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作者 李楠 《太原大学教育学院学报》 2013年第4期54-55,共2页
英国作家理查生是18世纪家庭小说的代表人物,以其作品《帕米拉》和《克拉丽莎》最为著名。他的小说多关注平民百姓,特别是中下层女性的婚姻、家庭问题,将婚姻自主与中产阶级温和的道德说教结合起来,形成一种新的模式。他独特的、以描写... 英国作家理查生是18世纪家庭小说的代表人物,以其作品《帕米拉》和《克拉丽莎》最为著名。他的小说多关注平民百姓,特别是中下层女性的婚姻、家庭问题,将婚姻自主与中产阶级温和的道德说教结合起来,形成一种新的模式。他独特的、以描写个人生活和情感、心理变化的书信体的叙述方式,更为其作品增添了魅力。作品中充满感伤的情绪,被称为"感伤小说",理查生也因此是最早将感伤主义文学引入英国,乃至欧洲的作家之一。他的文学特点,对18世纪及后世的英国和欧洲影响巨大。 展开更多
关键词 《帕米拉》和《克拉丽莎》 理查生 情感和心理 书信体小说 感伤主义
浅论理查生的书信体情感心理小说 被引量:3
作者 伍厚恺 《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第2期82-86,共5页
理查生以《帕米拉》、《克拉丽莎》等为代表的书信体情感心理小说为欧洲近代长篇小说的发展奠定了基础。它扫除了传奇小说的巨大影响,以个人日常生活为表现对象,以爱情、婚姻、家庭问题为核心,开始了18世纪的文学革命。它一方面以... 理查生以《帕米拉》、《克拉丽莎》等为代表的书信体情感心理小说为欧洲近代长篇小说的发展奠定了基础。它扫除了传奇小说的巨大影响,以个人日常生活为表现对象,以爱情、婚姻、家庭问题为核心,开始了18世纪的文学革命。它一方面以质朴、真实和准确的生活细节为小说的描写内容,另一方面又使小说的重心从外部转向内心世界,集中刻画情感和心理。书信体小说形式也因理查生的创作而得以确立和趋于完善。 展开更多
关键词 小说 理查生 书信体 情感 心理
诠释的不确定性——从《克拉丽莎》看对书信体小说的解读 被引量:7
作者 李晖 钟鸣 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第2期99-104,共6页
本文认为,理查生的书信体小说《克拉丽莎》存在两种密码破译者———文本内部的破译者(人物)和文本外部的破译者(读者)。小说存在两种阅读进程,小说内部的阅读和小说外部的阅读。小说的内部阅读相当于“故事”,小说的外部阅读相当于“... 本文认为,理查生的书信体小说《克拉丽莎》存在两种密码破译者———文本内部的破译者(人物)和文本外部的破译者(读者)。小说存在两种阅读进程,小说内部的阅读和小说外部的阅读。小说的内部阅读相当于“故事”,小说的外部阅读相当于“话语”。小说中人物之间的斗争实际上是阐释之争、语义之争。因此,理查生的书信体小说《克拉丽莎》充分体现了诠释的不确定性。 展开更多
关键词 《克拉丽莎》 书信体小说 理查生 文学评论 审美需求
郁达夫与英国感伤主义文学 被引量:7
作者 刘久明 《中国文学研究》 北大核心 2001年第2期49-54,共6页
郁达夫的小说创作 ,显示了一种独特的美学风格。这种以忧郁感伤为特征的美学风格的形成 ,一方面固然是由作者自身的气质及其审美选择所决定 ,另一方面则是接受外国文学、特别是 1 8世纪英国感伤主义文学影响的结果。郁达夫的审美情趣与... 郁达夫的小说创作 ,显示了一种独特的美学风格。这种以忧郁感伤为特征的美学风格的形成 ,一方面固然是由作者自身的气质及其审美选择所决定 ,另一方面则是接受外国文学、特别是 1 8世纪英国感伤主义文学影响的结果。郁达夫的审美情趣与创作风格 ,显然都受到了感伤主义文学潜移默化的影响。纤敏柔弱的个性和多愁善感的心理机制 ,加上五四特定的时代与社会环境 ,构成了郁达夫接受英国感伤主义的主客观条件。 展开更多
关键词 郁达夫 感伤主义 理查生 斯泰恩
英国感伤主义文学之见 被引量:4
作者 杨金才 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第1期98-102,共5页
十八世纪后期随着产业革命的继续发展,英国的社会矛盾更加尖锐、复杂。现实的发展破灭了启蒙思想家的一切期望,以为资产阶级制度能够确保全体公民的普遍幸福的启蒙主义的妄想几乎丧失殆尽。发展中的资本主义矛盾越来越暴露出来了。这种... 十八世纪后期随着产业革命的继续发展,英国的社会矛盾更加尖锐、复杂。现实的发展破灭了启蒙思想家的一切期望,以为资产阶级制度能够确保全体公民的普遍幸福的启蒙主义的妄想几乎丧失殆尽。发展中的资本主义矛盾越来越暴露出来了。这种矛盾冲突首先引起了社会思想家和文学家们的关注。表现这种时代精神的就是感伤主义。虽然感伤主义这场文学运动流行的时间比较短暂,但它流传广泛,几乎遍及整个欧洲。感伤主义在使用语言方面所表现的独特性和现实主义的艺术技巧在英国文学史上曾经起过不可忽视的重要作用。本文就这一流派的形成、主要作家作品及创作特点作一介绍。 展开更多
关键词 感伤主义 资产阶级 斯泰恩 现实主义 古典主义 英国 理查生 消极浪漫主义 启蒙主义 积极浪漫主义
论菲尔丁的小说《约瑟夫·安德鲁斯》 被引量:3
作者 刘乃银 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1994年第3期72-76,共5页
论菲尔丁的小说《约瑟夫·安德鲁斯》刘乃银十八世纪.是英国现实主义小说萌芽与繁荣发展的时期,在年青的小说王国里,名家造出,英贤蔚起。他们各自用自己特有的方式,真实地描绘了时代面貌与社会风习,自觉担负起移风易俗,匡正... 论菲尔丁的小说《约瑟夫·安德鲁斯》刘乃银十八世纪.是英国现实主义小说萌芽与繁荣发展的时期,在年青的小说王国里,名家造出,英贤蔚起。他们各自用自己特有的方式,真实地描绘了时代面貌与社会风习,自觉担负起移风易俗,匡正时弊,劝善惩恶的社会责任。特别是这一世... 展开更多
关键词 菲尔丁 安德鲁 理查生 书信体小说 资产阶级 社会问题 女主人公 下层人民 劳动人民 道德问题
作者 玛吉.皮尔希 章朝东 《当代文坛》 1988年第6期78-80,共3页
《谈女性与战争》是当代美国一位犹太女作家玛吉·皮尔希(Marge Piercy)的一篇创作漫谈。这位女作家针对人们,龙其是男人们所发出的疑问和责难,根据自己的体会和认识,娓娓而谈,发表了一篇女性作家的辩护词。语气从容温和,坦然自信;... 《谈女性与战争》是当代美国一位犹太女作家玛吉·皮尔希(Marge Piercy)的一篇创作漫谈。这位女作家针对人们,龙其是男人们所发出的疑问和责难,根据自己的体会和认识,娓娓而谈,发表了一篇女性作家的辩护词。语气从容温和,坦然自信;志向宏大高远,不让须眉。全文字数虽然不多,议论却有精妙之处。此文原载美国《哈泼斯》月刊(Harper's Magayine)1987年6号,选自作者的文集《我和我的小说》(Me and My Novel),兹泽出,以飨读者。 展开更多
关键词 战争 女性 小说 女作家 女性作家 辩护词 理查生 第二次世界大战 语气 犹太人
作者 A.O.J.考克雷特 楼成宏 《文艺理论研究》 1985年第3期123-125,共3页
简·奥斯丁以一种独特而令人深思的方式,提出了这样一个问题:“独创性意味着什么?”我们毫不夸张地称赞,她是我们所有最正统和最富独创性的伟大作家中的一个。这是以什么为依据的呢?确实,在各种意义上她是正统的。首先,她大体上有... 简·奥斯丁以一种独特而令人深思的方式,提出了这样一个问题:“独创性意味着什么?”我们毫不夸张地称赞,她是我们所有最正统和最富独创性的伟大作家中的一个。这是以什么为依据的呢?确实,在各种意义上她是正统的。首先,她大体上有这么一种想法:前人的智慧并非虚妄,它为后代人的经验和每个具有明辨能力的人所证实。无论碰到什么样的宗教和道德改革,她都会认为不过是蠢举而已。那些曾经是基本正确的东西,怎么可能不再是基本正确的呢?她还会认为那种把真理、诚实、仁慈、节制和谦逊认作过时的想法,如同设想某天苹果会摆脱地心引力,从树上飞出去一般荒唐。其次,在英国文学较严密的前后联系上她也是正统的。从早年起,她对古典名著就很精通。 展开更多
