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峨眉山的生态文态资源与南方丝绸之路 被引量:5
作者 陈黎清 《中华文化论坛》 北大核心 2008年第S2期175-182,共8页
汉代扬雄《蜀都赋》记:"蜀都之地,古曰梁州……南则有犍?潜夷,昆明峨眉"。据此记载及其它相关资料考证后,笔者认为:青藏高原东缘至峨眉山自古就是一条自然生物、民族迁徙走廊,峨眉山生态、文态资源在其中有着不可替代的作用... 汉代扬雄《蜀都赋》记:"蜀都之地,古曰梁州……南则有犍?潜夷,昆明峨眉"。据此记载及其它相关资料考证后,笔者认为:青藏高原东缘至峨眉山自古就是一条自然生物、民族迁徙走廊,峨眉山生态、文态资源在其中有着不可替代的作用和地位。世界瑰宝峨眉山不仅是古代巴蜀民族崇拜的圣山,也是古代巴蜀民族孕育之地和巴蜀民族"浪漫主义、球型思维、想象力的膨化之地",更是巴蜀民族走出封闭走向开放的必经之地,对南方丝绸之路上民族文化特征的形成影响很大。峨眉山仙禅合一的普贤文化是串连南丝路、东南亚及欧洲佛教文化颗颗明珠的"金线"这个大旅游文化圈为促进国内和世界各国经济、文化、科技交流发展起着重要作用。相信在政府的统一规划、支持下,通过资源整合,南丝绸将再铸辉煌。 展开更多
关键词 峨眉山 生态文态 南丝路
基于四态融合下的低碳活力小镇规划研究 被引量:1
作者 龚晓芳 彭飞 《建筑节能》 CAS 2018年第3期69-73,141,共6页
目前国内小镇规划多着眼于特色的建构。在此背景下,寻求构建一种基于亚热带湿润气候特征和地区人文特色、以产业发展为主导方向的低碳活力小镇建设路径成为一个重要研究方向。以芽溪为例,以一脉相承和创新引鉴作为规划思路,通过同类型... 目前国内小镇规划多着眼于特色的建构。在此背景下,寻求构建一种基于亚热带湿润气候特征和地区人文特色、以产业发展为主导方向的低碳活力小镇建设路径成为一个重要研究方向。以芽溪为例,以一脉相承和创新引鉴作为规划思路,通过同类型案例研究,确定"生态、形态、业态、文态"四态融合的小镇发展路径,并着重构建山水共融、弹性化的海绵生态城镇,形态强化可识别性、归属感和认同感,业态强化生活、旅游、运营三位一体,文态强化民族元素、非遗元素、融合元素和体验元素的传承,以期为小镇的可持续发展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 生态、形、业 低碳 活力 特色小镇 海绵城镇 规划
诗意地栖居:和谐社会人居环境建设的新境界 被引量:5
作者 刘沛林 申秀英 《求索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第12期52-54,共3页
以人为本,全面建设和谐社会,是当前党和政府工作的基本目标。本文把“诗意地栖居”的哲学命题引入人居环境建设的最新理念,提出了诗意、和谐的人居环境建设的基本内容、目标、方法及措施。在充分吸收中国传统文化中和谐与诗意要素的基础... 以人为本,全面建设和谐社会,是当前党和政府工作的基本目标。本文把“诗意地栖居”的哲学命题引入人居环境建设的最新理念,提出了诗意、和谐的人居环境建设的基本内容、目标、方法及措施。在充分吸收中国传统文化中和谐与诗意要素的基础上,提出了和谐社会诗意的人居环境建设的基本模式为“艺术+科学”、“生态+文态”的模式。将人居环境的生态性、安全性、便捷性、舒适性、美观性、人文情怀等内容,作为衡量诗意人居环境的主要指标,从而构建出一个充满诗意与和谐的人居环境的基本框架。 展开更多
关键词 和谐社会 诗意 人居环境 生态+:艺术+ 科学
Substantive Characteristics of Water and Soil Conservation and Ecological Civilization Construction in China 被引量:5
作者 蔡艳蓉 冯兴平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第6期1251-1258,共8页
Water and soil conservation is an important part of eco-civilization con-struction. It is a major part of eco-construction and lifeline of social and economy development. Therefore, water and soil conservation is of g... Water and soil conservation is an important part of eco-civilization con-struction. It is a major part of eco-construction and lifeline of social and economy development. Therefore, water and soil conservation is of great significance in maintaining eco-safety. The research concluded status quo and characters of water and soil losses in China and analyzed water and soil conservation and construction of eco-civilization from the perspectives of water and soil conservation and con-struction of eco-civilization. 展开更多
关键词 Water and soil losses Water and soil conservation Ecological civiliza-tion Ecological civilization construction
Study on The Ecology System of Hani Terraced Paddy Fields 被引量:4
作者 赵晓迪 赵荣 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第10期1793-1796,共4页
The ecology system of Hani Terraced Paddy Fields is the typical repre-sentative of the ecological agriculture in the southwestern mountainous areas of our country. After long-term development, Hani ecology system has ... The ecology system of Hani Terraced Paddy Fields is the typical repre-sentative of the ecological agriculture in the southwestern mountainous areas of our country. After long-term development, Hani ecology system has developed, cored by"forest-vil age-terrace-river", including paddy cultivation system, forests and ecologi-cal maintenance, folk culture and construction of water facilities. This research ex-plored the details of the structure and functions of the ecology system of Hani ter-raced fields. And il ustrates that the system is a new model of agriculture ecological civilization and deserves further study and more applications. 展开更多
关键词 Hani terrace PADDY Ecology system Ecological civilization
Development of City Ecological Tourism Based on the Perspective of Ecology Civilization 被引量:1
作者 陈开伟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第6期1020-1023,共4页
Ecological civilization is the major progress of human civilization develop- ment idea, mode and path of development. The close relationship between ecological civilization and tourism, ecological tourism development ... Ecological civilization is the major progress of human civilization develop- ment idea, mode and path of development. The close relationship between ecological civilization and tourism, ecological tourism development reflects the urgent needs of the protection of the ecological environment, the construction of ecological civilization, and the sustainable development of regional economy. Ecological tourism development are various, with great potential. In order to promote the development of ecological tourism city, China should actively carry out the ecological values of propaganda, reform of tourism management mode, strengthening technological inno- vation, and in this process, the government should provide appropriate support and guidance. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological civilization CITY ECO-TOURISM DEVELOPMENT
A Study on the Relationships of Ecological Civilization Construction with Natural Conservation and Sustainable Resources Use
