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作者 沈达人 《曲学》 2015年第1期489-511,共23页
一、先生的生平与著作王芷章先生,字伯生,号二渠,1903年1月29日出生于河北省平山县农民家庭。早年考入河北省正定第七中学学习。1929年毕业于北京孔教大学中文系。又受教于桐城派学者吴北江先生,与历史学家谢国桢,戏曲史家张次溪、周明... 一、先生的生平与著作王芷章先生,字伯生,号二渠,1903年1月29日出生于河北省平山县农民家庭。早年考入河北省正定第七中学学习。1929年毕业于北京孔教大学中文系。又受教于桐城派学者吴北江先生,与历史学家谢国桢,戏曲史家张次溪、周明泰同门。1929年至1933年3月,担任河北省保定市保定民生中学语文教员。 展开更多
关键词 河北省 历史学家 保定市 家庭 著作 戏曲史
作者 孙新晟 王学秀 《当代戏剧》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第4期63-64,共2页
人物诸葛亮 须生姜维 红生马岱 老生杨仪 武小生魏廷 二花脸司马懿 大花脸司马昭 武小生四龙套 杂角四卒 杂角 〔幕启,四将拉架子,起牌子曲上.姜 维 姜维.马 岱 马岱.杨 仪 杨仪.魏 廷 魏延.众 将 军帅有令,校场点兵,将兵点齐,候军... 人物诸葛亮 须生姜维 红生马岱 老生杨仪 武小生魏廷 二花脸司马懿 大花脸司马昭 武小生四龙套 杂角四卒 杂角 〔幕启,四将拉架子,起牌子曲上.姜 维 姜维.马 岱 马岱.杨 仪 杨仪.魏 廷 魏延.众 将 军帅有令,校场点兵,将兵点齐,候军帅传令. 展开更多
关键词 马岱 杨仪 军帅 乡侯 你我 曹丕 六出祁山 后世人 生伯 双锤
作者 楊博 《简帛》 CSSCI 2016年第1期49-60,共12页
春秋早期史料匱乏,特别是有關西周滅亡、平王東遷的記載只見於《左傳》昭公二十六年正義引《紀年》與《史記·周本紀》等文獻,有限的史料間又歧見迭出,紛繁不已。清華簡《繫年》第二章簡文主要涉及周平王東遷的相關史事及年代:周... 春秋早期史料匱乏,特别是有關西周滅亡、平王東遷的記載只見於《左傳》昭公二十六年正義引《紀年》與《史記·周本紀》等文獻,有限的史料間又歧見迭出,紛繁不已。清華簡《繫年》第二章簡文主要涉及周平王東遷的相關史事及年代:周幽王取妻于西申,生平王,王或(又)取褒人之女,是褒姒,生伯盤。褒姒嬖于王,王與伯盤逐平王,平王走西申。幽王起師,回(圍)平王于西申,申人弗畀。曾(繒)人乃降西戎,以攻幽王,幽王及伯盤乃滅,周乃亡。 展开更多
关键词 京師 褒姒 取妻 昭公 于王 邦君 生伯 成周 西虢 古公亶父
作者 邱连云 《江西老区建设》 1987年第12期39-40,共2页
年初,某县公证处受理了一起遗嘱公证。申请公证的是县郊乡年已八十的张大爷。他的老伴早年病故,无子女,亲人只有一个弟弟和义女。老人有两间砖房、一台电视机、五百元存款及日常家俱。老人患心脏病,他担心死后因遗产问题发生纠纷,... 年初,某县公证处受理了一起遗嘱公证。申请公证的是县郊乡年已八十的张大爷。他的老伴早年病故,无子女,亲人只有一个弟弟和义女。老人有两间砖房、一台电视机、五百元存款及日常家俱。老人患心脏病,他担心死后因遗产问题发生纠纷,便到县公证处申请办理遗嘱公证。 展开更多
关键词 遗产纠纷 立遗嘱 个人财产 五百 财产处理 实女 小玉 象对 生伯
作者 才云峰 《渤海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1981年第1期15-,共1页
关键词 处理原则 说服教育 纪律观念 集体观念 生伯
作者 张定东 《九江学院学报(社会科学版)》 1983年第1期58-20,共2页
据调查,当前中学生怕写作文的原因之一,是觉得没东西可写。不少学生为之苦恼。每逢作文,不是内容空泛,言之无物,就是思绪紊乱,无从下笔。写人,只有骨架子而无血肉;论事,只有抽象的议论,或标签式的几条。追溯原因,学生平时缺乏对生活的积... 据调查,当前中学生怕写作文的原因之一,是觉得没东西可写。不少学生为之苦恼。每逢作文,不是内容空泛,言之无物,就是思绪紊乱,无从下笔。写人,只有骨架子而无血肉;论事,只有抽象的议论,或标签式的几条。追溯原因,学生平时缺乏对生活的积累,不善于观察、捕捉生活,未掌握丰富素材,这是重要的缘故。 俗话说得好:“巧妇难为无米之炊。”为了培养学生写作兴趣,提高写作能力,我在作文教学中,除了教育学生平日注意积累素材,热爱生活、熟悉生活之外,还特别注意对学生观察生活,分析问题能力的培养。譬如,在写作课前。 展开更多
关键词 写作兴趣 观察 分析问题能力 热爱 写作课 论事 参观活动 个人爱好 生伯 实践证明
作者 刘北荣 《小学教学参考(语文版)》 1995年第11期22-23,共2页
课堂提问是数学教学的重要手段之一,它既是学生思维的向导和路标,又是教师传授知识、反馈信息的重要渠道.但目前这一方法似有滥用之势,零碎的问题,随口即答的问题,大量充斥于教坛.那么教师该怎样提问呢?我认为提问应注意如下“四度”:... 课堂提问是数学教学的重要手段之一,它既是学生思维的向导和路标,又是教师传授知识、反馈信息的重要渠道.但目前这一方法似有滥用之势,零碎的问题,随口即答的问题,大量充斥于教坛.那么教师该怎样提问呢?我认为提问应注意如下“四度”:一、难度.课堂提问要有一定的难度,才能刺激学生的思维,调动注意.但也要注意难度恰当,以顾及大多数学生的知识、智力水平.例如,教学商不变的性质时,出示例题4720÷590后,有的教师直接提问:“想一想,被除数和除数末尾有0的除法笔算有没有简便的算法?”有的教师先作这一步: 展开更多
关键词 反馈信息 小数点移动 小数的 教坛 教学效果 游戏练习 最佳角度 取得一致意见 生伯 展开过程
作者 曾卉 《家庭中医药》 2015年第6期76-77,共2页
我的母亲是农民,没读过什么书,也无法带给我任何荣耀。记得读初中时,我考了年级第一,老师说学校要邀请年级前十名的家长参加表彰大会,所以我提前通知了母亲。颁奖那天,我正和一群同学在走廊说笑,突然从熙熙攘攘的人群中捕捉到母亲的身影... 我的母亲是农民,没读过什么书,也无法带给我任何荣耀。记得读初中时,我考了年级第一,老师说学校要邀请年级前十名的家长参加表彰大会,所以我提前通知了母亲。颁奖那天,我正和一群同学在走廊说笑,突然从熙熙攘攘的人群中捕捉到母亲的身影,她推着一辆老式自行车,追不及待地朝我的方向走过来。其实是我先看见她的,但我没有立即迎上去,母亲实在太老土了!我怕被同学取笑,尴尬地低下头。 展开更多
关键词 我就这样 农家妇女 盛装出席 她说 次都 方次 申申 冬年 人说 生伯
《新闻知识》 1985年第7期79-79,共1页
不少学员来信说明他们已经收到了课本和辅导教材若干本,《新闻知识》和《城乡生活》报若干期。但是,他们生伯自己漏收了什么,问本院到底发放些什么教材、辅导教材和报刊,以及发放的办法等等。有些学员已经收到了当时发放的所有教材,他... 不少学员来信说明他们已经收到了课本和辅导教材若干本,《新闻知识》和《城乡生活》报若干期。但是,他们生伯自己漏收了什么,问本院到底发放些什么教材、辅导教材和报刊,以及发放的办法等等。有些学员已经收到了当时发放的所有教材,他们还在信上提意见、发牢骚。对于这类来信,特综合简复如下,恕不一一写回信了。一、本院对于十三门课程的课本(包括新闻专业选修课本《新闻摄影》)及有夫辅导教材的收费和发放办法,是一次性预收书费(包括邮费)三十元,最后一学期结算,多退少补(详见《新闻刊院》报试刊二号)。 展开更多
关键词 辅导教材 新闻摄影 专业选修课 不一一 生伯 城乡 书费 通讯地址 银行信汇 简章
作者 张立新 《大理大学学报》 CAS 1980年第2期6-,共1页
作文写诗,要以情动人。《文心雕龙·情采》篇说:“五性(喜怒哀乐怨)发而为辞章,神理之数也。……情者文之经,辞者理之纬;经正而后纬成,理定而后辞畅;此立文之本源也。可见情感在写作上占了十分重要的位置。 一篇《离骚》之所以成为... 作文写诗,要以情动人。《文心雕龙·情采》篇说:“五性(喜怒哀乐怨)发而为辞章,神理之数也。……情者文之经,辞者理之纬;经正而后纬成,理定而后辞畅;此立文之本源也。可见情感在写作上占了十分重要的位置。 一篇《离骚》之所以成为千古绝唱,如日月高照中国文学的史册,就是因为诗人抒发了对祖国的热爱,对党人的痛恨;对人民的同情,对昏君的哀怨;对美好理想的追求,对邪恶势力的唾弃之情。 展开更多
关键词 情真 情采 中国文学 邪恶势力 神理 经正 法西斯专政 文化“围剿” 生伯 大赋
