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作者 黄亮 吴小平 《城乡规划(城市地理学术版)》 2015年第2期48-53,共6页
库区生态保护与旅游发展一直以来较为争议,而松涛天湖地区作为海南极为敏感地区,其地区发展将推动海南旅游产业发展从边缘走向纵深,从一元走向多元,是构建特色鲜明、差异发展、全面兴盛的国际旅游岛发展格局的时代要求。本文以海南... 库区生态保护与旅游发展一直以来较为争议,而松涛天湖地区作为海南极为敏感地区,其地区发展将推动海南旅游产业发展从边缘走向纵深,从一元走向多元,是构建特色鲜明、差异发展、全面兴盛的国际旅游岛发展格局的时代要求。本文以海南儋州泛松涛天湖生态区旅游发展总体规划为例,由松涛天湖资源禀赋和生态环境容量入题分析,紧紧围绕“保护中发展,发展中保护”的主题,探讨海南内陆旅游发展与库区生态保护相互促进的新方向。 展开更多
关键词 生态优 环境容量 整合发展 规划控制
生态型聚优方法创造优质早熟高配合力糯玉米自交系申W22 被引量:2
作者 王义发 沈雪芳 +2 位作者 张璧 郑洪建 侯根宝 《山东农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期325-330,共6页
采用生态型聚优方法培育出优质早熟高配合力糯玉米自交系申W22,经DUS测定,在品种特异性、一致性和稳定性方面符合国家标准,获国家新品种权。该自交系具以下特点:①优质,糯性品质好,支链淀粉/粗淀粉含量98.88%。②早熟性状遗传稳定,以申... 采用生态型聚优方法培育出优质早熟高配合力糯玉米自交系申W22,经DUS测定,在品种特异性、一致性和稳定性方面符合国家标准,获国家新品种权。该自交系具以下特点:①优质,糯性品质好,支链淀粉/粗淀粉含量98.88%。②早熟性状遗传稳定,以申W22为亲本组成的杂交种生育期介于双亲之间,比双亲平均值缩短,并倾向于早熟的申W22亲本。③配合力高,以申W22为父本育成的沪玉糯一号、二号、三号,产量高,比对照苏玉糯一号增产5%-22.9%左右。 展开更多
关键词 糯玉米 自交系 生态型聚方法: 早熟 配合力
内可逆正反向两热源循环复杂传热规律下生态学最优性能 被引量:4
作者 李俊 陈林根 +1 位作者 戈延林 孙丰瑞 《热科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期228-235,共8页
以反映循环火用输出率和熵产率之间最佳折衷的生态学准则为目标,研究了复杂传热规律q∝[Δ(Tn)]m(包括了牛顿传热规律、线性唯象传热规律、辐射传热规律、Dulong-Petit传热规律、广义对流传热规律和广义辐射传热规律)下内可逆正反向两... 以反映循环火用输出率和熵产率之间最佳折衷的生态学准则为目标,研究了复杂传热规律q∝[Δ(Tn)]m(包括了牛顿传热规律、线性唯象传热规律、辐射传热规律、Dulong-Petit传热规律、广义对流传热规律和广义辐射传热规律)下内可逆正反向两热源循环(包括内可逆卡诺热机、内可逆卡诺制冷机和内可逆卡诺热泵)的生态学最优性能,得到了生态学函数与效率、制冷系数和供热系数之间的基本优化关系,所得结果具有一定的普适性和包容性。 展开更多
关键词 有限时间热力学 内可逆卡诺热机 内可逆卡诺制冷机 内可逆卡诺热泵 生态学性能 传热规律
作者 盖光 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第1期79-83,共5页
"生态性优存"的前提应该在人与自然建立的和谐生存关系中生成人的"能动性"存在。优存结构应该呈现"适者生存—美者优存—生态者优存"的逻辑链条。我们从生态优存的视阈中认识人的存在的意义,能够深层次... "生态性优存"的前提应该在人与自然建立的和谐生存关系中生成人的"能动性"存在。优存结构应该呈现"适者生存—美者优存—生态者优存"的逻辑链条。我们从生态优存的视阈中认识人的存在的意义,能够深层次地认识人类可持续发展的问题,能够合理且有效地设计人类生存发展的路向,打通人类走向未来的生存之路。 展开更多
关键词 生态 审美化生存 生命体验 生态性生命
作者 龙先达 严文贵 黄观武 《内江科技》 1994年第4期26-28,共3页
人们对杂种优势的研究已经有很长历史。直到本世纪末都一致认为是由遗传差异比较大而能互补的雄雌配子结合产生的,公认的有显性学说,超显性学说,上位作用理论,它们都从遗传角度比较明瞭地解释了这种现象。笔者试图以地理、遗传、生态三... 人们对杂种优势的研究已经有很长历史。直到本世纪末都一致认为是由遗传差异比较大而能互补的雄雌配子结合产生的,公认的有显性学说,超显性学说,上位作用理论,它们都从遗传角度比较明瞭地解释了这种现象。笔者试图以地理、遗传、生态三种因素的综合作用来探讨杂种优势现象,提出了生态型杂优学说,并且把它用于农作物育种。通过十余年的努力,设计出了一批新品种在农业生产上推广利用,使这一学说得以初步证实。 展开更多
关键词 作物 良种繁育 杂交育种 生态型杂理论
作者 刘海霞 《未来与发展》 CSSCI 2009年第7期15-18,共4页
关键词 生态意识 整体论自然观 生态社会观 生态优位的科技观 生态生活观
区域生态承载力与可持续发展 被引量:63
作者 李金海 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期76-78,共3页
本文探讨了生态承载力的概念和估测的方法 ,分析了大陆典型生态系统净第一性生产力的背景值 ,研究了确定自然系统最优生态承载力的依据 ,在此基础上 ,提出了提高区域生态承载力 ,实现区域可持续发展基本对策。
关键词 区域生态承载力 净第一性生产力 可持续发展 生态系统 生态承载力 测算方法 自然植被
论我国生态税征收和比较的分析 被引量:1
作者 孙熠 张静 《特区经济》 北大核心 2008年第9期135-136,共2页
本文认为我国目前生态环境破坏严重,应该进行生态补偿,而税收是有效的生态补偿的经济手段。在分析税收的基础上,本文指出了生态税从现行税收体制中单列的技术系统,建立了动态征收生态税的模型和比较不同地区税负水平的方法,最后提出了... 本文认为我国目前生态环境破坏严重,应该进行生态补偿,而税收是有效的生态补偿的经济手段。在分析税收的基础上,本文指出了生态税从现行税收体制中单列的技术系统,建立了动态征收生态税的模型和比较不同地区税负水平的方法,最后提出了我国税制建立的设计原则。 展开更多
关键词 生态补偿 生态 税负水平比较 税制建立原则
作者 盖光 《东岳论丛》 北大核心 2005年第6期162-165,共4页
自然向人生成所表现的主客体的生态性存在是过程性和结构性的统一。主客体的生态关系要求得和谐与平衡,需要人自身主体性的解放,需要将人与自然的关系作为认识、体验主客体生态结构的前提,在自然—社会—精神—文化存在的结构性链条上... 自然向人生成所表现的主客体的生态性存在是过程性和结构性的统一。主客体的生态关系要求得和谐与平衡,需要人自身主体性的解放,需要将人与自然的关系作为认识、体验主客体生态结构的前提,在自然—社会—精神—文化存在的结构性链条上历史与逻辑地把握人,并由此而透视未来世界中全面发展的自由人的生态性优化存在状态。 展开更多
关键词 主客体 生态转换 生态 “间性”主体
基于生态系统服务价值的区域生态补偿研究——以辽宁省为例 被引量:7
作者 张猛 崔海兰 +1 位作者 梁成华 吕久俊 《国土与自然资源研究》 2014年第2期53-55,共3页
对辽宁省各地级市和典型城市县(市)的生态系统服务价值和生态补偿优先级(ECPS)进行了计算,从市和县两个空间尺度分析了辽宁省开展区域生态补偿的优先领域和补偿机制。结果表明:在辽宁省14个地级市中朝阳市应该率先获得生态补偿;对沈阳... 对辽宁省各地级市和典型城市县(市)的生态系统服务价值和生态补偿优先级(ECPS)进行了计算,从市和县两个空间尺度分析了辽宁省开展区域生态补偿的优先领域和补偿机制。结果表明:在辽宁省14个地级市中朝阳市应该率先获得生态补偿;对沈阳、大连、抚顺、朝阳4个典型城市中的各县区进行生态补偿优先级核算,4个城市中市区的补偿优先级均为最低,说明市区是生态系统服务的输入和受益地区,而周围县市的补偿优先级较高,是"生态输出"地区,其中新宾县的生态补偿优先级最高,应优先享受生态补偿。 展开更多
