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作者 吕长海 《教育界(综合教育)》 2015年第11期141-141,共1页
关键词 高中化学 有效教学 熟而生厌 策略
作者 周斌 《文教资料》 2009年第25期150-151,共2页
厌学是所有聋生都有可能出现的一种心理问题,在一些学困生身上则表现得更为强烈。预防和矫治聋生的厌学心理是我们必须重视和完成的一项重要任务。文章分析了聋生厌学心理产生的原因,并提出了相应的对策。以确保聋生拥有一个健康的学... 厌学是所有聋生都有可能出现的一种心理问题,在一些学困生身上则表现得更为强烈。预防和矫治聋生的厌学心理是我们必须重视和完成的一项重要任务。文章分析了聋生厌学心理产生的原因,并提出了相应的对策。以确保聋生拥有一个健康的学习心理。 展开更多
关键词 生厌学心理 成因 对策
作者 岳晓红 《成才之路》 2011年第25期11-11,共1页
关键词 中职生厌 教学方法 教育 现代职业教育
作者 孙均才 《课程教育研究(学法教法研究)》 2015年第1期171-171,181,共2页
体育教育是素质教育的重要组成部分,但是目前有许多农村中学生对体育教育产生厌倦心理,厌学情绪日益普遍,现象越来越突出,厌学现象已逐渐引起教育部门的广泛关注。为了解决这个问题,本文从农村中学生对体育学习的厌学原因出发,探... 体育教育是素质教育的重要组成部分,但是目前有许多农村中学生对体育教育产生厌倦心理,厌学情绪日益普遍,现象越来越突出,厌学现象已逐渐引起教育部门的广泛关注。为了解决这个问题,本文从农村中学生对体育学习的厌学原因出发,探索农村中学生各种影响厌学心理的形成因素,提出了激发农村中学生厌学体育的学习积极性的措施。有利于缓解农村地区中学生的厌学现象,提高学习质量。 展开更多
关键词 农村中学生厌学体育行为 积极性学成因分析对策
作者 王翠 《教育界(综合教育)》 2015年第1期172-172,共1页
关键词 中职生厌 知识素养 课堂导入 和谐课堂
作者 王景波 《活力》 2017年第13期29-29,共1页
由于学生生长发育、身体状况、接受能力、运动技能等先天性与生理性等诸多因素的影响,使学生普遍存在 注重理论学习,忽视体育锻炼重要性,厌学体育的现象.如何培养和调动学生对体育学习的积极性,是体育教学中应该重 视问题.
关键词 学体育 积极性 培养方法
作者 朱惠香 王永芳 马俊卿 《教育教学论坛》 2010年第12期97-97,共1页
关键词 男护生厌 因素对策
作者 吴定刚 《写作(中)》 2002年第14期3-4,共2页
许多同学在写作文时,常常为这些情况苦恼:一是没有话写;二是写出来干巴巴的,没有一点文采,读起来让人生厌。这就是我们常说的“不生动”。关于文章的生动问题,一般人都会认为是一个语言技巧问题。不错,语言技巧是可以造成文章的生动,例... 许多同学在写作文时,常常为这些情况苦恼:一是没有话写;二是写出来干巴巴的,没有一点文采,读起来让人生厌。这就是我们常说的“不生动”。关于文章的生动问题,一般人都会认为是一个语言技巧问题。不错,语言技巧是可以造成文章的生动,例如用点修辞手法。 展开更多
关键词 语言技巧 修辞手法 内容丰富 动形象 文章 作文 问题 仙人球 映山红 生厌
传统伦理文化的根由——儒家文化对死亡认识的四个维度 被引量:5
作者 魏骅 尤吾兵 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期65-73,283,共9页
死亡恐惧是人类的本能表现,而我们民族强烈的死亡恐惧更多是传统儒家文化塑成的。"恶死、讳死、慎死、哀死"是传统儒家文化对死亡认识的四个维度,而这又使儒家文化在生死问题上凸显出"喜生厌死"的伦理性格,也就是... 死亡恐惧是人类的本能表现,而我们民族强烈的死亡恐惧更多是传统儒家文化塑成的。"恶死、讳死、慎死、哀死"是传统儒家文化对死亡认识的四个维度,而这又使儒家文化在生死问题上凸显出"喜生厌死"的伦理性格,也就是主要在这种生死伦理文化观的影响下,造成了我们民族对待死亡的强烈恐惧心理。 展开更多
关键词 死亡恐惧 伦理文化 儒家死伦理文化 生厌
作者 林平乔 《合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期44-49,共6页
儒家的"重生轻死"、道家的"厌生乐死"、佛家的"生死轮回"观深深影响着第三代诗人的思想和创作。他们以对死亡的直面、认同,传达着强烈的对生的关注和思考;以对死亡的想象性体验,表达着对生命本质的观照... 儒家的"重生轻死"、道家的"厌生乐死"、佛家的"生死轮回"观深深影响着第三代诗人的思想和创作。他们以对死亡的直面、认同,传达着强烈的对生的关注和思考;以对死亡的想象性体验,表达着对生命本质的观照和认识。"死亡"成了第三代诗人自我认知与个性传达的言说载体。 展开更多
关键词 第三代诗 轻死 乐死 死轮回
作者 老夫子 《全科护理》 2003年第1期16-17,共2页
他从来没爱她,却跟她过了一辈子。他少小便因文章成名,衣正轻,马正肥,少年心事飞到九霄云最深处,家中却早为他娶了妻室。她生得丑,书也念得不多,惯常低眉顺眼,一眼看去,木头人,他不由心头生厌。碍于身份及舆论,他不能放弃她,婚姻之外,... 他从来没爱她,却跟她过了一辈子。他少小便因文章成名,衣正轻,马正肥,少年心事飞到九霄云最深处,家中却早为他娶了妻室。她生得丑,书也念得不多,惯常低眉顺眼,一眼看去,木头人,他不由心头生厌。碍于身份及舆论,他不能放弃她,婚姻之外,却多的是绯色记忆,红白玫瑰,如虹霓过影,倒映在他长河大川般的生命流年里。他在外种种,她向来知悉,即使知道也不在意,只每天不言不语,替他料理家务,孝养老人。如此平平顺顺过下去,在外头人看来,倒也是一对恩爱夫妻了。霹雳只自平地起。霎时星移斗转,他也不知自己怎么就成了不齿于人类的狗屎堆,三反五反、四清反右,他没一桩逃得过,终于举家被席卷至偏远的农场。 展开更多
关键词 最深处 少年 婚姻 记忆 舆论 玫瑰 生厌 农场 虹霓
作者 林平乔 《西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2009年第3期38-44,共7页
作为一种消融于精神血脉中的文化因子,儒家的"重生轻死"、道家的"厌生乐死"、佛家的"生死轮回"观深深影响着第三代诗人的思想和创作。他们以对死亡的直面、认同,传达着强烈的对生的关注和思考;以对死亡... 作为一种消融于精神血脉中的文化因子,儒家的"重生轻死"、道家的"厌生乐死"、佛家的"生死轮回"观深深影响着第三代诗人的思想和创作。他们以对死亡的直面、认同,传达着强烈的对生的关注和思考;以对死亡的想象性体验,表达着对生命本质的观照和认识。"死亡"成了他们自我认知与个性传达的言说载体。 展开更多
关键词 第三代诗 轻死 乐死 死轮回
