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太极拳:一种追求生命教化的文化 被引量:7
作者 李鸿 刘帅兵 《浙江体育科学》 2014年第1期119-123,共5页
文章通过查阅文献资料和访谈专家学者,以当前人类出现的对生命意义的漠视和对物化性技术的追求为问题出发点进行追问,依此重新解读出太极拳是一种追求生命教化的文化。在论证中提出,健康是太极拳的身体生命,娱乐是太极拳的精神生命,智... 文章通过查阅文献资料和访谈专家学者,以当前人类出现的对生命意义的漠视和对物化性技术的追求为问题出发点进行追问,依此重新解读出太极拳是一种追求生命教化的文化。在论证中提出,健康是太极拳的身体生命,娱乐是太极拳的精神生命,智慧是太极拳的社会生命。这三者在太极拳追求过程中依次递进教化,从而实现了人类的终极价值追求即优化人类生命存在的质量和意义。 展开更多
关键词 太极拳 生命教 健康 娱乐 智慧
作者 毛芸 《集宁师范学院学报》 2018年第5期55-58,共4页
教化是指在"下"者经过在"上"者的价值施予与导向,致使其内在的人格精神发生深刻变化。生命教化,包括对生命态度、生命价值的教化。老子《道德经》中蕴含着丰富的生命教化思想,认为"人"与"道"... 教化是指在"下"者经过在"上"者的价值施予与导向,致使其内在的人格精神发生深刻变化。生命教化,包括对生命态度、生命价值的教化。老子《道德经》中蕴含着丰富的生命教化思想,认为"人"与"道"的同等重要性,并论述"身"的重要性,提出珍爱生命应"常无欲"以致"虚静"。老子的生命教化思想对当今人们树立敬畏生命的态度,认识珍爱生命的价值具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 老子 道德经 生命教 敬畏生命 爱护生命
作者 林光第 《成才之路》 2010年第31期9-9,共1页
笔者作为一个实践者也在尝试着将生命教育同一些边缘学科(心理辅导课、思想政治课、班会课)教学内容相结合,利用事例向学生讲述生命于我们的伟大意义。通过生命教育,让学生树立正确的生命观、人生观和价值观,培养自己对他人生命的珍... 笔者作为一个实践者也在尝试着将生命教育同一些边缘学科(心理辅导课、思想政治课、班会课)教学内容相结合,利用事例向学生讲述生命于我们的伟大意义。通过生命教育,让学生树立正确的生命观、人生观和价值观,培养自己对他人生命的珍惜和尊重态度,使学生在人格上得到健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 生命教 主题 选材 学科结合
作者 饶金星 《化工职业技术教育》 2018年第3期26-28,共3页
“生命教育、生活教育、生存教育”是促进职业院校学生全面发展的途径之一,可以激发学生对生命的敬畏、对生活的热爱,努力提高生存技能,从而树立正确的三观,确定正确的生活方向,提升社会适应能力。职业院校中仍有些学生对生命不够... “生命教育、生活教育、生存教育”是促进职业院校学生全面发展的途径之一,可以激发学生对生命的敬畏、对生活的热爱,努力提高生存技能,从而树立正确的三观,确定正确的生活方向,提升社会适应能力。职业院校中仍有些学生对生命不够敬畏,对生活不够热爱,对生存技能的掌握还不够熟练,“三生教育”还存在短板。加强职业院校的“三生教育”,具有一定的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 职业院校 生命教 生活 生存 三生 家校沟通
儒学的医疗与医疗的儒学——儒学生命教化论的一个新维度 被引量:2
作者 程旺 《社会科学战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第12期10-17,281,共9页
儒学与医疗关涉的理论维度十分丰富。儒学医疗之维,可以丰富对"医疗"理论面相的多元理解及相关疗治方案的选择途径,同时也有助于扩充儒学修身理论的应有内涵。孔子注重通过道德养生和礼仪培护来实现对身体和内心秩序的束导、... 儒学与医疗关涉的理论维度十分丰富。儒学医疗之维,可以丰富对"医疗"理论面相的多元理解及相关疗治方案的选择途径,同时也有助于扩充儒学修身理论的应有内涵。孔子注重通过道德养生和礼仪培护来实现对身体和内心秩序的束导、调节和提升,揭示出儒学对身体疗治的独特光谱。中医学强调"正气存内,邪不可干"作为身体康健和养护的理论总则,孟子所谓"浩然正气"则凸显出"正气"应有的另一理论向度。儒学教化促进实现身心一体的形式及内涵,其思想缘由亦可从儒学内具的疗愈意义上获得理解,抑或说儒学本身就是一味药。心学一脉就善于将自身理论用以救治人心称为"因病发药",用心学思想治疗心病、解除痛苦,说明儒学在疗治疾病上的效验和作用。从儒学与中医学互为观照的历史传统看,儒学和中医学都主张身心一体,且都未忽略身心、内外之间的交关、交互影响,二者都是生命的学问、教化的学问,都指向生命的教化,儒与医之间可以相得益彰、互为启益,将两个视域结合起来,生命的教化可以更有厚度。 展开更多
关键词 儒学 中医学 儒医 哲学治疗 生命教
作者 肖川 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 2004年第4期F003-F003,共1页
关键词 刘铁芳 生命化——现代性道德化问题审理》 价值 尊严 个体
作者 于世华 《天津师范大学学报(基础教育版)》 2005年第2期44-47,共4页
思想政治课学与教的生命链具有学科特殊性。两股链在深层结构与表层结构的联结下,形成双螺旋上升的结构形态。双螺旋结构的基本要素由四个极点与四段生命链构成。四个极点分别是学的极点、教的极点、学生极点、教师极点。四段生命链分别... 思想政治课学与教的生命链具有学科特殊性。两股链在深层结构与表层结构的联结下,形成双螺旋上升的结构形态。双螺旋结构的基本要素由四个极点与四段生命链构成。四个极点分别是学的极点、教的极点、学生极点、教师极点。四段生命链分别是:教师的制约段、促进段和学生的上升段、回落段。学与教的双螺旋结构的展开与教师教的策略和学生学的策略密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 学的生命 生命 双螺旋结构
作者 刘建琼 《当代教育论坛(校长教育研究)》 2007年第6期127-128,共2页
近年来,当社会各界依然对学校德育抱着很深的成见的时候,甚至德育一线的不少教师对德育的前景依然感到茫然的时候,我国的德育研究却在悄悄地酝酿着一场革命,出现了许多质的变化。这些质的变化,突出地表现在德育理念的创新上。这种... 近年来,当社会各界依然对学校德育抱着很深的成见的时候,甚至德育一线的不少教师对德育的前景依然感到茫然的时候,我国的德育研究却在悄悄地酝酿着一场革命,出现了许多质的变化。这些质的变化,突出地表现在德育理念的创新上。这种创新基于中国变革现实,借鉴西方先进经验,研究日渐深入,视野日益开阔, 展开更多
关键词 现代性道德 刘铁芳 生命化》 学校 德育
作者 梅守真 《生物学教学》 北大核心 2016年第8期21-23,共3页
关键词 版初中生命科学 “实验与实践”栏目 学价值
作者 崔敬 《成长》 2020年第12期52-52,共1页
2020年1月,突如其来的新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称新冠肺炎)席卷神州,波及全球。时至今日虽已取得了抗击疫情的初步胜利,但新冠肺炎的阴云仍未散去。那么在特殊时期,语文教学应如何对学生进行恰切的舆情导向呢?本文尝试了从生命教育、早读播... 2020年1月,突如其来的新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称新冠肺炎)席卷神州,波及全球。时至今日虽已取得了抗击疫情的初步胜利,但新冠肺炎的阴云仍未散去。那么在特殊时期,语文教学应如何对学生进行恰切的舆情导向呢?本文尝试了从生命教育、早读播报、阅读写作等角度进行舆情导向。 展开更多
关键词 舆情导向 生命教 阅读 写作
作者 彭晓静 杨富学 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期95-104,共10页
