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作者 阮航 《伦理学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期61-70,共10页
孟子的“仁”“义”观念分别指示出美德的根源以及美德行为的呈现,以此为核心的孟子式美德伦理学的基本理路有三:一是美德是人类特有且应有的生活方式;二是诸美德各有其特定的道德含义,并构成具有层次和结构的美德体系;三是美德应该依... 孟子的“仁”“义”观念分别指示出美德的根源以及美德行为的呈现,以此为核心的孟子式美德伦理学的基本理路有三:一是美德是人类特有且应有的生活方式;二是诸美德各有其特定的道德含义,并构成具有层次和结构的美德体系;三是美德应该依次呈现于家庭、社会和政治生活,并发挥基础性作用。其美德概念可以回应三方面的问题,即美德的约束力、美德的驱动力、美德的实现问题。其特点主要有其作为美德学说的整全性,其思想实验与对直觉的诉诸,以及其明确的元伦理维度。作为一种传统理论,孟子式美德伦理学要转化为当代形态,有待解决的主要问题在于其元伦理维度包含的形而上学独断因素。对于其理论的独断因素,可以有三条化解路径,即康德式路径、当代道德心理学的路径、反思平衡的方法;对其现实基础性美德即“孝”蕴含的独断因素,可以从两个方面入手来化解,一是回到孔子的相关观点,二是借鉴当代伦理学对美德如何始于家庭的道德心理学解释。 展开更多
关键词 孟子美德伦理学 理路 问题
《天君衍义》的理念式叙事 被引量:2
作者 金健人 陈辉 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第3期13-20,共8页
《天君衍义》作为韩国“天君”小说的代表作 ,其叙事特点是情节故事依凭理念图式展开 ,其理念图式的核心内容就是程朱理学的社会理想和伦理观念 ,基本冲突就是“天理”与“人欲”的矛盾纠葛。这不仅与中国性理学思想存在着直接的渊源关... 《天君衍义》作为韩国“天君”小说的代表作 ,其叙事特点是情节故事依凭理念图式展开 ,其理念图式的核心内容就是程朱理学的社会理想和伦理观念 ,基本冲突就是“天理”与“人欲”的矛盾纠葛。这不仅与中国性理学思想存在着直接的渊源关系 。 展开更多
关键词 天君小说 理念叙事 理学 心理结构
论管理学的科学属性和学科属性之争——基于科学知识生产的视角 被引量:1
作者 杨栋 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第9期40-45,共6页
从科学学理论与管理学科学化相关的角度,对管理学科学属性之争进行了回顾。揭示了"管理学是科学还是艺术"、"管理学是自然科学还是社会科学"等命题的意义及其在哲学前提方面的局限性,提出了从科学知识生产方式视角... 从科学学理论与管理学科学化相关的角度,对管理学科学属性之争进行了回顾。揭示了"管理学是科学还是艺术"、"管理学是自然科学还是社会科学"等命题的意义及其在哲学前提方面的局限性,提出了从科学知识生产方式视角进行管理学科学属性、学科属性讨论的可行性。认为推动管理学由"学院式科学"向"后学院式科学"演进,应成为推进管理学学科建设的视角之一。提升管理学者的科学学素养,提倡管理学与科学学的交叉研究,是推进管理学创新的重要前提之一。 展开更多
关键词 理学 科学学 知识生产方 学院理学 后学院理学
康德、元伦理学与后果论 被引量:1
作者 范志均 刘建娥 《东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2019年第4期14-23,146,共11页
当代功利主义者或后果论者从元伦理学来论证康德主义与功利主义或后果论是相容的,而如果我们从规范伦理学来论证康德主义与功利主义或后果论是不相容的,这并不是对他们的反驳。但是即使从元伦理学来看,康德主义与直接后果论也是不相容的... 当代功利主义者或后果论者从元伦理学来论证康德主义与功利主义或后果论是相容的,而如果我们从规范伦理学来论证康德主义与功利主义或后果论是不相容的,这并不是对他们的反驳。但是即使从元伦理学来看,康德主义与直接后果论也是不相容的,而与一种间接后果论,即配得幸福论或应得后果论是相容的。康德不是直接的后果论者,而是直接的义务论者,而直接的义务论与间接的后果论是可以相容的,康德作为直接的义务论者能够同时是间接的应得后果论者。 展开更多
关键词 康德元伦理学 建构主义 应得后果论
作者 李伏一 肖兰凤 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2024年第5期160-164,共5页
目的探讨家属协同干预在抗磷脂综合征(APS)合并妊娠患者中的应用效果。方法选择2020年1月至2022年12月内蒙古医科大学附属医院收治的100例APS合并妊娠患者,根据随机数字表法将其分为甲组和乙组,每组50例。甲组予以常规护理,乙组在甲组... 目的探讨家属协同干预在抗磷脂综合征(APS)合并妊娠患者中的应用效果。方法选择2020年1月至2022年12月内蒙古医科大学附属医院收治的100例APS合并妊娠患者,根据随机数字表法将其分为甲组和乙组,每组50例。甲组予以常规护理,乙组在甲组基础上行家属协同干预。观察两组干预前后情绪状态、自我护理能力、服药依从性及妊娠并发症发生情况。结果干预后,两组正性负性情绪量表中正性情绪评分高于干预前,负性情绪评分低于干预前,且乙组正性情绪评分高于甲组,负性情绪评分低于甲组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);干预后,两组自我护理能力测定量表及中文版8条目Morisky服药依从性量表评分均高于干预前,且乙组高于甲组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论家属协同干预可改善APS妊娠者情绪状态、自我护理能力及用药依从性,并可减少其他妊娠并发症。 展开更多
关键词 抗磷脂综合征 妊娠 家属协同干预 服药依从性 并发症
作者 陈来 《北京行政学院学报》 CSSCI 2004年第2期78-82,共5页
四、存神尽性 以上所论是<正蒙注>的心性论观点,现在来看<正蒙注>存神尽性的功夫论.船山在对<正蒙>的太和篇的解释中,在许多横渠论天道的地方都转向了人道的解释,如他在对<正蒙>"不如野马纲缊,不足谓之太... 四、存神尽性 以上所论是<正蒙注>的心性论观点,现在来看<正蒙注>存神尽性的功夫论.船山在对<正蒙>的太和篇的解释中,在许多横渠论天道的地方都转向了人道的解释,如他在对<正蒙>"不如野马纲缊,不足谓之太和"的解释中,便特别提出,人生的理想境界是"肖太和之本体":此言体道者不于物感未交、喜怒哀乐未倚之中,合气于神,合神于性,以健顺五常之理融会于清通,生气变化而有滞有息,则不足以肖太和之本体,而用亦不足以行矣.(太和)[42] 展开更多
关键词 王船山 《正蒙注》 存神尽性论 理学式 道学 道德修养
作者 藏策 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第6期63-68,共6页
小说集《遥远的祖父》,收入了学者作家汤吉夫先生上至20世纪80年代,下至本世纪初的许多重要作品。在这些题材不同、风格迥异的作品中,我们可以清楚地看到汤先生这些年来在小说创作道路上孜孜不倦的辛勤探索。汤氏小说的最大特点,就是其... 小说集《遥远的祖父》,收入了学者作家汤吉夫先生上至20世纪80年代,下至本世纪初的许多重要作品。在这些题材不同、风格迥异的作品中,我们可以清楚地看到汤先生这些年来在小说创作道路上孜孜不倦的辛勤探索。汤氏小说的最大特点,就是其人格特征已成为其文本构成的一部分了。汤氏小说的立足点,是来自一个独立知识分子的独立思考,而与那种充当着主流意识形态布道者的所谓"介入生活",是根本对立的。就小说的心理类型而言,汤氏小说无疑是属于荣格所说的"心理学式"的。阅读汤先生的小说,我们会每时每刻都感受到那种极为强烈的人文关怀。 展开更多
关键词 《遥远的祖父》 人格特征 理学式 人文关怀
Constructivism and bilingual education
作者 顾赤 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第8期15-18,共4页