关键词 简·奥斯丁 独创性 英国文学 古典名著 曼斯菲尔德庄园 作品 女主人公 作家 宗教 理查生
作者 爱弗.伊文思 李继青 《枣庄学院学报》 1985年第1期83-93,共11页
(二)从理查生到司格特时期的英国小说笛福异世孤立,没有直接的继承者。小说的下一步发展,而且在英格兰的全部历史上,可能是最重要的一步发展,是偶然出现的。一个小木匠的儿子,赛谬尔·理查生(SamuelRichardson,1689—1761)来到伦敦... (二)从理查生到司格特时期的英国小说笛福异世孤立,没有直接的继承者。小说的下一步发展,而且在英格兰的全部历史上,可能是最重要的一步发展,是偶然出现的。一个小木匠的儿子,赛谬尔·理查生(SamuelRichardson,1689—1761)来到伦敦,当了个印刷厂的学徒。此后他终生都在从事印刷业,而且走过了一条走运的成功之路,甚至娶了他老板的女儿。 展开更多
关键词 英国小说 理查生 笛福 菲尔丁 小说写作 奥斯汀 伦敦城 小说作家 纳特 诺桑觉寺
作者 李湘树 《电影评介》 北大核心 1991年第1期12-12,共1页
矫情,是对生活的扭捏作态。它表面上的故作高深,其实恰显露了不能把握生活真实的浅薄。矫情具有传染性。银幕上比比皆是的虚荣浮华现象,犹如东施效颦极令观众反感。新近看了二部台湾影片,忽然发现矫情表现上的一种颇堪玩味的有趣现象。... 矫情,是对生活的扭捏作态。它表面上的故作高深,其实恰显露了不能把握生活真实的浅薄。矫情具有传染性。银幕上比比皆是的虚荣浮华现象,犹如东施效颦极令观众反感。新近看了二部台湾影片,忽然发现矫情表现上的一种颇堪玩味的有趣现象。从主题思想或从总体看,《妈妈再爱我一次》和《爱情火辣辣》都是矫情的。前者对母子之爱的渲染,显然建筑在无病呻吟的基础上。小强入林家,不是生离死别而演成了死别生离。后者,那位爱情的白马王子几乎集世间种种完好于一身,尤其是结尾时公司职员为他们董事长的爱情婚姻一致表现出的溢于言表、揪心动情的成人之美的关注,人际关系的过份融洽,显然也是对现实乌托邦光灿理想的涂抹、虚夸和矫饰。 展开更多
关键词 死别生离 生活真实 小强 我不知道 云散高唐 主题思想 理查生 公司职员 电影艺术 狄德罗
作者 刘继生 《党史文苑》 1998年第2期48-48,共1页
关键词 邓小平理论 旋转餐厅 南巡谈话 深圳 二次创业 发展才是硬道理 股份有限公司 深南大道 党的基本路线 理查生
Indoor thermal comfort studies based on physiological parameter measurement and questionnaire investigation 被引量:6
作者 郑洁 陈良 +1 位作者 李百战 陈露 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第4期404-407,共4页
Physiological parameters of people and enact assessment standard of indoor thermal environment that are appropriate to our national conditions were explored from the perspective of physiology. From December 2005 to Ja... Physiological parameters of people and enact assessment standard of indoor thermal environment that are appropriate to our national conditions were explored from the perspective of physiology. From December 2005 to January 2006, nerve conduction velocities and skin temperatures of 20 healthy students were tested with questionnaire investigation. The results show that the nerve conduction velocities as well as skin temperatures present an obvious decline trend in a continuous draught, and that the nerve conduction velocities and skin temperatures have a definite linear relationship. Draught velocity is an important factor in winter that affects body comfort, and the subjects are sensitive to air velocity. 展开更多
关键词 thermal comfort nerve conduction velocity sensory never conduction questionnaire
Adsorption onto Activated Carbon Fiber Cloth and Electrothermal Desorption of Volatile Organic Compound(VOCs):A Specific Review 被引量:17
作者 Pierre Le Cloirec 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第3期461-468,共8页
A general research program, focusing on activated carbon fiber cloths (ACFC) and felt for environmental protection was performed. The objectives were multiple: (i) a better understanding of the adsorption mecha- ... A general research program, focusing on activated carbon fiber cloths (ACFC) and felt for environmental protection was performed. The objectives were multiple: (i) a better understanding of the adsorption mecha- nisms of these kinds of materials; (ii) the specification and optimization of new processes using these adsorbents; (iii) the modeling of the adsorption of organic pollutants using both the usual and original approaches; (iv) applications of ACFC in industrial processes. The general question was: how can activated carbon fiber cloths and felts be used in air treatment processes for the protection of environment. In order to provide an answer, different approaches were adopted. The materials (ACFC) were characterized in terms of macro structure and internal porosity. Specific