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元管理学:管理学属性之争的“应然”与“实然” 被引量:1
作者 吕力 《管理观察》 2010年第10期18-19,共2页
自泰罗创立管理学到今天,这一关于管理学属性的争论已经跨越了三个世纪,这似乎是一场没有结果的争论。在这场“管理学”的学科属性之争中,对于“管理”或“管理活动”的定义其实再没有太大的分歧。在本文看来,这一争论实质来源于从... 自泰罗创立管理学到今天,这一关于管理学属性的争论已经跨越了三个世纪,这似乎是一场没有结果的争论。在这场“管理学”的学科属性之争中,对于“管理”或“管理活动”的定义其实再没有太大的分歧。在本文看来,这一争论实质来源于从“管理活动”到“管理学”这“惊人的一跳”,或者说,“管理活动”并不能必定推导出“管理学”应如何进行研究。在这“惊人的一跳”过程中,绝大多数观点包含了“应然”的成分。因此,对管理学属性的研究——即“元管理学”研究要摆脱无谓的争论,必须从“应然的研究”走向“实然的研究”。 展开更多
关键词 理学属性 应然 实然 元管理学
作者 周仕依 王月莹 +7 位作者 朱冰倩 郭宁媛 陈孜瑾 陶幸娟 吴映晖 张伟 王丽丽 朱大乔 《中西医结合护理(中英文)》 2023年第7期59-72,共14页
目的继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症(SHPT)是接受长期透析的慢性肾病患者常见的并发症,但现有的症状评估工具及心理测量方法尚未得到系统的总结和评价。本综述旨在对SHPT症状的评估工具进行测量,并为选择最合适的患者报告结果测量(PROM)工具... 目的继发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症(SHPT)是接受长期透析的慢性肾病患者常见的并发症,但现有的症状评估工具及心理测量方法尚未得到系统的总结和评价。本综述旨在对SHPT症状的评估工具进行测量,并为选择最合适的患者报告结果测量(PROM)工具提供循证建议。方法本综述遵循PRISMA准则和基于共识的健康测量工具遴选标准(COSMIN)指南对五个电子数据库进行了系统检索,由2名研究员独立筛选文献、提取数据,并进行评价。采用改良版GRADE方法对证据质量进行分级。结果本研究共纳入7项研究,涉及4个适用于SHPT患者的症状评估工具,即透析症状指数(DSI)、慢性肾病-症状负担指数(CKD-SBI)、肾脏病症状问卷(KSQ)和终末期肾脏疾病健康调查问卷(HQ-ESRD)。所有量表的内容效度均为“不一致”,证据等级为“中等”和“极低”。建构效度中的假设检验是最常被评估的测量属性,证据质量从“中等”到“高”不等。DSI和CKD-SBI的内部一致性“充分”,证据等级为“高”。DSI的建构效度为“不充分”,证据等级为“高”。DSI的效标关联效度以及HQ-ESRD的反应度均为“充分”,证据等级均为“高”。结论现有量表的方法学质量证据有限,需进一步验证。总的来说,没有证据表明哪一种量表优于其他量表。在4个量表中,DSI验证了最多的测量属性。根据COSMIN指南开发的具有高质量的SHPT患者的特异性症状评估工具是有必要的。 展开更多
关键词 慢性肾脏病 理学测量属性 信度 症状 效度
关于企业文化若干理论问题的思考——兼论当前管理学界亟待思考的学科整合问题 被引量:4
作者 李建华 王莉 《湖湘论坛》 2012年第4期90-94,共5页
关键词 企业文化 理学属性 文化管理 生命周期 学科整合
基于会计学学科属性判定的现代会计重新认识 被引量:2
作者 相子国 《会计之友》 北大核心 2012年第9期8-12,共5页
时至今日,会计学的学科属性在官方和理论界都没有形成统一认识;从会计起源和发展史研究来判定会计的学科属性,有助于明确会计的目标和职能,进而对现代会计的本质和存在的问题作出判断。文章从"会计学到底属于什么学科"这一问... 时至今日,会计学的学科属性在官方和理论界都没有形成统一认识;从会计起源和发展史研究来判定会计的学科属性,有助于明确会计的目标和职能,进而对现代会计的本质和存在的问题作出判断。文章从"会计学到底属于什么学科"这一问题出发,基于会计的起源与发展对会计学学科属性进行判定,并论述了明确会计管理学属性的重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 会计属性 会计学科 经济学属性 理学属性
论会计学的双重学科属性 被引量:4
作者 陈德刚 《湖北经济学院学报》 2009年第4期99-105,共7页
时至今日,会计学依然存在一个十分尴尬的基础理论问题,即会计学的学科属性尚无统一认识。如果无视学科属性问题,会计学的研究必然缺失方向的指引;反之,明确了会计学的学科属性,则可以以上游学科的原理、理论来系统规划、指导本学科的研... 时至今日,会计学依然存在一个十分尴尬的基础理论问题,即会计学的学科属性尚无统一认识。如果无视学科属性问题,会计学的研究必然缺失方向的指引;反之,明确了会计学的学科属性,则可以以上游学科的原理、理论来系统规划、指导本学科的研究。本文首先以多维的大量现实证据系统地阐释会计学的经济学属性;再提出支持会计学的管理学属性的系列证据;最后论证会计学具有双重学科属性,点亮了会计学研究的两座不可或缺的灯塔——经济学与管理学。 展开更多
关键词 学科属性 对外会计 对内会计 经济学属性 理学属性
论地理学的特性与基本问题 被引量:41
作者 宋长青 张国友 +1 位作者 程昌秀 陈发虎 《地理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期6-11,共6页
学科通常都具有独立的研究对象、独立的学科问题、独特的学科特征以及独特的社会服务功能。本文从3个方面论述了地理学的属性,进而认识现代地理学的时代特征。①地理学研究对象的演化经历了由简单向复杂的变化过程。在研究实践过程中,... 学科通常都具有独立的研究对象、独立的学科问题、独特的学科特征以及独特的社会服务功能。本文从3个方面论述了地理学的属性,进而认识现代地理学的时代特征。①地理学研究对象的演化经历了由简单向复杂的变化过程。在研究实践过程中,应充分认识地理系统的复杂属性。②地理的要素、空间与时间相互融合构成了独特的学科问题体系,阐述了不同地理问题的本质区别,进而促进解决不同地理问题的技术与方法体系建设。③"还原论"与"整体论"并举的地理学哲学思维方兴未艾。地理学强调的综合研究在当今时代受到了前所未有的重视。在新兴学科和新兴技术的支撑下,出现了地理要素和地理系统并行研究的新格局。本文从地理学研究的基本特征出发,总结了地理学研究的核心问题,探讨地理学驱动机制对地理规律的组合效应。理解地理学关键特征和时代价值,有助于探索地理学的社会发展契机。 展开更多
关键词 理学属性 理学基本问题 格局-过程-机理
重视和加强医院检验科医学实验室属性探讨 被引量:1
作者 苏红专 张益明 +6 位作者 王占科 胡炜 陈卓敏 李丽萍 胡志坚 周向阳 涂建成 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2020年第9期1144-1149,共6页
检验科起源于化学实验室的简称“化验室”。检验科是医学实验室,是以患者各种标本作为工作对象的实验场所。中国医院“检验”概念应解释为“实验室”,检验医学应为实验室医学,包括医学实验室技术学和医学实验室诊断学。重视医院检验科... 检验科起源于化学实验室的简称“化验室”。检验科是医学实验室,是以患者各种标本作为工作对象的实验场所。中国医院“检验”概念应解释为“实验室”,检验医学应为实验室医学,包括医学实验室技术学和医学实验室诊断学。重视医院检验科医学实验室属性对提升国内检验医学学科地位和与国际实验室医学学科接轨,具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 医院检验科 医学实验室 标本 理学属性 医学属性
作者 邱磊 《人力资源管理》 2013年第5期25-27,共3页
"元管理学"的研究对象是全部管理学知识;"元管理学"研究管理学知识的性质、来源和产生的机制,以及对管理学知识的可靠性和客观有效性进行检验。对"元管理学"与"管理学"的关系,予以"时间... "元管理学"的研究对象是全部管理学知识;"元管理学"研究管理学知识的性质、来源和产生的机制,以及对管理学知识的可靠性和客观有效性进行检验。对"元管理学"与"管理学"的关系,予以"时间上在先"和"逻辑上在先"之辩证关系的探究不失为一种研究"元管理学"的有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 逻辑上在先 理学 元管理学 时间上在先 理学属性
食品与中药寒凉温热炎五性的现代科学认知 被引量:7
作者 刘玉环 刘童莹 +2 位作者 阮榕生 彭红 张锦胜 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第15期253-256,共4页