Divergent growth trends and climatic response of Picea obovata along elevational gradient in Western Sayan mountains, Siberia 被引量:1
作者 Elena BABUSHKINA Liliana BELOKOPYTOVA +2 位作者 Dina ZHIRNOVA Anna BARABANTSOVA Eugene VAGANOV 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第11期2378-2397,共20页
In mountain ecosystems,plants are sensitive to climate changes,and an entire range of species distribution can be observed in a small area.Therefore,mountains are of great interest for climate–growth relationship ana... In mountain ecosystems,plants are sensitive to climate changes,and an entire range of species distribution can be observed in a small area.Therefore,mountains are of great interest for climate–growth relationship analysis.In this study,the Siberian spruce’s(Picea obovata Ledeb.)radial growth and its climatic response were investigated in the Western Sayan Mountains,near the SayanoShushenskoe Reservoir.Sampling was performed at three sites along an elevational gradient:at the lower border of the species range,in the middle,and at the treeline.Divergence of growth trends between individual trees was observed at each site,with microsite landscape-soil conditions as the most probable driver of this phenomenon.Cluster analysis of individual tree-ring width series based on inter-serial correlation was carried out,resulting in two sub-set chronologies being developed for each site.These chronologies appear to have substantial differences in their climatic responses,mainly during the cold season.This response was not constant due to regional climatic change and the local influence of the nearby Sayano-Shushenskoe Reservoir.The main response of spruce to growing season conditions has a typical elevational pattern expected in mountains:impact of temperature shifts with elevation from positive to negative,and impact of precipitation shifts in the opposite direction.Chronologies of trees,growing under more severe micro-conditions,are very sensitive to temperature during September–April and to precipitation during October–December,and they record both inter-annual and long-term climatic variation.Consequently,it would be interesting to test if they indicate the Siberian High anticyclone,which is the main driver of these climatic factors. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change Tree-ring width Growth trends Climate-growth relationship Picea obovata Elevational gradient
Optimization of fermentation conditions for 1,3-propanediol production by marine Klebsiella pneumonia HSL4 using response surface methodology 被引量:1
作者 李莉莉 周胜 +2 位作者 吉华松 高任 秦启伟 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第5期1036-1045,共10页
The industrially important organic compound 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PDO) is mainly used as a building block for the production of various polymers. In the present study, response surface methodology protocol was follow... The industrially important organic compound 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PDO) is mainly used as a building block for the production of various polymers. In the present study, response surface methodology protocol was followed to determine and optimize fermentation conditions for the maximum production of 1,3-PDO using marine-derived Klebsiella pneumoniae HSL4. Four nutritional supplements together with three independent culture conditions were optimized as follows: 29.3 g/L glycerol, 8.0 g/L K2HPO4, 7.6 g/L (NH4)2SO4, 3.0 g/L KH2PO4, pH 7.1, cultivation at 35℃ for 12 h. Under the optimal conditions, a maximum 1,3-PDO concentration of 14.5 g/L, a productivity of 1.21 g/(L'h) and a conversion of glycerol of 0.49 g/g were obtained. In comparison with the control conditions, fermentation under the optimized conditions achieved an increase of 38.8% in 1,3-PDO concentration, 39.0% in productivity and 25.7% in glycerol conversion in flask. This enhancement trend was further confirmed when the fermentation was conducted in a 5-L fermentor. The optimized fermentation conditions could be an important basis for developing low- cost, large-scale methods for industrial production of 1,3-PDO in the future. 展开更多
