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豫北对流型地热区热矿水的特点及理疗作用 被引量:4
作者 姜宝良 张石磊 +1 位作者 豆敬磊 余晨 《华北水利水电大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第2期41-46,共6页
在豫北发现的两处对流型地热区,由于对水质特征及利用价值认知不足,使这一宝贵的地热资源没有发挥应有的作用。本文通过对豫北两处地热区的地质背景、热矿水水化学特征的分析,依据国家有关标准对热矿水进行评价,并详细论述了热矿水中的... 在豫北发现的两处对流型地热区,由于对水质特征及利用价值认知不足,使这一宝贵的地热资源没有发挥应有的作用。本文通过对豫北两处地热区的地质背景、热矿水水化学特征的分析,依据国家有关标准对热矿水进行评价,并详细论述了热矿水中的各种成分的理疗作用。这两处热矿水含有多种对人体有益的矿物质和微量元素及放射性气体。现代医学研究证明:用该热矿水进行长期洗浴,具有很好的理疗作用。研究成果可指导类似地热资源的合理开发利用,使宝贵的热矿水资源发挥应有的价值,造福人类。 展开更多
关键词 对流型地热区 热矿水 化学特征 理疗作用
张掖—民乐盆地地热田热矿水化学特征及理疗作用研究 被引量:2
作者 尹政 张旭儒 +2 位作者 王春磊 高月 张玲 《甘肃地质》 2022年第1期72-78,共7页
2016年以来,甘肃省地质矿产勘查开发局在张掖—民乐盆地开展了大量的地热勘探工作,先后实施了8眼地热勘探井,取得了突破性的勘探成果,单井涌水量1348.00 m^(3)/d~6897.84 m^(3)/d,井口水温45℃~78℃,属盆地型大型低温地热田,热矿水中蕴... 2016年以来,甘肃省地质矿产勘查开发局在张掖—民乐盆地开展了大量的地热勘探工作,先后实施了8眼地热勘探井,取得了突破性的勘探成果,单井涌水量1348.00 m^(3)/d~6897.84 m^(3)/d,井口水温45℃~78℃,属盆地型大型低温地热田,热矿水中蕴含多种对人体身心健康有益的微量元素[1,(1)]。本文通过分析张掖—民乐盆地地热田地质背景、热矿水化学特征,结合国家有关理疗热矿水的标准,评价了热矿水中的各种组分对人体的理疗作用。研究结果对张掖市打造“温泉之乡”有一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 理疗作用 水化学特征 热矿水 张掖—民乐盆地
作者 胡小东 《当代音乐》 2015年第11期13-15,共3页
施光南因为在音乐创作尤其是声乐创作方面的卓越成就,而被誉为新中国成立后的第一位"人民音乐家"。其歌曲作品所体现出的时代性、民族性等特质已经成为学界的共识。本文将基于这些特质从歌词内容、歌曲体裁形式及音调风格、... 施光南因为在音乐创作尤其是声乐创作方面的卓越成就,而被誉为新中国成立后的第一位"人民音乐家"。其歌曲作品所体现出的时代性、民族性等特质已经成为学界的共识。本文将基于这些特质从歌词内容、歌曲体裁形式及音调风格、对民间音乐元素的运用等方面去论述施光南歌曲对听众的心理疗慰作用。 展开更多
关键词 施光南 歌曲 理疗作用
作者 诚夫 《中国宝玉石》 1998年第3期30-30,共1页
关键词 宝玉石 水晶 理疗作用 保健作用
作者 任彦宾 《新疆人文地理》 2010年第6期164-164,共1页
关键词 养生 理疗作用 新疆 温泉 冬季 推出 鉴定分析 风湿性关节炎 微量元素 皮肤病
《技术与创新管理》 1998年第A05期56-56,共1页
克学灯获美国最大的国际发明博览会金奖,在纽约新闻发布会上,与会专家及灯具商一致认为它是当今世界上最先进的高科技灯具,是21世纪灯具主流。当即要求定货26万盏。 美国许多报纸做了报导。美国政府为发明人办了世界杰出发明家身份,全... 克学灯获美国最大的国际发明博览会金奖,在纽约新闻发布会上,与会专家及灯具商一致认为它是当今世界上最先进的高科技灯具,是21世纪灯具主流。当即要求定货26万盏。 美国许多报纸做了报导。美国政府为发明人办了世界杰出发明家身份,全家定居美国。为满足国际市场需求,美国公司向中国转让技术,寻求合股生产基地,该灯有16种功能,用红外线遥控,安装使用方便。它能自动柔和地变幻出红、橙、黄、绿、兰、紫各种光谱色,氛围迷离梦幻,充满神秘动感,情调非凡。 该灯还能定出冷色,放出绿光,给人以凉爽感,使人消除烦燥,心情平静;降低眼压,解除眼睛疲劳,防止近视。 该灯能定出暖色,放出红或橙光,给人以温暖感,使人兴奋热情,克服忧郁症。 该灯可以定出包括自动变色及白光在内的16种不同色态。 该灯使《颜色学》、《颜色心理学》 展开更多
关键词 红外线遥控 国际市场需求 理疗作用 灯具 新闻发布 生产基地 颜色学 美国公司 低眼压 转让技术
作者 李智音 《中国保健营养》 1996年第7期51-51,共1页
关键词 中草药材 药枕 身体状况 老人睡眠 超声波 治疗作用 理疗作用 老人健康 催眠效果 茶叶渣
《企业科技与发展》 1996年第11期5-5,共1页
浴室电暖灯。这种灯采用防爆红外线灯泡辐射加热,能使浴室温度瞬间升高十五度至二十度。由于此灯采用红外线辐射,具有保健理疗作用,还能对内衣裤进行杀菌消毒。 电子温控气垫床。该产品主体由耐压不导电的PVC塑胶制成,通电十分钟后,内... 浴室电暖灯。这种灯采用防爆红外线灯泡辐射加热,能使浴室温度瞬间升高十五度至二十度。由于此灯采用红外线辐射,具有保健理疗作用,还能对内衣裤进行杀菌消毒。 电子温控气垫床。该产品主体由耐压不导电的PVC塑胶制成,通电十分钟后,内充冷空气即变暖,温度在二十二度至四十二度之间可任意调节。 家用电子保险柜。其外壳采用高频钢板和特殊隔热材料制成,即使外壳烧红,内藏钱物也不会碳化。该产品采用十二位键盘组成的密码控制器,有密码报警、移动报警、错码报警等多种报警功能。 展开更多
关键词 隔热材料 红外线灯泡 辐射加热 理疗作用 电子温控 控制器 杀菌消毒 产品主体 家用电子 报警功能
《技术与市场》 1997年第2期6-6,共1页
家电新品人个电话只要你身边有电话机,你例可将某一电话号码设定在这台电话机上,这样,当别人拨你的号码时,就能通过你身边的的话机找到你,犹如随身带个“大哥大”这就是“个人电话”“个人电话”号码不属于某一台电话机,而属于某... 家电新品人个电话只要你身边有电话机,你例可将某一电话号码设定在这台电话机上,这样,当别人拨你的号码时,就能通过你身边的的话机找到你,犹如随身带个“大哥大”这就是“个人电话”“个人电话”号码不属于某一台电话机,而属于某一个人,因此打电话的人不会知道你接... 展开更多
关键词 个人电话 电话号码 电话机 隔热材料 血液循环 电子体温计 发热装置 理疗作用 电子温控 控制器
《技术与市场》 1997年第8期5-5,共1页
受青睐的家电新品据市场行情信息,五种家电新品今后将受到消费者青睐,市场前景发展广阔。浴室电暖灯这种灯采用防爆红外线灯泡辐射加热,能使浴室瞬间升温15~20℃,又由于人体经红外线辐射,能疏通经络,加速血液循环,起到保健... 受青睐的家电新品据市场行情信息,五种家电新品今后将受到消费者青睐,市场前景发展广阔。浴室电暖灯这种灯采用防爆红外线灯泡辐射加热,能使浴室瞬间升温15~20℃,又由于人体经红外线辐射,能疏通经络,加速血液循环,起到保健理疗作用。不仅如此,这种灯对内衣内... 展开更多