中医根据人体生理反应的不同,将食品、中药划分寒凉温热四性。文章立足现代食品科学和中医药研究的成果,阐述了食品、中药寒凉温热四性发生的化学基础。提出炎性食品的概念,分析其发生的化学原理及其与不合理的食品加工工艺之间的联系... 中医根据人体生理反应的不同,将食品、中药划分寒凉温热四性。文章立足现代食品科学和中医药研究的成果,阐述了食品、中药寒凉温热四性发生的化学基础。提出炎性食品的概念,分析其发生的化学原理及其与不合理的食品加工工艺之间的联系。研究结果对于中医药现代化研究以及促进现代食品加工技术向健康方向发展具有参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 食品 中药 理学属性 化学基础 食品加工
内部审计文化的理论探讨和建设实践 被引量:4
作者 张建勋 《会计之友》 北大核心 2010年第10期100-101,共2页
关键词 审计文化 层次 作用 理学属性 建设步骤
作者 张建勋 《会计之友》 北大核心 2011年第2期95-96,共2页
关键词 审计文化 理学属性 建设步骤
Analytical solution of a circular lined tunnel with alterable mechanical property under hydrostatic stress and internal pressure 被引量:3
作者 DU Jian-ming FANG Qian +1 位作者 WANG Gan WANG Jun 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第8期2757-2770,共14页
The influence of the interaction between surrounding rock and lining on the long-term behaviour of a tunnel in service is significant.In this paper,we proposed a mechanical model of the circular lined tunnel with the ... The influence of the interaction between surrounding rock and lining on the long-term behaviour of a tunnel in service is significant.In this paper,we proposed a mechanical model of the circular lined tunnel with the alterable mechanical property under hydrostatic stress and radially inner surface pressure of the lining.The alterable mechanical properties of the surrounding rock and the lining are embodied by the changing of their elasticity modulus with service time and radial direction of the tunnel,respectively.The proposed mechanical model is successfully validated by comparison with the existing theoretical models and the numerical simulation,respectively.The influences of the main parameters of the proposed mechanical model,such as the radial power-law indexes and the time-varying coefficients of the surrounding rock and the lining,as well as the radially inner surface pressure of the lining,on the interface displacement and pressure between surrounding rock and lining are investigated.The research results can provide some valuable references for timely diagnosis and correct evaluation of the long-term behaviours of a tunnel in service. 展开更多
关键词 lined tunnel theoretical model surrounding rock mechanical property
Risk assessment model of tunnel water inrush based on improved attribute mathematical theory 被引量:9
作者 YANG Xiao-li ZHANG Sheng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期379-391,共13页
Tunnel water inrush is one of the common geological disasters in the underground engineering construction.In order to effectively evaluate and control the occurrence of water inrush,the risk assessment model of tunnel... Tunnel water inrush is one of the common geological disasters in the underground engineering construction.In order to effectively evaluate and control the occurrence of water inrush,the risk assessment model of tunnel water inrush was proposed based on improved attribute mathematical theory.The trigonometric functions were adopted to optimize the attribute mathematical theory,avoiding the influence of mutation points and linear variation zones in traditional linear measurement functions on the accuracy of the model.Based on comprehensive analysis of various factors,five parameters were selected as the evaluation indicators for the model,including tunnel head pressure,permeability coefficient of surrounding rock,crushing degree of surrounding rock,relative angle of joint plane and tunnel section size,under the principle of dimension rationality,independence,directness and quantification.The indicator classifications were determined.The links among measured data were analyzed in detail,and the objective weight of each indicator was determined by using similar weight method.Thereby the tunnel water inrush risk assessment model is established and applied in four target segments of two different tunnels in engineering.The evaluation results and the actual excavation data agree well,which indicates that the model is of high credibility and feasibility. 展开更多
关键词 tunnel water inrush risk assessment model attribute mathematical theory nonlinear measurement function similar weight method
Urban Green Space, Uneven Development and Accessibility: A Case of Dalian′s Xigang District 被引量:3