敦煌文献《摩尼教残经》《摩尼光佛教法仪略》和《下部赞》中时常出现对"树"的描述,在摩尼教中,树充任重要象征和哲学符号。尤其是其中的"活树"和"死树",乃摩尼教用来表达贯穿其教义核心的光明与黑暗的... 敦煌文献《摩尼教残经》《摩尼光佛教法仪略》和《下部赞》中时常出现对"树"的描述,在摩尼教中,树充任重要象征和哲学符号。尤其是其中的"活树"和"死树",乃摩尼教用来表达贯穿其教义核心的光明与黑暗的二元论思想最贴切的象征,从而通过阐明光明与黑暗二元之间的斗争,来彰显中际时期世界明暗二宗之战的深化和继续,借由"扶明克暗"来体现人类自身的道德修养、心灵的善恶和修行的优劣。这不仅直接影响到人类自身明暗二性的强弱变化,亦将最终决定灵魂能否及早得救、复归光明天国。 展开更多
关键词 敦煌文献 摩尼 琐罗亚斯德生命 二元论
应用型人才的可持续性发展能力及其培养 被引量:8
作者 刘洪一 刘兰平 徐平利 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2011年第31期49-54,共6页
可持续发展能力应当是应用型人才的核心能力,它强调知识的内化和人的潜能发展,意味着技术与职业教育必须为学生走上社会后的可持续发展打下基础。培养应用型人才可持续发展能力需要解决五方面问题:重视生命教化在技术与职业教育活动中... 可持续发展能力应当是应用型人才的核心能力,它强调知识的内化和人的潜能发展,意味着技术与职业教育必须为学生走上社会后的可持续发展打下基础。培养应用型人才可持续发展能力需要解决五方面问题:重视生命教化在技术与职业教育活动中的存在意义;优化整合专业设置;加强培养学生的"职业核心能力";建立完整的应用型人才培养体系;营造美好的技术与职业教育文化。 展开更多
关键词 应用型人才 可持续发展能力 技术与职业 生命教 专业设置 职业核心能力 人才培养体系
Operationalizing physical literacy: The potential of active video games 被引量:4
作者 Haichun Sun 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期145-149,共5页
The core idea of physical literacy is a mind-body integrated, holistic approach to physical activity. A physically literate individual is expected to be cognitively knowledgeable, physically competent, and mentally mo... The core idea of physical literacy is a mind-body integrated, holistic approach to physical activity. A physically literate individual is expected to be cognitively knowledgeable, physically competent, and mentally motivated for a physically active life throughout the lifespan. The advancement of technology in recent years, especially those in active video games(AVGs), seems to have allowed the mind-body integrated physical activity accessible to children at all ages. This article reviews findings from research and critique research on AVGs in light with the theoretical and pedagogical tenets of physical literacy and, on the basis of the review, elaborates the potential that AVGs could contribute to enhancing children's physical literacy. 展开更多
关键词 Exergaming MOTIVATION Motor skill learning Physical activity Physical education
Analysis of College Students' life views and life education strategy
作者 ZHENG Fanqiang 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期69-70,共2页
Through the method of questionnaire survey, this paper investigate the current status of life views from some college students in Guangdong Province, to get more acquainted with the problems existing in college studen... Through the method of questionnaire survey, this paper investigate the current status of life views from some college students in Guangdong Province, to get more acquainted with the problems existing in college students of life views, and analyze the reasons, in order to put forward specific, feasible and effective suggestions aimed at the current status of college students at school, and provide strategic thinking for the implementation of life education for college students. Through the implementation of life education strategy, cultivate college students to aware of understanding life, cherish life and love life, and then learn to respect life, care for life, accept life and other people. 展开更多
关键词 College students Life views Life education
The Tree of Death and Eternal Life
作者 Ken A. Bryson 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第3期145-162,共18页
