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作者 霍学志 《延安职业技术学院学报》 1996年第1期93-92,共2页
关键词 中师生 教学设计 心脏结构 理卫生 教师 心率 学生观 自学讨论 论联系实际 心脏射血
社会医学与卫生事业管理研究生人才培养定位研究 被引量:2
作者 朱凯 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第A02期289-290,共2页
背景:随着医学院校招生人数的不断增多,社会医学与卫生事业管理学科研究生人才培养过程中存在的问题也逐步显现,使得现有的人才培养模式面临着巨大的挑战。目的:分析社会医学与卫生事业管理研究生人才的培养定位。方法:结合前期文... 背景:随着医学院校招生人数的不断增多,社会医学与卫生事业管理学科研究生人才培养过程中存在的问题也逐步显现,使得现有的人才培养模式面临着巨大的挑战。目的:分析社会医学与卫生事业管理研究生人才的培养定位。方法:结合前期文献研究及真实访谈结果,制定包含研究生人才培养课程设置、培养模式改革建议等相关问题的调查问卷。分别选取某医学院校社会医学与卫生事业管理学科的20名教师、20名在读研究生和20名近3年毕业的研究生作为调查对象,并分别将3组调查对象设为调查1组、调查2组和调查3组,为3组调查对象发放调查问卷,通过统计调查结果,分析社会医学与卫生事业管理研究生人才的培养定位。结果与结论:调查1组、调查2组和调查3组中,分别有80%、60%、50%的调查对象认为人才培养课程设置合理。在培养模式改革建议方面,调查1组、调查2组和调查3组分别有45%、60%、65%的调查对象认为应按导师对研究生进行培养的需求,经论证增设课程。提示:社会医学与卫生事业管理学科研究生人才的培养,应明确人才培养定位,科学设置课程,以提高研究生人才的就业率。 展开更多
关键词 社会医学 卫生事监管 研究生人才 培养定位 研究
《内经》营卫理论回顾 被引量:63
作者 丁元庆 《山东中医药大学学报》 2017年第1期3-7,共5页
在回顾《内经》有关论述的基础上阐发营卫理论。以《内经》论述为依据,参考有关著述,对《内经》营卫本义、营卫生成、营卫生理、营卫循行、营卫功能、营卫病机以及营卫病证等内容作了系统回顾。同时,对营卫的运行与功能提出如下观点。1... 在回顾《内经》有关论述的基础上阐发营卫理论。以《内经》论述为依据,参考有关著述,对《内经》营卫本义、营卫生成、营卫生理、营卫循行、营卫功能、营卫病机以及营卫病证等内容作了系统回顾。同时,对营卫的运行与功能提出如下观点。1营气在御邪卫外特别是在制约与抵抗温热性致病因素中发挥重要作用。2结合卫气剽疾滑利的性质及其运行的三种主要模式,提出不同的运行模式是卫气发挥生理功能的前提与条件。3特别提出卫气为使,即卫气能够传达神机,卫气逆行是传达神机从而使机体对各种刺激产生反应、反射与疾速运动的基础。4卫气是宗气的重要组成部分,宗气贯心脉行呼吸,卫气以宗气组分的形式入脉,从而对人的呼吸与循环产生作用,影响循环自然会影响血压。5营卫源自饮食,化于水谷精微,强调对营卫形成及其与物质代谢密切相关的认识,有助于阐发慢性病病机。6营卫有多种生理功能,研究这些生理功能,对认识人体生命状态与疾病变化及防治具有帮助和指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 内经 营气 卫气 卫生 营卫病机
黄土高原住区生活垃圾处理与资源化研究 被引量:3
作者 王志远 谭万春 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期45-48,共4页
以延安市为示范点对黄土高原住区生活垃圾的处理与资源化进行了研究。在对目前延安市生活垃圾特点和处理与资源化现状进行调查和分析的基础上 ,提出了以垃圾分类收集为关键 ,分别进行卫生填埋和焚烧的生活垃圾处理系统 。
关键词 资源化研究 黄土高原住区 生活垃圾 卫生 焚烧 废物处
河南省城市社区卫生服务利用现状 被引量:5
作者 李莹 周刚 +4 位作者 朱宝玉 张智民 郑旗 陈建设 冯石献 《中国慢性病预防与控制》 CAS 2008年第2期194-195,共2页
目的了解河南省城市社区慢性病监测网络中高血压、糖尿病患者对社区卫生服务的利用情况。方法对河南省城市社区慢性病监测试点的高血压、糖尿病患者进行面对面问卷调查。结果1/3以上的高血压、糖尿病管理患者将社区作为知识获取的第一途... 目的了解河南省城市社区慢性病监测网络中高血压、糖尿病患者对社区卫生服务的利用情况。方法对河南省城市社区慢性病监测试点的高血压、糖尿病患者进行面对面问卷调查。结果1/3以上的高血压、糖尿病管理患者将社区作为知识获取的第一途径;对社区卫生服务基本满意率为92.9%;6个月内到社区就诊率平均为64.6%;86.0%的高血压患者和54.1%糖尿病患者能做到1月内定期测量血压和检测血糖;60%的管理患者选择社区就诊;80.03%以上的管理患者接受了药物性治疗,有56.7%~82.3%的管理患者接受了非药物性治疗服务。结论要积极推广社区高血压、糖尿病综合防控适宜技术,加强患者规范管理,提升社区卫生服务能力,促进居民对社区卫生服务的利用。 展开更多
关键词 监测点 高血压 糖尿病 社区卫生服务 网络管
作者 杨昭宁 李国榕 《山东省团校学报(青少年研究)》 1995年第2期38-42,共5页
问题的提出 当代大学生是在社会变革中生活、成长起来的一代,而社会变革给个体所带来的重要影响之一是价值观念的变迁。“在新旧价值观念的冲突之中,既有对新的价值观念的适应,也有新的价值体系的整合。在这一过程中,大学生这个群体与... 问题的提出 当代大学生是在社会变革中生活、成长起来的一代,而社会变革给个体所带来的重要影响之一是价值观念的变迁。“在新旧价值观念的冲突之中,既有对新的价值观念的适应,也有新的价值体系的整合。在这一过程中,大学生这个群体与其他社会群体相比。 展开更多
关键词 影响因素 大学生心 健康状况 健康水平 人格特征 当代大学生 理卫生 中国心 社会变革 高等师范院校
《山东肉类科技》 CAS 1995年第4期39-39,共1页
1.今后凡出口水产品加工厂未建立实验室的.一律不予办理卫生注册。 2.对现已对外注册的水产品加工厂,在今年年底以前完善实验室管理,保证正常开展工作。
关键词 卫生注册 水产品加工 新规定 我国出口 出口水产品 证正 实验室管 实验室的管 理卫生 加工厂
作者 吴连兴 《中国心理卫生杂志》 1987年第3期134-134,共1页
关键词 妇女干部 培训班 咨询门诊 政治思想工作 全国妇联 学习心 理卫生 中国心 信访者
作者 赵从民 《畜牧兽医科技信息》 2001年第12期20-20,共1页
1、拟黑蚂蚁喜群居,一窝一个家庭,其中有蚁皇1—5只负责配种,蚁后1—20只负责生育,交配一次可终生繁殖。工蚁和兵蚁最多达数千只到上万只,任务是供养蚁皇蚁后、放哨、打仗,寻食和清理卫生。蚂蚁自找配偶,多在4—9月份交配,若环境温度在2... 1、拟黑蚂蚁喜群居,一窝一个家庭,其中有蚁皇1—5只负责配种,蚁后1—20只负责生育,交配一次可终生繁殖。工蚁和兵蚁最多达数千只到上万只,任务是供养蚁皇蚁后、放哨、打仗,寻食和清理卫生。蚂蚁自找配偶,多在4—9月份交配,若环境温度在25—32℃可全年交配。交配后18—20天开始产卵,产卵到出蚁为14天,出蚁到成蚁16天。 展开更多
关键词 技术 黑蚂蚁 环境温度 交配后 蚁后 理卫生 年循环 食物 兽医师 兵蚁
《天津市政工程》 2003年第2期32-32,共1页
关键词 北京 坟圾 卫生 沼气收集 边坡治 防渗 密封 隔离
垃圾填埋场植被恢复技术的进展分析研究 被引量:1
作者 徐敏 《资源节约与环保》 2013年第9期166-166,共1页
伴随着全球各区域城市化进程的发展,垃圾填埋场的环境影响与植被恢复已经变为世界共同面对的一个较为凸显的坏境问题。在叙述垃圾卫生填埋的相关概念、形式、构成与携带的生态环境问题的情况上,对于影响着垃圾填埋场上植物生长的各种具... 伴随着全球各区域城市化进程的发展,垃圾填埋场的环境影响与植被恢复已经变为世界共同面对的一个较为凸显的坏境问题。在叙述垃圾卫生填埋的相关概念、形式、构成与携带的生态环境问题的情况上,对于影响着垃圾填埋场上植物生长的各种具体性因素,将国内外领域的研究现状进行相应的分析,以提出垃圾填埋场植被恢复技术进展的研究思路。 展开更多