关键词 区域生态补偿 生态系统服务价值 补偿依据 辽宁省
干旱区植被覆盖度的建设阈值分析 被引量:8
作者 游珍 李占斌 +1 位作者 袁琼 杨光荣 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期88-90,共3页
通过对已有的关于植被覆盖度的概念进行分析比较,提出几个新的植被建设覆盖度阈值生态允许覆盖度、生态要求覆盖度和经济允许覆盖度,并给出了它们的计算方法。尤为重要的是,提出了当经济与生态发生矛盾时,最佳覆盖度在不同情况下分别取... 通过对已有的关于植被覆盖度的概念进行分析比较,提出几个新的植被建设覆盖度阈值生态允许覆盖度、生态要求覆盖度和经济允许覆盖度,并给出了它们的计算方法。尤为重要的是,提出了当经济与生态发生矛盾时,最佳覆盖度在不同情况下分别取生态最优解和经济最优解。当生态允许覆盖度小于生态要求覆盖度时,最佳覆盖度为生态允许覆盖度;当生态要求覆盖度大于经济允许覆盖度时,最佳覆盖度为经济最优解;当生态要求覆盖度小于经济允许覆盖度时,最佳覆盖度为生态最优解。最后给出了生态最优解和经济最优解的计算方法。 展开更多
关键词 生态允许覆盖度 生态要求覆盖度 经济允许覆盖度 经济最 生态
Ultimate pit optimization with ecological cost for open pit metal mines 被引量:3
作者 胥孝川 顾晓薇 +2 位作者 王青 刘剑平 王俊 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第5期1531-1537,共7页
The ecological costs of open pit metal mining are quantified, which include lost value of direct eco-services, lost value of indirect eco-services, prevention and restoration costs, and cost of carbon emission from en... The ecological costs of open pit metal mining are quantified, which include lost value of direct eco-services, lost value of indirect eco-services, prevention and restoration costs, and cost of carbon emission from energy consumption. These ecological costs are incorporated in an iterative ultimate pit optimization algorithm. A case study is presented to demonstrate the influence of ecological costs on pit design outcome. The results show that it is possible to internalize ecological costs in mine designs. The pit optimization outcome shifts considerably to the conservative side and the profitability decreases substantially when ecological costs are accounted for. 展开更多
关键词 ultimate pit OPTIMIZATION ecological cost open pit metal mine
Comprehensive ecological risk assessment for heavy metal pollutions in three phases in rivers 被引量:4
作者 张颖 周军 +3 位作者 高凤杰 张宝杰 马彪 李立清 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期3436-3441,共6页
Literature lacked in providing a comprehensive research on heavy metal detection in aquatic, biological and sedimentary states of rivers. The present study was imparted with all these three components of the river. He... Literature lacked in providing a comprehensive research on heavy metal detection in aquatic, biological and sedimentary states of rivers. The present study was imparted with all these three components of the river. Heavy metal toxicity or pollution index was used as a tool for ecological risk assessment by considering the single state studies conducted by many researchers. An intensive ecological risk assessment model was constructed and heavy metals were indicated as a serious threat to the environment. The model was applied to determining five toxic heavy metals in three states of the Songhua River. According to the ecological risk index, heavy metal pollution in three phases was categorized as aquatic〉biological〉sedimentary, while the overall descending order of heavy metal ecological risk index was as Cd〉Hg〉As〉Pb〉Cr. Cd and Hg were selected as the priority pollutants of Songhua River. 展开更多
关键词 comprehensive ecological risk assessment priority pollutants selection heavy metal Songhua River
作者 宋清华 万熠 +2 位作者 艾兴 赵军 刘战强 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2009年第3期184-191,共8页