studies were performed to get the air flow pattern through the fabrics. Head loss data were generated and modeled as a fi.mction of air velocity. The performances of ACF to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were approached with the adsorption isotherms and breakthrough curves in various operating conditions. Regenera- tion by Joule effect shows a homogenous heating of adsorber modules with rolled or pleated layers. Examples of industrial developments were presented showing an interesting technology for the removal of VOCs, such as dichloromethane, benzene, isopropyl alcohol and toluene, alone or in a complex mixture. 展开更多
关键词 activated carbon fiber cloth ADSORPTION volatile organic compounds electrothermal desorption REGENERATION
Sphincter preservation for distal rectal cancer - a goal worth achieving at all costs? 被引量:2
作者 Jürgen Mulsow Des C Winter 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第7期855-861,共7页
To assess the merits of currently available treatment options in the management of patients with low rectal cancer, a review of the medical literature pertaining to the operative and non-operative management of low re... To assess the merits of currently available treatment options in the management of patients with low rectal cancer, a review of the medical literature pertaining to the operative and non-operative management of low rectal cancer was performed, with particular emphasis on sphincter preservation, oncological outcome, functional outcome, morbidity, quality of life, and patient preference. Low anterior resection (AR) is technically feasible in an increasing proportion of patients with low rectal cancer. The cost of sphincter preservation is the risk of morbidity and poor functional outcome in a significant proportion of patients. Transanal and endoscopic surgery are attractive options in selected patients that can provide satisfactory oncological outcomes while avoiding the morbidity and functional sequelae of open total mesorectal excision. In complete responders to neo-adjuvant chemoradiotherapy, a non-operative approach may prove to be an option. Abdominoperineal excision (APE) imposes a permanent stoma and is associated with significant incidence of perineal morbidity but avoids the risk of poor functional outcome following AR. Quality of life following AR and APE is comparable. Given the choice, most patients will choose AR over APE, however patients following APE positively appraise this option. In striving toward sphincter preservation the challenge is not only to achieve the best possible oncological outcome, but also to ensure that patients with low rectal cancer have realistic and accurate expectations of their treatment choice so that the best possible overall outcome can be obtained by each individual. 展开更多
关键词 Rectal cancer Survival Local recurrence MORBIDITY Anorectal function Quality of life Patient preference
Sensory testing of the human gastrointestinal tract 被引量:1
作者 Christina Brock Lars Arendt-Nielsen +1 位作者 Oliver Wilder-Smith Asbjφrn Mohr Drewes 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期151-159,共9页
