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海关科学治关理念的规范分析 被引量:1
作者 李九领 《全国商情》 2008年第B04期127-129,共3页
构建社会主义和谐社会已成为我们的目标。海关总署围绕构建社会主义和谐社会总体目标的要求,结合海关系统自身的特点,提出以科学治关理念统领海关工作全局,全面促进和谐海关建设的新思路。本文从公共产品理论、从《中华人民共和国宪法... 构建社会主义和谐社会已成为我们的目标。海关总署围绕构建社会主义和谐社会总体目标的要求,结合海关系统自身的特点,提出以科学治关理念统领海关工作全局,全面促进和谐海关建设的新思路。本文从公共产品理论、从《中华人民共和国宪法》和《海关法》等法理、从公共财政理论及从海关体制运行原理四个角度,用规范分析方法研究科学治关理念的科学性和必然性。 展开更多
关键词 科学治理念 和谐海 公共产品理论 公共财政理论
作者 李九领 《当代经济》 2008年第23期86-88,共3页
改革开放的30年,也是我国海关事业不断改革创新和快速发展的30年,其中海关的治关理念发挥着统领海关工作全局的作用。本文以海关科学治关理念的理论与实践为线索,概括我国海关30年改革开放的成果,大致归结为三个发展阶段:"从严治关... 改革开放的30年,也是我国海关事业不断改革创新和快速发展的30年,其中海关的治关理念发挥着统领海关工作全局的作用。本文以海关科学治关理念的理论与实践为线索,概括我国海关30年改革开放的成果,大致归结为三个发展阶段:"从严治关"阶段,"依法治关"与"以德治关"阶段,"科学治关"阶段。 展开更多
关键词 理念 从严治 依法治 以德治
作者 王玉兰 《跨世纪》 2008年第12期1-2,共2页
21世纪掀开了人类社会发展的崭新篇章,经济全球化促进了国际经济贸易往来的日益扩大,信息的全球化共享,又使地球变成了地球村。我们正处在这样一个伟大变革的时代,海关的治关理念必须符合科学发展观,海关的软实力必须与时代发展的... 21世纪掀开了人类社会发展的崭新篇章,经济全球化促进了国际经济贸易往来的日益扩大,信息的全球化共享,又使地球变成了地球村。我们正处在这样一个伟大变革的时代,海关的治关理念必须符合科学发展观,海关的软实力必须与时代发展的步调相合拍。根据海关当前实际情况,本文从四个方面论述了科学治关理念与海关软实力的关系:①科学治关理念的基本内涵;②海关软实力的基本内涵以及软实力现状评价;③科学治关理念对提升海关软实力的作用;四、丰富科学治关理念的策略。 展开更多
关键词 科学治理念 软实力 策略
作者 邹志武 《改革与战略》 北大核心 2006年第8期103-105,共3页
本文提出要树立和落实科学治关理念,必须从海关工作新形势新要求出发,努力把握海关工作规律,着眼于丰富海关发展内涵,创新海关发展观念,开拓海关发展思路而进行的理性思考。科学治关理念为我们应对新形势、解决新问题、迎接新挑战,实现... 本文提出要树立和落实科学治关理念,必须从海关工作新形势新要求出发,努力把握海关工作规律,着眼于丰富海关发展内涵,创新海关发展观念,开拓海关发展思路而进行的理性思考。科学治关理念为我们应对新形势、解决新问题、迎接新挑战,实现全面协调可持续发展,提供了有力的思想武器。 展开更多
关键词 树立 落实 科学治理念
作者 谢谷景 《上海海关学院学报》 2007年第1期1-6,共6页
树立和落实科学的治关理念,实践基层海关管理创新,需要全体工作人员联系实际、整合创新、长期坚持。本文围绕提炼理念、找准定位,遵循规律、抓住关键等两个方面的理性思考,提出了实践基层海关管理创新必须把握的基本概念,理清了找准定... 树立和落实科学的治关理念,实践基层海关管理创新,需要全体工作人员联系实际、整合创新、长期坚持。本文围绕提炼理念、找准定位,遵循规律、抓住关键等两个方面的理性思考,提出了实践基层海关管理创新必须把握的基本概念,理清了找准定位、绝对服从海关总署确定的运行规则和工作要求,以及应抓住的关键环节,描述了泰州海关经历关情分析、调查研究、理清思路、制订计划、不断推进、总结提高等阶段的管理创新实践过程。 展开更多
关键词 树立 落实 理念 管理创新
作者 孟卫平 《上海海关学院学报》 2007年第4期1-6,共6页
科学治关理念是总署党组贯彻科学发展观,对海关工作长远发展提出的重大战略思想。地处边疆地区海关要实现可持续发展,必须以科学治关的理念统领整合创新工作。要明确科学治关理念对边疆地区海关整合创新工作的指导意义,认清地处偏远、... 科学治关理念是总署党组贯彻科学发展观,对海关工作长远发展提出的重大战略思想。地处边疆地区海关要实现可持续发展,必须以科学治关的理念统领整合创新工作。要明确科学治关理念对边疆地区海关整合创新工作的指导意义,认清地处偏远、情况特殊的边境海关进行整合创新的迫切性和必要性;要以科学治关理念为指导,坚持从实际出发,积极稳妥地推进整合创新工作,并在工作实践中进一步树立科学治关理念,不断增强用科学治关理念统领和指导海关改革发展各项重大工作的自觉性和坚定性。 展开更多
关键词 科学治理念 统领 整合创新
作者 陈旭东 《上海海关学院学报》 2007年第1期12-15,74,共5页
树立科学治关理念,全面建设和谐海关是总署党组在海关改革发展进入新阶段的关键时期作出的重大战略决策,也是一项艰巨的实践任务。如何建设和谐海关既涉及到理论、制度和管理的创新,更需要实践的积极创新和大胆探索。本文从科学治关理... 树立科学治关理念,全面建设和谐海关是总署党组在海关改革发展进入新阶段的关键时期作出的重大战略决策,也是一项艰巨的实践任务。如何建设和谐海关既涉及到理论、制度和管理的创新,更需要实践的积极创新和大胆探索。本文从科学治关理念与和谐海关的辩证关系、和谐海关的概念、内涵入手阐述,提出了建设和谐海关的实践举措。 展开更多
关键词 和谐海 科学治理念 建设
从关税管理走向关税治理——对海关综合治税的治理视角解读与构想 被引量:1
作者 黄晓军 《山西财政税务专科学校学报》 2008年第2期45-49,共5页
综合治税是近年海关税收管理实践的重大创新,取得了显著的效果。本文借用当代公共行政的最新成果之一——治理理论的分析框架与方法,从理论层面对综合治税实践加以解读,探寻其中蕴含的治理思想,并前瞻性地展望了关税管理向关税治理模式... 综合治税是近年海关税收管理实践的重大创新,取得了显著的效果。本文借用当代公共行政的最新成果之一——治理理论的分析框架与方法,从理论层面对综合治税实践加以解读,探寻其中蕴含的治理思想,并前瞻性地展望了关税管理向关税治理模式变迁路径与创新构想,以期进一步充实关税管理理论,并对海关综合治税实践提供一定的前瞻性指导。 展开更多
关键词 科学治理念 综合治税 治理
作者 黄晓军 《桂海论丛》 2008年第3期67-70,共4页
