as a short-term practice, was applied at Lao Shan Experimental Station in Mao'er Shan Forest of Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, China. The larch (Larix gmelinii)lsoybean (Glycine max.) and ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) intercropping systems were studied in the field to assess the effects of the intercropping on soil physicochemical properties. The results showed that soil physical properties were improved after soybean intercropping with larch and ash in one growing season. The soil bulk density in larch/soybean and ash/soybean systems was 1.112 g·cm^-3 and 1.058 g·cm^ 3, respectively, which was lower than that in the pure larch or ash plantation without intercropping. The total soil porosity also increased after intercropping. The organic matter amount in larch/soybean system was 1.77 times higher than that in the pure larch plantation, and it was 1.09 times higher in ash/soybean system than that in the pure ash plantation. Contents of total nitrogen and hydrolyzable nitrogen in larch/soybean system were 4.2% and 53.0% higher than those in the pure larch stand. Total nitrogen and hydrolyzable nitrogen contents in ash/soybean system were 75.5% and 3.3% higher than those in the pure ash plantation. Total phosphorus content decreased after intercropping, while change of available phosphorus showed an increasing trend. Total potassium and available potassium contents in the larch/soybean system were 0.6% and 17.5% higher than those in the pure larch stand. Total potassium and available potassium contents in the ash/soybean system were 56.4% and 21.8% higher than those in the oure ash plantation. 展开更多
关键词 Intercropping systems Soil nutrient content Soil physicochemical properties larch/soybean intercropping system ash/soybean intercropping system
Enhanced treatment of water with low turbidity:Combined effects of permanganate, PAM and recycled sludge 被引量:4
作者 孙丽华 吕谋 +3 位作者 杨艳玲 林建禄 周玲玲 李圭白 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第6期863-868,共6页
The effectiveness of enhancing treatment of water with low turbidity through combined effects of permanganate oxidation, PAM aiding coagulation and sludge recycling was investigated through continuous bench scale stud... The effectiveness of enhancing treatment of water with low turbidity through combined effects of permanganate oxidation, PAM aiding coagulation and sludge recycling was investigated through continuous bench scale studies. In comparing with ferric chloride coagulation, only recycling sedimentation sludge was ineffective in enhancing treatment of water with low turbidity. PAM with recycled sludge showed positive effects, and the additional permanganate dosing exhibited the best potential of favoring coagulation, which leaded to much lower effluent turbidity and CODMa. Additionally, it was observed that the optimal permanganate dosage was 0. 4 mg/ L and the higher permanganate dosage exhibited inhibiting effects for pollutants removal. SEM analysis indicated that the floes were loosely formed and the particle diameter was critically low for ferric chloride coagulation process. Comparatively, the addition of PAM and permanganate with recycled sludge facilitated the aggregation of tinny particles onto compact PAM polymer chains, therefore contributing to the formation of compact floes with high particle diameter. The combined employment of recycled sludge, PAM and permanganate showed the best potential of favoring coagulation, mainly through synergistic effects between seeding, polymer bridging and increasing effective collision in mechanism. Additionally, the variation of Fe and Mn concentration after recycling and sedimentating units was studied for the processes, and the main species was also investigated for elements Fe and Mn. Sludge recycling and permanganate addition did not increase Fe and Mn concentration in the sedimented water. 展开更多
关键词 water with low turbidity PERMANGANATE recycled sludge SEEDING polymer bridging
Microstructure and abrasive wear behaviour of anodizing composite films containing Si C nanoparticles on Ti6Al4V alloy 被引量:6
作者 李松梅 郁秀梅 +3 位作者 刘建华 于美 吴量 杨康 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第12期4415-4423,共9页
Anodized composite films containing Si C nanoparticles were synthesized on Ti6Al4 V alloy by anodic oxidation procedure in C4O6H4Na2 electrolyte. Scanning electron microscopy(SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS) ... Anodized composite films containing Si C nanoparticles were synthesized on Ti6Al4 V alloy by anodic oxidation procedure in C4O6H4Na2 electrolyte. Scanning electron microscopy(SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) were employed to characterize the morphology and composition of the films fabricated in the electrolytes with and without addition of Si C nanoparticles. Results show that Si C particles can be successfully incorporated into the oxide film during the anodizing process and preferentially concentrate within internal cavities and micro-cracks. The ball-on-disk sliding tests indicate that Si C-containing oxide films register much lower wear rate than the oxide films without Si C under dry sliding condition. Si C particles are likely to melt and then are oxidized by frictional heat during sliding tests. Potentiodynamic polarization behavior reveals that the anodized alloy with Si C nanoparticles results in a reduction in passive current density to about 1.54×10-8 A/cm2, which is more than two times lower than that of the Ti O2 film(3.73×10-8 A/cm2). The synthesized composite film has good anti-wear and anti-corrosion properties and the growth mechanism of nanocomposite film is also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Ti6Al4V alloy anodic oxidation Si C nanoparticle composite film
Physical and Hydrodynamic Properties of Spherical Cellulose-Titanium Dioxide Composite Matrix for Expanded Bed Adsorption 被引量:5
