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作者 姜德建 李元建 李年生 《时珍国医国药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期F0003-F0004,共2页
目的观察中理疏风活络片分别对正常血压SD大鼠及自发性高血压模型大鼠血压的影响作用。方法对正常血压SD大鼠,灌胃给予中理疏风活络片(0.41,0.82,1.64 g/kg),2次/d,连续7 d;对自发性高血压模型大鼠,灌胃给予中理疏风活络片(0.41,1.64 g/... 目的观察中理疏风活络片分别对正常血压SD大鼠及自发性高血压模型大鼠血压的影响作用。方法对正常血压SD大鼠,灌胃给予中理疏风活络片(0.41,0.82,1.64 g/kg),2次/d,连续7 d;对自发性高血压模型大鼠,灌胃给予中理疏风活络片(0.41,1.64 g/kg),2次/d,连续7日,检测不同剂量中理疏风活络片组用药后每日动脉血压(收缩压、舒张压和平均动脉压)的数值。结果与正常对照组比较,正常血压SD大鼠和自发性高血压模型大鼠在不同剂量中理疏风活络片灌胃后的连续7 d中,血压均无明显变化(P(0.05)。结论中理疏风活络片用药对正常血压及高血压均无明显影响。 展开更多
关键词 理疏风活络片 正常血压 高血压
作者 高立 《学苑教育》 2011年第12期20-20,共1页
毋庸置疑,一所学校中,学生成绩的差距是永远存在的。这种差距的存在,往往会对一些学生的心理产生影响,出现厌学情绪。而这一情绪也是阻碍学生发展进步的最大心理障碍。作为一名教师该如何应对呢?我的策略是:理疏情导。一、理疏学生阶... 毋庸置疑,一所学校中,学生成绩的差距是永远存在的。这种差距的存在,往往会对一些学生的心理产生影响,出现厌学情绪。而这一情绪也是阻碍学生发展进步的最大心理障碍。作为一名教师该如何应对呢?我的策略是:理疏情导。一、理疏学生阶段,孩子由于生理和心理、心理和社会关系的发展不同步,往往会对家长和教师有逆反心理与行为。成绩比较差的学生较之于成绩好的学生, 展开更多
关键词 厌学 理疏 情导
疏肝理脾汤对大肠癌术后肝郁脾虚证患者心理状态及免疫功能影响 被引量:17
作者 王秀珍 郭琳 柳越冬 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2021年第2期66-69,共4页
目的探讨疏肝理脾汤对大肠癌术后肝郁脾虚证患者心理状态及免疫功能的影响。方法选择2016年6月—2019年6月辽宁中医药大学附属第三医院收治的96例大肠癌术后肝郁脾虚证患者作为研究对象,根据随机数字表法,将96例患者分为观察组(n=46例)... 目的探讨疏肝理脾汤对大肠癌术后肝郁脾虚证患者心理状态及免疫功能的影响。方法选择2016年6月—2019年6月辽宁中医药大学附属第三医院收治的96例大肠癌术后肝郁脾虚证患者作为研究对象,根据随机数字表法,将96例患者分为观察组(n=46例)和对照组(n=50例),对照组术后采取常规化疗,观察组在对照组治疗基础上加以疏肝理脾汤治疗,分别采用汉密尔顿焦虑量表、汉密尔顿抑郁量表对治疗前后两组患者的心理状态进行评价,测定治疗前后两组患者的细胞免疫指标及体液免疫指标水平变化情况,并比较治疗前后两组患者的中医主要证候积分变化情况及临床疗效。结果治疗后,观察组及对照组的HAMA评分、HAMD评分、CD8+及大便异常、腹胀、善太息、抑郁/烦躁易怒情绪各中医主要证候评分均明显低于治疗前,且观察组明显低于对照组;CD3+、CD4+、CD4+/CD8+、NK细胞及Ig A、Ig G、Ig M水平均明显高于治疗前,且观察组明显高于对照组(均P<0.05)。结论在大肠癌术后肝郁脾虚证患者中应用疏肝理脾汤治疗,可有效改善患者的负性情绪,增强患者的免疫功能,并能有效提高临床疗效,具有十分重要的临床推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 免疫功能 状态 肝郁脾虚证 大肠癌术后 脾汤
疏肝理脾方治疗脾虚肝亢证抽动障碍疗效及神经免疫机制研究 被引量:5
作者 史文丽 吴秋艳 +1 位作者 陈慧敏 马丙祥 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2023年第7期124-127,共4页
目的观察疏肝理脾方治疗抽动障碍(脾虚肝亢证)的临床疗效,并从神经免疫角度探索该方的作用机制。方法选择59例抽动障碍(脾虚肝亢证)患儿作为试验组,予疏肝理脾方治疗12周,观察不同时间窗耶鲁综合抽动严重程度量表评分及脾虚肝亢证中医... 目的观察疏肝理脾方治疗抽动障碍(脾虚肝亢证)的临床疗效,并从神经免疫角度探索该方的作用机制。方法选择59例抽动障碍(脾虚肝亢证)患儿作为试验组,予疏肝理脾方治疗12周,观察不同时间窗耶鲁综合抽动严重程度量表评分及脾虚肝亢证中医证候量表积分变化。同期选择20例健康体检儿童作为对照组。采用酶联免疫吸附法分别检测试验组患儿治疗前后及对照组血清抗核抗体(ANAb)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-12(IL-12)及肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)水平。结果疾病临床疗效和中医临床疗效分别为84.7%(50/59)和88.1%(52/59),试验组治疗前血清ANAb、IL-6、IL-12、TNF-α含量较对照组明显增高(P<0.05),经疏肝理脾方治疗后,各指标含量降低(P<0.05)。结论疏肝理脾方治疗抽动障碍(脾虚肝亢证)疗效确切,其抗抽动的作用机制与降低血清中ANAb、IL-6、IL-12和TNF-a含量有关。 展开更多
关键词 脾方 抽动障碍 脾虚肝亢证 临床疗效 神经免疫
从“木赖土以培,土得木而达”探讨疏肝理脾方对经行泄泻肠道微生态的影响 被引量:8
作者 毛清雯 李然 +1 位作者 刘立萍 石岩 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第7期165-167,共3页
“木赖土以培,土得木而达”即肝为木气,全赖脾土以滋培,脾土也得肝木而通条畅达。基于“木赖土以培,土得木而达”,阐述肝脾的密切联系对经行泄泻的治疗有着重要作用。肝郁脾虚是经行泄泻的主要病机,疏肝理脾法为防治经行泄泻的主要治法... “木赖土以培,土得木而达”即肝为木气,全赖脾土以滋培,脾土也得肝木而通条畅达。基于“木赖土以培,土得木而达”,阐述肝脾的密切联系对经行泄泻的治疗有着重要作用。肝郁脾虚是经行泄泻的主要病机,疏肝理脾法为防治经行泄泻的主要治法,疏肝理脾方可有效防治经行泄泻的发生和发展。肝郁脾虚致肠道微生态失调,疏肝理脾方疗效机制可能与其影响肠道微生态有关。 展开更多
关键词 肝郁脾虚 脾方 经行泄泻 肠道微生态
作者 杨欢 周张燕 马北越 《粉末冶金材料科学与工程》 2024年第5期353-361,共9页
