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作者 李金帅 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2023年第9期70-72,共3页
沥青作为预焙阳极生块生产期间非常重要的原料之一,其质量性能会直接对预焙阳极生块质量性能产生影响。本文尝试对预焙阳极生块生产中沥青原料加入相关问题进行分析,首先对沥青在预焙阳极生块生产中的作用进行分析,然后从原料煅后焦质... 沥青作为预焙阳极生块生产期间非常重要的原料之一,其质量性能会直接对预焙阳极生块质量性能产生影响。本文尝试对预焙阳极生块生产中沥青原料加入相关问题进行分析,首先对沥青在预焙阳极生块生产中的作用进行分析,然后从原料煅后焦质量、原料粒度纯度、生产配方中各类集料用量、混捏温度以及混捏时间这几个方面入手,对预焙阳极生块生产期间影响沥青加入量的因素进行分析,旨在于引起业内人员关注,以结合预焙生产各类因素的改变予以动态控制,考虑实际情况对沥青原料使用量进行合理调整,以确保预焙阳极生块内在以及外观质量达到稳定状态,促进预焙阳极生块生产质量性能的提升与优化。 展开更多
关键词 预焙阳极生块 沥青 加入量 因素
作者 王玉荣 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》 CAS CSCD 1992年第2期69-70,共2页
我国青海、甘肃、四川及黑龙江等省都发现有产在冻土带、红壤土及砂矿中的砂金矿和表生块金。金的化学、物理性质都很稳定,但在地表过程却十分活泼,这是地球化学家们长期以来感到困惑不解的问题之一。我们在室温蒸馏水中,观察到小金粒... 我国青海、甘肃、四川及黑龙江等省都发现有产在冻土带、红壤土及砂矿中的砂金矿和表生块金。金的化学、物理性质都很稳定,但在地表过程却十分活泼,这是地球化学家们长期以来感到困惑不解的问题之一。我们在室温蒸馏水中,观察到小金粒消失和大金粒形成的过程。这个现象表明用SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>、HS<sup>-</sup>、Cl<sup>-</sup>、腐植酸等来阐明金的溶解与长大是不合适的。从所获资料看,过氧化氢在这个过程中可能扮演着重要角色。水常常表现出不寻常的化学活性,化学家们一直追索这个谜的底。 展开更多
关键词 生块 过氧化氢
作者 赵辉 张爱玲 +2 位作者 凌晓明 杨海青 杨春华 《河南林业科技》 2009年第4期12-13,共2页
对国外的种子植生块造林技术进行了制作时间、包膜处理、小范围整地3项改进,发现现场制作种子块臭椿出苗率和保存率分别比对照提高了13.9%和20.0%,五角枫出苗率和保存率分别比对照提高了22.1%和27.8%。种子块包膜可使臭椿出苗率提高11.0... 对国外的种子植生块造林技术进行了制作时间、包膜处理、小范围整地3项改进,发现现场制作种子块臭椿出苗率和保存率分别比对照提高了13.9%和20.0%,五角枫出苗率和保存率分别比对照提高了22.1%和27.8%。种子块包膜可使臭椿出苗率提高11.08%,保存率提高11.97%;五角枫出苗率提高10.88%,保存率提高11.57%。整地可使臭椿保存率提高5.10%,高生长量提高26.51%;五角枫保存率提高12.52%,高生长量提高23.21%。 展开更多
关键词 干旱山地 种子植生块 整地
作者 高喜荣 沈祥霞 王红霞 《河南林业科技》 2009年第4期14-15,共2页
选河南干旱石质山地造林先锋树种,采用种子植生块直播造林,造林4年平均保存率为74.9%,其中臭椿苗高达到248.6 cm,地径达3.31 cm表现最好;刺槐保存率78.6%,为参试树种中最高。
关键词 干旱石质山地 种子植生块 直播造林
表生块金与微生物 被引量:5
作者 王玉荣 张海祥 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 1994年第3期91-92,共2页
自从发现高温条件下块金的生长现象以来,对常温常压下块金生长做了各种不同的实验研究。结果表明,块金的生长不仅可以在以蒸馏水等无机环境条件中发生,它还可以在各种不同种类的微生物环境中生长,甚至生长速度更快。在微生物环境中... 自从发现高温条件下块金的生长现象以来,对常温常压下块金生长做了各种不同的实验研究。结果表明,块金的生长不仅可以在以蒸馏水等无机环境条件中发生,它还可以在各种不同种类的微生物环境中生长,甚至生长速度更快。在微生物环境中块金的生长也与过氧化氢密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 生块 过氧化氢
铝电解预焙阳极生块裂纹问题的探讨 被引量:1
作者 丁邦平 《四川冶金》 CAS 2009年第2期66-70,共5页
关键词 预焙阳极 阳极生块 裂纹 抗压强度
作者 王玉荣 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》 CAS CSCD 1992年第4期203-205,共3页
根据实验观察、水的活性及Au的物理化学特征,作者探讨了H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>对表生块金溶解、迁移、沉淀的催化过程。接着又探讨了H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>在自然界的无机... 根据实验观察、水的活性及Au的物理化学特征,作者探讨了H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>对表生块金溶解、迁移、沉淀的催化过程。接着又探讨了H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>在自然界的无机及有机成因。H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> 展开更多
关键词 生块 超氧化物歧化酶
提高石墨化阴极生块质量稳定性的技术改造 被引量:3
作者 夏百元 张联伟 +2 位作者 宋小涛 詹宁宁 雷顺伟 《有色冶金节能》 2018年第6期17-19,共3页
通过对石墨化阴极配料过程中存在粉料偏析的原因进行分析,对料仓进行技术改造,稳定配方中的粉料组分,提高了粉料粒度的稳定性和质量;同时针对成型布料工艺对生块结构的影响进行研究,优化成型布料工艺操作,确保料面平整,大大提高了大规... 通过对石墨化阴极配料过程中存在粉料偏析的原因进行分析,对料仓进行技术改造,稳定配方中的粉料组分,提高了粉料粒度的稳定性和质量;同时针对成型布料工艺对生块结构的影响进行研究,优化成型布料工艺操作,确保料面平整,大大提高了大规格石墨化阴极生块的质量和稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 石墨化阴极 生块质量 粉料稳定性 成型布料工艺
作者 张成虎 孙传杰 《轻金属》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期37-39,共3页
