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工业园区废弃物交易生态协作激励机制 被引量:2
作者 黄训江 晋琳琳 《技术经济》 CSSCI 2014年第6期59-66,共8页
在分析工业园区废弃物交易存在资产专用性和不确定性等问题的基础上,通过构建园区废弃物交易生态协作收益模型,分别探讨了社会最优条件下、单期交易条件下和关系契约条件下有助于废弃物交易双方生态协作的最优激励机制安排。研究结果表... 在分析工业园区废弃物交易存在资产专用性和不确定性等问题的基础上,通过构建园区废弃物交易生态协作收益模型,分别探讨了社会最优条件下、单期交易条件下和关系契约条件下有助于废弃物交易双方生态协作的最优激励机制安排。研究结果表明:资产专用性和不确定性等导致单期交易下生态协作存在效率损失,此时根据生产效率分配协作租金可最大程度地减少生态协作效率损失;关系契约推动了生态协作效率的提升,利用企业可通过隐藏废弃物在利用环节的价值增值信息以及调节奖励支付规则等获得社会最优条件下的生态协作收益;废弃物交易双方越关注未来的预期收益,废弃物交易中的协作程度越高,废弃物交易双方获取的生态协作收益就越大;废弃物再利用的成本越高,越需要交易双方进行长期协作,越需要对园区进行政策干预。 展开更多
关键词 工业园区 废弃物交易 生态协作 关系契约 资产专用性
关于建立河西经济—社会—生态协作区的构想 被引量:2
作者 石玉亭 《河西学院学报》 2003年第1期1-4,共4页
实施西部大开发是党中央、国务院做出的重要的发展战略、决策,也是今后全面建设小康社会的重要举措。在河西走廊建立经济、社会、生态协作区对推动西部大开发战略的实施具有主要的作用。本文比较充分地论证了关于建立经济、社会、生态... 实施西部大开发是党中央、国务院做出的重要的发展战略、决策,也是今后全面建设小康社会的重要举措。在河西走廊建立经济、社会、生态协作区对推动西部大开发战略的实施具有主要的作用。本文比较充分地论证了关于建立经济、社会、生态协作区的意义、可能性和具体的构想建议。 展开更多
关键词 河西 经济 社会 生态协作区 构想
作者 陈士宏 《世纪桥》 2015年第10期45-46,共2页
国家"一带一路"建设的提出与实施,为龙江新一轮大发展迎来了机遇和挑战。抓住机遇,发挥"龙江丝路带"的引擎作用,统筹实施"五大发展规划",必须要高度重视我省生态协作机制的建设;迎接挑战,必须发挥政府的... 国家"一带一路"建设的提出与实施,为龙江新一轮大发展迎来了机遇和挑战。抓住机遇,发挥"龙江丝路带"的引擎作用,统筹实施"五大发展规划",必须要高度重视我省生态协作机制的建设;迎接挑战,必须发挥政府的主导作用,从建立统一的生态文明建设协作机构、功能区规划建设协作、生态法制建设协作、生态价值转换协作、生态经济文化协作等多方面入手,构建和完善区域生态协作机制,彰显和释放生态生产力的实惠和红利,造福龙江人民。 展开更多
关键词 生态协作机制 生态文明 思考
作者 曾睿 何伦凤 《长春理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第1期62-67,共6页
流域作为生态治理中的重点对象,在司法认定、生态正义、成本节约角度展开司法协作都有其必要性,以长江流域展开的生态司法协作工作已经取得一定成效。福建省作为全国首个生态文明先行示范区,应在流域生态治理中发挥示范作用。然而,在实... 流域作为生态治理中的重点对象,在司法认定、生态正义、成本节约角度展开司法协作都有其必要性,以长江流域展开的生态司法协作工作已经取得一定成效。福建省作为全国首个生态文明先行示范区,应在流域生态治理中发挥示范作用。然而,在实践中却存在流域生态司法顶层规范缺失、参与主体受限、内涵界定不全、衔接配合不畅、监管力度不足等现实困境,需要从协作支撑、主体、内容、衔接、监管等方向寻找完善路径,进而改善九龙江流域污染现状。 展开更多
关键词 九龙江 流域污染 生态司法协作 流域治理
作者 何薇薇 《贵州工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第1期16-17,28,共3页
关键词 生态经济 生态保护协作 泛珠三角
武陵山区生态旅游区域协作研究 被引量:6
作者 张秋芳 张旺 《国土与自然资源研究》 2014年第5期81-85,共5页
开展生态旅游的区域协作是实现区域可持续发展的有效途径之一。文章以武陵山区为研究对象,基于其不便的交通区位、脆弱的生态条件、低下的积蓄能力、分治的行政区域和模糊的协作意识,论述了大武陵生态旅游协作区合作的动力机制、合作基... 开展生态旅游的区域协作是实现区域可持续发展的有效途径之一。文章以武陵山区为研究对象,基于其不便的交通区位、脆弱的生态条件、低下的积蓄能力、分治的行政区域和模糊的协作意识,论述了大武陵生态旅游协作区合作的动力机制、合作基础、合作途径和合作要点,重点探讨了生态旅游协作的模式和组织架构,以及"一极、一轴线、三条辐射带、三个关联地区"的空间发展格局,旨在树立武陵山区的生态旅游整体形象,打造区域生态旅游品牌,延伸生态旅游产业链条,增强生态旅游辐射能力和带动效应。 展开更多
关键词 生态旅游 区域协作 大武陵生态旅游协作区
旅游地“三生”空间格局演变特征及影响因素——以浙皖闽赣生态旅游协作区为例 被引量:2
作者 郭雨云 杨兴柱 +1 位作者 朱跃 郑义刚 《安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2022年第3期267-277,共11页
以浙皖闽赣生态旅游协作区为例,以县域行政单元为研究尺度,利用2000年、2018年两期土地利用数据来分析该区“三生”空间格局演变特征,运用空间计量回归分析方法剖析其影响因素。结果表明:(1)2000—2018年间,该区域“三生”空间整体呈现... 以浙皖闽赣生态旅游协作区为例,以县域行政单元为研究尺度,利用2000年、2018年两期土地利用数据来分析该区“三生”空间格局演变特征,运用空间计量回归分析方法剖析其影响因素。结果表明:(1)2000—2018年间,该区域“三生”空间整体呈现出“南整北散”的分布格局。生产空间,沿江环山分布,带状延伸;生活空间,“大分散,小聚集”,点状辐射扩张;生态空间,成片分布,大范围小面积缩减。(2)从转移矩阵来看,2000—2018年间该区整体上呈现“生产空间和生态空间转出、生活空间转入”的趋势,但在空间分布上存在较大差异,生产生态空间转化为生活空间的区域主要集中在地理位置条件较好的河流湖泊沿岸和经济较发达地区,而生产空间和生态空间发生转型的区域大范围分布于各个地区,只有小部分高海拔、经济欠发达地区“三生”空间转型不明显。(3)通过对影响因素进行定量分析发现,“三生”空间时空演变是多种自然环境和社会经济因素共同作用的结果,其中区位交通和社会经济条件对其影响尤为显著。 展开更多
