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啤酒废水处理技术的生产性应用 被引量:5
作者 买文宁 曾科 吴连成 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期35-36,共2页
高浓度啤酒废水进行厌氧处理后 ,再与低浓度啤酒废水混合进行好氧处理 ,是一条经济合理的技术路线。采用以升流式厌氧污泥床 (UASB)和周期循环活性污泥系统 (CASS)为主的技术处理啤酒废水 ,工程应用表明该工艺技术具有先进实用的明显特... 高浓度啤酒废水进行厌氧处理后 ,再与低浓度啤酒废水混合进行好氧处理 ,是一条经济合理的技术路线。采用以升流式厌氧污泥床 (UASB)和周期循环活性污泥系统 (CASS)为主的技术处理啤酒废水 ,工程应用表明该工艺技术具有先进实用的明显特征 ,能够有效的处理高浓度啤酒废水 。 展开更多
关键词 废水处理技术 生产性应用 啤酒废水 UASB CASS
活化硅酸助凝剂生产性应用的影响因素 被引量:1
作者 潘海祥 金惠芬 费杰 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期19-22,共4页
以小试模拟实际生产工艺流程,并结合生产性试验,研究了加矾量,活化硅酸的投加点、投加量对活化硅酸助凝剂生产性应用的影响。结果表明,当加矾量达到10mg/L左右时,投加的活化硅酸助凝剂才能发挥效果,而当达到最佳需矾量15mg/L时,才会取... 以小试模拟实际生产工艺流程,并结合生产性试验,研究了加矾量,活化硅酸的投加点、投加量对活化硅酸助凝剂生产性应用的影响。结果表明,当加矾量达到10mg/L左右时,投加的活化硅酸助凝剂才能发挥效果,而当达到最佳需矾量15mg/L时,才会取得最佳混凝效果;研究发现矾后投加活化硅酸时效果最明显,其适宜投加量为0.9~1.2mg/L,并对这些因素的影响机理进行了探讨。在生产性应用中还要考虑投加活化硅酸助凝剂时与水混合的强度、均匀性等问题。 展开更多
关键词 活化硅酸 助凝剂 生产性应用 影响因素
《中国水产》 北大核心 2010年第5期67-67,共1页
3月31日,广东省海洋与渔业局组织专家在广东省惠东县某水产养殖有限公司高位池对虾养殖基地,对中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所承担的广东省海洋渔业科技推广专项“节能高效工厂化养殖设施及安全养殖技术研究与示范(项目编号A20090... 3月31日,广东省海洋与渔业局组织专家在广东省惠东县某水产养殖有限公司高位池对虾养殖基地,对中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所承担的广东省海洋渔业科技推广专项“节能高效工厂化养殖设施及安全养殖技术研究与示范(项目编号A200901G04)”和中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目“名优海水品种工程化循环净水养殖关键技术研究(项目编号2009TS16)”课题中“高位池对虾循环水养殖设施及安全养殖技术研究与示范”内容进行了现场测试。 展开更多
关键词 循环水养殖系统 高位池 生产性应用 中国水产科学研究院 效益 养殖技术 养殖设施 项目编号
作者 王景 王春雨 《齐鲁粮食》 2006年第8期47-48,共2页
磷化氢环流熏蒸技术是利用环流熏蒸设备强制熏蒸气体在粮堆内循环,促使熏蒸气体在粮堆内快速均匀分布的熏蒸杀虫技术。环流熏蒸技术很好地解决了常规熏蒸时毒气不能在仓内均匀分布,容易出现的杀虫不彻底现象。德州市粮油购销储运公司... 磷化氢环流熏蒸技术是利用环流熏蒸设备强制熏蒸气体在粮堆内循环,促使熏蒸气体在粮堆内快速均匀分布的熏蒸杀虫技术。环流熏蒸技术很好地解决了常规熏蒸时毒气不能在仓内均匀分布,容易出现的杀虫不彻底现象。德州市粮油购销储运公司有针对性地在对磷化氢环流熏蒸采用仓外施药,仓外与粮面施药相结合,仓外与粮面间歇投药法,三种方式在房式基建仓散装粮进行了生产性应用,取得了较好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 磷化氢环流熏蒸技术 生产性应用 粮库管理 试验方法 通风设备
草鱼出血病细胞培养灭活疫苗旋转瓶法大规模生产工艺 被引量:7
作者 曾令兵 杨先乐 +3 位作者 贺路 艾晓辉 何介华 左文功 《中国水产科学》 CAS CSCD 1998年第2期62-67,共6页
Carel氏瓶静置培养草鱼CIK细胞,细胞2~3d内长成单层,细胞单层均匀而稳定;旋转瓶培养,细胞7d左右长成单层,细胞单层面积大,病毒培养产量高。2种方式所培养病毒的TCID50/ml值稳定在6.0左右。0.1%福... Carel氏瓶静置培养草鱼CIK细胞,细胞2~3d内长成单层,细胞单层均匀而稳定;旋转瓶培养,细胞7d左右长成单层,细胞单层面积大,病毒培养产量高。2种方式所培养病毒的TCID50/ml值稳定在6.0左右。0.1%福尔马林4℃条件下灭活病毒材料17d制备疫苗,疫苗性能稳定,安全性好。疫苗效力检验结果表明,注射免疫10d和浸泡免疫10d后,免疫鱼体内血清中和抗体效价分别为107.9±11.0(3)和68.5±9.9(3),免疫保护力分别为(77.1±8.9)%(3)和(73.9±8.3)%(3),与对照组相比差异显著。本研究建立了草鱼细胞培养灭活疫苗大规模生产工艺流程,进行了较大规模的疫苗生产和生产性免疫试验,免疫草鱼成活率平均达到85%以上。 展开更多
关键词 草鱼 出血病 细胞疫苗 工艺流程 生产性应用
《中国水产》 北大核心 2009年第3期68-68,共1页
日前,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所杨爱国研究员主持完成的“栉孔扇贝与虾夷扇贝杂交育种技术研究及应用”荣获2008年度山东省科技进步一等奖。该成果对栉孔扇贝和虾夷扇贝杂交的受精生物学过程和受精机制、同步生殖发育调控技术... 日前,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所杨爱国研究员主持完成的“栉孔扇贝与虾夷扇贝杂交育种技术研究及应用”荣获2008年度山东省科技进步一等奖。该成果对栉孔扇贝和虾夷扇贝杂交的受精生物学过程和受精机制、同步生殖发育调控技术、杂交子代的遗传性状及杂交子代的鉴定技术、扇贝精子超低温冷冻保存与生产性应用等进行了系统的研究,筛选出了扇贝杂种优势组合,显著提高了扇贝的生产性能尤其是抗逆能力, 展开更多
关键词 杂交育种技术 生产性应用 虾夷扇贝 栉孔扇贝 中国水产科学研究院 科技进步一等奖 黄海水产研究所 超低温冷冻保存
作者 徐树梅 《葛洲坝集团科技》 2022年第3期11-13,共3页
关键词 胶结砂砾石配合比 碾压参数确定 现场生产试验及成果应用 大石峡水利枢纽工程
作者 郭珺 胡鲲 +1 位作者 欧仁健 杨先乐 《重庆水产》 2012年第3期47-48,共2页