关键词 阳极生块 模具 裂纹
作者 羊光红 杨传元 田素兰 《云南冶金》 2022年第4期109-113,共5页
关键词 生块 质量缺陷 合格率
作者 苏志同 王博 《计算机与数字工程》 2019年第9期2332-2334,2380,共4页
论文提出了结合BP神经网络算法和遗传算法,针对预焙阳极生产过程中煅烧工艺参数与生块质量间关系的预测模型。同时具体介绍了模型的相关参数,阐述了模型的评估标准和算法流程,最后展示了模型的实验数据。通过实验验证,BP神经网络算法在... 论文提出了结合BP神经网络算法和遗传算法,针对预焙阳极生产过程中煅烧工艺参数与生块质量间关系的预测模型。同时具体介绍了模型的相关参数,阐述了模型的评估标准和算法流程,最后展示了模型的实验数据。通过实验验证,BP神经网络算法在结合遗传算法后,相较于单独使用BP神经网络算法,显著提高了模型的预测准确率,为生块质量的预测提供了有效的参考。 展开更多
关键词 煅烧工艺参数 生块质量 BP神经网络算法 遗传算法
作者 张成虎 孙传杰 《甘肃冶金》 2009年第1期96-98,共3页
关键词 阳极生块 模具 裂纹
作者 徐光瑞 《山东工业技术》 2014年第22期147-147,共1页
关键词 阳极生块 沥青 因素分析
以铝土矿尾矿为原料碳热法制取铝硅合金中生团块的性能 被引量:2
作者 杨栋 傅大学 +1 位作者 王耀武 冯乃祥 《过程工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期920-925,共6页
探讨了一种用于测试铝土矿尾矿碳热法制取铝硅合金中生团块真密度的方法,并用容重法验证了其可行性.在此基础上,以抗压强度和气孔率为指标,通过单因素实验和正交实验,考察了制团压力、干粉粘结剂含量、配水量、尾矿粒度对生团块性能的影... 探讨了一种用于测试铝土矿尾矿碳热法制取铝硅合金中生团块真密度的方法,并用容重法验证了其可行性.在此基础上,以抗压强度和气孔率为指标,通过单因素实验和正交实验,考察了制团压力、干粉粘结剂含量、配水量、尾矿粒度对生团块性能的影响.结果表明,获取优质生团块的最佳工艺条件为:制团压力22.5MPa,干粉粘结剂含量9%(ω),配水量13%(ω),尾矿粒度0.42~0.178mm.此时生团块的抗压强度为27.8MPa,气孔率为18.7%. 展开更多
关键词 铝土矿尾矿 抗压强度 气孔率 单因素实验 正交实验
生态混凝土护坡技术在堤防护坡工程中的运用 被引量:3
作者 李文远 《中国高新科技》 2021年第13期59-60,共2页
关键词 堤防加固 混凝土植生块护坡技术 稳定坡脚 复式断面
Nestedness of bird assemblages in the karst forest fragments of southwestern Guangxi, China 被引量:3
作者 李肇天 陆舟 +3 位作者 舒晓莲 蒋光伟 许亮 周放 《Chinese Birds》 CSCD 2013年第2期170-183,共14页
The limestone region in southwestern Guangxi contains the most typical karst landforms in the world. Due to their destruction, the original forests mainly survive in nature reserves in the form of fragmented areas. Fr... The limestone region in southwestern Guangxi contains the most typical karst landforms in the world. Due to their destruction, the original forests mainly survive in nature reserves in the form of fragmented areas. From June 2009 to September 2010 we conducted an investigation of 13 relatively isolated habitats or sites, selected from each of the 13 nature reserves in southwestern Guangxi, with the least amount of anthropological activity and the largest presence of the original vegetation, in order to study the distribution of birds on forest fragments. The distribution patterns of the birds and the factors which affect them were analyzed by using the 'BINMATNEST' software and the Spearman’s rank correlation analysis, to determine: 1) whether nested patterns of birds in the karst area of southwestern Guangxi exist or not and 2) which factors are correlated with the nested patterns and the effect of these factors on forming nested patterns. The results show that the birds had statistically significant nested patterns in the karst area and the specificity of the habitat of the birds had a significant effect on the nested patterns. We suggest possible reasons for these results, based on the characteristics of the seasonal tropical rain forests in the study area and on neutral theory. We also urgently recommend that close attention be paid to the protection of the diversity of the environment for birds in all fragmented habitats. 展开更多
关键词 BIRDS NESTEDNESS habitat fragmentation karst area neutral theory
