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作者 刘瑞雪 林小龙 李云 《中国园林》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期68-74,共7页
城市绿色基础设施对缓解生态环境问题、确保人居环境安全和促进城市可持续发展有重要作用。以深圳市域为研究区域,采用形态学空间格局分析法(MSPA)和InVEST生境质量评估模型来识别生态源地,利用电路理论提取生态廊道并识别生态夹点和障... 城市绿色基础设施对缓解生态环境问题、确保人居环境安全和促进城市可持续发展有重要作用。以深圳市域为研究区域,采用形态学空间格局分析法(MSPA)和InVEST生境质量评估模型来识别生态源地,利用电路理论提取生态廊道并识别生态夹点和障碍点,构建城市绿色基础设施网络并提出优化策略。深圳城市绿色基础设施网络由56个生态源地、79条生态廊道、面积约71.69 km^(2)的生态夹点和180.12 km^(2)的生态障碍点构成。生态源地主要分布在东南部和中西部的山体、林地等生态质量较高的区域;生态廊道主要分布在中西部和东北部等地区;生态源地间普遍存在生态夹点,主要分布在中西部、西南部及东北部;生态障碍点多位于生态源地的边缘或生态廊道内部,主要分布在西南部、中部及东北部。从生态源地、廊道和夹点的保护与质量提升,生态障碍点的修复,生态修复优先区的界定与分级三方面,提出城市绿色基础设施网络优化策略,为深圳城市绿色基础设施网络的构建与优化提供方法支撑和实践指导。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 城市绿色基础设施网络 形态学空间格局分析 生境质量评估 电路理论
基于InVEST模型的嫩江流域生境质量时空格局演变 被引量:8
作者 王治良 李英 +3 位作者 罗金明 刘复刚 王永洁 李洪影 《环境生态学》 2020年第2期19-26,共8页
基于InVEST-Habitat Quality模型和GeoDa软件,分析了1980年至2015年间嫩江流域生境质量的时空格局,并利用地理探测器定量探讨其影响因素。结果发现:1)35年来,流域生境质量指数呈不断下降趋势,由1980年的0.7031,下降到2000年的0.6997,201... 基于InVEST-Habitat Quality模型和GeoDa软件,分析了1980年至2015年间嫩江流域生境质量的时空格局,并利用地理探测器定量探讨其影响因素。结果发现:1)35年来,流域生境质量指数呈不断下降趋势,由1980年的0.7031,下降到2000年的0.6997,2015年的0.6986,但下降速率趋缓;2)县域生境质量高值集聚区主要分布在流域西北部,呈逐年退缩趋势,而低值区主要集中在流域东南部且不断扩张;3)单位面积GDP、人口密度与年均气温因子的协同增强效应,是导致流域生境质量不断下降的主要原因;但在与自然和社会经济因子的交互作用下,自然保护区建设等政策调控因子的保护作用开始显现。因此,建议加强流域东南部生境质量低值集聚区内各县域的自然保护区建设力度,以避免因其生境质量的持续下降而影响到区域的可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 InVEST-Habitat Quality模型 生境质量评估 地理探测器 嫩江流域
基于InVEST模型的永定区绿色基础设施生境质量研究 被引量:2
作者 余霁薇 朱深海 《湖北农业科学》 2020年第22期100-103,共4页
基于2017年永定区土地利用数据,结合ArcGIS软件空间分析功能,利用InVEST生境质量模型对永定区绿色基础设施的生境质量进行评估。结果表明,永定区绿色基础设施总体保持较好,但由于城镇化的深入,建设用地不断扩张,农田无序开垦,致使永定... 基于2017年永定区土地利用数据,结合ArcGIS软件空间分析功能,利用InVEST生境质量模型对永定区绿色基础设施的生境质量进行评估。结果表明,永定区绿色基础设施总体保持较好,但由于城镇化的深入,建设用地不断扩张,农田无序开垦,致使永定区城区以及乡镇周边范围生境退化严重,生境质量相对较差。人类活动是生态环境变化的主要因素,通过评估和分析永定区内绿色基础设施生境质量变化,旨在为永定区生态保护、协调生态与发展间矛盾提供科学依据,防止绿色基础设施生态遭到破坏。 展开更多
关键词 永定区 InVEST模型 绿色基础设施 生境质量评估
作者 赵子馨 邱玲 高天 《园林》 2024年第4期27-33,共7页
在快速城镇化进程以及不合理的资源利用背景下,咸阳市的生态环境受到影响。为最大限度地保护生物资源,巩固咸阳生态安全格局,使用InVEST生境质量评估模型,结合NPP法,将咸阳市生境划分为优、良、中、差4个等级,从而研究土地利用变化对生... 在快速城镇化进程以及不合理的资源利用背景下,咸阳市的生态环境受到影响。为最大限度地保护生物资源,巩固咸阳生态安全格局,使用InVEST生境质量评估模型,结合NPP法,将咸阳市生境划分为优、良、中、差4个等级,从而研究土地利用变化对生境质量的影响;将咸阳市生物多样性维护等级分为极重要、重要、一般重要三个等级,从而评价咸阳地区的生物多样性维护重要性。综合生境质量评估结果与生物多样性维护等级,利用最小阻力模型构建生态廊道。结果表明:2000-2020年咸阳地区耕地面积减少了327.33 km^(2);建设用地面积增长了263.88 km^(2);林地、草地等生态用地呈现了先增长后减少的趋势。质量优等级的生境持续减少了60.56 km^(2),差等级的生境整体增加70.93 km^(2),生境质量出现退化。咸阳市生物多样性维护重要性以一般重要为主,极重要区和重要区面积分别为896.54 km^(2)和866.66 km^(2)。生物多样性与生境质量密切相关。基于评价结果,通过阻力模型,构建生态廊道1303.96 km,并提出咸阳市生物多样性保护的方法和优化对策,以期为今后咸阳市动物迁徙及生物多样性保护提供基础与保障。 展开更多
关键词 生物多样性保护 生境质量评估 土地利用变化 生态廊道构建 优化策略
Interaction of activity involvement and recreational location selection behavior in Lowland City:A case study of public parks in Saga City,Japan
作者 IAMTRAKUL Pawinee TEKNOMO Kardi +1 位作者 GE Jian HOKAO Kazunori 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第8期900-906,共7页
Public parks provide many benefits to the community as the representatives of green area. The allocation of public places plays an extremely important role in the daily lives of inhabitants especially for recreational... Public parks provide many benefits to the community as the representatives of green area. The allocation of public places plays an extremely important role in the daily lives of inhabitants especially for recreational use that could enhance the quality of life of residents in the vicinity. To understand park users’ behavior