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作者 崔东平 《农村财务会计》 2019年第3期12-13,共2页
作为第三批国家级试点县,山西省长治市屯留区的清产核资工作整体即将完成,全区293个行政村,95%以上的村集体摸清了家底,下一步将进入股权设置和股权量化阶段。笔者在工作中发现,清产核资前,村级财务核算大都相对单一,较少涉及经济效益,... 作为第三批国家级试点县,山西省长治市屯留区的清产核资工作整体即将完成,全区293个行政村,95%以上的村集体摸清了家底,下一步将进入股权设置和股权量化阶段。笔者在工作中发现,清产核资前,村级财务核算大都相对单一,较少涉及经济效益,清产核资后,成立村股份经济合作社,将与村委会分别进行财务核算,对财务管理的要求也随之提高。 展开更多
关键词 财务 阶段 改革 试点县 核算 股权 理村
作者 李聪聪 《农村经济与科技》 2023年第22期148-151,共4页
村干作为乡村基层治理的重要环节,直接影响着村寨治理的效果。为了进一步了解和提升西部山区基层治理中村干管理的效率,在对贵州省剑河县南寨镇的村寨进行调研的基础上,发现西部山区一些村干不担当、不作为、不在岗、无监管的现象普遍... 村干作为乡村基层治理的重要环节,直接影响着村寨治理的效果。为了进一步了解和提升西部山区基层治理中村干管理的效率,在对贵州省剑河县南寨镇的村寨进行调研的基础上,发现西部山区一些村干不担当、不作为、不在岗、无监管的现象普遍。分析认为,缺乏市场经济意识,政府用人机制缺陷,整体信任缺失,隐形腐败等是主要原因。而对村干进行职业化既可以很好地提升对村干的管理效率,也可以提升对村干管理的灵活性,同时还能减少行政开支,进一步破除村干传统权威模式,建立更科学、现代化的基层权威模式。 展开更多
关键词 基层治 干管 职业化
作者 韦少英 《黑龙江农业》 2002年第5期31-31,共1页
关键词 海伦市 财民 级财务 财务管
作者 陈尚勇 《农技服务》 2017年第4期178-178,164,共2页
村财乡理的实施能够加快社会主义新农村建设,提高集体资金的使用效益,防治腐败的发生,有利于强化基层民主政治建设,对于村集体经济的良性发展和村级组织的稳定性具有重要的推动作用。但是,通过对我乡村财乡理的现状进行分析,发现存在许... 村财乡理的实施能够加快社会主义新农村建设,提高集体资金的使用效益,防治腐败的发生,有利于强化基层民主政治建设,对于村集体经济的良性发展和村级组织的稳定性具有重要的推动作用。但是,通过对我乡村财乡理的现状进行分析,发现存在许多问题,限制了村财乡理作用的发挥,亟待采取有效的措施进行处理。因此,文章针对我乡村财乡理的现状及存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了村财乡理规范化管理的有效对策,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 财乡 新农 规范化管
作者 姜立新 姜连洋 《黑龙江农业》 2002年第5期29-30,共2页
关键词 五营乡 财民乡管 调查 级财务 机制
作者 李志贵 彭福生 《黑龙江农业》 2002年第9期36-37,共2页
关键词 级财务 农民负担 税费改革 机制 财乡制度
作者 赵志忠 郑海军 《黑龙江农业》 2002年第10期25-26,共2页
关键词 财乡 财会电算化 清产核资 农民负担 财务公开 民主监督
村财不能以乡管了之——关于村财乡管问题的思考 被引量:3
作者 李贵民 付景远 谷有利 《农村经济》 北大核心 2005年第8期126-128,共3页
村财乡管作为解决当前农村基层组织财务收支混乱、干群关系紧张等社会问题的对策,受到了广泛推崇。但是应该看到,村财乡管作为一种新生事物,还很不完善,它在延续旧的坐收坐支、包包帐、断头帐、财务收支不科学、民主理财形式化等问题的... 村财乡管作为解决当前农村基层组织财务收支混乱、干群关系紧张等社会问题的对策,受到了广泛推崇。但是应该看到,村财乡管作为一种新生事物,还很不完善,它在延续旧的坐收坐支、包包帐、断头帐、财务收支不科学、民主理财形式化等问题的同时,又衍生出了“村财乡用”、财务管理成本增加等新的社会问题。对此,必须给予高度重视,采取多管齐下的综合措施,切实解决村财乡管中存在的弊端,使村财乡管制度真正成为解决当前村财问题的治本之策。 展开更多
关键词 坐收坐支 多账 财民 计划管 统管会计
作者 燕妮 《人与自然》 2003年第6期50-55,共6页
租了一辆长安“面的”,早晨7点半出发,经过两个小时的颠簸,从紫阳镇好不容易才到达婺源沱江的理坑村。道路是石子路,坑坑洼洼的不太好走,县政府只赶修了紫阳会镇到江家湾的公路,路不好限制了人流,也许从某种意义上来说,对我这... 租了一辆长安“面的”,早晨7点半出发,经过两个小时的颠簸,从紫阳镇好不容易才到达婺源沱江的理坑村。道路是石子路,坑坑洼洼的不太好走,县政府只赶修了紫阳会镇到江家湾的公路,路不好限制了人流,也许从某种意义上来说,对我这样的摄影爱好者更有利。 展开更多
关键词 婺源沱江 摄影 旅游业
建设坝地精种田 输出劳力多挣钱——米脂县对岔村沟坡兼治
作者 何建民 《西部大开发》 2003年第12期35-35,共1页
对岔村的水土保持始于20世纪50年代。历经几代人的艰苦奋斗和积极探索,从80年代开始走上了治沟与治坡结合,治理与开发利用并重,工程、生物、耕作三大措施配套的治理之路,创出了黄土高原丘陵沟壑区针对不同地貌单元设三道防线,即“梁峁... 对岔村的水土保持始于20世纪50年代。历经几代人的艰苦奋斗和积极探索,从80年代开始走上了治沟与治坡结合,治理与开发利用并重,工程、生物、耕作三大措施配套的治理之路,创出了黄土高原丘陵沟壑区针对不同地貌单元设三道防线,即“梁峁缓坡修梯田,陡坡耕地种林草,沟道里头打库坝”的治理模式,有效控制了水土流失,改善了农业生产条件和生态环境。截至2002年,全村已修梯田1090亩,打坝15座,淤地坝290亩,建蓄水池3座,蓄水4.7万立方米,灌地120余亩,人均“三田”1.5亩,栽植经济林1550亩,人均1.5亩,营造乔木林200亩,灌木林1428亩,种草1400亩,治理面积4.05平方公里,治理度达79.4%。 展开更多
关键词 米脂县对岔 水土保持 模式 坝系建设 坡面治
Problem and Countermeasure of Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment 被引量:3
作者 曲丽丽 李悦 +2 位作者 孔范龙 赵丽霞 孙鹏 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第12期2620-2622,共3页
With the development of rural economy, pollutions of rural sewage are in- creasingly serious. This paper introduces the characteristics of rural domestic sewage and the rural sewage treatment situation, and according ... With the development of rural economy, pollutions of rural sewage are in- creasingly serious. This paper introduces the characteristics of rural domestic sewage and the rural sewage treatment situation, and according to the problems of funds, management, process selection, policy and weak awareness of environmental protection in the rural domestic sewage treatment, puts forward relevant countermea- sures to ensure long-term operation of sewage treatment system, and achieve the purpose of improving rural water environment and protect the ecological environment in rural areas. 展开更多
关键词 Rural domestic sewage treatment PROBLEM COUNTERMEASURES
Analysis on Selection of Domestic Sewage Treatment Method in Rural Area 被引量:14
作者 万玉山 张平 +1 位作者 李定龙 马建锋 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第4期597-599,共3页
