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孟子性善论与教化理论的融合对道德教育的启示 被引量:6
作者 孙英浩 单丹丹 《思想政治教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期135-139,共5页
性善论是孟子思想体系的理论基础。性善论认为人性生来是善的,是先天固有、与生俱来的,和动物的根本区别在于人的善性体现为恻隐、羞恶、辞让和是非四心。性善论与教化理论相结合,在性善论影响下,坚持马克思主义的指导思想,根据现代社... 性善论是孟子思想体系的理论基础。性善论认为人性生来是善的,是先天固有、与生俱来的,和动物的根本区别在于人的善性体现为恻隐、羞恶、辞让和是非四心。性善论与教化理论相结合,在性善论影响下,坚持马克思主义的指导思想,根据现代社会的变化对人的发展的教化目标、功能、模式进一步完善,最终使受教化者能够终身运用教化理论去完善自我的善端,推动社会和谐发展,促进中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的实现。 展开更多
关键词 孟子 性善论 理论 道德
论理论性教化 被引量:1
作者 詹世友 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2004年第4期1-8,共8页
“教化”概念是一个描述精神内在地生长成型的过程和结果的哲学概念。精神活动有两大类 ,即理论性活动和实践性活动。从理论性活动来说 ,精神所受到的教化可名之为“理论性教化” ,它可以包含“记忆教化”、“语言教化”和“自然审美教... “教化”概念是一个描述精神内在地生长成型的过程和结果的哲学概念。精神活动有两大类 ,即理论性活动和实践性活动。从理论性活动来说 ,精神所受到的教化可名之为“理论性教化” ,它可以包含“记忆教化”、“语言教化”和“自然审美教化”三种形式。 展开更多
关键词 普遍性 理论
苏格拉底教化理论对武德教育的启示 被引量:1
作者 周惠新 曾黎 谭腾飞 《贵州体育科技》 2017年第2期13-16,共4页
采用质的研究方法对古希腊苏格拉底教化理论进行梳理,苏格拉底教化理论的内涵凸显在"认识你自己、美德即知识、苏格拉底法"等三个维度。在系统分析武德教育本质特征的基础上,就苏格拉底教化理论对武德教育的启示进行相关性研... 采用质的研究方法对古希腊苏格拉底教化理论进行梳理,苏格拉底教化理论的内涵凸显在"认识你自己、美德即知识、苏格拉底法"等三个维度。在系统分析武德教育本质特征的基础上,就苏格拉底教化理论对武德教育的启示进行相关性研究。结果显示:武德是中华民族优秀的传统美德,武德教育在武术教学中历来就居于主导地位,苏格拉底教化理论可以从一定程度上完善武德的内在制约机制,提高武术的精神境界,培养"武德高尚、武礼谦和、武艺精湛"的新时代优秀武术人才。 展开更多
关键词 苏格拉底 理论 武德
作者 冯红变 《江汉大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第5期101-105,128,共5页
关键词 中西方诗歌 理论 差异
作者 鲍明 赵朝峰 《新视野》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期79-81,共3页
中国古典教化理论揭示了政治社会化的一些规律性的东西,创新了政策工具,在维护政治统治和社会和谐与稳定、传承和发展中国文化、构建多民族统一国家中有着独特的作用。教化理论和政策主张"柔远",向周边国家展示礼乐法制,扩大... 中国古典教化理论揭示了政治社会化的一些规律性的东西,创新了政策工具,在维护政治统治和社会和谐与稳定、传承和发展中国文化、构建多民族统一国家中有着独特的作用。教化理论和政策主张"柔远",向周边国家展示礼乐法制,扩大了文化软实力。在构建和谐社会与和谐世界过程中,重新探讨传统教化理论的合理成分和积极价值是十分必要的。 展开更多
关键词 中国古典理论 政治社会 人性论 政策工具
作者 刘文瑞 孙万超 《渭南师范学院学报》 2003年第3期85-88,共4页
王安石社会教化理论对于今天的思想政治教育具有重要的启示意义。首先,在思想观念方面,当前的思想政治教育应当树立系统观、人本观、务实观,增强思想政治工作的针对性,提高成效;其次,在操作原则方面,当前的思想政治教育应当坚持尊重差... 王安石社会教化理论对于今天的思想政治教育具有重要的启示意义。首先,在思想观念方面,当前的思想政治教育应当树立系统观、人本观、务实观,增强思想政治工作的针对性,提高成效;其次,在操作原则方面,当前的思想政治教育应当坚持尊重差异、循序渐进、结合渗透的基本原则,降低受教者的抵触情绪,增强思想政治工作的吸引力;最后,在具体实践方面,当前的思想政治教育应当重点抓好优化软环境、建构新体制、推动理论创新三项工作,以重点问题的突破带动思想政治工作的全面发展。 展开更多
关键词 王安石 社会理论 思想政治 思想观念 操作原则 理论创新
当代西方德性伦理视野中的德性教化及其启示 被引量:4
作者 杨豹 《伦理学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期97-103,共7页
自古以来,德性教化是西方伦理学中的重要课题。尤其进入20世纪50、60年代之后,西方德性伦理的复兴使人们重新审视德性教化。在当代西方德性伦理学家看来,德性已然失落。他们从实践教化和理论教化两个方面展开研究,深化了人们对德性教化... 自古以来,德性教化是西方伦理学中的重要课题。尤其进入20世纪50、60年代之后,西方德性伦理的复兴使人们重新审视德性教化。在当代西方德性伦理学家看来,德性已然失落。他们从实践教化和理论教化两个方面展开研究,深化了人们对德性教化的认识,为现代社会中德性教化的研究提供了有益的启示。 展开更多
关键词 西方德性伦理 德性 实践 理论教化
作者 鲍永玲 《哲学分析》 CSSCI 2018年第4期49-57,196,共9页
在公元前3世纪,当《旧约》的希伯来文本被译成希腊文七十贤士译本时,"παιδε?α"一词取代了"musar"。后者意指驯养、养护、教导,更贴近后世的教育概念;前者则指教化和文化。由此开始了对人类教育想象的理智化... 在公元前3世纪,当《旧约》的希伯来文本被译成希腊文七十贤士译本时,"παιδε?α"一词取代了"musar"。后者意指驯养、养护、教导,更贴近后世的教育概念;前者则指教化和文化。由此开始了对人类教育想象的理智化进程。希腊παιδε?α观念涵括了当时所有的人类努力,它指将人类培养成与绝对完美事物相一致的方法和路径,也是个体与共同体和谐存在的最终理由。在西方早期教化传统里,不同时期的教化理论伴随着人对自身、上帝和自然(φ?σι?)关系不断变化的理解。在这一过渡时期,最初意指成长过程的φ?σι?,指向一种自然而然的人格化的完美事物,教化的差异则区分了人道的人和野蛮的人。近代人文主义可说是一种特殊的罗马现象,它产生于古罗马人与晚期希腊παιδε?α观念的相遇,而古犹太musar向古希腊罗马παιδε?α观念的转化则与当时自然理念的变迁密不可分。 展开更多
