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枇杷在四川不同生态型区的生态适宜性研究与应用 被引量:6
作者 江国良 谢红江 +5 位作者 陈栋 胡海林 余国清 孙淑霞 李靖 彭春华 《中国南方果树》 北大核心 2010年第3期40-42,共3页
比较枇杷在四川省中亚热带湿热生态型区、南亚热带干热生态型区和南温带干暖生态型区的生长发育特性、开花结果习性、果实品质形成的特点及影响经济栽培的主要问题,研究枇杷在四川省不同生态型区的生态和生态适宜性。结果表明,在这3个... 比较枇杷在四川省中亚热带湿热生态型区、南亚热带干热生态型区和南温带干暖生态型区的生长发育特性、开花结果习性、果实品质形成的特点及影响经济栽培的主要问题,研究枇杷在四川省不同生态型区的生态和生态适宜性。结果表明,在这3个生态型区,只要采用适当栽培技术,都可进行枇杷经济栽培;初步提出了当地枇杷生态区划和优质丰产高效栽培的关键技术。 展开更多
关键词 枇杷 四川 生态型区 生态适宜性
香悦葡萄在四川两类不同生态型区的引种表现 被引量:2
作者 张雅新 吕秀兰 +3 位作者 陈洪强 王婷 吴世磊 吴小华 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第3期8-11,共4页
对香悦葡萄在四川两类不同生态型区的物候期、植物学、生物学特性、抗病性、产量、品质和农药残留进行了系统的调查。结果表明:同一地点香悦葡萄成熟期比巨峰提前10d左右;枝梢生长健旺;结果枝平均花序数茂县高达2.0个;在两类生态型区均... 对香悦葡萄在四川两类不同生态型区的物候期、植物学、生物学特性、抗病性、产量、品质和农药残留进行了系统的调查。结果表明:同一地点香悦葡萄成熟期比巨峰提前10d左右;枝梢生长健旺;结果枝平均花序数茂县高达2.0个;在两类生态型区均表现为中等抗性类型;667m^2产量、平均穗重、可食率与巨峰差异极显著;两类生态型区果形、果色、整齐度无显著性差异;可溶性固形物、糖、酸、VC在郫县与茂县两地差异不显著,与龙泉差异极显著;农药残留经农业部食品质量监督检测为合格的安全食品。 展开更多
关键词 香悦葡萄 生态型区 引种表现 四川
茂县脆李在干旱半干旱冷凉生态型区的生长结果习性与经济性状研究 被引量:2
作者 张雅新 吕秀兰 +4 位作者 何富全 吴小华 王婷 陈洪强 苟俊 《中国南方果树》 北大核心 2010年第6期9-12,共4页
在干旱半干旱冷凉生态型区的茂县、理县和黑水三地,茂县脆李3月上中旬萌芽,3月下旬至4月上中旬开花,花期10~15天。果实成熟期8月中旬至9月上旬。短枝和中枝所占比例较大,一般占70%;以抽发一、二次枝为主,所占比例高达90.6%。枝梢生长自... 在干旱半干旱冷凉生态型区的茂县、理县和黑水三地,茂县脆李3月上中旬萌芽,3月下旬至4月上中旬开花,花期10~15天。果实成熟期8月中旬至9月上旬。短枝和中枝所占比例较大,一般占70%;以抽发一、二次枝为主,所占比例高达90.6%。枝梢生长自4月上旬开始至7月上旬止,新梢快速生长期为4月底至6月上旬。花序着果率大于88%,花朵着果率大于50%,两者在三地均无显著差异。果实生长动态曲线为双S型,5月上中旬为果实第一次迅速膨大期,6月中下旬至7月上中旬为果实第二次迅速膨大期,果实发育期145天左右。定植第二年试花;第五年进入盛果初期,株产30kg,每667m2产果1650kg以上。单果重均大于46g,可食率高于97%,可溶性固形物含量均大于14%,总糖均大于9%,总酸含量0.820%~0.868%,三地间均无显著差异;维生素C含量3.19%~4.83%,果实硬度6.9~13.2kg/cm2,β-胡萝卜素9.88~11.6mg/kg,铁1.85~4.82mg/kg。表现出良好的生态适应性,是一个优良的中晚熟品种。 展开更多
关键词 茂县脆李 冷凉生态型区 干旱半干旱 生长结果 经济性状
安顺不同海拔生态类型区白沙枇杷的适应性 被引量:3
作者 李用奇 于学萍 +4 位作者 黄思元 刘连斌 王志华 苏晓菲 詹沛刚 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第9期201-204,共4页
为研究不同海拔生态类型区白沙枇杷的生态适应性,科学划分白沙枇杷的适宜种植区域,因地制宜发展白沙枇杷。2007年在安顺市选取有一定的生态代表性的3个点进行不同海拔生态型区试验,试验品种为白玉,观察不同海拔生态类型区白沙枇杷生物... 为研究不同海拔生态类型区白沙枇杷的生态适应性,科学划分白沙枇杷的适宜种植区域,因地制宜发展白沙枇杷。2007年在安顺市选取有一定的生态代表性的3个点进行不同海拔生态型区试验,试验品种为白玉,观察不同海拔生态类型区白沙枇杷生物学特性。经过5年的试验表明,选择的3个代表点种植的白沙枇杷均能正常成熟,说明,在安顺市绝大部分区域可以种植白沙枇杷;种植规划时要充分利用低海拔河谷区域光热资源突出的生态优势,建设具市场竞争力的早市枇杷基地;可在高海拔区域利用枇杷果实成熟采收较晚,延长应市时间,选择适宜地带建立一定规模的晚市枇杷基地。 展开更多
关键词 枇杷 生态型区 生态适应性
生态脆弱型贫困区社会经济地域系统的特征与作用机制——以陇南地区为例 被引量:5
作者 王录仓 谢永成 《西北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2004年第1期76-80,共5页
经济贫困与文化贫困的叠加与互制,是陇南社会经济地域系统落后的外在表现;社会经济结构的单一性使系统的结构功能不完善,而结构演潜的延滞性进一步恶化了地域系统的协调性;区域基础设施的残缺不全和人文思想意识的落后,使地域系统表现... 经济贫困与文化贫困的叠加与互制,是陇南社会经济地域系统落后的外在表现;社会经济结构的单一性使系统的结构功能不完善,而结构演潜的延滞性进一步恶化了地域系统的协调性;区域基础设施的残缺不全和人文思想意识的落后,使地域系统表现为强烈的封闭性;地域组织的离散性,使地域系统内部的整合力受到抑制,而区域中心城镇发育不足、城乡互动机制的弱化,进一步降低了地域系统的协调能力. 展开更多
关键词 社会经济地域系统 特征与作用机制 生态脆弱贫困 陇南地
作者 李成 彭露 《城市建筑》 2013年第10期193-193,195,共2页
关键词 生态 杨凌示范 绿色健康
防风固沙型重点生态功能区防风固沙服务的评估与受益区识别 被引量:41
作者 徐洁 肖玉 +3 位作者 谢高地 王洋洋 江源 陈文辉 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第16期5857-5873,共17页
防风固沙型重点生态功能区是我国主要的防沙屏障带,对保障全国的生态环境安全具有重要意义。基于RWEQ模型评估了防风固沙型重点生态功能区防风固沙服务的空间格局,利用HYSPLIT模型模拟了防风固沙型重点生态功能区防风固沙服务的空间流... 防风固沙型重点生态功能区是我国主要的防沙屏障带,对保障全国的生态环境安全具有重要意义。基于RWEQ模型评估了防风固沙型重点生态功能区防风固沙服务的空间格局,利用HYSPLIT模型模拟了防风固沙型重点生态功能区防风固沙服务的空间流动路径,从生态系统服务流动的角度建立了防风固沙型重点生态功能区及其防风固沙服务受益区之间的时空联系。研究表明,2010年防风固沙型重点生态功能区的防风固沙总量为5.55×1012 kg,受益区总面积为32.16×106 km2,涉及防风固沙服务流动路径755条。受益区主要位于中国的西北、华北、东北的广大区域,朝鲜半岛,日本,俄罗斯远东地区和北太平洋的广大海域,其中中国境内的受益区占比24.12%,受益草地面积最大,受益建设用地占中国建设用地总面积的比例最高,受益效益更为明显。在空间分布上,防风固沙服务流动效益以各防风固沙型重点生态功能区为中心呈现明显的圈层式递减特征。防风固沙型重点生态功能区的防风固沙服务流动对下风向受益区的生产生活具有重要的保障作用,研究能够为防风固沙型重点生态功能区的区域间生态补偿政策制定提供科学的参考依据,从而进一步提升防风固沙型重点生态功能区的屏障作用,保障国家生态安全。 展开更多