作者 姜文兆 《钢铁文化》 1996年第1期14-14,共1页
时下,关于影视明星个人感情纠葛的话题在部分报刊上很是得宠。有关信息你炒过来他炒过去炒个没完。动辄是今天他和她分手,明天她和他亲近,后天又谁和谁闹别扭了等等。总折腾这类"才子佳人"间的准"花边新闻",实在没... 时下,关于影视明星个人感情纠葛的话题在部分报刊上很是得宠。有关信息你炒过来他炒过去炒个没完。动辄是今天他和她分手,明天她和他亲近,后天又谁和谁闹别扭了等等。总折腾这类"才子佳人"间的准"花边新闻",实在没啥意思。见的多了让人生厌。平心而论,对明星的轶闻趣事或感情生活适当报道一下并无不可。但若热衷此道,一门心思去搜罗挖掘明星间的"情变",以哗众取宠来吸引读者就大可不必。编者与写者的本意,大概为显示"轻松" 展开更多
关键词 明星 吸引读者 感情 影视 报刊 生厌 招徕 编者 挖掘 本意
作者 小兀 《科学之友》 1996年第12期11-11,共1页
关键词 五天工作制 话语 感受 好奇心 快乐 解决方法 境界 生厌 淡化 成就
作者 张崇明 《杭州》 2011年第2期54-54,共1页
关键词 领导干部 基层群众 优良作风 光荣传统 基层干部群众 人民群众 反感 领导班子 解决实际问题 生厌
Application Effect of Cassava Starch Anaerobic Fermentation Liquid on Watermelon Production
作者 邓英毅 郑虚 +5 位作者 韦民政 张艺超 叶亦心 莫干辉 覃婵婵 屈啸 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2557-2560,共4页
In order to find out a new way for environment-friendly and resourcelized utilization of cassava starch processing wastewater, the cassava starch anaerobic fermentation liquid was applied in watermelon production, and... In order to find out a new way for environment-friendly and resourcelized utilization of cassava starch processing wastewater, the cassava starch anaerobic fermentation liquid was applied in watermelon production, and its effects on the growth and development, yield and fruit quality of watermelon were investigated. The results showed that the cassava starch anaerobic fermentation liquid significant- ly promoted the vegetative and reproductive growth and improved the yield and fruit quality of watermelon. Compared with conventional fertilization, the application of cassava starch anaerobic fermentation both with COD concentration of 1 200 mg/L according to the amount of 150 t/hm2 promoted the growth of vines and leaves of watermelon plants, brought forward the flowering, fruiting and harvest of watermelon and significantly increased the fruit number, fruit weight, yield, fruit size, fruit shape index, soluble solid content, soluble sugar content, soluble protein content and Vita- min C content of watermelon. At the same time of improving the yield and quality of watermelon, cassava starch anaerobic fermentation liquid was turned into treasure as a liquid fertilizer. This study provides a new ideal for the yield and quality im- provement of watermelon and the wastewater treating of starch factories. 展开更多
关键词 Cassava starch anaerobic fermentation liquid WATERMELON PRODUCTION Vegetative growth YIELD QUALITY
Effect of fermented soy milk on the intestinal bacterial ecosystem 被引量:3
作者 I-ChiCheng Huey-FangShang +3 位作者 Tzann-FengLin Tseng-HsingWang Hao-ShengLin Shyh-HsiangLin 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第8期1225-1227,共3页
