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作者 周纯全 《天风》 北大核心 2000年第11期31-33,共3页
关键词 见证 生命结 耶稣 祷告 姊妹 母亲 大爱 魔鬼 罪孽 羞耻
作者 苏景义 《现代青年》 2007年第9期33-33,共1页
什么?焕兰简直不相信自己的耳朵焕兰自小与母亲相依为命。焕兰19岁那年,她的母亲得了一种被称做"诺尔斯"的世上很罕见的病。医生们说,这种病得长期服药"克诺通",而这药靠进口,一瓶药1300元,吃一个月。焕兰感到欣慰... 什么?焕兰简直不相信自己的耳朵焕兰自小与母亲相依为命。焕兰19岁那年,她的母亲得了一种被称做"诺尔斯"的世上很罕见的病。医生们说,这种病得长期服药"克诺通",而这药靠进口,一瓶药1300元,吃一个月。焕兰感到欣慰的是,她家有1O万元积蓄呢。妈妈开始不想动这钱,说那是为女儿结婚准备的,8万元买个小点的新房,2万元置买嫁妆。 展开更多
关键词 生命结 诺尔斯 母亲 药房 医生 进口 嫁妆 服药 积蓄 预存
作者 肖云儒 《当代文坛》 北大核心 2000年第3期19-22,共4页
关键词 文学评论 李若冰 文学创作 生命还乡性
Evolutionary Trend and Asymmetric Evolution of Living Things 被引量:1
作者 李易洲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第6期7-10,39,共5页
The evolutionary trend of organisms, which often evolved from a simpler structure to a more complex structure, is a mystery. It seems that the later living things appeared on the earth, the more complex their structur... The evolutionary trend of organisms, which often evolved from a simpler structure to a more complex structure, is a mystery. It seems that the later living things appeared on the earth, the more complex their structures were. This study pointed out that the evolutionary trend of organisms was the result of the organisms' asymmetric evolution-the phenomenon which the partition of the more complex structure was actually larger than that of the simpler structure on the same evolutionary platform of organisms, it explained the cause of the asymmetric evolution and listed much important evidence for organisms' asymmetric evolution. 展开更多
关键词 Bio-system Simple structure Complex structure Asymmetry-evolution
作者 王世爱 王建青 《青岛医药卫生》 2002年第1期74-74,共1页
癌症患者无论是肉体上还是精神上,都承受了正常人无法想象的痛苦,而且还常伴有经济上的困扰,这给他们生命的延续增添了无穷的压力。作为护士,虽不能挽救他们的生命,但在他们生命结束之前,为其减轻痛苦,提高生存质量,给患者家属精神上支... 癌症患者无论是肉体上还是精神上,都承受了正常人无法想象的痛苦,而且还常伴有经济上的困扰,这给他们生命的延续增添了无穷的压力。作为护士,虽不能挽救他们的生命,但在他们生命结束之前,为其减轻痛苦,提高生存质量,给患者家属精神上支持,是非常重要的。现将癌症患者临终前的护理总结如下。1 尽量满足癌症患者的需求 大多数癌症患者临终前处于全身衰竭状态。卧床不起。 展开更多
关键词 癌症患者 临终前 患者家属 提高生存质量 减轻痛苦 癌症疼痛 护士 减轻病人的痛苦 生命结 放松疗法
作者 王辽生 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1987年第4期84-85,共2页
诗其实是无情物。涉世之初我气血过剩,误以为诗所随意投来的匆匆一瞥,便是秋波,从而我三魂摇曳,七情失羁,不知不觉中堕入迷津。而今身陷诗沼,不能自拔,方举目发见那一豆相思仍傲悬枝头,并未我属。我诗路跋涉三十余载,终于悟出,恰是我与... 诗其实是无情物。涉世之初我气血过剩,误以为诗所随意投来的匆匆一瞥,便是秋波,从而我三魂摇曳,七情失羁,不知不觉中堕入迷津。而今身陷诗沼,不能自拔,方举目发见那一豆相思仍傲悬枝头,并未我属。我诗路跋涉三十余载,终于悟出,恰是我与诗的耳鬓厮磨,掘了我愁瘁此生的万苦之源。但我不惭。自从跟随但丁作地狱之游,我就没打算跻身天堂。错爱之举已屡见不鲜。一些诗评家对我的命运多有关注。 展开更多
关键词 无情物 生命结 诗评 蝴蝶 物质世界 人生 但丁 相思 主张 跟随
《国外科技资料目录(医药卫生)》 CAS 2002年第11期127-128,共2页
0242342 最乐观办法中的真实性/Ubel PA//Ann Intern Med.-2001,134(12).-1142~1143 医科图0242343 对接近生命结束时的癌症病人预后的泄露/Lamont E B//Ann Intern Med.-2001,134(12).-1096~1105
关键词 癌症病人 医科 真实性 生命结 一般性问题 预后 泄露 癌症治疗 癌症患者 姑息疗法
作者 陈世慧 《歌海》 2002年第1期6-6,共1页
关键词 爱情 生命结 舒城县 平民 梁祝 生死 百姓 心灵 人生
作者 贾平凹 《语文世界(上旬刊)》 1997年第10期9-9,共1页