关键词 防风固沙服务 受益 域间生态补偿 防风固沙重点生态功能
黔桂山地生态区-蜜甜香型产区不同区域中部烤烟主要化学成分的差异分析 被引量:1
作者 王东飞 张力元 +7 位作者 吴时玺 王芳 娄元菲 张亚恒 吕大树 惠建权 彭黔荣 刘舒畅 《湖北农业科学》 2022年第S01期315-318,共4页
为研究黔桂山地生态区-蜜甜香型产区烤烟烟叶的化学成分差异,选取贵州省5个烤烟主产区、5个主栽品种的中桔三(C3F)烟叶的主要化学成分及其衍生的协调性指标进行分析。结果表明,该产区中部烟叶的总糖含量、还原糖含量、糖碱比相对略高,... 为研究黔桂山地生态区-蜜甜香型产区烤烟烟叶的化学成分差异,选取贵州省5个烤烟主产区、5个主栽品种的中桔三(C3F)烟叶的主要化学成分及其衍生的协调性指标进行分析。结果表明,该产区中部烟叶的总糖含量、还原糖含量、糖碱比相对略高,其他指标含量整体较协调,但变异较大;不同品种中部烟叶化学成分差异不显著,而不同地区化学成分存在差异,地区稳定性较差,其中总植物碱含量、糖碱比、氮碱比在不同产地间达极显著性差异水平(P<0.01),黔西南州烟叶化学成分与其他产地烟叶化学成分差异较大。 展开更多
关键词 黔桂山地生态-蜜甜香 中部烟叶 化学成分 差异性
履行环保监管职能 推进生态型经济强区建设
作者 谢晓琼 《龙岩学院学报》 2006年第2期131-132,共2页
从建设生态型经济强区的重要意义出发,阐述了环保部门在建设生态型经济强区、构建和谐社会中的角色定位,即从搞好规划、强化监管、加强监督、主动服务、扩大宣传等方面履行好辖区环境保护统一监管职能,促进发展与保护并重措施的落实,积... 从建设生态型经济强区的重要意义出发,阐述了环保部门在建设生态型经济强区、构建和谐社会中的角色定位,即从搞好规划、强化监管、加强监督、主动服务、扩大宣传等方面履行好辖区环境保护统一监管职能,促进发展与保护并重措施的落实,积极推进生态型经济强区建设。 展开更多
关键词 生态经济强 监管 理念 和谐社会
作者 李润瑶 《山西建筑》 2014年第13期5-6,共2页
关键词 生态 运营现状 调研 环境
作者 余莉莉 《福建建材》 2021年第10期40-42,共3页
随着城市化建设水平的提高,以及国家环境保护、生态文明建设力度的加强,对山水生态型住区规划工作提出了更高要求。基于此,对规划山水生态型住区的思路进行了研究,以大田县香山北路片区总平规划设计为例,从空间结构布局、总平功能分区... 随着城市化建设水平的提高,以及国家环境保护、生态文明建设力度的加强,对山水生态型住区规划工作提出了更高要求。基于此,对规划山水生态型住区的思路进行了研究,以大田县香山北路片区总平规划设计为例,从空间结构布局、总平功能分区、环境基础设施、道路交通组织四个方面,重点分析了规划此类住区的有效策略,以期营造适宜的人居环境,为同类项目提供建设性思路。 展开更多
关键词 山水生态 规划策略 宜居环境
Physiological Adaptation of Habitat by Ion Distribution in the Leaves of Four Ecotypes of Reed (Phragmites australis) 被引量:9
作者 郑文菊 陈国仓 +3 位作者 张承烈 胡玉熹 李凌浩 林金星 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第1期82-87,共6页
The ion levels in the epidermal bulliform cells of epidermis, mesophyll cells and cells of the vascular bundle sheath of four ecotypes of reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.) were determined by means of ... The ion levels in the epidermal bulliform cells of epidermis, mesophyll cells and cells of the vascular bundle sheath of four ecotypes of reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.) were determined by means of X_ray microanalysis. The results indicated that higher K +, Na +, Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ and Cl - were distributed in the vascular bundle sheath cells than in mesophyll cells and epidermal bulliform cells of the swamp ecotype. Higher Ca 2+ was found in the bulliform cells than in mesophyll cells and vascular bundle sheath cells, higher Mg 2+ in the mesophyll cells and higher K +, Na + and Cl - in the vascular bundle sheath cells of the dune ecotype. Higher Na + and Mg 2+ was determined in the mesophyll cells than in the bulliform cells and vascular bundle sheath cells, and higher K +, Ca 2+ and Cl - in the vascular bundle sheath cells of the light salt meadow ecotype. In the heavy salt meadow ecotype, higher Na + and Mg 2+ were accumulated in the bulliform cells than in mesophyll cells and vascular bundle sheath cells, but higher K +, Ca 2+ and Cl - in the mesophyll cells. Furthermore, the distributional conditions of the above five ions in leaf cells of the four ecotypes and their significance in the physiological adaptation of reed to habitat were discussed in detail. 展开更多
关键词 reed ( Phragmites australis ) ion distribution physiological adaptation ECOTYPES X_ray micro_analysis
Dynamic of Chinas cultivated land and landcover changes of its typical regions based on remote sensing data 被引量:1
