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水资源开发利用合理性评价模型构建及应用 被引量:9
作者 周璞 侯华丽 +1 位作者 安翠娟 黄合 《东北师大学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期125-131,共7页
从规模强度、结构、布局、效率效益4个维度,基于协调度指数和模糊综合评判法,构建了水资源开发利用合理性评价的指标体系和模型,并对我国各省(区、市)开展了实践研究.结果表明,我国仅半数省份水资源开发利用整体处于基本合理以上水平;... 从规模强度、结构、布局、效率效益4个维度,基于协调度指数和模糊综合评判法,构建了水资源开发利用合理性评价的指标体系和模型,并对我国各省(区、市)开展了实践研究.结果表明,我国仅半数省份水资源开发利用整体处于基本合理以上水平;水资源开发利用合理性水平区域分异规律明显,结构、布局不合理问题尤为突出;各省份水资源开发利用合理性的制约因素差异性大.构建的评价指标体系与模型方法更加贴近我国水资源宏观管控的内容和手段,评价结果可为合理规划水资源配置与利用、改善流域水资源管理提供科学指导. 展开更多
关键词 资源开发利用合理性 评价指标体系 协调度 模糊综合评判
作者 陈文珍 《伦理学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期121-125,共5页
"基础"课的道德教育离不开其支撑性资源,它的支撑性资源主要有三个方面:一是学理性资源。它通过道德教育部分内容的一些主要概念、重要观点和知识的框架体系所内涵的学理知识来体现。二是经验性资源。它是指历史发展和人们现... "基础"课的道德教育离不开其支撑性资源,它的支撑性资源主要有三个方面:一是学理性资源。它通过道德教育部分内容的一些主要概念、重要观点和知识的框架体系所内涵的学理知识来体现。二是经验性资源。它是指历史发展和人们现实交往的发展在我们的生活世界中所积累的各项丰富的、有助于人类进步与发展的优秀的道德资源。它通过道德典范人物的优秀品格来展示。三是实践性资源。它通过具体的实践教学活动来展开。 展开更多
关键词 道德教育 理性资源 经验性资源 实践性资源
作者 王群 王建峰 《韶关学院学报》 2006年第8期104-106,共3页
尼布尔认为,在现实社会中,要使人学会共同生活的艺术,不能单纯依靠一种思想资源而要依靠多种思想资源。尼布尔两种伦理思想资源——理性资源和宗教资源有利有弊,理性能使人控制自利冲动,也容易变成为自利作辩护,宗教能使人超越自利但过... 尼布尔认为,在现实社会中,要使人学会共同生活的艺术,不能单纯依靠一种思想资源而要依靠多种思想资源。尼布尔两种伦理思想资源——理性资源和宗教资源有利有弊,理性能使人控制自利冲动,也容易变成为自利作辩护,宗教能使人超越自利但过分化则会否定人的生存意志。在我国建设和谐社会的过程中,不仅需要相应的理性资源作主导,同时也需要其他传统的、宗教的非理性资源作为补充,来引导人们学会协调复杂的人际关系,从而达到社会的和谐。 展开更多
关键词 尼布尔 伦理思想 理性资源 宗教资源
柞蚕业的发展在我国国民经济建设中的合理性 被引量:3
作者 王广运 《辽宁丝绸》 2001年第2期31-34,共4页
关键词 中国 柞蚕业 发展 经济合理性 农业 资源配置合理性
提倡“理性医疗” 被引量:4
作者 王有民 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2006年第6期42-43,共2页
“理性医疗”是对疾病进行科学、客观地综合分析,由此筛选出一个理性的处置方案的医疗过程。“理性医疗”不但有利于社会,有利于医患双方,更符合自然科学的规律,同时,对传统的伦理学观念也是一种补充与完善。“理性医疗”的实现需要医... “理性医疗”是对疾病进行科学、客观地综合分析,由此筛选出一个理性的处置方案的医疗过程。“理性医疗”不但有利于社会,有利于医患双方,更符合自然科学的规律,同时,对传统的伦理学观念也是一种补充与完善。“理性医疗”的实现需要医患双方的共同协作。 展开更多
关键词 理性医疗 过度医疗 自然规律 社会资源 医患关系
作者 王建锋 赵静波 《湖北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2005年第6期125-128,共4页
关键词 个体价值 自我超越 差异语境 论理学 理性资源
Genetic Diversity of Achnatherum Splendens 被引量:8
作者 徐海霞 张霞 +2 位作者 王绍明 阎平 杜金洲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第1期21-23,28,共4页
[Objective] Study on the genetic diversities of A.splendens from different areas of xinjiang. [Method] The genetic diversities among seven populations and within two populations were analyzed by RAPD. [Result] Genetic... [Objective] Study on the genetic diversities of A.splendens from different areas of xinjiang. [Method] The genetic diversities among seven populations and within two populations were analyzed by RAPD. [Result] Genetic clustering results presented that the relationships among populations of A. splendens are directly related with geographic positions, and within population are related with habitats. [Conclusion] RAPD technique can be used to study genetic diversity of A. splendens. 展开更多
关键词 Achnatherum splendens RAPD Genetic diversity
医院信任的影响因素探究——基于固定效应模型的实证分析 被引量:11
作者 李黎明 杨梦瑶 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期78-90,共13页
信任是医患关系的核心,公众对医院的信任则是医患信任的重要维度之一.本研究使用"社会网络与求职过程"(JSNET2014、JSNET2016)追踪数据,通过个体固定效应模型,从理性选择与地位资源、关系社会资本、社会文化、传播—涵化四种... 信任是医患关系的核心,公众对医院的信任则是医患信任的重要维度之一.本研究使用"社会网络与求职过程"(JSNET2014、JSNET2016)追踪数据,通过个体固定效应模型,从理性选择与地位资源、关系社会资本、社会文化、传播—涵化四种视角,探讨了影响城市居民医院信任的因素.研究发现:(1)收入不会造成个体医院信任的差异,但自评社会经济地位对居民的医院信任水平呈正向影响;(2)找关系就医会显著降低居民的医院信任程度;(3)良好的信任文化氛围、公正平等的社会制度有助于提升医院信任;(4)媒介使用偏好与医院信任不存在明显联系.总的来说:个体应对未知风险的综合能力,对宏观制度与组织原则的可靠性感知是影响城市居民医院信任的关键所在. 展开更多
关键词 医院信任 理性选择与地位资源 关系型社会资本 社会文化 传播-涵化 固定效应模型
要“性骚扰立法”热,抑或要“立法效益” 被引量:1
作者 王群仿 《行政与法》 2004年第3期60-61,共2页
关键词 “性骚扰立法”热 法律资源的运用理性 可行性 紧迫性 立法的公意基础 五个误区
Natural mortality estimation and rational exploitation of purpleback flying squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis in the southern South China Sea 被引量:3
作者 王雪辉 邱永松 +1 位作者 张鹏 杜飞雁 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期902-911,共10页