Modeling foraging habitats of Hume’s Pheasant (Syrmaticus humiae) in Dazhong Mountain, Yunnan, southwestern China 被引量:5
作者 周伟 李宁 +3 位作者 邓忠坚 张庆 李明会 王学荣 《Chinese Birds》 2010年第4期236-243,共8页
We modeled foraging habitats of Hume’s Pheasant (Syrmaticus humiae) on a macro-habitat level using ArcGIS in an attempt to provide scientific reference for management and restoration of habitats. Field work was condu... We modeled foraging habitats of Hume’s Pheasant (Syrmaticus humiae) on a macro-habitat level using ArcGIS in an attempt to provide scientific reference for management and restoration of habitats. Field work was conducted from March to April in 2006 and 2008, and from October to November in 2005 and 2008 in Dazhong Mountain, Yunnan Province, southwestern China. The selection of ecological factors was estimated by means of a resource selection index, distance analysis and the method of hierarchical habitat selection. The foraging habitat patches were modeled spatially by ArcGIS. The results show that actual and potential foraging patches overlapped considerably in spring and autumn. The number and total areas of patches in the autumn were smaller than those in the spring. The minimum and average areas of patches in the autumn were larger than those in the spring, while the maximum areas of actual and potential foraging patches in the autumn were equal to those in the spring. Similarity in the selection for survival and safety consideration in both seasons was the main strategy for landscape factors of habitats by Hume’s Pheasant, while seasonal difference in selecting a landscape matrix was their secondary strategy, affecting landscape factors in the habitat. Changes of foraging patches in both seasons reflect a difference of resources requirement by the bird. Fragmentation and miniaturization of foraging patches would result in the formation of a meta-population of Hume’s Pheasant. 展开更多
关键词 Hume’s Pheasant (Syrmaticus humiae) foraging strategy habitat modeling habitat patch
Root Growth of the Annual Tillering Grass Panicum miliaceum in Heterogeneous Nutrient Environments 被引量:2
作者 何维明 董鸣 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第8期846-851,共6页
To study growth responses of the roots of Panicum miliaceum L. to heterogeneous supply of nutrients. The authors analyzed the effects of the nutrient levels in both original patches (O) and destination patches (D) on ... To study growth responses of the roots of Panicum miliaceum L. to heterogeneous supply of nutrients. The authors analyzed the effects of the nutrient levels in both original patches (O) and destination patches (D) on the root growth of P. miliaceum when its roots were allowed to extend from original patch into destination patch. When the nutrient levels in the original patches were low, coarse root biomass ratio (coarse root biomass in the D/total coarse root biomass), coarse root length ratio (coarse root length in the D/total coarse root length), coarse root surface area ratio (coarse root surface area in the D/total coarse root surface area) and fine root length ratio (fine root length