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内蒙古农村牧区贫困的自然生态原因及对策 被引量:3
作者 天莹 刘爱军 《内蒙古草业》 1999年第4期30-34,共5页
本文在对造成我区农村牧区贫困的自然生态原因分析的基础上, 提出了加强贫困地区生态建设的对策。
关键词 农村牧区 贫困 自然生态原因 对策 内蒙古 生态建设
作者 邱泽森 倪玉峰 金建松 《中国稻米》 1996年第3期27-28,共2页
关键词 旱育秧 死苗 生态原因 防治 水稻 生理原因 类型
论商前期定都郑州的生态原因 被引量:1
作者 徐岩 《郑州航空工业管理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第2期76-77,122,共3页
关键词 郑州商城 生态原因 都城文化
作者 薛娗娗 《凯里学院学报》 2021年第4期61-66,共6页
在《生态帝国主义》一书中,克罗斯比借助生态学相关理论,分析人类历史演变的动因。在他看来,人类文明的诞生、演进与衰亡,不仅是人类自身的伟大创造,同时还受制于各种生态要素的影响。从克罗斯比的理论出发,反观明中叶后大明疆域内的生... 在《生态帝国主义》一书中,克罗斯比借助生态学相关理论,分析人类历史演变的动因。在他看来,人类文明的诞生、演进与衰亡,不仅是人类自身的伟大创造,同时还受制于各种生态要素的影响。从克罗斯比的理论出发,反观明中叶后大明疆域内的生态环境结构及其运作,可以发现生态环境及其变迁是导致明朝衰亡的重要原因。大明衰亡背后的生态因素,正是当代人反思、建构和维护新时代人与自然和谐关系的催化剂。 展开更多
关键词 生态帝国主义》 明朝衰亡 生态原因
试论郑州商都废弃的生态原因 被引量:1
作者 徐岩 《中原文物》 北大核心 2009年第4期49-51,共3页
关键词 郑州商都 生态环境 生态原因 水患 矿藏不足
河流生态功能退化原因及修复措施分析 被引量:4
作者 许珍 陈进 殷大聪 《人民珠江》 2016年第6期16-19,共4页
关键词 河流生态退化原因 污染源控制 水体水质净化 生境修复 管理措施
作者 张卫东 王家进 《太原大学学报》 2006年第1期9-11,共3页
明清晋商兴衰的生态学原因主要有:生态环境与生态定位之关系,区域生态定位与集群发展之关系,基因遗传与扬弃创新之关系,生态寿命与组织进化之关系四个方面。如何传承明清晋商文化优秀成果,激发21世纪新晋商雄风,必需处理好这四个关系,... 明清晋商兴衰的生态学原因主要有:生态环境与生态定位之关系,区域生态定位与集群发展之关系,基因遗传与扬弃创新之关系,生态寿命与组织进化之关系四个方面。如何传承明清晋商文化优秀成果,激发21世纪新晋商雄风,必需处理好这四个关系,解决好这四个问题。 展开更多
关键词 晋商兴衰 新晋商崛起 生态原因
中国传统政治文明绵延的社会生态因由 被引量:1
作者 唐锐 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2007年第2期86-89,共4页
中国传统政治文明的绵延是传统中国特定社会生态环境因子直接作用的结果。长期绵延发展的自然经济为中国传统政治文明的发展奠定坚实的经济基础;超稳定的以宗法关系为基础、家庭本位的社会结构,确保政治系统的稳定发展;高度集权的以官... 中国传统政治文明的绵延是传统中国特定社会生态环境因子直接作用的结果。长期绵延发展的自然经济为中国传统政治文明的发展奠定坚实的经济基础;超稳定的以宗法关系为基础、家庭本位的社会结构,确保政治系统的稳定发展;高度集权的以官僚为支撑的君主专制政体,促进官僚统治的长久维持;以儒家学说为核心的臣属型政治文化则为传统中国传统政治文明提供权力合法性基础和价值理念。 展开更多
关键词 中国传统政治文明 长期绵延 社会生态原因
作者 闫俊玲 《文教资料》 2015年第32期17-18,共2页
希尔顿的《消失的地平线》不仅为英语语言创造了香格里拉(Shangri-La)这一名词,其实和中国陶渊明的世外桃源也是同义词。更重要的是他为读者描述了一个和谐、安静、祥和、舒适的人生乐园。本文通过对战争带给人类和环境的巨大危害和... 希尔顿的《消失的地平线》不仅为英语语言创造了香格里拉(Shangri-La)这一名词,其实和中国陶渊明的世外桃源也是同义词。更重要的是他为读者描述了一个和谐、安静、祥和、舒适的人生乐园。本文通过对战争带给人类和环境的巨大危害和人性贪婪对自然环境的破坏进行分析,呼吁人类应该承担起对自然的责任,呼吁新世纪人类对环境保护的重视。 展开更多
关键词 《消失的地平线》 生态危机的产生原因 生态意识的萌起
论于田县克里雅河下游绿色走廊及沙漠绿州——达里雅布依乡的生态环境问题 被引量:2
作者 西尔艾力.买买提明 《资源节约与环保》 2014年第1期158-158,共1页
达里雅布依乡位于克里雅河下游冲积平原的达里雅布依绿洲,是塔里木盆地塔克拉玛干沙漠中间的一个很有独特的自然绿洲,由于达里亚布依乡位于沙漠腹地,交通不发达,当地的1300多居民基本上过着封闭式原始生活,基本上与外界隔绝,因人口的不... 达里雅布依乡位于克里雅河下游冲积平原的达里雅布依绿洲,是塔里木盆地塔克拉玛干沙漠中间的一个很有独特的自然绿洲,由于达里亚布依乡位于沙漠腹地,交通不发达,当地的1300多居民基本上过着封闭式原始生活,基本上与外界隔绝,因人口的不断增长与过量放牧,沙漠边缘植被破坏严重,此绿洲的生态环境不断恶化,本文具体谈达里雅布依乡自然环境概况、生态环境的恶劣及防治对策和建议。 展开更多
关键词 达里亚布依乡 克里雅河 生态环境问题及原因 对策
帕米尔高原塔吉克族的迁徙与生活适应调查研究 被引量:3
作者 刘明 孙岿 《新疆社会科学》 CSSCI 2012年第3期56-62,共7页
文章在对当代帕米尔高原塔吉克人移民搬迁的选址、批次及数量进行调研和统计的基础上,对塔吉克阿巴提镇的经济生活、社会生活等方面进行分析和论述,试图将塔吉克人搬迁后的生活场景给予客观描述,从而理解其在社会环境发生改变后,生活文... 文章在对当代帕米尔高原塔吉克人移民搬迁的选址、批次及数量进行调研和统计的基础上,对塔吉克阿巴提镇的经济生活、社会生活等方面进行分析和论述,试图将塔吉克人搬迁后的生活场景给予客观描述,从而理解其在社会环境发生改变后,生活文化方面的适应情况。 展开更多
关键词 塔吉克族 迁徙 生活适应 生态原因 社会原因
作者 韩永荣 《水利经济》 2004年第5期55-57,共3页
阐述青海省水资源形势,针对降水量稀少、草原面积退化、水资源供需矛盾突出、冰川湖泊湿地萎缩、水土流失不断加剧、土地退化问题日趋严重、河流水质呈急剧恶化态势、天然植物或植被逐渐萎缩等问题,分析、研究生成原因和发展演变态势,... 阐述青海省水资源形势,针对降水量稀少、草原面积退化、水资源供需矛盾突出、冰川湖泊湿地萎缩、水土流失不断加剧、土地退化问题日趋严重、河流水质呈急剧恶化态势、天然植物或植被逐渐萎缩等问题,分析、研究生成原因和发展演变态势,并提出应对措施、对策和发展思路。 展开更多
关键词 水环境恶化 生态原因 对策研究
作者 程维 《西昌学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第2期89-93,共5页
《史记》中有"五月生子不举"的记载,古今注者往往困惑于此,或者避而不谈。经过广泛调查和仔细分析,我们发现"五月生子不举"的习俗的产生有其复杂的原因,不但有现实的环境的原因,比如气候暑热、虫疫流行等,也有民间... 《史记》中有"五月生子不举"的记载,古今注者往往困惑于此,或者避而不谈。经过广泛调查和仔细分析,我们发现"五月生子不举"的习俗的产生有其复杂的原因,不但有现实的环境的原因,比如气候暑热、虫疫流行等,也有民间积累下来的观念因素,比如认为五月子命硬、不祥和忤逆等。 展开更多
关键词 五月生子 不举 生态原因 文化因素
作者 林伟生 鲁凯 《环境》 2005年第8期78-83,78,共6页