Based on the biological data of purpleback flying squid(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis)collected by light falling-net in the southern South China Sea(SCS) during September to October 2012 and March to April 2013,growth an... Based on the biological data of purpleback flying squid(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis)collected by light falling-net in the southern South China Sea(SCS) during September to October 2012 and March to April 2013,growth and mortality of 'Medium' and 'Dwarf' forms of squid are derived using the Powell-Wetherall,ELEFAN methods and length-converted catch curves(FiSAT package).Given a lack of commercial exploitation,we assume total mortality to be due entirely to natural mortality.We estimate these squid have fast growth,with growth coefficients(k) ranging from 1.42 to 2.39,and high natural mortality(M),with estimates ranging from 1.61 to 2.92.To sustainably exploit these squid stocks,yield per recruitment based on growth and natural mortality was determined using the Beverton-Holt dynamic pool model.We demonstrate squid stocks could sustain high fishing mortality and low ages at first capture,with an optimal fishing mortality >3.0,with the optimal age at first capture increased to 0.4-0.6 years when fishing mortality approached optimal levels.On the basis of our analyses and estimates of stock biomass,we believe considerable potential exists to expand the squid fishery into the open SCS,relieving fishing pressure on coastal waters. 展开更多
关键词 purpleback flying squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis mortality dynamic pool model FISHERY South China Sea
作者 李安然 张志林 《科学.经济.社会》 2023年第5期59-70,共12页
因果过度决定是困扰着因果反事实理论的一个难题。通过澄清该难题的含义,陈述细粒度策略解决方案以及刘易斯对此方案的反驳,然后借助对思维经济原则的分析,指出因果过度决定难题导源于对思维经济性的过分追求,进而引出认知层次问题。认... 因果过度决定是困扰着因果反事实理论的一个难题。通过澄清该难题的含义,陈述细粒度策略解决方案以及刘易斯对此方案的反驳,然后借助对思维经济原则的分析,指出因果过度决定难题导源于对思维经济性的过分追求,进而引出认知层次问题。认知层次的确定应以所需解决的问题为导向,而不存在绝对的统一标准,人类认知也无须这样的标准。对因果过度决定难题典型案例的分析表明,虽然理性分析策略似乎可解决砸碎玻璃瓶之类的难题,但因忽视人脑的计算消耗而无法分析认知层次问题。比较而言,资源理性分析策略基于计算时间来测算大脑的计算消耗,从而约束一分到底的分层倾向,注重计算代价与认知效用之间的动态平衡,乃是优于简单理性分析策略的方案。 展开更多
关键词 因果过度决定 认知层次 思维经济原则 理性分析 资源理性分析
An overview on the protected area system for forest conservation in Bangladesh 被引量:1
作者 Mohammad Shaheed Hossain Chowdhury Masao Koike 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期111-118,I0004,共9页
A total of 19 protected areas (PAs) have been established in Bangladesh representing all the four forest types of the country. Apart from being the repository of biological diversity, these PAs serve as the source o... A total of 19 protected areas (PAs) have been established in Bangladesh representing all the four forest types of the country. Apart from being the repository of biological diversity, these PAs serve as the source of subsistence livelihoods to the local communities. While all the PAs are managed by the state Forest Department (FD), with a view to ensure sustainability, a recent approach of co-management has been initiated in five PAs as a pilot project with an aid of development partners incorporating stakeholders' participation. Along with demonstrating a number of upbeat impacts, the initiatives exert some constraints which need to be addressed properly to ensure the success of participatory approach and enhance the ongoing conservation scheme. This paper reviews the published works, government and project documents to analyze the present status of PAs and suggest recommendations accordingly. 展开更多
关键词 Protected areas biodiversity conservation co-management forest resources BANGLADESH
Population Growth and Sustainability of Common Property Resource Management Systems in the Eastern Hindu Kush:The Use of Communal Fodder Resources in Mehlp Valley,North Pakistan 被引量:4
作者 Fazlur-Rahman 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第4期380-393,共14页
In common property studies,increasing number of users has been considered as a major threat for the long-term sustainability of natural resources. This perception has been true in a few cases. However,the 40-years emp... In common property studies,increasing number of users has been considered as a major threat for the long-term sustainability of natural resources. This perception has been true in a few cases. However,the 40-years empirical research conducted in a variety of environmental settings,reveals that population pressure is not the only factor responsible for the degradation of natural resources. In remote areas,where the local inhabitants highly depend on available natural resources for subsistence livelihood,the economically important resources are kept under different ownership regimes. The local inhabitants have established