关键词 三生空间 空间格局演变 空间计量模型 生态旅游协作区
作者 赵心依 王亚峰 《现代工业经济和信息化》 2023年第11期306-309,312,共5页
分析了华为“军团模式”的背景、历史、特点、实施以及效果,并从企业创新的一般理论以及创新模式的角度分析了“军团模式”的创新性。结果表明,“军团”这种生态协作创新模式具有标准化、生态化和协同创新的特点,是一种组织无边界但是... 分析了华为“军团模式”的背景、历史、特点、实施以及效果,并从企业创新的一般理论以及创新模式的角度分析了“军团模式”的创新性。结果表明,“军团”这种生态协作创新模式具有标准化、生态化和协同创新的特点,是一种组织无边界但是业务有边界的创新,对于具备核心能力的企业,可以带领产业共同进步,具备一定的泛化能力。 展开更多
关键词 “军团模式” 生态协作创新 边界 泛化
协作式生态更新——采用适应性工具包重塑生态基础设施并以北京市实践为例 被引量:1
作者 张驰 《景观设计学(中英文)》 CSCD 2023年第5期60-76,共17页
在全球可持续生态城市建设浪潮中,北京以“和谐宜居之都”为目标,基于生态安全格局制定《北京城市总体规划(2016—2035)》,并在中心城区实施了一系列生态基础设施改造项目。本研究基于生态都市主义理论,指出这些城市更新实践是联系城市... 在全球可持续生态城市建设浪潮中,北京以“和谐宜居之都”为目标,基于生态安全格局制定《北京城市总体规划(2016—2035)》,并在中心城区实施了一系列生态基础设施改造项目。本研究基于生态都市主义理论,指出这些城市更新实践是联系城市绿色愿景与个人日常行为的关键。本文构建了一个包含环境生态、社会生态和心理生态三个维度的理论框架,并设定了生态更新实践的三重评价要点:修复生态基础设施、激活社区、重建社会-环境共生关系。本文据此评估北京首钢工业遗址公园项目的城市更新过程,发现其中有机会构建景观与公众参与活动、市民环保行动的关联。本文提出改进的实践模式——“协作式生态更新”,强调结合中尺度景观更新与市民参与,并提供包含三个维度上设计策略的适应性工具包,在修复中小尺度生态基础设施的同时,可形成包容性社会协作平台并提升个人环境意识。其中的关键工具“城市原型”既能联系不同维度上的策略,又可将实践经验概念化,进而应用于构建新策略。作为示范,本文将之应用于北京中心城区实践,展示出这种新的实践模式的开放式城市更新过程,在适应不同城市条件与利益相关者需求的过程中形成新的城市原型,可有助于逐步构建北京的绿色未来。 展开更多
关键词 城市更新 生态基础设施 协作式生态更新 包容性社会协作 社会-环境共生关系 城市原型 公众参与 首钢工业遗址公园
Trade-offs and Synergies of Ecosystem Services in the Taihu Lake Ba- sin of China 被引量:6
作者 QIAO Xuning GU Yangyang +3 位作者 ZOU Changxin WANG Lei LUO Juhua HUANG Xianfeng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第1期86-99,共14页
Understanding the spatial interactions among multiple ecosystem services is crucial for ecosystem services management. Ecosystem services, including crop production, freshwater supply, aquatic production, net primary ... Understanding the spatial interactions among multiple ecosystem services is crucial for ecosystem services management. Ecosystem services, including crop production, freshwater supply, aquatic production, net primary production, soil conservation, water conservation, flood regulation, forest recreation, were measured at 1-km grid scale covering the Taihu Lake Basin(TLB) of China. Our objective is to get a comprehensive understanding of the spatial distributions, trade-offs, synergies of multiple ecosystem services across the TLB. Our results found that: 1) majority of ecosystem services were clustered in space and had a similar spatial distribution pattern with the geographical resource endowment. Most of the landscape contributed a high supply of no services, one or two, and a low supply of three to seven services. 2) There were high correlation between forest recreation and freshwater supply and regulating services. Aquatic production had low correlation with other services. 3) The changes of provisioning services led to trade-offs between regulating services and cultural services in the TLB, while synergies mainly occurred among the provisioning service. 4) The spatial relationships of multiple services are consistent at 1-km spatial scale, counties and provinces. This research could help integrate multiple ecosystem services across scales and serve as a reference for decision making. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem services spatial pattern Principal Component Analysis trade-offs SYNERGIES Taihu Lake Basin (TLB)