作者 王献溥 于顺利 方伟伟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第1期172-175,共4页
Ecological Civilization Construction and natural conservatiorl and sustain- able resources use are three aspects of same object proposed from various angles of theory and practice. The paper intends to simply deal wit... Ecological Civilization Construction and natural conservatiorl and sustain- able resources use are three aspects of same object proposed from various angles of theory and practice. The paper intends to simply deal with some problems of this aspect and to propose corresponding suggestions for related departments. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological civilization construction Eco-developmental civilization era Natural conservation Sustainable development Biosphere reserve
作者 李德军 《四川建筑》 2014年第5期39-40,共2页
城市是一个庞大、关系复杂的动态生态系统,在这个系统中,既有自然的组成因素,也有人工化的组成因素,而园林绿地系统则是其唯一具有自净功能的组成部分,在维护生态平衡、美化景观以及改善环境质量等方面起着十分重要的作用。近年来,随着... 城市是一个庞大、关系复杂的动态生态系统,在这个系统中,既有自然的组成因素,也有人工化的组成因素,而园林绿地系统则是其唯一具有自净功能的组成部分,在维护生态平衡、美化景观以及改善环境质量等方面起着十分重要的作用。近年来,随着城市化进程不断加快,环境问题的加剧以及观念上和认识上的偏差,使园林绿化建设中存的注重视觉形象而忽略环境生态效益的现象日益严重。文中就园林绿化建设中只注重视觉形象追求所谓"现代化高档次"而忽略环境生态效益的现象,提出了节约型城市园林绿化的理念。 展开更多
关键词 生态 园林绿化 生态文态
The research of Chinese karst ecological hydrology
作者 Guo Chunqing Wang Jiajia 《Ecological Economy》 2006年第3期298-305,共8页
Karst environment is very common in southwest China. Soil and vegetation are the most sensitive elements for the variation of karst environment. The weathering of carbonate is important soil formation mechanism in kar... Karst environment is very common in southwest China. Soil and vegetation are the most sensitive elements for the variation of karst environment. The weathering of carbonate is important soil formation mechanism in karst area, but its soil forming ability is so poor that the thickness of soil layer becomes thin by the water erosion, though the soil loss is insignificant but serious. The karst process, the ecology process, the hydrology process are three important circulation mechanisms in the karst multiple media environment. In the Chinese North and South karst area, the eco-environmental protection and restoration has already been the important part as the national territorial resources and the environmen- tal comprehensive development and management. The character of karst plants mainly depends on the environmental conditions, i.e. lack of water, richness of Ca, poor soil and shortage of organic matter. The plants have low growth pace and low life-form resource; it is vulnerable under the disturbance of irrational human activities. Therefore, the rocky desertification is the final result of karst ecosystem degradation. But ecological condition is severe in the North and South karst area, especially in the south karst stone mountainous area and the north arid karst area. There are many problems with the eco-environmental protection and restoration. This paper takes the karst multiple media environment as a core, comprehensively discusses the relations of the three processes – karst, hydrology, and ecology, and puts forward the direction of the research on karst ecology hydrology and the future. 展开更多
关键词 KARST ECOLOGY HYDROLOGY Karst multiple media environment
Industrial Ecosystem and the Development of Strategic Emerging Industries 被引量:1
作者 LiXiaohua Liu Feng 《China Economist》 2013年第6期48-57,共10页
Based on the theories of business ecosystem and national innovation system, this paper proposes a concept of industrial ecosystem. Differ from ecologists and environmentalists who regard industrial ecosystem as the na... Based on the theories of business ecosystem and national innovation system, this paper proposes a concept of industrial ecosystem. Differ from ecologists and environmentalists who regard industrial ecosystem as the natural ecosystems in which material, energy and information circulates, this paper defines industrial ecosystem as a set of factors that are vital to the development of a certain industry and their interrelationship. The industrial ecosystem consists of three sub-systems that are innovation ecosystem, production ecosystem, and application ecosystem, and subsidiary factors that include factor supply, infrastructure, socio-cultural environment, international environment and policy system. The industrial ecosystem is characterized by interdependencies, complex interactions, self-recovery and co-evolution. The development of an industry is' the result of the reaction of the whole industrial ecosystem; therefore, the competition in strategic emerging industries among countries is in essence the competition in industrial ecosystems. Those countries which are able to take the lead in setting up complete industrial ecosystem will occupy advantage in developing strategic emerging industries. Cultivating and developing strategic emerging industries requires promoting the development and coordination of the whole ecosystem. 展开更多
关键词 industrial ecosystem business ecosystem national innovation system strategic emerging industries