Based on the characteristics of the domestic sewage in rural district,four sewage treatment methods were analyzed.The results found that the optimum method was to process the domestic sewage on the spot,and it should ... Based on the characteristics of the domestic sewage in rural district,four sewage treatment methods were analyzed.The results found that the optimum method was to process the domestic sewage on the spot,and it should be popularized and applied in rural area. 展开更多
关键词 Rural domestic wastewater POLLUTION Treatment method
Study on the Feasibility of the Calculation Methods of Consolidating Rural Residential Land into Arable Land in China
作者 何英彬 陈佑启 +2 位作者 姚艳敏 许新国 李志斌 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2009年第9期55-58,共4页
Since the increasing demand for arable land and low efficient and disordered use of rural residential land,land consolidation for rural settlement has become a hot issue in China.Many Chinese scientists studied the to... Since the increasing demand for arable land and low efficient and disordered use of rural residential land,land consolidation for rural settlement has become a hot issue in China.Many Chinese scientists studied the topic from different angles.However,there is no reference systematically summarizing and discussing feasibility of consolidating rural residential land into arable land.The authors listed and analyzed the calculation methods of consolidating rural residential land into arable land,and discussed the feasibility and reasonability of those methods.Moreover,this paper put forward the study orientation in this regard for providing references for relevant researches. 展开更多
关键词 Rural residential land Land consolidation METHODOLOGY POTENTIALITY FEASIBILITY
内黄县理固村唐代造像塔年代及来源考 被引量:1
作者 朱己祥 《中国美术研究》 CSSCI 2018年第2期13-18,共6页
本文详细刊布了内黄县理固村唐代佛堂形组合式造像塔的结构与图像,阐述了其与武周时期同类造像塔的密切关系,推测其年代为8世纪初叶前后。进而指出,该塔是河南现存最早的唐代佛堂形组合式造像塔之一,其塔身正壁图像受河北邢台同类实例影... 本文详细刊布了内黄县理固村唐代佛堂形组合式造像塔的结构与图像,阐述了其与武周时期同类造像塔的密切关系,推测其年代为8世纪初叶前后。进而指出,该塔是河南现存最早的唐代佛堂形组合式造像塔之一,其塔身正壁图像受河北邢台同类实例影响,类似图像粉本曾流传于冀南、豫北,以至于明代仍有仿刻该粉本的情况。本实例对于考察河北南部与河南北部佛堂形组合式造像塔的关系,以及此类造像塔的起源具有重要参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 内黄县 唐代 佛堂形组合式造像塔
Analysis of Types and Changes of Village-level Economy in Rural Gongyi City, Henan Province Since 1990 被引量:11
作者 QIAO Jiajun KONG Yunfeng LI Xiaojian 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第2期101-108,共8页
Based on the research on the rural living standard in China in terms of annual net income per capita, we de-fine six types of village-level economy, i.e. "to be extremely poor", "to make a basic living&... Based on the research on the rural living standard in China in terms of annual net income per capita, we de-fine six types of village-level economy, i.e. "to be extremely poor", "to make a basic living", "to dress warmly and eat one's fill", "to try to enrich (to disengage poverty)", "to be well-off" and "to be affluent". The data of average annual net income of all the 292 villages between 1990 and 2004 in rural Gongyi City, Henan Province were collected, veri-fied and classified. By using standard deviation, coefficient of variation and regression analysis, it is found that the Gongyi's rural economy has boosted up remarkably from the relative-poverty and absolute-poverty stages in 1990 to the well-off in 2004. However, the absolute differences between villages present a trend of enlargement, while the rela-tive differences fluctuating. On the other hand, spatial analysis of village-level economy shows that most villages with relatively high economic development level were located along national expressway and most villages with abso-lute-poverty lay in remote mountainous areas in 1990. Since the 1990s, the rapid urbanization and industrialization have had strongly positive effects on rural economic growth. Initial economic foundation, natural resources and tradi-tional techniques also contribute to village economy. From the perspective of geography, villages with location advan-tages, such as near urban center or industrial parks, have more chances for their economic development and the "core-periphery" economic structure has been presented in the process of rural development. 展开更多