The objective of this appraisal is to shed light on the various approaches to screen sensory information in the human gut. Understanding and characterization of sensory symptoms in gastrointestinal disorders is poor. ... The objective of this appraisal is to shed light on the various approaches to screen sensory information in the human gut. Understanding and characterization of sensory symptoms in gastrointestinal disorders is poor. Experimental methods allowing the investigator to control stimulus intensity and modality, as well as using validated methods for assessing sensory response have contributed to the understanding of pain mechanisms. Mechanical stimulation based on impedance planimetry allows direct recordings of luminal cross-sectional areas, and combined with ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, the contribution of different gut layers can be estimated. Electrical stimulation depolarizes free nerve endings non-selectively. Consequently, the stimulation paradigm (single, train, tetanic) influences the involved sensory nerves. Visual controlled electrical stimulation combines the probes with an endoscopic approach, which allows the investigator to inspect and obtain small biopsies from the stimulation site. Thermal stimulation (cold or warm) activates selectively mucosal receptors, and chemical substances such as acid and capsaicin (either alone or in combination) are used to evoke pain and sensitization. The possibility of multimodal (e.g. mechanical, electrical, thermal and chemical) stimulation in different gut segments has developed visceral pain research. The major advantage is involvement of distinctive receptors, various sensory nerves and different pain pathways mimicking clinical pain that favors investigation of central pain mechanisms involved in allodynia, hyperalgesia and referred pain. As impairment of descending control mechanisms partly underlies the pathogenesis in chronic pain, a cold pressor test that indirectly stimulates such control mechanisms can be added. Hence, the methods undoubtedly represent a major step forward in the future characterization and treatment of patients with various diseases of the gut, which provides knowledge to dinicians about the underlying symptoms and treatment of these patients. 展开更多
Splenectomy for splenic metastases from malignant adrenal pheochromocytoma: a case report
作者 Xiao-Feng Duan 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期114-116,共3页
Splenic metastasis is generally not a common clinical event. However, metastasis to the spleen from adrenal pheochromocytoma is extremely rare and has not been reported in literature. This report presents a case of a ... Splenic metastasis is generally not a common clinical event. However, metastasis to the spleen from adrenal pheochromocytoma is extremely rare and has not been reported in literature. This report presents a case of a 58 year-old male patient who developed spleen-only metastases in July 2007. The patient had a previous history of left epinephroectomy for adrenal pheochromocytoma in January 2003. Abdominal computed tomography demonstrated multiple enhancing lesions suggestive of metastases; thus splenectomy was performed. Pathological examinations confirmed the diagnosis of splenic metastases from pheochromocytoma. The patient was alive without recurrence 48 months after splenectomy. qttis study is the first report on splenic metastasis from previous adrenal pheochromocytoma, and long-term survival was achieved by splenectomy. A history of malignancy indicates a high index of suspicion for splenic metastasis, and long-term survival can be achieved by splenectomy for spleen-only metastasis. 展开更多
关键词 Splenic metastasis adrenal pheochromocytoma SPLENECTOMY
Plasmablastic lymphoma of the small intestine:Case report and literature review 被引量:3