The city color life under the concept of humanistic Ecology-- a case study of Clothing, food, shelter and transportation
作者 Jingyun Wang Weijun Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期83-84,共2页
With the continuous development of social economy, the quality of people' s life continuously upgrade, life content has been enriched, but with the development and construction, the city color has been polluted. This... With the continuous development of social economy, the quality of people' s life continuously upgrade, life content has been enriched, but with the development and construction, the city color has been polluted. This paper from the start of the design concept of humanistic ecology, especially current city life construction for example, clothing, food, shelter, transportation and other aspects are highlighted, then summarize and reflect the current construction in the development of city life for human ecology indifference and destruction and color design problems, in-depth study and explore how to make city life color more in line with the humanistic ecology and visual aesthetic demand, puts forward some suggestions and strategies to solve the problems existing, to do some good of the the current city life color design. At last create a more suitable city color environment for the development of human life . 展开更多
关键词 humanistic ecology city life color design
Ocean ecological compensation mechanism in Liaoning area from the angle of ecological civilization——based on analysis of Dalian's cooperative governance
作者 CAI Jing WANG Pengda +1 位作者 LI Jin YU Yue 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2017年第2期88-96,共9页
How to speed up the establishment of marine ecological compensation and the ecological compensation system is inevitable choice from ocean country to marine power.Therefore,construction of marine ecological compensati... How to speed up the establishment of marine ecological compensation and the ecological compensation system is inevitable choice from ocean country to marine power.Therefore,construction of marine ecological compensation mechanism is the effective means which incentives marine ecosystem services supply,improves the quality of marine ecology,and promotes the ocean to the green transformation.Combined with Dalian maritime case study in Liaoning Province,three dimensional interactive marine ecological compensation mechanism,the compensation frame work,path and operation mechanism were built up.Suggestions on accelerating the legislation process;perfecting the management system;establishing proper system for both incentive constraint and reward-punishment;increasing the source of Ocean Ecological Compensation funds;accelerating On the study of the Ocean Ecological Compensation Mechanism in Liaoning Area from the Angl-e of Ecological Civilization Based on Case Analysis of Dalian. 展开更多
关键词 marine environment ecological civilization compensation mechanism cooperative governance ecological compensation
Review of Tourism Ecological Security from the Perspective of Ecological Civilization Construction 被引量:10
作者 HAN Ying TANG Chengcai ZENG Rui 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2022年第4期734-745,共12页
In the era of sustainable development,the ecological impact of the development of the tourism industry has attracted extensive attention from all walks of life.Generally considered,tourism ecological security(TES)is a... In the era of sustainable development,the ecological impact of the development of the tourism industry has attracted extensive attention from all walks of life.Generally considered,tourism ecological security(TES)is an important link to realize the high-quality development of tourism destinations and promote the construction of ecological civilization.Based on keyword discrimination of TES,tourism ecological risk and tourism ecological health,and from the perspective of ecological civilization construction,this paper uses the databases of Web of Science and CNKI as data sources to systematically comb and analyze TES research from the aspects of development process,research methods and research content,and puts forward the prospects for future research on this basis.This analysis found that research in the TES field presents four main characteristics.(1)The phased characteristic of“germination-exploration-development”is significant,and a relatively standard research framework of“evaluation-influencing factors-early warning-regulation”has been formed.(2)The empirical orientation of the research methods is distinct.(3)The development trend is characterized by small-scale dominance and a large-scale surge.(4)The disciplinary integration and practical combination have been continuously strengthened.Combined with the development trends and hot spots of TES,this paper proposes that the direction and goal of deepening TES research in the future should be carried out from the aspects of strengthening research on thresholds,early warning and regulation,improving the application of big data,constructing the synergistic effect mechanisms between tourism and ecology,and realizing the longitudinal deepening and interconnection of scale research. 展开更多