关键词 1 3-propanediol (1 3-PDO) Klebsiella pneumoniae HSL4 FERMENTATION response surfacemethodology (RSM) optimization
Geographical distribution of red and green Noctiluca scintillans 被引量:13
作者 P. J. HARRISON K. FURUYA +8 位作者 P. M. GLIBERT J. Xu H. B. LIU K. YIN J. H. W. LEE D. M. ANDERSON R. GOWEN A. R. AL-AZRI A. Y. T. HO 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期807-831,共25页
The dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans is one of the most important and abundant red tide organisms and it is distributed world-wide. It occurs in two forms. Red Noctiluca is heterotrophic and fills the role of one ... The dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans is one of the most important and abundant red tide organisms and it is distributed world-wide. It occurs in two forms. Red Noctiluca is heterotrophic and fills the role of one of the microzooplankton grazers in the foodweb. In contrast, green Noctiluca contains a photosynthetic symbiont Pedinomonas noctilucae (a prasinophyte), but it also feeds on other plankton when the food supply is abundant. In this review, we document the global distribution of these two forms and include the first maps of their global distribution. Red Noctiluca occurs widely in the temperate to sub-tropical coastal regions of the world. It occurs over a wide temperature range of about 10℃ to 25℃ and at higher salinities (generally not in estuaries). It is particularly abundant in high productivity areas such as upwelling or eutrophic areas where diatoms dominate since they are its preferred food source. Green Noctiluca is much more restricted to a temperature range of 25℃-30℃ and mainly occurs in tropical waters of Southeast Asia, Bay of Bengal (east coast of India), in the eastern, western and northern Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, and recently it has become very abundant in the Gulf of Oman. Red and green Noctiluca do overlap in their distribution in the eastern, northern and western Arabian Sea with a seasonal shift from green Noctiluca in the cooler winter convective mixing, higher productivity season, to red Noctiluca in the more oligotrophic warmer summer season. 展开更多
关键词 Noctiluca global distribution distribution map green Noctiluca DINOFLAGELLATE
Radicalizing Arab University Students: A Global Emerging Threat
作者 Diab M. Al-Badayneh Maher Khelifa Khawla Alhasan 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第2期67-78,共12页
The purpose of the study was to explore the factors mediating college students' radicalization. A sample of 1,116 students was drawn from four different Jordanian universities. The construct validity of the scale was... The purpose of the study was to explore the factors mediating college students' radicalization. A sample of 1,116 students was drawn from four different Jordanian universities. The construct validity of the scale was estimated by calculating the correlation between the radicalization items and the negative emotion items. A positive significant relationship was found (0.12, a = 0.000), a sign of validity of the scale. The scale reliability was also strong and was estimated at 0.90 using Cronbach Alpha. Factor analysis produced five factors explaining 45% of the total variance of radicalization. The