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作者 蔡文波 《汽车制造业》 2009年第01X期21-21,23,共2页
株式会社A&D公司是世界一流的检测产品生产商和服务提供商.产品和服务广泛应用于橡塑、纺织、汽车.船舶.燃料及润滑等众多行业,通过2007年在中国上海成立分公司,A&D公司将在中国重点开展动力总成测试业务.为中国汽车制造商提供... 株式会社A&D公司是世界一流的检测产品生产商和服务提供商.产品和服务广泛应用于橡塑、纺织、汽车.船舶.燃料及润滑等众多行业,通过2007年在中国上海成立分公司,A&D公司将在中国重点开展动力总成测试业务.为中国汽车制造商提供更便捷.更专业的服务。 展开更多
关键词 服务提供商 上海 汽车制造商 品质 理绪 贸易 株式会社 动力总成
作者 周云 《消费电子》 2008年第10期12-13,共2页
去年8月记者曾经远赴福州,对日立数字映像(中国)有限公司总经理绪方浩一先生做了深入的专访。时隔半年,在日立公司超薄平板电视Wooo系列的北京发布会后,记者再次对绪方浩一先生进行了专访,对日立通过高端轻薄平板电视在中国电视市场大... 去年8月记者曾经远赴福州,对日立数字映像(中国)有限公司总经理绪方浩一先生做了深入的专访。时隔半年,在日立公司超薄平板电视Wooo系列的北京发布会后,记者再次对绪方浩一先生进行了专访,对日立通过高端轻薄平板电视在中国电视市场大展拳脚的市场策略有了进一步的了解。 展开更多
关键词 日立公司 平板电视 市场策略 中国 理绪 有限 映像 电视市场
作者 沈汝冰 刘光恩 《丝绸》 CAS 北大核心 2002年第7期52-52,共1页
关键词 FY2000优选型 自动缫丝机 偏心盘 理绪装置 改造
作者 武志勇 《消费电子》 2008年第1期8-9,共2页
日立作为中国等离子电视领域支柱企业之一,为等离子电视在中国市场的销售和发展作出了重要的贡献。在为中国消费者付出心血的同时日立也得到了中国经销商和消费者的认同。前不久,日立获得的“最受中国渠道商喜爱的外资品牌”称号,这... 日立作为中国等离子电视领域支柱企业之一,为等离子电视在中国市场的销售和发展作出了重要的贡献。在为中国消费者付出心血的同时日立也得到了中国经销商和消费者的认同。前不久,日立获得的“最受中国渠道商喜爱的外资品牌”称号,这一殊荣的获得强有力地说明了日立在中国经销商和消费者心目中的重要地位。 展开更多
关键词 中国市场 日立 等离子电视 理绪 映像 消费者 经销商 渠道商
《现代丝绸科学与技术》 2019年第2期5-5,共1页
本实用新型提供了一种自动缫丝机理绪排蛹水流循环装置,它利用对理绪锅中蛹衬和蛹体聚集处的水施压,将理绪锅中的蛹衬和蛹体压入理绪锅的底部管道冲走,冲蛹衬和蛹体的水在蛹衬和蛹体被滤出后,依靠重力送入底部水箱,再由循环水泵将其送... 本实用新型提供了一种自动缫丝机理绪排蛹水流循环装置,它利用对理绪锅中蛹衬和蛹体聚集处的水施压,将理绪锅中的蛹衬和蛹体压入理绪锅的底部管道冲走,冲蛹衬和蛹体的水在蛹衬和蛹体被滤出后,依靠重力送入底部水箱,再由循环水泵将其送入回流分配压力水箱,回流分配压力水箱有两路输出.一路连到底部管道,用作冲蛹衬和蛹体之用,另一路回至理绪锅。 展开更多
关键词 循环装置 蛹体 理绪 水流 压力水箱 实用新型 循环水泵 底部
作者 尹毅 《四川丝绸》 1996年第1期23-25,共3页
关键词 自动缫丝机 理绪 总效率
《现代丝绸科学与技术》 2018年第4期12-12,共1页
专利申请号:CN201320666540.4公开号:CN203569247U申请日:2013.10.25公开日:2014.04.30申请人:浙江理工大学本实用新型提供了一种自动缫丝机理绪水流综合排蛹循环装置,利用对理绪锅中蛹衬和蛹体聚集处的水施压,将理绪锅中... 专利申请号:CN201320666540.4公开号:CN203569247U申请日:2013.10.25公开日:2014.04.30申请人:浙江理工大学本实用新型提供了一种自动缫丝机理绪水流综合排蛹循环装置,利用对理绪锅中蛹衬和蛹体聚集处的水施压,将理绪锅中的蛹衬和蛹体压入理绪锅的底部管道冲走,依靠重力流至汇集池. 展开更多
关键词 自动缫丝机 循环装置 蛹体 理绪 水流 专利名称 专利申请号 实用新型
和诚开拓平板电视市场——日立数字映像(中国)有限公司总经理 绪方浩一专访
作者 周云 《消费电子》 2007年第19期10-12,共3页
采访绪方浩一,是在日立福州工厂他那宽大明亮的办公室里。这个爽朗的日本人笑称他们在乡下,但他很习惯福州的环境和氛围。看来之前在中国做了多年技术副总的绪方先生还是对技术前线更加情有独钟,这也让我们之后的采访更多的是在围绕产... 采访绪方浩一,是在日立福州工厂他那宽大明亮的办公室里。这个爽朗的日本人笑称他们在乡下,但他很习惯福州的环境和氛围。看来之前在中国做了多年技术副总的绪方先生还是对技术前线更加情有独钟,这也让我们之后的采访更多的是在围绕产品和技术展开。不过作为2006福建经济年度杰出人物唯一的外籍获奖者,对企业文化的建设和管理改革经验也成为绪方先生与我们分享的重要内容。 展开更多
关键词 电视市场 中国 日立 理绪 映像 平板 企业文化 办公室
“合作、双赢”成日立渠道法宝——专访日立数字映像(中国)有限公司董事 总经理 绪方浩一
作者 武志勇 《消费电子》 2007年第21期10-11,共2页
关键词 中国 日立 映像 渠道法 合作 理绪 渠道商 市场调查
作者 武建芹 于智庆 《丝绸》 CAS 北大核心 2001年第1期18-18,20,共2页
介绍了自制的简易车头精理装置 (二次理绪器 ) ,分析了其工作原理 ,并通过生产实际检验其有效性 ,提出了D30 1A型车头的改进方法。
关键词 自动缫丝机 二次理绪 车头精装置 工作原
作者 江文斌 《丝绸》 CAS 北大核心 1999年第7期20-22,共3页
关键词 定纤式 自动缫丝机 理绪 两棱体 移丝器
作者 王元荪 《现代丝绸科学与技术》 2019年第5期18-18,共1页
本实用新型提供了一种理绪水自返流无绪茧分离装置,它利用理绪锅正绪茧加茧斗的下降动作通过压水活门使加茧斗处的理绪锅汤水从理绪锅正绪茧加茧口前的理绪锅锅底斜坡上返流冲出,将锅底斜坡上的无绪茧冲离正绪茧加茧口,加入到向无绪茧... 本实用新型提供了一种理绪水自返流无绪茧分离装置,它利用理绪锅正绪茧加茧斗的下降动作通过压水活门使加茧斗处的理绪锅汤水从理绪锅正绪茧加茧口前的理绪锅锅底斜坡上返流冲出,将锅底斜坡上的无绪茧冲离正绪茧加茧口,加入到向无绪茧提升斗运行的水流中。 展开更多
关键词 理绪 实用新型 分离装置 返流 斜坡 锅底
作者 王元荪 《现代丝绸科学与技术》 2020年第2期30-30,共1页