关键词 TOURISM ecological security tourism ecological security(TES) ecological civilization construction tourist destination sustainable development
Research on Ecological Restoration Technology in Arid or Semi-arid Areas from the Perspective of the Belt and Road Initiative 被引量:1
作者 LI Yue QI Shi LI Jingjing 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2022年第6期964-976,共13页
In the new era of the rapid development of economic globalization and the community of human destiny,the implementation of the “One Belt and One Road”(OBOR) construction model is designed to coordinate environmental... In the new era of the rapid development of economic globalization and the community of human destiny,the implementation of the “One Belt and One Road”(OBOR) construction model is designed to coordinate environmental protection and economic development. Most of the countries along the Silk Road in the 21st century are developing countries, and the majority of them are facing the same ecological and developmental difficulties as China. In this paper, under the background of the “OBOR” strategy and on the basis of the distribution of global climate types, we selected Central Asia and Northwest China, which have temperate continental climates, as the research objects. We sorted out and summarized the main ecological problems faced by Western China and Central Asia during the development of the “Belt and Road” initiative. At the same time, in combination with the major ecological governance projects implemented in recent years, we proposed key ecological governance technologies that have a certain degree of scalability, such as key technologies for water resource utilization and protection, sand prevention and control, and saline-alkali land governance. The aim was to offer the experiences and a reference for providing technological models for the “one belt along the road” region and the country to build an effective ecological governance system. Two suggestions are then proposed for improving the feasibility and rationality of ecological governance technology in the construction of the “One Belt, One Road”. 1) With the implementation of the strategy of “OBOR” construction, the ecological threats the OBOR countries are facing cannot be ignored. Every country needs to jointly act to build an “OBOR” ecological civilization. 2) The participants must pay attention to the spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics of ecological carrying capacity, and provide data reference and support for the reasonable allocation of ecological governance technology. 展开更多
关键词 the“Belt and Road”initiative ecological civilization ecological governance ecological restoration technology
Study on integrated calculation of ecological water demand for basin system 被引量:4
作者 JIN Xin YAN DengHua +4 位作者 WANG Hao ZHANG Cheng TANG Yun YANG GuiYu WANG LingHe 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第10期2638-2648,共11页
The operation of reservoir(s) has a certain impact on the downstream hydrologic regime,and even endangers the ecological water safety of river corridor and ecosystems which interact with river system.Therefore,ecologi... The operation of reservoir(s) has a certain impact on the downstream hydrologic regime,and even endangers the ecological water safety of river corridor and ecosystems which interact with river system.Therefore,ecological operation needs to be carried out in order to ensure ecological water use of downstream zone.The key technological support is the estimation and integrated calculation of ecological water demand.The connotation of the integrated calculation on ecological water demand lies on that the ecological water demand of different ecosystems is integrated to meet the requirements of water allocation and operation on watershed scale in terms of hydrological cycle.Considering the practical requirement of ecological operation of reservoir(s),this study proposed an integrated calculation approach of ecological water demand according to the ecological water demand in various ecosystems as well as the hydraulic connection among them;it established an integrated calculation model of regional ecological water demand by means of the distributed hydrological model,and studied the integrated calculation in Yalong River basin which is the source area of the west route of South-North Water Transfer Project as an example.The results indicated that the integrated calculation model more effectively combined the ecological water demand and hydraulic connection of ecosystems in time and space,compared with the lumped water balance analysis,since the former conquered the defect of insufficient ecological water source and supplement on multiple spatial and temporal scales,and met the demand of ecological operation of reservoir(s). 展开更多
