生态系统的结构和功能是生态学研究的核心内容。早期基于野外调查的生态学研究强调生产力表征的环境梯度对生态系统结构的影响,而基于控制试验的生态学研究则强调生态系统结构变化对生态系统功能的影响。围绕这两类研究所支持理论间的...生态系统的结构和功能是生态学研究的核心内容。早期基于野外调查的生态学研究强调生产力表征的环境梯度对生态系统结构的影响,而基于控制试验的生态学研究则强调生态系统结构变化对生态系统功能的影响。围绕这两类研究所支持理论间的争论是当前生态学的前沿、热点和难点,其中最具代表性的科学问题是生物多样性与以生产力为代表的生态系统功能间是否存在一般性关系。为深入了解生物多样性-生产力关系研究脉络,分析其对生态学研究范式与理论发展的影响以及对未来研究方向的启示,以Web of Science核心合集数据库中的相关文献为数据源,结合文献计量分析和文献综述,系统总结了多样性-生产力关系研究进展。结果表明:(1)生物多样性-生产力关系研究推动了生态学研究范式由以样带调查为主的观察性研究向以控制试验为主的实验性研究的转变,促进了全球联网控制试验研究的发展。(2)研究聚焦的生态系统类型由最初的北美普列利草原逐渐向其它草地、灌丛、森林等多样的生态系统过渡,研究结论及其生态学理论的普适性逐渐增强。(3)该研究推动了对生物多样性不同维度(如功能多样性和系统发育多样性)在生态系统中作用的认识,促进了学界对除生产功能外的生态系统多功能性的关注。(4)不同学术团体在研究方法和理论认识上均存在差异,特别是在以北欧与美国为主的合作网络间,阻碍了生态学理论间的交流与融合,是导致生物多样性-生产力关系长期存在争议的潜在原因。建议未来探索不同机制的适用边界以及影响其作用强度的外界因素,在统一框架下整合不同理论,进而理解生态系统结构与功能间的一般性关系。展开更多
许多研究探索了与全球变化相关的生态系统功能的变化,但对生态系统功能变化的机制与途径了解较少。初级生产力是生态系统功能的重要组分,但关于氮(N)添加下荒漠草原植物群落初级生产力如何变化以及变化机制尚未明确,N是否通过影响生物...许多研究探索了与全球变化相关的生态系统功能的变化,但对生态系统功能变化的机制与途径了解较少。初级生产力是生态系统功能的重要组分,但关于氮(N)添加下荒漠草原植物群落初级生产力如何变化以及变化机制尚未明确,N是否通过影响生物多样性来影响荒漠草原初级生产力?为此,本研究在荒漠草原开展了为期4年的N添加控制实验(2018—2021年),试验处理包括对照和4个N添加水平(5、10、20和40 g m^(-2)a^(-1)),研究了N添加对荒漠草原物种多样性、功能多样性、初级生产力及其关系的影响。结果表明:(1)N添加处理(2018—2021年)改变了植物物种多样性及功能多样性,但年际间变化趋势不同。N添加处理第四年(2021年)荒漠草原植物功能多样性(Rao指数)、群落加权平均值-株高、功能均匀度和功能离散度均显著增加,而荒漠草原植物物种丰富度和Shannon-Wiener指数均显著降低。(2)N添加可以通过影响物种丰富度和功能多样性进而间接地促进荒漠草原初级生产力,但群落加权性状值-株高对初级生产力的影响是正效应,而物种丰富度和功能离散度对初级生产力的影响是负效应。(3)生物量比率假说更能解释荒漠草原植物群落初级生产力的变异。我们的研究表明了N添加主要通过改变群落内优势物种的功能性状来调节荒漠草原植物初级生产力。展开更多
According to a survey for the urban vegetation of Guangzhou, urban vegetation has a significantly difference from natural vegetation because of intense human impacts. The research was conducted in a synthetic survey f...According to a survey for the urban vegetation of Guangzhou, urban vegetation has a significantly difference from natural vegetation because of intense human impacts. The research was conducted in a synthetic survey for soil, species di-versity, roadside trees and ecological function of urban vegetation in Guangzhou City. The results showed that: (1) soil densi-ties of urban roadside and park forests were higher than mean density of natural forest soil. The pH values of soil in urban roadside were higher too, and the content of organic matter and the concentration of nitrogen were lower. (2) Species diversity of urban vegetation was lower. The most number of species was only 16 species in tree layers of urban forest. (3) Tree growth was limited by narrow space in high-density urban area, where the trees with defects and disorders were common. (4) Com-paring with mature natural forests, the productivity of urban vegetation was lower. The effect of urban vegetation on balance of carbon and oxygen were influenced by the low primary production of urban vegetation. Therefore, the growth condition for urban vegetation should be improved. Biodiversity, primary production and ecological function should be increased for urban vegetation in order to improve urban eco-environment.展开更多
The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of plant species diversity and functional composition (the identity of the plant functional groups) on ecosystem stability of Stipa, communities in the Inner M...The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of plant species diversity and functional composition (the identity of the plant functional groups) on ecosystem stability of Stipa, communities in the Inner Mongolia Plateau. The research work was based on a 12-year study (from 1984 to 1995) of species abundance, diversity, and primary productivity of four Stipa communities, i.e. S. baicalensis Roshev., S. grandis P. Smirn., S, krylovii Roshev., and S. klemenzii Roshev. respectively. The Shnnon-Wiener index was used as a measurement of plant diversity, while functional composition was used to differentiate the functional groups that were included in the communities. The plant species of four Stipa communities were classified into functional groups based on the differences in life forms and ecological groups, which influence