Considering the self-excited and forced vibrations in high-speed milling processes, a novel method for dynamic optimization of system stability is used to determine the cutting parameters and structural parameters by ... Considering the self-excited and forced vibrations in high-speed milling processes, a novel method for dynamic optimization of system stability is used to determine the cutting parameters and structural parameters by increasing the chatter free material removal rate (CF-MRR) and surface finish. The method is hased on the theory of the chatter stability and the semi-bandwidth of the resonant region. The objective function of the method is material removal rate(MRR),the constraints are chatter stability and surface finish, and the optimizing variables are cutting and structural parameters. The optimization procedure is stated. The method is applied to a milling system and CF-MRR is increased 18.86%. It is shown that the influences of the chatter stability and the resonance are simultaneously considered in the dynamic optimization of the milling system for increasing CF-MRR and the surface finish. 展开更多
关键词 RESONANCE milling (machining) stability dynamic optimization regenerative chatter material removal rate (MRR)
Assessment of Climate for Agricultural Suitability and Optimal Allocation of Agricultural Production in the Guanzhong Region, Shaanxi Province 被引量:2
作者 杨忍 刘彦随 任志远 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2379-2384,2448,共7页
Based on spatial climatic data of agriculture and the experiment data, the models of agro-ecological assessment of climate for agricultural suitability in this study were developed using the fuzzy mathematical method.... Based on spatial climatic data of agriculture and the experiment data, the models of agro-ecological assessment of climate for agricultural suitability in this study were developed using the fuzzy mathematical method. Three coefficients, in- cluding the resource coefficient (Cr), the efficiency coefficient (Ce), and the utility co- efficient (K), were used in the models, which were calculated based on temperature, moisture, and sunshine duration data of Guanzhong region, Shaanxi Province. The results indicated that resource coefficient was higher in west of the region than that in east, and higher in south (especially in the Central Shaanxi Plain) than that in the Weibei plateau. The value of Cr changed from 6.5 to 9.2 from north to plain area. Spatial change of efficiency coefficient was obvious, lower in the northeast than in the central plain, and the value of Ce changed from 2.3 to 6.5 from the northeast to the central plain. As for utility coefficient, it was lower in northeastern part of the Weibei plateau and in southern mountain areas than that in the central plain, showing significant latitudinal zonality. Furthermore, the value of K increased from 0.35 to 0.78 from northeast to the central plain, and decreased from 0.78 to 0.53 from the central plain to southern mountain areas. These indicated that climate resource in the central plain region was more abundant and potential, compared with other regions. GuanZhong region was classified into three larger agricultural zones and three small independent zones, according to agro-ecological assessment. Light, heat and water resources should be made use of in an efficient way in spatial allo- cation of agricultural production. For example, water facilities should also be im- proved in Weibei plateau region where highly-qualified fruit should be enhanced and fruit processing industrial chain should be shaped. Large-scale production area of wheat should be increased in central irrigation region and more vegetable bases should be developed around large and medium-scale cities. Thanks for outstanding water conservation function, the three-dimensional agriculture including medicine and other sideline production should be developed in Qinling Mountains and the special- ized commercial agriculture should be accelerated in independent small zones, ac- cording to local conditions. In the research, different crop varieties were developed in corresponding regions as per current eco-climatic conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Assessment of climate for agricultural suitability Optimal allocation ofagricultural production Guanzhong region