悉尼大学的一个叫罗兰·弗莱彻的考古学家在确认吴哥实际上是一座面积达1000多平方公里的大都会时,提出了一个特别的观点:吴哥的灭亡是由生态原因造成的,包括过度砍伐和干扰城市周围的水道。弗莱彻的结论推翻了有关这座城市衰落原... 悉尼大学的一个叫罗兰·弗莱彻的考古学家在确认吴哥实际上是一座面积达1000多平方公里的大都会时,提出了一个特别的观点:吴哥的灭亡是由生态原因造成的,包括过度砍伐和干扰城市周围的水道。弗莱彻的结论推翻了有关这座城市衰落原因的传统观点,甚至还蕴含着关于湄公河流域未来发展的警告。 展开更多
关键词 吴哥遗址 大都会 生态原因 洞里萨湖 柬埔寨 原始森林
作者 陈云卿 《管理观察》 1997年第6期12-12,共1页
关键词 人类生存 环境 技术规范 保护系统 行政法 生态原因 生态困境 保护对象 经济原因 生态
Phylogeny of subclass Scuticociliatia(Protozoa,Ciliophora) using combined data inferred from genetic,morphological,and morphogenetic evidence
作者 伊珍珍 王艳刚 +2 位作者 林晓凤 Khaled A.S.AL-RASHEID 宋微波 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期778-784,共7页
Gene sequence-based genealogies of scuticociliates are different from those produced by morphological analyses.For this reason,11 representative scuticociliates and two ambiguously related genera were chosen to test t... Gene sequence-based genealogies of scuticociliates are different from those produced by morphological analyses.For this reason,11 representative scuticociliates and two ambiguously related genera were chosen to test the ability of combined phylogenetic analyses using both gene sequences and morphological/morphogenetic characteristics.Analyses of both the SSrRNA gene sequences and the combined datasets revealed a consistent branching pattern.While the terminal branches and the order level relationships were generally well resolved,the family level relationships remain unresolved.However,two other trees based on ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region sequences and morphological/morphogenetic characters showed limited information,due to a lack of informative sites in these two datasets.Our data suggest,however,that the combined analysis of morphological/morphogenetic characters and gene sequences did produce some changes to the phylogenetic estimates of this group. 展开更多
关键词 CILIOPHORA Scuticociliatia phylogenetic analyses combined data
作者 李心婳 沈林 《中国林业》 2012年第10期57-57,共1页
党的十七大报告明确提出了建设生态文明的战略举措,作为生活在知识经济时代的大学生,肩负着社会主义现代 化事业的建设重任,他们的生态文明素质和观念直接影响着经济 社会可持续发展的进程。 一 、大学生生态文明素质现状及原因分... 党的十七大报告明确提出了建设生态文明的战略举措,作为生活在知识经济时代的大学生,肩负着社会主义现代 化事业的建设重任,他们的生态文明素质和观念直接影响着经济 社会可持续发展的进程。 一 、大学生生态文明素质现状及原因分析 不容忽视的是,大学生对生态保护的理解和认识并不深刻,在一些知识性 常识性的问题上还有所欠缺,对重大生态问题存在冷漠意识 大学生中生态责任意识淡薄,"知行背离"现象严重,生态道德失范的案例时有发生。综合分析,出现这些现象,主要有以下几方面原因: 展开更多
关键词 化事业的建设重任 他们的生态文明素质和观念直接影响着经济 社会可持续发展的进程. 大学生生态文明素质现状及原因分析 不容忽视的是 大学生对生态保护的理解和认识并不深刻 在一些知识性 常识性的问题上还有所欠缺 对重大生态问题存在冷漠意识 大学生中生态责任意识淡薄 “知行背离”现象严重 生态道德失范的案例时有发生.综合分析 出现这些现象 主要有以下几方面原因:
Causes and consequences of the Cambrian explosion 被引量:22
作者 ZHANG XingLiang SHU DeGan 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期930-942,共13页
The Cambrian explosion has long been a basic research frontier that concerns many scientific fields. Here we discuss the cause-effect links of the Cambrian explosion on the basis of first appearances of animal phyla i... The Cambrian explosion has long been a basic research frontier that concerns many scientific fields. Here we discuss the cause-effect links of the Cambrian explosion on the basis of first appearances of animal phyla in the fossil record, divergence time, environmental changes, Gene Regulatory Networks, and ecological feedbacks. The first appearances of phyla in the fos- sil record are obviously diachronous but relatively abrupt, concentrated in the first three stages of the Cambrian period (541- 514 Ma). The actual divergence time may be deep or shallow. Since the gene regulatory networks (GRNs) that control the