关键词 电话号码 隔热材料 红外线灯泡 电子体温计 市场前景 辐射加热 理疗作用 电子温控 水银温度计 控制器
《美容院》 2003年第9期141-141,共1页
我们的“火山能量奇石”是采用火山爆发时3000多度高温溶浆凝结而沉睡在地下近十万年的火山矿岩。它所含多种微量元素远远高于其他岩石,在火山的爆发力和高温的作用下使微量元素处于一种活化离子的状态,火山爆发时溶浆在释放能量的过... 我们的“火山能量奇石”是采用火山爆发时3000多度高温溶浆凝结而沉睡在地下近十万年的火山矿岩。它所含多种微量元素远远高于其他岩石,在火山的爆发力和高温的作用下使微量元素处于一种活化离子的状态,火山爆发时溶浆在释放能量的过程中凝结形成火山岩石的纵横交错的小孔,具有良好的吸附性、透气性,与人体肌肤接触磨擦时产生的磁效应、温热效应、微电效应对人体的免疫系统、内分泌系统、神经系统、血液循环和微循环等方面起到健康理疗作用;对舒缓疲劳、放松神经、补充能量、活络气血、促进微循环、调理内分泌作用非常明显。 展开更多
关键词 火山能量奇石 圣丽娜化妆品有限公司 姚逸乐 火山矿岩 微量元素 磁效应 免疫系统 内分泌系统 健康理疗作用
Prevention of peritoneal adhesions:A promising role for gene therapy 被引量:10
作者 Hussein M Atta 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第46期5049-5058,共10页
Adhesions are the most frequent complication of abdominopelvic surgery,yet the extent of the problem,and its serious consequences,has not been adequately recognized.Adhesions evolved as a life-saving mecha-nism to lim... Adhesions are the most frequent complication of abdominopelvic surgery,yet the extent of the problem,and its serious consequences,has not been adequately recognized.Adhesions evolved as a life-saving mecha-nism to limit the spread of intraperitoneal inflammatory conditions.Three different pathophysiological mechanisms can independently trigger adhesion formation.Mesothelial cell injury and loss during operations,tissue hypoxia and inflammation each promotes adhesion formation separately,and potentiate the effect of each other.Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that interruption of a single pathway does not completely prevent adhesion formation.This review summarizes the pathogenesis of adhesion formation and the results of single gene therapy interventions.It explores the prom-ising role of combinatorial gene therapy and vector modif ications for the prevention of adhesion formation in order to stimulate new ideas and encourage rapid advancements in this field. 展开更多
关键词 Peritoneal adhesions Tissue plasminogen activator Gene therapy Plasminogen activator inhibi-tor Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase Transforminggrowth factor β
Clinical Observation in 31 Cases of Chronic Bronchitis at Remission Stage Treated with Bufei Keli
作者 刘杨春 王乃红 +3 位作者 王娜 刘冠萍 阎惠芳 段树民 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第4期246-250,共5页
To observe the therapeutic effects of a Chinese drug Bufei Keli (补肺颗粒 granules for invigorating the lung) in the treatment of chronic bronchitis at remission stage, 62 cases were randomly divided into a treatment ... To observe the therapeutic effects of a Chinese drug Bufei Keli (补肺颗粒 granules for invigorating the lung) in the treatment of chronic bronchitis at remission stage, 62 cases were randomly divided into a treatment group (treated with Bufei Keli) and a control group (treated with Yupingfeng Keli 玉屏风颗粒). The results turned out to be that the short-term clinically controlled and markedly effective rate was 77.42% and the long-term relapse-resisting markedly effective rate was 74.2% in the treatment group, which were obviously higher than 45.16% and 38.71% respectively in the control group (P<0.05). And the increase in contents of SOD and CD_3 and the decrease in LPO content in the treatment group were also bigger than that in the control group (P<0.01). It is therefore concluded that Bufei Keli can improve qi deficiency syndrome and raise the immunity of patients with chronic bronchitis, hence its effect of resisting relapse of chronic bronchitis. 展开更多