金属材料普遍存在腐蚀现象,这限制了金属资源的综合利用。近年来,受到自然界超浸润现象的启示,超疏水涂层作为一种新型金属防护手段,已得到广泛应用。本文对超疏水表面的基础理论进行阐述,重点综述镁合金、铝合金、碳钢、钛合金表面超... 金属材料普遍存在腐蚀现象,这限制了金属资源的综合利用。近年来,受到自然界超浸润现象的启示,超疏水涂层作为一种新型金属防护手段,已得到广泛应用。本文对超疏水表面的基础理论进行阐述,重点综述镁合金、铝合金、碳钢、钛合金表面超疏水涂层近期的发展状况,以期为开发新型功能材料,推动相关技术进步,促进多领域的交叉应用提供参考和指导。 展开更多
关键词 金属材料 水涂层 耐腐蚀 防护材料 水原
从“疏邪滞理经隧、补真元养血气”辨治强直性脊柱炎思路探析 被引量:5
作者 徐晓涵 刘宏潇 《北京中医药》 2022年第10期1177-1180,共4页
强直性脊柱炎作为重大疑难病,病因及发病机制尚未明确,结合中医经典理论与临床实践,笔者团队提出该病的病机以肾督亏虚为本,湿热痹阻为标,瘀血贯穿疾病始终,在此基础上受《证治汇补》启发,以“初痛宜疏邪滞、理经隧,久痛宜补真元、养血... 强直性脊柱炎作为重大疑难病,病因及发病机制尚未明确,结合中医经典理论与临床实践,笔者团队提出该病的病机以肾督亏虚为本,湿热痹阻为标,瘀血贯穿疾病始终,在此基础上受《证治汇补》启发,以“初痛宜疏邪滞、理经隧,久痛宜补真元、养血气”为临床诊疗思路,从“以通为补、以补助疏、以养固本”治疗强直性脊柱炎作经验总结,以期更好地指导临床实践。 展开更多
关键词 强直性脊柱炎 病因病机 辨证论治 邪滞经隧 补真元养血气
作者 章超 孙金声 +4 位作者 吕开河 黄贤斌 戴嘉君 李茂 姚如钢 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期6293-6309,共17页
在油田化学领域,通过研选合适的疏水材料对井壁或储层岩石表面进行润湿性改造,可以减弱表面对水相的亲和性,从而达到抑制岩石水化、减少储层水相圈闭及改善储层油气渗流能力等目的,极大提高油气田的开发效益。本文简要介绍了疏水材料的... 在油田化学领域,通过研选合适的疏水材料对井壁或储层岩石表面进行润湿性改造,可以减弱表面对水相的亲和性,从而达到抑制岩石水化、减少储层水相圈闭及改善储层油气渗流能力等目的,极大提高油气田的开发效益。本文简要介绍了疏水材料的种类并分析了疏水材料形成憎水性表面的原理,重点从稳定井壁、保护储层、提高油气采收率和改善乳液及泡沫稳定性四个关键方面阐述了疏水材料在油田化学领域中的研究进展。针对于目前存在的不足,展望了疏水材料作为一种油田化学助剂,未来应向着低成本、强配伍、多功能、环境友好型方向发展,以满足其在油田化学领域中不断增长的需求。 展开更多
关键词 水材料 水亲和性 润湿性改造 水原 油田化学
镁合金超疏水涂层研究进展 被引量:1
作者 王德芳 李秀兰 谢文玲 《轻合金加工技术》 CAS 2021年第4期4-12,共9页
在镁合金基体上构建超疏水涂层可提高镁合金的耐腐蚀性能。介绍了镁合金超疏水涂层的研究进展、超疏水涂层的定义及其疏水原理,归纳了在镁合金基体上制备超疏水涂层的主要方法,对刻蚀法、喷涂法、水热合成法、溶液沉积法、电化学沉积法... 在镁合金基体上构建超疏水涂层可提高镁合金的耐腐蚀性能。介绍了镁合金超疏水涂层的研究进展、超疏水涂层的定义及其疏水原理,归纳了在镁合金基体上制备超疏水涂层的主要方法,对刻蚀法、喷涂法、水热合成法、溶液沉积法、电化学沉积法、溶液-凝胶法等方法进行了重点论述,讨论了各种制备方法的优缺点,分析了目前超疏水涂层制备及应用中所存在的主要问题。结合镁合金超疏水涂层的最新研究进展,指出了镁合金超疏水涂层未来研究及发展趋势是构建双层以及多层粗糙结构的表面,达到提高超疏水涂层的机械性能以及化学稳定性的目的。 展开更多
关键词 镁合金 水涂层 水原 耐腐蚀
Review of Antifouling Finishing of Textiles:Theme,Evolution and Fabrication Methods
作者 DING Fengmei GUO Yali +4 位作者 WANG Qingmiao WANG Xuehui WANG Ping XING Zhiqi CHEN Luyi 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 CAS 2024年第6期616-629,共14页
Antifouling textiles have been a hot research field in the last ten years.But lately,the European Union(EU)is expected to ban the production of C6 fluorinated water repellent,oil repellent and antifouling agents from ... Antifouling textiles have been a hot research field in the last ten years.But lately,the European Union(EU)is expected to ban the production of C6 fluorinated water repellent,oil repellent and antifouling agents from 2025,achieving complete fluoride-free antifouling measures.In the context of the current policy regulations on fluorine-free treatment in the waterproof,oil repellent and antifouling finishing field,this paper conducts a literature survey and comprehensive understanding of the current research status and trend in fluorine-free antifouling finishing.CiteSpace and Carrot2 are used to conduct a literature review of the latest papers in two databases,Web of Science(WoS)and China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI).Firstly,the theoretical evolution and technical characteristics of textiles antifouling finishing technology are systematically discussed,and the technological differences of antifouling finishing textiles for different demands are compared.Secondly,the three main stages of the development of textile antifouling finishing technology and its corresponding finishing