first factor labeled "political radicalization" explained 18.5% of the variance, the second factor "religious radicalization" explained 12.7%, the third factor "violent radicalization" explained 6.4% of the variance, the fourth "group radicalization" accounted for 4%, and the fifth factor "social radicalization" only accounted for 3% of the total variance. Significant differences in student radicalization were found according to the geographical region of the university (North, Center and South), F = 14, a = 0.000. However, no significant differences were found in radicalization as it relates to gender, and type of college (i.e., Humanities vs. Pure Sciences). 展开更多
Small intestine bacterial overgrowth and irritable bowel syndrome-related symptoms:Experience with Rifaximin 被引量:19
作者 Sergio Peralta Claudia Cottone +2 位作者 Tiziana Doveri Piero Luigi Almasio Antonio Craxi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第21期2628-2631,共4页
AIM: TO estimate the prevalence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) in our geographical area (Western Sicily, Italy) by means of an observational study, and to gather information on the use of locally... AIM: TO estimate the prevalence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) in our geographical area (Western Sicily, Italy) by means of an observational study, and to gather information on the use of locally active, non-absorbable antibiotics for treatment of SIBO.METHODS: Our survey included 115 patients fulfilling the Rome II criteria for diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); a total of 97 patients accepted to perform a breath test with lactulose (BTLact), and those who had a positive test, received Rifaximin (Normix , Alfa Wassermann) 1200 mg/d for 7 d; 3 wk after the end of treatment, the BTLact was repeated.RESULTS: Based on the BTLact results, SIBO was present in about 56% of IBS patients, and it was responsible for some IBS-related symptoms, such as abdominal bloating and discomfort, and diarrhoea. 1-wk treatment with Rifaximin turned the BTLact to negative in about 50% of patients and significantly reduced the symptoms, especially in those patients with an alternated constipation/diarrhoea-variant IBS. CONCLUSION: SIBO should be always suspected in patients with IBS, and a differential diagnosis is done by means of a "breath test". Rifaximin may represent a valid approach to the treatment of SIBO. 展开更多
关键词 RIFAXIMIN Small intestinal bacterialovergrowth Irritable bowel syndrome Locally nonabsorbable antibiotics
Anti-inflammatory and Chemical Composition of Two Plants Family Asteraceae Growing in Saudi Arabia
作者 Eman Elsharkawy Mona Alshathly Mohamed Helal 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2014年第2期157-162,共6页
The study was designed to investigate the anti-inflammatory and composition of essential oil of two plant family Asteraceae, Achillea fragrantissima and Lactuca serriola growing under dry desert condition. The anti-in... The study was designed to investigate the anti-inflammatory and composition of essential oil of two plant family Asteraceae, Achillea fragrantissima and Lactuca serriola growing under dry desert condition. The anti-inflammatory effect of volatile oil extracted by hydrodistillation of plants was studied using carrageenan induced paw edema. Essential oil (100 mg/kg) and (200 mg/kg) were tested the two plant show high inhibition after 4 h, concentration (200 mg/kg) show high inhibition than (100 mg/kg) after 4 h. Sesqui sabinene hydrate, Azuline and u-Bisabolol are the main constituents of the volatile oil were investigated by capillary GC (gas chromatography) and GC-MS (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry). The discussion shows the role of chemical compound azulene in inflammatory inhibition. 展开更多