关键词 ecological operation of reservoir ecological water demand integrated calculation distributed hydrological model west route of South-North Water Transfer Project in Yalong River source area
Sustainable Development of Ice and Snow Tourism-Theory&Empirical Studies:Preface 被引量:4
作者 TANG Chengcai XU Shiyi 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2022年第4期547-551,共5页
The Beijing Winter Olympics brought a historical miracle to the development of China’s ice and snow tourism.It is both an opportunity and a challenge to reap the extra dividends of the times and to develop China’s i... The Beijing Winter Olympics brought a historical miracle to the development of China’s ice and snow tourism.It is both an opportunity and a challenge to reap the extra dividends of the times and to develop China’s ice and snow tourism.By selecting 18 academic papers,this special issue deeply discusses the status quo and the future measures of ice and snow tourism in China from three aspects:ice and snow tourism development and management,the ice and snow tourism experience and its influencing factors,and ice and snow tourism impact assessment.Moreover,one part entitled“Tourism Culture and Ecotourism”has been set up to emphasize those cutting-edge research topics.It is worth mentioning that this issue is in-depth and has profound connotations.First of all,the research area ranges from national to regional to the city-level,including both longitudinal and horizontal research.In additon,the research methods are practical,innovative,and at the frontier of scientific research,and include industrial correlation analysis methods,kernel density,spatial autocorrelation and other geospatial analysis methods,content analysis methods,sentiment analysis methods,structural equation models,Delphi methods,spatial statistics methods,geographic detector method and many others.In general,this special issue combines qualitative research with quantitative research,provides a variety of theoretical perspectives such as perceived value theory,institutional evolution theory,etc.,and builds various useful models like the pre-competition evaluation model for ice and snow tourism heritage,the consumption skill-travel radius decision-making influence model under the moderating effect of the ski resort comprehensive leisure environment,the evaluation model of the suitability of glacier tourism resource development,the model of the relationship between tourists’experience value and loyalty in the context of ice and snow tourism,among others.These studies are expected to provide theoretical and practical guidance for the development of ice and snow tourism in the post-Winter Olympics era,and help ice and snow tourism develop in a sustainable and high-quality direction. 展开更多
关键词 ice and snow tourism ice and snow economy Beijing Winter Olympics glacier tourism heritage tourism sustainable development tourism ecological security ECOTOURISM National Cultural Park
Roadmap for the Construction of an Ecological Rule of Law in China
作者 Lü Zhongmei 《Social Sciences in China》 2013年第4期162-170,共9页
The Report of the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012 emphasizes building a socialist country based on the rule of law as China's overall governance strategy. At the same time, it has expanded the "four in one" to ... The Report of the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012 emphasizes building a socialist country based on the rule of law as China's overall governance strategy. At the same time, it has expanded the "four in one" to "five in one"; i.e. the construction of an ecological civilization has been added to the other major tasks in socialist construction with Chinese characteristics---economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, and social construction, thus setting out the roadmap for China's construction of an environmental system based on the rule of law. The aim of this construction is to establish an environmental legal system that corresponds to China's ecological civilization, and its main task is to integrate environmental rationality into the operation of the rule of law by improving environmental legal mechanisms and institutions. 展开更多
关键词 ecological civilization environmental rule of law environmental rationality sustainable development
Ecological speciation in Darwin's finches: Parsing the effects of magic traits
作者 Jeffrey PODOS Rie DYBBOE Mads Ole JENSEN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期8-19,共12页
