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涤纶仿毛纤维的纤维物理性能研究(一) 被引量:1
作者 王建平 丁玉梅 陈凤英 《上海纺织科技》 北大核心 1994年第1期58-61,共4页
一、前 言 所谓涤纶仿毛纤维,严格地讲应在各种物理化学性能,特别是纤维物理性能方面达到或接近羊毛纤维的性能要求。但实际上,由于开发仿毛产品所采用的工艺路线、设备及对产品风格的要求各不相同,因而不可能也没有必要对涤纶仿毛纤维... 一、前 言 所谓涤纶仿毛纤维,严格地讲应在各种物理化学性能,特别是纤维物理性能方面达到或接近羊毛纤维的性能要求。但实际上,由于开发仿毛产品所采用的工艺路线、设备及对产品风格的要求各不相同,因而不可能也没有必要对涤纶仿毛纤维的各种纤维物理性能提出划一的指标。走棉纺路线和走毛纺路线搞仿毛产品的开发,对涤纶仿毛纤维的性能要求,诸如力学性能、收缩性能、染整工艺的适应性、热稳定性等就各不相同;如果是混纺,则与何种纤维混纺,也对涤纶仿毛纤维的要求各不相同。有时为了赋于产品某些羊毛纤维无法达到的性能要求而对涤纶仿毛纤维要求有与羊毛很大不同的性能。因而对涤纶仿毛纤维的考核应在“仿毛像毛”的前提下根据所采用的工艺、设备和对产品性能的要求来对涤纶仿毛纤维的性能作出评价。当然,考核的项目内容是可以一致的,并且通过这些项目和相应的测试方法可以对涤纶仿毛纤维的性能作出准确和有效的评价。在确定上述概念的基础上,我们要说明的是:本文在讨论中将以羊毛纤维为标准来分析各种涤纶仿毛纤维的纤维物理性能及各种关系,而不可能根据千变万化的各种具体的要求对各种涤纶仿毛纤维的优劣作出评价。 展开更多
关键词 涤纶仿毛纤维 纤维
作者 杨大春 《浙江学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期24-32,共9页
古代中国的宋明理学三种形态和现代西方的欧陆“理学”各个流派代表了不同形式的体系哲学。前者围绕理、心、气三个本体概念,后者围绕神、心、物三个本体范畴进行体系建构,分别以自己的方式呈现出了理学、心(理)学和物(理)学之间的静态... 古代中国的宋明理学三种形态和现代西方的欧陆“理学”各个流派代表了不同形式的体系哲学。前者围绕理、心、气三个本体概念,后者围绕神、心、物三个本体范畴进行体系建构,分别以自己的方式呈现出了理学、心(理)学和物(理)学之间的静态的逻辑秩序。贺麟先生通过“以中释西,以西释中”的方法展开的中西哲学研究,他在此基础上建构的可以溯源至宋明理学、尤其是陆王心学的新心学,为在两类体系哲学之间进行比较研究提供了诸多有益的资源和启示。我们进而可以勾勒出理学、心(理)学和物(理)学在欧陆现当代哲学中的逻辑演进,籍此理解体系哲学在西方是如何逐步走向解体的。 展开更多
关键词 贺麟 心()学 ()学 体系哲学 比较研究
作者 朱育漩 《环境经济》 2019年第10期72-72,共1页
梁漱溟曾说:'人一辈子首先要解决人和物之间的关系,这种关系应该是,以物致心,心意相通,热诚而节制。'人生一世,不是处理与人的关系,就是处理与物的关系。这些个体单元组合起来,变成了我们与社会的关系。与人的关系是'我'... 梁漱溟曾说:'人一辈子首先要解决人和物之间的关系,这种关系应该是,以物致心,心意相通,热诚而节制。'人生一世,不是处理与人的关系,就是处理与物的关系。这些个体单元组合起来,变成了我们与社会的关系。与人的关系是'我'与'他者'世界的关系,而与物的关系,却是更多指向了我们与自己的关系。 展开更多
关键词 心意 理物 温润 单元 致心 关系 社会
作者 袁世英 《甘肃教育》 2000年第10期41-41,共1页
关键词 教材 教材评价 教学内容 初中理物
作者 张亮 《物流技术》 北大核心 2013年第7期34-36,共3页
首先对物控管理进行了理论综述,在此基础上介绍了目前制造业布局中物控管理的发展现状,并列出了物控管理的三大因素所经常出现的问题和在企业内部物控管理工作的相关问题要点,通过全面而系统地剖析问题,将物控管理中出现的所有问题进行... 首先对物控管理进行了理论综述,在此基础上介绍了目前制造业布局中物控管理的发展现状,并列出了物控管理的三大因素所经常出现的问题和在企业内部物控管理工作的相关问题要点,通过全面而系统地剖析问题,将物控管理中出现的所有问题进行整合分析,提出了特定因素下所采取的应对策略,具体表现在物料控制、生产控制和仓库管理方面提出的可行性解决方案,为制造型企业解决物控管理问题提供了可靠的依据,最后提出了针对我国制造业布局中物控管理的发展建议和预测。 展开更多
关键词 制造业 控管 生产控制 仓库管
供应链物流管理系统的搭建与效益分析 被引量:2
作者 刘娟 《时代汽车》 2021年第12期180-181,194,共3页
关键词 供应链 流管 仓储系统 控管
作者 高萍 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)社会科学》 2018年第11期83-83,共1页
2016年9月13日上午,中国学生发展核心素养研究成果发布会在北京师范大学举行。中国学生发展核心素养以培养“全面发展的人”为核心,分为文化基础、自主发展、社会参与3个方面,综合表现为人文底蕴、科学精神、学会学习、健康生活、责任... 2016年9月13日上午,中国学生发展核心素养研究成果发布会在北京师范大学举行。中国学生发展核心素养以培养“全面发展的人”为核心,分为文化基础、自主发展、社会参与3个方面,综合表现为人文底蕴、科学精神、学会学习、健康生活、责任担当、实践创新等六大素养,具体细化为国家认同等18个基本要点。各素养之间相互联系、互相补充、相互促进,在不同情境中整体发挥作用。 展开更多
关键词 核心素养 校本课程
“理感”说与中古诗学的突破 被引量:3
作者 曹胜高 《文史哲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期66-73,共8页
"理感"是以理感物,是人类对客观世界的对象化方式之一。萌芽于玄言诗时代的"理感"说,与"以情感物"并列,是中国诗歌构思模式之一,也是中国诗歌发展的一条线索。"理感"说经过了南北朝至盛唐的创... "理感"是以理感物,是人类对客观世界的对象化方式之一。萌芽于玄言诗时代的"理感"说,与"以情感物"并列,是中国诗歌构思模式之一,也是中国诗歌发展的一条线索。"理感"说经过了南北朝至盛唐的创作实践和理论积淀,至中唐逐渐成为诗文的审美追求,并在宋代得以成型,是唐音向宋调转化的根本动因,也是中国诗学内在的理论突破。 展开更多
关键词 唐音 宋调
作物源库关系研究进展 被引量:21
作者 周海燕 李国龙 张少英 《作物杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期14-18,共5页
关键词 源库 超微结构 同化运输机 蔗糖代谢酶 进展
铁路发展现代物流的切入途径 被引量:6
作者 罗四维 郑国华 李丹江 《铁道货运》 2006年第12期7-10,共4页
关键词 铁路赏运 切入途径 探讨
博物馆是什么?——物人关系视野中的博物馆生成与演变 被引量:5
作者 曹兵武 《中国博物馆》 2017年第1期41-48,共8页
博物馆起源于收藏,然而从个人的私密橱柜到公共性文化空间,博物馆为人类观察、认识、处理物品和遗产提供了自己特有的视角和理论、方法,大大拓展了物人关系的维度和深度。随着遗产观念的不断扩展和深化,以及文化在人的适应和进化及经济... 博物馆起源于收藏,然而从个人的私密橱柜到公共性文化空间,博物馆为人类观察、认识、处理物品和遗产提供了自己特有的视角和理论、方法,大大拓展了物人关系的维度和深度。随着遗产观念的不断扩展和深化,以及文化在人的适应和进化及经济与社会发展中地位的不断提升,博物馆必将在物人关系以及人的世界观建构方面发挥更加重要的作用,普遍遗产化和博物馆化生存将是全球化和信息化时代的重要趋势之一。 展开更多
关键词 私密橱柜 公共文化空间 人事 智慧空间
从《考工记》中探寻古代设计思想——造物与象外之物 被引量:2
作者 王伟 《山东工艺美术学院学报》 2009年第1期67-68,共2页
《考工记》是我国先秦时期一部记载工艺典章的古籍。它蕴含着丰富的设计思想。古代匠人在造物的过程中,除了首先考虑"实用"与"审美"设计思想外,会下意识地把某种深层意味和所造之物联系起来,从而使得所造之物具有... 《考工记》是我国先秦时期一部记载工艺典章的古籍。它蕴含着丰富的设计思想。古代匠人在造物的过程中,除了首先考虑"实用"与"审美"设计思想外,会下意识地把某种深层意味和所造之物联系起来,从而使得所造之物具有一种凌驾于物体本身的特殊情感。这种无形的意味我们只能去体会,联想,感悟,不能解说,不能模仿。这就是本文所要谈的造物中的"物"与"理"、"虚"与"实"、"真善美"。 展开更多