一只贝,和别的贝一样,长年生活在海里.海水是咸的,又有着风浪的压力;嫩嫩的身子就藏在壳里.壳的样子很体面,涨潮的时候,总是高高地浮在潮的上头.有一次,他们被送到海岸,当海水又哗哗地落潮去了,他们却被永远地留在沙滩,再没有回去.蚂蚁... 一只贝,和别的贝一样,长年生活在海里.海水是咸的,又有着风浪的压力;嫩嫩的身子就藏在壳里.壳的样子很体面,涨潮的时候,总是高高地浮在潮的上头.有一次,他们被送到海岸,当海水又哗哗地落潮去了,他们却被永远地留在沙滩,再没有回去.蚂蚁、虫子立即围拢来,将他们的软肉啮掉,空剩着两个硬硬的壳.这壳上都曾经投影过太阳、月亮、星星、还有海上长虹的颜色,也都曾经显示过浪花、漩涡和潮峰起伏的形状;现在他们生命结束了!这光洁的壳上还留着这色彩和线条. 展开更多
关键词 生命结 孩子们 贾平凹 贝壳 涨潮 投影 潮峰 海岸 蚂蚁 太阳
《语文世界(上旬刊)》 1996年第4期13-13,共1页
一只贝贾平凹一只贝,和别的贝一样,长年生活在海里。海水是咸的,又有着风浪的压力;嫩嫩的身子就藏在壳里。壳的样子很体面,涨潮的时候,总是高高地浮在潮的上头。有一次,他们被送到海岸,当海水又哗哗地落潮去了,却被永远地留在... 一只贝贾平凹一只贝,和别的贝一样,长年生活在海里。海水是咸的,又有着风浪的压力;嫩嫩的身子就藏在壳里。壳的样子很体面,涨潮的时候,总是高高地浮在潮的上头。有一次,他们被送到海岸,当海水又哗哗地落潮去了,却被永远地留在沙滩,再没有回去。蚂蚁、虫子立即围... 展开更多
关键词 贾平凹散文 孩子们 贝壳 生命结 涨潮 说不出 投影 旋涡 潮峰 海岸
作者 杨晓敏 《生命与灾害》 1997年第1期24-25,共2页
生命对于每个人都只有一次,活在世上的人们多么想了解自己生命开始与结束的奥秘。生命的开始,人还太“小”。待到长成,再也回忆不起当初的情景了。世人懂得思维时已经出生,所以生命开始虽然神秘,但对于每个人来说都已成为过去。然而,生... 生命对于每个人都只有一次,活在世上的人们多么想了解自己生命开始与结束的奥秘。生命的开始,人还太“小”。待到长成,再也回忆不起当初的情景了。世人懂得思维时已经出生,所以生命开始虽然神秘,但对于每个人来说都已成为过去。然而,生命的结束——死亡,是每个活着的人都必将面临的结局,人们理所当然地更希望了解生命结束时的奥秘,渴望能揭开死亡的神秘面纱。 展开更多
关键词 每个人 死亡体验 无痛苦 生命结 安乐死 神秘 医疗仪器 病人 幻觉 精确诊断
《小学时代》 2007年第11期42-42,共1页
毛毛(时间窃贼和一个小女孩的不可思议的故事)阅读指数★★★★★推荐指数★★★★★"毛毛"是一个不知年龄、来自何方的小女孩,她拥有常人所没有的"灵敏听力",她只用倾听的方式就能解决朋友们的问题和纷争。由于人... 毛毛(时间窃贼和一个小女孩的不可思议的故事)阅读指数★★★★★推荐指数★★★★★"毛毛"是一个不知年龄、来自何方的小女孩,她拥有常人所没有的"灵敏听力",她只用倾听的方式就能解决朋友们的问题和纷争。由于人们受城市里无处不在的"灰先生"蒙骗,于是毛毛冒着生命的危险,见到了时光老人侯拉师傅,在时间王国里她发现了世界和人类的大秘密,即"时间就是生命"。生命的诞生即生命的花朵盛开,当生命结束时,又会有同样的生命之花再度绽放。知道这个秘密的她,回到了现实世界勇斗那些灰先生,并最终取得了胜利。 展开更多
关键词 人类 生命结 现实世界 秘密 内心世界 听力 现代人 阅读 人性回归 指数
作者 黎琳 《中学语文教学参考(教师版)》 1994年第11期47-47,共1页
1.自己写的成文字叫亲笔。 2.口授别人写的文字叫嘱笔。 3.替别人写成的文字叫代笔。 4.集体讨论后,由一人或数人动笔撰文叫执笔。 5.写作绘画因故而停止劳作叫辍笔。 6.写作绘画因故而临时中断叫搁笔。 7.练习性的写作叫练笔。 8.文章... 1.自己写的成文字叫亲笔。 2.口授别人写的文字叫嘱笔。 3.替别人写成的文字叫代笔。 4.集体讨论后,由一人或数人动笔撰文叫执笔。 5.写作绘画因故而停止劳作叫辍笔。 6.写作绘画因故而临时中断叫搁笔。 7.练习性的写作叫练笔。 8.文章的开头为起笔。 9.文章的结尾为收笔。 展开更多
关键词 文字 与本题无关 写作能力 离开本题 写文章 好到极点 方法技巧 绘画 集体讨论 生命结
作者 杨国新 《教育艺术》 1997年第4期16-17,共2页
人生十悟杨国新1、起源和归宿人生的起源,是父母对生活的热爱。父母因为爱着对方,也爱着生活,才结合在一起,孕育出我们人生的胚胎。人生的归宿,是未来的人类和整个自然界。活着,我们的身体在地表穿行,我们的心智在世事中锤炼;... 人生十悟杨国新1、起源和归宿人生的起源,是父母对生活的热爱。父母因为爱着对方,也爱着生活,才结合在一起,孕育出我们人生的胚胎。人生的归宿,是未来的人类和整个自然界。活着,我们的身体在地表穿行,我们的心智在世事中锤炼;死去,我们的贡献转入未来人的生活,... 展开更多
关键词 精神生命 人类生存 共产主义信仰 切实可行的计划 温馨的家 人类进步 生命结 人生观 情感理性 生命
作者 葛长青 《安徽消防》 1995年第12期9-10,共2页
报复,在伤害他人的同时也毁灭了自己 ——题记 1995年3月30日。 济南近郊刑场。一桩延滞近两年之久的纵火杀人案即将在此划上句号。站在这个万物萌生、春光明媚的日子里,李保生想到了什么?他在为自己的愚蠢行为而深深忏悔吗?没人知道... 报复,在伤害他人的同时也毁灭了自己 ——题记 1995年3月30日。 济南近郊刑场。一桩延滞近两年之久的纵火杀人案即将在此划上句号。站在这个万物萌生、春光明媚的日子里,李保生想到了什么?他在为自己的愚蠢行为而深深忏悔吗?没人知道。 枪声响过,李保生的生命结束了。他与那位被火烧致死的女子终于殊途同归,如今可以在阴间继续他们的纠葛,决断谁是谁非了。 展开更多
关键词 情海 济南市 服务小姐 剥夺政治权利终身 生命结 特大 社会交往 服务员 高级人民法院 直接经济损失
Role of probiotics,prebiotics and synbiotics in chemoprevention for colorectal cancer 被引量:17
作者 Constantine Iosif Fotiadis Christos Nikolaou Stoidis +1 位作者 Basileios Georgiou Spyropoulos Eleftherios Dimitriou Zografos 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第42期6453-6457,共5页
Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer.Current treatments are all associated with a high risk of complications and a low success rate.Recently,synbiotics have been proposed as a new preventive and t... Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer.Current treatments are all associated with a high risk of complications and a low success rate.Recently,synbiotics have been proposed as a new preventive and therapeutic option.There is no direct experimental evidence for cancer suppression in humans as a result of the consumption of pro-,pre-or synbiotics.However,there is a wealth of evidence emerging from laboratory studies.The mechanisms by which pro-,pre-and synbiotics may inhibit colon cancer are now beginning to be understood and will be addressed in the present review. 展开更多
The Study of BIM-Based MRT Structural Inspection System 被引量:2
作者 Chung-I Yen Jieh-Haur Chen Pei-Fen Huang 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第2期96-101,共6页
The Taipei MRT (Metropolitan Rapid Transit) system has been operated since 1996. Facing the challenge of safety and sustainability of MRT, it is urgent to develop a structural inspection strategy and maintenance sys... The Taipei MRT (Metropolitan Rapid Transit) system has been operated since 1996. Facing the challenge of safety and sustainability of MRT, it is urgent to develop a structural inspection strategy and maintenance system based on the concept of life cycle management. In the mean while, BIM (Building Information Modeling) has become an emerging technology in the architecture and construction industries. BIM utilizes the 3D (3 Dimensions) CAD objects to simulate the real word building elements and with the ability to maintain life cycle information for a building. BIM is an ideal tool and platform for developing an inspection and maintenance system. The goal of this research is to establish a MRT structural inspection system concept based on BIM and life cycle management. In this study, a BIM model of shield tunnel was established to demonstrate the integration of 3D CAD with inspection records. A MRT structural maintenance database, which includes structural deterioration types, inspection records, and repair methods, was designed to interact with the BIM. An inspection prototype system was designed and implemented to perform the MRT structural inspection. The proposed system was designed with mobile-side and server-side systems. The mobile-side system was designed to perform on mobile devices such as tablet computer or smart phones with the ability to mark defects on BIM, as well as to fill in inspection sheets and photos; the server-side system can assign inspection tasks, maintains all inspection records, automatically output inspection reports, and analyze the database to prioritize all maintenance tasks. 展开更多
关键词 Building information modeling metropolitan rapid transit system shield tunnel facility management structural inspection.