AIM: To investigate the effect of fermented soy milk on human ecosystem in the intestinal tract by way of examining the population of different microorganisms isolated from fecal samples.METHODS: A crossover experimen... AIM: To investigate the effect of fermented soy milk on human ecosystem in the intestinal tract by way of examining the population of different microorganisms isolated from fecal samples.METHODS: A crossover experimental design was applied.Twenty-eight healthy adults completed this experiment.Each subject consumed 250 mL, twice a day between meals, of either fermented soy milk or regular soy milk first for 2 wk, then switched to the other drink after 2 wk.Fecal samples were collected from all subjects every week starting from the second week to the end of the experiment.The microorganisms analyzed were Bifidobacterium spp.,Lactobacillus spp., Clostridium perfringens, coliform organisms, and total anaerobic organisms.RESULTS: In the period of fermented soy milk consumption,the populations of Bifidobacterium spp. and Lactobacillus spp. increased (P<0.05) as well as the ratios of Bifidobacterium spp. and lactobacillus spp. to Clostridium perfringens (P<0.05). The population of coliform organisms decreased (P<0.05) when subjects were in the period of fermented soy milk consumption.CONCLUSION: Intake of fermented soy milk significantly improved the ecosystem of the intestinal tract in the body by increasing the amount of probiotics. 展开更多
Advances in Energy-Producing Anaerobic Biotechnologies for Municipal Wastewater Treatment 被引量:5
作者 Wen-Wei Li Han-Qing Yu 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第4期438-446,共9页
Municipal wastewater treatment has long been known as a high-cost and energy-intensive process that destroys most of the energy-containing molecules by spending energy and that leaves little energy and few nutrients a... Municipal wastewater treatment has long been known as a high-cost and energy-intensive process that destroys most of the energy-containing molecules by spending energy and that leaves little energy and few nutrients available for reuse, Over the past few years, some wastewater treatment plants have tried to revamp themselves as "resource factories," enabled by new technologies and the upgrading of old technologies. In particular, there is an renewed interest in anaerobic biotechnologies, which can convert organic matter into usable energy and preserve nutrients for potential reuse. However, considerable technological and economic limitations still exist. Here, we provide an overview of recent advances in several cutting-edge anaerobic biotechnologies for wastewater treatment, including enhanced side- stream anaerobic sludge digestion, anaerobic membrane bioreactors, and microbial electrochemical systems, and discuss future challenges and opportunities for their applications. This review is intended to provide useful information to guide the future design and optimization of municipal wastewater treatment processes. 展开更多
关键词 ANAEROBIC ENERGY Membrane bioreactor Microbial electrochemical system Municipal wastewater treatment
Isolation and Characterization of Microorganisms for Degradation of Minimal Oils and Fats at Low Temperatures 被引量:1