methods are summarized.Finally,three paths for the future development of fluorine-free antifouling finishing are prospected:construction of low surface energy,construction of uniform rough surface and low surface energy,and construction of multistage rough surface with low surface energy.To facilitate the transition of the industrial sector to fluorine-free,regulatory restrictions could be strengthened by enhancing the sampling inspection of apparel fabrics,detecting fluorine in wastewater discharges and restricting the production of fluorine-containing finishing agents by manufacturers. 展开更多
关键词 antifouling finishing fluorine-free HYDROPHOBICITY OLEOPHOBICITY surface roughness
Shear hydrophobic flocculation and flotation of ultrafine Anshan hematite using sodium oleate 被引量:22
作者 印万忠 杨小生 +2 位作者 周大鹏 李艳军 吕振福 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第3期652-664,共13页
Effects of stirring speed and time, pH and sodium oleate concentration on the shear hydrophobic flocculation of ultrafine Anshan hematite with sodium oleate as the surfactant were discussed. The results show that thes... Effects of stirring speed and time, pH and sodium oleate concentration on the shear hydrophobic flocculation of ultrafine Anshan hematite with sodium oleate as the surfactant were discussed. The results show that these parameters significantly affect the shear hydrophobic flocculation of ultrafine hematite. The optimum conditions for the flocculation are: stirring speed 1 400 r/min, flocculation time 20 min, pH 9 and sodium oleate concentration 3.94×10-4 mol/L; the flotation recovery of hematite flocs is remarkably high compared with non flocculated ultrafine hematite. According to the extended DLVO theory, the total interaction potential of Anshan ultrafine hematite was determined. The calculation results indicate that the hydrophobic flocculation state of the ultrafine hematite-sodium oleate system is mainly dominated by electric double layer repulsive interaction potential and hydrophobic interaction potential. A mechanical agitation is required to impart particles a kinetic energy to overcome potential barrier between them due to the existence of electric double layer repulsive interaction potential. Those particles further approach to form flocs due to the significant increase of the hydrophobic interaction potential. 展开更多
关键词 sodium oleate ultrafine hematite shear hydrophobic flocculation extended DLVO theory
Geophysical data sparse reconstruction based on L0-norm minimization 被引量:6
作者 陈国新 陈生昌 +1 位作者 王汉闯 张博 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期181-190,236,共11页
Missing data are a problem in geophysical surveys, and interpolation and reconstruction of missing data is part of the data processing and interpretation. Based on the sparseness of the geophysical data or the transfo... Missing data are a problem in geophysical surveys, and interpolation and reconstruction of missing data is part of the data processing and interpretation. Based on the sparseness of the geophysical data or the transform domain, we can improve the accuracy and stability of the reconstruction