关键词 ”与“ “虚”与“实” “真善”与“美”
作者 杨正国 《民族艺术研究》 CSSCI 2009年第2期42-44,共3页
本文对云南画院画家刘自鸣先生的油画静物进行分析。分析表明,刘自鸣的油画静物具有托物抒情和借物求理两大特点。她把西方的油画语言与中国意趣进行结合,形成了鲜明的个人风格,她的作品平中见奇,以小见大。抒发了画家热爱生命,对生命... 本文对云南画院画家刘自鸣先生的油画静物进行分析。分析表明,刘自鸣的油画静物具有托物抒情和借物求理两大特点。她把西方的油画语言与中国意趣进行结合,形成了鲜明的个人风格,她的作品平中见奇,以小见大。抒发了画家热爱生命,对生命的苦难淡然处之的高尚情怀。 展开更多
关键词 刘自鸣 抒情
《住宅与房地产》 2003年第08S期2-2,共1页
关键词 四川 成都市 管管 收费制度
作者 辛法 《山西建筑》 2005年第5期195-196,共2页
关键词 小构造基底处 协同路基 换填 强(重)夯
Case study on the mechanics of NPR anchor cable compensation for large deformation tunnel in soft rock in the Transverse Mountain area,China
作者 LI Yong ZHENG Jing +3 位作者 HUO Shu-sen WANG Feng-nian HE Man-chao TAO Zhi-gang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期2054-2069,共16页
A study was conducted to analyze the deformation mechanism of strongly weathered quartz schist in the Daliangshan Tunnel,located in the western Transverse Mountain area.A large deformation problem was experienced duri... A study was conducted to analyze the deformation mechanism of strongly weathered quartz schist in the Daliangshan Tunnel,located in the western Transverse Mountain area.A large deformation problem was experienced during the tunnel construction.To mitigate this problem,a support system was designed incorporating negative Poisson ratio(NPR)anchor cables with negative Poisson ratio effect.Physical model experiments,field experiments,and numerical simulation experiments were conducted to investigate the compensation mechanical behavior of NPR anchor cables.The large deformations of soft rocks in the Daliangshan Tunnel are caused by a high ground stress,a high degree of joint fracture development,and a high degree of surrounding rock fragmentation.A compensation mechanics support system combining long and short NPR anchor cables was suggested to provide sufficient counter-support force(approximately 350 kN)for the surrounding rock inside the tunnel.Comparing the NPR anchor cable support system with the original support system used in the Daliangshan tunnel showed that an NPR anchor cable support system,combining cables of 6.3 m and 10.3 m in length,effectively prevented convergence of surrounding rock deformation,and the integrated settlement convergence value remained below 300 mm.This study provides an effective scientific basis for resolving large deformation problems in deeply buried soft rocks in western transverse mountain areas. 展开更多
关键词 soft rock large deformation NPR anchor cable physical model numerical simulation compensation mechanics
Electrical Characteristics of Tangjiawan Landslide in Lixian, Sichuan
作者 Bin Li Qiang Xu +4 位作者 Qiang Cheng Tian-Xiang Liu Jian-hua Yu Yu-jie Su Feng Wang 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期549-563,619,共16页
A wide range of terrain features and landforms,which are exemplified by intricate geological formations and diverse rock compositions,are found in the western mountainous regions of China.These areas frequently encoun... A wide range of terrain features and landforms,which are exemplified by intricate geological formations and diverse rock compositions,are found in the western mountainous regions of China.These areas frequently encounter geological disasters.As one of the natural disasters,landslides lead to considerable loss of human life and property.Considering mitigation of the losses caused by landslide disasters,a necessary measure for disaster prevention and mitigation involves conducting detailed investigations and monitoring of landslides,which is also the cornerstone of landslide warning.This study compares and analyzes the feasibility of the magnetotelluric detection method for landslides using the