专利名称:自动缫丝机的理绪汤水调控方法及装置专利申请号:CN201410063157.9公开号:CN103789844A申请日:2014.02.25公开日:2014.05.14申请人:浙江理工大学本发明提供了一种自动缫丝机的理绪汤水调控方法,它不将缫丝槽和给茧机的水注入... 专利名称:自动缫丝机的理绪汤水调控方法及装置专利申请号:CN201410063157.9公开号:CN103789844A申请日:2014.02.25公开日:2014.05.14申请人:浙江理工大学本发明提供了一种自动缫丝机的理绪汤水调控方法,它不将缫丝槽和给茧机的水注入理绪锅,在理绪锅的有绪茧加入部位到偏心盘理绪器之间设置溢水装置,将理绪锅的上部汤水溢出理绪锅;在偏心盘理绪器下方的理绪锅内,用喷水嘴喷射专门供应所述喷水嘴的增压常温水,形成向精理移丝器的推送水流,在偏心盘理绪器下方的理绪锅底部,不采用与理绪锅内其他循环水喷水口一起喷射循环水。 展开更多
关键词 自动缫丝机 理绪 溢水 调控方法 给茧机 浙江工大学 喷水嘴 循环水
作者 王元荪 《现代丝绸科学与技术》 2020年第5期8-8,共1页
专利名称:自动缫丝机二次精理装置专利申请号:CN201320639402.7公开号:CN203639609U申请日:2013.10.17公开日:2014.06.11申请人:杭州天峰纺织机械有限公司本实用新型涉及一种自动缫丝机,尤其是涉及一种自动缫丝机二次精理装置。其主要... 专利名称:自动缫丝机二次精理装置专利申请号:CN201320639402.7公开号:CN203639609U申请日:2013.10.17公开日:2014.06.11申请人:杭州天峰纺织机械有限公司本实用新型涉及一种自动缫丝机,尤其是涉及一种自动缫丝机二次精理装置。其主要是解决现有技术所存在的问题,茧子在理绪锅理绪时,经偏心盘精理,理出正绪丝,但丝辫牵引到自动加茧斗处,会有一部分蓬糙茧未被理清,与正绪茧混在一起,影响理绪效果。 展开更多
关键词 自动缫丝机 纺织机械 理绪 实用新型 申请人
作者 王元荪 《现代丝绸科学与技术》 2019年第6期40-40,共1页
专利名称:一种自动缫丝机的理绪锅内正绪茧自动探量机构专利申请号:CN201320714033.3公开号:CN203583017U申请日:2013.11.13公开日:2014.05.07申请人:浙江理工大学;杭州飞宇纺织机械有限公司;杭州纺织机械有限公司本实用新型涉及一种自... 专利名称:一种自动缫丝机的理绪锅内正绪茧自动探量机构专利申请号:CN201320714033.3公开号:CN203583017U申请日:2013.11.13公开日:2014.05.07申请人:浙江理工大学;杭州飞宇纺织机械有限公司;杭州纺织机械有限公司本实用新型涉及一种自动缫丝机的理绪锅内正绪茧自动探量机构,包括探爪、感应杆,所述探爪和感应杆同步转动,所述探量机构还包括与感应杆配合的可转动的凸轮,在理绪锅缺茧时,所述感应杆与凸轮的配合部位受凸轮和重力的作用,而上下摆动,在理绪锅不缺茧时,所述感应杆与凸轮的配合部位离开所述凸轮,所述探量机构设有接近开关,所述感应杆与接近开关配合,所述凸轮的转轴通过带传动机构与理绪锅的大轴连接,由大轴驱动凸轮的转轴旋转,本实用新型可用来探测理绪锅自动加茧口处正绪茧多少。 展开更多
关键词 自动缫丝机 纺织机械 理绪 实用新型 接近开关 同步转动 浙江工大学 传动机构
Application of rational emotive behavior therapy in patients with colorectal cancer undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy 被引量:5
作者 Yuxin Liu Xiaoyan Ni +2 位作者 Rong Wang Huini Liu Zifen Guo 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2022年第2期147-154,I0002,I0003,共10页
Objective:This study aimed to explore the effects of our rational emotive behavior therapy(REBT)program on symptoms,anxiety,depression,and sleep state in patients with colorectal cancer(CRC)undergoing chemotherapy.Met... Objective:This study aimed to explore the effects of our rational emotive behavior therapy(REBT)program on symptoms,anxiety,depression,and sleep state in patients with colorectal cancer(CRC)undergoing chemotherapy.Methods:From October 2020 to May 2021,fifty-six patients with CRC in a hospital in the Hunan Province were randomly divided into an intervention group(n=28)and a control group(n=28).The patients in the intervention group completed a 6-week REBT program based on routine nursing care,including four courses:1)establish a relationship and formulate health files;2)group communications and study symptom management;3)continuously provide health knowledge and strengthen healthy behavior;and 4)review the treatment and summary.The control group maintained routine nursing care.The simplified Chinese version of the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale Short Form(MSASeSFeSC),the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale(HADS),and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index(PSQI)scale