关键词 垃圾 卫生 植被恢复
作者 甄中科 《中国心理卫生杂志》 1987年第6期248-248,共1页
关键词 防治对策 冠心病 研讨会 中西医结合研究 病防治 社会因素 咨询 中华医学会 中国科协 理卫生
《中国中西医结合儿科学》 1998年第5期298-304,共7页
关键词 精神疾病 临床分析 神经系统 高热惊厥 正常儿童 理卫生 中国心 临床心 格林一巴利综合征 临床医学
作者 曾枫 《中国农垦》 1998年第3期34-34,共1页
五万巨款还失主1997年7月16日中午,来江西省共青酒厂的客户吃完饭后都已离去。与往常一样,食堂服务员李木英走进食堂清理卫生。在清扫过程中,她发现一个蛇皮袋,解开一看,满袋子的现金,足足有好几万元。李木英愣住了,心想... 五万巨款还失主1997年7月16日中午,来江西省共青酒厂的客户吃完饭后都已离去。与往常一样,食堂服务员李木英走进食堂清理卫生。在清扫过程中,她发现一个蛇皮袋,解开一看,满袋子的现金,足足有好几万元。李木英愣住了,心想,这肯定是来厂客户遗留下的,平时客... 展开更多
关键词 清扫过程 服务员 江西省 耐心等待 手提电话 丰城市 蛇皮 理卫生 手指 购办
Nurses’perception on competency requirement and training demand for intensive care nurses 被引量:4
作者 Yeray Gabriel Santana-Padilla María Desamparados Bernat-Adell Luciano Santana-Cabrera 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第3期350-356,I0004,共8页
Objectives Various authors have explored the combination of competencies necessary for ensuring safe and quality care carried out by nurses in Intensive Care Units(ICUs).Nurses’perception of training is an element th... Objectives Various authors have explored the combination of competencies necessary for ensuring safe and quality care carried out by nurses in Intensive Care Units(ICUs).Nurses’perception of training is an element that must be studied in order to adopt appropriate educational measures.This study aimed to evaluate nurses’perception of the importance of intensive care training in Spain.Methods A descriptive,cross-sectional,multicentre study was conducted on a national level in Spain.Totally 85 ICUs took part in the study.The questionnaire used was developed using the Delphi method and had 66 items to investigate nurses’perception on competency requirements and training needs.The evaluation was conducted by a 10-point Likert scale.Results The sample was 568 Spanish nurses.Significant differences were found on an academic level,in terms of gender and hospital type,and in the professional experience of the nurse when it comes to evaluating the different training items;the differences in overall questionnaire scores among these groups were statistically significant(P<0.05).The nurses analyzed believe that previous training and professional experience in other care services are necessary before starting work in an ICU.Conclusion Implementation of training programs tailored to the needs of critical nurses had benefits for nurses and the health system.Nurses benefited from training focused on the skills and knowledge of each moment of their working life.Nurses have a different evaluation of their training needs throughout their professional cycle.Therefore,their training must be adapted to the professional stage of each nurse. 展开更多
关键词 Competency-based education Critical care nursing Nursing education Nursing staff Staff development Surveys and questionnaires
Nursing ethics for prevention and control of major infectious disease outbreaks:Chinese expert consensus 被引量:2
作者 Yaling Wang Yuchen Li +9 位作者 Biyu Shen Huiling Li Hongyu Sun Changrong Yuan Hongzhen Xie Xiaomei Li Yinglan Li Jian Guan Qi'ai Jia Xinqing Zhang 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第1期5-10,I0001,共7页
