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论生态旅游价值——动力、途径与取向问题 被引量:2
作者 柳礼奎 路紫 邵立威 《生态经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第A10期279-282,共4页
关键词 价值 生态旅游 生态旅游价值
小清河复航的文化生态旅游价值研究 被引量:1
作者 宋灵燕 《济南职业学院学报》 2019年第2期96-99,共4页
近几年来,随着山东省经济的快速发展,曾经辉煌的小清河再次走进人们的视野,小清河复航被列入山东省交通运输十大重点工作之一。复航后的小清河途经济南、滨州、淄博、东营、潍坊五市,将会给沿线城市带来多方面的价值和效益。对小清河流... 近几年来,随着山东省经济的快速发展,曾经辉煌的小清河再次走进人们的视野,小清河复航被列入山东省交通运输十大重点工作之一。复航后的小清河途经济南、滨州、淄博、东营、潍坊五市,将会给沿线城市带来多方面的价值和效益。对小清河流经之地文化旅游资源整合分类编排,开发成体系的文化生态旅游产品,进而为济南市乃至小清河流经城市文化生态旅游业的发展助力,带动山东省运河文化生态旅游业的发展。 展开更多
关键词 济南 小清河 文化生态旅游价值
作者 于天 《农业经济》 北大核心 2017年第5期36-38,共3页
农村生态旅游发展的重要目标是实现社区利益协调发展,否则生态旅游将难以可持续发展。然而,就目前状况而言,国内大多数地区缺乏合理的农村生态旅游体系,部分旅游开发者的观念依旧较为落后,缺乏文化底蕴、生态价值功能。因此,有必要展开... 农村生态旅游发展的重要目标是实现社区利益协调发展,否则生态旅游将难以可持续发展。然而,就目前状况而言,国内大多数地区缺乏合理的农村生态旅游体系,部分旅游开发者的观念依旧较为落后,缺乏文化底蕴、生态价值功能。因此,有必要展开基于城乡统筹的农村生态旅游价值功能再造工作,以求促进农村旅游事业的又好又快地发展。 展开更多
关键词 城乡统筹 农村生态旅游价值 功能再造
作者 李晖 《华中建筑》 2005年第B07期47-49,共3页
结合具体案例,通过对民族地区传统聚居模式的分析研究,将其成果直接应用在旅游区规划设计中的价值和具体方法。反映了生态旅游价值中人与自然协调发展的新的共生关系,同时,也创造了生态旅游中的生态美价值,是生态旅游可持续发展的重要... 结合具体案例,通过对民族地区传统聚居模式的分析研究,将其成果直接应用在旅游区规划设计中的价值和具体方法。反映了生态旅游价值中人与自然协调发展的新的共生关系,同时,也创造了生态旅游中的生态美价值,是生态旅游可持续发展的重要保证。 展开更多
关键词 民族 传统聚居模式 规划设计方法 生态旅游价值
作者 刘雪梅 李青军 《商情》 2013年第10期104-104,共1页
人工湿地公园是近年来新发展起来的一个生态旅游项目。人工湿地的价值不仅体现在生态旅游上,更是大自然中的宝贵资源,是人类重要的生存环境。重点讨论了人工湿地公园具有什么样的生态旅游价值,如何规划和建设好人工湿地公园或湿地旅... 人工湿地公园是近年来新发展起来的一个生态旅游项目。人工湿地的价值不仅体现在生态旅游上,更是大自然中的宝贵资源,是人类重要的生存环境。重点讨论了人工湿地公园具有什么样的生态旅游价值,如何规划和建设好人工湿地公园或湿地旅游区。 展开更多
关键词 人工湿地公园 生态旅游价值 利用设计
CVM法在森林生态旅游产品价值评估中的运用——以黑龙江省平山生态旅游区为例 被引量:11
作者 韩哲英 王立海 陈红 《林业科技》 北大核心 2007年第3期65-68,共4页
研究CVM评估法在我国森林生态旅游产品价值评估中的可行性,从CVM评估法的优越性和局限性出发,以在哈尔滨市进行的关于对黑龙江省森工总局平山生态旅游区的支付意愿的调查研究为例,设计森林生态旅游产品价值评估调查方法、问卷内容、问... 研究CVM评估法在我国森林生态旅游产品价值评估中的可行性,从CVM评估法的优越性和局限性出发,以在哈尔滨市进行的关于对黑龙江省森工总局平山生态旅游区的支付意愿的调查研究为例,设计森林生态旅游产品价值评估调查方法、问卷内容、问卷流程及实施应注意的问题。探讨CVM评估法在我国进行森林旅游产品价值评估实践中的实用性与局限性,得出了这一方法在我国森林生态旅游产品价值中具有推广前景的结论。 展开更多
关键词 CVM价值评估法 支付意愿 森林生态旅游产品价值 消费者剩余
台湾太鲁阁“国家公园”生态旅游资源非使用价值研究 被引量:5
作者 申韩丽 李俊鸿 +1 位作者 张冰 贾竞波 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2013年第5期2104-2109,共6页
以台湾具有代表性的太鲁阁"国家公园"为研究范围,利用因素分析萃取游客的生态旅游认知态度因素,通过集群分析区隔出"国家公园"生态旅游市场,进一步应用双边界二分式条件评估法,估算生态旅游资源的各项非使用价值,... 以台湾具有代表性的太鲁阁"国家公园"为研究范围,利用因素分析萃取游客的生态旅游认知态度因素,通过集群分析区隔出"国家公园"生态旅游市场,进一步应用双边界二分式条件评估法,估算生态旅游资源的各项非使用价值,并探讨不同生态旅游认知态度群体在各项非使用价值上的差异。结果显示:①问卷设计中的17个原始变量可以转换成四大独立因素,其中,"维系自然与文化资源"是游客最重视的;②三大生态旅游认知态度群体表现出显著的国家公园生态旅游市场区隔;③在两次报价的选择中,游客对4种类型的非使用价值具有普遍的认可;④具有环保背景的游客普遍愿意为各项非使用价值支付更多的金额,男性更偏好于遗赠价值,高收入的人更偏好于选择价值;⑤游客支付意愿最高的是遗赠价值,其次为利他价值或存在价值,最后为选择价值;⑥不同生态旅游认知态度的群体中,支付意愿金额最高的是"多元重视群",其次为"降低冲击群"、"关注薄弱群"。 展开更多
关键词 台湾太鲁阁“国家公园” 生态旅游资源非使用价值 双边界二分式 支付意愿
条件价值评估法在森林生态旅游非使用价值评估中范围效应的研究 被引量:7
作者 阮氏春香 温作民 《南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期122-126,共5页