their performance in resource requirements, seasonality of growth, tolerance to water stress, and life history. Plant species were classified into five functional groups based on their differences in life form, shrubs and half shrubs, perennial bunch grasses, perennial rhizome grasses, forbs, annuals and biennials. Based on their differences in water requirement these species were classified into four functional groups: xerads, intermediate xerads, intermediate mesophytes, and mesophytes. The results showed: 1) Plant species diversity stabilized ecosystem processes. Shannon-Wiener index were 2.401 4, 2.172 0, 1.624 8, 0.354 3 from S. baicalensis community to S. grandis, S. krylovii and S. klemenzii community, respectively. The dynamics of the aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) for a 12-year's period showed a reverse pattern, the coefficients of variation of the four communities were 21.94%, 20.63%, 29.21% and 39.72% respectively. 2) The Life form functional group component of diversity was a greater determinant of the ecosystem processes than the species component of diversity. The effects of perennial bunch grasses, perennial rhizome grasses and forbs on community stability were highly significant. 3) The ecological group component of diversity was also a great determinant of the ecosystem processes. The effects of xerads, intermediate xerads, and mesophytes on community stability were also very strong.展开更多
This review describes the present hot research areas of mangrove-associated fungi, including its biodiversity, ecological roles, novel metabolites productions and biotechnological potential. Mangrove-associated fungi ...This review describes the present hot research areas of mangrove-associated fungi, including its biodiversity, ecological roles, novel metabolites productions and biotechnological potential. Mangrove-associated fungi were divided into saprophytic, parasitic and true symbiotic fungi based on its ecological roles. Saprophytic fungi are fundamental to decomposition and energy flow of mangrove, additionally, their potential toxicity also exists. Pathogenic fungi have significant effects on mangrove survival, growth, and fitness. Endophytic fungi, the most prolific source of diverse bioactive compounds found among that of mangrove-associated fungi, are found in most species of mangroves. Although a significant number of reports focused on the antimicrobial, insecticidal and other bioactive metabolites as well as many novel enzymes isolatcd from mangrove-associated fungi, and many of those metabolites from endophytic fungi are suspected to be of significant to mangrove, only few studies have provided convincing evidence for symbiotic producers in mangrove. Hence, this paper discusses the present progress of molecular methods used to correlate the ecological roles of endophytic fungi with their bioactive metabolites;, meanwhile, the potential of using metabolic engineering and post-genomic approaches to isolate more novel enzymes and bioactive compounds and to make their possible commercial application was also discussed.展开更多
Shifting cultivation is a traditional farming system practiced in the tropical mountainous areas. Although it has been widely perceived as an economically inefficient and environmentally harmful agricultural productio...Shifting cultivation is a traditional farming system practiced in the tropical mountainous areas. Although it has been widely perceived as an economically inefficient and environmentally harmful agricultural production system, recent science reviews, however, indicate that the deleterious impacts of shifting cultivation on environment may have been overestimated. Despite the pressures of agricultural intensification in areas where shifting cultivation occurs, farmers across the tropics still maintain this traditional farming system. The objective of this study was to explore existing traditional shifting cultivation practices and their various modifications including the innovative