关键词 PHYTOTHERAPY Adjuvants Immunologic Adult Aged Antigens CD3 Bronchitis Chronic CONVALESCENCE Drugs Chinese Herbal Female Humans Male Middle Aged Qi Yang Deficiency
Effects of Huo Nao Fang in 60 Cases of Ischemic Apoplexy
作者 陈尚书 段树民 王薇 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第4期267-270,共4页
To observe the therapeutic effects of the prescription of Huo Nao Fang (活脑方) on ischemic apoplexy,120 patients were divided into a treatment group and a control group, with 60 in each group, the formertreated with ... To observe the therapeutic effects of the prescription of Huo Nao Fang (活脑方) on ischemic apoplexy,120 patients were divided into a treatment group and a control group, with 60 in each group, the formertreated with Huo Nao Fang while the latter with western medicine. The nervous function and bloodrheology were tested before and after treatment for both groups, and the effects of Huo Nao Fang wereevaluated. The results showed that the total effective rate was 91.7% in the treatment group and 61.6% inthe control group, with a significant difference (P<0.01) between the two groups. The treatment group wassuperior to the control group in improving blood rheology, reducing blood lipid and restoring the nervousfunction (P<0.05). 展开更多
关键词 PHYTOTHERAPY ADULT Aged Blood Viscosity Cerebrovascular Accident Drug Combinations Drugs Chinese Herbal Female FIBRINOGEN Humans Intracranial Thrombosis Male Middle Aged
Biomechanopharmacology in Evaluation of Herbs of Activating Blood Circulation to Remove Blood Stasis
作者 LIAO Fu-long CAO Jun 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2005年第2期47-54,共8页
Herbs of activating blood circulation to remove blood stasis (ABCRBS) are a category of over 10% in the modern Chinese Pharmacopoeia. A new borderline discipline, biomechanopharmacology, is shaping by the efforts of a... Herbs of activating blood circulation to remove blood stasis (ABCRBS) are a category of over 10% in the modern Chinese Pharmacopoeia. A new borderline discipline, biomechanopharmacology, is shaping by the efforts of applying biomechanics in pharmacological studies of ABCRBS herbs. Biomechanics is involved in modeling of blood stasis syndrome (BSS) with mechanical force induced injury and model evaluation by shear stress monitoring for blood coagulation. Investigations showed that tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) contained in Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort and diallyl trisulfide (DT) extracted from garlic demonstrated inhibiting characteristics on vWF mediated platelet activation and thrombus formation occurring under high shear rates. The effect of TMP on shear-induced platelet aggregation