Background Major infectious disease has become a serious threat to people’s health worldwide.As the world’s largest healthcare workforce and the core forces fighting against the epidemic,nurses are on the frontline ... Background Major infectious disease has become a serious threat to people’s health worldwide.As the world’s largest healthcare workforce and the core forces fighting against the epidemic,nurses are on the frontline of this battle.A number of ethical issues have given rise to numerous concerns that have largely affected nurses in different ways as they respond to the epidemic.In addition,excessive expectations from people can exert undue pressure,which can easily lead to burnout in nurses.Methods In this consensus,the expert panel method was used to develop and reach a consensus.The members involved in the formation of the consensus included an expert discussion panel and a consensus writing expert group,a methodologist,and four secretaries.After 16 rounds of online expert consultation and two rounds of expert panel meetings,the writing team analyzed and reviewed the 78 amendments suggested by the experts to develop a consensus on nursing ethics for prevention and control of major infectious disease outbreaks based on the ethical vision of life care.Results This expert consensus focuses on five essential domains:the responsibilities and rights of nurses,the nurse-patient relationship,the doctor-nurse relationship,and the relationship between society and nurses throughout the epidemic.Conclusions We hope this consensus can help nurses better understand and respond to the ethical issues and challenges in public health emergencies,and raise reasonable public expectations of the roles and responsibilities of nurses in these situations. 展开更多
关键词 CONSENSUS Disease outbreaks Nurses Nursing ethics Public health
Caregiver burden:A concept analysis 被引量:15
作者 Zhu Liu Catrina Heffernan Jie Tan 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第4期438-445,I0006,共9页
Objective:Caregiver burden is used frequently within the nursing literature.It has not yet been clearly defined as there are different opinions regarding this concept.The purpose of this paper is to provide clarity su... Objective:Caregiver burden is used frequently within the nursing literature.It has not yet been clearly defined as there are different opinions regarding this concept.The purpose of this paper is to provide clarity surrounding the concept caregiver burden.Methods:An electronic search of MEDLINE,CINAHL,Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition and Academic Search Complete(ASC)of EBSCO,China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)and Google Scholar were searched with a limit of 10 years and published in the English or Chinese language.The paper adopted the framework by Walker and Avant.The attributes,antecedents,consequences and uses of the concept were identified.Results:At total of 33 articles were included.The three attributes of caregiver burden were identified as self-perception,multifaceted strain,and over time.The antecedents included insufficient financial resources,multiple responsibility conflict,lack of social activities.The consequences of caregiver burden resulted in negative change which included decreased care provision,decrease in quality of life,physical and psychological health deterioration.Conclusion:A definition of caregiver burden was developed.Tools to measure caregiver burden were identified.The findings from this analysis can be used in nursing practice,nursing education,research and administration. 展开更多
关键词 BURDEN CAREGIVERS Cost of illness Home nursing Mental health Quality of life
Needs assessment and expectations regarding evidence-based practice knowledge acquisition and training activities:A cross-sectional study of healthcare personnel in China 被引量:1