作者 YANG Jun LI Chuang +3 位作者 LI Yuechen XI Jianhao GE Quansheng LI Xueming 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期644-656,共13页
This study examines the socio-spatial context of uneven development and the residential accessibility of green space in Dalian of Liaoning Province, China. The social fairness was analyzed with a community scale as th... This study examines the socio-spatial context of uneven development and the residential accessibility of green space in Dalian of Liaoning Province, China. The social fairness was analyzed with a community scale as the basis. We combined social scientific methods with a GIS method using a behavior accessibility model from the perspectives of fairness of urban green space allocation based on social geography, geographic information science, management science and many other related discipline theories. The results show that: 1) Most of the urban green space distribution presents an unbalanced phenomenon, and it does not match with the population distribution; 2) We found some differences in the accessibility of the population with different attributes and opportunities to use and enjoy the urban green spaces, mainly due to: the dual social and spatial attributes of the residents and the serious stratum differentiation generated were the internal causes; the residential space differentiation and the pursuit of economic and real estate development were the direct causes; and unreasonable planning, in regard to the fact that government policies did not give consideration to efficiency and fairness, was also an important factor. 展开更多
关键词 behavior accessibility fairness of green space behavior accessibility model Xigang District of Dalian GIS
Attribute Disturbance of Knowledge and Attribute Disturbance Theorems 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG Guan-yu DU Ying-ling 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期574-581,共8页
By using the dynamic characteristic of one direction S-rough sets(one direction singular rough sets) and dual of one direction S-rough sets(dual of one direction singular rough sets), the concepts of attribute dis... By using the dynamic characteristic of one direction S-rough sets(one direction singular rough sets) and dual of one direction S-rough sets(dual of one direction singular rough sets), the concepts of attribute disturbance of knowledge, the attribute disturbance degree of knowledge, and the disturbance coefficient of knowledge are given. By employing these concepts, the cardinal order theorem of the attribute disturbance knowledge, the unit circle theorem of the attribute disturbance knowledge, and the discernible theorem of the attribute disturbance knowledge are presented. 展开更多
关键词 KNOWLEDGE attribute disturbance cardinal order theorem unit circle theorem knowledge discernment
Relationship between Physical and Chemical Soil Attributes and Plant Species Diversity in Tropical Mountain Ecosystems from Brazil 被引量:8
作者 Ferna de CARVALHO Edward Luis GODOY +4 位作者 Francy J. G. LISBOA Fatima Maria de Souza MOREIRA Francisco Adriano de SOUZA Ricardo Luis Louro BERBARA G Wilson FERNES 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期875-883,共9页
Although the high diversity of plant species in the rupestrian fields has been primarily attributed to the existence of a set of distinct habitats, few studies support this assertion. The present study aimed to furthe... Although the high diversity of plant species in the rupestrian fields has been primarily attributed to the existence of a set of distinct habitats, few studies support this assertion. The present study aimed to further investigate the relationship between physical and chemical attributes of soils with the diversity of plant species in this unique ecosystem. The rupestrian field is a unique vegetation formation that covers some of the southeastern Brazilian mountains in the transition of the Atlantic rain forest and the Cerrado(savanna). Different habitats