生态服务交易视角下的我国生态补偿制度建设 被引量:9
作者 冯俏彬 雷雨恒 《财政研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第7期11-14,共4页
近年来,我国环境污染不断加剧,生态系统遭到严重破坏,经济社会可持续发展与资源生态环境之间的矛盾十分突出。本文回顾了生态补偿制度在实践层面的运作情况,认为应当在生态补偿制度建设中引入生态服务交易的理念,着力在生态补偿制度中... 近年来,我国环境污染不断加剧,生态系统遭到严重破坏,经济社会可持续发展与资源生态环境之间的矛盾十分突出。本文回顾了生态补偿制度在实践层面的运作情况,认为应当在生态补偿制度建设中引入生态服务交易的理念,着力在生态补偿制度中引入市场机制,促进形成中央财政支出、区域间横向生态补偿和市场交易"三位一体"的生态补偿制度,以此提高生态补偿的制度效率,应对当前突出的环境与生态方面的区域间协作问题。文章进一步分析了国外若干生态补偿案例的典型做法,并提出了完善我国生态补偿制度的若干建议。 展开更多
关键词 生态补偿 生态服务付费 生态协作交易机制
“We are all in the same boat”-ISEE leaders’ trip to China
《Ecological Economy》 2007年第3期F0002-F0002,共1页
The motto of Tongji University, whose name literally means "we are all in the same boat, and must work together to reach common goals", describes the harvest of ISEE leaders' mission to China in May 2007. ISEE Pres... The motto of Tongji University, whose name literally means "we are all in the same boat, and must work together to reach common goals", describes the harvest of ISEE leaders' mission to China in May 2007. ISEE President Joan Martinez-Alier, President-Elect Peter May and the society's founder and first President, Robert Costanza as well as ISEE member Robert Ayres, participated in a series of events and meetings in Shanghai and Beijing with a view to build institutional collaboration. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable Development institutional collaboration collaborative venture ecological ecnomic
Collaboration mechanism of intercity emergency rescue ecosystem
作者 Jiang Yiping Zhao Lindu 《Ecological Economy》 2009年第2期132-143,共12页
With the development of metropolitan regions and the appearance of urban agglomerations, cities have been more closely related. For the restricted emergency rescue resource in a single city, it has become more and mor... With the development of metropolitan regions and the appearance of urban agglomerations, cities have been more closely related. For the restricted emergency rescue resource in a single city, it has become more and more imminent for the demand of the intercity collaborative resistance to major accident, so as to improve the protection capacity of urban security. In order to find an effective intercity, emergency rescue collaborative system, this paper introduces the concept and analysis method of ecosystem theory into intercity emergency, rescue. Based on the analysis of the formation-process of emergency rescue individual, population and community: a throe-level intercity emergency rescue collaborative system is constructed according to the characteristics of dynamics and structure of intercity emergency