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作者 胥彬 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期680-681,共2页
今年中国药理学会成立30周年,是我们药理学工作者大喜的日子。张永祥教授邀我写一篇纪念性短文,十分激动。由于篇幅限制,仅对我国3位前辈药理学家在药理学会的早期建立和发展中所做的一些贡献,以及他们对我在学会工作中的影响作简略回顾... 今年中国药理学会成立30周年,是我们药理学工作者大喜的日子。张永祥教授邀我写一篇纪念性短文,十分激动。由于篇幅限制,仅对我国3位前辈药理学家在药理学会的早期建立和发展中所做的一些贡献,以及他们对我在学会工作中的影响作简略回顾,以表达我的感恩之情,并对学会成立30周年表示况贺! 展开更多
关键词 学家 中国药学会 理学界 张永祥 篇幅限制 张昌绍 抗癌药物 周金黄 周廷冲 感恩之情
外科术后孤立性小腿深静脉血栓的易患因素分析及临床护理 被引量:2
作者 师红霞 夏国兵 《山西医药杂志》 CAS 2014年第20期2461-2462,共2页
下肢深静脉血栓(deep-vein thrombosis,DVT)是外科术后常见的并发症,由于其可能导致肺栓塞而威胁患者的生命,从而引起临床及护理学界的广泛重视,研究已经表明早期护理干预,有助于预防DVT的发生,有助于临床早期发现、早期诊断DVT[1],... 下肢深静脉血栓(deep-vein thrombosis,DVT)是外科术后常见的并发症,由于其可能导致肺栓塞而威胁患者的生命,从而引起临床及护理学界的广泛重视,研究已经表明早期护理干预,有助于预防DVT的发生,有助于临床早期发现、早期诊断DVT[1],然而孤立性小腿深静脉血栓(isolated distal deep-vein thrombosis,IDDVT)的早期护理干预研究尚少见,本文回顾性分析了24例经临床确诊的IDDVT患者临床及护理资料,目的是进一步提高临床护理人员对这一疾病的认识,协助临床早期诊断IDDVT并及时进行护理干预,从而改善患者的预后。 展开更多
关键词 小腿深静脉 外科术 肺栓塞 DISTAL 临床护 早期护干预 理学界 因素分析 抗凝溶栓治疗 功能锻炼
作者 曾繁典 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期684-685,共2页
弹指间,中国药理学会已至而立之年。这30年,正是我国药理学事业快速发展时期,是我国药理学工作者迅速成长的黄金时期,也是我国药理学界广泛开展国际学术交流、全面提升中国药理学在国际学术领域影响的重要时期。中国药理学会作为全国药... 弹指间,中国药理学会已至而立之年。这30年,正是我国药理学事业快速发展时期,是我国药理学工作者迅速成长的黄金时期,也是我国药理学界广泛开展国际学术交流、全面提升中国药理学在国际学术领域影响的重要时期。中国药理学会作为全国药理学工作者之家,发挥着十分重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 中国药学会 学术交流 学家 临床药 理学界 学杂志 学术会议 药物流行病学 中国药学通报 名誉主编
作者 姚莹莹 车丽萍 《校园心理》 2016年第2期111-113,共3页
关于儿童期的界定,生理学界大致有4种看法:始于出生时、始于概念(怀孕母亲对儿童的概念)、始于胎动初觉、始于婴儿期结束后。广义的界定,泛指法定成人年龄以下;心理学界将下限界定在儿童期或少年期[1]。教育辞典、当代西方心理学新... 关于儿童期的界定,生理学界大致有4种看法:始于出生时、始于概念(怀孕母亲对儿童的概念)、始于胎动初觉、始于婴儿期结束后。广义的界定,泛指法定成人年龄以下;心理学界将下限界定在儿童期或少年期[1]。教育辞典、当代西方心理学新词典则指出儿童期一般为6~12岁之间,又称学龄初期或小学期。由此可见,儿童期广义上是个体从出生到青春期,狭义上指6~12岁之间。 展开更多
关键词 教育辞典 人格教育 童期 西方心 理学界 元认知意识 少年期 正确归因 自我意识 智力因素
清末民初心理学译著出版中的若干问题 被引量:6
作者 马文驹 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1984年第1期39-46,共8页
一、“第一部汉文写的西洋心理学”是哪一本心理学界老前辈张耀翔教授在1941年写的《中国心理学的发展史略》一文中曾写道:“第一部汉文写的西洋心理学是江苏师范编的心理学,江苏宁属学务处出版,时在光绪32年(1906年)。”华东师大图书... 一、“第一部汉文写的西洋心理学”是哪一本心理学界老前辈张耀翔教授在1941年写的《中国心理学的发展史略》一文中曾写道:“第一部汉文写的西洋心理学是江苏师范编的心理学,江苏宁属学务处出版,时在光绪32年(1906年)。”华东师大图书馆现藏有一本光绪31年(1905年)出版的《心理学》又名《教育的心理学》,编辑者湖北师范生,具体署名:陈邦镇、范维藩、郭肇明、胡鹏翥、傅廷春合编。 展开更多
关键词 学教学 中国心 华东师大图书馆 学务处 学者 张耀翔 理学界 胡鹏 编辑者 学课程
作者 姬兴斌 《新疆教育学院学报》 1988年第2期66-70,共5页
心理发展动力问题,我国心理学界进行了长期的讨论。现在我国心理学界多数人认为:环境和教育向儿童提出的要求和儿童心理发展水平之间的矛盾,是儿童心理发展的内部矛盾,亦即心理发展的动力。有的同志对这个观点提出疑议,并提出了他们自... 心理发展动力问题,我国心理学界进行了长期的讨论。现在我国心理学界多数人认为:环境和教育向儿童提出的要求和儿童心理发展水平之间的矛盾,是儿童心理发展的内部矛盾,亦即心理发展的动力。有的同志对这个观点提出疑议,并提出了他们自己的观点,但至今仍未取得一致的意见。 苏联柳布林斯卡娅心理发展动力观点,对苏联和我同心理学界都有很大影响。 展开更多
关键词 发展 布林 动力问题 理学界 现象 疑议 生命运动 人类社会 马列主义 客观物质世界
作者 包定元 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期683-683,共1页
首先,我以极喜悦的心情热烈祝贺中国药理学会成立30周年!中国药理学会的成立,是由我国药理学界著名和知名的老一辈药理学先导药理学家,经较长时期的、以坚韧的精神不断地努力而实现的。在庆祝中国药理学会成立30周年之际,对他(她)们... 首先,我以极喜悦的心情热烈祝贺中国药理学会成立30周年!中国药理学会的成立,是由我国药理学界著名和知名的老一辈药理学先导药理学家,经较长时期的、以坚韧的精神不断地努力而实现的。在庆祝中国药理学会成立30周年之际,对他(她)们的功绩是万不可忘怀的,深深地感谢他(她)们,亦是我对他(她)们的万分钦佩、尊重和敬意。我们中国药理学会自成立以来开展了卓有成效的工作。我的体会与感想是: 展开更多
关键词 中国药学会 学家 理学界 学术交流 万不可 论文报告会 学杂志 华西医科大学 学术专业 内部交流
《华中科技大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第S1期66-66,共1页
博尔特博士(Dr.HM Bolt)系德国多特蒙德大学劳动生理学研究所所长、教授,现年48岁,在吸入毒理学及遗传毒理学方面具有很高造诣,在欧洲乃至国际毒理学界享有盛誉。1990年7月,博尔特教授应邀前来参加与我校职业医学研究所所长张国高教授... 博尔特博士(Dr.HM Bolt)系德国多特蒙德大学劳动生理学研究所所长、教授,现年48岁,在吸入毒理学及遗传毒理学方面具有很高造诣,在欧洲乃至国际毒理学界享有盛誉。1990年7月,博尔特教授应邀前来参加与我校职业医学研究所所长张国高教授联合培养博士生徐代根的论文答辩会。 展开更多