作者 陈熹兮 杨虹 +1 位作者 李道棠 李堃宝 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2003年第2期123-127,共5页
The isolation of microorganisms for biodegradation of minimal fats and oils at low temperatures was reported. By using rapeseed oil as a sole carbon source, six strains were isolated from five kinds of oils/fats-conta... The isolation of microorganisms for biodegradation of minimal fats and oils at low temperatures was reported. By using rapeseed oil as a sole carbon source, six strains were isolated from five kinds of oils/fats-contaminated wastewater, soil, and active sludge. Among them, two strains which show the highest oil removal ratios were identified as Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes and Pseudomonas mendocina, respectively. The experiments of orthogonal impact conditions show that the optimal oil degradation condition is at pH 8.0, 5 ℃ and 100 mg/L oil. Under this condition, the rapeseed oil degradation ratios of two strains after 24 hours amount to 92.6% and 92.0% respectively, whereas the removal ratios of lard decrease to 39.5% and 54.3%. 展开更多
关键词 rapeseed oil LARD low temperature bioremediation Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes Pseudomonas mendocina
Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal in Anaerobic/Aerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor Supplied with Glucose as Carbon Source 被引量:1
作者 刘亚男 于水利 +2 位作者 荆国林 赵冰洁 郭思远 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第3期95-99,共5页
Phosphorus removal performance in an aerobic/aerobic sequencing batch reactor (SBR) supplied with glucose as carbon source was investigated. It was found that there was no phosphate release concomitant with the storin... Phosphorus removal performance in an aerobic/aerobic sequencing batch reactor (SBR) supplied with glucose as carbon source was investigated. It was found that there was no phosphate release concomitant with the storing of poly-β-hydroxyalkanoate (PHA) during the anaerobic phase. Whereas, glycogen was soon built up followed by rapid consumption, at the same time, glucose was depleted rapidly. Based on the analysis of different fractions of phosphorus in activated sludge, the relative ratio of organically bound phosphorus in sludge changed at the end of anaerobic and aerobic phases. The ratios were 45.3% and 51.8% respectively. This showed that the polyphosphate broke down during the anaerobic phase to supply part of energy for PHA synthesis. The reason why there was no phosphate release might be the biosorption effect of extracellular exopolymers (EPS). It was also proved by the analysis of EPS with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) combined with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). The phosphorus weight percentage of EPS at the end of anaerobic phase was 9.22%. 展开更多
关键词 Biological phosphorus removal GLUCOSE extracellular exopolymers BIOSORPTION
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