results of engineering geological surveys and landslide monitoring.The study aims to address the scientific problem of the validity of using magnetotelluric methods to detect landslide development processes.The Tangjiawan landslide signal on the left side of the K94+000~K94+145 section of the Wenma Expressway is analyzed by employing engineering geological survey,magnetotelluric detection,landslide monitoring,landslide analysis,and other methods.Analysis results provide the static electrical characteristics of lithology,structure,and groundwater,as well as the dynamic electrical characteristics of landslide development.This study focuses on analyzing the relationship between the methods of magnetotelluric detection and engineering geological surveys and the results of landslide monitoring.The workflow and methods for data collection,processing,inversion,interpretation,and analysis using the magnetotelluric method to detect the dynamic development process of landslides are presented in the conclusion.Preliminary conclusions indicate a strong correlation between the dynamic changes in magnetotelluric wave impedance with the surface displacement of landslides and the dynamic changes in groundwater.The use of the magnetotelluric method for landslide detection and monitoring is a feasible example.The research results can offer certain technical references for the detection and monitoring of landslides using magnetotelluric methods and also provide references and guidance for the selection of diversified landslide monitoring methods in the future. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDE Magnetotelluric method GEOPHYSICS Engineering Geology Landslide Monitoring
Permeability Estimation of Shale Oil Reservoir with Laboratory-derived Data: A Case Study of the Chang 7 Member in Ordos Basin
作者 Zhang Lin Gao Li +3 位作者 Ba Jing Zhang Meng-Bo José M.Carcione Liu Wei-Hua 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期440-455,616,共17页
The shale oil reservoir within the Yanchang Formations of Ordos Basin harbors substantial oil and gas resources and has recently emerged as the primary focus of unconventional oil and gas exploration and development.D... The shale oil reservoir within the Yanchang Formations of Ordos Basin harbors substantial oil and gas resources and has recently emerged as the primary focus of unconventional oil and gas exploration and development.Due to its complex pore and throat structure,pronounced heterogeneity,and tight reservoir characteristics,the techniques for conventional oil and gas exploration and production face challenges in comprehensive implementation,also indicating that as a vital parameter for evaluating the physical properties of a reservoir,permeability cannot be effectively estimated.This study selects 21 tight sandstone samples from the Q area within the shale oil formations of Ordos Basin.We systematically conduct the experiments to measure porosity,permeability,ultrasonic wave velocities,and resistivity at varying confining pressures.Results reveal that these measurements exhibit nonlinear changes in response to effective pressure.By using these experimental data and effective medium model,empirical relationships between P-and S-wave velocities,permeability and resistivity and effective pressure are established at logging and seismic scales.Furthermore,relationships between P-wave impedance and permeability,and resistivity and permeability are determined.A comparison between the predicted permeability and logging data demonstrates that the impedance–permeability relationship yields better results in contrast to those of resistivity–permeability relationship.These relationships are further applied to the seismic interpretation of shale oil reservoir in the target layer,enabling the permeability profile predictions based on inverse P-wave impedance.The predicted results are evaluated with actual production data,revealing a better agreement between predicted results and logging data and productivity. 展开更多