The "Tree of Death" is a metaphor I use to unlock my Christian assumptions on how the dead attain eternal existence in the afterlife state. The tree's unconcealedness, in this life and presumably the next, along wi... The "Tree of Death" is a metaphor I use to unlock my Christian assumptions on how the dead attain eternal existence in the afterlife state. The tree's unconcealedness, in this life and presumably the next, along with the moral habits an agent develops in this life explain the obstinacy of the dead, that is, how the agent's irrevocable decision to side with the God of Abraham, or not, is possible. For that to be the case, the existential relationships that generate personal identity in this life must accompany (individuate) the subject in the next life. In Christian philosophy, the person-making process mirrors the relationships of the Blessed Trinity. While Martin Heidegger is not a Christian philosopher, his view on truth and being's unconcealedness provides a useful piece of the argument to continue the Thomistic case for personal immortality. Heidegger is not a catholic philosopher, but the focus he places on being's unconcealedness is consonant with the focus Thomas Aquinas puts on the intelligibility of being. While Heidegger's discussion of being is rooted in Dasein's finitude, the Thomistic interpretation of being situates unconcealedness within the perspective of God's creative act. His vision resets the possibility of applying Heidegger's fundamental ontology beyond temporality. The paper develops through a discussion of the Tree's "branches, trunk, and roots" to conclude that the Christian perspective transforms Heidegger's view of death into "the ultimate possibility of possibility." 展开更多
关键词 being's unconcealedness eternal life final decision GOD human death IMMORTALITY person-makingprocess personal identity
Religious Experiences of Life After Death in Buha and Unyamwezi Cosmologies, Western Tanzania
作者 Salvatory Stephen Nyanto 《History Research》 2016年第2期80-100,共21页
Ideas of life after death dominate African religious practices in the societies. The people of Buha and Unyamwezi in Western Tanzania maintained the relationship with the departed ancestors to address issues arising f... Ideas of life after death dominate African religious practices in the societies. The people of Buha and Unyamwezi in Western Tanzania maintained the relationship with the departed ancestors to address issues arising from the living members of the family, clan and the society at large. With exception of theologians and cultural anthropologists, ideas on life after death have not attracted attention of African historians. In this paper I envisage the ideas of life after death from a historical perspective using Buha and Unyamwezi as illustrative cases. I argue that issues of life after death are historically grounded and involve the interplay of natural and human-induced forces. This study relies on both archival and oral sources that I collected between 2011 and 2012. I employ a comparative approach to provide an account of how issues on life after death have had impacts on the lives of the people in Western Tanzania. 展开更多
关键词 life after death Buha Unyamwezi
Educational Software Development Life Cycle Stages
作者 Salah Alkhafaji B.Sriram 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第1期128-137,共10页
Technological innovations have revolutionized the educational technology into various dimensions. Educational processes without educational technology have no value in this modern world. In education domain, the educa... Technological innovations have revolutionized the educational technology into various dimensions. Educational processes without educational technology have no value in this modern world. In education domain, the educational software has simplified the processes in greater extend. A implemented while developing such educational software. In particu proper lar, the development methodology has to be