作者 张佳华 董文杰 +2 位作者 王长耀 刘纪远 姚凤梅 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第3期183-186,210,共5页
Using the multi-temporal Landsat data and survey data of national resources, the authors studied the dynamics of cultivated land and landcover changes of typical ecological regions in China. The results of investigati... Using the multi-temporal Landsat data and survey data of national resources, the authors studied the dynamics of cultivated land and landcover changes of typical ecological regions in China. The results of investigation showed that the whole distribution of the cultivated land shifted to Northeast and Northwest China, and as a result, the ecological quality of cultivated land dropped down. The seacoast and cultivated land in the area of Yellow River Mouth expanded by an increasing rate of 0.73 kma-1, with a depositing rate of 2.1 kma-1. The desertification area of the dynamic of Horqin Sandy Land increased from 60.02% of the total land area in1970s to 64.82% in1980s but decreased to 54.90% in early 1990s. As to the change of North Tibet lakes, the water area of the Namu Lake decreased by 38.58 km2 from year 1970 to 1988, with a decreasing rate of 2.14 km2a-1. 展开更多
关键词 Remote sensing data Cultivated land Landcover change Typical ecological regions China
A Comparative Study on the Quality Components Between Self Pollinated Seeds and Naturally Pollinated Seeds in Brassica napus L. in Sichuan Ecological Region 被引量:2
作者 张锦芳 蒲晓斌 +4 位作者 李浩杰 黄驰 李蒲 张谦 蒋梁材 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期19-21,80,共4页
[ Objective] This study was to reveal the differences in crude fat and glucosinolates between self pollinated seeds and naturally pollinated seeds in Brassica napus in sichuan ecological region.. [ Method] Near-infrar... [ Objective] This study was to reveal the differences in crude fat and glucosinolates between self pollinated seeds and naturally pollinated seeds in Brassica napus in sichuan ecological region.. [ Method] Near-infrared spectroscopy method (NIRS) was employed to measure the quality components in self pollinated seeds and naturally pollinated seeds of 861 shares of Brassica napus from Sichuan ecological region. And correlation analysis and regression analysis were conducted based on the experimental data via SPSS (statistics package for social science). [ Result] The contents of crude fat in the self pollinated seeds were commonly a higher than that in the naturally pollinated seeds at 0.01 significant level; while the contents of glucosinolates in the self pollinated seeds and the naturally pollinated seeds were insignificantly different. Both the correlation relationship and linear regression for the crude fat between the self pollinated seeds and naturally pollinated seeds reached the significant level. The regression equations for the contents of crude fat(y1 ) and glucosinolates( y2 ) in the naturally pollinated seeds and of crude fat( x1 ) and glucosinolates( x2 ) in self pollinated seeds were respectively determined to be y1 = 16.844 +0.614x1 and y2 = -0.620 + 1.017 x2. [ Conclusion] In Brassica napus breeding, crude fat in naturally pollinated seeds should be emphatically taken into account, meanwhile concurrently considering that in self pollinated seeds; while glucosinolates in both the self pollinated seeds and the naturally pollinated seeds must be simultaneously concerned. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus L. Self pollinated seeds Naturally pollinated seeds Content of crude fat Content of gluccsinolates Near-infrared spectroscopy method