作者 雷引林 林东强 +2 位作者 姚善泾 刘坐镇 朱自强 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第2期141-145,共5页
Expanded bed adsorption (EBA) has been widely used in industrial downstream bioprocessing. Solid matrix is the principal pillar supporting the successful application of EBA. A novel spherical cellulose-titanium dioxid... Expanded bed adsorption (EBA) has been widely used in industrial downstream bioprocessing. Solid matrix is the principal pillar supporting the successful application of EBA. A novel spherical cellulose-titanium dioxide composite matrix was prepared through the method of water-in-oil suspension thermal regeneration. Its typical physical properties were wet density 1.18g.cm-3, diameters in the range of 100-300um, porosity 85.5%, and water content 72.3%. Expansion characteristics and liquid mixing performance of the matrix in expanded bed were investigated using water and 10% (by mass) glycerol solution as mobile phases. The results indicate that the custom-assembled matrix has a stable flow hydrodynamics and exhibits the same degree of liquid-phase mixing or column efficiency as the commercially available Streamline adsorbent. 展开更多
关键词 expanded bed adsorption MATRIX CELLULOSE titanium dioxide
Hydration mechanism of low quality fly ash in cement-based materials 被引量:10
作者 刘数华 孔亚宁 王露 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第11期4360-4367,共8页
The hydration mechanism of low quality fly ash in cement-based materials was investigated. The hydration heat of the composite cementitious materials was determined by isothermal calorimetry, and the hydration product... The hydration mechanism of low quality fly ash in cement-based materials was investigated. The hydration heat of the composite cementitious materials was determined by isothermal calorimetry, and the hydration products, quantity, pore structure and morphology were measured by X-ray diffraction(XRD), thermalgravity-differential thermal analysis(TG-DTA), mercury intrusion porosimetry(MIP) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM), respectively. The results indicate that grinding could not only improve the physical properties of the low quality fly ash on particle effect, but also improve hydration properties of the cementitious system from various aspects compared with raw low quality fly ash(RLFA). At the early stage of hydration, the low quanlity fly ash acts as almost inert material; but then at the later stage, high chemical activity, especially for ground low quality fly ash(GLFA), could be observed. It can accelerate the formation of hydration products containing more chemical bonded water, resulting in higher degree of cement hydration, thus denser microstructure and more reasonable pore size distribution, but the hydration heat in total is reduced. It can also delay the induction period, but the accelerating period is shortened and there is little influence on the second exothermic peak. 展开更多
关键词 low quality fly ash cement-based materials hydration products pore structure
Synthesis of magnetically modified palygorskite composite for immobilization of Candida sp. 99–125 lipase via adsorption 被引量:6
作者 Ya Li Jicheng Hu Pingfang Han 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期822-826,共5页
Magnetically modified palygorskite composites were synthesized with γ-Fe2O3 dispersing on the external surface of clay mineral. The magnetic clay was characterized with Fourier transform infrared, X-ray diffrac- tion... Magnetically modified palygorskite composites were synthesized with γ-Fe2O3 dispersing on the external surface of clay mineral. The magnetic clay was characterized with Fourier transform infrared, X-ray diffrac- tion, transmission electron microscopy, and vibrating sample magnetometer. Candida sp. 99-125 lipase was immobilized on magnetic palygorskite composites by physical adsorption with enzyme loading of 41.5 mg· g^-1 support and enzyme activity of 2631.6 U· (g support)^-1. The immobilized lipase exhibit better thermal and broader pH stability and excellent reusabilitV compared with free lipase. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetically modified palygorskite Immobilized lipase Adsorption Stability Reusability
Development and application research of light weight heat treated B-grade bulletproof steel 被引量:2
作者 Ma Mingtu Chen Gang +2 位作者 Ma Yuhao Li Zhigang Feng Yi 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2014年第5期2-7,共6页
The light weight heat treated B-grade bulletproof steel was developed through composition design and optimization based on multiplex alloying,multiplex micro-alloying design ideas and complex phase structure strengthe... The light weight heat treated B-grade bulletproof steel was developed through composition design and optimization based on multiplex alloying,multiplex micro-alloying design ideas and complex phase structure strengthening theory.The puzzle how to avoid the quenching deformation problem of super high strength thin sheet was solved through heat treatment in a die with a set of cooling system.Such B-grade bulletproof steel plate has fine tempered lath martensite structure.The shooting and certification test results showed that the shoot resistance of B-grade bulletproof steel plate can meet the protection demand of Protection specification for cash carrying vehicles(GA 164—2005).In comparison with B-grade bulletproof steel plate made by one of the companies in Sweden,the weight of the developed B-grade bulletproof steel plate can be decreased by 8 %under the same shoot resistance condition.It will be meaningful for cash truck and anti-hijacking vehicle to realize light weight,energy conservation and emission reduction. 展开更多
关键词 alloying composition design die quenching super high strength B-grade bulletproof steel application research
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