关键词 博尔特 联合培养博士 吸入毒 劳动生 高教授 理学界 论文答辩 同济医科大学 医学研究所 多特蒙德
孜孜不倦 勇于进取 努力奉献——深切悼念侯宗濂同志
作者 陈学俊 《民主与科学》 1992年第4期27-28,共2页
关键词 侯宗濂 全国政协会议 陕西省委 副主任 研究生指导教师 人大会议 理学界 政治协商 科学 西安医科大学
《广州医学院学报》 1989年第1期5-5,共1页
中华医学会广州分会病理学会成立大会于1989年1月7日在广州医学院召开。中华医学会广州分会会长,广州医学院院长林道平;中华医学会广州分会副会长,广州市卫生局副局长叶国雄,中华医学会广州分会副秘书长宋朗明、刘惠芬,中华医学会广东... 中华医学会广州分会病理学会成立大会于1989年1月7日在广州医学院召开。中华医学会广州分会会长,广州医学院院长林道平;中华医学会广州分会副会长,广州市卫生局副局长叶国雄,中华医学会广州分会副秘书长宋朗明、刘惠芬,中华医学会广东病理学会副理事长出席大会并讲话表示祝贺。广医病理学教研室李烈教授当选为首届委员会主任。广州病理学会的成立,对加强广州病理学界的联系,促进本市病理工作和发展对外交流,都会起到重要作用。中华医学会广州分会首届病理学术年会于1989年4月1日在广州医学院召开。病理学会主任李烈教授主持了大会并致开幕词,中华医学会广州分会副秘书长宋朗明、刘惠芬、中华医学会广东病理学会副理事长古建鼎、侯双风出席大会并讲话表示祝贺。 展开更多
关键词 广州医学院 中华医学会 学会 卫生局副局长 李烈 惠芬 林道 学会副事长 医学院院长 理学界
Primary Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of the Thymus: A Case Report and Literature Review 被引量:3
作者 Yingai Yin Haizhen Lu 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2017年第3期201-203,共3页
THYMIC carcinoma is a rare malignant tumor, but the most common malignant tumor of the ante-rior mediastinum. According to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) classification, primary thymic carcinoma has a va... THYMIC carcinoma is a rare malignant tumor, but the most common malignant tumor of the ante-rior mediastinum. According to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) classification, primary thymic carcinoma has a variety of histological types, mainly including squamous cell, basaloid, mucoepidermoid,lymphoepithelioma-like, sarcomatoid, clear cell and neuro-endocrine carcinomas, and papillary adenocarcinoma.1-4 Thymic mucinous adenocarcinoma was discovered in re-cent years, and only 10 cases were reported. In this paper, we described a case of thymic mucinous adenocarcinoma, the histopathological findings and immunohistochemical results. 展开更多
关键词 primary adenocarcinoma thymic carcinoma MUCINOUS IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY
The Second Source of the Force
作者 Dongkai Li 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第9期469-470,共2页
From the physical science, we know the force comes from the reaction between at least two objects. But, in the reality world, we can see some kind force of an existence does not come from outside. For instance, when a... From the physical science, we know the force comes from the reaction between at least two objects. But, in the reality world, we can see some kind force of an existence does not come from outside. For instance, when a person takes the action such as speaking, movement of arms, we cannot see any force loaded from outside of this person. Then, here is the question: Where does this kind of force come from? This paper is to demonstrate to prove that there is the second source of force, which comes from internal of a kind of object. 展开更多
Carcinoma of the gastroesophageal junction in Chinese patients 被引量:12
作者 Qin Huang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第48期7134-7140,共7页
Carcinoma of the gastroesophageal junction(GEJ) is defined as carcinoma that crosses the GEJ line,irrespective of where the tumor epicenter is located.This group of cancer is rare but controversial.Based on study resu... Carcinoma of the gastroesophageal junction(GEJ) is defined as carcinoma that crosses the GEJ line,irrespective of where the tumor epicenter is located.This group of cancer is rare but controversial.Based on study results from the majority of epidemiologic and clinicopathologic investigations