rescue ecosystem then the collaboration mechanism of information, resource and process in the interceity emergency rescue ecosystem is also studied in this paper; so as to offer available strategy and method for the ecosystem theory applied to intercity, emergency rescue. Through the studies of intereity emergency rescue ecosystem. it illuminates that the proposed emergency system can not Only cope with the major accident more timely and effectively but also integrate the intercity information resources and emergency rescue resource and process optimization. 展开更多
关键词 Major accident Emergency rescue ECOSYSTEM Collaboration system
作者 许勤 罗荣淮 《绿色中国(理论版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第09M期24-24,共1页
关键词 “中国云南省多部门协作与地方参与生态系统生物多样性保护项目” YUEP 多边国际合作 可持续发展 自然保护区
作者 谭珂 《当代电视》 CSSCI 2020年第4期107-109,共3页
关键词 芒果生态 生态进化 生态平衡 生态协作
作者 陈瑜 陈衍泰 《清华管理评论》 2022年第10期45-52,共8页
本文运用动态能力理论,分析了人工智能代表性企业科大讯飞的创新生态系统构建过程,以及动态能力对其生态系统的赋能,进而发现:洞察市场机会、筛选生态伙伴、达成价值共识、提升生态协作、重塑资源和组织,这五种动态能力能够有效构筑生... 本文运用动态能力理论,分析了人工智能代表性企业科大讯飞的创新生态系统构建过程,以及动态能力对其生态系统的赋能,进而发现:洞察市场机会、筛选生态伙伴、达成价值共识、提升生态协作、重塑资源和组织,这五种动态能力能够有效构筑生态系统,提升人工智能企业持续创新的能力。 展开更多
关键词 动态能力 创新生态系统 人工智能 企业持续创新 生态系统构建 价值共识 科大讯飞 生态协作
Influence Factors and Development Model of Regional Ecotourism Cooperation in China 被引量:2
作者 虞虎 钟林生 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2017年第5期478-484,共7页
Regional ecotourism cooperation provides an institutional guarantee that brings together ecological resources development, protection of natural ecologies and regional economic growth, and also is one of the keys to i... Regional ecotourism cooperation provides an institutional guarantee that brings together ecological resources development, protection of natural ecologies and regional economic growth, and also is one of the keys to improve the level of China's ecotourism development. China's administrative regions are divided by large areas of natural geography, such as vast tracts of land, mountainous areas and bodies of water. Given the structure of China's administrative system, administrative areas make independent and uncoordinated decisions concerning the use of ecological resources, resulting in low-level ecotourism products and redundant construction projects undertaken by local governments, limiting the further improvement of China's ecotourism level. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a spatial system and a model of regional ecotourism cooperation in line with China's national conditions. This paper adopts an inductive deductive method analyze systematically the connotations and obstacles of China's regional ecotourism cooperation, and proposes space development and cooperative model. Research shows that the inescapable choice is cross-regional ecotourism cooperation based on natural zonality, cultural similarity, coordinated regional economic development and policy integration. The key existing