关键词 西方早期理论 近代人文主义 自然
教育科学中的理论-实践问题——兼论教育思想和教育行动原则的问题 被引量:2
作者 迪特里希·本纳 温辉(翻译) +2 位作者 苏娇(翻译) 彭韬(翻译) 彭正梅(校对) 《基础教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期5-12,32,共9页
教育科学和教育实践长期以来处于分离的过程。教育学正在众多科学中越来越丧失其统一性,这些科学都在讨论教育事实和教育问题,教育实践逐渐分散为许多分支活动。对于这些分支活动,不再拥有一种连接性的行动理论和科学。在这种发展背景下... 教育科学和教育实践长期以来处于分离的过程。教育学正在众多科学中越来越丧失其统一性,这些科学都在讨论教育事实和教育问题,教育实践逐渐分散为许多分支活动。对于这些分支活动,不再拥有一种连接性的行动理论和科学。在这种发展背景下,本文试图通过重构教育思想和行动的基本范畴来探讨教育学的理论-实践问题。在人类实践的一般概念的基础上,提出教育实践的初步概念,然后通过指出教育实践的个人和社会方面的各两个原则来进一步明确这一概念。最后,这些原则的系统性使得教育科学根据问题来进行划分,教育实践根据问题领域来进行划分,这可以被理解为对教育学理论和实践的身份危机的匡正。 展开更多
关键词 育学 育科学 实践 理论 理论 育思想 育行动 身份
作者 唐艺薰 杨不凡 《传播力研究》 2020年第28期151-152,共2页
电视对人们有着深刻影响,尤其是儿童时期正当认知世界和培养价值观的一个重要阶段,媒体所呈现的教化都会予宏观性地注入思想之中,并且由于传播媒介的某种倾向性,作为儿童,在心中所描绘的“主观现实”往往与客观现实存在巨大的偏离,并且... 电视对人们有着深刻影响,尤其是儿童时期正当认知世界和培养价值观的一个重要阶段,媒体所呈现的教化都会予宏观性地注入思想之中,并且由于传播媒介的某种倾向性,作为儿童,在心中所描绘的“主观现实”往往与客观现实存在巨大的偏离,并且这种偏离是一个长期的、培养的过程,导致教化升级和负面影响的产生。本文旨在研究理论与描述现象,对媒介暴力的产生原因、媒介传播途径以及媒介教化的影响等方面进行了探讨。 展开更多
关键词 理论 价值观 传播媒介
荀子礼法思想对大学生道德与法律素养教育的启示 被引量:1
作者 李瑞芹 刘萍 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第2期151-153,共3页
受时代大环境影响,当代大学生中出现了道德修养不够、思想境界不高、法律意识淡薄、行为规范较差等现象。荀子提出"礼"是个人修养和社会等级制度的依据、"法"是治之端及礼法互为依靠关系的思想。这些思想有利于提... 受时代大环境影响,当代大学生中出现了道德修养不够、思想境界不高、法律意识淡薄、行为规范较差等现象。荀子提出"礼"是个人修养和社会等级制度的依据、"法"是治之端及礼法互为依靠关系的思想。这些思想有利于提高人们的道德水平和通过法律调节控制人们的行为,对于我们创建和谐校园,增强大学生的道德素质与法律素质有一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 荀子 礼法思想 理论 道德与法律素养
作者 许童 《文化创新比较研究》 2023年第18期77-81,共5页
董仲舒吸收借鉴先秦诸子思想,继承了传统儒家学说并加以丰富和系统化,通过对封建君主、官吏、普通民众分类施行道德教化活动,提升了汉代社会整体的道德水平,在缓和阶级矛盾的同时稳固了封建统治。作为中华优秀传统文化的重要来源,董仲... 董仲舒吸收借鉴先秦诸子思想,继承了传统儒家学说并加以丰富和系统化,通过对封建君主、官吏、普通民众分类施行道德教化活动,提升了汉代社会整体的道德水平,在缓和阶级矛盾的同时稳固了封建统治。作为中华优秀传统文化的重要来源,董仲舒的德育思想滋养着当下的社会主义思想道德建设,其有教无类、广施教化、积极开辟学校教育渠道、仁智结合的人才观,以及仁义观、义利观、“三纲五常”等丰富的道德思想,启示当下社会主义思想道德建设应注重德育对象的层次性、确立学校德育的主阵地、坚持五育并举的全面人才观、重视道德内涵建设,以提升思想道德建设的整体效果。 展开更多
关键词 董仲舒 道德思想理论 道德 德育思想 当代价值 意义
English Cultural Introduction Teaching from the Perspective of Applied Linguistics
作者 Lingling DING 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期98-100,共3页
In the process of learning a language, the language communication from the perspective of applied linguistics cannot exist without certain cultural tendency. Practice proves that an appropriate introduction of the bac... In the process of learning a language, the language communication from the perspective of applied linguistics cannot exist without certain cultural tendency. Practice proves that an appropriate introduction of the background culture having a certain relationship with language environment can enrich the knowledge structure of students, and effectively remove the obstacles