were used to investigate and compare the intervention effects of the two groups at baseline(T1,before the intervention),four weeks(T2),and six weeks(T3)after the intervention.Results:The intervention group was significantly improved in symptoms,anxiety,depression,and sleep state,compared with the control group.At T2,MSASeSFeSC(24.43±4.26 vs.28.07±3.91),symptom distress(17.29±4.04 vs.19.39±3.59),symptom frequency(7.14±1.51 vs.8.68±1.42),HADS(13.68±3.38 vs.15.86±3.79),anxiety(3.89±1.85 vs.5.18±2.18),and depression(9.79±2.06 vs.10.68±2.23),showed that the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).At T3,MSASeSFeSC(23.89±3.54 vs.30.14±3.94),symptom distress(17.61±3.52 vs.21.32±3.57),symptom frequency(6.29±1.49 vs.8.82±1.47),HADS(11.82±2.57 vs.16.29±3.13),anxiety(3.21±1.64 vs.5.61±1.77),and depression(8.61±1.52 vs.10.68±1.81),showed that the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).The sleep state of the intervention group was better than the control group at T3,with decreased score of PSQI[4.00(3.00,8.00)vs.9.00(7.00,12.50),Z=-3.706,P<0.001].Conclusion:The 6-week REBT program can effectively improve the symptom,anxiety,depression,and sleep state of patients with CRC undergoing chemotherapy,which could as a care plan for patients with CRC who are repeatedly admitted to the hospital for chemotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 ANXIETY Adjuvant chemoradiotherapy Colorectal neoplasms DEPRESSION PATIENTS Rational emotive behavior therapy
Analysis of adversity quotient of nursing students in Macao:A crosssection and correlation study 被引量:19
作者 Xin Wang Ming Liu +1 位作者 Stephen Tee Hongxia Dai 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第2期204-209,I0005,共7页
Objectives: To investigate the adversity quotient (AQ) of Macao undergraduate nursing students and analyse its influencing factors.Methods:A cross-section design was used,and a convenience sample of nursing students(n... Objectives: To investigate the adversity quotient (AQ) of Macao undergraduate nursing students and analyse its influencing factors.Methods:A cross-section design was used,and a convenience sample of nursing students(n=158 valid)was selected from a tertiary institute in Macao.In addition to demographic questions,the Chinese versions of the Adversity Quotient Scale,the Emotional Intelligence(EI)Scale,the Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire and the Parenting Styles Scale were used to assess the students'characteristics.Results:The average AQ score of the students was 116.72±11.39.AQ scores were negatively correlated with coping-negative,and maternal style(excessive interference,excessive protection)(r=-0.332,P<0.001;r=-0.167,P=0.036).Coping-negative entered the regression equation(F=19.154,P<0.001).The female nursing students had higher scores in ownership dimension of AQ than their male