is one of the most important prerequisites for as-sessing the participation in public service from the park users’ point of view. The pattern of park utilization on location and activity selection are important elements in behavioral study, while the public parks topograph may also influence the typical user’s be-havior. Questionnaire survey on park utilization was used to investigate the interaction between activity involvement and recrea-tional location with the use of linear discriminant analysis (LDA) model. The study found that public park users’ behavior is influenced not only by social characteristics but also by the recreational activities and their specific location characteristics. We found that about 45 percent of park visitors are local residents living within a radius of 3 km preferred travel to parks near their residential area. This implies that location selection behavior is correlated with travel distance, travel time and travel cost. Visit frequencies and on site expenditures reflect the recreation behavior for different type of activities. The overall information can be usefully applied by decision makers to launch appropriate public policy in consistence with the useful results of this study. 展开更多
关键词 Public park Park users' behavior ACTIVITY Park location
Urban public health assessment and pattern analysis: comparison of four cities in different countries
作者 Meirong SU Chen CHEN Weiwei LU Gengyuan LIU Zhifeng YANG Bin CHEN 《Frontiers of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期191-198,共8页
Urban public health is an important global issue, and receives extensive attention. It is necessary to compare urban public health status among different cities, so that each city can define its own health patterns an... Urban public health is an important global issue, and receives extensive attention. It is necessary to compare urban public health status among different cities, so that each city can define its own health patterns and limiting factors. The following assessment indicators were established to evaluate urban public health status: living conditions, physical health, education and culture, envir- onmental quality, and social security. A weighted-sum model was used in combination with these indicators to compare the urban public health status in four cities-- Beijing, New York, London, and Tokyo--using data for 2000-2009. Although the urban public health level of Beijing was lower than that of the other cities, it showed the greatest increase in this level over the study period. Different patterns of urban public health were identified: London had the most balanced, steady pattern (almost all factors performed well and developed stably); New York and Tokyo showed balanced, but unsteady patterns (most factors remained high, though social security and environ- mental quality fluctuated); Beijing had the most unba- lanced, unsteady pattern (the different factors were at different levels, and education and culture and social security fluctuated). For enhanced urban public health status, environmental quality and education and culture clearly need to be improved in Beijing. This study demonstrates that a comparison of different cities is helpful in identifying limiting factors for urban public health and providing an orientation for future urban development. 展开更多
关键词 public health urban ecosystem health pattern limiting factor
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