针对孔雀石绿被禁用后出现的水霉病害防治的技术真空,以上海海洋大学为首的科研团队推出了孔雀石绿替代制剂——“美婷”。目前,“美婷”制剂已初步完成药效、药理及安全性实验,在全国十佘个省、直辖市进行了生产规模试用。为了总结... 针对孔雀石绿被禁用后出现的水霉病害防治的技术真空,以上海海洋大学为首的科研团队推出了孔雀石绿替代制剂——“美婷”。目前,“美婷”制剂已初步完成药效、药理及安全性实验,在全国十佘个省、直辖市进行了生产规模试用。为了总结“美婷”的推广示范经验和使用效果,并为下一步进行临床试验和申请药号作准备,“孔雀石绿代替药‘美婷’生产性应用交流与研讨会议”于2012年10月16日在湖南省长沙市举行。来自农业部渔业局、全国水产技术推广总站、 展开更多
关键词 孔雀石绿 制剂 水产技术推广 反馈 农业部渔业局 生产性应用 病害防治 科研团队
黄浦江上游原水水质特征与处理对策 被引量:14
作者 乐林生 鲍士荣 +1 位作者 康兰英 张东 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期26-31,共6页
黄浦江上游原水水质基本为Ⅲ-Ⅳ类,具有藻类较低、高锰酸盐指数高、季节性氨氮较高及低分子量溶解性有机物占多数的特征。常规工艺和强化常规工艺对分子量小于3000的溶解性有机物去除率不到5%,难以使出厂水CODMn降到3mg/L以下。周家渡... 黄浦江上游原水水质基本为Ⅲ-Ⅳ类,具有藻类较低、高锰酸盐指数高、季节性氨氮较高及低分子量溶解性有机物占多数的特征。常规工艺和强化常规工艺对分子量小于3000的溶解性有机物去除率不到5%,难以使出厂水CODMn降到3mg/L以下。周家渡水厂深度处理生产性应用研究结果表明:预臭氧+常规处理+臭氧活性炭对分子量小于1000的有机物与AOC具有良好的去处效果,能提高水的生物稳定性,改善口感,保障饮用水水质的安全,适合黄浦江上游原水给水厂的改造。 展开更多
关键词 黄浦江上游 处理对策 水质特征 原水 高锰酸盐指数 溶解有机物 有机物去除率 常规工艺 CODMN 臭氧活 生产性应用 周家渡水厂 生物稳定 低分子量 常规处理 研究结果 深度处理 季节 出厂水 AOC 饮用水 给水厂
作者 王元荪 《广西蚕业》 2006年第3期73-74,共2页
关键词 专利信息 科技产品 蚕业 制种方法 专利申请号 地理研究所 生产性应用 专利名称
Biodiversity and biotechnological potential of mangrove-associated fungi 被引量:24
作者 CHENG Zhong-shan PAN Jia-Hui +2 位作者 TANG Wen-cheng CHEN Qi-jin LIN Yong-cheng 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第1期63-72,共10页
This review describes the present hot research areas of mangrove-associated fungi, including its biodiversity, ecological roles, novel metabolites productions and biotechnological potential. Mangrove-associated fungi ... This review describes the present hot research areas of mangrove-associated fungi, including its biodiversity, ecological roles, novel metabolites productions and biotechnological potential. Mangrove-associated fungi were divided into saprophytic, parasitic and true symbiotic fungi based on its ecological roles. Saprophytic fungi are fundamental to decomposition and energy flow of mangrove, additionally, their potential toxicity also exists. Pathogenic fungi have significant effects on mangrove survival, growth, and fitness. Endophytic fungi, the most prolific source of diverse bioactive compounds found among that of mangrove-associated fungi, are found in most species of mangroves. Although a significant number of reports focused on the antimicrobial, insecticidal and other bioactive metabolites as well as many novel enzymes isolatcd from mangrove-associated fungi, and many of those metabolites from endophytic fungi are suspected to be of significant to mangrove, only few studies have provided convincing evidence for symbiotic producers in mangrove. Hence, this paper discusses the present progress of molecular methods used to correlate the ecological roles of endophytic fungi with their bioactive metabolites;, meanwhile, the potential of using metabolic engineering and post-genomic approaches to isolate more novel enzymes and bioactive compounds and to make their possible commercial application was also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Mangrove fungi BIODIVERSITY Bioactive metabolites Commercial application
Development of Palm Oil Based Bio-product Industrial Wax and Its Application Performance Study 被引量:1
作者 Bhuvenesh Rajamony Nabil Khalil Mohd Faizal Hamid Mohd 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2010年第4期23-27,共5页