by transforming it to a sparse optimization problem. In this paper, we propose a mathematical model for the sparse reconstruction of data based on the LO-norm minimization. Furthermore, we discuss two types of the approximation algorithm for the LO- norm minimization according to the size and characteristics of the geophysical data: namely, the iteratively reweighted least-squares algorithm and the fast iterative hard thresholding algorithm. Theoretical and numerical analysis showed that applying the iteratively reweighted least-squares algorithm to the reconstruction of potential field data exploits its fast convergence rate, short calculation time, and high precision, whereas the fast iterative hard thresholding algorithm is more suitable for processing seismic data, moreover, its computational efficiency is better than that of the traditional iterative hard thresholding algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Geophysical data sparse reconstruction LO-norm minimization iterativelyreweighted least squares fast iterative hard thresholding
An Overview of the Concept of Regional Sediment Management
作者 雷怀彦 Serif BASOGLU +2 位作者 史跃中 林炳煌 龚承林 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2007年第2期71-81,共11页
In this article we described the concept of "regional sediment management" (RSM), and identified opportunities for and impediments to implementing regional approaches to sediment management, and also summarized th... In this article we described the concept of "regional sediment management" (RSM), and identified opportunities for and impediments to implementing regional approaches to sediment management, and also summarized the background information and applications of RSM. Furthermore, we considered the needs of RSM studies and, suggested the framework for developing RSM strategies, and described the specific studies for the Xiamen region. 展开更多
关键词 RSM RESOURCE coastal zone DREDGING
作者 温姗 黄维媚 庄礼兴 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2008年第4期41-44,共4页
The psychotherapeutic technique plays an important role in acupuncture therapy. In the present paper, the authors explain the relevance of psychotherapeutic technique and curative effect of acupuncture from (1)conne... The psychotherapeutic technique plays an important role in acupuncture therapy. In the present paper, the authors explain the relevance of psychotherapeutic technique and curative effect of acupuncture from (1)connection between psychologic factors and curing disease, (2)specialty of acupuncture therapy, and (3)influence of psychologic factors on acupuncture therapy, etc. Finally bring forward how to make good use of the technique during the course of acupuncture. 展开更多
关键词 the psychotherapeutic technique acupuncture therapy relevance
从中国传统思维看中国叙事文学的滞后性 被引量:1
作者 王育洪 倪金华 《新疆社会科学》 2004年第4期98-101,共4页
中国传统思维是一种综合思维 ,具有整体性、重“情”疏“理”等特征。中国叙事文学的滞后性 ,可以从两个方面考察。第一 ,与中国传统抒情文学比较显示其滞后性 ;第二 ,与西方文学比较显示其滞后性。中国传统思维与中国叙事文学的滞后性... 中国传统思维是一种综合思维 ,具有整体性、重“情”疏“理”等特征。中国叙事文学的滞后性 ,可以从两个方面考察。第一 ,与中国传统抒情文学比较显示其滞后性 ;第二 ,与西方文学比较显示其滞后性。中国传统思维与中国叙事文学的滞后性之间存在某些必然的联系。 展开更多
关键词 叙事文学 滞后性 传统思维 重“情”