carried out in Western countries,this cancer is believed to arise from Barrett's esophagus(BE) and includes both distal esophageal and proximal gastric carcinomas because of similar characteristics in epidemiology,clinicopathology,and molecular pathobiology in relation to BE.As such,the most recent American Joint Committee on Cancer staging manual requires staging all GEJ carcinomas with the rule for esophageal adenocarcinoma(EA).This mandate has been challenged recently by the data from several studies carried out mainly in Chinese patients.The emerging evidence derivedfrom those studies suggests:(1) both BE and EA are uncommon in the Chinese population;(2) almost all GEJ cancers in Chinese arise in the proximal stomach and show the features of proximal gastric cancer,not those of EA;(3) application of the new cancer staging rule to GEJ cancer of Chinese patients cannot stratify patients' prognosis effectively;and(4) prognostic factors of GEJ cancer in Chinese are similar,but not identical,to those of EA.In conclusion,the recent evidence suggests that GEJ cancer in Chinese shows distinct clinicopathologic characteristics that are different from EA.Further investigations in molecular pathology may help illustrate the underlying pathogenesis mechanisms of this cancer in Chinese patients and better manage patients with this fatal disease. 展开更多
关键词 Esophagus Stomach Cancer Gastroesophageal junction Staging Barrett's esophagus
The Mechanism of Interfacial Mass Transfer in Gas Absorption Process 被引量:2
作者 马友光 冯惠生 +1 位作者 徐世昌 余国琮 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第2期227-230,共4页
Based on the method of molecular thermodynamics, the mass transfer mechanism at gas-liquid interface is studied theoretically, and a new mathematical model is proposed. Using laser holographic interference technique, ... Based on the method of molecular thermodynamics, the mass transfer mechanism at gas-liquid interface is studied theoretically, and a new mathematical model is proposed. Using laser holographic interference technique, the hydrodynamics and mass transfer characteristics of CO2 absorption are measured. It is shown that the calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 laser holographic interference mass transfer gas-liquid interface ABSORPTION
The Limit to the Liberty of Expression in the Western World from the Perspective of Jurisprudence
作者 Xiaochen MA 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期42-43,共2页
The liberty of expression is one of the most important values in the human society, and a tolerant, unconstrained social atmosphere can provide personal development with a healthy and harmonious environment. Since the... The liberty of expression is one of the most important values in the human society, and a tolerant, unconstrained social atmosphere can provide personal development with a healthy and harmonious environment. Since the modern times, the liberty of expression has been gradually deemed by academic circles and all walks of life as a basic human right, and also has been fixed as a basic right of citizens through the legal form. The purpose of this paper is to clearly analyze the kernel and value of the liberty of expression through a historical review, so as to specifically sort out the development course of the liberty of expression and also excavate its implied meanings. In addition, the embodiment of the liberty of expression in both theory and practice since the modern times is analyzed around the limit theory of the liberty of expression, and then the opinions of the author are drawn up. Thus, some new ideas and views are provided for the future development of the liberty of expression from a new perspective. 展开更多