Machining is a mechanical process where excess material from a work is removed to produce a product. At the moment different ferrous, non-ferrous materials and industrial blue wax have been used for prototype models. ... Machining is a mechanical process where excess material from a work is removed to produce a product. At the moment different ferrous, non-ferrous materials and industrial blue wax have been used for prototype models. However such materials is very expensive. Hence an attempt is made to substitute these materials by the palm oil based bio-wax produced in Malaysia. In this research, the authors will analyze and investigate whether there is a possibility to use the palm oil based bio-wax material to substitute with the petroleum based industrial-wax. Experimental analyses are carried out to investigate the capability and the strength of the palm oil based bio-wax material. The matrix blends were prepared of fatty acids from oleo-chemicals, palm oil wax, natural ash fibre and low linear density polyethylene (LLDPE) by stirring and melt-mixing. Sample b!ends are machined with lathe machining process. The sample blends showed there was no built edge formation and good smooth surface production. 展开更多
关键词 Palm oil industrial wax MACHINING manufacture.
Application of reliability-centered maintenance for productivity improvement of open pit mining equipment:Case study of Sungun Copper Mine 被引量:5
作者 Amin Moniri Morad Mohammad Pourgol-Mohammad Javad Sattarvand 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期2372-2382,共11页
Equipment plays an important role in open pit mining industry and its cost competence at efficient operation and maintenance techniques centered on reliability can lead to significant cost reduction.The application of... Equipment plays an important role in open pit mining industry and its cost competence at efficient operation and maintenance techniques centered on reliability can lead to significant cost reduction.The application of optimal maintenance process was investigated for minimizing the equipment breakdowns and downtimes in Sungun Copper Mine.It results in the improved efficiency and productivity of the equipment and lowered expenses as well as the increased profit margin.The field operating data of 10 trucks are used to estimate the failure and maintenance profile for each component,and modeling and simulation are accomplished by using reliability block diagram method.Trend analysis was then conducted to select proper probabilistic model for maintenance profile.Then reliability of the system was evaluated and importance of each component was computed by weighted importance measure method.This analysis led to identify the items with critical impact on availability of overall equipment in order to prioritize improvement decisions.Later,the availability of trucks was evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation and it is revealed that the uptime of the trucks is around 11000 h at 12000 operation hours.Finally,uncertainty analysis was performed to account for the uncertainty sources in data and models. 展开更多
关键词 operating costs maintenance mining dump truck RELIABILITY AVAILABILITY UNCERTAINTY