综合治税是近年海关税收管理实践的重大创新,取得了显著的效果。文章借用当代公共行政学的最新成果之一——治理理论的分析框架与方法,从理论层面对综合治税实践加以解读,探寻其中蕴含的治理思想,并前瞻性地展望了关税管理向关税治理模... 综合治税是近年海关税收管理实践的重大创新,取得了显著的效果。文章借用当代公共行政学的最新成果之一——治理理论的分析框架与方法,从理论层面对综合治税实践加以解读,探寻其中蕴含的治理思想,并前瞻性地展望了关税管理向关税治理模式变迁路径与创新构想,以期进一步充实关税管理理论,并对海关综合治税实践提供一定的前瞻性指导。 展开更多
关键词 科学治理念 综合治税 治理
作者 黄晓军 《云南财贸学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第1期38-41,共4页
综合治税是近年海关税收管理实践的重大创新,取得了显著的效果。借用当代公共行政的最新成果之一——治理理论的分析框架与方法,从理论层面对综合治税实践加以解读,探寻其中蕴含的治理思想,并前瞻性地展望了关税管理向关税治理模式变迁... 综合治税是近年海关税收管理实践的重大创新,取得了显著的效果。借用当代公共行政的最新成果之一——治理理论的分析框架与方法,从理论层面对综合治税实践加以解读,探寻其中蕴含的治理思想,并前瞻性地展望了关税管理向关税治理模式变迁路径与创新构想,以期进一步充实关税管理理论,并对海关综合治税实践提供一定的前瞻性指导。 展开更多
关键词 科学治理念 综合治税 治理
产品是女儿 用户是亲家——锡柴积极践行“融文化”理念
作者 许武英 《当代农机》 2015年第6期27-28,共2页
5月15日—19日,一汽解放公司无锡柴油机厂(以下简称锡柴)爱心大使带着全体锡柴人浓浓的爱意和真诚的关切再次启程,奔赴河南、安徽,向许昌、南阳、阜阳3户贫困家庭送上爱心助学金。这是2015年锡柴"爱心1+1"公益助学行动的第4... 5月15日—19日,一汽解放公司无锡柴油机厂(以下简称锡柴)爱心大使带着全体锡柴人浓浓的爱意和真诚的关切再次启程,奔赴河南、安徽,向许昌、南阳、阜阳3户贫困家庭送上爱心助学金。这是2015年锡柴"爱心1+1"公益助学行动的第4站。每一次爱心行动都是传播锡柴"鹰文化",播撒大爱种子的旅程,通过与经销商、供应商、广大用户以及员工的共赢发展、和谐相处。 展开更多
关键词 无锡柴油机厂 一汽解放 用户服务 汽车售后服务 赈灾募捐 助学基金 理念关 汽车保养 线路故障 公益
作者 杨爱明 《上海海关学院学报》 2007年第1期44-47,53,共5页
整合创新作为现代海关制度第二步发展战略目标的重要内容之一,当前已经成为海关系统一个炙手可热的话题。面对新一轮的整合创新热潮,如何全面、客观和理性地思考分析,并准确运用科学治关理念来指导我们的整合创新实践,成为我们的当务之... 整合创新作为现代海关制度第二步发展战略目标的重要内容之一,当前已经成为海关系统一个炙手可热的话题。面对新一轮的整合创新热潮,如何全面、客观和理性地思考分析,并准确运用科学治关理念来指导我们的整合创新实践,成为我们的当务之急。本文试借鉴"经济生态多样性"理论,探索一条以科学治关理念为指导、适应经济生态多样性和平衡性要求的、从"多元化"向"多元与集约平衡化"转变的海关整合创新之路。 展开更多
关键词 科学治理念 生态多样性 整合创新
Evaluating the feasibility and preliminary effects of an online compassion training program for nursing students:A pilot randomized controlled trial
作者 Zhi Yang Mimi Mun Yee Tse +4 位作者 Huiting Huang Haiyun Fang Joanne Wai Yee Chung Doris Yin Kei Chong Thomas Kwok Shing Wong 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2024年第4期421-428,I0001,共9页
Objectives:This study aimed to assess the feasibility of an online compassion training program for nursing students and preliminarily investigate its effects on mindfulness,self-compassion,and stress reduction.Methods... Objectives:This study aimed to assess the feasibility of an online compassion training program for nursing students and preliminarily investigate its effects on mindfulness,self-compassion,and stress reduction.Methods:This study employed a randomized controlled trial design.Second-year students from a nursing college in Guangzhou,China,were recruited as research participants in August 2023.The intervention group participated in an 8-week online compassion training program via the WeChat platform,comprising three stages:mindfulness(weeks 1e2),self-compassion(weeks 3e5),and compassion for others(weeks 6 e8).Each stage included four activities:psychoeducation,mindfulness practice,weekly diary,and emotional support.Program feasibility was assessed through recruitment and retention rates,program engagement,and participant acceptability.Program effectiveness was measured with the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale,Self-Compassion Scale-Short Form,and Perceived Stress Scale.Results:A total of 28 students completed the study(13 in the intervention group,15 in the control group).The recruitment