software developed to enrich these education processes should follow a development strategy to motivate the end users to utilize the hypermedia potentials. The software development life cycle (SDLC) has different phases in designing such educationa technology and assists the end users to benefit from the modern technology. This study identifies the various factors to be considered at each phase of the SDLC while developing educational software. Also, this study proposes some suggestions to be followed in ESDLC with respect to educational processes perspectives. The core idea of this study is to identify the various issues in implementing such educational software in day to day teaching and learning processes. 展开更多
关键词 software development life cycle (SDLC) educational technology teaching and learning processes technology innovations educational software
Approaching an Abstract Cinematic Form: The Tree of Life by Terrence Malick
作者 Christos Dermentzopoulos Thanassis Vassiliou 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第9期722-728,共7页
One of the most important tools in film analysis is "segmentation", as defined by the major film theorist Christian Metz, with the help of the "great syntagmatic" (Grande Syntagmatique); an array, which will gua... One of the most important tools in film analysis is "segmentation", as defined by the major film theorist Christian Metz, with the help of the "great syntagmatic" (Grande Syntagmatique); an array, which will guarantee the classification of any kind of shot in any kind of film and its consequent decoding. The division into sections allowed a clinical approach of high validity, highlighting the hidden rhymes, the power of repetition, the underlying pulses of the film, "decoding", in a way, their soul; in essence their meaning. However, by the mid-1970s, the semiotics of cinema was considered outdated and unrealistic, mainly because it failed to solve a problem to which it was believed that it held the key to guarantee the "translation" of any abstract cinematic form. In this text, we attempt to explore what semiotics can do today and how far "segmentation" can take us in the face of a particularly "opaque" film, which is made of fragments of impressions, disparate elements and contrasts, such as The Tree of Life (2011) by Terrence Malick. 展开更多
关键词 Metz segmentation Grand Syntagmatique NARRATION EDITING
Developmental Programming of Ethical Consciousness: Impact on B ioscience Ethics Education and Learning
作者 Irina Pollard 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第6期431-442,共12页
Personal ethics are strongly influenced by emotions, particularly secondary emotions, because these emotions expand ethical reasoning and development as the child matures. A well-developed consciousness profoundly inf... Personal ethics are strongly influenced by emotions, particularly secondary emotions, because these emotions expand ethical reasoning and development as the child matures. A well-developed consciousness profoundly influences a person's actions and conduct when solving problems of what is thought, or taught to be, right or wrong Compelling neurological evidence supports the claim that children begin to develop enduring ethical standards at an early age and that these standards are largely based on the experiences of early childhood. Essentially, the innate sense of ethics requires nurturing during infancy before it can be cognitively understood and practiced in maturity. In biological terms, the development of neural networks that regulate emotional growth, and subsequently, the capacity for