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春油菜甘蓝型品种高海拔成熟试验研究 被引量:1
作者 拉巴仓决 《乡村科技》 2019年第16期92-93,共2页
关键词 春油菜甘蓝型品种 高海拔 成熟试验
双低甘蓝型油菜新品种——镇油2号 被引量:3
作者 顾炳朝 耿万红 +1 位作者 徐志宇 郭盛业 《江苏农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期30-30,35,共2页
关键词 油菜 双低甘蓝型品种 镇油2号 选育 特性
甘蓝型油菜品种间相互嫁接及对其生长发育的影响 被引量:5
作者 耿明建 郭丽丽 +2 位作者 赵竹青 石磊 朱端卫 《中国油料作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期185-189,195,共6页
在溶液培养和土壤培养条件下,试验油菜幼苗嫁接技术以及嫁接对油菜生长发育的影响。油菜幼苗嫁接后一般有10~12d的缓苗期,其后可确认嫁接苗是否成活。利用“插接法”探索油菜幼苗嫁接技术基础上对其进行了改进,形成了“改良插接法... 在溶液培养和土壤培养条件下,试验油菜幼苗嫁接技术以及嫁接对油菜生长发育的影响。油菜幼苗嫁接后一般有10~12d的缓苗期,其后可确认嫁接苗是否成活。利用“插接法”探索油菜幼苗嫁接技术基础上对其进行了改进,形成了“改良插接法”,嫁接速度快、成活率高。不同硼效率甘蓝型油菜相互嫁接后,油菜不同农艺性状受砧木、接穗影响程度不同,株高、叶片数、地上部干重、产量及产量构成因素等性状主要与其接穗母株接近,主根长度则与其砧木母株特性接近,但它们同时均受到砧木或接穗的影响,影响程度相对较小。不同部位叶片叶绿素含量与其接穗母株特性相近,基本不受砧木影响。油菜地上部硼含量主要受接穗控制,同时受到砧木影响,而砧木硼含量与接穗关系较小。不同硼效率油菜品种各部位钙、镁含量无明显差异,嫁接对其亦无明显影响。 展开更多
关键词 甘蓝型油菜品种 嫁接 改良插接法 叶绿素 养分 产量构成因素
采用嫁接试验探讨不同甘蓝型油菜品种硼效率差异机理初报 被引量:2
作者 郭丽丽 耿明建 +2 位作者 石磊 赵竹青 朱端卫 《土壤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期996-999,共4页
溶液培养条件下,比较研究不同B效率甘蓝型油菜品种及其相互嫁接植株苗期对B吸收分配的差异。试验表明,缺B胁迫明显降低高效、低效油菜品种及其相互嫁接植株地上部B含量和累积量,高效品种降低幅度明显小于低效品种,两者相互嫁接植株降低... 溶液培养条件下,比较研究不同B效率甘蓝型油菜品种及其相互嫁接植株苗期对B吸收分配的差异。试验表明,缺B胁迫明显降低高效、低效油菜品种及其相互嫁接植株地上部B含量和累积量,高效品种降低幅度明显小于低效品种,两者相互嫁接植株降低幅度均居于高效品种与低效品种之间。无论缺B与否,高效品种和以高效品种为砧木的植株地上部B分配率分别有高于低效品种和以低效品种做砧木植株的趋势。推断甘蓝型油菜品种B效率差异是由根系吸收能力以及向地上部运输能力共同作用的结果。 展开更多
关键词 甘蓝型油菜品种 嫁接 硼效率 吸收 分配
硼对不同硼效率甘蓝型油菜嫁接植株下部叶片矿质养分含量的影响 被引量:7
作者 郭丽丽 赵竹青 +2 位作者 石磊 朱端卫 耿明建 《中国油料作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期89-93,98,共6页
土壤培养条件下,研究缺硼对不同硼效率甘蓝型油菜品种及其相互嫁接植株下部叶片硼及其它矿质养分含量的影响。结果表明,缺硼条件下,硼高效油菜品种青油10号(QY10)下部叶片硼含量最高,低效品种Bakow(Ba)最低,嫁接植株介于高效品种与低效... 土壤培养条件下,研究缺硼对不同硼效率甘蓝型油菜品种及其相互嫁接植株下部叶片硼及其它矿质养分含量的影响。结果表明,缺硼条件下,硼高效油菜品种青油10号(QY10)下部叶片硼含量最高,低效品种Bakow(Ba)最低,嫁接植株介于高效品种与低效品种之间。推断甘蓝型油菜下部叶片硼含量受根系(砧木品种)和地上部(接穗品种)共同影响。硼对油菜下部叶片其它矿质元素影响的受控部位不完全相同,缺硼对氮、磷、钙和锌的影响主要取决于地上部,与根系关系相对较小,对钾的影响主要由根系决定,而对镁、锰、铁、铜的影响不明确,可能受地上部和根系共同控制。 展开更多
关键词 甘蓝型油菜品种 嫁接 下部叶片 矿质养分
EMS与NaN_3对甘蓝型油菜和芥菜型油菜诱变的效果 被引量:9
作者 赵福永 郑娇 +2 位作者 何芳 何文俊 李利露 《江西农业学报》 CAS 2010年第9期6-9,共4页
采用化学诱变剂甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)和叠氮化钠(NaN3)分别以不同浓度和处理时间组合,对3个甘蓝型油菜品种(湘油15号、中油821、中双9号)和3个芥菜型油菜品种(金油王2号、品系153和154)成熟种子进行诱变。以未处理组为对照,比较了诱变当代(... 采用化学诱变剂甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)和叠氮化钠(NaN3)分别以不同浓度和处理时间组合,对3个甘蓝型油菜品种(湘油15号、中油821、中双9号)和3个芥菜型油菜品种(金油王2号、品系153和154)成熟种子进行诱变。以未处理组为对照,比较了诱变当代(M1)种子的发芽率和子代(M2)株高、叶色、花色、种皮颜色和花粉育性等生物学性状。结果发现,随着诱变剂浓度的增加和处理时间的延长各品种(系)M1代种子的发芽率逐渐降低,且相同处理条件下芥菜型油菜的平均发芽率要低于甘蓝型油菜;在M2代中初步筛选出28个甘蓝型油菜和38个芥菜型油菜的株高、叶色、花色等性状的突变体,为今后油菜遗传改良和功能基因组学研究提供了更丰富的研究材料。 展开更多
关键词 EMS 甘蓝型油菜品种 芥菜型油菜 化学诱变剂 BRASSICA JUNCEA BRASSICA napus Mutagenic Effect 发芽率 处理时间 成熟种子 甲基磺酸乙酯 生物学性状 组学研究 株高 种皮颜色 遗传改良 叶色 时间组合 不同浓度 花色
甘蓝型冬油菜全膜覆土穴播高产栽培技术 被引量:1
作者 邵霞玲 牛军虎 《农业工程技术》 2023年第33期40-41,共2页