关键词 shale oil reservoir P-wave impedance RESISTIVITY PERMEABILITY rock physics experiment
A monolithic integrated medium wave Mercury Cadmium Telluride polarimetric focal plane array
作者 CHEN Ze-Ji HUANG You-Wen +4 位作者 PU En-Xiang XIAO Hui-Shan XU Shi-Chun QIN Qiang KONG Jin-Cheng 《红外与毫米波学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期479-489,共11页
A medium wave(MW)640×512(25μm)Mercury Cadmium Telluride(HgCdTe)polarimetric focal plane array(FPA)was demonstrated.The micro-polarizer array(MPA)has been carefully designed in terms of line grating structure opt... A medium wave(MW)640×512(25μm)Mercury Cadmium Telluride(HgCdTe)polarimetric focal plane array(FPA)was demonstrated.The micro-polarizer array(MPA)has been carefully designed in terms of line grating structure optimization and crosstalk suppression.A monolithic fabrication process with low damage was explored,which was verified to be compatible well with HgCdTe devices.After monolithic integration of MPA,NETD<9.5 mK was still maintained.Furthermore,to figure out the underlying mechanism that dominat⁃ed the extinction ratio(ER),specialized MPA layouts were designed,and the crosstalk was experimentally vali⁃dated as the major source that impacted ER.By expanding opaque regions at pixel edges to 4μm,crosstalk rates from adjacent pixels could be effectively reduced to approximately 2%,and promising ERs ranging from 17.32 to 27.41 were implemented. 展开更多
关键词 infrared physics infrared polarimetric focal plane array monolithic integration Mercury Cadmium Telluride extinction ratio
Research and development on mechanism of removal of indoor volatile organic compounds by plants
作者 LI Fangwei CUI Long +2 位作者 CHENG Yan XUE Yonggang HUANG Yu 《地球环境学报》 CSCD 2024年第4期583-595,共13页
Background,aim,and scope Owing to the rapid development of modernisation and urbanisation,living standards have gradually improved.However,the widespread use of high-energy-consuming indoor appliances and furniture ha... Background,aim,and scope Owing to the rapid development of modernisation and urbanisation,living standards have gradually improved.However,the widespread use of high-energy-consuming indoor appliances and furniture has made indoor environments a primary environmental problem affecting human health.Sick building syndrome(SBS)and building-related illness(BRI)have occurred,and indoor air conditions have been extensively studied.Common indoor pollutants include CO,CO_(2),volatile organic compounds(VOCs)(such as the formaldehyde and benzene series),NOx(NO and NO_(2)),and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs).VOCs have replaced SO_(2)as the“The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan”urban air quality assessment new indicators.Indoor VOCs can cause diseases such as cataract,asthma,and lung cancer.To protect human health,researchers have proposed several indoor air purification technologies,including adsorption,filtration,electrostatic dust removal,ozonation,and plant purification.However,each technology has drawbacks,such as high operating costs,high energy consumption,and the generation of secondary waste or toxic substances.Plant degradation of VOCs as a bioremediation technology has the characteristics of low cost,high efficiency,and sustainability,thereby becoming a potential green solution for improving indoor air quality.This study introduces the research status and mechanism of plant removal of indoor