Bilingual education is one of Chinese education directions in the 21st century. And constructivism is the educational foundation of bilingual education. This paper presents a study of teaching theory and the pattern o... Bilingual education is one of Chinese education directions in the 21st century. And constructivism is the educational foundation of bilingual education. This paper presents a study of teaching theory and the pattern of bilingual education. The current situation and the development of bilingual education are discussed as well. 展开更多
关键词 CONSTRUCTIVISM bilingual teaching education theory teaching pattern
The necessary humanistic embodiment in the philosophy, theory and mode of College English teaching
作者 彭元峰 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第12期1-4,共4页
Along with development of China's popular education, the embodiment of humanistic education is the natural and inevitable requirement of higher education after its transition from elite to popular education to ensure... Along with development of China's popular education, the embodiment of humanistic education is the natural and inevitable requirement of higher education after its transition from elite to popular education to ensure a good quality and a higher level. English teaching is indispensable due to the uniqueness of Chinese language and culture, and our open policy. College English teaching has become an extremely important platform, different from most other countries, to train talents. And to train talents is not only to train for the English language speakers or to be just certain technicians. This article will, from aspects of teaching philosophy, theory and mode, give a preliminary probe into the reasons why humanistic education should show itself up in all segments of college English teaching and how to show up. And it is expected to use the little to get the big. 展开更多
关键词 humanistic embodiment teaching philosophy MODE design assessment
区域经济背景下区域空间发展规划比较研究 被引量:1
作者 唐乐 叶艳峰 《淮阴工学院学报》 CAS 2014年第5期69-73,共5页
区域经济的增长是区域、城市空间发展的基础,区域空间发展规划是推动区域经济增长和区域、城市空间发展的主要措施。基于传统欧几里德式空间地理学与新关系地理学之间的区别,建立比较模型,分析研究欧洲空间发展展望和珠江三角洲区域空... 区域经济的增长是区域、城市空间发展的基础,区域空间发展规划是推动区域经济增长和区域、城市空间发展的主要措施。基于传统欧几里德式空间地理学与新关系地理学之间的区别,建立比较模型,分析研究欧洲空间发展展望和珠江三角洲区域空间发展规划,对比研究两个空间规划中所运用的空间地理学理论及核心概念的特征。当代高速的物质流和信息流使得区域、城市空间的联系不只依赖客观相邻性,传统欧几里德式空间地理学指导下的空间发展规划与现实脱节,中国空间发展规划中运用理论应趋于新关系地理学。 展开更多
关键词 区域经济 区域空间规划 欧几里德空间地理学 新关系地理学 多核心发展
作者 徐凤林 《社会科学战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期19-23,共5页
在当今哲学伦理学面临应用伦理学严峻挑战的形势下,俄国哲学家古谢伊诺夫认为应用伦理学不能容纳全部道德问题,强调哲学的立场和方法对伦理学的必要性。他提出现代哲学伦理学的任务是试图在人的活动里找到一个完全由人自己来创造和支配... 在当今哲学伦理学面临应用伦理学严峻挑战的形势下,俄国哲学家古谢伊诺夫认为应用伦理学不能容纳全部道德问题,强调哲学的立场和方法对伦理学的必要性。他提出现代哲学伦理学的任务是试图在人的活动里找到一个完全由人自己来创造和支配的自由空间,这就是道德行为领域;这个领域的核心问题是"我应该不做什么",这种"否定式伦理学"比肯定式伦理学具有更大的道德实践意义。 展开更多
关键词 哲学伦理学 应用伦理学 道德行为 否定理学
On the mode of CRI English assisting college English teaching
作者 纪鸿 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第5期70-73,共4页
The English News of CRI possesses many advantages such as abundance of information and being easily accessible for English learners within the mainland of China. Unfortunately, it has been ignored by most teachers of ... The English News of CRI possesses many advantages such as abundance of information and being easily accessible for English learners within the mainland of China. Unfortunately, it has been ignored by most teachers of English and students. Based on the input hypothesis, affective filter hypothesis and schemata theory, this paper probes the mode of CRI English assisting English teaching in college. 展开更多
关键词 input hypothesis affective filter hypothesis schemata CRI listening teaching