might be due to inhibition of calcium channel activity since it showed significant inhibition on intracellular level of calcium demonstrated by laser confocal microscope. The combined effects of TMP and shear stress on rat cerebral microvascular endothelial cell (rCMEC) were investigated by various doses of TMP incorporated with different levels of shear stress generated by a rotational cone-plate rheometer. The results indicated that apoptosis of rCMECs could be restrained by a combination of medial level of shear stress with a suitable dose of TMP. To study the influences of shear stress, pressure and TMP on angiogenesis of vascular endothelial cell, cultured rCMEC was pretreated in a flow chamber with independent adjustment for levels of shear stress and pressure, and then 3D cultured on Matrigel. The results indicate that combined effects of shear stress, pressure and TMP may influence angiogenesis significantly. We believe that research on interactions among blood shear stress, secretion of endothelial cell, and pharmacodynamics will be an interesting area of biomechanopharmacology. Herbs of ABCRBS and their extracts for protecting endothelial cells to maintain their normal functions are expected. 展开更多
The efficacy of capecitabine and temozolomide against neuroendocrine carcinomas
作者 Yanwei Gao Wei Luan +1 位作者 Wenxin Li Baoqing Jia 《Oncology and Translational Medicine》 2018年第4期176-178,共3页
Objective Neuroendocrine carcinomas(NECs) are resistant to currently available chemotherapy agents, and its therapeutic options are limited. Preclinical data have suggested synergy between capecitabine and temozolomid... Objective Neuroendocrine carcinomas(NECs) are resistant to currently available chemotherapy agents, and its therapeutic options are limited. Preclinical data have suggested synergy between capecitabine and temozolomide(CAPTEM). Therefore, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of CAPTEM in patients with metastatic NECs who have failed prior therapies.Methods A retrospective review was conducted on seven patients with metastatic NECs for whom platinum-based chemotherapies and hepatic chemoembolization failed. Patients received capecitabine(1000 mg twice daily on days 1-14) and temozolomide(150–200 mg/m^2 once daily on days 10–14) every 28 days. Tumor assessments were performed every two cycles.Results Among the seven patients treated, two achieved partial remission and four achieved stable disease. The total response rate was 29%, and the clinical benefit was 86%. Median progression-free survival was 10(range: 8–14) months. The most common toxicities were grade 1 and 2 neutropenia, grade 1 fatigue, and grade 1 and 2 hand-foot syndrome. No grade 4 toxicities or treatment-related deaths were observed.Conclusion Our study showed that the CAPTEM regimen is an effective and well-tolerated salvage option for NECs. Further prospective studies are warranted to evaluate optimal combinations of the CAPTEM regimen for NECs. 展开更多
关键词 TEMOZOLOMIDE CAPECITABINE neuroendocrine carcinomas
作者 江钢辉 陈振虎 赖新生 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2003年第3期10-13,共4页