条件价值评估法(CVM)是目前最受欢迎的环境资源价值评估方法之一,但同时也是争议最多的方法,争议的焦点围绕该方法的有效性和可靠性。影响CVM结果有效性的因素很多,其中范围效应是最重要因素。笔者归纳了研究CVM范围效应有关理论,并通过... 条件价值评估法(CVM)是目前最受欢迎的环境资源价值评估方法之一,但同时也是争议最多的方法,争议的焦点围绕该方法的有效性和可靠性。影响CVM结果有效性的因素很多,其中范围效应是最重要因素。笔者归纳了研究CVM范围效应有关理论,并通过1个实际案例来验证CVM评估环境资源非使用价值时范围效应是否存在。研究结果表明:范围效应不是CVM普遍现象,并非由CVM方法本身的缺陷造成。 展开更多
关键词 条件价值评估法(CVM) 范围效应 生态旅游非使用价值
越南巴为国家森林公园生态旅游非使用价值评估——基于二分式与支付卡诱导技术的比较 被引量:4
作者 阮氏春香 温作民 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2011年第1期74-81,共8页
条件价值评估法(CVM)是目前唯一能获知环境资源的全部经济价值,包括使用和非使用价值。CVM评估环境物品价值原理是通过假想市场来了解消费者对具体的一个环境物品的偏好,并通过支付意愿而表现出来。CVM调查过程中,为了获得消费者对环境... 条件价值评估法(CVM)是目前唯一能获知环境资源的全部经济价值,包括使用和非使用价值。CVM评估环境物品价值原理是通过假想市场来了解消费者对具体的一个环境物品的偏好,并通过支付意愿而表现出来。CVM调查过程中,为了获得消费者对环境物品价值的偏好,必须通过各种诱导技术。不同的诱导技术可产生不同的支付意愿结果。本研究通过评估越南巴为国家森林公园生态旅游非使用价值来比较CVM中的两分式(DC)和支付卡(PC)诱导技术。通过本研究结果,得出以下的结论:(1)DC技术获得的支付意愿(WTP)和参与者的"同意"支付都高于PC技术;(2)CVM完全可以应用于环境物品非使用价值评估领域。 展开更多
关键词 条件价值评估法(CVM) DC诱导技术 PC诱导技术 支付意愿(WTP) 生态旅游资源非使用价值
生态旅游资源多维价值评价体系初探 被引量:1
作者 张琰 《中国集体经济》 2009年第6S期144-145,共2页
生态旅游的可持续性,使其迅速在全球普及并成为一种时尚。我国生态旅游资源丰富且独特,发展潜力十分巨大。生态旅游资源价值评价体系的研究从生态旅游概念出发,通过深入剖析现行旅游资源评价体系,从理论层面提出生态旅游资源多维价值的... 生态旅游的可持续性,使其迅速在全球普及并成为一种时尚。我国生态旅游资源丰富且独特,发展潜力十分巨大。生态旅游资源价值评价体系的研究从生态旅游概念出发,通过深入剖析现行旅游资源评价体系,从理论层面提出生态旅游资源多维价值的评价体系。 展开更多
关键词 生态旅游资源 生态旅游资源价值 多维性 评价体系
作者 许磊 张海燕 《湖南商学院学报》 2014年第6期92-99,共8页
针对湘西土家族苗族自治州生态旅游资源的特点,以气候资源、水资源、地质资源、生物资源等为基础进行数据调研,在此基础上采用层次分析法,确定各指标的权重。同时,选取生态环境质量和资源禀赋价值两个综合指标和环境质量、环境承载力、... 针对湘西土家族苗族自治州生态旅游资源的特点,以气候资源、水资源、地质资源、生物资源等为基础进行数据调研,在此基础上采用层次分析法,确定各指标的权重。同时,选取生态环境质量和资源禀赋价值两个综合指标和环境质量、环境承载力、生态内部循环、资源质量、资源价值和可持续开发潜力六大类项目指标,建立生态旅游资源评估模型树。以地区综合得分和项目指标确定的权重,对湘西州生态旅游资源进行科学的评估。发现知名旅游区生态旅游资源价值得分较低,主要是由于经济社会发展对资源和环境状况造成了一定的破坏,最后提出湘西州生态旅游资源的开发和保护措施。 展开更多
关键词 湘西州 生态旅游资源价值评估 层次分析法
作者 张琰 《太原大学学报》 2009年第3期77-79,共3页
生态旅游的可持续性,使其迅速在全球普及并成为一种时尚。我国生态旅游资源丰富且独特,发展潜力十分巨大。生态旅游资源价值的解析从生态旅游内涵出发,通过剖析现行旅游资源评价体系的价值构成,从理论层面提出生态旅游资源多维价值构成... 生态旅游的可持续性,使其迅速在全球普及并成为一种时尚。我国生态旅游资源丰富且独特,发展潜力十分巨大。生态旅游资源价值的解析从生态旅游内涵出发,通过剖析现行旅游资源评价体系的价值构成,从理论层面提出生态旅游资源多维价值构成的概念。 展开更多
关键词 生态旅游 生态旅游资源价值 多维性
经济管理在生态旅游领域中重要性及应用策略 被引量:1
作者 朱瑞聪 《全国流通经济》 2022年第13期144-147,共4页
随着我国经济水平的提高,国民可支配收入得到了明显提升,人们生活质量也大幅度改善,基于此,人们对精神世界和文化领域的需求日益上涨,生活观念也发生了较大转变。为了最大限度上满足人们对精神和文化的需求,我国应该积极发展生态旅游产... 随着我国经济水平的提高,国民可支配收入得到了明显提升,人们生活质量也大幅度改善,基于此,人们对精神世界和文化领域的需求日益上涨,生活观念也发生了较大转变。为了最大限度上满足人们对精神和文化的需求,我国应该积极发展生态旅游产业,并合理运用有效的经济管理措施,为我国生态旅游产业的可持续发展提供可靠保证。从目前情况来看,我国部分地区在开发生态旅游资源的过程中,在一定程度上对当地资源和自然环境造成了破坏,这很不利于生态旅游产业的稳定发展。因此,本文首先阐述了经济管理在生态旅游领域中的重要性,并明确指出我国生态旅游产业发展所存在的问题,最后重点对经济管理在生态旅游领域中的应用策略进行了深入探究,希望能为相关管理部门提供一定的借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 生态旅游 经济管理 可持续发展 生态资源 生态旅游价值
碧塔海自然保护区土壤养分研究 被引量:4
作者 贝荣塔 陈慧泉 田昆 《西南林学院学报》 2003年第2期61-64,共4页
通过对碧塔海自然保护区土壤的全面调查与分析研究 ,确认该自然保护区包括 3个土纲、5个土类 ,土壤具有明显垂直分布的特点 ,且保护区土壤养分比较丰富 ,植被保护完好 ,具有很高的生态旅游价值 .
关键词 碧塔海自然保护区 土壤养分 土纲 土类 垂直分布 生态旅游价值
作者 王强 黄贵华 段继雯 《中国金融》 北大核心 2024年第20期103-103,共1页