de- velopment of metazoans were in place before the divergence, the establishment of GRNs is necessary but insufficient for the Cambrian explosion. Thus the Cambrian explosion required environmental triggers. Nutrient availability, oxygenation, and change of seawater composition were potential environmental triggers. The nutrient input, e.g., the phosphorus enrichment in the environment, would cause excess primary production, but it is not directly linked with diversity or disparity. Further in- crease of oxygen level and change of seawater composition during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition were probably crucial environmental factors that caused the Cambrian explosion, but more detailed geochemical data are required. Many researchers prefer that the Cambrian explosion is an ecological phenomenon, that is, the unprecedented ecological success of ruetazoans during the Early Cambrian, but ecological effects need diverse and abundant animals. Therefore, the establishment of the eco- logical complexity among animals, and between animals and environments, is a consequence rather than a cause of the Cam- brian explosion. It is no doubt that positive ecological feedbacks could facilitate the increase of biodiversity. In a word, the Cambrian explosion happened when environmental changes crossed critical thresholds, led to the initial formation of the meta- zoan-doruinated ecosystem through a series of knock-on ecological processes, i.e., "ecological snowball" effects. 展开更多
关键词 Cambrian explosion dGRNs GONDWANA environmental changes ecological snowball
Patterns of Soil ^(15)N and Total N and Their Relationships with Environmental Factors on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Lei SONG Ming-Hua +9 位作者 WANG Shao-Qiang FAN Jiang-Wen LIU Ji-Yuan ZHONG Hua-Ping YU Gui-Rui GAO Lu-Peng HU Zhong-Min CHEN Bin WU Wei-Xing SONG Ting 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期232-242,共11页
The patterns of soil nitrogen (N) isotope composition at large spatial and temporal scales and their relationships to environmental factors illustrate N cycle and sources of N, and are integrative indicators of the ... The patterns of soil nitrogen (N) isotope composition at large spatial and temporal scales and their relationships to environmental factors illustrate N cycle and sources of N, and are integrative indicators of the terrestrial N cycle and its response to global change. The objectives of this study were: i) to investigate the patterns of soil N content and natural abundance of 15N (δ15N) values in different ecosystem types and soil profiles on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau; ii) to examine the effects of climatic factors and soil characteristics on the patterns of soil N content and soil δ15N values; and iii) to test the relationship between soil δ15N values and soil C/N ratios across ecosystems and soil profiles. Soil profiles were sampled at 51 sites along two transects 1 875 km in length and 200 km apart and distributed in forest, meadow and steppe on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Each site was sampled every 10 cm from a soil depth of 0 to 40 cm and each sample was analyzed for soil N content and δ15N values. Our results indicated that soil N and 515N values (0-40 cm) in meadows were much higher than in desert steppe. Soil N decreased with soil depth for each ecosystem, while variations of soil ~15N values along