Superhydrophobic modification of ceramic membranes for vacuum membrane distillation 被引量:11
作者 Yanhui Yang Qianqian Liu +4 位作者 Haizhi Wang Fusheng Ding Guoshan Jin Chunxi Li Hong Meng 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第10期1395-1401,共7页
The hydrophobically modi fied ceramic membranes have great potential for energy-ef ficient membrane distillation.In this work,flat-sheet ceramic membranes with a superhydrophobic surface were fabricated by grafting 1H... The hydrophobically modi fied ceramic membranes have great potential for energy-ef ficient membrane distillation.In this work,flat-sheet ceramic membranes with a superhydrophobic surface were fabricated by grafting 1H,1H,2H,2H-per fluorooctyltrichlorosilane or 1H,1H,2H,2H-per fluorodecyltriethoxysilane and followed by ultraviolet irradiation.The surface water contact angle was improved from 46° of original ceramic membrane to 159°,which exhibited a stable and excellent superhydrophobic effect.The modi fied membranes showed a high flux of 27.28 kg·m^(-2)·h^(-1) and simultaneously maintained an excellent retention rate of 99.99%,when used in vacuum membrane distillation process for treatment of a 1 wt% NaCl(75 °C) aqueous solution.These results suggested that superhydrophobic modi fication of ceramic surface is a facile and cost-effective way to achieve higher membrane distillation performance.The superhydrophobically-modi fied ceramic membrane with an excellent desalination capacity would show considerable potential in practical membrane distillation utilizations. 展开更多
关键词 Superhydrophobic modification Fluoroalkylsilane Ultraviolet irradiation Ceramic membrane Vacuum membrane distillation
低表面能涂层的应用及研究进展 被引量:1
作者 兰亚鹏 闵捷 +1 位作者 古龙 陈宇飞 《热加工工艺》 北大核心 2022年第20期12-18,共7页
低表面能涂层是近年来快速发展的涂料体系,通过低表面能涂料制备涂层,此类涂层具备疏水性质。低表面能涂层在超疏水、防覆冰、自清洁、防污、减阻降噪、防腐蚀等领域的研究逐渐深入且具有极为广泛的应用前景。简述了低表面能涂层的理论... 低表面能涂层是近年来快速发展的涂料体系,通过低表面能涂料制备涂层,此类涂层具备疏水性质。低表面能涂层在超疏水、防覆冰、自清洁、防污、减阻降噪、防腐蚀等领域的研究逐渐深入且具有极为广泛的应用前景。简述了低表面能涂层的理论模型及疏水原理,并对低表面能涂层的不同应用领域进行分类;同时总结了相关领域最新的研究成果,最后提出了低表面能涂层需要解决的问题,并对涂层未来的发展方向做出展望。 展开更多
关键词 低表面能涂层 应用前景 论模型 水原 涂层种类
Weak-Coupling Theory for Semiclassical Periodically Driven Two-Level Systems: Beyond Rotating-Wave Approximation 被引量:2
作者 YANG Xiao-Xue WU Ying 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2X期339-342,共4页
We present a weak-coupling theory of semiclassical periodically driven two-level systems. The explicit analytical approximating solution is shown to reproduce highly accurately the exact results well beyond the regime... We present a weak-coupling theory of semiclassical periodically driven two-level systems. The explicit analytical approximating solution is shown to reproduce highly accurately the exact results well beyond the regime of the rotating-wave approximation. 展开更多
关键词 periodically driven two-level systems weak-coupling theory beyond rotating-wave approximation
Airborne electromagnetic data denoising based on dictionary learning 被引量:6
作者 Xue Shu-yang Yin Chang-chun +5 位作者 Su Yang Liu Yun-he Wang Yong Liu Cai-hua Xiong Bin Sun Huai-feng 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第2期306-313,317,共9页