in the process of English language communication, so that the cognitive ability is improved. In this paper, applied linguistics as well as the concept of cultural introduction teaching theory is briefly elaborated, and the necessities of cultural introduction teaching and the signiflcances of English cultural introduction teaching are analyzed, and also some rules necessary to follow in the introduction teaching of English culture are introduced, and then the implementation strategies are discussed, so as to provide a reference for a large number of educational workers. 展开更多
关键词 Applied Linguistics Cultural Introduction English Teaching Teaching Practice
The Role of EFL/ESL Teachers' Idiosyncratic Knowledge Base in Their Professional Development in the Postmethod Premise
作者 Mossa. Sohana Khatun 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第3期422-436,共15页
The present paper examines an EFL/ESL teacher's potential in generating and developing his/her own knowledge base and theories of teaching and learning independent of the knowledge base manufactured by the "experts... The present paper examines an EFL/ESL teacher's potential in generating and developing his/her own knowledge base and theories of teaching and learning independent of the knowledge base manufactured by the "experts" in those fields. It also makes an effort to pave the way for them to go beyond the edge and advance towards an innovation that deviates from simple, certain, controlled and established ways of teaching and conducting researches towards complex, uncertain and less-controlled ones. It scrutinizes how instead of simply testing, "idealizing and reifying" the traditional, already established literature, an EFL/ESL teacher takes it as a point of departure in order to develop their own framework based on their practical experiences. The readymade professional theories and pedagogies are mostly generalizations--sometimes overgeneralizations---of the patrons of certain ideology to privilege a certain political or cultural group to place it over others. This usually sets barrier to an individual teacher's professional development since they are often set back from "theorizing what they practice and practice what they theorize" denying his/her idiosyncratic knowledge base that is convincingly capable of helping him/her grow professionally. It also leads to denying the teachers' and learners' socio-politico-cultural faiths that mould up a person as a whole. However, this paper also recognizes the traditional knowledge base as the ground for individual teachers to leap offand advance towards innovation. 展开更多
关键词 idiosyncratic knowledge base postmethod professional development
An Annotation of Language Teacher Beliefs in View of Educational Culture
作者 YAN Ming 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第7期495-499,共5页
