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作者 顾晓君 高影 《山西建筑》 2009年第11期339-340,共2页
关键词 既有桥涵 接长施工 挖孔桩 理论检算
大跨桥桥上无缝线路检算浅析 被引量:2
作者 汤超 《铁道建筑技术》 2013年第10期77-79,共3页
新建南河川渭河特大桥为客运专线双线铁路桥,桥上铺设CRTSⅠ型双块式无砟轨道,采用一次铺设跨区间无缝线路。桥梁主跨结构为(75+3×120+75)m连续梁,大里程端温度跨度达到364 m,在连续梁大里程处设置伸缩调节器。以渭河特大桥为例,... 新建南河川渭河特大桥为客运专线双线铁路桥,桥上铺设CRTSⅠ型双块式无砟轨道,采用一次铺设跨区间无缝线路。桥梁主跨结构为(75+3×120+75)m连续梁,大里程端温度跨度达到364 m,在连续梁大里程处设置伸缩调节器。以渭河特大桥为例,采用有限元法建立桥上无缝线路空间耦合模型,对设置了伸缩调节器的桥上无缝线路进行检算,并提出设计人员在检算过程中应当注意的问题。 展开更多
关键词 桥上无缝线路 伸缩调节器 理论
长大货物车通过铁路损伤桥梁的检测对策 被引量:2
作者 钟崔正 《铁道标准设计》 2005年第10期80-81,共2页
针对长大货物车通过铁路损伤桥梁的运输任务,提出理论计算和实桥监测相结合的检测对策,介绍了D26G长大货物车安全通过广深三线K67+484石龙北桥20 m简支上承式损伤钢板梁的检测实例。
关键词 铁路桥 桥梁 损伤桥梁 理论检算
作者 王月红 《西部探矿工程》 CAS 2001年第z1期293-294,共2页
着重概括总结箱形公铁立交桥顶进施工关键环节 ,主要包括 :施工前的现场调查、理论检算、施工过程控制等。
关键词 箱形公铁立交桥 理论检算 顶进施工
作者 李锐 《低温建筑技术》 2019年第6期147-149,共3页
关键词 基坑 管涌 原因分析 理论检算 事故处理
徐盐高铁大跨度连续钢桁梁斜拉桥无缝线路技术研究 被引量:5
作者 刘家兵 《铁道勘察》 2021年第6期75-80,共6页
桥上无缝线路桥梁-轨道相互作用原理复杂,因斜拉桥斜拉钢桁结构为半漂浮体系,其梁轨纵向相互作用机理与钢桁梁桥有很大差异。为总结适用于大跨度钢桁斜拉桥的设计思路、模型和计算方法,以徐盐高铁盐城特大桥为例,运用有限元软件建立桥梁... 桥上无缝线路桥梁-轨道相互作用原理复杂,因斜拉桥斜拉钢桁结构为半漂浮体系,其梁轨纵向相互作用机理与钢桁梁桥有很大差异。为总结适用于大跨度钢桁斜拉桥的设计思路、模型和计算方法,以徐盐高铁盐城特大桥为例,运用有限元软件建立桥梁-轨道模型,检算模型由轨道模块和桥梁模块组成,两个模块通过扣件连接,以实现力的传导等相互作用;对设置钢轨伸缩调节器的桥上无缝线路进行检算,提出适用于大跨度钢桁斜拉桥无缝线路设计技术方案,并总结设计及检算过程中的注意事项。 展开更多
关键词 徐盐高铁 连续钢桁梁桥 斜拉桥 无缝线路 钢轨伸缩调节器 理论
Application of Signal Detection Theory to Ascertain Driving Risk and Mitigation in a Flooded Urban Area
作者 Eunsu Lee Kambiz Farahmand Peter G. Oduor 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第5期515-530,共16页
Signal Detection Theory (SDT) offers an unparalleled deterministic set of decision variables necessary to formulate applied risks in transportation. SDT has distinct advantages over basic prediction models since the... Signal Detection Theory (SDT) offers an unparalleled deterministic set of decision variables necessary to formulate applied risks in transportation. SDT has distinct advantages over basic prediction models since the latter may not represent an entirely accurate analysis. Thresholds based on elements of stimulus (signal and noise) and response for: a Type I discrimination of response variable where decision outcomes and rates are computed for metacognition to discriminate a Type II of decision outcomes was set. We also adapted the classical Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm within a GIS environment using Avenue programming. Contours derived from LiDARwere used to set flood levels while satellite imagery corresponding to Red River of the North inundated (signal) areas were acquired amongst other spatial datasets. The signal information was further dichotomized using a binary yes-no model. Origin and destination points constrained within Fargo-Morehead were generated using a random point generator. From these points, trips were generated with some connected segments traversing through flooded areas. By analyzing False Alarm Rate (FAR) and Corrected Rejection (CRR) computation, we found out that, when Hit Rate (HR) and FAR are both low then there was an increased corresponding sensitivity. At 30-35 ft flood level, the values for FAR and HR was 0.97 and 0.91 respectively.When FAR〉HR, lower set flood levels offered numerous route choices. Corresponding routes with associated impedance can be classified for risk-averse drivers or risk-takers While the risk-averse avoid risky and unfavorable routes, the risk-taker optimizes at an adjustment factor of ω = 0.1 or ω = 0.2. An idealistic stage is achieved for a conservative, co, equal to 0.4 or 0.5, which indicates maximum achievement in terms of time gain and safety simultaneously. At ω = 0.0 the prevailing conditions can be considered unrealistic since they incorporate areas considered impassable with absolute resistance like segments with a "Road Closed" or "Detour" sign. The applicability of our approach can be used to design multi-level and multi-modal transportation systems involving risk. 展开更多
关键词 IMPEDANCE false alarm rate corrected rejection SIGNAL noise.
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