Canonical Correlation Analysis of Agronomic Characters of Brassica juncea in Western China
作者 大次卓嘎 王建林 +1 位作者 次仁央金 王忠红 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第11期1600-1604,1666,共6页
[Objective] The study aimed at exploring the relationship among the agronomic characters of B. juncea in western China, in order to provide scientific basis for the breeding of B. juncea in western China. [Method] 39 ... [Objective] The study aimed at exploring the relationship among the agronomic characters of B. juncea in western China, in order to provide scientific basis for the breeding of B. juncea in western China. [Method] 39 B. juncea materials from western China were used for the canonical correlation analysis, and canonical correlations between each pair of the four ecological character (containing 18 variables) were verified, including yield characters (5 variables), caulis characters (6 variables), branch characters (3 variables) and pod characters (3 variables). [Result] Yield per plant of B. juncea in western China suffered a tremendous influence from effective pod number per plant while was not significantly affected by the total pod number per plant, seed number per pod and 1 000-seed weight; the most important character related with the yield character of B. juncea in western China was caulis character, followed by the branch character and pod character; yield characters, caulis characters, branch characters and pod characters of B. juncea in western China were closely correlated. [Conclusion] In order to improve the yield characters of B. juncea in western China, caulis characters should be focused on, followed by branch characters and pod characters; rapeseed varieties with high performance in total pod number per plant and effective pod number per plant should be chosen through the perspectives of effective branch number, plant height, pod number of main inflorescence, fruit stalk number of main inflorescence and other traits, while rapeseed varieties with high performance in seed number per pod and 1 000-seed weight should be chosen through the perspectives of beak length and other traits. 展开更多
关键词 Western China Brassica juncea Ecological character Canonical correlation analysis Comparative study
Ecological Effects of Land Use Patterns in Red Soil HillyRegion 被引量:15
作者 WANGXIAO-JU GONGZI-TONG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第2期163-170,共8页
Plant biomass and biodiversity, element accumulation and return, water loss and soil erosion, and changesin soil properties were studied for up to 10 years after conversion of sparse tree-shrubby grass land into thefo... Plant biomass and biodiversity, element accumulation and return, water loss and soil erosion, and changesin soil properties were studied for up to 10 years after conversion of sparse tree-shrubby grass land into thefollowing four land use patterns: masson pine (Pznvs massonzana Lamb.) land, beautiful sweetgum (Ltq-uidambar fomosana Hance) land, vegetation reservation land, and artificial mowing land. The annualbiomass production of the masson pine land was 5060 kg ha ̄-1 being 4.9, 2.1, and 6.0 times that of the beau-tiful sweetgum land, the vegetation reservation land, and the artificial mowing land, respectively. Comparedwith the background