The research on foreign language (FL) teachers' cognition and its development has been attracting attention in the field of applied linguistics. However, the gap between teaching theories and truths, teacher belief... The research on foreign language (FL) teachers' cognition and its development has been attracting attention in the field of applied linguistics. However, the gap between teaching theories and truths, teacher beliefs and behaviors can only be annotated by an in-depth investigation of belief determinants (BD) that are shaped by specific educational culture. Based on an investigation of language teacher beliefs, this paper is an annotation of language teacher beliefs in view of educational culture. By using both qualitative and quantitative methods of interviewing forefront teachers and making a literature review, it intends to reveal the dynamic nature of teacher beliefs as the teaching reality in view of the impact and significance of educational culture. It hammers home with the conclusion that the teachers-role-fulfillment in China is based on their real beliefs and loaded with cultural, social, and subject pressure; it is not a lincal impartment from theory to practice, from advocating to implementing, but a selective practice with teachers' active cognition and adaptation towards the local educational culture. 展开更多
关键词 educational culture teacher beliefs belief determinants (BD)
Marxism in China and ideological education
作者 Yanhua Zhou Yuwang Peng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期123-125,共3页
It is a big project of whole society to strengthen the holistic view and ideological and political education, thus we must work together to make full use of social resources to advocate the basic value rules of societ... It is a big project of whole society to strengthen the holistic view and ideological and political education, thus we must work together to make full use of social resources to advocate the basic value rules of society and guarantee the promotion of human nature, guiding people to think according to the social reality to enhance rational ability of thinking, eventually forming a mutual power of education; in the mean time, we should still exert advantages of strong systematic, theoretical and logical factors to achieve double swords with combination of education mode. Theoretical teaching plus beneficial activities, one-way teaching with activities and school education combined with social and media education can achieve socialization of ideological and political education. Drawing on the experience of other countries, we can constantly create new approach suitable to our national conditions and the requirements development and enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political education. 展开更多
关键词 MARXISM ideological education scientific development.