obstacles include administrative barriers, lack of motivation to cooperate and loose cooperation patterns. Future regional ecotourism cooperation should define the thematic function area, cooperation zones, scenic roads and ecotourist routes, to establish the cross-regional integration development system and realize systematic optimization. This study is of theoretical value for the development of regional ecotourism cooperation and the construction of spatial systems in China. 展开更多
关键词 cross-regional ecotourism cooperation influence factors development model China
Dominance network structure across reproductive contexts in the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher 被引量:4
作者 Cody J. DEY Q.Y. Joanne TAN +3 位作者 Constance M. O'CONNOR Adam R. REDDON J. Ryan CALDWELL Sigal BALSHINE 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期45-54,共10页
While a large number of studies have described animal social networks, we have a poor understanding of how these networks vary with ecological and social conditions. For example, reproductive periods are an important ... While a large number of studies have described animal social networks, we have a poor understanding of how these networks vary with ecological and social conditions. For example, reproductive periods are an important life-history stage that may involve changes in dominance relationships among individuals, yet no study to date has compared social networks of do- minance interactions (i.e. dominance networks) across reproductive contexts. We first analyzed a long-term dataset on captive so- cial groups of the cooperatively breeding cichlid Neolamprologuspulcher, and found that eviction events were significantly more common around reproduction than expected by chance. Next, we compared the structure of dominance networks during early pa- rental care and non-reproductive periods, using one of the first applications of exponential random graph models in behavioral biology. Contrary to our predictions, we found that dominance networks showed few changes between early parental care and non-reproductive periods. We found no evidence that dominance interactions became more skewed towards larger individuals, became more frequent between similar-sized individuals, or became more biased towards a particular sex during parental care. However, we did find that there were relatively more dominance interactions between opposite-sex dyads in the early parental care period, which may be a by-product of increased sexual interactions during this time. This is the first study in behavioral ecology to compare social networks using exponential random graph modeling, and demonstrates a powerful analytical framework for future studies in the field [Current Zoology 61 (1): 45-54, 2015]. 展开更多
关键词 Social network AGGRESSION Submissive HIERARCHY Parental care P* model
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