关键词 Achillea fragrantissima Lactuca serriola ANTI-INFLAMMATORY azulene.
Zooplankton Research in Indian Seas:A Review 被引量:3
作者 SRICHANDAN Suchismita BALIARSINGH S.K. +2 位作者 PRAKASH Satya PANIGRAHY R.C. SAHU K.C. 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1149-1158,共10页
To promote long-term studies on the distribution and diversity of marine zooplankton in Indian seas,a comprehensive review has been carried out based on the available literature.Zooplankton studies in Indian waters st... To promote long-term studies on the distribution and diversity of marine zooplankton in Indian seas,a comprehensive review has been carried out based on the available literature.Zooplankton studies in Indian waters started in the early 1900 s,and a plethora of literature has accumulated dealing with various aspects of zooplankton,especially from the Bay of Bengal,Arabian Sea and their associated estuaries and backwaters.From this review,a comprehensive description is offered on the species composition and distribution of zooplankton in the Indian Seas.Emphasis is given to reflect the existing knowledge on the variations in zooplankton species composition in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.Copepods emerge as the most dominant component in all of these marine waters,as is the case worldwide.Copepods are more diverse in the Bay of Bengal than in Arabian Sea. 展开更多
关键词 ZOOPLANKTON Arabian Sea Bay of Bengal coastal water oceanic water
Retreived bacteria from Noctiluca miliaris (green) bloom of the northeastern Arabian Sea
作者 BASU Subhajit MATONDKAR SG Prabhu FURTADO Irene 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期10-20,共11页
In recent years, seasonal blooms of the dinoflagellate Noctiluca miliaris have appeared in the open-waters of the northern Arabian Sea (NAS). This study provides the first characterization of bacteria from a seasona... In recent years, seasonal blooms of the dinoflagellate Noctiluca miliaris have appeared in the open-waters of the northern Arabian Sea (NAS). This study provides the first characterization of bacteria from a seasonal bloom of green Noctiluca ofNAS (20°N-17°N and 64°E-70°E), during the spring-inter-monsoon cruise ofSagar Sampada 253, in March 2007. Bacterial growth as assessed by most-probable number (MPN) and plate counts, revealed 'variable-physiotypes' over a wide range of salinities (0%-25% w/v NaC1), pH levels (5-8.5), and organic nutrient strengths, in comparison to non-bloom waters. MPN indices of bacteria in surface waters of bloom stations *DWK and *PRB, corresponded to (3.08-4.41)×103 cells/mL at 3.5% NaC1 (w/v), and (2.82-9.49)× 102 cells/mL at 25% (w/v) NaC1 in tryptone-yeast extract broth (TYE). Plate counts were (1.12-4) × 106 CFU/mL at 0% (w/v) NaC1, (1.28-3.9) × 106 CFU/mL at 3.5% (w/v) NaC1, and (0.4- 7)×104 CFU/mL at 25% NaC1 (w/v) on TYE. One-tenth-strength Zobell's gave (0.6-3.74)× 105 CFU/mL at pH 5 to (3.58-7.5)× 105 CFU/mL at pH 8.5. These bacteria were identified to the genera Bacillus, Cellulomonas, Staphylococcus, Planococcus, Dietzia, Diergibacillus, Micrococcus, Sporosarcinae, Leucobacter, and Halomonas. The identity of three strains (GUFBSS253N2, GUFBSS253N30, and GUFBSS253N84) was confirmed through 16S rDNA sequence homology as Bacillus cohnii, Bacillusflexus, and Bacillus cereus. The -2-3-fold higher plate counts of culturable bacteria from the open-waters of the NAS indicate that these bacteria could critically determine the biogeochemical dynamics of the bloom and its milieu. The role of these bacteria in sustaining/terminating the bloom is under evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 northeastern Arabian Sea (NAS) green Noctiluca bloom retrievable bacteria