关键词 Jurisprndence the Liberty of Expression Limit Theory
Shale gas exploitation with supercritical CO_2 technology 被引量:5
作者 Wang Haizhu Shen Zhonghou +2 位作者 Li Gensheng Tian Shouceng Cheng Yuxiong 《Engineering Sciences》 2012年第4期12-15,42,共5页
This paper analyzes the physicochemical properties of supercritical C02, the characteristic of shale gas and shale gas reservoirs. The technologies of drilling, production, fracturing using the supercritical CO2 in sh... This paper analyzes the physicochemical properties of supercritical C02, the characteristic of shale gas and shale gas reservoirs. The technologies of drilling, production, fracturing using the supercritical CO2 in shale gas explo- ration are proposed, to increase the penetration rate, decrease the damage to formation while fracturing, and enhance the recovery of shale gas. It is believed that the huge economic benefits of shale gas exploration with the supercritical CO2 fluid will be obtained, and it also can initiate a new technology field of CO2 in the petroleum engineering. 展开更多
关键词 shale gas exploration supereritical CO2 DRILLING
Plasmablastic lymphoma of the small intestine:Case report and literature review 被引量:3
作者 Hong-Wei Wang Wen Yang +3 位作者 Jun-Zhong Sun Jiang-Yang Lu Min Li Lin Sun 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第45期6677-6681,共5页
Plasmablastic lymphoma(PBL) is a rare aggressive B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder,which has been characterized by the World Health Organization as a new entity.Although PBL is most commonly seen in the oral cavity ... Plasmablastic lymphoma(PBL) is a rare aggressive B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder,which has been characterized by the World Health Organization as a new entity.Although PBL is most commonly seen in the oral cavity of human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)-positive patients,it can also be seen in extraoral sites in immunocompromised patients who are HIV-negative.Here we present a rare case of PBL of the small intestine in a 55-year-old HIV-negative male.Histopathological examination of the excisional lesion showed a large cell lymphoma with plasmacytic differentiation diffusely infiltrating the small intestine and involving the surrounding organs.The neoplastic cells were diffusely positive for CD79a,CD138 and CD10 and partly positive for CD38 and epithelial membrane antigen.Approximately 80% of the tumor cells were positive for Ki-67.A monoclonal rearrangement of the kappa light chain gene was demonstrated.The patient died approximately 1.5 mo after diagnosis in spite of receiving two courses of the CHOP chemotherapy regimen.In a review of the literature,this is the first case report of PBL with initial presentation in the small intestine without HIV and Epstein-Barr virus infection,and a history of hepatitis B virus infection and radiotherapy probably led to the iatrogenic immunocompromised state. 展开更多
关键词 Plasmablastic lymphoma Small intestine Human immunodeficiency virus Differential diagnosis
What is the purpose of launching the World Journal of Pharmacology?