作者 WANG Xue-lei, NING Long-mei, HU Wang-bin(Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430077, P. R. China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第3期272-276,共5页
Wetlands in the Jianghan Plain are important components of wetland types in lake area in the middle and lower reaches the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and they fulfill many uses and functions related to hydrology, waste... Wetlands in the Jianghan Plain are important components of wetland types in lake area in the middle and lower reaches the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and they fulfill many uses and functions related to hydrology, waste assimilation, ecosystem productivity and biodiversity. Owing to natural factors and human activities, especially excessive reclamation from lakes, the shrinking process of the lakes has been accelerated. Wetland ecosystem has shown the characteristics of vulnerability. According to the analysis of wetland ecological function in the Jianghan Plain, this paper presented an index system related to productivity, stability and environmental capacity. By using the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process, we computed the values of the relative weights of the indexes, and evaluated the vulnerability level of the wetland ecosystem by the method of multi-indexes. The case study showed that the fragile extent of wetland ecosystem in the Jianghan Plain is 5.6. This means that the wetland ecosystem in the Jianghan Plain is laid to the state of middle vulnerability. Therefore, the wetland conservation and eco-rehabilitation in the Jianghan Plain should be paid attention to. 展开更多
关键词 WETLAND ecological vulnerability AHP the jianghan plain
Optimization of Land Use Structure Based on Ecological GREEN Equivalent 被引量:7
作者 LIU Yanfang MING Dongping YANG Jianyu 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2002年第4期60-67,共8页
Optimization of land use structure consists of economic and social and ecological optimization.Applying the minds of system engineering and principles of ecology,this paper presents such thoughts:the optimal forest_co... Optimization of land use structure consists of economic and social and ecological optimization.Applying the minds of system engineering and principles of ecology,this paper presents such thoughts:the optimal forest_coverage rate calculated according to the reality of a district is set as main standard of ecological rationality in the district;through considering the value of ecosystem services of the land with GREEN equivalent (mainly cultivated land and grassland)and based on the rule,GREEN equivalent,this paper introduces the area conversion between woodland and cultivated land,also between woodland and grassland;this paper establishes a multi_dimension controlling model of optimization of land use structure.In addition,a multi_objective linear programming model for optimization of land use structure is designed.In the end,this paper tests and verifies this theory of ecological optimization,taking Qionghai city in Hainan Province as an example. 展开更多
关键词 land use structure forest_coverage rate GREEN equivalent value of ecosystem services multi_dimension optimization multi_objective linear programming