A Structural Analysis of the Writing Errors Committed by Foundation Students at Arab Open University, Oman
作者 Elnaz Valaei Bakhshayesh 《Sociology Study》 2015年第7期525-532,共8页
English is considered as Arab students' second language which is not used frequently in their daily conversations. Since writing in English is a challenging experience for Omani students, errors in grammar and senten... English is considered as Arab students' second language which is not used frequently in their daily conversations. Since writing in English is a challenging experience for Omani students, errors in grammar and sentence structures were identified in bridging language courses (foundation level 2) in the field of ESL (English as a Second Language}. Learners' errors were considered positively as the best sources to identify students' limitations in English writing. The present study investigates the structure errors of Omani students' writings in English in foundation level 2 at Arab Open University. The focal aim is to study the errors that Ornani students commit when they are using adjectives + nouns, indefinite articles, and subordinate conjunction "because". Results show that Omani students committed the following common errors: misplacement of adjectives, omission of the indefinite articles, and wrong structure of the subordinate conjunction (because). The prime aim of this study is to examine the students' aforementioned structural errors which are the result of the interference of their mother-tongue. In order to achieve these aims, students were asked to write two different topics. Finally, this research suggests further recommendations for further studies which might ameliorate students' learning by adopting appropriate strategies for teaching. 展开更多
关键词 Writing errors analysis foundation English Omani students
Fungal Absorption and Tolerance of Heavy Metals
作者 Abdulwahab Rajab Hashem Binsadiq 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2015年第2期77-80,共4页
Soil, water, sediments and air are frequently contaminated with heavy metals. In Saudi Arabia, heavy metals contamination may result from petroleum and mining operations, refining ores, sludge, waste treatment, electr... Soil, water, sediments and air are frequently contaminated with heavy metals. In Saudi Arabia, heavy metals contamination may result from petroleum and mining operations, refining ores, sludge, waste treatment, electrical equipment, paints, alloys, pesticides, batteries and fuel transportation. Microbial processes lead to appreciable and even complete remediation of heavy metals contaminated environments. The chief ways, by which such remediation may be accomplished, include biosorption, bioaugmentation, bioventing, biostimulation, bioaccumulation, biosolubilization, bioreduction, bioprecipitation, mineralization and methylation. Other technologies and methods are fully developed and now are being used in practice, such as heavy metals nanotechnology bioremediation. An area of fungal biotechnology currently in vogue is the use of fungal biornass to absorb metal ions from contaminated solutions. Such biological approaches of metal ions recovery can be used to clean up polluted effluents or to recover precious metal ions from solutions. The present review provides information on fungal bioremediation of heavy metal contamination for use in future studies in Saudi Arabia as well as in the Arabian Gulf Region. 展开更多
关键词 Saudi Arabia ABSORPTION tolerance biomass heavy metals BIOREMEDIATION BIOSORPTION bioaccumulation.
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