甘蓝型冬油菜主要栽培模式以全膜覆土穴播为主,该模式能有效促进油菜营养体生长,加速油菜生长发育,使油菜叶面积光合性能和单株生产力增强,进而提高油菜的产量和品质。该文总结了甘蓝型冬油菜全膜覆土穴播高产栽培技术,包括播前准备,铺... 甘蓝型冬油菜主要栽培模式以全膜覆土穴播为主,该模式能有效促进油菜营养体生长,加速油菜生长发育,使油菜叶面积光合性能和单株生产力增强,进而提高油菜的产量和品质。该文总结了甘蓝型冬油菜全膜覆土穴播高产栽培技术,包括播前准备,铺设地膜,等量穴播,田间管理等,旨在为甘谷县油菜种植人员提供技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 油菜 甘蓝型品种 全膜覆土穴播 栽培技术
甘蓝型优质高产杂交油菜华杂8号的选育与应用 被引量:1
作者 何庆彪 黄继武 +5 位作者 魏泽兰 陈朝辉 李建文 涂勇 段志红 杨光圣 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2005年第5期51-52,共2页
华杂8号是华中农业大学国家油菜武汉改良分中心利用自己的发明专利技术选育而成的三系杂交油菜品种,该品种具有产量高,品质优,含油量高,丰产、稳产性好,抗(耐)病性强等特点,在长江流域两熟或三熟地区种植,增产潜力大,经济效益明显,是目... 华杂8号是华中农业大学国家油菜武汉改良分中心利用自己的发明专利技术选育而成的三系杂交油菜品种,该品种具有产量高,品质优,含油量高,丰产、稳产性好,抗(耐)病性强等特点,在长江流域两熟或三熟地区种植,增产潜力大,经济效益明显,是目前油菜产业化项目的理想选择品种。 展开更多
关键词 甘蓝型油莱品种 华杂8号 选育 栽培
十字花科蔬菜根肿病接种甘蓝型油菜研究初报 被引量:4
作者 张仕伟 《云南农业科技》 2006年第6期42-44,共3页
2004年2月至2006年3月先后用十字花科蔬菜根肿病对甘蓝型油菜品种进行了桶栽、盆栽和大田栽培等条件下的接种试验。结果表明,根肿病对巍山县油菜产业危害不大,对油菜的侵染危害,前期明显重于后期,轮作、水肥管理水平影响根肿病的发生。... 2004年2月至2006年3月先后用十字花科蔬菜根肿病对甘蓝型油菜品种进行了桶栽、盆栽和大田栽培等条件下的接种试验。结果表明,根肿病对巍山县油菜产业危害不大,对油菜的侵染危害,前期明显重于后期,轮作、水肥管理水平影响根肿病的发生。在巍山县主栽的甘蓝型油菜品种中,以花油3号抗病性最强。 展开更多
关键词 甘蓝型油莱品种 十字花科蔬菜根肿病 接种 抗性
加拿大的双低油菜品种克诺拉 被引量:1
作者 张明龙 《世界农业》 1987年第3期17-17,共1页
加拿大1943年才开始引种油菜,在这短暂的40年中,由于加拿大的育种家首先找到了影响油菜食用和饲用的芥酸和硫代葡萄糖甙基因,从70年代始,加拿大首先培育出了一系列低芥酸、低硫代葡萄糖甙白菜型、甘蓝型油菜品种。其中以克诺拉品种(Co-n... 加拿大1943年才开始引种油菜,在这短暂的40年中,由于加拿大的育种家首先找到了影响油菜食用和饲用的芥酸和硫代葡萄糖甙基因,从70年代始,加拿大首先培育出了一系列低芥酸、低硫代葡萄糖甙白菜型、甘蓝型油菜品种。其中以克诺拉品种(Co-nola)最好,含芥酸低于5%,硫代葡萄糖甙低于0.3毫克/克;油分、蛋白质含量高,营养成分全,受到国际市场欢迎。加拿大国际市场小麦销售不景气,“种克诺拉” 展开更多
关键词 加拿大 蛋白质含量 营养成分 双低油菜品种 甘蓝型油菜品种 国际市场 低芥酸 葡萄糖甙 育种家 硫代
作者 颜武斌 《福建农业》 1998年第10期17-17,共1页
福油4号系省农科院耕作所以普通甘蓝型油菜品种“21006”为母体,西德“双低”甘蓝型春油菜“erglu”为父本杂交选育成的“双低”油菜新品种。经我所试种,表现高产、优质、抗性强,适宜在南方地区作油菜一双季稻三熟栽培。 一、特征特性 ... 福油4号系省农科院耕作所以普通甘蓝型油菜品种“21006”为母体,西德“双低”甘蓝型春油菜“erglu”为父本杂交选育成的“双低”油菜新品种。经我所试种,表现高产、优质、抗性强,适宜在南方地区作油菜一双季稻三熟栽培。 一、特征特性 该品种属甘蓝型春性品种,全生育期146天。植株高大,根系发达,茎秆粗壮,耐寒抗倒,冬发叶片多。 展开更多
关键词 甘蓝型油菜品种 高产优质 甘蓝型春油菜 主花序 春性品种 “双低”油菜 盖种 三熟 发叶 叶期
加拿大油菜子品质改良育种 被引量:1
作者 戚存扣 《世界农业》 1988年第7期16-18,共3页
加拿大是世界第二大油菜生产国。年种植面积稳定在300万公顷左右(甘蓝型油菜Brassica napus占55%;白菜型油菜Brassica campestris占40%;其余为芥菜型,Brassica juncea和Brassica hirta),占世界油菜总面积的15%。年总产330万吨左右,... 加拿大是世界第二大油菜生产国。年种植面积稳定在300万公顷左右(甘蓝型油菜Brassica napus占55%;白菜型油菜Brassica campestris占40%;其余为芥菜型,Brassica juncea和Brassica hirta),占世界油菜总面积的15%。年总产330万吨左右,占世界油菜子年总产的17%左右。每公顷单产1100公斤左右。 展开更多
关键词 育种 油菜子 加拿大 甘蓝型油菜品种 白菜型油菜 大油菜 芥菜型 种植面积 生产国 总产
Yield Stability of Direct-sowing and Early-maturing Excellent Brassica napus (Attar No.8)
作者 符明联 廖原 +3 位作者 李根泽 原小燕 张美华 刘丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第8期1684-1686,1816,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to analyze yield stability of attar No.8, which is direct sowing and early-maturing. [Method] Analysis was made on yielding ability, stability and adaptability of attar No.8 in Yunnan Province ... [Objective] The aim was to analyze yield stability of attar No.8, which is direct sowing and early-maturing. [Method] Analysis was made on yielding ability, stability and adaptability of attar No.8 in Yunnan Province during 2006-2009 with DPS software and stability assessment was conducted on yield and major economic