Time-domain airborne electromagnetic(AEM)data are frequently subject to interference from various types of noise,which can reduce the data quality and affect data inversion and interpretation.Traditional denoising met... Time-domain airborne electromagnetic(AEM)data are frequently subject to interference from various types of noise,which can reduce the data quality and affect data inversion and interpretation.Traditional denoising methods primarily deal with data directly,without analyzing the data in detail;thus,the results are not always satisfactory.In this paper,we propose a method based on dictionary learning for EM data denoising.This method uses dictionary learning to perform feature analysis and to extract and reconstruct the true signal.In the process of dictionary learning,the random noise is fi ltered out as residuals.To verify the eff ectiveness of this dictionary learning approach for denoising,we use a fi xed overcomplete discrete cosine transform(ODCT)dictionary algorithm,the method-of-optimal-directions(MOD)dictionary learning algorithm,and the K-singular value decomposition(K-SVD)dictionary learning algorithm to denoise decay curves at single points and to denoise profi le data for diff erent time channels in time-domain AEM.The results show obvious diff erences among the three dictionaries for denoising AEM data,with the K-SVD dictionary achieving the best performance. 展开更多
关键词 Time-domain AEM data processing DENOISING dictionary learning sparse representation
Adsorption and flotation mechanism of a ketoxime-dithiocarbonate surfactant to chalcopyrite 被引量:3
作者 XIAO Jing-jing YAO Chen +1 位作者 WU Ya-xin LI Chang-zhu 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第12期3847-3857,共11页
The adsorption mechanism of O-isopropyl-S-[2-(hydroxyimino) propyl] dithiocarbonate ester(IPXPO) to chalcopyrite was investigated by using contact angle, in-situ atomic force microscopy(in-situ AFM), cyclic voltammetr... The adsorption mechanism of O-isopropyl-S-[2-(hydroxyimino) propyl] dithiocarbonate ester(IPXPO) to chalcopyrite was investigated by using contact angle, in-situ atomic force microscopy(in-situ AFM), cyclic voltammetry(CV) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS). The results of contact angle and in-situ AFM demonstrated that IPXPO adsorbed on chalcopyrite increases surface hydrophobicity and roughness. It was found by CV experiments that a layer passive film was formed. The results of XPS spectra further revealed that the thiol S atom, oxime N atom, and O atom in the IPXPO molecule might react with copper atoms to form Cu-S, Cu-N, and Cu-O bonds, respectively. An artificial mixed minerals flotation test indicated that under the condition of pH=6.79 and IPXPO initial concentration 5×10^(-5)mol/L, the flotation recovery of chalcopyrite reached about 90%, while for pyrite only 25%, suggesting that IPXPO is an excellent collector for flotation separation and enrichment of chalcopyrite. 展开更多
关键词 O-isopropyl-S-[2-(hydroxyimino)propyl]dithiocarbonate ester CHALCOPYRITE HYDROPHOBICITY adsorption mechanism FLOTATION
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