作者 Lian-Sheng Ma 《World Journal of Pharmacology》 2012年第1期1-3,共3页
The first issue of the World Journal of Pharmacology(WJP), whose preparatory work was initiated on January 10, 2011, will be published on February 9, 2012. The WJP editorial board has now been established and consists... The first issue of the World Journal of Pharmacology(WJP), whose preparatory work was initiated on January 10, 2011, will be published on February 9, 2012. The WJP editorial board has now been established and consists of 100 distinguished experts from 23 countries. Our purpose of launching the WJP is to publish peerreviewed, high-quality articles via an open-access online publishing model, thereby acting as a platform for communication between peers and the wider public, and maximizing the benefits to editorial board members, authors and readers. 展开更多
关键词 Maximization of personal benefits Editorial board members Authors READERS EMPLOYEES Open-access PHARMACOLOGY
Influence of Solvent-Solvent and Solute-Solvent Interaction Properties on Solvent-Mediated Potential
作者 ZHOU Shi-Qi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2X期365-370,共6页
A recently proposed universal calculational recipe for solvent-mediated potential is applied to calculate excess potential of mean force between two large Lennard-Jones (LJ) or hard core attractive Yukawa particles im... A recently proposed universal calculational recipe for solvent-mediated potential is applied to calculate excess potential of mean force between two large Lennard-Jones (LJ) or hard core attractive Yukawa particles immersed in small LJ solvent bath at supercritical state. Comparison between the present prediction with a hypernetted chain approximation adopted for solute-solute correlation at infinitely dilute limit and existing simulation data shows high accuracy for the region with large separation, and qualitative reliability for the solute particle contact region. The calculational simplicity of the present recipe allows for a detailed investigation on the effect of the solute-solvent and solvent-solvent interaction details on the excess potential of mean force. The resultant conclusion is that gathering of solvent particles near a solute particle leads to repulsive excess PMF, while depletion of solvent particles away from the solute particle leads to attractive excess PMF, and minor change of the solvent-solvent interaction range has large influence on the excess PMF. 展开更多
关键词 excess potential of mean force density function theory
Techno-psychological Aspects of Social Media Behaviors
作者 Ali Simsek 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第6期270-278,共9页
Social media has become an inevitable part of our lives in the age of network society. People establish multiple identities for themselves, with or without references to the real world, and behave according to those i... Social media has become an inevitable part of our lives in the age of network society. People establish multiple identities for themselves, with or without references to the real world, and behave according to those identities. Self-made components of virtual presence are not limited to identities only; many users also create hyper-personalities for themselves with the help of new technologies. Then, the fundamental question becomes: Why do people create self-made identities and hyper-personalities to portray or hide themselves in social media environments? The answer to this question has certain connections and implications for behaviors of social media users. Therefore, researchers have investigated why some people find social media attractive and attend whenever possible, while others are afraid of social media and hesitate to attend. Positive and negative behaviors of social media users can be classified as braggadocian and preventative. Braggadocian behaviors are related to courageously taking advantage of social media, whereas preventative behaviors are concerned with avoidance of social media. The dominant behavioral pattern of a user depends on what one can achieve through attending or preventing social media. This paper first discusses basic elements of human behavior that drive social media such as altruism, hedonism, connectionism, homophily, multiple identities, memetics, narcissism, and tribalism. Then, it focuses on precautionary elements of human behavior such as avoidance, escape, blocking, fear, hiding, removal, and protectionism. Whether they are attentive or not, one thing is clear: People refrain or enrich their own lives in social media rather than being abused or watching others in industrial media. 展开更多
关键词 social media technology behaviors virtual communication network society new media communication technologies
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