farming techniques developed by farmers in the Chittagong Hill Tracts(CHTs), the mountainous region of Bangladesh, and examine their importance with respect to recent socio-economic and environmental changes. The study revealed that shifting cultivation still exists as the most dominant farming method which supports livelihoods and culture of the hill ethnic people. However, demand for more food and household income to meet livelihood needs of an increasing population combined with a rapid deterioration of soil and water quality over decades contributed to development of innovative farming practices through fallow land farming, crop substitution, agroforestry and homestead gardening in the CHTs. Through these farming techniques farmers maintain a strong relationship with traditional knowledge system embedded in the ageold shifting cultivation practices. Today state policies and market forces act in favor of replacement of traditional farming with intensive cash crop agriculture. It seems that disappearance of traditional farming practices from the hills may threaten local biodiversity and food security. It may be recommended that shifting cultivation should be encouraged in areas where they have potential for contributing to preservation of native biodiversity and ecosystem services, and protection of local peoples' food security and cultural identity.展开更多
文摘生态系统的结构和功能是生态学研究的核心内容。早期基于野外调查的生态学研究强调生产力表征的环境梯度对生态系统结构的影响,而基于控制试验的生态学研究则强调生态系统结构变化对生态系统功能的影响。围绕这两类研究所支持理论间的争论是当前生态学的前沿、热点和难点,其中最具代表性的科学问题是生物多样性与以生产力为代表的生态系统功能间是否存在一般性关系。为深入了解生物多样性-生产力关系研究脉络,分析其对生态学研究范式与理论发展的影响以及对未来研究方向的启示,以Web of Science核心合集数据库中的相关文献为数据源,结合文献计量分析和文献综述,系统总结了多样性-生产力关系研究进展。结果表明:(1)生物多样性-生产力关系研究推动了生态学研究范式由以样带调查为主的观察性研究向以控制试验为主的实验性研究的转变,促进了全球联网控制试验研究的发展。(2)研究聚焦的生态系统类型由最初的北美普列利草原逐渐向其它草地、灌丛、森林等多样的生态系统过渡,研究结论及其生态学理论的普适性逐渐增强。(3)该研究推动了对生物多样性不同维度(如功能多样性和系统发育多样性)在生态系统中作用的认识,促进了学界对除生产功能外的生态系统多功能性的关注。(4)不同学术团体在研究方法和理论认识上均存在差异,特别是在以北欧与美国为主的合作网络间,阻碍了生态学理论间的交流与融合,是导致生物多样性-生产力关系长期存在争议的潜在原因。建议未来探索不同机制的适用边界以及影响其作用强度的外界因素,在统一框架下整合不同理论,进而理解生态系统结构与功能间的一般性关系。
文摘许多研究探索了与全球变化相关的生态系统功能的变化,但对生态系统功能变化的机制与途径了解较少。初级生产力是生态系统功能的重要组分,但关于氮(N)添加下荒漠草原植物群落初级生产力如何变化以及变化机制尚未明确,N是否通过影响生物多样性来影响荒漠草原初级生产力?为此,本研究在荒漠草原开展了为期4年的N添加控制实验(2018—2021年),试验处理包括对照和4个N添加水平(5、10、20和40 g m^(-2)a^(-1)),研究了N添加对荒漠草原物种多样性、功能多样性、初级生产力及其关系的影响。结果表明:(1)N添加处理(2018—2021年)改变了植物物种多样性及功能多样性,但年际间变化趋势不同。N添加处理第四年(2021年)荒漠草原植物功能多样性(Rao指数)、群落加权平均值-株高、功能均匀度和功能离散度均显著增加,而荒漠草原植物物种丰富度和Shannon-Wiener指数均显著降低。(2)N添加可以通过影响物种丰富度和功能多样性进而间接地促进荒漠草原初级生产力,但群落加权性状值-株高对初级生产力的影响是正效应,而物种丰富度和功能离散度对初级生产力的影响是负效应。(3)生物量比率假说更能解释荒漠草原植物群落初级生产力的变异。我们的研究表明了N添加主要通过改变群落内优势物种的功能性状来调节荒漠草原植物初级生产力。
基金the Natural Science Founda-tion of Guangdong Province (021740) and Guangdong Environmental Pro-tection Foundation (2001-18)
文摘According to a survey for the urban vegetation of Guangzhou, urban vegetation has a significantly difference from natural vegetation because of intense human impacts. The research was conducted in a synthetic survey for soil, species di-versity, roadside trees and ecological function of urban vegetation in Guangzhou City. The results showed that: (1) soil densi-ties of urban roadside and park forests were higher than mean density of natural forest soil. The pH values of soil in urban roadside were higher too, and the content of organic matter and the concentration of nitrogen were lower. (2) Species diversity of urban vegetation was lower. The most number of species was only 16 species in tree layers of urban forest. (3) Tree growth was limited by narrow space in high-density urban area, where the trees with defects and disorders were common. (4) Com-paring with mature natural forests, the productivity of urban vegetation was lower. The effect of urban vegetation on balance of carbon and oxygen were influenced by the low primary production of urban vegetation. Therefore, the growth condition for urban vegetation should be improved. Biodiversity, primary production and ecological function should be increased for urban vegetation in order to improve urban eco-environment.