Some New Solutions of Jacobi Elliptic Functions to mBBM Equation 被引量:2
作者 GONG Lun-Xun PAN Jun-Ting 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5X期787-790,共4页
The modified mapping method is further improved by the expanded expression of u(ξ) that contains the terms of the first-order derivative of function f(ξ). Some new exact solutions to the mBBM equation are determ... The modified mapping method is further improved by the expanded expression of u(ξ) that contains the terms of the first-order derivative of function f(ξ). Some new exact solutions to the mBBM equation are determined by means of the method. We can obtain many new solutions in terms of the Jacobi elliptic functions of the equation. 展开更多
关键词 further improved modified mapping method traveling wave solutions Jacobi elliptic functions
Controlled Secure Quantum Dialogue Using a Pure Entangled GHZ States 被引量:9
作者 XIA Yan SONG Jie NIE Jing SONG He-Shan 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5X期841-846,共6页
We present a controlled secure quantum dialogue protocol using a non-maximally (pure) entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeibinger (GHZ) states at first, and then discuss the requirements for a real quantum dialogue. We ... We present a controlled secure quantum dialogue protocol using a non-maximally (pure) entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeibinger (GHZ) states at first, and then discuss the requirements for a real quantum dialogue. We show that the authorized two users can exchange their secret messages after purifying the non-maximally entangled GHZ states quantum channel unconditionally securely and simultaneously under the control of a third party. 展开更多
关键词 controlled secure quantum dialogue EAVESDROPPER non-maximally entangled GHZ state
Operationalizing physical literacy through sport education 被引量:9
作者 Peter A.Hastie Tristan L.Wallhead 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期132-138,共7页
Physical literacy (PL), as embodied within physical education (PE), has been vaunted as having increasing importance as a disposition for students of all abilities to establish lifelong adherence to physical activ... Physical literacy (PL), as embodied within physical education (PE), has been vaunted as having increasing importance as a disposition for students of all abilities to establish lifelong adherence to physical activity. The purpose of this paper was to provide a discussion of how the pedagogical features of a contemporary pedagogical model, Sport Education (SE), may be used to operationalize PL in PE and what empirical evidence currently exists to validate this claim. Substantial empirical evidence exists that the attributes associated with the development of PL (Whitehead, 2010) can be operationalized in PE with the effective implementation of the model. SE has distinct pedagogical features which positively contribute to many of the dimensions of PL and can further an individuals' journey towards greater PL and having an embodied self within PE. That stated, there remains concern that the context for this embodiment remains too narrow to be viewed as a panacea for the development of lifelong physical activity. SE must be developed as a connective specialism if these PL attributes are to transform the motivation and confidence for individuals to capitalize on their innate physical potential and make a more significant contribution to the quality of life. 展开更多
关键词 Pedagogical models Physical education Physical literary Sport education
A model to facilitate transformative learning in nursing education 被引量:2