Aim: To observe the therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture (EA) in the treatment of vascular dementia. Methods: A total of 46 cases of vascular dementia (VD) patients were divided into 3 classes according to the sco... Aim: To observe the therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture (EA) in the treatment of vascular dementia. Methods: A total of 46 cases of vascular dementia (VD) patients were divided into 3 classes according to the scores of the revised Hasegawa dementia scale (HDS), and then randomized into EA group (n=23) and medication (Nimodipine) group (n=23). The acupoints used were "Zhisanzhen" [Shenting (GV 24) and bilateral Benshen (GB 13)] and Sishenchong (EX HN 1) etc.. Scores of HDS, ability of daily life (ADL), neurofunctional defect and main symptoms were used as the indexes for assessing the therapeutic effect. Results: Following treatment, scores of HDS and ADL of two groups increased significantly, while those of neurofunctional defect and main symptoms decreased evidently (P<0.01), and the therapeutic effect of EA was obviously superior to that of medication (P<0.01). Conclusion: EA of "Zhisanzhen" and Sishenchong (EX HN 1) is a good approach for treatment of VD. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture therapy Vascular dementia
作者 李文海 《健康》 1997年第12期19-19,共1页
电热毯真是个好东西。在北方的冬天它给人的感觉真叫人向往。门外大雪纷飞,寒风刺骨,此时钻进暖烘烘的被窝,岂不是其乐融融!从医学角度来看,电热毯还有一定的理疗作用。电热毯中的镍铬丝采用的是远红外涂料,通电后会产生远红外线,穿透... 电热毯真是个好东西。在北方的冬天它给人的感觉真叫人向往。门外大雪纷飞,寒风刺骨,此时钻进暖烘烘的被窝,岂不是其乐融融!从医学角度来看,电热毯还有一定的理疗作用。电热毯中的镍铬丝采用的是远红外涂料,通电后会产生远红外线,穿透力很强,可促进人体血液循环,提高局部体温,对风湿性关节炎、寒湿性腰腿痛、坐骨神经痛、气管炎等有一定的医疗保健作用。但如果使用电热毯不当也会引发诸多病痛。 展开更多
关键词 电热毯 理疗作用 远红外涂料 体温 气管炎 电热室 人体血液 孕妇 远红外线 坐骨神经痛
开家木屐加工厂 市场前景较好
作者 孙灿 《生意通》 2009年第2期21-21,共1页
关键词 市场前景 加工厂 消费者角度 搭配 材质 生活水平 理疗作用 机组 皮革 服饰
Open Sesame: treasure in store-operated calcium entry pathway for cancer therapy 被引量:6
作者 PAN Zui MA JianJie 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期48-53,共6页
Store-operated Ca2+ entry(SOCE) controls intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis and regulates a wide range of cellular events including proliferation,migration and invasion.The discovery of STIM proteins as Ca2+ sensors and O... Store-operated Ca2+ entry(SOCE) controls intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis and regulates a wide range of cellular events including proliferation,migration and invasion.The discovery of STIM proteins as Ca2+ sensors and Orai proteins as Ca2+ channel pore forming units provided molecular tools to understand the physiological function of SOCE.Many studies have revealed the pathophysiological roles of Orai and STIM in tumor cells.This review focuses on recent advances in SOCE and its contribution to tumorigenesis.Altered Orai and/or STIM functions may serve as biomarkers for cancer prognosis,and targeting the SOCE pathway may provide a novel means for cancer treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Orai1 STIM1 Ca2+ oscillations PROLIFERATION METASTASIS oncogenic
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