Ecological Species Groups and Interspecific Association of Dominant Tree Species in Daiyun Mountain National Nature Reserve 被引量:39
作者 SU Song-jin LIU Jin-fu +3 位作者 HE Zhong-sheng ZHENG Shi-qun HONG Wei XU Dao-wei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期637-646,共10页
Abstract: Research on the ecological species groups and interspecific association of plant species are helpful to discover species coexistence processes and mechanisms, and to more fully understand plant community st... Abstract: Research on the ecological species groups and interspecific association of plant species are helpful to discover species coexistence processes and mechanisms, and to more fully understand plant community structure, function, and its taxonomy. However, little is known about the ecological species groups (ESG) and the interspecific association of dominant species in Daiyun Mountain National Nature Reserve of Fujian Province, China. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to explore the ESG using maximal tree, and to analyze interspecific associations of 32 dominant species selected from lo2 sample plots using the chi-square test. The results show that: (1) 32 dominant species have a significant overall positive interspecific association, which indicates that the natural forest in Daiyun Mountain National Nature Reserve is stable, (a) The species pairs with weak associations, non-associations and positive associations account for lo.88%, 29.64% and 59.48% of the total 496 species pairs respectively, which suggests that the population distributions of the dominant species investigated are relatively independent, (3) The following species pairs may be useful for practical application, 〈Pinus taiwanensis, Rhododendron farrerae〉, 〈Castanopsis carlesii, Altingia chinensis〉, 〈C. carlesii, Castanopsis fargesii〉, 〈Castanopsis eyrei, C. fargesii〉, 〈P. taiwanensis, Fagus lucida〉 , 〈Machilus thunbergii, Castanopsis nigrescens〉, and (4) The results of clustering analysis based on the maximal tree method indicates that the 32 dominant species can be divided into 3 ESGs when A at o.6o, that is ESG I {Pinus massoniana, Cunning hamia lanceolata}, ESG II {P. taiwanensis, R. farrerae, Enkianthus quinqueflorus}, ESG III {C. carlesii, A. chinensis, C. eyrei, Castanopsis fabri, C. fargesii, Schima superba, Machilus thunbergii, Rhododendron latoueheae}. The results may be used for the selection of afforestation tree species in South China Forest Areas and guide the natural management of plantations. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological Species Groups InterspecificAssociation Daiyun Mountain National NatureReserve Maximal Tree
Environmental Risks in China and Their Countermeasures
作者 夏光 《China Economist》 2015年第4期4-21,共18页
The 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020) is a crucial period for environmental protection in China and represents the last chance for the achievement of the environmental objective under the goal of building a wel... The 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020) is a crucial period for environmental protection in China and represents the last chance for the achievement of the environmental objective under the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round manner. During this period of time, China' s environment is confronted with the following major risks: risks of environmental quality, human health, ecological security, balanced regional development and international influence. The overall conclusion is that the tendencies of changing eco-environment are complex, problems