Local adaptive transmit power assignment strategy for wireless sensor networks 被引量:1
作者 赵学健 庄毅 王进 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第7期1909-1920,共12页
A distributed local adaptive transmit power assignment (LA-TPA) strategy was proposed to construct a topology with better performance according to the environment and application scenario and prolong the network lifet... A distributed local adaptive transmit power assignment (LA-TPA) strategy was proposed to construct a topology with better performance according to the environment and application scenario and prolong the network lifetime.It takes the path loss exponent and the energy control coefficient into consideration with the aim to accentuate the minimum covering district of each node more accurately and precisely according to various network application scenarios.Besides,a self-healing scheme that enhances the robustness of the network was provided.It makes the topology tolerate more dead nodes than existing algorithms.Simulation was done under OMNeT++ platform and the results show that the LA-TPA strategy is more effective in constructing a well-performance network topology based on various application scenarios and can prolong the network lifetime significantly. 展开更多
关键词 wireless sensor network topology control transmit power assignment range assignment path loss exponent energycontrol coefficient ROBUSTNESS network lifetime
Soul, Spirit, Breath, and Life in the Book of Job
作者 Daniel K. Bediako 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第8期739-749,共11页
The terms "soul," "spirit," "breath," and "life" occur several times each in the Book of Job. A proper understanding of these terms in Scripture, especially "soul" and "spirit" is integral to understanding... The terms "soul," "spirit," "breath," and "life" occur several times each in the Book of Job. A proper understanding of these terms in Scripture, especially "soul" and "spirit" is integral to understanding the state of the dead, among others. These terms are used in diverse contexts with interchangeable nuances in the Book of Job. A living ("life") person ("soul") consists of the body/flesh plus the life principle ("spirit") of which "breath" is a concrete expression. In poetic contexts, the terminologies denote the physical ("soul"/"life"), appetitive ("soul"/"life"), psychical ("spirit"/"breath"), and emotional ("soul"/"spirit") characteristics of the human being. While "soul" and "life" tend towards physieality and therefore can be used synonymously for the whole person, "spirit" and "breath" tend towards non-physicality and express such phenomena as intellection and wind. A study of these terminologies in other poetic texts in the Hebrew Bible may evince similar semantic configurations as found in the Book of Job. 展开更多
Conditions for autonomous choice: a qualitative study of older adults' experience of decision-making in TAVR
作者 Elisabeth Skaar Anette Hylen Ranhoff +2 位作者 Jan Erik Nordrehaug Daniel E Forman Margrethe Aase Schaufel 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第1期42-48,共7页
Background Patient autonomy is a leading principle in bioethics and a basis for shared decision making. This study explores conditions for an autonomous choice experienced by older adults who recently underwent trans-... Background Patient autonomy is a leading principle in bioethics and a basis for shared decision making. This study explores conditions for an autonomous choice experienced by older adults who recently underwent trans-catheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Methods Qualitative study entailing semi-structured interviews of a purposive sample often older (range 73-89, median 83.5 years) adults after TAVR (median 23 days). The study setting was a cardiac department at a university hospital performing TAVR since 2010. Analysis was by systematic text condensation. Results Even when choice seemed hard or absent, TAVR-patients deliberately took the chance offered them by processing risk assessment, ambivalence and fate. They regarded declining the treatment to be worse than accepting the risk related to the procedure. The experience of being thoroughly advised by their physician formed the basis of an autonomous trust. The trust they felt for the physicians' recommendations mitigated ambivalence about the procedure and risks. TAVR patients expressed feelings consistent with self-empowerment and claimed that it had to be their decision. Even so, choosing the intervention as an obligation to their family or passively accepting it was also reported. Conclusions Older TAVR patients' experience of an autonomous decision may encompass frank tradeoff; deliberate physician dependency as well as a resilient self-view. Physicians should be especially aware of how older adults' subtle cognitive declines and inclinations to preserve their identities which can influence their medical decision making when obtaining in- formed consent. Cardiologists and other providers may also use these insights to develop new strategies that better respond to such inherent complexities. 展开更多
关键词 Aortic stenosis Older adults Patient-centered care Shared decision-making Trans-catheter aortic valve replacement
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