四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州九寨沟县坐拥世界自然遗产和国家5A级旅游景区,旅游业是当地经济社会发展的支柱性产业,以旅游业为主导的第三产业对全县生产总值的贡献率近80%。近年来,九寨沟县金融系统持续用好货币政策工具,优化信贷结构,创... 四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州九寨沟县坐拥世界自然遗产和国家5A级旅游景区,旅游业是当地经济社会发展的支柱性产业,以旅游业为主导的第三产业对全县生产总值的贡献率近80%。近年来,九寨沟县金融系统持续用好货币政策工具,优化信贷结构,创新金融产品,深入发掘县域生态旅游资源价值,推动当地经济高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 信贷结构 支柱性产业 货币政策工具 世界自然遗产 九寨沟 旅游 生产总值 生态旅游资源价值
Research on the development of the natural tourism resources in the countryside based on the perspective of the ecological aesthetics
作者 Yang Huanhe 《International English Education Research》 2014年第2期124-127,共4页
The cartier that the natural tourism projects rely on should be the objective natural environments, including the mountains, water, animals and plants and so on, which are the object present before the development of ... The cartier that the natural tourism projects rely on should be the objective natural environments, including the mountains, water, animals and plants and so on, which are the object present before the development of the project. Therefore, what the natural tourism projects should first be "the economic value of the natural resources". However, after the man-made planning and being given the humanity, they have the "economic value of the human resources". In the construction of the future path of the development, we should also have the dynamic study on the subjective preferences of the Chinese consumers. The change of these subjective preferences directly results from the change of the levels of their own income. 展开更多
关键词 Rural natural tourism resources ecological aesthetics perspective RESEARCH
Resident Willingness to Pay for Ecotourism Resources and Associated Factors in Sanjiangyuan National Park,China 被引量:6
作者 MA Ting MIN Qingwen +1 位作者 XU Kun SANG Weiguo 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第5期693-706,共14页
Willingness to Pay(WTP),Willingness to Work(WTW)and Willingness to Accept Compensation(WTA)are the three quantitative criteria for assessing local ecological asset values for the social aspects of ecosystem services a... Willingness to Pay(WTP),Willingness to Work(WTW)and Willingness to Accept Compensation(WTA)are the three quantitative criteria for assessing local ecological asset values for the social aspects of ecosystem services and residents’willingness to contribute to and receive compensation for tourism ecology.The objectives of this study are to estimate the residents’willingness to pay,work and accept compensation for conservation at Sanjiangyuan National Park,and to analyze the relationship between residents’attitude towards tourism ecology and the ecological assets of the National Park based on a standard questionnaire survey.The dichotomous choice Contingent Valuation Method(CVM)was employed to determine the willingness.The survey conducted in 2018 collected WTP,WTW,WTA,socio-demFographical information,social trust and resident perceptions