文摘The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of plant species diversity and functional composition (the identity of the plant functional groups) on ecosystem stability of Stipa, communities in the Inner Mongolia Plateau. The research work was based on a 12-year study (from 1984 to 1995) of species abundance, diversity, and primary productivity of four Stipa communities, i.e. S. baicalensis Roshev., S. grandis P. Smirn., S, krylovii Roshev., and S. klemenzii Roshev. respectively. The Shnnon-Wiener index was used as a measurement of plant diversity, while functional composition was used to differentiate the functional groups that were included in the communities. The plant species of four Stipa communities were classified into functional groups based on the differences in life forms and ecological groups, which influence their performance in resource requirements, seasonality of growth, tolerance to water stress, and life history. Plant species were classified into five functional groups based on their differences in life form, shrubs and half shrubs, perennial bunch grasses, perennial rhizome grasses, forbs, annuals and biennials. Based on their differences in water requirement these species were classified into four functional groups: xerads, intermediate xerads, intermediate mesophytes, and mesophytes. The results showed: 1) Plant species diversity stabilized ecosystem processes. Shannon-Wiener index were 2.401 4, 2.172 0, 1.624 8, 0.354 3 from S. baicalensis community to S. grandis, S. krylovii and S. klemenzii community, respectively. The dynamics of the aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) for a 12-year's period showed a reverse pattern, the coefficients of variation of the four communities were 21.94%, 20.63%, 29.21% and 39.72% respectively. 2) The Life form functional group component of diversity was a greater determinant of the ecosystem processes than the species component of diversity. The effects of perennial bunch grasses, perennial rhizome grasses and forbs on community stability were highly significant. 3) The ecological group component of diversity was also a great determinant of the ecosystem processes. The effects of xerads, intermediate xerads, and mesophytes on community stability were also very strong.
基金Foundation project: This work was supported partly by the Guangzhou Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 2007Z3-EO581), the Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 2007A0200300001-7 05003268), the Chinese High-Tech 863 Project (Grant No. 2006AA09Z422), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 20572136).
文摘This review describes the present hot research areas of mangrove-associated fungi, including its biodiversity, ecological roles, novel metabolites productions and biotechnological potential. Mangrove-associated fungi were divided into saprophytic, parasitic and true symbiotic fungi based on its ecological roles. Saprophytic fungi are fundamental to decomposition and energy flow of mangrove, additionally, their potential toxicity also exists. Pathogenic fungi have significant effects on mangrove survival, growth, and fitness. Endophytic fungi, the most prolific source of diverse bioactive compounds found among that of mangrove-associated fungi, are found in most species of mangroves. Although a significant number of reports focused on the antimicrobial, insecticidal and other bioactive metabolites as well as many novel enzymes isolatcd from mangrove-associated fungi, and many of those metabolites from endophytic fungi are suspected to be of significant to mangrove, only few studies have provided convincing evidence for symbiotic producers in mangrove. Hence, this paper discusses the present progress of molecular methods used to correlate the ecological roles of endophytic fungi with their bioactive metabolites;, meanwhile, the potential of using metabolic engineering and post-genomic approaches to isolate more novel enzymes and bioactive compounds and to make their possible commercial application was also discussed.
基金the financial support provided by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) for conducting the fieldwork of this study
文摘Shifting cultivation is a traditional farming system practiced in the tropical mountainous areas. Although it has been widely perceived as an economically inefficient and environmentally harmful agricultural production system, recent science reviews, however, indicate that the deleterious impacts of shifting cultivation on environment may have been overestimated. Despite the pressures of agricultural intensification in areas where shifting cultivation occurs, farmers across the tropics still maintain this traditional farming system. The objective of this study was to explore existing traditional shifting cultivation practices and their various modifications including the innovative farming techniques developed by farmers in the Chittagong Hill Tracts(CHTs), the mountainous region of Bangladesh, and examine their importance with respect to recent socio-economic and environmental changes. The study revealed that shifting cultivation still exists as the most dominant farming method which supports livelihoods and culture of the hill ethnic people. However, demand for more food and household income to meet livelihood needs of an increasing population combined with a rapid deterioration of soil and water quality over decades contributed to development of innovative farming practices through fallow land farming, crop substitution, agroforestry and homestead gardening in the CHTs. Through these farming techniques farmers maintain a strong relationship with traditional knowledge system embedded in the ageold shifting cultivation practices. Today state policies and market forces act in favor of replacement of traditional farming with intensive cash crop agriculture. It seems that disappearance of traditional farming practices from the hills may threaten local biodiversity and food security. It may be recommended that shifting cultivation should be encouraged in areas where they have potential for contributing to preservation of native biodiversity and ecosystem services, and protection of local peoples' food security and cultural identity.