autochthonous insti-tutions,and formulated rules and regulations for proper management of these resources. In this paper an attempt has been made to explore the response of a small fodder user community to the increasing population. For this purpose a micro-level study has been conducted in a remote mountain environment in the eastern Hindu Kush. For this research,data has been collected through fieldwork and focus group discussion. The results of this study reveal that fodder user communities have responded very well to the problem of population pressure. To maintain equity and long-term sustainability they have adopted a number of strategies including changing the ownership,and a resource kept under private ownership at the time of low population has been changed to a common property with increase in population. Based on this study it can be concluded that in mountainous areas and fragile environment the local inhabitant have both the capacity and capability to change their behaviour with regard to changing resource productivity as well as increasing number of users,and this situation does not always lead to the tragedy of commons. 展开更多
关键词 Mixed mountain agriculture Tragedy of the commons Livelihood strategies Population growth
Significant Effects of Fishing Gear Selectivity on Fish Life History 被引量:4
作者 LIANG Zhenlin SUN Peng +2 位作者 YAN Wei HUANG Liuyi TANG Yanli 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第3期467-471,共5页
Over the past few decades, extreme changes have occurred in the characters of exploited fish populations. The majority of these changes have affected the growth traits of fish life history, which include a smaller siz... Over the past few decades, extreme changes have occurred in the characters of exploited fish populations. The majority of these changes have affected the growth traits of fish life history, which include a smaller size-at-age, an earlier age-at-maturation and among others. Currently, the causes of these life history traits changes still require systematic analyses and empirical studies. The explanations that have been cited are merely expressed in terms of fish phenotypic adaptation. It has been claimed that the original traits of fish can be recovered once the intensity of exploitation of the fish is controlled. Sustained environmental and fishing pressure will change the life history traits of most fish species, so the fish individual's traits are still in small size-at-age and at earlier age-at-maturation in exploited fish populations. In this paper, we expressed our view of points that fishing gear has imposed selectivity on fish populations and individuals as various other environmental factors have done and such changes are unrecoverable. According to the existing tend of exploited fish individual's life history traits, we suggested further researches in this field and provided better methods of fishery management and thereby fishery resources protection than those available early. 展开更多
关键词 size composition life history fishing gear selectivity fishery management
Vulnerability of Water Resources and Its Spatial Heterogeneity in Haihe River Basin, China 被引量:10
作者 XIA Jun CHEN Junxu +3 位作者 WENG Jianwu YU Lei QI Junyu LIAO Qiang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期525-539,共15页
To manage water resources effectively, a multiscale assessment of the vulnerability of water resources on the basis of political boundaries and watersheds is necessary. This study addressed issues on the vulnerability... To manage water resources effectively, a multiscale assessment of the vulnerability of water resources on the basis of political boundaries and watersheds is necessary. This study addressed issues on the vulnerability of water resources and provided a multiscale comparison of spatial heterogeneity under a climate change background. Using improved quantitative evaluation methods of vulnerabil- ity, the Theil index and the Shannon-Weaver index, we evaluated the vulnerability of water resources and its spatial heterogeneity in the Haihe River Basin in four scales, namely, second-class water resource regions (Class II WRRs), third-class water resource regions (Class III WRRs), Province-Class II WRRs, and Province-Class