toward tourism impacts and relevant management strategies from 244 residents in two counties.Based on generalized linear modeling,income and education level are important for residents’WTP and WTA,but other social characteristics,such as gender and age,do not have significant effects.The social trust is found to be a significant factor on residents’willingness,despite the limitation on education level.Also,government funding is associated with residents’inclination to WTP,WTW and WTA,but the support levels differ among the two counties due to geographical and social heterogeneities.The estimated WTP,WTW and WTA for the Sanjiangyuan National Park in 2018 were 1.2448×10^(7) yuan,1.247×10^(6) hours and 2.3232×10^(7) yuan yr^(-1) based on the survey and published demographics.This study,for the first time,estimates the WTP,WTW and WTA for the Sanjiangyuan National Park and informs ecological conservation managers and policy makers.Ultimately,to maintain the long-term benefits arising from sustainable development,compensation should be specifically tailored and site-dependent,and development measures based on local resources should be adopted by governments to actively support eco-tourism activities. 展开更多
关键词 willingness to pay tourism ecology compensation contingent valuation method Sanjiangyuan National Park
Contribution of Community Forestry in Poverty Reduction: Case Study of Multiple Community Forests of Bajhang District, Nepal 被引量:2
作者 Dhruba Bijaya GC BHANDARI Jyoti +1 位作者 XU Zengrang LI Can 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2019年第6期632-640,共9页
In Nepal,nearly half of the total land is covered by forest,which holds a potentially important position in promoting rural livelihoods and in alleviating rural poverty.The rural landscape that encompasses an agrarian... In Nepal,nearly half of the total land is covered by forest,which holds a potentially important position in promoting rural livelihoods and in alleviating rural poverty.The rural landscape that encompasses an agrarian economy,a fragile ecology,and a complex and differentiated society is changing rapidly in Nepal today.Although poverty alleviation has been one of the top priorities for national development since 1976,poverty still remains widespread,persistent and it is also an acute problem in Nepal,where people are in a state of deprivation with regard to incomes,clothing,housing,healthcare,education,sanitary facilities and human rights.Thus,Nepal is considered as one of the poorest countries in South-Asia,with 25.2%people living below the poverty line.The objective of this study was to assess changes in poverty of forest users brought on by the community forestry program,in order to analyze the level of participation in community forestry management activities.For this study,Bajhang district was chosen as the