ahospholipase Applications in Cheese Production
作者 Leyla Eren Karahan M. Serdar Akin 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2017年第6期312-315,共4页
Phospholipase is an enzyme that hydrolyzes phospholipids releasing a variety of products, like for example lyso-phospholipids, free fatty acids, di-acylglycerols, choline phosphate and phosphatidates, depending on the... Phospholipase is an enzyme that hydrolyzes phospholipids releasing a variety of products, like for example lyso-phospholipids, free fatty acids, di-acylglycerols, choline phosphate and phosphatidates, depending on the site of hydrolysis. In cheese production, lysophospholipids act as surface-active agents in the cheese curd, helping emulsification of water and fat during processing and reducing syneresis. Phospholipases are more specific and have little or no activity toward di- or triglycerides. As a result of phospholipid hydrolysis, flavor defects do not occur due to the main formation of palmitic, oleic, and stearic acids, which are non-volatile short chains fatty acids. According to the scientific studies the use of phospholipase is able to increase the yield of cheese and reduce the environmental impacts of cheese production. Protein and fat largely determine cheese yield. Depending on the milk composition, 75% to 78% of milk protein and 85% to 95% of milk fat are entrapped in the cheese curd. The remaining protein and fat are lost in the whey and, to a lesser extent, in the brine. Crucially in the production of pasta filata cheese fat losses occur in the hot stretching step, where the fresh curd is molded and stretched in hot water. The lysophospholipid-casein complexes should be studied to understand the mechanism leading to cheese yield improvements. 展开更多
Real and Legal Nutritional Alternative (e.g. Application of Free Amino Acids) to Replace Forbidden Doping Substances to Produce Excellent Sport Performance
作者 Andras S. Szabo 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第3期308-312,共5页
Peformance enhancing drugs are widely used today in different sport fields, and therefore the successful anti-doping activity should be based not only on regular doping controls, but also it should show the real alter... Peformance enhancing drugs are widely used today in different sport fields, and therefore the successful anti-doping activity should be based not only on regular doping controls, but also it should show the real alternative: how to replace the forbidden doping substances with legal and effective supplements. The paper deals with application proposition of protein concentrates, free AA (amino acids), HMB (hydroxy-methyle-butyrate), creatine and camitine. If the athlete is involved in strength and power sport (e.g. throwing events in track and field, olympic weightlifting etc.), the explosive and maximum strength is of primary importance. For strength athletes, these mentioned substances are those legal preparates, supplements, which can help effectively in performance improvement of sport results. The main reason is that using protein concentrates, AAs, HMB, creatine and