in the D/total fine root length) were greater in the destination patches with lower nutrient levels than in the destination patches with higher nutrient levels, while fine root length, fine root length density, fine root surface index, and fine root surface area density were smaller in the former than in the latter. When the nutrient levels in the original patches were high, fine root length, fine root length density, fine root surface area index and fine root surface density were greater in the destination patches with lower nutrient levels than in the destination patches with higher nutrient levels, coarse roots did not respond to the nutrient levels in the destination patches significantly. When the roots extended from the original patches with the same nutrient level into the destination patches with contrasting nutrient levels, fine root biomass and its percentage allocation did not respond to the nutrient levels in the destination patches significantly, whereas both root length and root surface area did. This indicates that the fine roots of P. miliaceum responded to difference in nutrient supply by plasticity in their length and surface area, rather than in their root biomass. 展开更多
关键词 Panicum miliaceum nutrient patch root biomass root length root surface area root density
作者 刘建军 《甘肃冶金》 2003年第4期9-10,共2页
介绍了成型废糊料的形成和状况 ,并从工艺、设备。
关键词 铝电解槽 废糊料 配料 技术改造 可行性 预焙烧阳极生块
Design of a novel modular self-reconfigurable robot capable of self-turning
作者 乔贵方 宋光明 +2 位作者 张颖 孙慧玉 韦中 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第3期293-300,共8页
To solve the problem of inaccurate angle adjustment in the self-assembly process, a new homogenous hybrid modular self-reconfigurable robot-Xmobot is designed. Each module has four rotary joints and a self-turning mec... To solve the problem of inaccurate angle adjustment in the self-assembly process, a new homogenous hybrid modular self-reconfigurable robot-Xmobot is designed. Each module has four rotary joints and a self-turning mechanism. With the proposed self-turning mechanism, the angle adjusting accuracy of the module is increased to 2°, and the relative position adjusting efficiency of the module in the self-assembly process is also improved. The measured maximum moving distance of the proposed module in a gait cycle is 11.0 cm. Aiming at the multiple degree of freedom (MDOF) feature of the proposed module, a motion controller based on the central pattern generator (CPG) is proposed. The control of five joints of the module only requires two CPG oscillators. The CPG-based motion controller has three basic output modes, i. e. the oscillation, the rotation, and the fixed modes. The serpentine and the wheeled movements of the H-shaped robot are simulated, respectively. The results show that the average velocities of the two movements are 15. 2 and 20. 1 m/min, respectively. The proposed CPG-based motion controller is evaluated to be effective. 展开更多
关键词 central pattern generator modular self-reconfigurable robot structural design motion simulation
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