study site,which is one of the poorest and most remote districts in the country of Nepal.Different Participatory Rural Appraisal methods such as face-to face interviews,focus group discussions and key informants’interviews including secondary data were used to gather information.The findings showed that the forest users'participation in meetings,discussion and other activities,like community forestry management or silvicultural operation related to community forestry,was high.The assessment found that 42.3%,32.6%and 25.1%of respondents strongly agreed,agreed and were neutral,respectively,towards the idea that poverty reduction from community forests had occurred.The results showed almost all the respondents were depended upon agriculture and/or forest resources for their livelihoods.Different ecosystem services such as ethnomedicines,aesthetic value and ecotourism,control of soil erosion/land-slides,water recharge and soil fertility have increased due to the decomposition of leaf litter.This was apparent from the formulation of community forests.Poverty in rural areas of the country is still higher than in urban areas and the incidence of poverty is the highest in the Far western Province where this research was conducted,Therefore,the government,policy makers and other stakeholders should work hand-in-hand to effectively reduce the poverty that persists in Nepal. 展开更多
关键词 community forests POVERTY Bajhang district aesthetic value ECOTOURISM
Tourist Willingness to Pay for Protected Area Ecotourism Resources and Influencing Factors at the Hulun Lake Protected Area 被引量:7
作者 WANG Pengwei ZHONG Linsheng 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2018年第2期174-180,共7页
We examined the Hulun Lake protected area(HLPA)and tourist willingness to pay(WTP)for ecotourism resources using the contingent valuation method(CVM).Eight hundred questionnaires were distributed in the HLPA and... We examined the Hulun Lake protected area(HLPA)and tourist willingness to pay(WTP)for ecotourism resources using the contingent valuation method(CVM).Eight hundred questionnaires were distributed in the HLPA and 708 questionnaires were collected.To establish the relationship between variables and WTP,11 variables were incorporated into the model.Social trust factors and awareness factor were for the first time applied to the models,and two bid equations were obtained by the first and second bid.We found that tourist WTP for ecotourism resources in the HLPA was CNY 14 710 389 in 2010,indicating that tourists have a large WTP for protected area ecotourism resources.Most tourists(79.9%)were willing to pay for ecotourism resources and 21.1%tourists were unwilling to pay.The most common explanation for unwillingness to pay was that it was the government’s responsibility,influenced by special social and economic