关键词 rural village village-level economy net income spatial analysis Gongyi City
Geography and Rural Household Income:A Village Level Study in Henan Province,China 被引量:4
作者 LI Xiaojian FAN Xinsheng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第1期1-8,共8页
This study uses the data from a sample survey conducted in April 2007 on 1 251 rural households in 11 villages of Henan Province, the largest less developed agricultural province in China, to examine how geography aff... This study uses the data from a sample survey conducted in April 2007 on 1 251 rural households in 11 villages of Henan Province, the largest less developed agricultural province in China, to examine how geography affects rural household income (RHI). The quantitative analysis indicates following results. I) The significance of the traditional geographical factors reduces as RHI rank increases. 2) The landform does not affect the RHI significantly. The per capita income of rural household in a plain area is lower than that in a mountainous area. And 3) the capital endowment and status of non-farm economic activities contribute to the increase of RHI. But the probability and intensity of non-farm economic activities of rural households in urban outskirts villages are higher than that in non-urban outskirts villages. Based on the results, the paper further concludes that geography still plays a significant role in rural development, but it is changing over time. The agricultural resources (such as per capita arable land) significantly affect RHI with the relatively lower income level, while the geographical location shows a more significant impact on RHI with the relatively high income level. Along with economic development, the proximity replaces the traditional geographical factors such as landform and physical resources as the major determining factor in RHI. 展开更多
关键词 rural household income (RH1) geographical factor village level study Henan Province
How selected primary schools in rural New Zealand manage their financial resources of limited government funding in order to effectively meet their schools objectives
作者 Crabtree Jen France Adrian 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第6期14-27,共14页
This study evaluates the extent to which primary schools in a region of New Zealand are challenged by limited funds to enable the effective management and performance of their school. The study involved interviews wit... This study evaluates the extent to which primary schools in a region of New Zealand are challenged by limited funds to enable the effective management and performance of their school. The study involved interviews with school principals and analysis of their schools' financial statements. The aim of this project is to gain a current understanding of the issues and challenges facing primary schools in a defined region (Waikato) to see whether the trends identified in national research studies, confirms the problem that schools are underfunded. The results of the current study identified the issues experienced by the Waikato schools and in most cases supported previous research findings. The findings of the current study also suggest that schools share the dilemmas associated with limited government funding and rely significantly on local funding sources to achieve their basic objectives. Although schools may be effective in the management of their school objectives, there is more government funding required to relieve the pressures and challenges. 展开更多
关键词 SCHOOLS budgets FUNDING management FINANCE