VOCs and provides an experimental basis and scientific guidance for analysing the mechanism of plant degradation of pollutants.Materials and methods This study reviews studies on the harm caused by indoor pollutants to human health and related sources,mainly investigating the degradation of indoor formaldehyde,BTEX(benzene,toluene,ethylbenzene,and xylene)plant mechanisms,and research results.Results Plants can remove VOCs via stomatal and non-stomatal adsorption,interfoliar microbial,rhizosphere microbial,and growth media.Benzene,toluene,and xylene(BTX)are adsorbed by pores,hydroxylated into fumaric acid,and then removed into CO_(2) and H_(2)O by TCA.Formaldehyde enters plant leaves through the stomata and epidermal waxy substances and is adsorbed.After the two steps of enzymatic oxidation,formic acid and CO_(2) are generated.Finally,it enters the Calvin cycle and removes glucose and other nontoxic compounds.Discussion The non-stomatal degradation of VOCs can be divided into adsorption by cuticular wax and active adsorption by plant surface microorganisms.The leaf epidermal waxy matter content and the lipid composition of the epidermal membrane covering the plant surface play important roles in the non-stomatal adsorption of indoor air pollutants.The leaf margin of a plant is an ecological environment containing various microbial communities.The endophytic and inoculated microbiota in plant buds and leaves can remove VOCs(formaldehyde and BTEX).Formaldehyde can be directly absorbed by plant leaves and converted into organic acids,sugars,CO_(2) and H_(2)O by microbes.Bioremediation of indoor VOCs is usually inefficient,leading to plant toxicity or residual chemical substance volatilisation through leaves,followed by secondary pollution.Therefore,plants must be inoculated with microorganisms to improve the efficiency of plant degradation of VOCs.However,the effectiveness of interfoliar microbial removal remains largely unknown and several microorganisms are not culturable.Therefore,methods for collecting,identifying,and culturing microorganisms must be developed.As the leaf space is a relatively unstable environment,the degradation of VOCs by rhizosphere microorganisms is equally important,and formaldehyde is absorbed more by rhizosphere microorganisms at night.The inoculation of bacteria into the rhizosphere improves the efficiency of plants in degrading VOCs.However,most of these studies were conducted in simulation chambers.To ensure the authenticity of these conclusions,the ability of plants to remove indoor air pollutants must be further verified in real situations.Conclusions Plant purification is an economical,environment-friendly,and sustainable remediation technology.This review summarises the mechanisms of VOC plant degradation and presents its limitations.Simultaneously,it briefly puts forward a plant selection scheme according to different temperatures,light,and specific VOCs that can be absorbed to choose the appropriate plant species.However,some studies have denied the purification effect of plants and proposed that numerous plants are required to achieve indoor ventilation effects.Therefore,determining the ability of plants to remove indoor VOCs requires a combination of realistic and simulated scenarios.Recommendations and perspectives Plants and related microorganisms play an important role in improving indoor air quality,therefore,the effect of plants and the related microorganisms on improving indoor air quality must be studied further and the effect of plants on indoor VOCs will be the focus of future research. 展开更多
关键词 PLANTS VOCS removal mechanism indoor air purification MICROORGANISM
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