occur according to soil characteristics(e.g., presence of rocks, sand, fertility, hydrology, etc.). These attributes ultimately influence the vegetation that is highly adapted to the harsh edaphic and climatic mountain conditions. Five distinct habitats were studied by us: rocky outcrops, peat bogs, sandy bogs, quartz gravel fields, and "cerrado"(savanna). A floristic survey indicated that four families are found at greater frequency: Poaceae, Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, and Leguminosae. The greatest diversity of plant species was found in the rocky outcrops habitat, followed by cerrado, peat bog, quartz gravel grassland, and sandy bogs, respectively. The main difference in the floristic composition among these habitats was related to the dominant species. Trachypogon spicatus(Poaceae) was the most dominant species in the rocky outcrops, Axonopus siccus(Poaceae) in the peat bogs, Lagenocarpus rigidus(Cyperaceae) in the sandy bogs, Schizachyrium tenerum(Poaceae) in the cerrado, while Vellozia sp. 8(Velloziaceae) dominated the vegetation in the quartz gravel grassland. This study demonstrated that physical and chemical soil properties strongly related the diversity of plant species occurring in the different habitats of rupestrian fields. 展开更多
关键词 Floristic diversity Plant-soilrelationships Espinhaqo Range BIODIVERSITY Mountain ecology Plant habitat
Cultivation Ages Effect on Soil Physicochemical Properties and Heavy Metal Accumulation in Greenhouse Soils 被引量:6
作者 WANG Jun MI Wenkui +3 位作者 SONG Peipei XIE Hui ZHU Lusheng WANG Jinhua 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期717-726,共10页
The intensive management practices in greenhouse production may alter the soil physicochemical properties and contribute to the accumulation of heavy metals(HMs). To determine the HM concentrations in vegetable soil i... The intensive management practices in greenhouse production may alter the soil physicochemical properties and contribute to the accumulation of heavy metals(HMs). To determine the HM concentrations in vegetable soil in relation to soil physicochemical properties and cultivation age, we conducted a soil survey for typical greenhouse soils in Shouguang, China. The results indicated that Cd is a major HM pollutant in the tested soils, as the only HM element exceeding the allowed limit for vegetable soil. The surveyed data was analyzed with regression analysis, correlation analysis and canonical correspondence analysis(CCA). A positive correlation is observed between HM pollution level and cultivation age. CCA results suggest that the HM pollution level and distribution in soil are significantly affected by soil physicochemical properties, which was a function of years of cultivation as revealed by regression analysis. In summary, cultivation age is an important factor to affect soil physicochemical properties(organic matter and inorganic nutrients) as well as HM contamination. 展开更多
关键词 heavy metal greenhouse soil cultivation age physicochemical property canonical correspondence analysis (CCA)
Modeling and Optimization of Relocation of Some Heavy Metals and Micro-nutrients in the Argan Trees
作者 Faez Abdullah Esmail Mohammed Rahma Bchitou +2 位作者 Jean Michel Roger Ahmed Bouhaouss Bernard Palagos 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第7期663-669,共7页
This work constitutes a contribution to the study of the physical-chemical performance of some heavy metals and micro-nutrients in the Argan trees. The samples are harvested from small Argan trees, three samples (soi... This work constitutes a contribution to the study of the physical-chemical performance of some heavy metals and micro-nutrients in the Argan trees. The samples are harvested from small Argan trees, three samples (soil, wood, leaves) per tree. The content of various heavy metals and micro-nutrient in aerial parts (leaves, wood and soil) were analyzed in the Argan tree by the method of ICP-ES. The results of analysis of data for the chemical variables