counterparts(31.98±3.26 vs.29.21±3.08,t=-4.442,P<0.001).Conclusions:The average AQ scores of Macao undergraduate nursing students were moderate.The female nursing students are more likely to attribute the cause of adversity to themselves,and specific psychosocial and cultural issues may be at play.There is a necessity for Macao nursing students to improve their ability to overcome setbacks.Special attention should be paid to the cultivation of students'positive coping styles. 展开更多
关键词 Baccalaureate nursing education Emotional intelligence MACAO Nursing students Psychological adaptation Surveys and questionnaires
Effects of mindfulness-based psychological care on mood and sleep of leukemia patients in chemotherapy 被引量:3
作者 Ruixing Zhang Jie Yin Yang Zhou 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 2017年第4期357-361,共5页
Purpose:The aim of this research was to explore the benefits of mindfulness-based psychological care(MBPC)and assess whether the intervention would be beneficial in reducing insomnia and emotional symptoms of leukemia... Purpose:The aim of this research was to explore the benefits of mindfulness-based psychological care(MBPC)and assess whether the intervention would be beneficial in reducing insomnia and emotional symptoms of leukemia patients receiving chemotherapy.Methods:A randomized control design study was applied in two hematology departments in a hospital in Zhengzhou.Patients in the experimental group received mindfulness-based psychological care(MBPC),and those in the control group received conventional care.Anxiety,depression,and sleeping problems were measured using the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale,Self-Rating Depression Scale,and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.Results:Statistically significant differences were observed among anxiety,depression,and sleeping problems between the two groups in the post-test(P<0.05).A significant decrease in anxiety and depression and an improvement in sleep were observed between pre-and post-interventions(P<0.05)in the experimental group.Conclusions:MBPC significantly improved sleep quality and mood of the experimental group.It is an effective complementary therapy for leukemia treatment that is inexpensive,noninvasive,and associated with relaxation and pain reduction. 展开更多
Study of contemporary college students' psychological characteristics
作者 Zhu Ruihua 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期55-56,共2页
With the progress of the society and the development of economy, our countries have made a stronger demand for talents cultivation. The talents should qualified with strong professional ability as well as good psychol... With the progress of the society and the development of economy, our countries have made a stronger demand for talents cultivation. The talents should qualified with strong professional ability as well as good psychological quality