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作者 吴星 《家庭医学(上半月)》 1996年第2期46-46,共1页
自1850年德国人赫尔曼·赫姆霍尔特斯 医师发明第一部粗糙的检眼镜以来,瞳孔里面这个黑暗而神秘的世界变得光明了。检眼镜发出的光线进入瞳孔,所见眼底已放大16倍。看到的是一片淡橘黄色的薄膜,叫视网膜,它是脑的延伸。膜上有一个... 自1850年德国人赫尔曼·赫姆霍尔特斯 医师发明第一部粗糙的检眼镜以来,瞳孔里面这个黑暗而神秘的世界变得光明了。检眼镜发出的光线进入瞳孔,所见眼底已放大16倍。看到的是一片淡橘黄色的薄膜,叫视网膜,它是脑的延伸。膜上有一个凹性亮点为黄斑的中心,由视锥细胞组成,是视物最主要的部位且司颜色的鉴别。黄斑周围由视杆细胞组成,主管黑暗时视物。黄斑病变可出现色盲、视力减退,见于视网膜炎等。 展开更多
关键词 生命征象 视网膜病变 细胞组成 视力减退 检眼镜 黄斑病变 视神经乳头 眼底 高度近视 三层膜
作者 Natarajan S. Jabbour J.T. +2 位作者 Webster C.J. Richardson M.S. 王英鹏 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册)》 2005年第4期25-26,共2页
Objective. - This 1- year, open- label, multicenter study was designed to assess the long- term tolerability and efficacy of sumatriptan nasal spray 20 mg in adolescent patients with migraine. Methods. - A prospective... Objective. - This 1- year, open- label, multicenter study was designed to assess the long- term tolerability and efficacy of sumatriptan nasal spray 20 mg in adolescent patients with migraine. Methods. - A prospective, multicenter, open- label study was conducted in patients aged 12 to 17 years who were allowed to treat an unlimited number of migraines at severe, moderate, or mild pain intensity with sumatriptan nasal spray for up to 1 year. All patients started the study at the 20- mg dose of sumatriptan nasal spray. Dose could be adjusted downward to 5 mg at the discretion of the investigator to optimize therapy. Results. - A total of 484 adolescent migraineurs treated 4676 migraines with sumatriptan nasal spray 20 mg (3593 during the first 6 months and 1083 during the second 6 months). A total of 3940 migraines and 699 migraines were treated with one and two 20- mg doses of sumatriptan nasal spray, respectively. Only 10 patients (treating 42 migraines) took the 5- mg dose of sumatriptan nasal spray. The overall percentage of migraines treated with either one 20- mg dose or one, two, or three 20- mg doses with at least 1 drug- related adverse event was 19% . The most common specific drug- related adverse event was unpleasant taste, reported in 17% of migraines. No other single drug- related adverse event was reported in more than 1% of migraines over the 1- year treatment period. When unpleasant taste was excluded from the adverse- event tabulations, the percentages of migraines with at least 1 drug- related adverse event after one or one, two, or three 20- mg doses declined to 4% and 3% , respectively. No patient experienced any drug- related changes in 12- lead ECGs, vital signs, or nasal assessments; and no clinically meaningful changes in clinical laboratory values were observed. Across all migraines with evaluable efficacy data (n = 4334), headache relief was reported in 43% of migraines at 1 hour and in 59% at 2 hours after dosing with sumatriptan nasal spray 20 mg. Of the 2561 migraines with headache relief 2 hours postdose, headache recurrence was reported within 24 hours of initial dosing in 7% of migraines. None of the efficacy or tolerability results varied as a function of time in the study (ie, first 6 months vs. second 6 months). Conclusion. - Sumatriptan nasal spray 20 mg is generally well tolerated and may be beneficial during long- term use by adolescent migraineurs ages 12 to 17 years. 展开更多
关键词 头痛发作 味觉感知 舒马曲坦 头痛程度 功能评定 生命征象 数量限制
《电子技术与软件工程》 2016年第1期3-4,共2页
关键词 DARPA 研究计划署 美国国防部 穿戴式 作战任务 量测 AGENCY 生命征象 迷走神经刺激 爆炸冲击
《世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册)》 2005年第11期16-16,共1页
关键词 ACE抑制剂 Β受体阻断剂 射血分数 血管紧张素 药物治疗 死亡风险 生命征象 临床试验 处方药物 加拿大安大略
作者 陆国章 徐忠根 《宝藏》 2010年第4期110-110,共1页
奇石造型再抽象,总能被想象丰富者破译"密码"。此石色彩斑驳,造型多变,即使如此,石体所透发出的张力,却能诱使人去捕捉有生命征象的物象。略显三角形的顶部,具有显著的猴头特征,使得奇谲的形态幻化出孙大圣的形象,这也是摆脱... 奇石造型再抽象,总能被想象丰富者破译"密码"。此石色彩斑驳,造型多变,即使如此,石体所透发出的张力,却能诱使人去捕捉有生命征象的物象。略显三角形的顶部,具有显著的猴头特征,使得奇谲的形态幻化出孙大圣的形象,这也是摆脱抽象形式限制继而展开形象思维的理由。 展开更多
关键词 生命征象 孙大圣 使人 西天取经 举状 三打白骨精 行为意义 唐僧 外展 悟空
鉴评实例八 木棉花
作者 黄桂华 徐忠根 《宝藏》 2010年第1期115-115,共1页
关键词 鉴评 黄蜡石 视觉焦点 英雄树 掌状复叶 生长特征 黄桂华 生命精神 阳刚之美 生命征象
鉴评实例九 雄鹰
作者 徐仙 陈树开 《宝藏》 2010年第5期116-116,共1页
关键词 鉴评 傲然屹立 梨皮石 石表 线条简洁 凹凸有致 艺术意蕴 静中有动 生命征象 外凸
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