作者 Hong-Wei Wang Wen Yang +3 位作者 Jun-Zhong Sun Jiang-Yang Lu Min Li Lin Sun 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第45期6677-6681,共5页
Plasmablastic lymphoma(PBL) is a rare aggressive B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder,which has been characterized by the World Health Organization as a new entity.Although PBL is most commonly seen in the oral cavity ... Plasmablastic lymphoma(PBL) is a rare aggressive B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder,which has been characterized by the World Health Organization as a new entity.Although PBL is most commonly seen in the oral cavity of human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)-positive patients,it can also be seen in extraoral sites in immunocompromised patients who are HIV-negative.Here we present a rare case of PBL of the small intestine in a 55-year-old HIV-negative male.Histopathological examination of the excisional lesion showed a large cell lymphoma with plasmacytic differentiation diffusely infiltrating the small intestine and involving the surrounding organs.The neoplastic cells were diffusely positive for CD79a,CD138 and CD10 and partly positive for CD38 and epithelial membrane antigen.Approximately 80% of the tumor cells were positive for Ki-67.A monoclonal rearrangement of the kappa light chain gene was demonstrated.The patient died approximately 1.5 mo after diagnosis in spite of receiving two courses of the CHOP chemotherapy regimen.In a review of the literature,this is the first case report of PBL with initial presentation in the small intestine without HIV and Epstein-Barr virus infection,and a history of hepatitis B virus infection and radiotherapy probably led to the iatrogenic immunocompromised state. 展开更多
关键词 Plasmablastic lymphoma Small intestine Human immunodeficiency virus Differential diagnosis
Lactobacillus plantarum B7 inhibits Helicobacter pylori growth and attenuates gastric inflammation 被引量:6
作者 Chompoonut Sunanliganon Duangporn Thong-Ngam +1 位作者 Somying Tumwasorn Naruemon Klaikeaw 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第20期2472-2480,共9页
AIM:To determine the anti-Helicobacter property of Lactobacillus plantarum B7(L.plantarum)B7 supernatants in vitro and the protective effects of L.plantarum B7 on serum tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-?),gastric malon... AIM:To determine the anti-Helicobacter property of Lactobacillus plantarum B7(L.plantarum)B7 supernatants in vitro and the protective effects of L.plantarum B7 on serum tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-?),gastric malondialdehyde(MDA)level,apoptosis,and histopathology in Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)-induced gastric inflammation in rats. METHODS:In vitro,the inhibition of H.pylori growth was examined using L.plantarum B7 supernatants at pH 4 and pH 7 and at the concentration of 1×,5×and 10×on plates inoculated with H.pylori.The inhibitory effect of H.pylori was interpreted by the size of the inhibition zone.In vitro,male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups including group 1(control group),group 2(H.pylori infected group), group 3(H.pylori infected with L.plantarum B7 106 CFUs/mL treated group)and group 4(H.pylori infected with L.plantarum B7 1010 CFUs/mL treated group).One week after H.pylori inoculation,L.plantarum B7 106 CFUs/mL or 10 10 CFUs/mL were fed once daily to group 3 and group 4,respectively,for one week.Blood and gastric samples were collected at the end of the study. RESULTS:In vitro,at intact pH 4,mean inhibitory