to adapt to the growing challenges, College students, a new generation of young people shouldering the historical mission and the important responsibility of the country, are under the great pressure from family, school and society. All of these will aggravate their negative psychological emotions with the formation of complicated personality, which not only go against the growth of young talent, but also drive hidden troubles to the stability and harmony of the social. Plunging into the students' life and deeply analyzing their psychological characteristics with timely manners of solving psychological problems will accelerate the ideological and political education and promote talents cultivation with more modem intellectuals for our country. 展开更多
关键词 college students psychological educatio psychological characteristics.
Relationship between negative emotions and perceived support among parents of hospitalized,critically ill children
作者 Brad E.Phillips Laurie A.Theeke Katie M.Sarosi 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第1期15-21,I0001,共8页
Objectives:The purpose of this study was to describe relationships between negative emotions and perceived emotional support in parents of children admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit(PICU).Methods:This cros... Objectives:The purpose of this study was to describe relationships between negative emotions and perceived emotional support in parents of children admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit(PICU).Methods:This cross-sectional descriptive study conducted face-to-face interviews between January 2019 and January 2020.Study variables included depression(PHQ-9 Scale),anxiety(Emotional Distress-Anxiety-Short Form 8a),anger(Emotional Distress-Anger-Short Form 5a),fear(Fear-Affect Computerized Adaptive Test),somatic fear(Fear-Somatic Arousal-Fixed Form),loneliness(Revised 20-item UCLA Loneliness Scale),and perceived emotional support(Emotional Support-Fixed Form).Results:Eighty parents reported symptoms of depression 8.00(4.00,13.75),anxiety(23.43±7.80),anger(13.40±5.46),fear(72.81±27.26),somatic fear 9.00(6.00,12.75),loneliness(39.35±12.00),and low perceived emotional support(32.14±8.06).Parents who were young,single,low-income,and with limited-post secondary education reported greater loneliness and lower perceived emotional support.Fear correlated with depression(r=0.737,P<0.01)and anxiety(r=0.900,P<0.01).Inverse relationships were discovered between perceived emotional support and loneliness(r=-0.767,P<0.01),anger(r=-0.401,P<0.01),and depression(r=-0.334,P<0.01).Conclusions:The cluster of negative emotions identified will serve as potential targets for future interventions designed to enhance support for parents of critically ill children. 展开更多
关键词 CHILD Critical illness Emotional support Negative emotions PARENTS Psychological state
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