rate was 36.46%,with a high retention rate of 93.3%.Participants demonstrated high engagement:69.2%accessed learning materials every 1e2 days,93.3%practiced mindfulness at least weekly,with an average of 4.69 diary entries submitted per person and 23.30 WeChat interactions with instructors.Regarding acceptability,all participants expressed satisfaction with the program,with 92.4%finding it“very helpful”or“extremely helpful.”In terms of intervention effects,the intervention group showed a significant increase in mindfulness levels from pre-intervention(51.54±10.93)to postintervention(62.46±13.58)(P<0.05),while no significant change was observed in the control group.Although there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in post-intervention self-compassion and perceived stress levels,the intervention group showed positive trends:selfcompassion levels increased(35.85±8.60 vs.40.85±5.54),and perceived stress levels slightly decreased(44.77±8.65 vs.42.00±5.77).Conclusions:This pilot study demonstrated the feasibility of an online compassion training program for nursing students and suggested its potential effectiveness in enhancing mindfulness,self-compassion,and stress reduction.Despite limitations such as small sample size and lack of long-term follow-up,preliminary evidence indicates promising prospects for integrating such training into nursing education.Further research is warranted to confirm thesefindings and assess the sustained impact of this approach on nursing education and practice. 展开更多
作者 印胜山 《生活教育》 2015年第3期103-105,共3页
关键词 理念关 研究 管理
作者 陈力 《营销界》 2017年第3期61-61,共1页
经销商要想现款现货,首先需要一个投入的过程,然后才有一个产出的过程,这中间需要2~3年时间的阵痛和培育。农资产品的"赊销"问题是目前农资销售的普遍现象,但是在"赊销"背后面临的问题也很多。如何能杜绝"赊销"的不良习惯,做到现... 经销商要想现款现货,首先需要一个投入的过程,然后才有一个产出的过程,这中间需要2~3年时间的阵痛和培育。农资产品的"赊销"问题是目前农资销售的普遍现象,但是在"赊销"背后面临的问题也很多。如何能杜绝"赊销"的不良习惯,做到现款销售提高资金的利用率,这是目前农资经销商及企业最关心的问题,改变一定要从自己做起,各位经销商可以从以下几个方面进行改变,如果这些做好了, 展开更多
关键词 农资销售 现金流 选择产品 技术营销 理念关 生产管理过程 选择品牌 观望心态 良性运营 运营管理
作者 王维审 《基础教育研究》 2015年第12期1-1,共1页
我们都知道头痛医头,脚痛医脚的荒谬。而事实上,我们往往是一边讥笑这份荒谬,一边不停歇地做比这更加荒谬的事。学生违纪了,我们只是看到了违纪本身,而没有去挖掘违纪的根源,更没有去思考如何从根本上去解决问题。"头痛医头"这一思维... 我们都知道头痛医头,脚痛医脚的荒谬。而事实上,我们往往是一边讥笑这份荒谬,一边不停歇地做比这更加荒谬的事。学生违纪了,我们只是看到了违纪本身,而没有去挖掘违纪的根源,更没有去思考如何从根本上去解决问题。"头痛医头"这一思维模式最严重的后果,就是阻碍了教师的专业成长,让教师在日复一日的重复中失去了成长的动力和意识。 展开更多
关键词 脚痛 头痛医头 反思性 教育策略 批判性分析 自我监控 培训者 教育教学水平 理念关 虚心好学
Partnership in nursing care: a concept analysis
作者 Si-Yan Yuan Joan Murphy 《TMR Integrative Nursing》 2019年第1期21-26,I0002,共7页
Objectives: This concept analysis aims to provide a better understanding of the term “partnership” in nursing care. A critical review of empirical studies regarding this area, can lay the groundwork for improving pa... Objectives: This concept analysis aims to provide a better understanding of the term “partnership” in nursing care. A critical review of empirical studies regarding this area, can lay the groundwork for improving partnership between nurses and clients, as well as person- centered nursing care. Methods: A comprehensive literature search used various “partnership”,“nurse”and “clients”search terms to identify relevant studies published from 2007 to 2017. The selected studies had to focus on partnership and nursing care. Walker and Avant’(2004) framework was used when synthesizing the evidence from empirical studies in the concept analysis. It helps to distinguish confusing or unclear concepts, and to promote critical thinking through analyzing its attributes, operational definitions, antecedents, consequences, and reference. Results: In nursing care, partnership is the relationship based on collaboration among individuals, who place trust and confidence in accountability, and who have capability and empathy. The antecedents are health problems or requirements, willingness to sign up as partners and ongoing commitment;while the consequences were presented as improvement in quality of service, treatment outcomes, clients’ safety and satisfaction, financial benefit as well as time constraints and professionals’ emotional burden. The Patient Partnership in Care questionnaire can help assess partnership in nursing care. Conclusion: This concept analysis informs the concept of partnership in nursing care by using Walker and Avant’(2004) framework. By synthesizing the evidence from empirical studies, it provides theoretical and clinical frameworks for nurses to innovate nurse-client relationships - nurses are seen as partners in care instead of experts, which can encourage clients’ self-management and improve person-centered nursing care. 展开更多
关键词 PARTNERSHIP Nursing care RELATIONSHIP Concept analysis
Concept of Integrated Waste Management as Recoverable Resources in Product Cycle
作者 Aleksandr Telizhenko Vadym Lukianykhin +4 位作者 Sergey Kuzmenko Elena Lukianykhina Elena Vishnitskaya Min Li Tatyana Shevchenko 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第3期312-323,共12页
This paper presents a conceptual framework of integrated waste management which focuses on all stages of product life cycle. A mechanism of resource recovery motivating from waste in economic system (designers, produ... This paper presents a conceptual framework of integrated waste management which focuses on all stages of product life cycle. A mechanism of resource recovery motivating from waste in economic system (designers, producers, consumers, stakeholders in the field of disposal of the product) is suggested. The classification of institutional and economic instruments in the field of waste management as recoverable resources is developed. The author has proposed a scientific and methodical approach to the formation of an integrated waste management as recoverable resources, which is based on a set of methods of economic incentives at all stages of product life cycle and ensures the maximum possible and the environmentally safe management of wastes containing valuable resource components. 展开更多
关键词 WASTE recoverable resources integrated waste management product life cycle organizational-economic mechanism.
Research to the existing problem of the FOXCONN' human resource management