characters of the variety in different periods and experimental plots. [Result] Average yield of attar No.8 during three years in 24 plots achieved 3 379.17 kg/hm2; it grew tightly and is featured with early matureness. In addition, grain density, pod number and annul production differed little in different years and the variety in eight ecological conditions all showed high production potential, yielding ability and stability, which proved that attar No.8 is suitable to be grown in Yunnan and southern early-maturing areas in China. [Conclusion] The research provided references for selection and breeding of rapeseeds' variety which enjoys high and stable yield. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus Early-maturing variety Attar No.8 Yield stability
Genetic Diversity Analysis of the Main Commercial Varieties of Brassica napus in Guizhou Province
作者 张敏琴 王仙萍 +2 位作者 韩宏仕 李敏 雷绍林 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第1期6-8,12,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to investigate the genetic diversity of the main commercial varieties of Brassica napus in Guizhou Province at the molecular level. [Method] Nine main commercial rapeseed cultivars in Guizhou w... [Objective] The aim was to investigate the genetic diversity of the main commercial varieties of Brassica napus in Guizhou Province at the molecular level. [Method] Nine main commercial rapeseed cultivars in Guizhou were detected by 40 pairs of SSR primers used in the national regional trial of B. napus, and then clus-tering analysis was carried out. [Result] A total of 191 bands were amplified, and 143 (accounting for 75%) of them showed polymorphism among the nine rapeseed cultivars. By cluster analysis, the nine cultivars were divided into two groups. Group A included seven varieties, and group B consisted of two cultivars from Guizhou In-stitute of Oil Crops. The cultivars in group A were further divided into sub-groups A1 and A2 at the similarity coefficient of 0.643 4. Sub-group A1 included three culti-vars from Guizhou Rapeseed Institute, and sub-group A2 included the other four cultivars from Guizhou Institute of Oil Crops. [Conclusion] The cultivars bred by the same institute had similar genetic background. The cultivars from Guizhou Institute of Oil Crops showed wider genetic basis. However, the genetic similarity coefficient between Qianyou 17 and Qianyou 29 was up to 0.87, suggesting that they shared closer genetic basis. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus Main commercial cultivars SSR Genetic diversity analysis
Breeding of Brassica napus Cultivar Shuangyou 092 with High Oil Content and Its Fine-quality and High-yield Cultural Techniques
作者 朱家成 张书芬 +6 位作者 王建平 文雁成 张书法 赵磊 曹金华 何俊平 蔡东芳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第8期1866-1868,1937,共4页