characteristics in China and indicating that Chinese residents lack resource protection awareness and participation.Income and the awareness of being in a protected area most significantly affected WTP.Trusting protected area authorities significantly affected WTP.Tourists’satisfaction affected WTP negatively in the first equation and WTP positively in the second equation.These results reveal that tourists had large WTP for ecotourism resources.To improve the WTP for ecotourism resources,the protected area management department could use third-party monitoring mechanisms and accounting systems to strengthen tourists’trust,and increase ecological education and modify the"one site,several brands"management system. 展开更多
关键词 contingent valuation method ecotourism resource willingness to pay Hulun Lake Protected Area
Evolution of Landscape Pattern and Tourism Service Value in Zhangjiakou City
作者 LI Ying DAI Yuexingtong +1 位作者 HAN Jingting ZOU Tongqian 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2022年第6期1098-1108,共11页
Zhangjiakou is a northern Chinese city that hosted the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. As an important ice and snow tourist destination, it is essential to investigate Zhangjiakou’s rate of landscape pattern chang... Zhangjiakou is a northern Chinese city that hosted the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. As an important ice and snow tourist destination, it is essential to investigate Zhangjiakou’s rate of landscape pattern change,the landscape ecological security level, and ecosystem service value, particularly the tourism ecological service value during its construction. With land use data from 2000 to 2020, this study comprehensively analyzed the dynamic changes in Zhangjiakou, including land use dynamics, the land use transfer matrix, landscape vulnerability,landscape disturbance, ecosystem service value, tourism ecological service value, and other aspects. The results show that the landscape pattern in Zhangjiakou was greatly disturbed from 2015 to 2018, and the landscape ecological security was threatened in the process of landscape pattern adjustment. By 2020, after the landscape pattern was adjusted and stabilized, the landscape ecological security was restored, and the ecosystem service value was significantly improved, especially the tourism ecological service value. The results of this study will play an important role in promoting the optimization of Zhangjiakou’s ice and snow landscape pattern and the improvement of tourism ecological value. In addition, it provides important lessons for the development of other ice and snow tourist destinations. 展开更多
关键词 ice and snow tourist destination landscape pattern landscape ecological security tourism leisure value Zhangjiakou City
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