作者 Janita Pak Chun Chau Wai Tong Chien +2 位作者 Xu Liu Yan Hu Yinghui Jin 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第1期100-106,共7页
Objectives Evidence-based healthcare contributes to the improvement of healthcare quality and informs healthcare decision-making.The provision of timely high-quality evidence is always required to fulfil the ever-chan... Objectives Evidence-based healthcare contributes to the improvement of healthcare quality and informs healthcare decision-making.The provision of timely high-quality evidence is always required to fulfil the ever-changing needs and expectations of healthcare personnel.This study aimed to assess the needs and expectations of healthcare personnel regarding evidence-based healthcare in China.Methods We conducted a cross-sectional online survey from December 8,2020 to January 15,2021 involving 901 participants across China.Healthcare providers,policy makers,researchers and educators,and full-time postgraduate medical and nursing students working/living in China were eligible to participate.A self-developed questionnaire was used.Results Participants generally agreed that health-related research evidence was beneficial.Evidence-based resources,such as Cochrane resources,were only known or used by about half of the respondents due to difficulties related to availability and accessibility.Various types of resources,topics of evidence,and themes of workshops were of particular interest to most of the participants.Conclusions The dissemination and translation of evidence,provision of more support in evidence availability,offering evidence-based training,and determining the most in-demand research areas have been identified as priority areas of work which could fulfil the needs and expectations of healthcare personnel in China. 展开更多
关键词 Administrative personnel Evidence-based practice Health personnel Surveys and questionnaires
Self-endangering:A qualitative study on psychological mechanisms underlying nurses’burnout in long-term care 被引量:1
作者 Lara Luisa Eder Bertolt Meyer 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第1期36-48,I0002,共14页
Objectives To develop a more specific understanding of psychological mechanisms in the development of burnout in long-term care as a basis for potential new intervention strategies aiming at improving nurses’mental h... Objectives To develop a more specific understanding of psychological mechanisms in the development of burnout in long-term care as a basis for potential new intervention strategies aiming at improving nurses’mental health.Methods Two qualitative studies with thematic analysis were conducted.In Study 1,we conducted eight group interviews with 110 nurses from May–July 2019 in the context of workshops at eight nursing homes in Germany.In Study 2,we supplemented these with semi-structured interviews with 14 executives at German nursing homes in December 2019.Results The thematic analysis in Study 1 identified three main themes:causes of challenges,employees’opportunities for change,and organisational opportunities for change.Thematic analysis in Study 2 identified three main themes:job motives,reasons for filling in for others,and employee self-care.Further,our results show that the need to stand in for colleagues,in particular,is one of the greatest challenges for geriatric caregivers.In dealing with these challenges we found that self-endangering behaviour—a diminished ability to say no when asked to fill in or to do work overtime—was an important antecedent of nurses’burnout.Further,high