remain outstanding, and some risks have abated while others have intensified with possible improvements in the future. Future prospects mainly depend on the intensity of actions taken. It is suggested that environmental protection strategy of"overall optimization" be adopted for the 13th Five-year Plan period, i.e. environmental protection requirements should be incorporated into political, economic, social and cultural spheres, so that these areas with major influence on the natural environment will improve and transform towards an environmentally friendly direction and ultimately help achieve the objective of improving eco-environment and people's welfare. In order to fundamentally reverse mainstream understanding on environmental protection, it is suggested to define the "contradiction between environmental pressures arising from growing economic development and China ' s limited and fragile environmental capacity" as a major contradiction of Chinese society. 展开更多
关键词 China ecological environment RISK environmental protection strategy overall optimization major contradiction of Chinese society
Niches of dominant fish in the waters surrounding the Taishan Islands, China 被引量:2
作者 杨璐 陈杰 +5 位作者 杨圣云 钟慧琪 鞠培龙 杨顺良 孙芹芹 陈明茹 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期697-708,共12页
An index of relative importance(IRI) was employed to screen for dominant fish in the waters surrounding the Taishan Islands, China, using data from four seasonal trawl surveys undertaken between 2012 and 2013. Niche b... An index of relative importance(IRI) was employed to screen for dominant fish in the waters surrounding the Taishan Islands, China, using data from four seasonal trawl surveys undertaken between 2012 and 2013. Niche breadth and niche overlap were measured using the Feinsinger and Morisita-Horn indices, respectively, and the characteristics and seasonal variations in the niches of dominant fish were assessed via non-metric multidimensional scaling(NMDS) and cluster analysis. A total of 80 fish species, including 16 dominant species, were recorded. Only A mblychaeturichthys hexanema was dominant in all seasons. According to niche breadth values and NMDS, the 16 dominant species were grouped into the following three types:(1) wide niche breadth species, including Cynoglossus macrolepidotus, A. hexanema, and Trypauchen vagina, among others;(2) medium niche breadth species, including Setipinna taty and Johnius belangerii; and(3) narrow niche breadth species, including A trobucca nibe and Coilia mystus. Most species with a wider niche breadth were demersal fish with a lower swimming capability and even distribution. The niche breadth of migrating fish was narrower than that of settled fish. At a given spatial scale, fish with stronger swimming capabilities had a narrower niche breadth. Niche overlap, which is associated with niche specialization, ranged from 0.000 to 0.886 and had an annual mean value of 0.314. In summer and autumn, niche overlap was relatively high within species of the Sciaenidae family and within species of the Gobiidae in autumn. Dif ferences in thermophily, feeding habits, food organism abundance/distribution and predator-prey relationships af fected the niche overlap of fish in this area. Cluster analysis revealed that species with the narrowest niche breadth and lowest niche overlap values usually displayed lower aggregation and greater distribution dif ferences compared with other species. 展开更多
关键词 Taishan Islands dominant fish niche breadth niche overlap niche specialization
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