ethical discrimination, depends on the infant's early social environment. Thus, the toddler's early epigenetic experiences enhance, or impede, its innate still dormant genetic potential. Importantly, personal character development and ethical discrimination begins long before the child's formal educational years. As a consequence, early learning has to discover ways of conserving adaptive thinking which can be applied to the choices that may confront future generations. Early ethics education, including accurate access to scientific, medical, and technological knowledge, is thus critical. Future generations will increasingly require education from a global perspective when making major ethical decisions in areas, such as nuclear technology, disposal of wastes, preservation of biodiversity, global warming, and unregulated human population growth. As long as our culture continues to reflect advances in science and technology, there is an obligation to make science education overlap with crucial periods in the advancement of ethical consciousness. Significantly, when considering the human capacity for excess at times of conflict, it is incumbent on the scientific community to integrate research-based knowledge with wide-ranging learning and problem-solving skills. Bioscience ethics, the established interface bridging applied science and applied bioethics, can assist in this process of integration. To become fully responsible adults, we must share our extraordinary cognitive talents and respect life on earth in all its rich diversity. In biological terms, human uniqueness resides primarily in our brains with its products being co-operation in family and ancestral units, long education, sophisticated language and culture, and importantly, ethical consciousness-all attributes held in trust by knowledge and wisdom for future generations. 展开更多
关键词 human brain programming evolution and ethics NEUROETHICS primary and secondary emotions bioscience ethics bioscience ethics education early childhood education
The New Spiritual Elements and Artistic Exploration of Chinese Buddhist Literature during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
作者 Tan Guilin 《Social Sciences in China》 2018年第2期114-127,共14页
Modern Chinese Buddhist literature of the war of resistance against Japanese aggression is a unique literary phenomenon written in a unique era.Thematically,it combines the modern Buddhist consciousness of citizenship... Modern Chinese Buddhist literature of the war of resistance against Japanese aggression is a unique literary phenomenon written in a unique era.Thematically,it combines the modern Buddhist consciousness of citizenship and the traditional spirit of the Way of the Bodhisattva.In terms of individual life experience,it responds to the spirit of the times through the conscious and innovative use of Buddhist conceptions introduced in a modern manner;in terms of identifying a social role,its artistic practice consciously and actively answers the call of China’s wartime cultural strategy;and in terms of artistic production,it vigorously promotes modernization of expression and popular participation.These new elements and tendencies offer a perspective that cannot be overlooked if we are to gain an in-depth and comprehensive appreciation and evaluation of the role of wartime Buddhist literature in China’s national war of resistance. 展开更多
关键词 Buddhism the war of resistance against Japanese aggression citizenship consciousness life experience popular participation in writing vernacular style
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