作者 Qiuying Han Ruixia Yan 《International English Education Research》 2014年第12期63-66,共4页
In the 21st century, human resources will be the key to win in the war of business. Therefore, to manage and develop the effective and reasonable human resources, and maximize the potential of corporate human resource... In the 21st century, human resources will be the key to win in the war of business. Therefore, to manage and develop the effective and reasonable human resources, and maximize the potential of corporate human resources is very important to the achievement of corporate goals. This article is in-depth analysis about FOXCONN' human resource management problems of management philosophy, work pressure, cross-cultural conflicts, labor relations. IfFOXCONN want to achieve sustainable development, it must change the current purely export-oriented foundry mode, and promote people-oriented. It also should take cultural integrate and manage personnel measures to effectively manage cultural, and take effective measures to improve labor relations. 展开更多
关键词 FOXCONN Human Resource Management RESEARCH Suggestion.
Understanding Reputational Crisis: Evidence From the European Banking Sector
作者 Stefano Dell'Atti Antonella Iannuzzi +1 位作者 Giusy Cavallaro Annarita Trotta 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第2期247-266,共20页
This paper presents a comparative qualitative analysis of reputational crisis of four European banks, and explores how in recent years these companies have faced the manifestation of reputational risk. To achieve this... This paper presents a comparative qualitative analysis of reputational crisis of four European banks, and explores how in recent years these companies have faced the manifestation of reputational risk. To achieve this, the research follows three related steps: (1) to carry out a review of the literature on reputational risk in the banking sector aimed to identify the relationships between causes, effects, stakeholders, and key qualitative-quantitative variables involved during the reputational crisis of a bank; (2) to propose a conceptual framework for management of reputational risk (and reputational crisis) in banking; (3) to test this framework with the results of an empirical analysis, carried out through the observation of key variables of some reputational crisis of intemational banks. The main results show that: (1) the banks are not yet prepared to accurately manage a reputational crisis or to prevent them; (2) the reputational crisis is determined by several internal and external factors; (3) the conduct of the managers and the corporate communication are very important to overcome a reputational crisis. Finally, this research provides indications that will help banks to better manage their corporate reputation and prevent reputational crisis. 展开更多
关键词 reputational risk reputational crisis reputational crisis management BANKRUPTCY financial/bankingsector
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