values, the number of plant species for the vegetation reservation land increased by 10species after 10 years of land utilization, while for the masson pine and the beautiful sweetgum decreased by4, and for the artificial mowing land by 9. For masson pine land, total amount of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg neededfor producing 1000 kg dry matter was only 3.5 kg, annual element return through litter was 22 kg ha ̄-1, bothof which were much lower than those of the other patterns. Vegetation reservation was an effective measureto conserve soil and water and improve soil fertility in the red soil hilly region. Artificial mowing arousedserious degradation of vegetation and soil. Some measures and suggestions for management and exploitationof the red soil hilly region such as masson pine planting, closing hills for afforestation, and stereo-agricultureon one hill are proposed. 展开更多
关键词 ecological effects land utilization red soil hilly region soil change
Landscape change detection in Yulin prefecture 被引量:2
作者 ZHANJinyan DENGXiangzheng YUETianxiang 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第1期47-55,共9页
Landscape is a dynamic phenomenon that almost continuously changes. The overall change of a landscape is the result of complex and interacting natural and spontaneous processes and planned actions by man. However, num... Landscape is a dynamic phenomenon that almost continuously changes. The overall change of a landscape is the result of complex and interacting natural and spontaneous processes and planned actions by man. However, numerous activities by a large number of individuals are not concerted and contribute to the autonomous evolution of the landscape in a similar way as natural processes do. There is a well-established need to detect land use and ecological change so that appropriate policies for the regional sustainable development can be developed. Landscape change detection is considered to be effectively repeated surveillance and needs especially strict protocols to identify landscape change. This paper developed a series of technical frameworks on landscape detection based on Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) Data. Through human-machine interactive interpretation, the interpretation precision was 92.00% in 1986 and 89.73% in 2000. Based on the interpretation results of TM images and taking Yulin prefecture as a case study area, the area of main landscape types was summarized respectively in 1986 and 2000. The landscape pattern changes in Yulin could be divided into ten types. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSCAPE remote sensing data Yulin prefecture
Application of Matter-element Model in Soil Nutrient Evaluation of Ecological Fragile Region 被引量:2
作者 TANG Jie WANG Chenye +3 位作者 LIN Nianfeng LI Zhaoyang LI Haiyi MAO Zilong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期168-176,共9页