Many recent studies of ecological speciation have focused on "magic trait" scenarios, in which divergent selection on viability traits leads inextricably to corresponding divergence in mechanisms, especially mate re... Many recent studies of ecological speciation have focused on "magic trait" scenarios, in which divergent selection on viability traits leads inextricably to corresponding divergence in mechanisms, especially mate recognition systems, that facilitate assortative mating. Speciation however may also proceed via other scenarios, such as when populations experience directly se- lected or random divergence in mate recognition systems. The relative contributions of magic trait versus other scenarios for speciation remain virtually unexplored. The present study aims to test the relative contribution of the magic trait scenario in the divergence of populations of the medium ground finch Geospiza fortis of Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos. First, we assess differ- ences in G. fortis song between a northern population (Borrero Bay) and a southeastern population (El Garrapatero), differences that we propose (along with other within-island geographic song variations) have arisen via scenarios that do not involve a magic trait scenario. Pairwise comparisons of raw and composite (PC) song parameters, as well as discriminant functions analyses, re- veal significant patterns of song divergence between sites. Second, we test the ability of territorial males at Borrero Bay to dis- criminate songs from the two sites. We find that G. fortis males can discriminate within-island song variants, responding more strongly to local than to "foreign" songs, along 3 raw and 1 composite response measures. Third, we compare these findings to prior data sets on song divergence and discrimination in Santa Cruz G. fortis. These comparisons suggest that song divergence and discrimination are shaped less strongly by geographic sources than by morphological (beak-related) sources. We thus argue that interpopulation song divergence and discrimination, fundamental elements of assortative mating in Darwin's finches, can be fos- tered in early stages of divergence under magic trait as well as alternative scenarios for speciation, but with more emphasis on the magic trait scenario, at least for this species on this island [Current Zoology 59 (1): 8-19, 2013]. 展开更多
关键词 GALAPAGOS Bird song Geographic variation Acoustic communication
Land Use and Ecological Civilization: A Collection of Empirical Studies 被引量:5
作者 XIE Hualin CHEN Qianru 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第2期137-142,共6页
The goal of ecological civilization construction is to realize the harmonious coexistence of human and nature.Land is the spatial carrier of ecological civilization construction.Land use types or behaviors reflect the... The goal of ecological civilization construction is to realize the harmonious coexistence of human and nature.Land is the spatial carrier of ecological civilization construction.Land use types or behaviors reflect the level of intensive use of land resources,leading to different ecological environmental effects,thereby affecting the level of regional ecological civilization construction.This issue,"Land Use and Ecological Civilization",discusses the theory and method of land use management in the view of ecological civilization from the aspects of land use efficiency,land use change,land multi-functional trade-off,land ecosystem service and land ecological risk by selecting 14 representative papers,providing practical reference for the formation of the land use mode and behavioral system of ecological civilization.With abundant research levels,this issue covers varied research scales such as village,county and province,various landform types such as plain and hill,and typical land use areas at home and abroad such as East China,Central China,Northwest China,Yangtze River Economic Belt and Japan.Being frontier and practical,the multidisciplinary research methods in this issue include literature research method,fractal theory,qualitative comparative analysis,VAR model,and econometrics,among others.Focusing on the prominent problems in the process of land use,this issue deeply discusses the hot topics such as land ecological efficiency,spatial behavior characteristics,land use structure optimization and ecological risk assessment.This issue not only reviews the current literature on urgent land use issues such as arable land abandonment and land use risk,but also tries to conduct trade-off and synergy analysis on the varied functions of the rural landscape and ecosystem,thus providing a theoretical and empirical basis for solving land use problems from the perspective of ecological civilization.This issue reflects the realistic urgency of guiding land use with the concept of ecological civilization,and provides theoretical guidance and technical support from the aspects of methods and research framework.Finally,this issue proposes five hot topics in the field of land use research from the perspective of ecological civilization in the future,namely,ecological management of land use structure,ecological evolution mechanism of land use process,land ecological use mode,early warning and regulation of land ecological security pattern,ecological management and control of land use behavior. 展开更多
关键词 land use ecological civilization land use efficiency land use change land multi-functional trade-off land ecosystem services land ecological risk
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