Shuangyou 092, a Brassica napus cultivar with high oil content, high quality and high yield, was bred by Institute of Industrial Crops of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences with Zhongshuang 9 as female parent, and... Shuangyou 092, a Brassica napus cultivar with high oil content, high quality and high yield, was bred by Institute of Industrial Crops of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences with Zhongshuang 9 as female parent, and the cytoplasmic male sterility maintainer line 32B as male parent. It was registered and released in 2014. The average yield was 2 858.5 kg/hm^2 in Henan province regional test of high quality, 12.43% higher than the check variety Fengyou 9 in 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. Its yield was 3 478.8 kg/ha in Henan Province productive test of high quality,9.52% higher than the check variety Fengyou 9 in 2012-2013. According to the test results in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, the seeds quality of Shuangyou 092 was very good with near zero erucic acid (0.0%, 0.1%) in fat acid, 17.19 μmol/g and 19.78 μmol/g glucosinolates in its meal, the oil content of 46.60% and 45.76%. The cultivar was resistant (tolerant) to Sclerotinia, virus diseases, cold, and lodging. Its high yield and high quality can be obtained by planting in large scale, sowing at right time, rational close planting, balancing fertilizer and harvesting at right time. 展开更多
关键词 Brassiea napus High oil content Shuangyou 092 BREEDING Cultivation technology
Effects of Main Cultivation Factors on Rapeseed Oil Yield
作者 赵继献 杜才富 +2 位作者 任廷波 程国平 王仙萍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第3期386-391,411,共7页
[Objective] This study aimed to analyze the influence of six cultivation fac- tors: sowing date, plant density, nitrogen fertilizer amount, phosphate fertilizer amount, potash fertilizer amount and boron fertilizer a... [Objective] This study aimed to analyze the influence of six cultivation fac- tors: sowing date, plant density, nitrogen fertilizer amount, phosphate fertilizer amount, potash fertilizer amount and boron fertilizer amount on seed oil yield of Brassica napus. [Method] Statistical analysis was carried out based on the data from previous studies and our work. [Result] Oil yield shared a negative correlation with sowing date, a parabolic relationship with plant density mostly, parabolic rela- tionships with amount of applied nitrogen fertilizer and amount of applied boron fer- tilizer, straight-line relationships with amount of applied phosphate fertilizer and amount of applied potash fertilizer. The average amount of applied nitrogen fertilizer required to obtain the highest oil yield was 185.18 kg/hm2 for high-oil rape varieties (with oil content above 44.00%), and under this condition, the average oil yield of low-oil rape varieties (with oil content below 42.00%) was 1 247.84 kg/hm2, while that of high-oil rape varieties was 1 442.60 kg/hm2, which was 15.61% more than the former. The average amount of applied nitrogen