Theoretical analysis of the use of modem human resource on employment predicament of college students
作者 Shuang Liu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第10期25-27,共3页
The problem is what plagued our society since the last decade as far as human resource allocation concerned. HR theory explains the phenomenon of Graduates Employment Dilemma and found a way to solve this problem, fro... The problem is what plagued our society since the last decade as far as human resource allocation concerned. HR theory explains the phenomenon of Graduates Employment Dilemma and found a way to solve this problem, from theory and solution perspective. Maslow' s hierarchy of needs has some effect on students' employment. University Students should accelerate the transformation of the concept of employment, to accelerate the pace of structural adjustment, the implementation of the industrialization of education; Guide and encourage students to find a job by using two-factor theory; Make sure college students can stay in a dominant position in the intellectual property of human resource, in order to avoid structural unemployment, so as to make the most use of the students as valuable and effective human resources. 展开更多
关键词 modem human resource employment predicament college students
Observation on Theory-practice Teaching Mode of of Taxation Practice in Higher Vocational Colleges
作者 Xia Lei 《International English Education Research》 2014年第5期8-9,共2页
Integrated teaching mode of theory and practice not only can integrate the theoretical knowledge and practical jobs, combine the theory teaching and practical teaching, but also can motivate learning interest of stude... Integrated teaching mode of theory and practice not only can integrate the theoretical knowledge and practical jobs, combine the theory teaching and practical teaching, but also can motivate learning interest of students and cultivate the professional skill of vocational students. Therefore, based on analyzing the advantages of integrated teaching mode of theory and practice, the paper observes the integrated teaching method of theory and practice and observes the problems. 展开更多
关键词 vocational college taxation practice integration of theory and practice teaching mode
作者 陈青松 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2006年第5期109-115,129,共8页
This paper tries to illustrate the pragmatic sense of schema theory in English teaching from the perspective of cognitive psychology. The process of knowledge acquisition is an assimilative process, in which the logic... This paper tries to illustrate the pragmatic sense of schema theory in English teaching from the perspective of cognitive psychology. The process of knowledge acquisition is an assimilative process, in which the logic sense of the material in the form of words or any other symbolic representation interact with the notions in students' cognitive structure and hence produce individual psychological sense. This paper also observes teaching of English reading from the following six dimensions of the three perspectives of micro-proposition, synthetic-proposition and macro-proposition:1.degree of similarity of basic category words; 2. ambiguity of words and sentences; 3. ambiguity of the 'signifying' and the 'signified'; 4. the distance between the 'signifying' and the 'signified'; 5. the regressive search of cognition; 6. the unification of the 'part' and the 'whole'. The paper probes into the factors that influence students' cognitive process and the practice of schema theory in teaching. 展开更多
Educational Opportunities for Rural and Urban Residents in China, 1978-2008: Inequality and Evolution 被引量:1
作者 吴愈晓 《Social Sciences in China》 2013年第3期58-75,共18页
Despite the expansion of Chinese education and the steady rise in the educational level of urban and rural residents since reform and opening up, the problem of educational inequality has persisted. This study employs... Despite the expansion of Chinese education and the steady rise in the educational level of urban and rural residents since reform and opening up, the problem of educational inequality has persisted. This study employs CGSS2008 data to test the effects of household registration, family socio-economic status, years of parental education, and sibship size on educational opportunity at the three stages of junior middle school, senior middle school and higher education, as well as the changes in these effects over the period 1978-2008. The results show that there is no observable rural-urban disparity in opportunities for continuation to the junior middle school stage, but there is rising inequality in opporUmities for continuation to senior middle school and higher education; the influence of father's occupational status on children's educational opportunities remains largely the same, indicating that the stratification of educational attainment has not changed markedly since 1978: years of varental education play a marked and increasing role in children's educational attainment; and educational inequality due to sibship size also displays a rising tendency. To understand the structure and evolution of inequality in Chinese education since reform and opening up, it is necessary to study the micro-level mechanisms affecting residents' educational decision-making. 展开更多
关键词 theory of rational action cultural capital educational stratification educationalpolicy
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