Risk Management Strategies of Vulnerable Rural Households in Southeast Asia: A Case Study from Vietnam
作者 I. Fischer G. Buchenrieder 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第2X期292-302,共11页
In the Uplands of Southeast Asia, poor and near-poor farm households endure considerable livelihood vulnerability. Access to formal insurance services is scarce. Rural farm households in mountainous Northern Vietnam h... In the Uplands of Southeast Asia, poor and near-poor farm households endure considerable livelihood vulnerability. Access to formal insurance services is scarce. Rural farm households in mountainous Northern Vietnam have developed alternative risk management strategies. This article investigates the theoretical links between poverty, vulnerability and risk. The concept of vulnerability to poverty lays the analytical framework. Based on empirical evidence from more than 200 ethnic minority households, major risks and risk management strategies are presented and analyzed. Results suggest that households suffer from limited endowment with and access to capital assets and service institutions. Human and economic risks (e.g. illness of family members and loss of livestock) were identified as the main components affecting rural livelihoods. Constrained access to adequate risk management strategies increase household's vulnerability, drowning them more and more in poverty. Major policy implications are that anti-poverty programs should focus on a broader target group, the currently poor as well as the vulnerable households. 展开更多
关键词 Risk management VULNERABILITY Southeast Asia Vietnam.
Village Governance by Economic Capable Persons: A New Pattern of Rural Politics in China
作者 卢福营 《China Economist》 2012年第4期98-104,共7页
Since the 1980s, a whole class of economic capable persons has emerged along with China's rural economic development. This class actively participates in grassroots politics and even leads local village governance, c... Since the 1980s, a whole class of economic capable persons has emerged along with China's rural economic development. This class actively participates in grassroots politics and even leads local village governance, creating a unique, novel pattern of village governance in China. This pattern has far-reaching implications for the use of power in China's villages and for the management of grassroots communities. First, it represents democracy-based authoritarian politics (democracy-authority politics) and a transition away from traditional rural village "squireship" governance. Second, governance by economic capable persons surpasses the unitary, centralized People's Commune governance, replacing it with a pluralistic model that utilizes grass-roots community management. Third, the self-governing pattern that is emerging, wherein the general public participates in a government that is dominated by an economic capable persons, demonstrates a modification of ideal villager self-governance and also a pragmatic invention based on local political realities. In the long run, this new class emergence has the potential to evolve into a new type of localized politics; with further economic differentiation in rural areas, village governance will become increasingly diversified, where governing by capable persons will be just one feasible option. This pattern is already becoming common in many rural areas, especially those where the nonagricultural economy is relatively developed 展开更多
关键词 village governance by economic capable persons elite politics ruralgovernance and management innovation
作者 王牧 《中国民族博览》 2004年第5期28-45,共18页
婺源是一个深藏在江西山区的平凡地方,那里的人们也是平淡无奇地用一种缓慢的节奏生活着。然而,婺源却是一个值得我们珍视的地方,因为那里的生活是原生态的。这里的每个村子都延续着几千年农耕种植的传统,走进这里的农村就像是推开了一... 婺源是一个深藏在江西山区的平凡地方,那里的人们也是平淡无奇地用一种缓慢的节奏生活着。然而,婺源却是一个值得我们珍视的地方,因为那里的生活是原生态的。这里的每个村子都延续着几千年农耕种植的传统,走进这里的农村就像是推开了一道被历史尘封的门。 展开更多
关键词 婺源 荷包红鲤鱼 汪口 田园牧歌式 背山 原有风格 小孙女
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