fertilizer required to obtain the highest oil yield for lower-oil rape varieties was 286.28 kg/hm2, and under this con- dition, the average oil yield of the low-oil rape varieties was 1 350.57 kg/hm2, while that of the high-oil varieties was 6.81% higher than it. There was a significant neg- ative correlation between rapeseed oil yield and the amount of applied nitrogen fer- tilizer to obtain the highest oil yield (0.980 0). The optimum amount of applied ni- trogen, phosphate, potash and boron fertilizer were 187.5-195, 187.5-195, 105-120, 135-150 and 15-22.5 kg/hm2 for high-oil B. napus varieties. [Conclusion] This study determined the influence of sowing date, plant density and amount of applied nitro- gen fertilizer on oil yield of B. napus, and proposed an optimum cultivation pattern for high-oil varieties. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus L. Cultivation factor Oil yield INFLUENCE Cultivation measures to keep high quality
Studies on Breeding and Application of Thermo-sensitive Genie Male Sterile Line 402S in Brassica napus Ⅰ. Hie Breeding Procedure and Character of 402S 被引量:2
作者 WuXianmeng XiDaiwen +1 位作者 NingZuliang DeangXixing 《Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter》 2001年第3期12-15,共4页
A new rapeseed TGMS line 402S has been bred through six years with seven generations by hybridization and systematic breeding.402S possesses the similar thermo-sensitive male sterility to its female parent Xiangyou 91... A new rapeseed TGMS line 402S has been bred through six years with seven generations by hybridization and systematic breeding.402S possesses the similar thermo-sensitive male sterility to its female parent Xiangyou 91S which performed fertile,partially sterile and sterile throughout the flowering stage,and resembles its male parent Zhongshuang 4 on agronomic traits.And 402S has the double-low (low erutic acid and low glucosinolate) quality like its original parents. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus TGMS line 402S BREEDING CHARACTER
Extra-Large Seed Germplasms of Brassica Napus Created through Microspore Culture 被引量:1
作者 Chen Wei Zhao Kaiqin +8 位作者 Zhang Guojian Zhou Picai Zhao Desheng Qu Guan Luo Yangqing Zu Feng Li Jingfeng Dong Yunsong Wang Jingqiao 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2016年第2期90-96,共7页
Thousand Seed Weight (TSW) is one of the major yield components of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Here reports an extra-large seed germplasm GM01 which was obtained through isolated microspore culture. Three-way cr... Thousand Seed Weight (TSW) is one of the major yield components of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Here reports an extra-large seed germplasm GM01 which was obtained through isolated microspore culture. Three-way cross was made: H8--a Yunnan spring early-maturing rapeseed variety, "Legeney"--a Canadian canola variety and "020010"--a semi-winter late-maturing