camitine, the anabolic (and anticatabolic) effect will enhance the protein biosynthesis of the organism, improve the aerob and anaerob capacity of the athletes, activate and stimulate the own hormonal system. And the final result is creating higher loadability because of the faster recovery, and higher performance level on the competition. Of course, the athletes--as a minimum requirement--need an adequate nutrition (good balanced nourishment), as well, with appropriate application and supplementation of all vitamins and essential minerals. 展开更多
关键词 Camitine CREATINE HMB protein concentrate strength supplement.
Technological Properties of Yeast Produced Surface Active Compounds in Connection with Their Application in Clean-Up Technologies
作者 Kristina Lhotska Marek Sir +2 位作者 Jiri Mikes Zuzana Honzajkova Miroslav Minarik 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第1期49-59,共11页
Biologically produced surfactants (SACs) can mobilize and solubilize non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) adsorbed onto soil constituents. The interest in microbial surfactants has increased during recent years due to... Biologically produced surfactants (SACs) can mobilize and solubilize non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) adsorbed onto soil constituents. The interest in microbial surfactants has increased during recent years due to their lower toxicity, higher biodegradability, selectivity and specific activity under extreme conditions than synthetic SACs. Main output of the project represents preparation of this yeast biosurfactant intended for washing of matrices contaminated by NAPL. The influence of cultivation media composition on biosurfactant production was studied and basic properties (critical micelle concentration (CMC), minimum surface tension) of isolated biosurfactants were compared with properties of synthetic surfactant with surface tension measurement. The interracial tension of the systems containing aqueous solutions of different concentrations and non-polar substances was measured with petroleum compounds (kerosene Jet A-l), aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons (represented by toluene and hexane). The solution of biosurfactant Yarrowia lipolytica (YAR) in the concentration range of 0-500 mg/L reduced interracial tension by 80% in all representative systems with model contaminants; biosurfactant Candida bombicola (CAN) was less efficient. Solubilization properties were proved with toluene and hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers alpha and gamma, and effective concentration of biosurfactants was determined as 100 mg/L for toluene and HCH. SACs produced by lipophilic yeast with non-toxic and non-pathogenic status (Yarrowia lipolytica, Candida sp., etc.) seem to be very promising. The results obtained will be used for the application of biosurfactants in the clean-up technologies as agents for the mobilization of non-polar contaminants as well as for stimulation of bioremediation processes. 展开更多
关键词 Biological surfactant lipophilic yeast carbon source soil washing.
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