were measured for several trees at different measurement times, do not affect the dispersion of the data. The use of chemometrics has allowed us to interpret the results obtained especially those related to the characterization of heavy metals and micro-nutrient after calibration by variable regression of these results in order to get an overall estimate of the optimal content, and to follow changes in the methods of treatment. The results of the characteristics of Argan trees have been treated using the statistical method of Principal Component Analysis (MFA), The MFA was used to analyze the three groups simultaneously. These groups are fairly similar. 展开更多
关键词 Heavy metals micro-nutrients argan trees principal component analysis MFA ICP-AES.
From electronic excited state theory to the property predictions of organic optoelectronic materials 被引量:4
作者 SHUAI ZhiGang XU Wei +1 位作者 PENG Qian GENG Hua 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期1277-1284,共8页
We introduce here a work package for a National Natural Science Foundation of China Major Project. We propose to develop computational methodology starting from the theory of electronic excitation processes to predict... We introduce here a work package for a National Natural Science Foundation of China Major Project. We propose to develop computational methodology starting from the theory of electronic excitation processes to predicting the opto-electronic property for organic materials, in close collaborations with experiments. Through developing methods for the electron dynamics, considering superexchange electronic couplings, spin-orbit coupling elements between excited states, electron-phonon relaxation, intermolecular Coulomb and exchange terms we combine the statistical physics approaches including dynamic Monte Carlo, Boltzmann transport equation and Boltzmann statistics to predict the macroscopic properties of opto-electronic materials such as light-emitting efficiency, charge mobility, and exciton diffusion length. Experimental synthesis and characterization of D-A type ambipolar transport material as well as novel carbon based material will provide a test ground for the verification of theory. 展开更多
关键词 electron dynamics methods statistical physics approaches light-emitting efficiency charge mobility exciton diffusion
Graphitized nanocarbon-supported metal catalysts:synthesis,properties,and applications in heterogeneous catalysis 被引量:2
作者 黄飞 刘洪阳 苏党生 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第12期1149-1167,共19页
Graphitized nanocarbon materials can be an ideal catalyst support for heterogeneous catalytic systems. Their unique physical and chemical properties, such as large surface area, high adsorption capacity, excellent the... Graphitized nanocarbon materials can be an ideal catalyst support for heterogeneous catalytic systems. Their unique physical and chemical properties, such as large surface area, high adsorption capacity, excellent thermal and mechanical stability, outstanding electronic properties, and tunable porosity, allow the anchoring and dispersion of the active metals. Therefore, currently they are used as the key support material in many catalytic processes. This review summarizes recent relevant applications in supported catalysts that use graphitized nanocarbon as supports for catalytic oxidation, hydrogenation, dehydrogenation, and C-C coupling reactions in liquid-phase and gas-solid phase-reaction systems. The latest developments in specific features derived from the morphology and characteristics of graphitized na- nocarbon-supported metal catalysts are highlighted, as well as the differences in the catalytic behavior of graphitized nano- carbon-supported metal catalysts versus other related cata- lysts. The scientific challenges and opportunities in this field are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 nanocarbon materials graphitized carbon supports metal catalysts hetergeneous catalysis
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