rapeseed variety. One hundred and forty eight doubled hyploid lines were obtained from the F~ plants of three-way cross through isolated mierospore culture. Among them, the TSW of GM01 amounted to 8.68 g and the TSW of 53 lines were above 5.0 g. The TSWs of GM01 were relatively stable among the multi-location field trials from 2007 to 2014 with variation being only 10%-15% among the locations and years. Compared with H8, GM01 had larger flowers, stigmas, siliques and seed diameters, but less branches, siliques per plant and seeds per silique. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus GERMPLASM seed weight morphological trait microspore culture.
湖南农业大学刘忠松团队 破译古老芥菜身世之谜、形态百变之源
《湖北农业科学》 2022年第1期F0003-F0003,共1页
湖南农业大学刘忠松教授团队长期从事芥菜种质资源收集、鉴定、评价和利用,尤其是率先克隆出芥菜调控种子颜色的基因,并通过芥甘种间杂交、分子标记辅助选择等技术将芥菜型油菜黄籽基因转移到甘蓝型油菜,育成多个纯黄、遗传稳定的甘蓝... 湖南农业大学刘忠松教授团队长期从事芥菜种质资源收集、鉴定、评价和利用,尤其是率先克隆出芥菜调控种子颜色的基因,并通过芥甘种间杂交、分子标记辅助选择等技术将芥菜型油菜黄籽基因转移到甘蓝型油菜,育成多个纯黄、遗传稳定的甘蓝型油菜品种,高产油、产好油,在生产上大面积推广应用,成果曾荣获湖南省自然科学一等奖。 展开更多
关键词 湖南农业大学 芥菜型油菜 种质资源收集 分子标记辅助选择 甘蓝型油菜品种 遗传稳定 大面积推广 种子颜色
Studies on Breeding and Application of Thermo-sensitive Genie Male Sterile Line 402S in Brassica napus Ⅱ.Evaluation of Heterosis and Combining Ability
作者 Wu Xianmeng,Huang Hulan,Ning Zuliang,and Ding Dingjian Hunan Upland Crops Research Institute,Changsha 410125,China 《Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter》 2001年第4期16-21,共6页
Augmented randomized complete block test was conducted to evaluate the heterosis of 80 hybrid combinations from TGMS line 402S and its original parent Xiangyou 91S,and the combining a-bility of 40 testcrossing lines.T... Augmented randomized complete block test was conducted to evaluate the heterosis of 80 hybrid combinations from TGMS line 402S and its original parent Xiangyou 91S,and the combining a-bility of 40 testcrossing lines.The results of identification test showed that among 47 combinations yielding over the control Xiangyou 15,17 ones with 402S and 3 ones with Xiangyou 91S overyielded more than 20%,reaching the significant level of 1 %;and among 51 combinations yielding over their corresponding higher yield parents,18 ones with 402S and 9 ones with Xiangyou 91S overyielded at 5% or 1% significant level.The test for the GCA effect of all parents indicated that 402S possessed a stronger combining ability than Xiangyou 91S on yield,ailiquae of main inflorescence,total siliquae per plant,seed yield of single plant and 1000 seed weight.10 testcrossing lines with high GCA were picked out for next testcrosses.Among 8 agronomic traits,total siliquae per plant and seed yield of single plant were regarded as the key selecting indexes according to the correlation analysis between yield and the agronomic traits on heterosis and on the GCA effect of all parents. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus TGMS line heteroais combining ability identification test
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