levels of altruistic motivation and identification with the team or organisation were associated with self-endangering behaviour in the presence of adverse working conditions.Low levels of self-worth are a further risk factor for self-endangering.Conclusions Our findings are at odds with some core tenets of classic models of job demands and burnout that construe motivation and identification as resources.Our results show the need of a holistic intervention program in nursing including individual coaching,team-based interventions and organisational development processes.Employees themselves should be sensitized to this issue and supported in the long term,and politicians should create structures that do not encourage this behaviour any further. 展开更多
关键词 ALTRUISM CAREGIVERS Health personnel Mental health Nursing homes Professional burnout Social identification WORKLOAD
Philosophy of Mathematics: Naturalism vs. Category Theory
作者 Milan Tasic 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第10期929-944,共16页
Although E Maddy (1997) says on naturalism: "This is not, in itself, a philosophy of mathematics [...]" (161), already by its name, or by those whose interest has called on it (Quine, Putnam et al.) ... it an... Although E Maddy (1997) says on naturalism: "This is not, in itself, a philosophy of mathematics [...]" (161), already by its name, or by those whose interest has called on it (Quine, Putnam et al.) ... it anyhow reveals desire to be it. Insofar as otherwise, the semantic potential of the word leaves far behind it (after all scarce) results it achieved from the relation of an exact (mathematical) expression and (overly rich) intuitive reality of Being. We plead here already from the perspective of the slogan "One and All" of the first philosopher: Tales, when by the number (which one forebodes) one could go to such an extent into areas of reality (Pythagoras), or when (especially in the human sphere) is being over again actual final cause of Aristotle the philosophy and the mathematics to accomplish far more fruitful encounter with the Being. Alain Badiou (1988) has already pointed that: "Mathematics is ontology," and the category theory in mathematics, having covered by itself other fields of this science, continues to find applications in a series of"non-traditional" domains of reality. In that correlation the philosophy can express its (primary) needs for truth, justice, beauty, ... as well as for the overall development in the sense of purpose--also because of an undreamed power of the technological development (of hardwares and softwares) today. Namely, the naturalism in mathematics, which developed an abundant reflection on the place (importance of) the mathematical idiom in sciences--in the balance of criticism--has come rather to meager provisions, such as: "preestablished harmony of thinking," "ontic commitment," (Quine 1960) "the hygiene of mind," (Maddy 1996) "success argument," (Putnam 1975) "pragmatic argument," (Resnik 1981) etc., which only are few places from the encounter of an exact expression such as is mathematical one and the reality of natuural sciences. Instead of philosophy of mathematics to radicalize its claims from the perspective of that (powerful) mathematical idiom and the excessive reality of Being and man's place in it--this time, in the spirit of biocosmology (neo-Aristotelism). 展开更多
关键词 NATURALISM indispensability argument ontology MATHEMATICS CATEGORY final cause biocosmology
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