作者 Tebogo A.Tsimane Charlene Downing 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第3期269-276,共8页
Objective:Transformative learning is a learner-centered process of learning.Learners are actively engaged through critical reflection and discourse to question assumptions and expectations.The purpose of this article ... Objective:Transformative learning is a learner-centered process of learning.Learners are actively engaged through critical reflection and discourse to question assumptions and expectations.The purpose of this article is to describe a model to facilitate transformative learning in nursing education.Methods:A qualitative,exploratory,descriptive and contextual design for theory generation was selected in this study to describe a model to facilitate transformative learning in nursing education.Concept analysis of transformative learning was done in the first stage of the main study using Walker and Avant's eight step approach to clarify the conceptual identification and meaning.The results of concept analysis guided data collection in the second stage.Eleven individual agenda semi-structured interviews were conducted with nurse educators to explore and describe their perceptions regarding how transformative learning can be facilitated in nursing education.Matrix building approach was used to analyse the collected data.The third stage constituted the conceptualisation of findings from the second stage using relevant literature within the elements of practice theory.The fourth stage focused on the description and evaluation of a model to facilitate transformative learning in nursing education.Findings:Four themes and nine sub-themes emerged and were conceptualised within the six elements of practice theory namely the context,agent,recipient,dynamic,process and procedure and outcome.Conclusion:The relation statements provided the basis for model description.Reliable method was used to describe and evaluate the model.The refinement of the model by experts in model development andqualitative research was made. 展开更多
关键词 LEARNING MOTIVATION Nursing faculty Nursing education Transformative learning
The Universal Grand Unified Theory Based on Life and Thought 被引量:1
作者 Jinzhong Yan 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2015年第2期147-157,共11页
The universe is life, which includes galaxies, living beings, society and man-made worlds. The universe is unified in life and thought. The universal grand unified theory is a theory to completely unify all phenomena ... The universe is life, which includes galaxies, living beings, society and man-made worlds. The universe is unified in life and thought. The universal grand unified theory is a theory to completely unify all phenomena in the universe with a fundamental mode (structural mode, operational mode, generation mode and evolution mode). The book of changes of China: The great ultimate - two states - four images - eight hexagrams are life science and thought science theories, which represent the fundamental mode of universal unification, i.e. represent l) structural mode, operational mode, generation mode and evolution mode of life; 2) the four states that life has simultaneously: 0 dimension, ] dimension, 2 dimension, 3 dimension, and these four states have different structural and operational modes respectively; 3) the breathing and four seasonal trajectories of celestial bodies; 4) three generation modes of life: generation by transformation, generation by augmentation, and self-generation; 5) five dynamics systems inside life; 6) the sublimation and degration of life in the universe, the unification of religion and science; 7) the classification mode of the universal being; 8) the derivation mode of life; 9) the transformation between different forms of life in the universe; 10) the unification of six grand forces in the universe. All life systems in the universe: galaxy, organism, society, man-made worlds as well as cognitive science, natural science, social science are all in conform with the mode of the book of changes. 展开更多