III WRRs. Results show that vulnerability enhances from the north to south in the different scales, and shows obvious spatial heterogeneity instead of moving toward convergence in multiscale assessment results. Among the Class II WRRs, the Tuhai-Majia River is the most vulnerable area, and the vulnerability of the Luanhe River is lower than that of the north of the Haihe River Basin, which in turn is lower than that of the south of the Haihe River Basin. In the scales of Class III WRRs and Province-Class III WRRs, the vulnerability shows obvious spatial heterogeneity and diversity measured by the Theil index and the Shannon-Weaver index. Multiscale vulnerability assessment results based on political boundaries and the watersheds of the Haihe River Basin innovatively provided in this paper are important and useful to characterize the real spatial pattern of the vulnerability of water resources and improve water resource management. 展开更多
关键词 water resource vulnerability assessment Theil index Shannon-Weaver index spatial heterogeneity Haihe River Basin
Directional drilling in unstable environments 被引量:3
作者 Hungerford Frank Ren Ting 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第3期397-402,共6页
Directional drilling has been established in the coal industry as a viable means of gas drainage, exploration and water management. But the environment in and around coal seams is not always conducive to stable condit... Directional drilling has been established in the coal industry as a viable means of gas drainage, exploration and water management. But the environment in and around coal seams is not always conducive to stable conditions while drilling and borehole stability after the drilling has been completed. This paper identifies the conditions which cause unstable drilling conditions and the various means which are used to attempt to manage or bypass those conditions. Ultimately, equipment does become bogged in these adverse environments and requires recovery by over-coring. 展开更多
关键词 Directional dril ing Borehole Stability Unstable dril ing conditions Over-coring
Rehabilitation of Artificial Degraded Playa Using Palm Mat Water Conservation Techniques 被引量:1
作者 Modi Ahmed Ali A1-Dousari 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第2期90-98,共9页
Kuwait, one of the gulf council member countries, situated in the Northeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula, experiences hyper-arid desert environmental condition due to the geographical location. Kuwait faces many c... Kuwait, one of the gulf council member countries, situated in the Northeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula, experiences hyper-arid desert environmental condition due to the geographical location. Kuwait faces many challenges in the sustainable development of the agricultural sector due to the scarcity of arable land, water resources and high rate of land degradation. So it is essential to emphasis the efficient use of the available water and soil resources in a sustainable manner and also to rehabilitate the degraded land using proper rehabilitation techniques. This study concentrates on the water harvesting and organic mulching (e.g., using date palms) methods. The study area is an artificial playa (2,500 m2), formed through the dumping of the gravel quarries in December 2003. The application of the water harvesting and mulching technique in the study showed an improvement of soil physical properties. The average infiltration capacity has increased from 74 cm3/min to 112 cm3/min. The average difference in volume of infiltrated water was 33.5%. The bulk density and porosity of the control plot was 2 g/cm3 and 27%, respectively; while that of the treated soil was 1.5 g/cm3 and 44%, respectively. The moisture content of the treated soil was increased to 50%, more than control soil at depth 40-60 cm, and also there was a significant increase in organic matter. The temperature of the treated soil was 2 ℃ lower than the control soil at a depth of 60 cm. This study conserved the irrigation water through reducing the proportion of soil evaporation and thus creating an optimum condition for the plant growth. 展开更多
关键词 DESERT hyper-arid REHABILITATION mulching water harvesting.