zone diameters of 8.5 mm and 13 mm were noted at concentrations of 5×and 10×of L.plantarum B7 supernatant disks,respectively.At adjusted pH 7, L.plantarum B7 supernatants at concentrations of 5 ×and 10×yielded mean inhibitory zone diameters of 6.5 mm and 11 mm,respectively.In the in vitro study, in group 2,stomach histopathology revealed mild to moderate H.pylori colonization and inflammation.The level of gastric MDA and epithelial cell apoptosis were significantly increased compared with group 1.The serum TNF-??level was significant decreased in group 3 compared with group 2(P<0.05).In addition,L.plantarum B7 treatments resulted in a significant improvement in stomach pathology,and decreased gastric MDA level and apoptotic epithelial cells. CONCLUSION:L.plantarum B7 supernatant inhibits H.pylori growth.This inhibition was dose-dependent and greater at pH 4.Moreover,L.plantarum B7 attenuated H.pylori-induced gastric inflammation. 展开更多
关键词 Apoptosis Gastric inflammation Helicobacter pylori Lactobacillus plantarum B7 Lipid peroxi dation
Research on development trend of Higher Vocational Students' Psychological Health
作者 Tao QIN Fangfang LIU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期89-91,共3页
According to five consecutive year' s mental Health survey for freshmen in a higher vocational school, it is found that: vocational students' mental health is gradually improved; the most prominent psychological pr... According to five consecutive year' s mental Health survey for freshmen in a higher vocational school, it is found that: vocational students' mental health is gradually improved; the most prominent psychological problems among higher vocational students are: compulsion, depression and interpersonal communication; boys' mental health is significantly better than girls' ; students from different grades have varies mental health problems. 展开更多
关键词 higher vocational mental health Development Trend
Intussusception Induced by Transverse Colon Lipoma in a Young Male PatientmOne Case Report
作者 Ting-ting SUN Yong-xi-SONG Xiao-ye ZHANG Miao YU Zhen-ning WANG Hui-mian XU 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2011年第4期247-249,共3页
Colonic lipoma is an uncommon benign non-epithelial tumor of the gastrointestinal tract. It typically occurs in the ascending colon and among old female patients. Most cases are asymptomatic and do not require any spe... Colonic lipoma is an uncommon benign non-epithelial tumor of the gastrointestinal tract. It typically occurs in the ascending colon and among old female patients. Most cases are asymptomatic and do not require any special treatment. However, we encountered a young male patient with a symptomatic lipoma located in the transverse colon that induced a transcolocolonic intussusception. He presented with such symptoms as diarrhea, tenesmus, abdominal pain, and weight loss. Colonoscopy revealed a spherical polypoid lesion with partial congestion and ulceration on its surface, and the related biopsy and inflammatory cell infiltration. revealed spindle cell hyperplasia Reduction of the intussusception was not attempted, and transverse hemicolectomy was conducted. Although several novel techniques have been reported for the diagnosis and treatment of colonic lipoma, for our case patient, an exact diagnosis was made postoperatively via histological examina- tion and laparotomy was performed. 展开更多
关键词 transverse colon LIPOMA INTUSSUSCEPTION PATHOLOGY laparotomy.
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