On the basis of the soil environment investigation in Da'an City, Jilin Province, China, 40 soil samples from main land use types were obtained and tested by standard method. Soil organic matter (SOM), total N (TN... On the basis of the soil environment investigation in Da'an City, Jilin Province, China, 40 soil samples from main land use types were obtained and tested by standard method. Soil organic matter (SOM), total N (TN), total P (TP), total K (TK), available N (AN), available P (AP) and available K (AK) were chosen as the evaluation factors. A regional soil nutrient evaluation model was developed based on the matter-element model. The results show that the soil samples with nutrient grade Ⅱ-Ⅴ respectively account for 10%, 30%, 32.5% and 27.5%, and those with grade Ⅳ and Ⅴ account for 60% in all samples. The relationship between soil nutrients and land types indicates that the nutrients of farmland are relatively good, with 41.7% of soil samples with the nutrient grade Ⅳ and Ⅴ. The nutrients of saline-alkali land and sandy land are the worst, with 100% of soil samples with the nutrient grade IV and V. And the ratios of soil samples grade IV and V in grassland and wasteland are respectively 62.5 % and 54.55%. Generally speaking, the soil nutrients status in Da'an City is poor, 60% of soil samples are in poor and extremely poor conditions, indicating that the soil has been severely eroded. Being a relatively superior evaluation method with more accurate resuits and spatial distribution consistency, matter-element analysis is more suitable for regional soil nutrient evaluation than previous models. 展开更多
关键词 soil nutrient evaluation matter-element model extension engineering theory ecological fragile region
Potential distribution and ecological dimensions of four species in the genus Physopelta(Hemiptera:Largidae) 被引量:1
作者 朱耿平 王晓静 +1 位作者 卜文俊 刘国卿 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期192-200,共9页
Our knowledge of the identity and distribution of most species on earth is remarkably poor. Species in hotspots tend to be scarce within their range which increases their probability of extinction. In this study, we u... Our knowledge of the identity and distribution of most species on earth is remarkably poor. Species in hotspots tend to be scarce within their range which increases their probability of extinction. In this study, we used ecological niche modeling (ENM) to estimate dimensions of realized niches of 4 species that are totally (Physopelta robusta St^l and Physopelta slanbuschii Fabricius) or partially (Physopelta cincticollis StS,1 and Physopelta quadriguttata Bergroth) distributed in the Indo-Myanmar and South Central China hotspot, and predicted additional sites where they might be found. Our findings suggest that the range of the 4 species could extend beyond their presently known distributions, which might be useful for future field surveys. Niche overlap was modeled between the 4 species, with R slanbuschii and R robusta showing more tolerance to temperature and P quadriguttata and P. slanbuschii more tolerance to precipitation. This study presents one more case study which highlights the ecological approach for taxonomic study in biodiversity conservation, especially of poorly, little known, and localized endemic species. 展开更多
关键词 HETEROPTERA Physopelta ecological niche modeling Indo-Myanmar hotspot South Central Chinahotspot insect conservation
Ecological and chorological typology as applied to Palaearctic cicadina-faunas (Hemiptera:Cicadidae:Cicadina) in Russian studies
作者 Georgyi A. ANUFRIEV 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期95-100,共6页
Typology of both ecological (thermo-, hygro-, phytobiotic, biomorphological, etc.) and chorological (zonal, sectoral, regional, etc.) categories as applied to specific Cicadina faunas of Palaearctic is reviewed.
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