关键词 The book of changes LIFE THOUGHT UNIVERSE grand unified theory.
Framework of Pattern Recognition Model Based on the Cognitive Psychology 被引量:2
作者 WANG Shugen 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2002年第2期74-78,共5页
According to the fundamental theory of visual cognition mechanism and cognitive psychology,the visual pattern recognition model is introduced briefly.Three pattern recognition models,i.e.template_based matching model,... According to the fundamental theory of visual cognition mechanism and cognitive psychology,the visual pattern recognition model is introduced briefly.Three pattern recognition models,i.e.template_based matching model,prototype_based matching model and feature_based matching model are built and discussed separately.In addition,the influence of object background information and visual focus point to the result of pattern recognition is also discussed with the example of recognition for fuzzy letters and figures 展开更多
关键词 PERCEPTION perception processing cognitive psychology pattern recognition superiority effect
Insight of schema theory into interpretation practice
作者 LIU Bing YU Xu-yan LIN Yu 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第10期13-16,21,共5页
Schema is an important concept in cognitive psychology, referring to how different types of information are connected in our brain, and the process of activating stored information. In view of modern schema theory, th... Schema is an important concept in cognitive psychology, referring to how different types of information are connected in our brain, and the process of activating stored information. In view of modern schema theory, this paper focuses on its application in the three stages of interpretation practice. Schema plays a role in preparation before interpretation, which includes enhancing the interpreter's linguistic competence, and enlarging his storage of background information; schema influences performance during interpretation in terms of comprehension and note-taking; summary after interpretation is to supplement original schema. With the guidance of schema theory, interpretation practice can be carried out in an effective way. 展开更多
关键词 schema theory interpretation practice cognitive psychology professional qualification
Convolution Theorem of Fractional Fourier Transformation Derived by Representation Transformation in Quantum Mechancis 被引量:1
作者 FAN Hong-Yi HAO Ren LU Hai-Liang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第9期611-614,共4页
Based on our previous paper (Commun.Theor.Phys.39 (2003) 417) we derive the convolution theoremof fractional Fourier transformation in the context of quantum mechanics,which seems a convenient and neat way.Generalizat... Based on our previous paper (Commun.Theor.Phys.39 (2003) 417) we derive the convolution theoremof fractional Fourier transformation in the context of quantum mechanics,which seems a convenient and neat way.Generalization of this method to the complex fractional Fourier transformation case is also possible. 展开更多
关键词 fractional Fourier transformation convolution theorem quantum mechanical representation transform
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