soil profiles were not statistically significant among most ecosystems but for mountain meadow, lowland meadow, and temperate steppe where soil δ15N values tended to increase with soil depth. The parabolic relationship between soil δ15N values and mean annual precipitation indicated that soil δ15N values increased with increasing precipitation in desert steppe up to 500 mm, and then decreased with increasing precipitation across all other ecosystems. Moreover, the parabolic relationship between δ15N values and mean annual temperature existed in all individual ecosystem types. Soil N and δ15N values (0-0 cm) increased with an increase in soil silt and clay contents. Furthermore, a threshold of C/N ratio of about 11 divided the parabolic relationship between soil δ15N values and soil C/N ratios into positive (C/N 〈 11) and negative (C/N 〉 11) parts, which was valid across all ecosystems and soil profiles. The large explanatory power of soil C/N ratios for soil δ15N values suggested that C and N concentrations, being strongly controlled by precipitation and temperature, were the primary factors determining patterns of soil δ15N on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 desert steppe nitrogen isotope composition nutrient availability soil nitrogen
Analysis of spatio-temporal features of a carbon source/sink and its relationship to climatic factors in the Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem 被引量:3
作者 戴尔阜 黄宇 +1 位作者 吴卓 赵东升 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第3期297-312,共16页
Global climate change has become a major concern worldwide. The spatio-temporal characteristics of net ecosystem productivity(NEP), which represents carbon sequestration capacity and directly describes the qualitative... Global climate change has become a major concern worldwide. The spatio-temporal characteristics of net ecosystem productivity(NEP), which represents carbon sequestration capacity and directly describes the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of carbon sources/sinks(C sources/sinks), are crucial for increasing C sinks and reducing C sources. In this study, field sampling data, remote sensing data, and ground meteorological observation data were used to estimate the net primary productivity(NPP) in the Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem(IMGE) from 2001 to 2012 using a light use efficiency model. The spatio-temporal distribution of the NEP in the IMGE was then determined by estimating the NPP and soil respiration from 2001 to 2012. This research also investigated the response of the NPP and NEP to the main climatic variables at the spatial and temporal scales from 2001 to 2012. The results showed that most of the grassland area in Inner Mongolia has functioned as a C sink since 2001 and that the annual carbon sequestration rate amounts to 0.046 Pg C/a. The total net C sink of the IMGE over the 12-year research period reached 0.557 Pg C. The carbon sink area accounted for 60.28% of the total grassland area and the sequestered 0.692 Pg C, whereas the C source area accounted for 39.72% of the total grassland area and released 0.135 Pg C. The NPP and NEP of the IMGE were more significantly correlated with precipitation than with temperature, showing great potential for C sequestration. 展开更多
关键词 Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem NPP NEP carbon source carbon sink
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