Poorly expandable common bile duct with stones on endoscopic retrograde cholangiography 被引量:7
作者 Chi-Liang Cheng Yung-Kuan Tsou +5 位作者 Cheng-Hui Lin Jui-Hsiang Tang hien-Fu Hung Kai-Feng Sung Ching-Song Lee Nai-Jen Liu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第19期2396-2401,共6页
AIM: To describe characteristics of a poorly expandable (PE) common bile duct (CBD) with stones on en- doscopic retrograde cholangiography.METHODS: APE bile duct was characterized by a rigid and relatively narro... AIM: To describe characteristics of a poorly expandable (PE) common bile duct (CBD) with stones on en- doscopic retrograde cholangiography.METHODS: APE bile duct was characterized by a rigid and relatively narrowed distal CBD with retro- grade dilatation of the non-PE segment. Between 2003 and 2006, endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC) images and chart reviews of 1213 patients with newly diagnosed CBD stones were obtained from the computer database of Therapeutic Endoscopic Centerin Chang Gung Memoria acteristic PE bile duct on Hospital. Patients with char ERC were identified from the database. Data of the patients as well as the safety and technical success of therapeutic ERC were collected and analyzed retrospectively.RESULTS: A total of 30 patients with CBD stones and characteristic PE segments were enrolled in this study. The median patient age was 45 years (range, 20 to 92 years); 66.7% of the patients were men. The di ameters of the widest non-PE CBD segment, the PE segment, and the largest stone were 14.3 ± 4.9 mm, 5.8±1.6 mm, and 11.2±4.7 mm, respectively. The length of the PE segment was 39.7±15.4 mm (range, 12.3 mm to 70.9 mm). To remove the CBD stone(s) completely, mechanical lithotripsy was required in 25 (83.3%) patients even though the stone size was not as large as were the difficult stones that have been described in the literature. The stone size and stone/ PE segment diameter ratio were associated with the need for lithotripsy. Post-ERC complications occurred in 4 cases: pancreatitis in 1, cholangitis in 2, and an im- pacted Dormia basket with cholangitis in 1. Two (6.7%) of the 28 patients developed recurrent CBD stones at follow-up (50±14 mo) and were successfully managed with therapeutic ERC.CONCLUSION: Patients with a PE duct frequently require mechanical lithotripsy for stones extraction, To retrieve stones successfully and avoid complications, these patients should be identified during ERC, 展开更多
关键词 Common bile duct stone Difficult stone Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography Mechanicallithotripsy
作者 林英华 张丽 《西部探矿工程》 CAS 2004年第10期92-93,共2页
从建造成本控制及资源管理性控制等方面 。
关键词 成本控制 资源理性 生产管井 滤管 层状含水组
BP' s Performance Management System Optimization Design
作者 SHI Xinguang 《International English Education Research》 2016年第12期99-100,共2页
Performance management as the core part of modem human resources management, is to ensure that the employee's work and the organization's strategic objectives to maintain consistent process. Performance management b... Performance management as the core part of modem human resources management, is to ensure that the employee's work and the organization's strategic objectives to maintain consistent process. Performance management by setting a scientific and rational organizational goals, departmental goals and individual goals for employees specified in the direction Managers to discover the work of subordinates through performance coaching communication problems exist, to provide guidance and resources to support the necessary work to subordinates, subordinates bv improving, work attitude and workin~ melhnd~ tn en^Hre~ tho renl^v~fltan nfn^r~" I-,;~.~; 展开更多
关键词 BP Performance management Optimization design
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